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) (

5353160 -5378000
2014 - 2015




/ ) (

" "

.1 )( :
- -

.2 : forms

* ) (Irregular Verbs .
.3 :
. Fill in the gaps
Find a word " ".
. ) (Phrasal verbs .
. ) (idioms .
.4 : + rules
. .
.5 ) :(Language Functions

= 2 :

) (.
.9 :

* : .


Module One
Unit One: The Law

Meanings (E)


Secret / private


Not real


The crime of lying or

Meanings (A)

( )

cheating to get money.

Identity theft

The crime of stealing

someone's personal details.


To show that something is

Solve a crime

To discover who commits a


To move from one place to


A bad program which

damages computers.

To put into practice / to

carry out

To control


Responsible for a crime


Not responsible for a crime.


A group of people in court

who decide whether

someone is guilty or not.


Related to the law


Rule / belief

Unit One: The Law

New Crimes ()

An area of the law that is changing very quickly in the modern world is the law

related to computer crime. Increasingly, criminals are using computers to help them

commit new crimes like identity theft, and to make it easier to commit old crimes like

( )

theft or fraud. Technological criminals may get into computer systems to find out

confidential information and use this to make money. Unfortunately, computer crimes

are often more difficult to solve than traditional crimes because the criminals are

invisible and their action may be hard to prove. It can be also difficult to prosecute a

computer criminal successfully because usually nothing is actually stolen or

physically damaged. Hopefully, in future, computer experts will discover more

effective ways of detecting such crimes.

( )

A particular factor in the growth of computer crime has been the increase in the

number of ordinary people who use Internet websites to buy things, to book holidays

or to access their bank accounts in order to transfer money or pay bills. This new type

of business has attracted techno-criminals who may order goods and services without

paying, or break into the computer systems of businesses or financial organisations

and either move money to their own account or send viruses which can seriously

damage computers and the information they contain. These viruses can affect millions

of people worldwide.

Computers with Internet connections can also be used more safely by criminals

than face-to-face meetings or telephone conversations to pass on confidential

information or to plan crimes. In addition to this, computers allow criminals access to

millions of people worldwide whom they may persuade to pay for something

worthless or to support a fake charity organisation.

1- Mention one example for old crimes and another one for new crimes.

2- What are criminals using computers for?

3- Why do criminals use the Internet to communicate with each other?

4- How can criminals commit identity theft?

5- Computer crimes are not easy to solve like traditional crimes, do you agree? Justify
your answer. .
6- According to the text, the writer thinks that it is difficult to prosecute computer
criminals. Explain this statement, justifying your answer.

7-What is the reason behind the growth of computer crimes?

8- Why do people usually have access to their bank accounts through the Internet?
9- Why do criminals prefer to use the Internet to communicate with each other?

10- What can techno-criminals do if they break into computer systems of businesses?

11- (Critical Thinking): Technological criminals should be strictly punished. Think of

this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view.
12- Find a word in the third (last) paragraph which means "not real".
13- What do the underlined words refer to? (them, which, they, whom).
14- Internet websites are used by ordinary people for some purposes. Write down two
of these purposes. .
15 - According to the text, the writer states that governments are concerned
with typical punishments for techno-criminals in the future. Explain
this statement, suggesting three ways for punishing techno-criminals.
16- Replace the underlined verb in the first paragraph with a suitable
three- part phrasal verb that has a similar meaning to it.

Model Answers
1- a- Old crimes: theft / fraud.
b- New crimes: identity theft.
2- They are using computers to help them commit new crimes like identity theft and to
make it easier for them to commit old crimes like theft or fraud.
3- To pass on confidential information and plan crimes.
4- By getting into computer systems to find out confidential information and use this to
get money.
5- Yes, I agree. Computer crimes are safer for criminals and the criminals themselves
are invisible. Additionally, it is too difficult to prove their actions.
6- It is really difficult to prosecute computer criminals because usually nothing is
actually stolen or physically damaged.
7- The increase in the number of ordinary people who use Internet websites to buy
things, to book holidays or to access their bank accounts.
8- To transfer money or pay bills.
9- Because it is safer than face- to- face meetings or telephone conversations to pass on
confidential information or to plan crimes.
10- They can move money to their own accounts, or send viruses which can seriously
damage computers and the information they contain.
11- I think that countries all over the world should agree on some strict laws concerning
such crimes. As a result, criminals are punished harshly for their online crimes by
paying fines, being put in prison ... etc.
12- fake
13- * them: criminals
*which: viruses
* they: computers
* whom: millions of people worldwide
14- - to buy things - to book holidays to access their bank accounts. (Any 2)
15- The writer is justified because governments are responsible for fighting technocriminals by: * introducing strict laws * forcing them to pay fines * and putting
them in prison if needed.
16- come up with

Words with two meanings

No. Words









Meanings (E)
a- The subject of a police
b- A container for carrying luggage or
papers. (noun)
a- a place where people play tennis or
squash. (noun)
b- The place where a trial is held.
a- Money paid as punishment. (noun)
b- High quality, good, e.g. fine weather
a- To signify (verb)
b- Unkind / not generous (adj.)
a- A line of seats, e.g. in a cinema or
classroom. (noun).
b- An argument (noun).
Property a- Land and buildings. (noun)
b- Something that belongs to
someone.(noun) / possessions
Society a- A club or organization for people
with the same interest. (noun)
b- All the people living in a country.
a- To write using a machine. (verb)
b- Kind / sort (noun)
a- Someone in charge of a country,
such as a king. (noun) /governor
b- A straight piece of wood or plastic
to help you draw straight lines. (noun)
a- A place where water comes up
naturally from under the ground.
b- The season of the year which
follows winter. (noun)
a- A short letter. (noun)
b- Words you write quickly to help you
remember something. (noun)

Meanings (A)

( )

Use one of the words above twice in each of these sentences:

1- The judge in charge of the ... carried all his documents in a black leather.
2- The ............... heard that the crime had taken place on tennis
3- The weather made me feel happy, but my mood changed when
the police officer gave me a . for driving too fast.
4- What does the word .?
* .. is the opposite of 'generous'.
5- The price of in the city has increased dramatically this year.
Taking another person's .. is theft.
6- When I was a student, I was a member of the law ..
A strong legal system is important in a modern .
7- Secretaries used to spend most of their time .. letters and reports.
What . of music do you like best?
8- Tutankhamun was a very famous Egyptian
I'm doing my maths homework can I borrow your .......... , please?
Model Answers:
1- case / case
2- court / court
5- property / property

3- fine / fine

4- mean / Mean

6- society / society 7- typing / type 8- ruler / ruler

3 2014
Please dont start a row be friends!
What does the underlined word mean?
Answer : an argument


Module One: Unit Two








13- Forge
14- Adapt

Meanings (E)
A period of great wealth
The process of modernization
To get worse
To leave your country to live in a new
A serious shortage of food leading to
hunger on a large scale.
Economic activity concerned with raw
materials and manufacturing products.
Having mild temperatures
To bring up children
A living thing (animals,etc)
Very long
Frequent / Occurring often or
To advance steadily
To change to suit a different situation


Meanings (A)

Unit Two: Migration

Why do people leave their home countries?

This article looks at three reasons why people emigrate and gives historical examples.

A: ..


In the early 19 century, the most important industry in Ireland was agriculture. But

the farmers were poor and they used old-fashioned methods. Because they heard that

they could earn four times as much in America, some farmers emigrated. But between

1820 and 1840, the economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in 1845 the Potato

Famine began. Disease destroyed 75% of the year's potatoes the main food for most

of the population. During the next two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and

there was a huge increase in emigration to America. By the end of 1854, a quarter of
the population of Ireland had left for the United States.
B: ....

Tristan da Cunha is a small island in the South Atlantic Ocean. In August 1961, Earth

tremors started and gradually became more frequent. At the beginning of October, the

government decided that the island was no longer safe and the whole population of

268 people was evacuated to a nearby island. A ship picked them up and took them to

South Africa. As they passed Tristan da Cuhna, they saw the volcano erupt. Later the
people were taken to England, where they stayed for the next two years. In 1 963,

the volcanic activity on the island stopped and most of the people voted to go back.

However, not everyone returned: 14 people had adapted to life in England and decided

to stay there, and five elderly people had died. There were other changes too: ten

couples from the island had married and eight babies had been born.

C: ..

The economic success of the 1960s and the 1970s saw the Arabian Gulf countries

transformed into modern and wealthy states, funded by oil and other precious natural

resources such as natural gas. The needs of the oil and construction industries led to

a huge demand for skilled workers. Many thousands of people moved to the region to

help build high-tech cities all over the Gulf. These workers from many regions of

the world, were able to find a better life and help with the development of the region.

1- Match the following headings and the letters (A, B and C) in the text above:
- Economic Success / - Economic Necessity

/ - Natural Disaster

A: .. B:.. C:.
2- What was the major industry in Ireland in the 19th century?
3- Describe the financial case (situation) of the Irish farmers in the early 19th century.
4- Why had some farmers emigrated before 1820?
5- What was the main food for Irish people?

6- Find a word in the first paragraph which means "got worse".

7- Quote the sentence which indicates that natural resources in the Gulf resulted in the
necessity for recruitment (employment).
8- What do the underlined words (they / where) refer to?

9- Write down the sentence which shows the number of people who died of hunger.
10- What was the percentage of people who had emigrated to America before 1854?
11- Why were the people of Tristan da Cunha evacuated? Who made this decision and

12- How were the people of the island evacuated?

13- How long did they stay in England?
14- Quote the sentence which indicates the reasons why some of the islanders
decided to return to their homeland.

15- According to the text, there were some islanders who did not return back home.

16- What were the two resources which had turned the Gulf countries into modern and
wealthy states?

17- What does the underlined word "the region" refer to?

18- What was the benefit of the emigration to the Arabian Gulf countries?

19- (Critical thinking): Sometimes, people do things in a temporary situation, but

they feel later that they do not intend to (get) reverse. Think of this statement, and
in two sentences, write down your point of view.


20- Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

a) There was no difference in the income of American and Irish farmers in the early
19th century. (

b) By the end of 1854, all the citizens of Ireland had emigrated to the US. (

c) The Gulf countries witnessed an economic success resulting in the need for
workers. (

21- Find adjectives from the text above have opposite meanings to the following words:
a- modern: ..
b- late: ...
c- tiny: ...
d- rare: ..
e- young: ..

Model Answers
1A: Economic Necessity

B: Natural Disaster

C: Economic Success

2- Agriculture
3- They were poor and they used old-fashioned methods.
4- Because they heard that they could earn four times as much in America.
5- Potatoes
6- deteriorated
7- " The needs of the oil and construction industries led to a huge demand for skilled
8- * they: the farmers

/ * where: England

9- "During the next two years, 350,000 people died of starvation and there was a huge
increase in emigration to America."
10- (25%).

11- The government decided at the beginning of October, 1961 that the island was no
longer safe as earth tremors started and gradually became more frequent.
12- A ship picked them up.
13- For two years
14- " In 1963, the volcanic activity on the island stopped and most of the people voted
to go back."
15- Because 14 people had adapted to life in England and decided to stay there, five
elderly people had died and ten couples from the island had married and eight
babies had been born.
16- Oil and natural gas
17- The Arabian Gulf countries
18- The immigrants found a better life and helped with the development of the region.
19- I think that sometimes we decide not to reverse for many reasons. For example,
some islanders had adapted to life in England and decided to stay there.
20a) False
b) False
c) True
21a- old-fashioned
b- early
c- huge
d- frequent
e- elderly


Animal Migration

When we talk about animal migration we mean the movement of an animal from

the place where it has been living to a different place and the return journey to that

animal's original home. Most animal migrations are recurrent events which happen at

certain times of the year. Animals usually migrate to find food or to raise their young.

Incredibly, most migrating animals follow the same route every year and from

generation to generation. Land animals may cross mountains or forge rivers, while birds

and insects travel extensive distances, sometimes across continents and oceans. Fish and

other sea creatures may migrate half way round the world. For example, the grey whale
can travel as much as 20,000 kilometres.
Many animals migrate to northern regions during the northern summer because

the long summer days mean that there is always plenty of food. In the autumn, when the

weather gets colder, many animals migrate south to find food and warmer weather (the
southern summer). Some animals migrate every year, doing the two journeys in one

year, but others migrate only if they need to find food or for more temperate weather.

A. Answer the following questions:
1- What is the definition (meaning) of animal migration?

2- Quote the sentence which indicates that most animal migrations happen regularly at
particular times of the year.


3- According to the text, the writer states that not all animals migrate. Explain.

4- How far can the grey whale travel?

5- What is the strangest (most incredible) thing about animal's migration?

6- Why do animals migrate to the north during the northern summer?

7- When do animals migrate south? Why?

8- Write down the sentence which indicates that most migrating animals do not change
their way at all.

9- Find a word in the second paragraph which means "to advance steadily".

10- What do the underlined words (which / they) refer to ?

B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1- All animal migrations happen at certain times of the year.

2- Many animals migrate south because the weather is too hot in their original homes.(
3- Many animals migrate south in the summer.


Model Answers
1- The movement of an animal from the place where it has been living to a different
place and the return journey to that animal's original home.
2- " Most animal migrations are recurrent events which happen at certain times of the
3- Some animals migrate every year, doing the two journeys in one year, but others
migrate only if they need to find food or for more temperate weather.
4- The grey whale can travel as much as 20,000 kilometres.
5- Most migrating animals follow the same route every year and from generation to
6- Because the long summer days mean that there is always plenty of food.
7- In the autumn, to find food and warmer weather.
8- " Incredibly, most migrating animals follow the same route every year and from
generation to generation."
9- forge
10- * which: recurrent events

/ * they: others (other animals)

1- False
2- False
3- False


Unit Three: Precious Resources




Meanings (E)
Material or fabric used
to make clothes.



Meanings (A)

A very small piece of

paper, wood, cloth, etc.




To decay


Sustainable A practice or product

that can be used or


Wood pulp Wood after it has been




Processing objects and

material so they can be
used again



Paper: new from old

( :)

The first paper was made from cloth nearly two thousand years ago in China.

Although paper can be made from all kinds of materials, such as cotton fibres, grass or

sugar cane, these days wood pulp is the material most commonly used to make 'new

paper'- that is, paper which contains no old or recycled paper.

The modern world uses so much paper that environmentalists have persuaded us that

we should recycle old paper as well as making new paper. There is an increasing

awareness in Jordan of the need to recycle both paper and other materials.

Paper-recycling containers can now be found in some parts of the country and some

government agencies have begun paper recycling programmes. Also, there is greater

education in schools about the need to take care of our environment.

Although we use wood pulp from trees to make new paper, it is not true that recycling

paper saves trees. Trees are a commercially grown long-term crop, so that when they

are cut down, new ones are planted. Also, papermakers use the parts of trees that

cannot be used in other industries such as building and furniture making. Nearly all

new paper is made from wood grown in sustainable forests.

Here are some of the facts related to producing recycled paper:

A large proportion of household waste is paper or cardboard. About half of this is

newspapers and magazines.

For every tonne of paper used for recycling, we save 30,000 litres of water, 3000

4000 kwh of electricity, and reduce air pollution.


Recycling paper is less harmful to the environment than burying it in landfill sites.

( )

This is because paper that is buried in the ground rots and produces methane, which is

a powerful greenhouse gas.

Despite our increasing dependence on information stored on computers, there will

always be a demand for paper. In the interests of our environment, we have to make
sure that we continue to recycle as much of it as possible.

1- According to the first paragraph, paper can be made from different materials. Write
down two of these materials.

2- According to the text, there are some benefits of recycling paper. Write down two of
these benefits.

3- What was the first paper made from?

4- Quote the sentence which shows that paper is highly used beside the computer
technology in storing information.

5- Find a word in the text which means "able to be used or re-used without cost to
the environment".

6- Find a word in the text which means "having good knowledge".

7- According to the text, the writer states that there is an increasing awareness of
recycling paper in Jordan. Explain this statement, justifying your answer.


8- What is the most common material in the modern time which paper is made from?

9- What is new paper marked by?

10- What do the environmentalists encourage us to do? Why?

11- According to the text, the writer thinks that recycling paper does not save trees. Is
he justified? Explain.

12- Mention three industries that make use of the wood of trees.

13- What do household wastes contain?

14- Find a word in the text which means very small pieces of paper, wood,etc.

15- What is the bad effect of burying paper on the environment?

16- (Critical Thinking): Schools should encourage students to protect their

environment by doing friendly activities. Think of this statement and, in two sentences,
write down your point of view.

17- What do the underlined words (they / which) refer to ?

18- Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

a. All paper is made from wood.

b. Paper can be recycled more than 10 times.

c. Recycling paper saves trees.

d. Most household waste is paper or cardboard. (


Model Answers
1- Cotton fibres, grass, sugar cane, wood pulp. (Any two of them)
2- It saves 30,000 litres of water. It saves 3000- 4000 kwh of electricity. It reduces air
pollution. (Any two of them)
3- Cloth
4- "Despite our increasing dependence on information stored on computers, there will
always be a demand for paper."
5- Sustainable
6- awareness
7- Yes, I agree with him. Paper-recycling containers can now be found in some parts of
the country and some government agencies have begun paper recycling programmes.
Also, there is greater education in schools about the need to take care of our environment.
8- Wood pulp.
9- It contains no old or recycled paper.
10- We should recycle old paper as well as making new paper because the modern
world uses so much paper.
11- Trees are a commercially grown long-term crop, so that when they are cut down,
new ones are planted. Also, papermakers use the parts of trees that cannot be used
in other industries such as building and furniture making.
12- Building, furniture making and paper.
13- Paper and cardboard. About half of this is newspapers and magazines.
14- fibres
15- It produces methane, which is a powerful greenhouse gas.
16- (Critical Thinking): I think that schools should encourage their students to protect
the environment by doing friendly activities such as saving water, planting trees and
recycling wastes. In this way, students become productive citizens.
17- they: trees / which: methane
18a. False

b. False

c. False

d. True

Q: Complete these sentences with words or phrases from this list:

materials, sustainable forests,

air pollution, environment,

household waste , greenhouse

1- Grass and sugar cane are two of the.that can be used to make paper.
2- Trees used for making paper are grown in where new trees
are planted to replace ones which are cut down.
3- About 50 % of the paper and cardboard in .......... . is made up
of newspapers and magazines.
4- Burying paper in landfill sites does more damage to the .. than
recycling it.
Model Answers:
1- materials 2- sustainable forests 3- household waste 4- environment

Colour Idioms



Out of the blue

Meanings (E)

Meanings (A)


Red tape



In black and white

Clear and easy to

understand (printed)

Give the green light

To say yes, agree,


See red

To get very angry


Put someone on the

To tell the public that


they have done

something wrong.

Q: Complete these conversations with one of these colour adjectives:








1- A: Is that a letter you're reading?

B: Yes, it's from an old friend. It came this morning completely out of the ...
2- A: Have you heard? The government has given the . light to the
building of a new airport.
B: I think it's just a rumour.
A: No, it's in the newspaper. Look- it's here in and .
3- A: Calm down.
B: Sorry someone accused me of being lazy and I just saw
4- Where are you going to university?
In Europe, but the application process is very complicated. There's so muchtape.

Model Answers:
1- blue

2- green / black (and) white

3- red

4- red

1. The government has given the green light to the building of a new airport.
What does the underlined colour idiom mean? ---------------------------. (2014,W)
2. My father was unable to get his visa application approved due to --------.(2014, S)
ANSWERS: 1. said yes / agreed / accepted


2. red tape

Multi-part Verbs

Phrasal Verbs
Keep up with

Meanings (E)

Meanings (A)

Know the latest

information about


Cut down on



Come up against

Meet / face


Look forward to

Wait with pleasure

for something to

Come up with


/ /


Put up with



Run out of

No more left/finish


Go along with

Accept / obey

a decision or idea

Q: Fill in the gaps with one of the phrasal (multi-part) verbs above:
1- He can't . such behaviour. It's unbearable.
2- As a supervisor, you should high technologies in your field.
3- Unfortunately, my car has petrol. The gas station is remote.
4- I hearing from you!
5- The scholars have .. many interesting results and recommendations.
6- You look too fat, my son. You should eating chocolates.
7- They always . the crowd. It's unavoidable.
8- The teachers didn't any problems in this semester.
Model Answers:
1- put up with
5- come up with

2- keep up with 3- run out of

6- cut down on 7- go along with

4- look forward to
8- come up against

2014 -
You should try to -------------- the amount of driving you do to help the environment.
Answer: cut down on

Unit Four: The Earth at risk



Meanings (E)




Weather conditions in an

area over a period of time.



To use land for growing



Dry powder made of very

small pieces of earth.



To destroy slowly



To put animals in a field so

that they can eat grass.



What plants need to grow in



To stay alive



Fire that spreads very


Consumption The eating and drinking of

10- Devastating

Very destructive

11- Export

To send something for sale

in another country.
12- Global

International (Affecting the

whole world).
13- Illegal

Against the law

14- Tool

A piece of equipment for

doing a particular job.

The spread of the desert


Desertification, which is the process in which productive land changes into desert, is an
increasingly serious problem in over a hundred countries of the world. One billion

people, out of a total world population of six billion, suffer from its effects.

Desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate

is harsh. In these places, the top layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer

be used for growing crops or grazing animals. This means that people who depend on

the land for food have to move to 'greener' areas in order to survive. A proportion of the

population may survive by moving, but others may die because of shortages of
food and water.

Although natural changes in the climate often start the process, the activities of human

beings are often the real cause of desertification. Because there are growing numbers of

people to feed, farmers tend to overcultivate their land, with the result that the soil

becomes poor and unproductive. Other farmers overgraze their land and this

permanently kills off grass and other plants. In addition to the effects of farming,

deforestation -the cutting down of trees- also erodes the soil. Trees are usually cut down

to make more agricultural land, but once there are no longer trees and plants on an area

of land, there is nothing to stop the wind and rain from blowing or washing away the

top layer of soil. The dust which this produces can travel long distances and affect the

health of people living in cities thousands of kilometers away.

But this is not the end of the story: desertification can create conditions which produce

strong winds and dangerous wildfires and this leads to even greater pressure on the

Earth's most precious resource, water.


1- What is desertification?

2- How many countries in the world suffer from desertification?

3- Where does desertification usually happen?

4- Write down the sentence which indicates the number of people who suffer from
this phenomenon.

5- Why do people move to other greener areas?

6- According to the text, the writer states that the dust produced by desertification
affects human health. Explain this statement, suggesting three dust risks on human

7- What is the bad effect of desertification on agriculture?

8- How does desertification affect people who depend on land for food?
9- Quote the sentence which indicates that desertification leads to immigration.

10- Write down the sentence which indicates that desertification leads to death if people
do not move to other regions.

11- Mention two causes for desertification.


12- Give three examples of human activities which cause desertification.

13- According to the text, the writer states that farmers overcultivate their lands. Why?

14- Is there any relationship between desertification and the increase of the world
population? If so, explain it.

15- What is the bad effect of overcultivation?

16- What is the bad effect of overgrazing?

17- Define the term 'deforestation'.

18- How does cutting down trees affect people's health?

19- How do you think desertification causes pressure on water resources?

20- Find a word in the text which means "dry powder made of very small pieces of earth".
21- What do the underlined words (its / which) refer to?

Model Answers
1- It is the process in which productive land changes into desert.
2- Over a hundred countries all over the world.
3- In dry areas where there is no rain and where the climate is harsh.
4- "One billion people,out of a total world population of six billion, suffer from its effects."

5- They do this in order to survive.

6- Many people suffer from the dust produced by desertification, especially who have
allergies, asthma or eyes problems. (OPEN ANSWER)
7- The top layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be used for growing
crops or grazing animals.
8- People have to move to greener areas in order to survive. Others may die due to
shortages of food and water.
9- " This means that people who depend on the land for food have to move to 'greener'
areas in order to survive."
10- A proportion of the population may survive by moving, but others may die because
of shortages of food and water
11- Human activities (e.g. overcultivation, overgrazing animals and cutting down trees)
and natural changes in the climate.
12- Overcultivation, overgrazing animals and cutting down trees (deforestation).
13- Because there are growing numbers of people to feed so they have to plant more crops.
14- Yes, there is. As the number of people increases they need more amounts of food
and this makes farmers overcultivate the land.
15- Overcultivation makes the soil poor and unproductive.
16- Overgrazing kills off the grass and other plants.
17- It can be defined as the cutting down of trees.
18- Cutting down trees allows wind and rain to wash away the top layer of soil, and
then the dust which this produces can travel long distances and affect the health of
19- Desertification can create conditions which produce strong winds and dangerous
wildfires and this leads to even greater pressure on water.
20- (dust).
21- its: serious problem (desertification) /

which: conditions.


Vocabulary: Climate
Q: Complete the following text with appropriate words from the list below:










How is climate different from weather?

Weather is what happens to the air and atmosphere outside. It may be cold or
(1), wet or (2) . It can be calm or (3) ..,
clear or (4) .. The atmosphere changes depending on whether it's
rainy or (5) . Thunder and (6) are also part of
Climate, on the other hand, is the (7) weather in a particular place
over a long period of time. A place where it doesn't (8) over many
years has a dry climate. A place with low temperatures for most of the year has a
(9) .. climate.
Here in Jordan we celebrate wet weather because we need the rain. Information about
climate is useful for (10) forecasting. It also helps farmers to know
when it is the best time to plant their (11). .
Model Answers:
1- hot

2- dry

3- stormy 4- cloudy 5- sunny

9- cold

10- weather

11- crops


6- lightning 7- average 8- rain

Prefixes (mis-, re-, over-)

:( )
To spell incorrectly = misspell

a- (re-): means (again)

1. I spilt tea on my homework, so I had to rewrite it.
2. During the storm, three houses were destroyed and had to be rebuilt.

b- (mis-): means (wrongly or badly)

1. I misheard you. I thought you said we'd meet at 9 o'clock.
2. The children were very good. None of them misbehaved in any way.

c- (over-): means (too much)

1. It is wrong to o vergeneralize when we deal with foreign languages.
2. For this purpose, farmers need to overcultivate their lands.
Q: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the list: (WB, p.24)




1. Im sorry, I .. you. I thought you said youd prefer tea.

2. I did my homework too quickly, so the teacher asked me to . it.
3. As we have some new employees, we will have to our office.
4. If you .. the equipment, it will not work properly.
1. misheard

2. redo

3. reorganise

4. misuse

: 2014
Students mustnt ---------------- the school property.
Answer: misuse

Feeding chickens is destroying the climate

The rainforest of the Amazon region of Brazil in South America covers five percent of

the world's land surface and is home to at least 30 percent of the world's animals and

plants. The area is also the home of 220,000 people from about 180 different tribes who

live deep in the forest. The rainforest itself is an important environment but, because of

its size and location, it also plays a vital part in controlling the world's climate. It does

this by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Recently, however, large areas of the Amazon rainforest have been cut down to make
more land for farmers. In the last three years, for example, 70,000 square kilometers

have been destroyed this is the same as six football pitches every minute. Much of

this destruction, which leaves the land dry and dusty, is illegal.

Farmers use most of the new land to grow soya beans, which they export to other parts
of the world to be used as animal food. Millions of chickens in western European

countries are fed on South American soya beans. Increasingly, some soya beans are also

being turned into food for human consumption; many vegetarian foods are based on
soya beans.

Other areas of the rainforest are cleared by ranchers who use the land for their cattle, by

loggers who sell the valuable tropical hardwood from the trees they cut down, or by oil

companies who are trying to find more oil. These activities help to improve the

economy of the region, but at the expense of the future of the global environment.

In addition to destroying ancient forests and changing the world's climate, deforestation

is having a devastating effect on native populations who are dependent on the rainforest

for everything they need, from food and tools to medicines and shelter.

1- How does the rainforest play a key role in controlling the world climate?

2- What are most soya beans used for?

3- How much land does the rainforest of the Amazon cover?

4- What is the percentage of animals which live in the Amazon rainforest?

5- Give four reasons for destroying rainforests.

6- Who lives deep in the forest?

7- According to the text, what does the law disallow?

8- What is used as animal food?

9- Who uses cleared land for cattle?

10- Who grows soya beans?

11- Quote the sentence which indicates that some human activities are useful to the
country, but with negative effects on the nature.

12- Find a word in the text which means" the eating or drinking of something".

13- How much does the destroyed area of the rainforest equal?


14- What does the underlined pronoun '' this " refer to? ..

15- Find a word in the text which means "very destructive".

16- Write down the sentence which shows that cutting down trees in the rainforest is
against the law.

17- What are the bad effects (results/consequences) of the illegal activities in the
Amazon rainforest?

18- The writer mentions four groups of people who destroy rainforests. Who are they,
and why?

19- Deforestation influences (affects) people's lives in the rainforest. Justify.

20- Match each beginning (a - d) with one of the endings (1 - 5):

a- Nearly a third of the world's animals and plants ..
b- The rainforest has an important influence on .
c- Extra farming land is created when
d- Vegetarians, as well as animals, ..

1- areas of the rainforest are cut down.

2- are found in the Amazon rainforest.
3- consume soya beans.
4- cut down trees and use the sand for their cattle.
5- the Earth's climate.

Model Answers
1- It plays a vital part (key role) in controlling the world's climate by taking in carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen.
2- To feed chickens.
3- Five percent (5%) of the world's land surface.
4- (30%)
5- To grow soya beans/to make land for cattle /to look for oil /and to sell valuable wood.
6- 220,000 people from about 180 different tribes.
7- Much of the destruction of the forest.
8- soya beans
9- ranchers
10- farmers.
11- These activities help to improve the economy of the region, but at the expense of the
future of the global environment.
12- consumption
13- six football pitches every minute.
14- controlling the world's climate.
15- devastating
16- "Much of this destruction 'which leaves the land dry and dusty' is illegal.
17- Destroying ancient forests and changing the world's climate, deforestation is having
a devastating effect on native populations who are dependent on the rainforest for
everything they need, from food and tools to medicines and shelter.
18- * Farmers

to grow soya beans.

* Ranchers

to make land for cattle.

* Loggers

for valuable tropical hardwood.

* Oil companies to look for more oil.

19- Deforestation destroys those people's lives because they depend on forests for
everything they need from food and tools to medicines and shelter.
20- a- 2
b- 5
c- 1
d- 3

Unit Five: A world of plants




Meanings (E)
a small hard part of a plant

Meanings (A)

from which a new plant can



a sharp pointed part that grows

on some plants.


the main part or large stem of

a tree


show, exhibition


environmentalist a person who tries to protect

Nature (the environment).



unusual / foreign



world / earth



to stop harm or damage




a flow of water from a river or

10- waterfall

stream falling from a height.

11- temperate

not too hot or too cold


A whole planet under glass

The Eden Project, which opened in the year 2000, is a living plant museum in

the countryside in the south west of England. It is a very popular attraction and

millions of visitors come every year to see plants from all over the world growing in

this special environment.

Some plants grow outside, but many are in specially-built domes, called

'biomes' where the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled. The biomes

are like giant greenhouses and one, the Humid Tropic biome, is the largest
greenhouse in the world. It is over 55m high 200 m long and contains many

thousands of exotic plants not found in England.

One of the purposes of the project is to show how dependent human beings are

on plants and to educate people on the importance of preserving our natural

environment. Aside from the plant life, the Eden Project has fascinating interactive

exhibits for people of all ages. Many of the visitors are groups of school children .

Eden Project combines educational value with scientific interest and a huge variety

of spectacular plant life.

1- When did the Eden Project open?

2-What is the Eden Project?


3- Why do visitors come to this attraction?

4- Where is the Eden Project located?

5- What is a 'biome'?

6- According to the second paragraph, there are some qualities of the Humid Tropic
biome that make it the largest greenhouse in the world. Write down two of these

7- Quote the sentence which indicates that a large number of people who visit the
Eden Project are students.

8- Find a word in the second paragraph which means "unusual".

9 - What does the underlined word "where", in the second paragraph, refer to ?

10- Who visits the Eden Project?

11- Academically speaking, how can school students get benefit from visiting the
Eden Project?

12- Biomes and greenhouses have some features in common. Explain.

13- What are the objectives (aims / goals / purposes) of the Eden Project?

14- Give an example for a biome.


Model Answers
1- It (was) opened in 2000.
2-It is a living plant museum in the country in the south west of England.
3- They come to see plants from all over the world growing in this special environment.
4- In the countryside in the south west of England.
5- It is a specially-built dome, like a giant greenhouse, where the temperature and
humidity are carefully controlled.
6- It is over 55m high 200 m long and contains many thousands of exotic plants not
found in England.
7- " Many of the visitors are groups of school children."
8- exotic
9- biomes
10- Millions of people of all ages. Many of the visitors are groups of school
11- Eden Project combines educational value with scientific interest and a huge
variety of spectacular plant life.
12- The temperature and humidity are carefully controlled.
13- To show how dependent human beings are on plants and to educate people on
the importance of preserving our natural environment.
14- The Humid Tropic biome.


Adjectives + prepositions

(SB, p. 38)

1- Human beings are dependent plants.

2- While she was at the Eden Project one girl became very interested ..biology.
3- I am keen . doing projects.
4- The Eden Project is quite different a normal museum.
5- On wet days the biomes are full . visitors sheltering from the rain.
6- Visiting the Eden Project makes you aware the importance of plants.
7- The Eden Project is particularly famous . its huge biomes.
8- It's expensive to get into the Eden Project, but we were very satisfied our visit.
9- Apples and bananas are dependent for their survival ............ greenhouse gases.

Model Answers: 1- on 2- in 3- on

4- from

5- of 6- of

7- for 8- with 9- on






depend (on)



















1- Modern Amman is built the site of many ancient civilizations.
(on , from , with ) 2011 (W)
2- Ruba is really interested ... the history of Jordan.
(in , from , with)
2011 (S)
3- The Jordanian people are aware ............ the need to protect their wildlife.
(in , from , of)
2012 (W)
4- The employees are satisfied . their salaries.
(with, from, of)
2012 (S)
5- My father is interested sports.
(of , from , in)
2013 (W)
6- Maha is interested . making new friends.
(from , in , on) 2013 (S)
7. Public schools are different .. private ones.
(in , from , on) 2013 (S)

Model Answers: 1- on

2- in

3- of

4- with

5- in

6- in

7- from



A world of plants

It may seem very strange, but plants are always in danger from animals which

want to feed on them. If this happens, the plant can be damaged or even killed. So,

because their roots, trunks, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds are under constant attack

from mammals, insects or birds, plants have developed ways of protecting

themselves from these enemies. Here are some of the ways plants stop animals from
attacking and eating them.
Sharp thorns and stings

Some plants which grow in dry climates, for example cactuses, store large quantities
( )

of water in their stems. To protect themselves, they have sharp thorns. Animals will

hurt themselves if they try to get to the water from these plants. Other plants, like

stinging nettles, can inject painful or irritating substances into their enemies by

means of the sharp hairs on their leaves.


There are many plants which protect themselves by poisoning their enemies. In

some cases the poison they contain is so powerful that it can kill any living thing

which touches or eats them. The poison can be in the leaves, the seeds or berries, or
in other parts of the plant.
( )

Some acacia trees in hot African countries are protected by ants which live

permanently on their branches. If an animal starts to eat the tree's leaves, the ants

attack it.

Sticky gum

Some plants, such as horse chestnut trees, are covered with a sticky substance, like

wet paint, which can prevent insects from eating them. Sometimes this substance is

so strong that insects' feet or wings get stuck and they cannot escape.

1- According to the text, the writer thinks that the plants are always in danger from
animals. Explain this statement, justifying your answer.

2- According to the first paragraph, write down three parts of the plant.

3- Why do plants need to protect themselves?

4- Where can the poison be found in plants?

5- Which part of a nettle can hurt enemies?

6- Why do plants need to protect themselves against insects?

7- Why are plants always in danger from animals?

8 - What do the underlined words "them / it" refer to?

9- Find a word in the text which means "to stop harm or damage".

10- What are the kinds of animals that want to feed on plants?


11- What are the ways by which plants protect themselves from the danger of animals?

12- Why do animals try to attack cactuses? How do these plants defend themselves?

13- Give an example for plants which grow in dry places.

14- In what way do stinging nettles protect themselves?

15- Write down the sentence which indicates that poison could kill even people.

16- What are the insects which protect the acacia trees?

17- The ants live on the branches of acacia temporarily.



18- How do horse chestnut trees protect themselves?

19- What do the underlined words "this substance is so strong" refer to?
20- Comment on the strength of the sticky gum.

Model Answers
1- Yes, plants are always in danger from animals which want to feed on them. If this
happens, the plant can be damaged or even killed.
2- Roots, trunks, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. (Any three)
3- Because animals want to feed on them and can damage or kill them.
4- In many parts, including the leaves, the seeds and the berries.
5- The sharp hairs on its leaves.
6- Because the insects want to eat them.

7- Because animals want to feed on them.

8 - them plants / it the poison
9- protect
10- Mammals, insects or birds.
11- Sharp thorns and stings, poison, insects and sticky gum.
12- They try to get to the water stored in the stems of these plants. But, they will be
hurt by the sharp thorns.
13- cactuses
14- They can inject painful or irritating substances into their enemies by means of
the sharp hairs on their leaves.
15- " In some cases the poison they contain is so powerful that it can kill any living
thing which touches or eats them ".
16- ants
18- They are covered with a sticky substance, like wet paint, which can prevent
insects from eating them.
19- sticky gum
20- It could be so strong that insects' feet or wings get stuck and they cannot escape.

Q1: Answer these questions about two of the adjectives from the article above:
A. Which of these is not sharp?
(a cactus thorn,

a banana

, a kitchen knife,

broken glass,

B. Which of these is not sticky?

(chewing gum, sugary food,


wet paint, glue)

Model Answers: A. (a banana) / B. (water).


a cat's tooth)

Q2: Choose the correct phrases to complete these sentences:

1. Aubergines grow on plants / under the ground.
2. Tea grows on trees / on bushes.
3. Dates grow on the ground / on trees.
4. Potatoes grow on the ground / under the ground.

Model Answers:
1- on plants

2- on bushes 3- on trees 4- under the ground





In 2003, about 410,000 non-British citizens came to live in the UK and 100,000
British people returned to their home country from Spain, Australia and other
countries where they had gone to live or work. In the same period, 170,000 nonBritish citizens left the UK to live in other countries. 190,000 British people also
left. This means a total increase of 150,000 in the British population, but where did
all these immigrants come from and go? Many new arrivals are economic migrants
people who come because they can earn more money in Britain than in their own
Traditionally, many of these migrants used to come from countries in Africa or Asia,
but now, growing numbers are from poorer countries in Eastern Europe such as
Poland , Hungary and Russia. Many new migrants take low-paid jobs which British
people do not want to do, like cleaning, picking fruit and vegetables, looking after
old people or doing repetitive factory work. A minority come to work in well-paid
jobs, for example as dentists or doctors. Many of these migrants do not intend to stay
in Britain, and send some of their earnings home to their families. But even though
they earn higher wages than they would in their own countries, most economic
migrants can only afford to live a simple life. Some share accommodation with
another migrant family.
British citizens who leave the UK to live abroad go mainly to countries with warmer
climates and cheaper houses, countries like Spain, Greece, France or Turkey.
1. According to the second paragraph, British people do not want to do some jobs.
Write down two of these jobs.
2. According to the second paragraph, two examples of well-paid jobs are
mentioned. Write down these two jobs.
3. Quote the sentence which indicates that some migrants live with another migrant
family in Britain.
4. Find a word in the second paragraph that means the smaller number or part of a group.
5. What does the underlined word which, in the second paragraph, refer to?
6. According to the text, the writer states that British people leave their home country
to live in certain areas with specific features (characteristics). Explain this
statement, justifying your answer.
B. Critical Thinking
Migrants usually live a simple life and they do not spend a lot of money in the
foreign country. Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your
point of view.


We usually think that greenhouse gases are harmful, but without these gases the
climate of the Earth would be like the climate of Mars: too cold for human beings to
survive. Greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane, keep the
heat of the sun in and prevent our planet from freezing.
However, for the last 200 years people have been using enormous quantities of fossil
fuels like coal, gas and oil. When these fuels are burnt, they produce large amounts
of carbon dioxide and this keeps more of the suns heat in. The result is that the
temperature of the Earth is rising year by year. This is leading to more extreme
weather: high winds and heavy rain, which produce storms and flooding.
The problem is made worse by the fact that we are destroying the worlds
rainforests. Trees naturally consume carbon dioxide, but because there are fewer
trees, more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.
Because of the increase in the Earths temperature, the ice at the north and south
poles is melting, and this is causing sea levels to rise. Eventually, many areas of land
which are now on the coast will be flooded.
Leading scientists are warning that if the authorities dont introduce new laws to
reduce greenhouse gas increases now, the results could be disastrous for life on
1. According to the first paragraph, greenhouses contain two kinds of gases. Write
down these two kinds.
2. According to the second paragraph, people have been using large quantities of
fossil fuels. Write down two of these fuels.
3. Quote the sentence which indicates that greenhouse gases protect the Earth from
4. Find a word in the first paragraph that means to stay alive.
5. What does the underlined word which, in the third paragraph, refer to?
6. According to the text, the writer states that the government is responsible for
finding a solution to the increase of greenhouse gases. Explain this statement,
justifying your answer.
B. Critical Thinking
Human activities are the real cause of natural disasters. Think of this statement and,
in two sentences, write down your point of view.

Today, more and more people in Jordan are using computers for activities at home,
at school or at work. Such is the demand that the government launched a scheme to
allow Jordanians to purchase computers more easily. Many people are using
computers for all sorts of things writing letters, searching the Internet or just
playing games. It is a great thing that Jordan has embraced modern technologies so
successfully, but in this essay I am going to consider two disadvantages of
In my opinion, the main disadvantage is that people may spend so much time on
their computers that they see less of their friends and family. Children who spend
too long playing computer games may become unsociable and forget how to
communicate normally with other people.
Another result of people spending too much time at their computers is that their
health suffers. Sitting for long periods of time can hurt your eyes, cause headaches,
or damage your hands and arms. In some cases this means that people cannot do
their jobs properly.
There is no doubt that computers are here to stay. Some jobs and many leisure
activities would be impossible without them, but we should be aware of the possible
dangers of spending too much time at our computers.
1. According to the first paragraph, people use computers for many purposes. Write
down two of these purposes.
2. According to the third paragraph, there are many health problems resulting from
spending too much time at computers. Write down two of these problems.
3. Quote the sentence which indicates that sitting too much before computers may
prevent us from doing our jobs appropriately.
4. Find a word in the first paragraph that means to buy.
5. What does the underlined word who, in the second paragraph, refer to?
6. According to the text, the writer states that we cannot live without computers in
this modern world. Explain this statement, justifying your answer.
B. Critical Thinking
Jordan is a modern and well-developed country, especially in high technologies.
Think of this statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view.

1. cleaning , picking fruit and vegetables, looking after old people, doing
factory work. (Any two)
2. working as dentists / doctors
3. Some share accommodation with another migrant family.
4. minority
5. low-paid jobs
6. They go to countries with warmer climates and cheaper houses,
countries like Spain, Greece, France or Turkey.
1. carbon dioxide - methane
2. coal, gas, oil. (Any two)
3. Greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane, keep the heat of
the sun in and prevent our planet from freezing.
4. survive
5. many areas of land
6. Leading scientists are warning that if the authorities do not introduce new laws
to reduce greenhouse gas increases now, the result could be disastrous for life on
1. writing letters, searching the Internet, playing games. (Any two)
2. hurting eyes, headaches, damaging hands and arms. (Any two)
3. In some cases this means that people cannot do their jobs properly.
4. purchase
5. children
6. There is no doubt that computers are here to stay. Some jobs and many
leisure activities would be impossible without them.



) (

" "



Tenses ()
Present perfect Simple

Affirmative (+): has / have + V.3

Negative (-):
has not / have not +V.3
Question (?):
has / have + Subject + V.3 ?
1- To express finished activities at unspecific time in the past, but their results are
still there at present.
1) I have cut my finger. It's bleeding now. (cut)
2) She has already prepared for her presentation. (prepare)

2- To talk about achievements:

1) The student has already finished his project. (finish)
2) I have just done my homework. (do )
(experiences) *
3- With stative (non-continuous) verbs: love, like, prefer, hate, dislike, see, have (own),
think (believe), know, understand, need, want, remember, realize, be, [start, begin]...etc.
( - ing )
1. I have known him since 2000 . (know)
2. Sami has had this mall for 10 years. (have)

Key words:

( )

already, yet, just, since, for, lately, recently, ever, so far, up to now, up till now, still,
once, twice, (five) times.

1- Maher ..................... just ...................... at the airport. (arrive)

2- It .............................. since last week in my city. (not / rain)
3- The policemen ........................... the criminals. But it has not been taken legal
action against them yet. (arrest)
4- Nobody ............................... so far. (come)
5- Its the most impressive masterpiece I .................... ever........................... (see).
6- By the way, you can use my car now, I................................ it. (repair)
7- I..................... already ... Petra with my family. (visit)
8- Im so sorry! I................. just ............. the window. (break)
9- I .................. ........................ in the same company since 1996. (be)
10- I .................... recently ... a new flat in the city. (buy)
Model Answers:
1- has / arrived

2- has not rained 3- have arrested 4- has come 5- have / seen

6- have repaired 7- have / visited

8- have/ broken

9- have been 10- have/ bought

1- Maher ............... his driving test, so he can borrow his brothers car next week. (pass)
2- The children .... already . the sandcastle on the beach. (build) 2012 (W)
3- Our neighbours . recently. to Aqaba. (move)

2012 (S)

4- Laila .. recently learning English. (start)

2013 (W)

5- My friends already .. preparing for their trip to Aqaba. (finish)

2013 (S)
6- Zaid .. lately the prize of the champion so he can participate in
it again. (win)

2014 (W)

7- The government . recently .. new laws to try to reduce the crime rate in
the country. (announce)
Model Answers: 1- has passed

2014 (S)
2- have / built

5- have/ finished 6. has /won

3- have / moved
7- has / announced

4- has /started




( ) since)
(point of time) .
since Friday, since 3 oclock, since March, since I was a child
.... )( ( ):(for)
(length of time period)
for ages, for a long /short time , for two years, for three months, for one hour
Exercise: (since / for)
1- Ive lived in this city seven years.
2- Shes worked for this firm .. 2002.
3- I havent seen my friend . ages.
4- Salma hasnt visited her brother . his birthday.
5- He hasnt read any book . last year.
6- I have had this car three months.

Model Answers:
1- for 2- since 3- for 4- since 5- since 6- for

1- Asma has been playing the piano she was thirteen.
(for , since , from)

2011 (W)

2- Khalid hasnt seen his friend .. two weeks.


, for , from) 2011 (S)

3- The kids have been playing computer games.............. two hours.

(for , since , from) 2012 (W)

4- Hatem has had a driving licence . he was eighteen.

(for, since , from)

2012 (S)

5- Manal has been in her room . this morning.

(for, from, since)

2013 (W)

6- My grandparents have been on holiday ............... two weeks.


, from , for) 2013 (S)

Model Answers: 1- since

2- for

3- for


4- since

5- since

6- for

Present Perfect Continuous

(+): has / have + been + V-ing
(- ): has not / have not + been + V- ing
(?): has / have + Subject + been + V-ing?
1- Unfinished activities

( )
1. I have been waiting for Ali for four hours but he hasnt come yet. (be, wait)
2. She has been working on her project. I think she needs more time. (be, work)
2- Activities from the recent past which have visible consequences at present.
( activity)
.( result)
1. Theyre out of breath. They have been running for a long time. (be , run)
2. He is exhausted. He has been cleaning his room all night.
(be, clean)
Key words: ( )
all day, all night, all morning, all evening, all the time, for, since, for (five) years now
: :
. )( (be, V)

:( -ing )
( e) ing ( e) .1
: ing
save + ing saving
: ing
swim + ing swimming
( listening ) - listen :*
(relaxing) - relax

ing .3
sail + ing sailing
w y : .4
: ing
chew + ing chewing // play + ing playing
o, u ,e , i , a :
1. Sami has a headache. He .. TV for a long time.
2. Ali . a short story all morning.

(be, watch)

(be, write)

3. I .. for my final exams, so Im busy. I havent finished yet. (be, prepare)

4. She . her assignment all day. (be, do)
5. Ahmed . for this organization for five years now. (be, work)
6. He an answer for 2 hours but with no value. (be, look for)
7. Maryam .. hard for the English exam all night. (be, study)
8. Our teacher .. the point for five minutes but he hasnt finished yet. (be, explain)
9. Ibraheem . to his friend on the phone for half an hour. Im
waiting for him to finish. (be, talk)
10. It all morning. Im looking outside. (be, rain)
Model Answers:
1- has been watching 2- has been writing 3- have been preparing 4- has been doing
5- has been working
6- has been looking for 7- has been studying
8- has been explaining 9- has been talking
10- has been raining

1- Nour .. an essay all morning. (be, write)


2- Hatem looks tired. He . his science project all night. (be, do) 2011(S)

3- The detectives . people all week. (be, interview)

2012 (W)

4- The child has .. all night. (be, sleep)

2012 (S)

5- Jamal and Fawaz have . evening classes for a few weeks now. (be, take)
2013 (W)
6- Fadia has to be a nurse since 2010. (be, train)

2013 (S)

7- Hassan looks very pale. He has . very well recently. (not, be , sleep)
2014 (W)

Model Answers:
1. has been writing

2. has been doing

3. have been interviewing 4. been sleeping

5. been taking

6. been training

7. not been sleeping

Q: Study the following pairs and then choose the best answer:
A: I have written a novel.
B: I have been writing a novel.
Which sentence indicates:
1) an unfinished activity?
2) an achievement?
2- A: Sami has got up too late.
B: Sami has been getting up too late all month.
Which sentence represents a repeated action over a period of time?
Model Answers:
1- 1) B
2) A
2- B


Q1: Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following
sentences: (since, for, from)
1- I havent been in Aqaba .... my birth.
2- Salma has worked hard .. the whole year.
3- She hasnt phoned her sister .. April.
4- It is a year . I saw Miral.
5- Its ages I visited you.
6- I havent seen Amal .. ages.
7- She hasnt eaten anything this morning.
8- Shes lived in the countryside . 2005.
9- Ive only known her . a few weeks.
10- He has been smoking . a long time. No wonder he coughs too much.

Q2: Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. I .. recently studying physics. (start)

2. The student has .. horror films all night. (be, watch)
3. She . just .. her report. (submit)
4. I . on the Internet all day. (be, search)
5. She already her father about the problem. (tell)
6. The boys have .. football all morning. (be, play)
7. I . a high score in IELTS test. (get)
8. She has TV all night. (be , watch)
9. I . two short stories so far. (write)
10. They . their home all day. (be, clean)


Past Simple

Form: (+): V.2
(-): (be):
was not / were not
(Others): did not + baseform (infinitive)
(?): (be):
was / were + Subject + complement?
(Others): did + Subject + baseform + complement?

1- I watched TV yesterday. (watch)
2- The First World War broke out in 1914. (break out)
3- She was not sad last night. (not, be)
1- I usually went to Aqaba on Fridays when I was younger. (go )
2- Samer always studied hard when he was a student in the university. (study)

Key words: ( )
yesterday, last (week, month,etc), ago, in the past, in (1991), when I was a child,
in my childhood, when I was younger.
1- I .......................... an interesting story last week.
2- She ........................... her teacher in the mall yesterday.
3- We all........................ an explosion last night.
4- I .............................. my friend three weeks ago.
5- The boy ...................... in the Dead Sea last month.
6- Ali ......................... French when he was a child.
7- Sami ......................... there last lecture.
8- Maher . his homework last night.
9- The manager . Ali yesterday.
10- Fadi .. a good story three weeks ago.


(not / be)

Model Answers:
1- read
2- saw
6- didnt study 7- was not

3- heard
8- finished

4- visited
9- promoted

5- swam
10- wrote

1. Hatims father . last year. He had worked for the same company all his life.

2. Fatima . her homework three hours ago.




2011 (S)

3. Hatem had saved his document before viruses his computer.(crash) 2012(W)
4. The plane . a few minutes ago.



5. After we had finished our dinner, we . into the garden. (go) 2013 (W)
6. Sultan a book of mine yesterday.

(borrow) 2013 (S)

7. The documentary film was interesting thus I .. it so much.(enjoy) 2014 (W)

Model Answers:
1- retired 2- finished 3- crashed 4- landed 5- went 6- borrowed 7- enjoyed



Past Perfect

(+): had + V.3
(-):had not + V.3
(?): had +Subject+V.3+complement?
had +V.3 )(
V.2 ) (
1- I had done my homework before I went shopping. (do)
2- After he had bought a car, someone stole it. (buy)
3- The man realized that he had lost his wallet in the market. (lose)

Key words: ( )
before, after, by the time, by the end of last year, until, as soon as, because, (realized).
* S+ (had+V.3) before + S+V.2
* S+ V.2 after + S + had + V.3
(subject) ( S) :*
1- Ahmed .. some notes before he came to the classroom. (write)
2- After you me, I kept your books quickly. (tell)
3- Before we got there, the thief . (escape)
4- Muna . hard before she went to the exam. (study)
5- After Reema .. her work, she phoned her mum. (finish)
6- She felt sad because she never .. an exam before. (fail)
7- By 2000, I . my job as a translator. (leave)
8- Salem from university by the end of this term. (graduate)


9- The driver .. his car before he started the trip. (check)

10- By the time the lecturer arrived, the students .. a seat. (have)
11- I there for an hour until my friend arrived. (be)
12- We cleared up as soon as our guests .. (leave)
13- Maher felt nervous because he . never . in the Dead Sea
before. (swim)
/ M.O.E, 2011 (S)
14 - Hassans parents bought him a bicycle after he ... good marks in his
exams. (get)
/ M.O.E, 2014 (S)
Model Answers:
1- had written 2- had told 3- had escaped 4- had studied 5- had finished
6- had / failed 7- had left 8- had graduated 9- had checked 10- had had
11- had been 12- had left 13-had / swum 14- had got

Q: Study the following sentences and then answer the questions below:
1- A: When I arrived at the office, my brother left.
B: When I arrived at the office, my brother had left.
Which sentence indicates that the speaker did not see his brother?

2- A: When we got there, the match started.

B: When we got there, the match had started.
Which sentence indicates that the speakers missed part of the match?
3- A: When I arrived at the airport, the plane took off.
B: When I arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.
Which sentence indicates that the speaker saw the plane on earth?

Model Answers: 1- B
2- B
3- A



. + ( )









destroy /destruct
















1. The Noun
1 - Dictation is very important for students in the elementary grades.
2 - Necessity is the mother of invention.
3 - Knowledge is power.
4 - Carelessness leads to failure.
* Rule : S + V + O
1 - Hard work causes tiredness.
2 - This poem expresses creativity.
3 - Non-profit organizations cannot ignore partnership.
* Rule : S + V + O

1 - People have always tried to avoid natural threats.

2 - Global warming is a serious problem.
3 - I'd like to study foreign languages.
4 - You should answer the following questions.
* Rule: adj. + n /// adj. + (and / or) adj. + n
:(from, of, in, on, with, without, at, (to), into, for )
1 - I'm interested in modernization.
2 - Rural depopulation can lead to overcrowding in cities.
3 - I look forward to hearing from you.
4 - He's turned from poverty to richness.
* Rule : prep. + n
:(a / an ) (the)
1 - The police have caught the thief.
2 - I met a student in Mecca Mall yesterday.
3 - Maram had an examination last week.
* Rule : the , a , an + n
the + n + of
.( adj.) :*
4 - The early bird catches the worm.
* Rule : the , a , an + adj + n
:(this, that, these, those)
1 - This examination is absolutely impossible.
2 - He was remarkable in that defense.
3 - You can give answers to these questions.
* Rule : this, that , + n
:(my, his, her, your, its, their, our, ('s / s'))
1 - This is my decision. So, I'm responsible for any consequences.
2 - We're really fond of his success.
3 - I checked the company's payments.
* Rule : `s , my , his , + n

(several, many, much, any, few, little, some, no, enough, another, other, one,
:(all, every, each,
1 - Many inhabitants left the city due to the earthquake.
2 - The anti-virus has found no threats.
3 - All employees must come to the meeting tomorrow.
4 - The company phoned other subscribers.
5 - I need one justification for this behaviour.
* Rule : many, no , another , + n

:( )
1 - Car drivers should check their cars regularly.
2 - My dad always reads newspaper advertisements.
3 - Android System is a high-technology nowadays.
4 - We're watching a football match now.
5 - I taught the course of communication skills at university.
* Rule : n + n = compound noun

2. The Adjective
1 - It is a clever question.
2 - The novel has an impressive language.
3 - Samer went to the Dead Sea last month.
4 - Webster is my favourite dictionary.
5 - He needs medical care.
* Rule : adj + n

sound, seem, look, appear, become, get, taste, smell, feel, was / were found)
1 - My brother looks tired.
2 - This road became dangerous.
* Rule : become , was/ were found , + adj

: ( to be)
1 - My work is tiring.
2 - She was distinguished in the competition.
3 - I'm satisfied with your performance.
4 - They were absent last lecture.
5 - We're proud of you, Ali!
* Rule : be (main verb) + adj
:( )
1 - She's absolutely astonished.
2 - They are highly competent.
3 - He's hopelessly nervous.
4 - It's an extremely hot day.
* Rule : - ly + adj

3. The Verb
(( )( )to) ( baseform)
:( )
1 - I'd like to express my gratitude and deep thanks to my teacher.
2 - To do this, you have to prepare very well.
3 - I went to the library in order to look for a book.
4 - You're always advised to create, not to imitate.
* Rule : (not) to + BASEFORM (INFINITIVE)

(must, may, might, will, would, shall, should, can, could,etc)
1 - You can like, share, comment or promote on Facebook.
2 - You must pay the fine.
3 - I can speak English.
4- A: Possibly, Ali got a high score in the TOEFL.
B: It could be!

:(do, does, did)

1 - " Just because I don't care It doesn't mean I don't understand."
2 - Hatem didn't visit that museum.
3 - I do enjoy using the WhatsApp Messenger.
* Rule : do / does / did (not) + BASEFORM (INFINITIVE)

1 - I read history books on holidays.
2 - They went shopping last night.
3 - Our neighbour usually waters the garden flowers.
* Rule : S + V + O

1 - Create! Don't imitate!
2 - Go straight! Then, turn right!
3 - Study hard for your exams!
* Rule : V (baseform) + .

4. The Adverb
:( )
:(,) )(
1 - Fortunately, I met my friend in the bookshop.
2 - Happily, I answered my dad's call.
3 - Traditionally, the players used the bird 's feather to pluck the oud strings.
4 - Generally, women drive more safely than men.
* Rule : 1. -------------- ly ,
1 - He is highly intelligent.
2 - Development is heavily dependent on decision-makers.
3 - It's extremely cold in this place.
* Rule : - ly + adj

1 - I strongly lifted the rock.
2 - Sami carefully drove his car to Aqaba last week.
3 - She seriously discussed the issue.
* Rule : - ly + transitive verb + O

1 - He ran quickly to his home.
2 - Maher sat down sadly and phoned his brother.
* Rule : intransitive verb + - ly
:( )
1 - Khaled can repair the car skillfully.
2 - They did it successfully.
* Rule : S + V + O + ly
1 - It can be successfully done without consulting a specialist.
2 - I don't usually go abroad on holidays.
3 - This idea is not academically approved. So, forget about it!
4 - She has recently finished her project.
* Rule : helping verb + ly + main verb
Q: Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the following sentences:

1- The ------------------ of the worlds migrants move to find a better life. (major)
2. Many people believe that the worst crimes are murder and other ------------------- acts.
3. There would be a ------------ situation in society if there were no ------------- systems.
(chaos / law)
4. He left court a free man because he had proved that he was ----------------- . The jury
said he was not --------------- (innocence , guilt)
5. My weekly ----------------- s are twice as much as they were last year. (earn)

6. A huge earthquake caused the ---------- of San Francisco in 1906. (destroy)

7. Two --------------- potato crops led to mass starvation in Ireland. (disaster)
8. The people of Tristan da Cunha left because of volcanic --------------- . (act)
9. The --------------- success of the 1960s and 1970s was funded by oil. (economy)
10. These workers were able to find a better life and help with the ----------------- of the
region. (develop)

Model Answers
1. majority
2. violent
3. chaotic / legal
4. innocent / guilty
5. earning

6. destruction
7. disastrous
8. activity
9. economic
10. development

" " +
1- Marwa takes an . part in her school affairs. (act)


2- Storms cause the of most of the crops. (destroy)


3- Unemployment is falling as more people to find work. (permanence) 2011

4- The man was found ., so he was sent to prison.



5- Good citizens help with the . of their country.



6- During the storm, the wind was blowing (violent)


7- The man was found .... of any crimes.(innocence)


8- The mans . was not proved and so he went free. (guilty)

2014 (W)

9- Many wild animals can become . if they are captures. (violence) 2014(W)
10- Lack of security will create situations in a society. (chaos)


11- The government encourages schemes for women (earnings) 2014(S)
1. active

2. destruction 3. permanent 4. guilty

7. innocent 8. guilt

9. violent

5. development 6. violently

10. chaotic 11. earn


Talking about wishes




S+ wish + S+ V . 2


S + wish + S+ could+
S+ wish + S + would +


Regrets at present or in the future
(impossible conditions)
Regrets or inability to change a situation.
Annoyance, criticism and complaints
about other people's behaviours.

1- I dont have enough money to buy a Subaru Impreza car.
I wish I had more money to buy a Subaru Impreza car.
2- I cant drive a lorry.
I wish I could drive a lorry.
3- It annoys me that he smokes in the room.
I wish he wouldnt smoke in the room.

( wish) ( could) ( would like to)
(regret) ( doesn't / don't)
.(wish) ( V.2) ( V.1)
I don't speak French.
I wish I spoke French.
.( could) (can't)
I can't carry that rock.
I wish I could carry that rock.

( would) ( wish) ( annoy)
.( wouldn't)
It annoys me that he sings aloud.
I wish he wouldn't sing aloud.

1- I regret I don't obey my parents.
I wish
2- I can't quit my job.
I wish .
3- It annoys me you don't respect your partner.
I wish ....
4- Sami can't come to the party.
I wish ...
5- I regret I don't study hard.
I wish ..
6- I always criticize people who talk a lot.
I wish ....
7- I complain about the neighbours who have dogs at home.
I wish .
8- I would like to travel to Egypt.
I wish .
9- I regret I don't recommend you.
I wish .
10- I'm bothered because you always make troubles.
I wish
11- I dont have a trusted friend.
I wish ...
12- I regret I dont have an electronic dictionary.
I wish ...
13- It annoys me you read aloud.
I wish ..
14- I would like to go abroad.
I wish ..

15- I dont have many chances.

I wish ..
16- Im bothered because Salma calls me at night.
I wish .
17- I cant understand these strange symbols.
I wish ..
18- I dont listen to local news.
I wish ..
19- I complain about the colleagues who dont respect others.
I wish ..
20- I criticize Samar because she is careless.
I wish ....
21- Im not old enough to go to university. (WORKBOOK)
I wish
Model Answers:
1- I wish I obeyed my parents.
2- I wish I could quit my job.
3- I wish you would respect your partner.
4- I wish Sami could come to the party.
5- I wish I studied hard.
6- I wish people wouldn't talk a lot.
7- I wish the neighbours wouldn't have dogs at home.
8- I wish I could travel to Egypt.
9- I wish I recommended you.
10- I wish you wouldn't make troubles.
11- I wish I had a trusted friend.
12- I wish I had an electronic dictionary.
13- I wish you wouldnt read aloud.
14- I wish I could go abroad.
15- I wish I had many chances.
16- I wish Salma wouldnt call me at night.
17- I wish I could understand these strange symbols.
18- I wish I listened to local news.
19- I wish the colleagues would respect others.
20- I wish Samar wouldnt be careless.
21- I wish I were older.

QUESTION: A- I wish I taught you physics.

B- I wish I could help you.
C- I wish you wouldn't do it again.
In which sentence does the speaker express.?
1- annoyance / criticism: .
2- regret:
3- Inability: ..
Model Answers:
1- C 2- A 3- B

( )
Q: Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a
similar meaning to the one before it.

1- I read slowly and would like to read more quickly. 2011 (W)
I wish
2- I don't have my dictionary with me.
2011 (S)
I wish .
3- I dont have the keys of my office.
2012 (W)
I wish ..
4- I don't have an email.
2012 (S)
I wish ...
5- I don't have many friends.
2013 (W)
I wish .......
6- I dont have a lot of books in my library.
2013 (S)
I wish .
7- I wish I any challenging experience in my life. (have) 2014 (S)
Model Answers:
1- I wish I could read more quickly. 2- I wish I had my dictionary with me.
3- I wish I had the keys of my office. 4- I wish I had an email.
5- I wish I had many friends.
6- I wish I had a lot of books in my library.
7- had

Linking words

First: Linkers of reason:

because / since / as + subject + VERB + complement

(* )
. :*
1- Muna studied hard because she wanted to get high marks.
2- I didn't go shopping since I was too tired.
because of
/ due to + (noun "phrase")
1- Many people died because of desertification.
2- He is admired due to his success.
.( of, to)
. :*
Second: Linkers of result:

so / and so / , with the result that / the cause of / lead to (led to)
1- Sami prepared well so he passed all his exams.
2- The volcano was the cause of the destruction of the town.
3- Global warming leads to serious problems.
4- Unfortunately, farmers tend to overcultivate their land, with the result
that the soil becomes unproductive.
.( , ) ( with the result that) :

Third: Linkers of purpose

( )

in order to / to / so as to + (baseform)
. :
1- He came early in order to watch the whole match.
2- Manal studied hard to pass her exams.
3- I phoned Ali so as to tell him the truth.

in order that / so that

:( Modal Verbs) :
can, may, will, shall (present) OR could, might, would , should (past)
1- The soil is destroyed so that the land cannot be used for growing crops.
2- We stopped by a gas station in order that we could fuel the car.
Q1: Combine (Join) Use only ONE linking word.
1- Large areas of forest have been cut down . The soil is now dry and
dusty. (with the result that , in order to)
2- Salwa didn't go to university. She was ill. ( because , so as to)
3- Khalid attended the conference. He could get more knowledge about
his career.
(in order not to , so that)
4- Mazen went to the post office. He could buy stamps. (because , in order that)
5- You can serve your nation in the future. Learn well. (so that, in order not to)
6- I gave him a gift. He would behave himself. ( in order that , in order not to)
7- I didn't eat sugar and butter. I didn't want to be overweight. (because, so that)

Model Answers:
1- Large areas of forest have been cut down , with the result that the soil is
now dry and dusty.
2- Salwa didnt go to university because she was ill .
3- Khalid attended the conference so that he could get more knowledge
about his career .
4- Mazen went to the post office in order that he could buy stamps.
5- Learn well so that you can serve your nation in the future.
6- I gave him a gift in order that he would behave himself.
7- I didn't eat sugar and butter because I didn't want to be overweight.
Q2: Complete each of the following items so that the new item has
a similar meaning to the one before it.
1- Engineers need more money so that they can utilize new technologies.
Engineers need more money so as to
2- Smokers should give up smoking so that they won't waste their money.
Smokers should give up smoking in order not ...
3- Sana' was too busy and so she didn't go abroad.
Sana' didn't go abroad because ...
4- He stopped working in order to make a cup of Espresso.
He stopped working so that
5- I really appreciate him since he is a successful person.
I really appreciate him due to .
Model Answers:
1- Engineers need more money so as to utilize new technologies.
2- Smokers should give up smoking in order not to waste their money.
3- Sana' didn't go abroad because she was too busy.
4- He stopped working so that he could make a cup of Espresso.
5- I really appreciate him due to his success / being successful (being a successful

( )
1- Marwa went to the post office. She could buy stamps. (so that)


2- We need to produce more food. There are more people to feed.



3- People write notes in their diaries. They dont want to forget important
2012 (W)
4- Ahmad came to study in our country so that he could get a good
Ahmad came to study in our country in order to


5- Students use mobile phones so that they can keep in touch with their families.
Students use mobile phones in order to 2013(S)
6- You get the opportunity to meet students from other courses of study. Joining a
university club is a good idea. (because)
7- You can identify your bags. Make sure your bags are marked. (so that) 2014(W)
8- People can improve their life style. Many changes have taken place lately.
in order not to , with the result that

2014 (S)

9- The manuscript was full of errors. The publisher rejected the authors
latest work.
because ,

in order not to

2014 (S)

Model Answers
1. Marwa went to the post office so that she could buy stamps.
2. We need to produce more food because there are more people to feed.
3. People write notes in their diaries because they dont want to forget
important things.
4. Ahmad came to study in our country in order to get a good education.
5. Students use mobile phones in order to keep in touch with their families.

6. Joining a university club is a good idea because you get the opportunity
to meet students from other courses of study.
7. Make sure your bags are marked so that you can identify your bags (them).
8. Many changes have taken place lately , with the result that people can improve
their life style.
9. The publisher rejected the authors latest work because the manuscript
was full of errors.

Q: Combine each pair of sentences below into one meaningful sentence, using the
given words and phrases between brackets.
1. Maher went to the mall. He wanted to buy some things. (because)
2. Maher went to the mall. He wanted to buy some things. (so that)
3. You can answer this question. Concentrate well. (in order that)
4. The Amazon rainforest has an important effect on the climate of the
world. It covers such a large area. (because)
5. Farmers need more land. They can grow more soya beans. (so that)
6. Large areas of forest have been cut down. The soil is now dry and dusty.
(with the result that)
1. Maher went to the mall because he wanted to buy some things.
2. Maher went to the mall so that he could buy some things.
3. Concentrate well in order that you can answer this question.
4. The Amazon rainforest has an important effect on the climate of the world
because it covers such a large area.
5. Farmers need more land so that they can grow more soya beans.
6. Large areas of forest have been cut down , with the result that the soil is
now dry and dusty.


Modals for Speculation

(Explaining Possibilities)

1. must

It is sure that
something is true



It is sure that
something is NOT



(Unsure / not sure
whether or )

Key words
sure, certain,
definite, surely,
of course,
,absolutely, no
; impossible
possibly, likely,
unsure (not
sure), uncertain
(not certain),
perhaps, may
be, I think,
could be, don't
know, usually.

V.1 Modal + baseform (infinitive)
V.2 , has / have / had + V.3 Modal + have + V.3
is / am / are + V-ing Modal + be + V-ing
was / were + V- ing Modal + have + been + V-ing

1- I'm sure that Ahmad is at school now.
Ahmad must be at school now.
2- It's probable that she came too late.
She might have come too late.
3- I'm sure that Maher isn't playing online games at the moment.
Maher can't be playing online games at the moment.
4- Its certain that Muna was writing an email.
Muna must have been writing an email.
Q1: Rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meaning:
1- It's possible that they are building a new university.
2- I'm sure that he has gone abroad.
He ...
3- No doubt, Ahmad left his job.
4- It is certain that Ali works as a teacher.
Ali ..
5- Possibly, Salma bought a new car.
Salma ..
6- Definitely, he's coming on foot.
He ...
7- I'm sure that Ali isn't watching TV.
Ali .
8- It's impossible that Khaleel stole the car.


9- Someone is knocking at the door it's probably your brother.

He usually comes at this time.
It .
10- Sami passed the exam, of course, he studied hard.
Sami ..
11- The kid drank a lot of water. I'm certain he was thirsty.
The kid ..
12- It's probable that Ali kept my wallet somewhere.
Ali .
13- Undoubtedly, Marwa didn't fail the exam.
Marwa ..
14- I believe that he is a poor man.
15- Perhaps, he forgot to give you permission.
He .
Model Answers:
1- They might be building a new university.
2- He must have gone abroad.
3- Ahmad must have left his job.
4- Ali must work as a teacher.
5- Salma might have bought a new car.
6- He must be coming on foot.
7- Ali can't be watching TV.
8- Khaleel can't have stolen the car.
9- It might be your brother.
10- Sami must have studied hard.
11- The kid must have been thirsty.
12- Ali might have kept my wallet somewhere.
13- Marwa can't have failed the exam.
14- He must be a poor man.
15- He might have forgotten to give you permission.


Q2: Write sentences which explain the possibilities of the following statements
including the modal verb phrases in brackets in your answers.
1- I'm sure that methane is a dangerous gas. (must be)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- I'm unsure whether it was Oxford Dictionary or not. (might have)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Certainly, you werent in the library yesterday! It was closed! (cant have)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Salwa got high marks. Im certain she studied hard for the exam. (must have)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Model Answers:
1.Methane ( It ) must be a dangerous gas.
2. It might have been Oxford Dictionary.
3.You cant have been in the library yesterday.
4 Salwa must have studied hard for the exam.

1- Someone is ringing the doorbell. I'm sure it's my father- he always comes back
home at this time.
2- Rashed has been working very hard recently. Im sure hes exhausted. 2011
3- I'm sure that reptiles aren't birds they don't have feathers.
4- Salma has a very good English accent. Im unsure whether she has lived with an
English family or not.
5- Emad has got the golden medal for his creative project. I'm sure that his parents
are proud of him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
6- The children are putting balloons outside house. Im sure that they are
having a party.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
7. The ground is wet here. That means this was almost certainly a lake once.
---------------------------------------------------------------------(must have) 2014 (W)

8. These people are very thin, thats why Im certain they havent eaten much food
(cant have) 2014 (W)
must have , cant have , might have 2014 (S), 9 + 10
9. Ahmads class starts at 8:30. It is 8: 45 and he is not here yet. I am unsure
whether he has missed the bus or not.
Ahmad ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
10. Salmas plants are dead. I am almost sure she hasnt watered them.
Salma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Model Answers:
1. It must be my father.
2. Rashed must be exhausted.
3. Reptiles cant be birds.
4. Salma might have lived with an English family.
5. Emads parents must be proud of him.
6. They must be having a party.
7. The ground must have been a lake once. (- the ground is wet here.)
8. These people (they) cant have eaten much food lately.(-they are very thin.)
9. Ahmad might have missed the bus.
10. Salma cant have watered her plants (them).

( )
Q : Write sentences which explain the possibilities of the following statements
including the modal verb phrases in brackets in your answers. (WB, p.30)
1. Your friend said she would phone you, but she hasnt. You are sure she has not
forgotten. (cant have)
2. Someone waves to you from a car. It looks like your friends fathers car. (might be)
3. Theres an important football match in your town tonight. You think the roads
will probably be very busy. (might be)
4. Your brother has worked very hard. You feel sure that he has got good grades in
his exams. (must have)

5. You hear a car approaching, but you know it isnt your uncles car because it
doesnt sound the same. (cant be)
6. A new building is going up in your neighbourhood. You think it is probably a
school. (might be)
1. She cant have forgotten to phone me.
2. It might be my friends father.
3. The roads might be very busy in my town tonight (-theres an important
football match tonight).
4. He must have got good grades in his exams (-he has worked very hard).
5. It cant be my uncles car (- it doesnt sound the same).
6. The new building might be a school.



Language Functions

(Useful Language)
Talking about past events
(Then) one day, I
I was about to ( go into the park to play football, when )
Two months / Ten minutes / Three days later, we
The first thing that struck me was
That was seven years ago.

Remembering a past event

I can remember it very clearly.
Ill never forget that day / how I felt that day.
I remember thinking / feeling

Time expressions
We arrived on (day) at (time).
The next day That same day / evening
The first thing we / I did / saw was

Expressing opinions
I think that
It felt like
In my opinion / view ,
For me, the best / worst thing was
What surprised me was
I didnt know what to expect.

Presenting arguments
It might be a better idea to
Would it be a good idea to ?
The main argument against

I agree.
Yes, youre right!

I disagree.
I dont agree.

1. Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that
presents an argument. 2014 (W); L. 3 & 4
Marwan: Traffic is an increasing problem in most big cities of the
world therefore, governments should encourage people to
use public transport.
Rashed: -------------------------------------------------------------------2. Complete the following mini-dialogue using an expression that
shows agreeing.
Maha: It might be a good idea to take a first-aid kit during our journey
across the desert.
Adnan: ------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Complete the following mini-dialogue below using an expression
that expresses an opinion. 2014 (S)
Marwan: What do you think are the advantages of studying abroad?
Rashed: ----------------------------------------------------. What about you?
1. Rashed: It might be a better idea to build subways instead of forcing people to
use public transport.
2. Adnan: Yes, I agree.
3. Rashed: I think that studying abroad lets us know about other
cultures and depend on ourselves. What about you?

Q1: Write the following numbers as words:
a. 75 %: seventy five percent.
b. 19th : nineteenth
c. 1991: nineteen ninety one
d. 265: two hundred and sixty five
e. 280,000: two hundred and eighty thousand
f. 21st: twenty-first
g. 3 : three quarters
h. 99.5 %: ninety nine point five percent
Q2: Answer these questions using numbers and words:
a. What is twice five thousand? ( ten thousand)
b. What is a quarter of twenty thousand? (five thousand)
c. What is fifty percent of two thousand? (one thousand)
d. What is five times nine? (forty-five)
e. What is a third of twenty-one? (seven)







" " -
* ):(SB









( )







: ( WB) *
identity theft


( )

( )

( )

wood pulp
solve a crime


( )

( )



/ * fraod (X)

fraud ( )

u o / * pupulation


a u / * indastry



/ * emegrate


i e / * devilopment development
z s / * toolz


p b / * glopal


b p / * brecious


j g / * challenjing


fv /

* fiew



* exotik


g G / * gulf


Imagine you are an editor in the Jordan Times. You are asked to edit
the following lines that have some mistakes. Correct the mistakes.
deforestation is having a divastating effect on populations who are
dependent on the rainforest for food and toolz.
Answers: (1) Deforestation (2) devastating (3) tools
criminals use computers to help them commit new crimes like
identity thift, and to make it easier to commit old crimes like fraod.
Answers: (1) Criminals (2) theft

(3) fraud

The gulf countries are funded by oil and other brecious natural
resourcez. The needs of the oil and construction indastries led to a
huge demand for skilled workers.

Answers: (1) Gulf

(2) precious (3) resources

(4) industries

2014 (W)
Water consumpsion is a major glopal challenge. Greater devilopment and
a perpetually increasing pupulation has led to unprecedented demands on
all of our resources, which has in turn led to an increased water shortage.
Answers: 1. consumption

2. global

3. development 4. population

2014 (S)
Hundrads of visitors come every year to see plants from all over the
world growing in the Eden project. Some plants grow outside, but many
are in especially built domes, called piomes, where the tamperature
and humadity are carefully controlled.
Answer: 1. Hundreds 2. biomes 3. temperature

4. humidity

Q1: Read the information in the table below, and then write two
sentences about the advantages of recycling waste materials. Use the
appropriate linking words such as: too, also etc.

The advantages of recycling waste materials
- save energy.
- protect natural resources.
- reduce pollution.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2: Read the information in the table below, and then write two
sentences about the reasons that make people leave their home
countries. Use the appropriate linking words such as: and, too, also

Reasons that make people leave their home countries
- seek a better life.
- complete education.
- find better jobs.
- learn about different cultures.

Q1: Recycling waste materials has many advantages such as
saving energy and protecting natural resources as well. Also, this
recycling reduces pollution.
Q2: People usually leave their home countries for many reasons such as
seeking a better life and completing education. Additionally, they
try to find better jobs and learn about different cultures.


Q3: (2014 ; W)
How to make use of unwanted books
- exchange them with others.
- sell them to bookstores.
- recycle them.
- donate them to local libraries.

Q4: (2014 ; S)
The best ways to study
- make a study schedule.
- study in an appropriate setting.
- keep a well kept notebook.
- learn the most important facts first.

Mustafa Salameh
- reach the top of Mount Everest.
- climb all seven of the worlds highest mountains.
- join an elite club.


1. An essay considering arguments and expressing (stating) opinions

Your essay should have the following layout:
Para. 1 Introduction (background)
Para. 2 Arguments for (with) / against
Para. 3 Conclusion (including your point of view)
Introduction (mentioning the topic of the essay)
In this essay, I am going to consider / discuss / tackle / deal withsome of the
arguments for / against ..
For a start, / First of all, / To begin, I am going to (will) discuss / consider the
arguments in favour of / against ..
Mentioning arguments
The main argument for / against (advantage / disadvantage) is.
Another issue / point / statement ..
Concluding (your point of view)
To conclude, I think / believe ..
In my humble opinion, ..
In my opinion, .
For me, .
The advantages of going abroad

We all love our home country, but it is good to experience living in

another country. It is a matter of change to get rid of the daily routine

which is not desired. In this essay, I am going to discuss two advantages
of going abroad.


The main advantage is that you can have an idea about foreign cultures,
( )

lifestyles, languages, customs and habits. Then, you can compare all of these

items to yours. This is similar to a comparative study.

Another advantage of travelling is that you can spend nice time
enjoying a series of experiences away from the stress and pressure of life.

People may go to museums, malls, parks and restaurants.

In conclusion, I think that travelling is a marvelous experience, but

we have to be alert when we deal with foreigners in order to avoid any

( )

inconvenience. If everything is running smoothly, that is, we will get

benefit a lot.

2. An essay considering two opposite opinions (both sides of an argument):

(Also called argumentative essays OR for and against essays)
Your essay should have the following layout:
Para. 1 Introduction (background)
Para. 2 Arguments for (with)
Para. 3 Arguments against
Para. 4 Conclusion (including your point of view)
......................... . In this essay, I will discuss (consider) some of the arguments
for and against (X).
Let us begin with two arguments in favour of (X)
Firstly (First of all),
Now is the time to give the ground for the arguments against (X)/ On the
other hand/ On the contrary / By contrast
The main objection...
Another argument against (X) is that
Your opinion:
In my (humble) opinion,
I think / believe
Personally, I believe that

Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment

Have you ever considered becoming your own boss? In recent years
the number of people choosing to start their own business has risen
significantly. Many people claim that this is because more and more
people are no longer content to work for someone else.
One of the main advantages of being self-employed is the fact that
you are completely self-reliant and can make decisions on your own. This
can give you a great sense of freedom and allows you to do exactly what
you want without interference from anyone else. What is more, your
working day can be planned for your convenience, allowing you to work
when you want rather than when you have to. Finally, if your business is
successful, people will know that you alone should be given the credit.
However, there are disadvantages for being your own boss. Many
self-employed people said that to build a successful business, you have to
be prepared to work long hours and sacrifice your personal life. As B. C.
Forbes once said, If you dont drive your business, you will be driven
out of business. Moreover, a 1996 government study found that over a
quarter of the businesses run by newly self-employed people failed within
the first two years.
All things considered, it seems to me that self-employment can be a
very gratifying experience, although not one without difficulties. But
when success is achieved, the greatest reward of all is the knowledge that
you have done it on your own.



3. A report:
Your report should have the following layout:
Para. 1 Purpose of the report
Para. 2 (The first side /aspect)
Para. 3 (The second side/ aspect)
Para. 4 Conclusion
Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook
In the contemporary world, people communicate with each other through
different ways such as: social media. One of the well-known social networking
services is Facebook. People use this service worldwide using their desktop
computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones. The purpose of this report is to
comment on the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook in particular.

There are many advantages for Facebook such as:

spending nice time with relatives and friends all over the world.
uploading and sharing photos, videos, audios, and different documents.

On the contrary, Facebook has many disadvantages such as:

online addiction, people who are obsessed with being online are called online
addicts, they cannot leave the virtual world even for some minutes. As a result,
they may suffer from different health problems in the future.
violating privacy. Many people claim that Facebook provider and other
bodies may use your personal information without your permission. This action
is illegal and immoral.

On balance, people should manage their time and behaviours when using
Facebook. We have to bear in mind not to upload personal content that we do
not want to share publicly. We all know that "online is not mine".


4. A formal letter:
Q: Imagine that you had bought a washing machine. When you tried it at home,
you found that it didn't work properly. Write down a letter to the sales manager
explaining the time you bought your washing machine, what was the problem
and how to solve it.
(Your name is Ahmad. Your address is P.O. Box 75, Amman Jordan).

P.O. Box 75
Amman, Jordan
Dear manager,
I am writing this letter to complain about my washing machine which I
bought two days ago. Unfortunately, when I came home, I found that there was
a problem with it. I do not know how to solve this problem.
As a matter of fact, I cannot determine the real reason behind this
inconvenience. There may be a problem with the spinner. It stops rotating while
washing. This problem really bothers me a lot.
I am sure that you are always welcoming your clients if they have any
problem. So, I really need your help to solve the problem in question. Please,
tell me what I should do! Shall I need to bring it to your company or you can
send me a technician?

Thank you indeed in advance!

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,

5. An informal (personal) letter:

Write a letter to your friend in Austria telling him about your trip to Aqaba last
week. Mention how you got there, with whom, what you did and what did you
think about it.
(Your name is Maher. Your address is P.O. Box 128, Amman, Jordan)

P.O Box 128

Amman, Jordan

Dear friend,
How are you, my friend? I hope you're fine! How is your family? How is
your study? Is everything running smoothly?
I'd like to thank you for your last nice letter. I'm so sorry for not contacting
you for a long time! I was too busy, so forgive me, dear friend!
I'm writing to tell you about my trip to Aqaba last week. I went there with my
brother by bus. We got there early in the morning. The weather was good.
We stayed in a four-star hotel near the sea. We did a lot of things there.
We swam in the sea. Also, we walked down on the seaside. We really enjoyed
playing football with other people whom we met for the first time. They were
friendly and helpful. It was a great experience because Aqaba is an attraction
for tourists from all over the world. There were a lot of exhibitions and
restaurants. We enjoyed eating seafood. Then, we went on a marine tour. The
glass boat was really nice. We could see the life underneath.
We stayed there two days. Shopping in Aqaba was impressive. Even the
back trip was nice. You could enjoy watching the beauty of Nature.
Why don't you come and spend some days with me in Aqaba?

Lots of Love!

6. An email giving recommendations

Dear Mr and Mrs Mahmoud ,
I think Ive found the perfect place for you. Its a palatial villa in a green suburban
area that would really suit your needs. I know youve been complaining about the
noise in your current apartment, so the location of the new one would be a great
improvement. Its quiet and calm and theres a picturesque park just over the road.
There isnt even much traffic, and with residents parking youll never have trouble
finding a space. Its also a lot more expansive than your current place and would have
lots of room for entertaining. Its not furnished, so all of the furniture you already own
could go straight in. You could make it your own very quickly. Its also an
advantageous location. Theres a large supermarket about five minutes away and its
very easy to reach the motorway. I really think you should arrange a viewing of this
place. Its a great find that you wouldnt want to miss out on.
Many thanks,

7. An informal email
Thanks for the email. Its not long now till we go, is it? Ive been making a few lastminute preparations this morning. Ive decided what clothes and other personal things
to take, but obviously we need to decide about the things we need for camping.
I know weve already agreed on the essential things, like the tent, sleeping bags and
first-aid kit, but there are other things we may or may not need. Do you think we should
take our own cooking equipment? I expect well buy food mostly, but it might be a
good idea to take a small gas cooker so that we can prepare our own food. And how
about a large water container? If we dont take plenty of water with us, we might run
out. Thatd be awful if it gets very hot. Is there anything else w should take? Let me
know what you think.
Im really looking forward to this break. Ill give you a ring tomorrow morning.
See you soon,


( )
. )(
( ) /
In the modern world, many people suffer from -------- and its negative
effects on our future. No one can ignore this problem. Otherwise, the
consequences will be devastating. So, we should highlight every single point
related to this issue.
First of all, I suggest forming a committee of experts and specialists
in the field. It has to study and investigate all the dimensions of the

In addition, I suggest that we all should do much more effort to
support the committee job. I recommend raising public awareness by
campaigns and through the media. Relevant lectures and posters are
helpful as well. This will highlight the problem and enable the committee
to do its job properly.
At the end, the government should co-operate with the parties
concerned and listen to their suggestions and recommendations so as to
come up with a suitable solution to this real problem.


) (
One day, I visited ------------- with my friends, which was a beautiful
place. It was only a short visit but I recommend it very well.
-------------- is a wonderful place where many tourists from different countries
come to see this impressive site. During the trip everything was amazing.
There are several good things about the trip. The weather was mild so
we could do whatever we want from roaming and cooking to walking and
playing different games. It had a relaxing atmosphere and nice views.
Also, there were parks in ----------, it was also planted with beautiful trees
and it had some places for children to play in. Additionally, the place was
I advise each one to visit this place for entertainment and enjoyment.
Children will enjoy it much as they can play and move freely. In fact, we
should encourage the local tourism to support our great country.

In fact, it would be better to discuss the important and vital issues in
our society because of their positive and negative effects. . is one
of the important issues in these days.
On the one hand, ------------- has many advantages such as -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the other hand, ------------- has many disadvantages such as -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally, the society and the government should co-operate together in
order to explain to the public how to get benefit from the positive aspect and
how to get rid of the negative one. I think that this issue is an important one
which needs much interest by people and formal agencies.

P.O Box ()
Amman, Jordan

( :)
Dear friend ,
How are you, my friend? I hope youre fine! How is your family? Is
everything going well? Id like to thank you for your last letter. Im so
sorry for not contacting you for a long time! I was too busy, so forgive me!
Im writing to

At the end, no word can express my feelings when writing this letter
(email) for you. Im eager to know all of your matters. Our memories are
unforgettable, arent they? I wish I could see you as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you

Lots of love,

. :

Write a composition of about 80 words on ONE of the following:
1. Pollution is an increasingly serious problem in many countries all over
the world. Write a report for your school magazine about this
problem, discussing the reasons and suggesting possible solutions.
2. Nowadays, many people eat unhealthy fast food excessively. Write a
report for your school magazine about the bad effects of this kind of
food, discussing this problem and suggesting possible solutions.
3. Immigration is an increasingly critical phenomenon. Write an essay
about the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
4. Deforestation is having devastating effects on people and climate. Write
an essay about this problem, discussing the reasons and suggesting possible
5. Lately, traffic jam has become unbearable in Jordan. Write a report for
your school magazine about this problem, discussing the reasons a
suggesting possible solutions.
6. Car accidents are increasing year by year all over the world and many people
die because of these accidents. Write a report for your school magazine about
this problem, discussing the reasons and suggesting possible solutions.
7. Many people spend too much time at computers. Write a report for your school
magazine about the bad effects of this problem and suggesting possible solutions.
8. Last week, you visited the library of Jordan University to do research.
Write an email to your teacher describing this visit.
9. Fortunately, you have got high marks in 12 th grade. Write a letter to
your friend, mentioning some details about this great achievement as
well as your future plans.
(Your name is Nihad. Your address is P.O. Box 133, Amman, Jordan)
10. Smoking is a bad habit which has many bad effects. Write a report for your
school magazine discussing this problem and suggesting possible solutions.
11. Technologies are very important to our life. Write an article discussing the
advantages and disadvantages of them and giving recommendations.







understand understood understood







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