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BIO- FUEL Polanga oil



B.E. Mechanical(Third year), M. Kumarasamy College Of Engineering, Karur.

Contact No:8220122328, Email ID: mmmaheaero137@gmail.com1
Contact No: 8973717178, Email ID: karthikaims03@gmail.com2


highlights a part of the experimental activities carried

out on production of bio-diesel from polanga oil

The emphasis in this paper is on

experimentally evaluating the possibilities of using

having high acid valve in a pilot plant and its

subsequent utilization in a single cylinder diesel

bio-diesel developed from one of the number of non- engine widely used rural/agricultural sector of the
edible oil seeds available in India. Non edible

country. based on the availability and production

oilseeds tress such as neem, Sal, seemarounba, cotton, potential in the country, oil derived from polanga
rubber, and polanga (undi) have an estimated annual

seeds was chosen to evaluate the performance and

production potential of more than 20 mega tons, of

exhaust emissions characteristics of a single cylinder

which polanga contributes 70 thousand metric tons.

diesel engine.

These oils have a great potential to produce bio-diesel

for diesel engine application without any major


hardware modification & no blending is needed.

The use of straight vegetable oil is restricted by some

The emerging world is running out of fuel,

physical properties, particularly their viscosity. Due

since every human is concentrating greatly on the

to higher viscosity oil causes poor fuel atomization,

need of hour in this systematic environment we had

incomplete combustion and carbon deposition on the to show a great care to the environment to be friendly,
injector and valve seats resulting serious engine

though the liquid fuel may be in lack its the gas

fouling, we in this paper find solution for the better

which has been replaced,it is too in the corner of

efficiency of engine by means of polanga oil as a bio- these scarcity by the survey, the gas production gas
diesel equal to that of petro-diesel fuel.

increased in 2006 from 70 to 116 mmt but by the year

Transesterification has been reported to be one of

its getting decreased to 45 mmt from the production

the most reliable and commonly used technique to

now. The need can only be satisfied by the vegetable

produce bio-diesel from oil seeds .this paper also

and its oil, this paper is also one of the findings but a

greater domination than the other .The conventional

product. The progress of the reaction was observed by

fuels which we use nowadays create a lot of pollution measuring the acid value. During the test it was
so there is a search for the eco friendly fuel .Finally

observed that the appropriate quality could be

the answer for the problem is the usage of the bio-fuel produced from polanga oil in the following three
. the biofuel reduces the pollution to a large extent.

stages for the physico- chemical properties were close

to those of petro-diesel.


The species has been planted

ZERO CATALYSED TRANSESTERIFICATION:The first stage removes organic matters and

widely through the tropics it is uncertain from where other impurities present in the esterified filtered
it originates .it is believed to be indigenous to India.

polanga oil using a reagent

Malaysia, Indonesia and the grows in

areas with 1000-5000 mm rain per year at altitudes
from 0-200 m. There are 100-200 seeds to a kilogram.
It is a medium sized tree , normally up to 25 m tall

ACID CATALYSED TRANSESTERIFICATION:The intermediate stage reduces the acid value

of the oil about 4mgKOH/gm corresponding to FFA

occasionally reaching up to 35 m and with a diameter level of 2 percent.

upto 150 cm.The polanga oil has only 22% of the
FFA (ie) the Free Fatty Acid content. The process of


Transesterification is difficult if an oil has a large


amount of FFA . So it is easy to produce Biofuel from

the Polanga oil.

The product of the intermediate is

transesterified to monoesters of fatty acids using
alkaline catalys


Experiments were conducted in a laboratory


The raw polanga oil was extracted by
a mechanical expeller in which small traces of organic
matter, water and other impurities were present ,these

equipped with a heating mantle, reaction flask, and

materials were creating problems in yield and in the

mechanical stirrer. The working capacity of the

face separation between the glycerin and the esters ,

reaction flask is one liter. it consists of three necks:

this necessitates the pre treatment of polanga oil . In

one of a stirrer, the other for a condenser and inlet of

the first stage, 1 Lt Polanga oil is mixed with 350 ml

reactant as well as for placing the thermocouple to

of methyl alcohol and 5 ml of toluene as a reagent.

observe the reaction temperature . The flask has a

Toluene helps in resolving the organic matter with

stopcock at the bottom for the collection of the final

methanol and separating it from the neat oil along

with other impurities. the mixture was stirred in the

light yellow liquid with a viscosity similar to petro

air closed reaction flask for 2 hrs at 65*c. the heating diesel.
set up should be just above the boiling point of the
alcohol to accomplish the reaction, the speed of the
stirrer was kept the same for all test runs, the reaction

BIODIESEL CHARACTERIZATION:The formation of methyl by three stage

were carried out with continuous stirring with

transesterification stoichiometrically requires six

mechanical stirrer with string speed of 450 rpm. The

moles of alcohol for every mole triglyceride,

product from the first stage was allowed to settle for 1 however, transesterified is an equilibrium reaction in
hr and the complete phase separation was visualized, which an excess of the alcohol is required to drive the
the upper layer which consisted of methanol-water

reaction close to completion. The optimum ratio was

fraction, organic matter toluene and other impurities. found be 6;1 molar ratio of methanol to oil , which is
Which was separated from the lower layer , the acid

sufficiently to give 85 percent yield of ester .it might

value of the required lower layer is determined and

be anticipated that ,in such an equilibrium system ,

found to be 18 mg KOH/gm, corresponding to FFA of the observed phase separation of the bye product,
9 percent.

glycerol, would play a major role in achieving a

Anhydrous sulphuric acid

conversion close to 100, the completion of

(98.4%) was used as a catalyst in the acid catalyst

transesterification was monitored using the HPLC

transesterification experimentally it was optimized

method . the reaction was complete up to 85 percent

that 0.65% volume of the h2so4 acid and molar ratio

in 90 min- the duration was 4 hrs to achieve complete

of 6:1 gave the maximum conversion efficiency of

reaction .the physico-chemical properties of polanga

free fatty acids to try glycerides and there by reducing oil, neat petro diesel, neat bio-diesel and its blend 20
the acid value of the product of second stage below 4 percent at each step were evaluated as per the ASTM
mg KoH/mg the duration of the reaction was 4 hers ,

standards and the results are in accordance with

he product of the second step having the FFA less

ASTM. The fuel properties of polanga oil methyl

than 3 % was used as the raw materials for the final

ester and its different blends are shown as diagrams.

stage in molar ratio of 9;1 and 1.5 % by weight of

It is observes that the chemical characteristics of

potassium hydroxide was found to give the maximum polanga oil methyl ester were found to be in close
ester yield for reaction duration of 4hrs after the

range of the engines requirement.

reaction was completed the product were allowed to

separate in two layers , the lower layers contained
impurities and glycerol the top ester for 15 min and

TRANSETERIFICATION:The most common derivation of a agricultural

stored for further use , this resulted in a clear amber oil for fuels are methyl esters , these ate formed by
transesterifcation of the oil with methanol in the

presence of a catalyst of catalyst to give methyl esters gravity se3ttle for about 8 hrs . the glycerin settles to
and glygol, naoh is the most common catalyst ,

bottom , leaving bio-diesel on the top , with this

though KOH can be used,

process the bio-diesel contains some residual

methanol which is acceptable for rural applications

Chemical reaction involves in the manufacture of

(rubber hoses in vehicle engines must be first

polanga oil:-

replaced ) , and the glycerin is undefined (redefined

glycerin can bring about $5 per kilogram on the

(Cnhn+2) cooh + ch3oh + koh +H2so4 market for use in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics).
Then unrefined glycerin can be used to make

h3c cooh (cnhn+2) + h20

soap[ which can be an additional source of income of

( 100 kg oil + 2 kg methanol +2.5 kg NAOH

-->100 kg bio- diesel +20 kg glycerine

The engine chosen for the present work is a



single stage cylinder compression ignition, the engine



was loaded with the coupled eddy current

dynamometer, and the coupling arrangement is made


with propeller shaft by slip joint and universal joint


10 pounds


1 pounds alcohols

1 pound

10 pound bio-diesel

and could be made locally.



village ,ethanol could be used in place of methanol

usually methanol


(usually methyl esters)

(oil or fat)
The technology required for carrying out the
transesterification process is very simple in its crudest
form it can be in low volume as a batch process . the
methanol and NAOH are premise and added to the oil
mixed to the oil mixed for a few hrs and allowed to

The various phases of tests on the above setup are

carried out on the following phases
Running the engine with diesel alone
Running the engine with different blend ratios with
diesel and raw polanga oil as follows
a.10:90 (raw oil: diesel)
b.20:80 (raw oil: diesel)
c.30:70 (raw oil: diesel)
Running the engine with different blend ratios with

d.20:80 (esterified polanga oil: diesel)

light length to the light path(ie) are related by the bear

e.40:60 (esterified polanga oil: diesel)

lamberts law

f.60:40 (esterified polanga oil: diesel)


g.80:20 (esterified polanga oil: diesel)


(esterified polanga oil: diesel)

The tests are carried out for the performance

EDDY CURRENT DYNAMOMETER:It consists of a stator which are fitted a

analysis and emissions are carried out with the help of number of electromagnets and a rotor disc made of
copper or steel are coupled to the output shaft of the
five gas analyzer and hart ridge smoke meter
arrangement in experimental setup.

engine, when the rotor rotates eddy current are

produced in the stator due to the magnetic flux setup
by the passage of field current electromagnets, the
eddy current oppose the rotor motion, thus loading the
engine, these eddy current is dissipated in producing
heat so that this type of dynamometer also requires
some cooling arrangement, the torque is measured
exactly as in other types of absorption dynamometer
i.e. with the help of dynamometer the load is
controlled by regulating the current in the



The obscuration principle of measuring smoke meter

is based upon the slight extinction type . the
continuously taken exhaust is passed thro a tube of
about 45 cm of length which has light source atone
end and photocell at the other end , the amount of
light passed thro this column is an indication of
smoke level (or ) smoke density. The smoke or smoke
density is defined as the electric output when clean air
is passed through it. in hart ridge smoke meter light
from a source is passed through the standard length
tube containing the exhaust gas sample from the
engine and its other end, the transmitted light is
measured by a suitable device . The fraction of the

ENGINE PERFORMANCE STUDY:Short term engine performance tests were

carried out on small sizes water- cooled diesel with

neat diesel oil, neat bio-diesel (B100).And its blend of

20 percent at each step. The objective of such a study
was to ascertain the suitability of these fuels for
engine application. the system was equipped with
several experiment subsystems and instrument at the
appropriate location to evaluate the performance
parameters such as brake specific fuel consumption
(BSFC),brake specific energy consumption
(BSEC),brake mean effective pressure (BMEP),brake
thermal efficiency, and volumetric efficiency. The
dynamometer used to load the engine comprised a
shunt wound AC generator and load bank. Pressure in
the inlet manifold was measured by a normal u-tube
Airflow was measured by means of a viscous
flow meter. Thermocouple was installed to monitor
gas by gas temperature at inlet and outlet ducts as
well as cylinder temperature. the fuel system was
modified by adding an additional filter and three
ways, hand operated, two position directional
controlled valves which allowed rapid switching
between the diesel fuel used as a standard and the
tests fuels .fuel was fed to the injector pump under
gravity and volumetric flow rate was measured b y
the use of a 50 cm cube graduated burette and stop

To evaluate the performance , important

operating parameters such as engine shaft speed in

watch. The speed was also checked with an infrared

rpm, generator output, fuel consumption rate , air

type digital tube meter. The experiments were carried flow rate temperature of engine cooling water and
out by using diesel,B20 POME (20%pome +
engine exhaust gas were their fundamental relations
80%diesel ),b40,b60 ,b80 and b100(100% neat bio-

while varying the load on the engine from 0 100%

diesel) at different load condition an the engine from

in steps of 100% ion steps of 20 % significant engine

0-1--%in approximate steps of 20% percent.

performance parameters such as BSFC,BSEC,BMEP.

break thermal efficiency for petroleum based Diesel

and its blend with polanga bio-diesel were calculated . no of oxygen atoms .pollutants such as smoke and
these results are analysed and represented graphically ,Nox are of specific relevance to diesel combustion .
in figure. A close look at the graphs indicates a

hence the optimum bio-diesel concentration was

variation of BSEC with respect to BMEP an

analyzed in respect of Nox emissions from the Nox

improvement for neat bio-diesel (B100) operation .

curves given in figure, two important conclusions can

this is due to the low calorific value of biodiesel.

be drawn first, Nox emissions are a direct functions of

BSFC is not avery reliable parameter to compare the

engines loading, this is expected because with

two fuels since the calorific value and the density of

increase load, the temperature of the combustion

the blend follow a slightly different trend, hence .

chamber increases-Nox formation is strongly

hence ,mBSFC is a more reliable parameter for

temperature- dependent phenomenon, second Nox

comparison of volumetric consumption of the two

emissions is the case of bio-diesel fuel are lower by

fuels , it is seen that from the figure that BSEC is

approximately 4 percent, these lower Nox emissions

slightly higher for B100 at lower loads and remain the may be due to lower temperature of the combustion
same at higher loads the trends of the brake thermal

chamber using bio-diesel, however, these observation

efficiency of bio-diesel for B100 have improved

contradict the Nox emissions from B20 (Soya methyl

slightly specially at lower loads and remain the same ether) fueled diesel engines found to be e2 percent
at higher loads as compared a to neat petroleum based higher than conventional diesel oil according to a
diesel fuel, this may be be possibly due to better

report on bio-diesel from the national bio-diesel board

combustion and additional lubricity of bio-diesel.

of UPA . in this paper study 100 percent bio-diesel

blend gave 4 percent lower Nox emissions with to
respect to percentage of load this difference may be

EXHAUST EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS:Engine exhaust emissions such as co, co2,

nitrogen oxides and unburned hydrocarbon were
measured with an AVL five gas analyzer and a smoke
meter. the sensor of he analyzer was exposed to the
exhaust gas and the observation was recorded , the
measured emissions were analyzed and interrupted
graphically as shown in figure, smoke is reduced
significantly for bio-diesel of higher blends
(B60,B100) as compared to neat petroleum- based
diesel fuel. this is due to the complete and stable
combustion of the bio-diesel, which contains greater

due to the difference in engine geometry ,

compression ratio, less reaction time and temperature

in case of bio- diesel.

Unburned hydrocarbon is also an important

parameter in determine the emission behavior of the
engines. it is seen thatfrom figure neat bio-diesel (B
100 ) gives relatively lower HC as compared to neat
diesel, this is because of better combustion of bio-

diesel inside the combustion chamber due to the

approximately 4 percent decrease on Nox emissions

availability of oxygen atom in bio-diesel. Carbon

for B100 bio-diesel at full load.The performance of

monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions for B30 and the bio-diesel fueled engine was marginally better
B100 remain the same over the entire range of load.

than diesel fueled engine in terms of thermal

But these are slightly reduced as compared to

efficiency ,BPEC , smoke opacity and exhaust

petroleum based diesel, green house emission such as emissions including nox emissions including for the
carbon monoxide has shown 40 percent reduction for entire range operation,it also conclusively proved
B20 and B100 as compared to neat diesel fuel

from the following experiment that self-lubricity and

operation, functionally emissions of greenhouse gas

oxygen content of bio-diesel played the key role in

such as carbon dioxide can be taken by the plant

the engine performance, neat bio-diesel is proved to

during the process pf photosynthesis, while preparing be a potential fuel for complete replacement of
seeds for bio-diesel.

petroleum diesel oil (i.e) polanga seed oil


REFERENCE:Bio-fuels - 3 rd international conference

Thus from the engine tests , it can be

concluded that polanga-based bio-diesel can be
adopted as a alternative fuel in the existing


conventional diesel engine without any major hard


ware modification in the systems. Also the density

SAE PAPERS NOS:-840367,841333

and viscosity after the triple-stage transesterfication


were found to be close to those of petroleum diesel

oil, the flash point of the POME oil was higher than
petroleum diesel oil,
the 100 percent1997
BY also
demonstrated comparatively higher flash point than
petroleum diesel oil and was in safe range for storage.
The 1000 percent was found to be the best , with
improved efficiency of the engine by 0.1 percent ,
similar trends were shown by the brake specific
energy consumption and the exhaust emissions were
reduced, smoke emissions also reduced by 35% for
B60 as compared to neat petro-diesel decrease in the
exhaust temperature of a bio-diesel engine led to


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