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'Nothing in life comes easy!!'

Efallai mae'n well i ni 'torri' pethau lawr yn syml, ac esbonio y mwyafrif yn Sa


To form the Past Tense of verbs, the following endings are added to THE VERB STE
M, there are of course! exceptions, the irregular verbs [wait for them]:

-ais i -aist ti -odd e/hi -on ni -och chi -on nhw

Lets look at DYSGU

Dysgais i Dysgaist ti Dysgodd e/hi Dysgon ni Dysgoch chi Dysgon nhw. how do you find the stem, sorry,! there are no hard and fast rules, this
is the ancient Celtic language of Welsh!. But to try and help, I suggest these:

Remove verb ending of: U I O

eg DYSGU becomes DYSG + ending. BERWI becomes BERW + ending

GWEITHIO becomes GWEITHI + ending

care with say GLANHAU, Dechrauand PARATOI [I'll explain].

Some verbs have no endings, immediate thought is EISTEDD so the ending is just a
dded. eg. Eisteddais i yn y Caffe.

Some verbs have endings which do not appear to be endings!!

YFED becomes YF Rhedeg becomes Rhed eg Rhedais yn dda ddoe.

More confusion - note the word Fe in South and Mi in the North is prefixed to th
e verb and causes a soft mutation - IT HAS NO MEANING and can/is omitted eg.

Fe yfais i = Yfais i. REMEMBER this tense corresponds in English to:

I saw, I heard, I bought..............Gwelais i, Clywais i, Prynais i, and don't fo
rget after i there is another soft mutation. eg Prynais i lyfr newydd ddoe. Rhed
ais i gartref neithiwr.


Dwi wedi prynu llyfr newydd ddoe. Dwi wedi rhedeg cartref neithiwr.

Where you stick a question word in front of a past tense 'inflected'verb some mut
ate and others don't. [Ha Ha!!]

Beth, Faint o , Pwy and Pa un/ Pa rai take a mutation:

Pwy weloch chi? - Who did you see?

Beth fwytodd e? - What did he eat.

After Ble, Pam, Pryd and Sut and others there is no mutation to the inflected fo

Ble [g]weloch chi Claire? - Where did you see Claire?

Pryd daeth [from dod] Roy i'r dosbarth? - When did Roy come to the class?

And there's more:

To ask a Question...all verbs that can soft mutate do so [bold statement!!]

Brynoch chi car ddoe? Did you buy a car yesterday?

Glywodd e chi? Did he hear you?

The answers must start with DO for Yes [pronounced DOE].

and NADDO [Naddoe] for No.

eg Brynoch chi car ddoe - Do, Prynais i gar ddoe.

Naddo, PHrynais i ddim car ddoe. TCP's take this mutation, it's aspirate. The oth
ers when they can mutate take SOFT [refer Clive].

eto; Wynebodd e y tarw? - Did heface the Bull?

Do, Gwelodd e [he saw] y tarw a rhedodd e'n gyflym - Yes he saw the bull and ran
Naddo, welodd e ddim y tarw, ac mae e yn yr ysbyty 'nawr.
No he didn''t see the bull, and he's in hospital now.

Na hen ddigon, this is called overload.

Please keep this safe, it's not biblical, but it's pretty good!!

Happy learning - DYSGWCH mewn HWYL a SBRI

edit cvj aka clive beca.

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