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AXIS Platoon Builder

Recon Grenadiers


Heavy Recon Grenadiers

Command Section

Heavy Laser Grenadiers


Laser Jagdgreandiere
Support Units (1 per 2 Sections)


Beobachter Team


Sniper Grenadier Team

Generalmajor Sigrid Von Thaler


1st Section

Kampfaffen Pionere Squad

Battle Grenadiers

Axis Armored Transport

Laser Grenadiers

Any Light I Series Walker

Recon Grenadiers

Any Medium II Series Walker

Heavy Flak Grenadiers

Any Heavy VI Series Walker

Laser Jagdgreandiere

Horten Fledermaus

2nd Section


Battle Grenadiers

Flamm Luther

Laser Grenadiers

Horten HO 347

Axis Gorillas
Laser Jagdgreandiere
3rd Section
Battle Grenadiers
Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Laser Grenadiers
Laser Jagdgreandiere
4th Section
Laser Grenadiers

Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Laser Grenadiers
Laser Jagdgreandiere
Command Section

Support Units (1 per 2 Sections)

Beobachter Team

Heavy Kommandotrupp

Sniper Grenadier Team



Generalmajor Sigrid Von Thaler


1st Section


Axis Gorillas


Heavy Recon Grenadiers

Any Heavy VI Series Walker

Heavy Flak Grenadiers

Horten Fledermaus HO 357

Heavy Laser Grenadiers

Horten HO 347

Laser Jagdgreandiere
2nd Section
Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Flak Grenadiers
Heavy Laser Grenadiers
Kampfaffen Pionere Squad
Laser Jagdgreandiere
3rd Section
Battle Grenadiers
Recon Grenadiers
Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Laser Jagdgreandiere
4th Section
Battle Grenadiers

Command Section

4th Section

Sturmpionere Squad

Axis Gorillas

Sigrid Von Thaler

Axis Zombies


Battle Grenadiers

Generalmajor Sigrid Von Thaler

Recon Grenadiers

1st Section
Axis Zombies
Heavy Laser Grenadiers

Laser Grenadiers
Laser Jagdgreandiere
Support Units (1 per 2 Sections)

Laser Grenadiers

Beobachter Team

Laser Jagdgreandiere

Sniper Grenadier Team

Ubertoten Assault Squad


2nd Section

Axis Armored Transport

Battle Grenadiers

Any Light I Series Walker

Heavy Flak Grenadiers


Laser Grenadiers


Laser Jagdgreandiere


Ubertoten Assault Squad

Any Heavy VI Series Walker

3rd Section
Axis Gorillas
Axis Zombies
Battle Grenadiers
Heavy Recon Grenadier
Laser Jagdgreandiere
Ubertoten Suicide Squad

Horten Fledermaus HO 357

Command Squad Additional Support Options:

Beobachter Team or Prinzluther
Sniper Grenadier Team or Jagdgrenadiere or Prinzluther

Defenses 5 AP
During Deployment, one Soldier unit may be deployed Dug In in addition to any other units
allowed by the scenario.
Extra Panzer Support 10 AP

If a platoon has three or less Sections it may include one additional Light Panzer Series I Walker. If
the platoon has four or more Sections, it may include on additional Medium Panzer II Series Walker.
May only be chosen by one platoon.
Implacable 15 AP
During the End Phase, Soldier units in this platoon remove one additional Suppression marker.
Improved Command 5 AP
Add one additional Radioman with StG 47 and knife to Kommandotrupp or Sturmpionere.
Lightning War 10 AP
When a unit enters play from off table, it gains the Fast, special ability. i.e. Units entering play with
Reserved special ability may move 6 after being deployed.
Nebelwerfer Barrage 20 AP
At the beginning of the controlling players first Command phase, each enemy soldier that has more
than half of its miniatures not completely within an area of terrain gains a Suppression marker.

Air Enhanced Fliegerfaust 2 AP
All Fliegerfausts in the unit gain Penetrator when attacking Aircraft units.
Battlefield Engineers 2AP
Soldiers with this upgrade suffer no damage from barbed wire, electrified barbed wire or minefields.
A minefields Density is still reduced by one.
Grenades 1 AP
Every miniature in a unit with the Grenades upgrade that is not already equipped with a
Panzerfaust is equipped with grenades.
High Visibility Lasers 2 AP
Each time a unit with this upgrade rolls to achieve additional hits with a Laser weapon the weapon
scores an additional hit on a BLANK instead of a HIT.
Overcharged Power Cells 3 AP
Gains Supercharged: When a unit with Supercharged performs its first Attack action, double the
Combat dice rolled for any Phaser, Laser or Tesla weapons. After the attack, place an out of ammo
marker on the Unit. The unit must use a Reload action before firing again.
Pinpoint Observation 4 AP
If a unit with Pinpoint Observation has 2 or more radiomen, it may take a Spot Action. The
controlling player rolls one die, on a HIT one vehicle unit (not aircraft) within 6 of a Radioman gets
the Spotter special ability until the end of the phase.

Rat Fighters 1 AP
Climb special ability

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