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Our Company in Art

Marci Smith
Week 8 assignment 2
Our Company in Art
Dr Japola

Our Company in Art

How do we really know how to choose the right piece of art? What kind of art should I
choose for the office? What is it that my boss is looking for? Does he want to make a statement
or subtle hints? Well, it sounds like I need to have a chat with him so that I make sure I choose
wisely. I know that I will need to find out what sort of budget I will be given to work with. I am
aware that buying an original is going to cost a lot of money, and some people may think that it
may be overly flamboyant to have an original masterpiece. However, at the same time having a
cheap third rate knock off could have an adverse effect on business and imply that our company
is a cheap knock off too. That would be awful for the company, and the boss would probably
have my head on a stake.
So, here is a brief breakdown of our company, Roaring Toys, is a state of the art facility
that creates custom machined parts for many brands of motorcycles. We have been a leader in the
world of custom motorcycles, building components that define quality and the cutting edge of
style. We are the trendsetters, the innovators, and the riders: we ride what we build, and we ride
hard! In other words, I have my work cut out for me to find just the right pieces of art.
Now, I have had a chat with my boss and he does indeed want a wow factor, something
that will show that we have a secure spot in the future, upward growth, and a true conversation
piece. He would like to have a piece for the front lobby so that clients and customers will see and
be amazed. The art is going to have to be a wow piece. Then he would like to have a piece in the
fabrication room that will inspire creativity with a possible futuristic feeling. I need to keep in
mind that my boss has two favorite time periods 19th century Impressionism and PostImpressionism. I have an open budget because my boss does understand that this is also an
investment in the company. I hope that I do a great job and make my boss very pleased.

Our Company in Art

I guess it is time to get started with this project because I am going to be looking for at least
two key pieces from each style and possibly four pieces. So what kind of art do I start my search
with for a state of the art, on the cutting edge, forward thinking and engaging company that is
filled with such creative employees? I have a few ideas so lets take a deeper look at the first two
19th Century Impressionism pieces.

The first piece from this era I would choose is Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet. It is an
almost peaceful and calming piece. It shows how a piece does not have to have a rigid definition
and precise in its subject. This piece became a central symbol of the Impressionism movement,
and that is why I feel that this piece shows how our company has become a pillar in the
motorcycle industry. This piece would serve us very well in how it truly will show others who
gaze upon it of our ability to stand out among the competition. This piece needs to be in our
conference room. Now at all of our meetings this piece will be able to stand out and represent the
company and what we stand for. (Anirudh, 2013).

Our Company in Art

The second piece: The Artists Studio, Rue Visconti, Paris by Jean-Frederic Bazile, which is a
personal favorite of mine. What this piece brings into the mix are humble beginnings. We see a
dark room with the only light source coming from what one can assume to be a window. The
dark and possibly dirty wood floors are of an earthen color that allows for the art on the walls
stand out. We also see that there is a piece on the left-hand side that we as the viewer cannot see
what it is. It leads to mystery and a desire to see the unseen. The bright gold frame makes one
assume that this could be a masterpiece. That resembles our company in a unique way. People
are always wanting to see what ideas we are coming up with here. We need to greet every
customer and client when they walk through our doors. By adding this art, we will create a sense

Our Company in Art

of mystery and just maybe give a push for the customer to want to see what is behind the door.
(VMFA, Bazille, 1867).
Those two pieces I strongly feel represent our company extremely well in every aspect of
what we stand for. It shows our strength, commitment, integrity, adaptability, mystery, and
growth. If our company were a 19th Century Impressionism painting, it would be one of the two
paintings I mentioned here. However, my task is not complete yet. I have yet to show you two
more pieces that are in the Post-Impressionism era that I would like for us to consider in adding
to the collection.

This first piece: Mulberry Tree, October 1889 by Vincent van Gogh, Dutch, 1853-1890 is an
Oil on canvas that is simply breathtaking. This is a piece that I feel would be great for our
company because it shows and describes our internal growth. This probably represents our
company in perfect brushstrokes. Inside our companys walls, we know how hard it was to get
started, spurred out of thin air on a hope and a prayer. We had hard and rocky times. Some of us
quit, some lost their way, and some gave everything throughout our growth. It reminds me of this

Our Company in Art

painting. I feel that the best place for this piece to call home would be in the design room. The
design room is a place where many ideas are created, and most of our employees are involved in
the design stage and will be able to look at this piece to draw inspiration.
We see that the tree is growing out of a rocky landscape. We see the brushstrokes run through
the hillside. We see only one strong, determined, and growing tree. That is our company to a T.
When you look to the right of the tree, we also see a bit more green, which to Van Gogh
represents more growth. There is bright contrasting color that goes from the dark green and
brown to the bright blue in the sky. That makes the tree stand out and stand tall just like the
vision my boss has for our company. The piece here of Van Goghs was painted just about a year
before his death, and it shows a great insight into his life (Van Gogh Gallery, 2013).
The last piece in this group is another piece by Vincent van Gogh.

Our Company in Art

The Sower (Sower with Setting Sun) is a unique piece that I would like to suggest for a final
choice for the group. It is not the usual choice for a pie because of its simplicity, but that is the
exact reason it should be considered. It shows a single worker, two crows, a house, the crop half
cleared and half not and the setting sun. That is what the eye sees, but this piece can create a
deep emotional feeling of a job well done and the determination to finish the task at hand. I think
it is the piece that needs to be out in the fabrication area so that all of our employees can keep
that drive that you show us every day. That hard work will never let you down. I like this piece
because it shows satisfaction in a job well done (Van Gogh, 1888).
All of these pieces are well within our reach on the budget that you have given. All of the
pieces are available to purchase as qualified and authentic replicas. Another thing that I would
like for you to consider is to do a little bit of community service. The local arts college is always
looking for projects for their fine arts division. I have made a few calls to the President of the
school, and he would love to work with us. I gave a suggestion of having some of the senior
students paint the pieces that you like best. In this way that we would be able to have all four
pieces at almost no cost. The best part is that we would be promoting young artists with giving
them the credit in our office. It would be national exposure for these kids and the school. Do you
want to know the best part of this? It is that the school would be interested in doing this in a fulltime manner. We could become a source for students to have a gallery within our showroom. Of
course, we would always hold on to these four pieces because they are our company in art. Just
think of the works that we could collaborate with a new student to paint what our future could

Our Company in Art

Van Gogh, Vincent. The Starry Night. 1889. The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
The Van Gogh Gallery. The Starry Night. 15 January 2013
Artistic Influences. The Van Gogh Gallery. 15 January 2013. Retrieved from the internet on

Van, Gogh, Vincent. 1888. The Sower. The Van Gogh Gallery. Retrieved from the internet on
Anirudh. 2013. 10 Most Famous Impressionist Paintings. Top Ten List. Retrieved from the
internet on 2/28/2015.
VMFA, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. 2015. The Artists Studio, Rue Visconti, Paris by JeanFrederic Bazille. Photo credit retrieved from internet on 2/28/2015.

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