Libia - Retana.assigment 2 Checked

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Corporacin Educativa de Occidente

Time: 80 min

Colegio Bilinge San Ramn

Total points: 40

English Department

Percentage: 10%

2nd Exam, First Semester 2015

Listening and Speaking
Third Grade

Obtained points: ______

Obtained %: _________

Teacher: Libia Retana Araya


Students name _______________________________.

Parents Signature: ____________________________.
General instructions:

Listen carefully to the teacher before answering the English exam.

Use pencil, eraser, and sharpener only.

Work individually, neat, and clear.

Cellphones are not allowed

I PART. Matching. (7 points)

Under Column A, you will find R-controlled words and under Column B you will
find the definition of those R-controlled words. Write the number of the Rcontrolled word from Column A in the parenthesis on Column B. Numbers
cannot be repeated. (7 points.1 p/e/c/a)
Column A

Column B

1. Party

) The day a person was born

2. Carpet

) A celebration

3. Port

4. Supper

) A floor covering

5. Farmer

) Ships dock here

6. Birthday

) A meal eaten at night

) An animal with a bushy tail

7. Squirrel

) A person who grows crops

II PART. Identification. (20 points)

A. Listen to the teacher reading the words below, circle the consonant diagraph
of six words correctly. Do not circle more than six words. You will listen to
each word twice. (6 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. R o u g h

6. M a t h

2. K n i f e

7. F l a g

3. H o u s e

8. C o u g h

4. T e n n i s

9. S n o w

5. W i t h

10. t h o u g h t

B. Listen to the teacher saying the words below. Classify each word under the
group based on its sound correctly. Write each word on the line where it
corresponds. You will listen to each word twice. (7 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. beauty


3. yet




Y= Consonant

Y= Long e

Y= Long i








C. Listen to the teacher pronouncing the words from the box. Write each word
under the picture that corresponds to it. You will listen to each word twice. (7
points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. Fan

2. Cat



3. Ax





7. Cap



III PART. Short Answer. (13 points)

A. Listen carefully to the teacher saying each word. Look at the images and write
the letter that represents the initial consonant sound of the word. You will
listen to each word twice. (4 points. 1 point e/c/a)

B. Listen to the teacher reading the sentences below, write the word with a
consonant diagraph you hear, on the line in a correct way. You will listen to
each sentences twice. (5 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. I love my new elementary ______________.

2. My friends and I _______________ a lot when we play.
3. Jane, my mom _______________ I would miss my old friends.
4. I dont miss them because they ________________ me a letter last week.

5. We will go to the zoo one day, there is a baby ________________ there.

C. Read the following passage about paleontologists, then answer the

questions below correctly. Use long answers (4 points. 1 point e/c/a)

The Dinosaur Hunters

Scientist who study ancient life are called paleontologists.
They study fossils- traces of living things that are sometimes
found in rocks. Much of their time is spent working in labs and
museums. When these scientists go on a dinosaur dig, they
might spend hours carefully chipping one piece of rock from a
bone. Finding a complete skeleton is remarkable.

1. What do paleontologist do in their job?


2. Which are two places where you can find paleontologists working?

__________________________ and ______________________________

3. Where do dinosaur hunters get the fossils from?


II. Answer Key

Corporacin Educativa de Occidente

Time: 80 min

Colegio Bilinge San Ramn

Total points: 40

English Department

Percentage: 10%

2nd Exam, First Semester 2015

Listening and Speaking
Third Grade

Obtained points: ______

Obtained %: _________

Teacher: Libia Retana Araya


Students name _______________________________.

Parents Signature: ____________________________.
General instructions:

Listen carefully to the teacher before answering the English exam.

Use pencil, eraser, and sharpener only.

Work individually, neat, and clear.

Cellphones are not allowed

I PART. Matching. (7 points)

Under Column A, you will find R-controlled words and under Column B you will find the
definition of those R-controlled words. Write the number of the R-controlled word
from Column A in the parenthesis on Column B. Numbers cannot be repeated. (7
points.1 p/e/c/a)
Column A

Column B

1. Party

(6) The day a person was born

2. Carpet

(1) A celebration

3. Port

(7) An animal with a bushy tail

4. Supper

(2) A floor covering

5. Farmer

(3) Ships dock here

6. Birthday

(4) A meal eaten at night

7. Squirrel

(5) A person who grows crops

II PART. Identification. (20 points)

A. Listen to the teacher reading the words below, circle the consonant diagraph of six
words correctly. Do not circle more than six words. You will listen to each word twice.
(6 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. R o u g h

6.M a t h

2. K n i f e

7. F l a g

3. H o u s e

8. C o u g h

4. T e n n i s

9. S n o w

5. W i t h

10. t h o u g h t

B. Listen to the teacher saying the words below. Classify each word under the group
based on its sound correctly. Write each word on the line where it corresponds. You will
listen to each word twice. (7 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. beauty


Y= Consonant

3. yet


Y= Long e



Y= Long i






C. Listen to the teacher pronouncing the words from the box. Write each word under the
picture that corresponds to it. You will listen to each word twice. (7 points. 1 point

1. Fan


2. Cat

3. Ax








7. Cap



III PART. Short Answer. (13 points)

A. Listen carefully to the teacher saying each word. Look at the images and write the
letter that represents the initial consonant sound of the word. You will listen to each
word twice. (4 points. 1 point e/c/a)

B. Listen to the teacher reading the sentences below, write the word with a
consonant diagraph you hear, on the line in a correct way. You will listen to each
sentences twice. (5 points. 1 point e/c/a)

1. I love my new elementary


2. My friends and I _laugh____ a lot when we play.

3. Jane, my mom _____thought____ I would miss my old friends.
4. I dont miss them because they ____wrote__ me a letter last week.

5. We will go to the zoo one day, there is a baby __elephant_ there.

C. Read the following passage about paleontologists, then answer the questions below
correctly. Use long answers (4 points. 1 point e/c/a)

The Dinosaur Hunters

Scientist who study ancient life are called paleontologists.
They study fossils- traces of living things that are sometimes
found in rocks. Much of their time is spent working in labs and
museums. When these scientists go on a dinosaur dig, they
might spend hours carefully chipping one piece of rock from a
bone. Finding a complete skeleton is remarkable.

1. What do paleontologists do in their job?

__Paleontologists study fossil- traces of living things.


2. Which are two places where you can find paleontologists working?


_ and ________Museums__


3. Where do dinosaur hunters get the fossils from?

_____They get them form rocks


III. Rationale

The following exam is designed for a listening and speaking class, however the
regular production part was omitted for the aim of this course. It is a relatively short test
because the percentage of it is only 10%, so I thought 40 points will be enough. It has
three parts, the I Part is a Matching which is used to evaluate vocabulary. The objective
topic assessed is matching R-controlled words with their meaning. The instructions are
very specific and this type of item is student friendly. Kids love it and they usually do well
on it.
The II Part is Identification, the three parts in which identification is organized are
meant to evaluate listening. In A the objective that is evaluated is recognizing consonant
diagraphs from words given. Understanding consonant diagraphs as two consonants
together making only one sound, students have to identify the consonant diagraph sound
of six words by listening to the teacher pronouncing the words. In B the objective
assessed is classifying words according to the sound of the letter y. Students are asked
to listen to the words and classify them, as previously done in class (with other
examples). In C students will be asked to write the name of each picture, the aim of this
part is to evaluate vocabulary of words that have the short sound of a.
The III part is short answer, it has three sections, in A students recognize the
initial consonant sound of each word they hear. They write the initial consonant letter on
the line. This listening exercise is very simple, the focus in their grade is on phonics that
is why a lot of emphasis is put to it. Section B is a little more complicated, it is a listening
exercise for students to recognize the word the teacher says and write them on the line.

This type of exercise is very tricky because I always check spelling, and I have been told
that I should not do it. Still, my argument is that writing any misspelled word does not
show me that the students have really acquire the word, in terms of understanding, and
everyday use. In the last exercises what students do is to answer questions from
readings given. In this case this passage is taken from the phonics book students use in
class, I consider it is appropriate for the level and the questions are simple and straight
to the point.
I really enjoy recreating this exam, I took parts from 4 different tests and quizzes.
I helped see some mistakes that I did not identify before applying the exam. There is
always a room for change and learning, so I will do my best in the coming exams.

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