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Colegio Bilinge San Ramn

English Department
Science Class
Eight Grade
Teacher: Libia Retana Araya.
Total Points 40

Total Percentage 30%

Obtained Points: ___

Obtained Percentage: ___

Grade: _______

Name of the project: ______________________________

Science Project Rubric
Rubric instructions: The following rubric will be used to grade the Science project you have done this semester in class. The teacher is going to read the final
Science project you developed in class and grade it using the rubric below.
Science Project Rubric
Needs Further





The research project has a well stated Research problem.

The research project has a rationale that supports the need and relevance of it the
The research project has a well diagnosis instrument to collect data.
The research project has a literature review to get information from at least three
different sources.
The research project has a well written methodology to describe the steps of the
The research project includes a proposal to solve the research problem.
The research project follows APA citation style.
The research project has a reference list.
Spelling and language used were appropriated avoiding mistakes that may affect the
clarity and understanding of the message.
The document was presented on time.
Exemplary: It means that the corresponding criterion was evident and/or well developed. Participant demonstrates mastery and understanding of the criterion
requested. 4pts
Accomplished: It means that the criterion was well developed but the is room for improvement. Participant demonstrates good understanding of the criterion
requested. There might be something missing and not fully developed but it did not compromise the quality of the assignment. 3pts
Developing: Participant demonstrated understanding of the criterion by developing it, however it is somewhat incomplete or needs improvement. Participant
demonstrates to be moving forward in her/his learning process but further support and deeper development or completeness is required. Participant may want to
double check notes, readings; or ask for further explanations/support from peers or facilitator. 2pts
Needs further improvement: It means there was a modest development or presence of the corresponding criterion. Participant may want to double read
assigned readings. Student may want to consider double-checking notes and requesting for the support of peers and facilitator. The criterion needs more
development and analysis, or needs to be entirely stated. 1pt. or 0pts in case the criterion was not included.

Colegio Bilinge San Ramn

English Department
A1 Class
Teacher: Libia Retana Araya.
Total Points 12

Total Percentage 5%

Obtained Points: ___

Obtained Percentage: ___

Grade: _______

Name of the project: ______________________________

Written Assignment Rubric
Rubric instructions: The following rubric will be used to grade a written assignment. The teacher is going to read the paragraph written by the student and
then grade it using the rubric below.




Written Assignment Rubric


Needs Further

Writer uses the

appropriate function and
vocabulary for the topic.
Ideas are well developed.

It shows some appropriate

functions and vocabulary
for the topic. Some ideas
are not developed.

It shows just few functions

and vocabulary for the
topic. Ideas are not

Reader can always

understand what the
writer is trying to

Reader can understand

most of what the writer is
trying to communicate.

Reader can understand

less than half of what the
writer is trying to

Writer uses grammar,

spelling, word order, and
punctuation correctly.
There is a clear thesis
Statement, supporting
details and concluding
sentence. The paragraph
has 20 sentences.

Writer usually uses

grammar, vocabulary, and
functions correctly.
The thesis statement and
some supporting details
are clear. The paragraph
has from 10 to 19

Writer has some problems

with language usage.
The thesis statement,
supporting details and
concluding sentence are
not clear. The paragraph
has from less than 10



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