Quiz 2

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Question 1. 1. Briefly compare and contrast the Null Hypothesis versus the Alternative Hypothesis.

Statistical hypothesis is a statement about population which needs to be verified

based on the sample which in indeed a representation of population. In hypothesis testing,
null hypothesis (denoted by Ho) which is a neutral statement, is tested against an
Alternative hypothesis (denoted by H1). The conclusion of a hypothesis testing is that I
either reject the Null Hypothesis or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Null Hypothesis, Ho: there is no significant difference in the means of group A and B. that
is muA = muB
Alternative Hypothesis, H1: there is significant difference in the means of group A and B.
that is muA =/= muB (Two tailed test)



Question 2. 2.
Briefly compare and contrast one-tailed versus two-tailed test.

Alternative Hypothesis, H1: there is significant difference in the means of group A and B.
that is muA =/= muB (Two tailed test)
Alternative Hypothesis, H1: means of group A is greater than that of group B. that is muA
> muB (Right tailed test)

Alternative Hypothesis, H1: means of group A is less than that of group B. that is muA <
muB (Left tailed test)

Question 3. 3.
Briefly compare and contrast an independent sample versus a dependent sample t-test.



Independent sample t test (2 sample t test (with and without equal variance))
Here the 2 groups are independent of each other. 2 sample t test (with equal variances) is
used to compare means of two samples when population variances are known. While 2
sample t test (without equal variances) is used to compare means of two samples when
population variances are unknown and unequal. Consider the set of hypothesis given
Null Hypothesis, Ho: There is no significant difference between mean age of males and
females. That is u1 u2 = 0
Alternative Hypothesis, H1: There is significant difference between mean age of males and
females. That is u1 u2 0 (Two tailed test)

Dependent sample t-test (Paired t test)

Here, the two groups are dependent of each other. Paired t test is used to compare means
of two populations when their samples are correlated. Consider the set of hypothesis given
Null Hypothesis, Ho: There is no significant difference between mean height of plant

before and after applying fertilizer. That is u1 u2 = 0

Alternative Hypothesis, H1: There is significant difference between mean height of plant
before and after applying fertilizer. That is u1 u2 0 (Two tailed test)

Question 4. 4.
Briefly compare and contrast Type I and Type II errors.

In hypothesis testing, there can be 2 types of errors, type I and type II. Type I error
is rejection of null hypothesis when it is actually true. While, Type II error is not rejecting
null hypothesis when it is actually false. Probability of Type I error is alpha, while
probability of Type II error is known as beta. Wrongly rejecting a null hypothesis is
considered more serious as compared to wrongly accepting it.



Question 5. 5. Perform the following z-tests using the 5 steps (i.e., null hypothesis, research hypothesis, one vs.
two tail etc.).
A researcher gave the Wechsler Memory Scales (WMS) to 49 people who recently suffered a stroke. The
participants mean memory score on the WMS was 92. The researcher wishes to know if the stroke patients have
different memory abilities than the national average for people who have not had a stroke ( = 100; s = 15).

Null hypothesis, Ho: u = 92
Alternative hypothesis,H1: u =/= 92
Test statistic:
z = (mean-u)/(sd/sqrt(n))







since, |z| > z(a/2), I reject Ho at 5% level of significance and conclude that u =/= 92
stroke patients have different memory abilities than the national average for people who
have not had a stroke
Question 6. 6.
Dr. Stoned wishes to know if giving students Valium during a statistics exam influences their grade. She
recruits 50 undergraduate students from the statistics course that she teaches. She gives half of her
participants Valium and she gives the other half a placebo pill just before they take their final exam. The
average grade for students who took Valium was 82.5, and the average grade for students who took the
placebo pill was 78.5. The estimated standard error of the mean for the two samples was 4.3.
What type of statistical test you should conduct?

Independent sample t test with equal variances.

Question 7. 7.
Dr. Stoned wishes to know if giving students Valium during a statistics exam influences their grade. She
recruits 50 undergraduate students from the statistics course that she teaches. She gives half of her
participants Valium and she gives the other half a placebo pill just before they take their final exam. The
average grade for students who took Valium was 82.5, and the average grade for students who took the
placebo pill was 78.5. The estimated standard error of the mean for the two samples was 4.3.
Should you perform a one-tailed or two-tailed test, why?

Two tailed test because she wish two know whether it influences and not whether test score
is enhanced.
Question 8. 8.
Dr. Stoned wishes to know if giving students Valium during a statistics exam influences their grade. She
recruits 50 undergraduate students from the statistics course that she teaches. She gives half of her
participants Valium and she gives the other half a placebo pill just before they take their final exam. The
average grade for students who took Valium was 82.5, and the average grade for students who took the
placebo pill was 78.5. The estimated standard error of the mean for the two samples was 4.3.
Conduct the appropriate statistical test using the steps for hypothesis testing. Be sure to report your
statistical result in your interpretation.

Ho: there is no significant difference between grades of Valium students and placebo pill
H1: there is no significant difference between grades of Valium students and placebo pill


TEST statistic:
(xbar1 xbar2)/sqrt(S

T(0.05/2, N12.010 two
N2-2) =
635 tailed

Since, t < T(0.05/2, N1-N2-2), I fail to reject ho at 5% level of significance

there is no significant difference between grades of Valium students and placebo pill
Question 9. 9. Dr. Stoned wishes to know if giving students Valium during a statistics exam influences their
grade. She recruits 50 undergraduate students from the statistics course that she teaches. She gives half of her
participants Valium and she gives the other half a placebo pill just before they take their final exam. The average
grade for students who took Valium was 82.5, and the average grade for students who took the placebo pill was
78.5. The estimated standard error of the mean for the two samples was 4.3.
Find the 95% confidence interval.

At 95% confidence interval

Confidence interval for Valium sample

Mean +/- Z critical*Standard error of mean

82.5 +/- 1.96*4.8 = 73.09 to 91.90
Confidence interval for Placebo sample
Mean +/- Z critical*Standard error of mean
78.5 +/- 1.96*4.8 = 69.09 to 87.90

Question 10. 10.

Dr. Stoned wishes to know if giving students Valium during a statistics exam influences their grade. She
recruits 50 undergraduate students from the statistics course that she teaches. She gives half of her
participants Valium and she gives the other half a placebo pill just before they take their final exam. The
average grade for students who took Valium was 82.5, and the average grade for students who took the
placebo pill was 78.5. The estimated standard error of the mean for the two samples was 4.3.
Interpret your confidence interval: what does it mean?

At 95% confidence interval

Confidence interval for Valium sample
Mean +/- Z critical*Standard error of mean
82.5 +/- 1.96*4.8 = 73.09 to 91.90
This implies that there are 95% chances that mean score of student who will take Vallium
pill will be in range of 73.09 to 91.9
Confidence interval for Placebo sample
Mean +/- Z critical*Standard error of mean
78.5 +/- 1.96*4.8 = 69.09 to 87.90
This implies that there are 95% chances that mean score of student who will take Placebo
pill will be in range of 69.09 to 87.9
Question 11. 11. When conducting a z-test, what is the critical value for a one-tailed test with alpha = .05?
the critical value for a one-tailed test with alpha = .05 is 1.65
Question 12. 12.
Fill in the table with the correct decision, Type I error, or Type II error

Reject Null
Fail to reject null

True State of the World

Null is true
(1) Type 1
(3) No error

Null is false
(2) No error
(4) Type 2

Please make sure your answers are preceded by the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Question 13. 13.

What is the appropriate statistical analysis for the following hypothetical study:
A researcher wants to know if her sample of students test scores (M = 87) differ from other college students ( =
85, s = 5).

In order to calculate whether the sample mean is significantly different from population
mean, appropriate statistical analysis would be Z test, by applying Z test we can calculate
probability of sample mean being different from population mean on the basis of which we
can reject or not reject the hypothesis that sample mean is not significantly different than
population mean.
Question 14. 14.
What is the appropriate statistical analysis for the following hypothetical study:
At the end of the semester, I want to compare your pretest scores to your posttest scores to determine if your scores

Whether the mean of post test score is significantly different from mean of post test scores
we will use pair wise t test.
Question 15. 15.
What is the appropriate statistical analysis for the following hypothetical study:
A social psychologist is interested in whether there are gender differences in the number of friends a person has.

Appropriate analysis in this case will t test for comparison of means, because there are
only two types of friends , male and female so in order to calculate where there is
significant difference between number of male and female friends for a person we can use
T test for difference in means.

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