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EDEXCEL HND in Computing

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Students centre no: 760

Edexcel No : DK50642
Assignment Title: Management of Projects
Date Due: 30th December 2012
Page Count:


Student Full Name: I.A.Wickramasinghe

Lecturer Name: Ms. Thanuja Irrugalbandara
Date Submitted: 30th December 2012
Centre Name: E Soft Computer Studies
- Colombo

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

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Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

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Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


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Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Table Contents
Task 1 ..

Task 1.1


Task 1.2

.... 11

Task 1.4

.... 19

Task 1.5

.... 19

Task - 2....


Task 2.1

.... 21

Task 2.2

.... 22

Task 2.3

.... 22

Task 2.4

.... 22

Task 3...


Task 3.1

.... 28

Task 3.2

.... 30

Task 3.3

.... 32

Task 3.4

.... 35

References........................ 41



Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Figure 1.1

Success and failure criteria .......


Figure 2.1

Proposed organizational structure for the given organization


Figure 3.1

Project Schedule


Figure 3.2

Project Schedule in gaunt chart.....


Figure 3.3

Project Plan vs. Actual up to now.....



Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

I heartily thankful to my lecturer, Ms. Thanuja Irrugalbandara, whose encouragement, guidance
and support enable me to develop an understanding of the subject.
Furthermore I like to thank all the experts who helped me in several ways and encourage me to
go ahead with this assignment.
Last but not least, I thank the almighty god for strengthening and empowering me with the
knowledge and ability, and also for the guidance to study in Esoft computer studies.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Task 01
1.1 Using project management principles in any project can be a successful project, in this case
study also project management principles are the key success factors. Since the human
resource management process is not a simple one in the Apolo Hospital, they have face so
much of problems in the current system, such as employees are working in a shift basis and
staff is increasing then the current system is not sufficient to manage the current operation.
More over the staff categories also increasing, like clerks, Midwife, Matron, Nurses, Sisters
Etc. and staff allocation problems so the current system is not functioning well for these
human resource developments. Considering all the problems facing from the current HR
system, Apolo hospital decided to shift to a new HR system call Ultima. For success of this
project need to apply project management principles,
The budget is $50,000 so the budget is fixed for the project; if the project spends more than
the budget the project will be an unsuccessful project therefore needs to complete the project
within the budget and since the budget is outsource project the DMS Solution & PM
company will be not getting any profit. Allocated time for the project is 60 days, the project
need to complete within the allocated time period otherwise project get delayed and the cost
also will be high and the finally the project get failed. Therefore if the project is successful
the Ultima project needs to be finished within 60 days. In project need to cover all the Apolo
hospital requirements, if all the requirements unable to complete then the Apolo will not
satisfied with the system so then the project is not a successful project, its very important the
customer satisfaction, if the customer is satisfied with the project then the project is a quality
project. Its very important to project on time, with in the budget, covering all the
requirements with the quality and customer satisfaction.
Considering all the above factors need to follow the project management principles.
Completing all the above principles, the project will be a successful project if not the project
will not be a successful project.
If the DMS Solutions & PM not following the project management principles the Ultima
project will get failed, if the project failed it will be a loose the profit of the DMS Solution
& PM also. There for following the project management principles the Ultima project will
be a successful project.
1.2 Project Management Success viabilities


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Proper Planning
Proper planning is a one of major success viability of the Ultima project; if the planning
process is success then the execution part will be easy. In development process by using
proper planning each stage will be great advantage to project success.

Clearly defined goals

Set goals in each phase are a very important thing in the project management. Goals
should be clearly defined then the members will have a clear idea about the goal and it
will help to achieve the goal without any hassle. The project team can successfully
complete the project by achieving the goals. After achieving a goal the teams motivation
level will be high.

User Involvement
When developing Ultima project, in requirement gathering process user can involve
the project. Users are the best party to gather necessary information about the current
system and the development areas of the current system.

Clear responsibility and accountability

Project responsibility and accountability need to communicate clearly, then the project
team member will know their responsibilities and its easy to successfully complete the

Competent project manager

Project manager is the person, who can really drive the project to success, having a
competent project manager will be resource to the project. The competent project
manager should be a interpersonally, technically and administratively skilled person.

Competent project team members

Having competent project team member is more important to finish the development
phase in committed time period. If the project team is not competent the time will be
increase to complete project.

Adequate communication channels.

Adequate information is available on the project status, changes, objectives,
organizational coordination, clients needs, etc.



Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Proper communication is a very important to project success, if the project manager

communicate with every parties of the project is very vital and its very important to
success of project development process.

Top management support

If the company top management support to the project then the other parties of the
organization will support to the project.

Sufficient resource allocation

In the project there are different kinds of resources need to use such as money, personal,
logistics, etc. its very important to allocate sufficient resources for project success.

Schedule control
After preparing the project schedule its very important to monitor and control the
schedule, if the project goes wrong need to control the schedule and align the schedule.
Project Management failure viabilities

Lack of user involvement

In the early stage having user involvement is very important to project specification
phase because the users knows the system well and they have better understand of the
system, if the lack of user involvement will direct to project failure.

Incomplete Requirements

Lack or resources

Lack of planning

Lack of IT management

Internal communication links

Technical Illiteracy

Lack of effective teamwork

Time overruns

Changing requirements & specifications

Lack of executive support


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

Figure: 1.1: Success and failure criteria




The project should complete within $50,000

The project should deliver within 60days


Develop the software

Conversion of existing data into
software database
Cover all the

Train the users (initially 2 people) 2
days per person
Installation and go - live within 2 days
Customer satisfaction

Sing off the project


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


1.3 Project management systems

During its life cycle, project management system is a software tool to support the
organizations and projects. Most of the project management system offers the project
manager and the strengthening of these basic features.
Therefore, project management software, has been changed by social media very much.
Using features similar to social networking sites such as WAYN and Facebook, modern
project management system can give a profound connection of the labor force. For example,
in some systems, people have to be informed of what the other person is doing and project
status update feeds from other team members. This network is counterproductive, you can
eliminate the project can enable them work together in a project are closely related. Those
that are expanding internationally, to be the strongest point of their business environment
thousands of companies, has discovered this connection in particular.
Project management system always uses project managers for doing projects. And project
management system is really important for project management.

Principles behind the project management systems

Project Scope Management
When analyzing failed projects can found a common thread all over the project is constantly
or vague changing system requirements. Since the entire project plan and schedule is based
on stable definition of requirement therefore the scope management is very important
predictive projects. Increasing the user requirements and constantly change is ruin a project,
and more difficult to control is scope creep. The scope creep is without impact of the project
increasing the new requirement to the project. The problem of scope creep can become just
as serious in projects that use an adaptive approach. Most of the adaptive approach based on
agile approach. The project never comes to completion if allow any and all changes to the
project. So there is a high risk that the scope can grow uncontrollably. In scope management
techniques there are three main categories.
Defining the scope
Generally, each project has two levels of definition field. The total scope of the new system
is defined at the beginning of the project. A high-level document will provide information
The second level contains the elements of the scope of the project, which is further defined


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


develop system specifications. For forecasting projects, this happens during the analysis and
requirements activities
Verifying the scope
Verification of scope A universal truth is always more system functionality is requested
than can be included within the allowed time and budget. Therefore, user requirements
should be
is approved before they are included in the scope of the system. The project team should
analyze the
impacts of each asset and the cost of the project for the construction, testing, and
deployment activities.

Controlling the scope

Checking Field As mentioned previously, controlling the scope of the project is equally
as defined initially. A formal mechanism should be established to review additional
Applications for new system functions which occur during the construction phase.

Cost Management
Projects launched after estimating the benefits against the costs provided. During the project, the
effectiveness of cost control can make the difference between profit or not. Cost control is
closely linked to all other areas of project management, and in many ways is simply a reflection
of the overall project management. Projects costing off schedule, and projects suffer from scope
creep is more expensive. Cost control is essential for outsourcing projects, such as in-house
The specific objectives associated with project cost management are:
To accurately estimate the anticipated project costs
To accurately predict the cash flow and timing of expenditures
To confine actual project expenditures to those that is included within the plan
To capture and record actual project expenditures correctly
Estimating cost
Each company has its own set of rules to determine which costs should be included in the
expenditure of the project budget of a project can be seriously affected by unforeseen expenses
such as the cost of software licenses, if not foreseen at the start of the project. When a company
has estimated the cost of the project, performing an economic feasibility analysis for the new
system.A major difficulty in the management of project costs is that sometimes the cost must be
calculated before the exact scope of the system is known. That is, an organization that wants to
know if a project is economically feasible before knowing the detailed system requirements.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Predicting Cash Flows

Part of the approval and commencement of the project involves assessing the timing of
expenditure, so that the agency's budget for the monthly and annual costs. Cash flow estimates
may be based on the project schedule, including work to be done and purchases must be made.
Flexibility Matrix
The first three knowledge areas-scope management, time management, and cost management are
very closely connected. A change in a region always induces a change in the other two regions.
For example, an increase in the field will require an addition to the schedule, increasing costs, or
both. This interdependence goes by various names, such as matrix flexibility, triple constraint, or
the triangle area.
Project quality management
A major responsibility of the project manager is to ensure the quality of the final product. But
software is particularly subject to errors and failures. The failure of a single line of code can
bring down an entire system
The sole purpose of the quality management project is to create a system that is:

Easy to use
Fit for its intended purpose

Ease of use is a measure of how quickly and easily users understand and be well with the system.
Ease of use includes assessing the intuitive nature of the system, the effectiveness of specific
tasks, and support tools and support systems.
Fit for its intended purpose
Fitness for purpose gauges how well a system satisfies the business need for which it was
Though how hard the system to handle adverse conditions, such as poor data or even equipment


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Reliability relates to the ability to always give correct results. With all the different types of input
data and combinations of scenarios, the system provides results that are correct?
Can users depend on the results to be absolutely correct all the time?
Security is a newly added feature quality system. In today's environment, where many systems
are exposed to the world via the Internet and therefore possible attacks, new systems should be
designed with security in mind.
Maintainability is related to the ease of modification and upgrade of the system during its
lifetime of use. The business environment for every organization changes over time and almost
all systems must be upgraded and enhanced to support new business requirements
Too often, project managers focus solely on testing program to ensure a high quality system. But
quality control has to be designed from scratch, and procedures should be incorporated into all
project activities.
Project human resource management
The project team is the most important part of the development plan. Even though the year of the
project manager is important, the project team does most of the work to develop the bulk of the
new system. Therefore, another important responsibility of the project manager is to create an
environment that allows team members to work as quickly and efficiently as possible. In other
words, a project manager clears barricades, so the project team can develop intermediate
deliverables and the final system.
To ensure that the project team at the right time with people who have adequate skills in the right
Staff development. To provide appropriate training for team members
The organization of the team. For the organization of the project team and sub-teams to
work effectively.
Create Group. Encourage working groups to become effective labor units
Motivation of team members. Provide leadership and vision to encourage and motivate
team members
Work optimizes the environment. To ensure that the working environment, including
plants, tools, and support, it is favorable to achieve work
Project communication management
Probably the most essential tool for effective teamwork is the ability to communicate.
Communication is essential for each member of the project team, but even more important for
the project manager, the first is the need to receive communications or information. One of the
most critical elements for the success of this project is to collect detailed information to

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


understand the needs of users. This information is also collected from suppliers and other project
stakeholders. In addition, the project manager should gather and assimilate information from the
group on the status, milestones, issues and technical problems. Thus, the procedures should be
established for the whole team to ensure the collection of accurate and timely
Second, the project team should disseminate information. Each team member must indicate his
or her status, progress and results. In addition, team members must explain technical issues to
users and other stakeholders. The project manager has the responsibility to report the status of
the project, to explain the problems, and discuss additional needs of the project with all
Finally, the internal communication among team members is extremely important. All team
members should inform each other about the progress, technical issues and decisions,
specifications, and a host of other items. Specific procedures must be established to ensure that
internal communication is timely and appropriate to communicate vision and provide incentives
and encouragement to team members
Project Integration management
The primary management objective of integration is to see that the project work has been
completed successfully. Management program focuses on the integration of specific tasks to
ensure the work is coordinated and implemented and monitored properly. This area of knowledge
is described through the processes that occur during the lifetime of a project. The qualifications
of all other areas of knowledge included in the project management processes of integration
Seven primary processes involved in managing the integration.
Develop Project Charter
Develop Project Charter is the activity that starts the project. When approved, the project charter
is the document that approves the project and allows the sponsoring organization to provide
funding and allocation of resources.
Developing the Project Scope Document
This document is the definition of high level requirements and for the suggested solution.
Defines the scope of the project and the system solution. The document also includes preliminary
approaches for how the project will proceed.
Develop the Project Management Plan
Basically, this plan describes how the project will be executed, monitored and managed. Provides
the overall vision of all other programs and activities for the project.
Manage Project Execution
This process consists of all activities required to coordinate the work on the project. The
execution of the project tasks usually guided by the project schedule and milestones defined.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Monitoring and Controlling the Project Activity

This process focuses on collecting information on project progress and identify and carry out the
necessary corrective measures to maintain project schedules.
Change management control
Every project has changes during its life. This process includes all mechanisms that recognize
and manage changes to the scope, deliverables, and work plans.
Close Project
The closing of the project includes all the work required to deliver the final deliverables, obtain
endorsement of the client, reallocation of the project team, their close financial accounts and
assessing the performance of the project team
1.4 Key elements of terminating the project
According to the given scenario the project can be terminate in two ways, naturally or
unnaturally. The natural project termination occurs when the project requirements have all been
met. Unnatural termination occurs the project requirements have changed, when performance is
inadequate, or some assumptions have been proven to be false and no longer valid, the most
frequent causes of unnatural closure are lack of time and inadequate project funding. The project
termination can happen in different stage of the project, it can happen in beginning of the project
or middle of the project or end of the project, the termination stage will vary on project to
According to given scenario lets define the key elements on termination of Ultima project in
beginning of the project, middle of the project and end of the project.
Beginning of the project

Natural disaster
Apolo hospital gone bankrupt
DMS Solutions & PM gone bankrupt

Middle of the project

Project goals are no longer relevant to some overall needs
Loss of interest of task remaining
Loss of team identity
Resign the most important personal from the project team
In adequate project funding
Performance is inadequate
End of the project
The project is building in wrong product


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


The product will be obsolete

Successfully completed the project

1.5 Post project appraisal

A post-implementation review is conducted after completing a project. Its purpose is to assess
whether the project objectives are met, to determine the effectiveness of the project was carried
out in order to learn lessons for the future, and to ensure that the organization gets the maximum
benefit from the project.
After a long work, the last thing that many project teams want to do is relive the process and look
for ways to improve. However, a far-reaching revision can discover many tips and strategies to
By conducting a thorough and timely PIR, identifies key lessons learned - and can then apply
these lessons to the planning and management of future projects.
Key elements of post project appraisals.
Look at both positive and negative lesson learned
Success factors
Conduct gap analysis
Staff evaluation & performance
Determine whether the project goals were achieved
Determine satisfaction of stack holders
Determine the project cost and benefits
Identify the areas of future developments
Report findings and recommendations
Look at both positive and negative lesson learned
Lesson learned is very useful when doing post project appraisals, its allows the DMS Solutions
& PM to understand and maximize its strengths, address challenges like when convert previous
data from old format to new format, strategies use when training the users in minimum duration,
think of improvements and use past experience to make future projects. Not only positive lessons
can learn from negative lesson learned also, if the natural disaster delayed the project completion
date how to face that kind of situation etc.
Success factors
Considering about the case study successfully completed the project within $50,000 and the
allocated time (within 60 days) is success factors. then the project is a successful project and the
Apolo hospital will get the benefit from the project
Failures should mention in the post project appraisals, If the Ultima project spend over $50,000
is a failure and if the Ultima project unable to complete the agreed time (within 60 days) if it
drag over 3 or 4 months it will definitely be a failure.

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Conduct gap analysis

Review the Ultima project charter to appraise how closely the project outcomes match the
original objectives. Appraise all the expected deliverables and make sure either that these have
been delivered to an adequate level of quality, or that an acceptable substitute is in place, and if
there are any gaps how will these will closed.
Staff evaluation and performance
Can evaluate each member of the project team, how much contribute to the project and whether
they have completed their given tasks completely or not, and identify their strengths and
weaknesses. If there are members who thoroughly worked towards the project success need to
recognize and these evaluation data will help for next projects when assign project members for
Determine whether the project goals were achieved
If the Ultima project functioning as expected and is it functioning well and in a way that will
adjust smoothly to future operating demands?, need to check users adequately trained and
support. Check whether the essential controls and systems in palace and working properly. If
there are problems need a way to address. Finally need to compare the end results with the
original project plan, in terms of quality, schedule and budget.
Determine satisfaction of stack holders
Need to check whether the end user (Apolo hospital) needs have achieved from the project, did
the project sponsor satisfied with the system, need a way to address if the key individuals arent
Determine the project cost and benefits
DMS Solutions & PM will check the final cost of the project whether it exceeded the budget or
not, and need to cost compare with the benefits achieved. and finally if the project hasnt
delivered a sufficiently large return how can this be improved.
Identify the areas of future developments
Need to check have all the expected benefits been achieved if not what need to achieve the
Report findings and recommendations
How well the Ultima project deliverables assessed, and can Ultima project completed with in 60
days and within $50,000. And also need to check what went wrong the project and how to avoid
these problems in next projects.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Task 02

2.1) According to the given scenario the suitable organization structure is Matrix organizational
structure, because in the organization is more like to Matrix organization structure. In this
company is manufacturing and selling car brakes, therefore this company should have a Finance
department, since this company employing 500 people and should has HR (human recourse)
department, and they are selling brakes then need to have marketing department also. According
to given scenario can assume the below departments in this company

HR Department
In HR department is functioning all the recruitment, training and development, and other HR
functions, headed by Head of HR and have a HR manager and executive.

Sales Department
According to given scenario there is a sales director under him there is a senior sales
manager, for do the operations smoothly there is a field sales manager and under him 2 area

Marketing Department
There is a marketing department to market the car brakes, marketing director heading the
department and brand manager and brand executive is in this department

IT Department
According to the given scenario there is an IT Manager in the company, and lead analyst
programmer is also there in addition to that IT executive is also there.

Finance Department
As a brake manufacturing and selling company there is a finance department. Finance
director is heading the department and finance manager and finance executive is also
working in the finance department.

Administration Department


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


According to the given scenario there is a personal assistant to CEO, who is a very
experience person with administration so he can handle the administration department with
administration executive
Figure: 2.1: Proposed organizational structure for the given organization

2.2) The project team

The sponsor
According to given scenario the most suitable person for sponsor is sales director of the
company, because sales director accountable for offer the benefits of the organization. Project
sponsor is an active role includes ensuring the project still makes sound business sense. The
sponsor monitors the activities and progress of the project leader and the project team. and
also he is responsible for the communicating the project status to the steering committee to
ensure steps are completed in a timely manner and ensure the overall supervision of project
Other responsibilities include

Recognize and make safe all required project team members for the project (e.g.
Functional Champions, Key Uses, and System Administrator.)


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Bear out the devoted participation of each required project team client delegate (available
to commit full-time during peak periods or coverage and backfill of team members
particular areas).
Frequently appraise project status and emerging risks and select/approve possible
solutions from those presented.
Give direction on prioritization of emerging issues and risks.
Give advice and guidance on major project and policy decisions.
Make sure the proper project team members and key decision makers are identified and
available to fulfill their project responsibilities.
Identify and secure access to extra end user staff as needed to support specific areas of
expertise not represented by the project team.
Offer informal project status and communications to project team members and various
user communities.

The Project manager

This role is a very important role of the project, according to the given scenario, CEO is the
most suitable person to be the project manager because he was a project manager and since
he performed well and promoted as a CEO of the company. Project manager is the person
with authority to manage a project. This includes leading the planning and the development
of all project deliverables. The project manager is responsible for managing the budget and
schedule and all project management procedures(scope management, issues management,
risk management, etc.). The project manager is also responsible for the project producing the
results capable of achieving the benefits defined in the business case.and also project
manager is the individual with overall responsibility for managing the project. also
responsible for guiding the project towards the achievement of the desired objectives.
Other responsibilities such as
Negotiate and communicate the terms of reference of the project
Complete the project charter and obtain and customer and sponsor approval
Prepare a project organizational chart
Establish the other project system processes and documentation will be used and
completed during the project
The project champion
Considering the above scenario IT manager is the person who suitable as a project champion,
because who likes to get responsibility for creating new sales system. Project champion should
be empowered to make decisions for their region and area community of users. The project
champion to better determine the flow of current and anticipated transactions in the software
module. Project champion and also can develop organizational processes to system processes
existing and new developing methods for solving gaps in the process identify reporting
requirements and data for the respective modules to support end users, and identify the needs of


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


conversion of data to support their modules.

The main responsibilities of the following
Major responsibilities as follows

Compromise of user requirements to the new system capabilities.

Link between user community and project team; Act as a adviser and connection to other
users of that functional area.
Signify the user interests in system design and software configuration decisions.
Design and design of software strictures for each module.
Classify and apply business process improvements and changes.

Project steering committee

The Steering Committee of the project includes the management and other stakeholders at
the leaders who will be directly affected by the success or outcome of the project. During
implementation, the Steering Committee consensus or influence most strategic objectives for
the acceptance of the project and the implementation of the approved scope, approach,
schedule and budget . Due to the relatively short duration of the implementation of the
software project itself, the Steering Committee will commit more time and focus on the bill,
use, measurement and refinement. Post implementation activities of software. Steering
Committee responsibilities such as

Decisions that can change the organization of the project, the scope of the project, or the
allocation of project funding

Enterprise-wide data sharing: It is clear sponsoring client information organization and

data sharing strategy, which states that personal information must be centralized and
available throughout the organization (depending on the needs and security pending) to
share in order to promote efficiency and better service the customer. This information
strategy further prohibits individuals or groups from operating systems, systems silos
shadow or other autonomous or disconnected systems or systems that do not result from
the information made customer in the CRM system designated..

Support the project team in the resolution of cross-functional areas.

Keep informed of project status; ask questions to make sure correct understanding.

Provide input for Project Leader and Project Manager broken up appraisal.

Ensure that the direction of the project continues to be in line with the original mission
and goals set forth at the beginning of the project.

Give project oversight and guidance on strategic issues and direction.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Offer interpretation of company or project vision, direction and execution of objectives

Project Coach / Facilitator

All project team members
Every project team member has a duty to make a proactive and positive contribution to the
project. All team members are owners of the project and the new system and are personally
accountable for taking charge of their respective areas and promoting the project to their user
communities and colleagues.
Project team members duties such as

Review circulated correspondence; provide feedback as required

Provide input to process improvement ideas
Identify high impact / high return opportunities within respective areas
Proactively ask questions and offer input
Keep Project Stakeholders updated
Act as liaison and constituent for represented user community: Keep user community
informed of project status and progress, provide a mechanism for users to contribute to
project and voice suggestions for improvement
Attend every Project Team status meeting; recognize the importance of this project to the
Contribute to the solution: never offer criticism without suggestion. Team members must
be contributors, not listeners

Task 2.3
The project manager must develop their leadership skills and use leadership styles and behaviors
as needed during a project. Leadership is about getting things done through others and leaders
must use a variety of tools and techniques to adapt to the situation and the desired outcome. It is
the same for project managers to deliver a successful project.According to the given scenario
there are technical people in the team, they are good in implementing the software but they have
no project management experience, as a leader he should be able to get the work done within the
team on time and according to given budget , main problem in this company is people they are
good in their profession, but they dont have project management experience, they will be able to
developed the software but not on time and not within the budget that part need to control the
good leader. Furthermore there are some highlighted leadership qualities are there such as
Project leader should inspires a shared vision
An effective project manager must have a vision of where to go and the ability to express it.
Visionaries thrive on change and be able to draw new borders, visionary leaders still allow


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


people to feel they have a real interest in the project. They allow people to discover their own
Need to be a good communicator
This is the second most important skill having good communication skill with people at all
levels. Project leadership requires clear communication about goals, responsibility, performance,
expectations and feedback. The project leader is also the bond of the team for the larger
organization. The leader must have the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when
necessary to ensure the success of the team and project. Through effective communication,
project leaders support individual achievement and team by creating explicit guidelines for
accomplishing results and for the advancement of team members.
One of the most important things a project manager must have good leadership requires
commitment and demonstration of ethical practices. Creating standards for ethical behavior for
oneself and living by these standards, as well as rewarding those who exemplify these practices,
are responsibilities of project managers. Leadership motivated by self-interest does not serve the
welfare of the team. Leadership based on integrity represents nothing less than a set of values on
the other hand, a behavior consistent with values and dedication to honesty with self and team
Enthusiasm is the One of the highlighted leadership quality because no one of the team members
likes to work with a leader who is very idle. Enthusiastic leaders are committed to their goals and
fulfill this commitment through optimism. Leadership seems confident someone expresses this
commitment to a project that others want to share their optimistic expectations.
The good leader should have empathy not the sympathy, if the leader has a quality like sympathy
he or she will not become a good leader, Empathy, on the other hand, assumes the existence of
the object as a separate individual, entitled to his own feelings,
Leadership skills are not necessarily refer to the technical capacity of project manager in the
technology base of the company. As project management continues to be recognized as a field in
itself, project leaders will be selected based on their ability to lead others rather than on technical
skills, as in the past. Have a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent.
Expertise in leadership is another dimension of competence.
Ability to delegate tasks
Trust is an essential element in the relationship of a project leader and his team. The chief
demonstrate trust in others by the actions of leaders - at which point the leader check and control
their work, how the delegate leader and how it allow people to participate. People who can not


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


trust others often fail as leaders and forever remain little more than micro-managers, or end up
doing all the work themselves.
Team building skills
A team builder can be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team
together in common purpose to good purpose. For a team to move a group of strangers to a
single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this
transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each
stage of team development. The leader must also have a good understanding of the different
styles of team players and how to capitalize on each at the right time, for the problem at hand.
Problem solving skills
Team members expect the team leader to have excellent problem solving skills, any problem if
there Arise there is person to take a leading role in solving the problem in this kind of situation
he should have skills to lead the team.
Can handle the stress
In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and without major
problems or obstacles to overcome, since the real world the project manager has to deal with
practical problems A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders
encounter a stressful event, they consider interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome
and they see it as an opportunity.
Task 2.4
According to project management expertise view the good project team should have less than 20
members, no need to have a large project team to success the project. According to this scenario,
8 members are enough for this project.
It is well known that the number of projects use increases as the complexity of communication.
Great teams may be required to again project manager must ensure that the detailed project
planning compensates the increased need for communication and coordination among team
Effective project teams rely on good people organized in a good project structure, the allocation
of project resources can contribute to success in having dedicated members of the project team
are not managed or matrix distributed across multiple projects or responsibilities.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Task 03

Task 3.1
As a project manager my first responsibility was identify the triple constrains of the Apolo
project, such as cost, time and the scope of the project.
Mainly the project can divided in to two main phases such as
1. Development of the software
2. Implementation
Development of the software
This phase is the initial phase of the project after this phase only can go to the implementation
phase, this phase can divided in to four sub parts
Gathering requirements
When gather the requirements can use the fact finding techniques to success this phase, in
this sub phase need to gather each and every necessary information for the Apolo project.
Its very important to make a proper database for this project. I have allocated 7 days for
this phase and estimated cost of this phase is $2,000.
Analyze and design
This is one of the main phases of the project, if the analyzing and design part accurate in
the project then no need afraid of the accuracy of the project because if the design is
correct the outcome is also accurate. Considering the importance of the phase I have
allocated 14 days and the budgeted cost will be $8,000
This phase is the most time consuming phase, need more human resources to success this
phase. There are so much of activities in this phase; programmers have the main
responsibility of this phase. in this phase I have allocated 18 days and cost will be
There are two main type of testing Unit testing and integration testing, testing part is very
important in any kind of project, because there is no value if the project is not accurate
and if the results are wrong. Therefore I have allocated 6 days for the testing and cost will
be $5,000


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Installing configuration of the software
After developing the software then it needs to install and configure the software in
client organization. It takes nearly 2 days and cost will be $1,900.
Conversion of existing data into software database
Apolo hospital currently has the manual data and it need to convert in to new
database format. Then the old data will be available in the new system. I have
allocated 3 days and the cost will be $3,500.
DMS solutions & PM consultancy will train two people within two days, then trained
2 people will train two people of the Apolo staff, the plan is the trained one person
will train another one person, after calculating the duration the 14 staff members can
train within 8 days. The cost will be $1,000.
Installation and go live
After developing the software it need to test in the client site, and need to go live and
identify if there are any issue, it take 2 days and the cost will be $1,600.
Figure: 3.1: Project Schedule




No of days

Cost ($)

Gathering requirements


Analyze and design








Software configuration


Conversation existing data in to

new software database


Train the users


Software installation and go live






Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Figure: 3.2: Project Schedule in gaunt chart


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Task 3.2
Current status of the project
We have been successfully completing our project after 30 days from our starting date, below is
the progress summery which the project has achieved.
Figure: 3.3: Project Plan vs. Actual up to now




No of days


Cost ($)








Analyze and










Planed Tasks
According to the project schedule I have planed two activities for 21 days referring the above
table though our budgeted no of days were 21 but after finishing our two activities we have
spend 30 days and we are 9 days behind the budget but happily informed that the actual cost par
with the budget. Please refer the further details of the two activities which we have planed.
Gathering requirements
Since the gathering requirements is a very important in the Ultima system, we have allocated 7
days for gathering requirements. All the staff of the apolo hospital has gave their fullest support
to success this task. We have spent extra 2 days because of the practical issues which we have
Analyze and design
If the analyze and design part is accurate then the full project will be successful otherwise if the
analyze and design part is not complete perfectly the problems will occur during the project
considering all the data, we had to spent extra 7 days for analyze and design part, this is one of
the time consuming activities of the project.

Problems faced
Considering the above current activity plan, major problem faced was the time. Currently the
project is behind 9 days from the original plan; all the employees from the apolo hospital were

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


supported so far, we found that some employees have told bogus information so we had to
consume more time to get the correct information. And also we have faced another problem was
some of the manual documents are difficult to get the information, because of the unclear hand
writing. Final problem we faced was our expert system analyzer got sick about 4 days,
Lessons learned
Since we came to know that some employees have gave bogus information, so we learned that
need to check the information not only one person same information need to check from different
people. Some documents were not clear and we tried to get information from those documents
without their help, but finally we realized that we need to get apolo employees help to get
information from the documents. Other problem was as mention above our expert system
analyzer got sick, if we had a extra analyzer as a backup we had to save that 4 days.
Plans for next week
We are going to start our second phase on next week; first we are going to start the development
process, in the schedule we have allocated more days for the development phase. Because that is
one of the most important activity in the project
Risk identified
There are no backup people to cover key peoples work when theyre not available.
9 days behind the original schedule.
For next tasks of the project need more money.
Identify dependencies.
Need to document the each and every activity of the project.
Need a quality management plan.
Need to have a communication management plan.
Identified hidden costs
Handled risks
Have taken decision to recruit backup people to cover key persons work when they are
not available.
Need to amend the schedule according to the time plan and need to strictly stick to the
More concern about the budget because need more money for rest of the project
Determine the resource dependencies and how we are going to use resources for this
Going to document the each and every activity of the project
Going to implement quality management plan
Going to implement communication management plan.
Prepare a plan for hidden cost

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Task 3.3
Changes to the software often stem from the customer of the project, so the problem is not the
change itself but how the change is managed. Customers are requesting changes because if they
want to change the software for increase the comparative advantages, its very important to
evaluate the requested change whether it is feasible or not. In a project its very important to
accept project changes if its feasible because finally if the customer dissatisfied with the product
the product quality will go down, main thing is to accept project change is customer satisfaction.
not only customers satisfaction there are many things because of that need to accept the project
changes. if the project deliverable is not in the expected quality in that situation also need to
change and other thing is if the project deliverable need to improve the product quality because
of the market situation is also very important. Accepting project changes there are some
opportunities for additional project work.
When the request for amendment proposed project the project leader must rout the proposed changes
through a change control (CCS). CCS may also include consideration of amendments proposed by a
change control board (CCB). Changes can be approved or rejected on the basis of various criteria,
such as cost-benefit ratio (BCR), the value changes, risk and capital policy. There are basically three
types of changes that need to be addressed to ensure a successful project. These are

Technical changes: These are the inside changes in scope of the work of the project.

Market changes: These are changes that are predictable due to external market situations
such as competitors product or service enhancements or regulatory changes.

Contractual changes: Changes that are made on the contract with the stakeholder or
supplier. These changes include but not limited to the terms & conditions, scope of work,
necessities, schedule, costs etc.

The most important function of a project manager is to prevent uncontrollable changes. Uncontrolled
and unplanned change user / stakeholder expectations and requirements that a project always runs a
negative impact on a project. This is known as scope creep. Many times, new features are added to
the project with an erroneous assumption that a small feature will not add cost or schedule. This
unexpected addition is called creep function.


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


A change in one of the triple constraints of a project has an impact on the other two. The key is to
find a balance between the need to manage the scope of the project to agreed requirements, cost and
To cope with changes use a formal change control procedure as follows:

Change request get in writing or using change request template

When someone asks for a change that will potentially impact for project, insist that the
requestor submit the change request in writing using a change request template.

Review the impact of the change

The project in terms of cost, schedule, performance and outcome. Review also what will
happen if not implement the change.

Accept or reject the change depending on the importance of the change, you can involve
the team members and/or the project sponsor in making the decision. If the change has been
rejected, inform the requestor and all concerned parties.

If the change has been accepted, document it, and update the project plan to take into account
the changes impact on the projects schedule, budget and outcome.

Communicate the accepted change and its impact to the requestor and all concerned parties
(include the change in the next project review meeting).

Task 3.4
Considering the given scenario its better to have a project development process which can
change the project to gain competitive advantages of the customer. There is a competition among
the hospitals, so the hospital also tries to get the latest technology to get competitive advantages
therefore the requirements of the Apolo hospital also change in last minute, so if the project can
cope up their requirements it will be a competitive advantage to the hospital. And the other thing
is, if the project get so many time duration to provide deliverable then also it will be a obsolete
project, if get the competitive advantages from the project the project deliverable need to be
deliver in short duration. Project cost also very important when considering the competitive
advantages from the project, if the cost is high the benefits will be less.
Because of the project the business process also will be changed, because once apply the project
the manual works will be less and can reduce extra employees and this is a comparative
advantage in order to gain business benefits. Having a good system the employees of the Apolo
hospital also will like to work and they will motivate about their day to day work. Having a very

Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


efficient system the Apolo will increase the no of patent because of the efficiency of the Apolo
hospital has the patent also will like to get medicine in the Apolo hospital. If the no of patent
increased the turnover of the Apolo will automatically increased.
Recommendations to keep the projects viable
Regular updates of the project.
End user involvement and update users about the changes of the project.
Project process will be easy when using agile process.
Well planed and clear business objectives.
Find out whether the project goals were completed
Determine the project benefits and scope.
Use project management expertise to the project
Conducting the gap analysis of the project.
Classify lessons learned.
Check whether the stakeholders were satisfied
Find out the areas of further developments.

References - viewed on 13th

Oct 2012 viewed on 23th Oct 2012


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32

33 viewed on 26th Oct 2012 viewed on 2nd Nov 2012 viewed on 5th Nov 2012 viewed on 10th h Nov 2012 viewed on
10th Nov 2012
viewed on 15h Nov 2012
%20project%20-%20Public%20Version110525.pdf viewed on 20th Nov 2012 viewed on 26th Nov 2012 viewed on 26th

Nov 2012 viewed
on 30th Nov 2012


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34 viewed on 4th Dec 2012 viewed
on 10th Dec 2012
viewed on 10th Dec 2012 viewed on 15th Dec 2012 viewed on 20th Dec 2012


Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32



Management of Projects Assignment - Batch 32


Unit Title: Management of Projects

Assessment Criteria

Possible evidence

P1 Understand the principles of

project Management
P1.1 explain the principles of project

Describe the importance of project management

principals. TASK 1.1

P 1.2 discuss viability of projects with

particular emphasis on the criteria for

Explain the project success / failure viabilities when

carrying out the project development process. TASK 1.2

P 1.3 explore principles behind project

management systems and procedures

Explain the term called project management systems. &

identify the principals behind the project management
systems. TASK 1.3

P 1.4 explain key elements involved in

terminating projects and conducting
post-project appraisals.

When carrying out the project development process for

the above project, identify what are the key elements that
is terminating project. TASK 1.4, TASK 1.5

Achieved Feedback

P2. Be able to plan a project in

terms of organization and people

P 2.1 plans the most appropriate

organisational structure.
P 2.2 discuss roles and responsibilities
of participants within a project
P 2.3 carry out the control and coordination of a project

Identify & briefly describe their duties & responsibilities in

the project development process. TASK 2.1

Identify & describe what are the highlighted leadership

qualities, requirements that a project team leader must
have to control & coordinate a project TASK 2.2


P2.4 document project leadership

requirements and qualities.
P2.5plan specific human resources
and requirements for a project

In a project managers point of view describe how you

suppose to plan & specify human resources to meet your
objective. TASK 2.3

P3. Be able to manage project

processes and procedures
P3.1 design the project organization
with reference to prepared project
management plans
P3.2 use project scheduling and cost
control techniques
P3.3 report the methods used to
measure project performance
P3.4- report project change control
P3.5 discuss the outcomes of the
project and make recommendations

Grade Description Merit

Prepare a complete project plan to meet the final

objective/s. you must include a proper schedule for each
task, a complete cost plan with unnecessary cost
reduction & controlling techniques.
TASK 3.1 and TASK 3.2

Prepare a report to your immediate head to update the

status of the project development process, (report must
be a summarized one) TASK 3.3

Proper description of change control procedure according

to the given project. TASK 3.4
Give your recommendations to make the project success.
TASK 3.5

Possible evidence



M1. Identify and apply strategies to M1.1. Effective Judgments have been made in identifying
find appropriate solutions
proper solutions for the scenarios given.
M1.2.Complex problems with more than one variable have
been explored
M1.3. An effective approach to study and research has
been applied to identify and explain tasks
apply M 2.1. Relevant theories and techniques have been applied
in creating designs, developing and testing the databases.
appropriate methods/techniques
M2.2. A range of methods and techniques have been applied
M2.3 A range of sources of information has been used
M 2.4. The selection of methods and techniques has to be
justified in best way
M2.5 The design of methods/techniques has been justified
M2.6 Complex information/data has been synthesized and
M2.7 Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been
M3. Present and communicate M 3.1. The appropriate structure and approach has been
used according to assignment written document given with
appropriate findings
assignment set

M3.2 Coherent, logical development of principles/concepts

for the intended audience
M 3.3.A ranges of methods of presentation have been used
and technical language has been accurately used. Submit the
assignments on or before due date specified and the 80%
attendance for classes.
M3.4 The communication is appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used.

Grade Description Distinction

D1. Use critical reflection to evaluate
own work and justify valid

Possible evidence
D 1.1.Conclusions have been arrived at thorough synthesis
when designing, developing and testing databases and they
have been justified.



D.1.2 The validity of results has been evaluated using

D.1.3 Self-criticism of approach has taken place
D1.4 Realistic improvements have been proposed against
characteristics for success
D2. Take responsibility for managing D 2.1 Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated
and organizing activities.
D 2.2. Substantial activities, projects or investigations have
planned, managed and organized
D.2.3 Activities have been managed
D.2.4 the unforeseen has been accommodated
D.2.5 The importance of interdependence has been
recognised and achieved
D3. Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ D 3.1 Ideas have been generated and decisions taken
creative thinking
D.3.2. Self-evaluation has taken place
D.3.3. Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
D.3.4 Problems have been solved

D.3.5. Innovation and creative thought have been applied

D.3.6. Receptiveness to new ideas is evident
D.3.7. Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar

Tutors general comments and assignment feedback




Development needs


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