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David Baxter

Annotated Bibliography
Carlisle, Kate. Personal Interview. TBD Kate Carlisle is the recently appointed associate
pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Owensboro, Ky. This interview will give
the story of the coming about of female clergy in the Presbyterian Church from a
female perspective.
Carroll, Jonathon. Personal Interview. TBD Jonathan Carroll is the pastor at First
Presbyterian Church in Owensboro, Ky. This interview will give the story of the
coming about of female clergy in the Presbyterian Church from a male
Chaves, Mark, and James Cavendish. "Recent Changes In Women's Ordination Conflicts:
The Effect Of A Social Movement On Intraorganizational Controversy." Journal
For The Scientific Study Of Religion 36.4 (1997): 574-584. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Oct. 2013. For over one hundred years there have been debates
over women being ordained within the church. Data dating back to the 1920s
shows that the most recent change in this argument occurred in the 1970s.Four
points are made on the differences of the post 1970s arguments and pre 1970s
Chryssides, George D. Christianity Today. London: Continuum, 2010. eBook Academic
Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 15 Oct. 2013. This book discusses many aspects
of modern Christianity and how it has been affected and molded by people and
events of the past.
Koch, Jerome R.Curry, Evans W. "Social Context And The Presbyterian Gay/Lesbian
Ordination Debate: Testing OpenSystems Theory." Review Of Religious
Research 42.2 (2000): 206. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 3 Oct.
2013. This paper discusses the ordination of openly gay and lesbian leaders within
the Presbyterian Church. Members of the Presbyterian General Assembly not only
wished to restrict leaders homosexual behavior, but also their sexual behavior in
those leaders who are not homosexual. Generally speaking, leaders of the church
who live conservatively tend to interpret the Bible as a literal testament and
oppose homosexuality.
Rosik, Christopher, Tiffany Renteria, and Alyse Pittman. "Psychological Profiles Of
Individuals Seeking Ordination In The Episcopal Or Presbyterian (PCUSA)
Churches: Comparisons And Contrasts." Pastoral Psychology 61.3 (2012): 359373. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Oct. 2013. This is a study of 138
individuals seeking ordination, 90 of which are Episcopal, 48 of which are
Presbyterian. Results of tests comparing denomination and gender suggest
socially skilled and well-adjusted applicants. The studies also showed that female
applicants approach tasks and circumstances with more emotion than male

David Baxter
Sullins, Paul. "The Stained Glass Ceiling: Career Attainment For Women Clergy."
Sociology Of Religion 61.3 (2000): 243. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Oct.
2013. Although female clergy have been formally accepted into many churches,
many individuals still feel discrimination. As time goes on and as more women
hold clergical positions, the discrimination will diminish. Too many women are
represented as having lowly respected positions in the church. Studies in the
Presbyterian Church show a parallel to the Episcopalian Church
Wykes, David L. "'The Minister's Calling': The Preparation And Qualification Of
Candidates For The Presbyterian Ministry In England, 1660-89." Dutch Review
Of Church History / Nederlands Archief Voor Kerkgeschiedenis 83.1 (2003): 271280. Religion and Philosophy Collection. Web. 3 Oct. 2013. This paper examines
individuals in the Presbyterian ministry and their qualifications before 1689, when
toleration began. Included is information on ordination, education of
nonconformists and other contributions of Oliver Heywood, minister.

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