Cycles of The Soul

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Cycles of the Soul

Disk 1 Track 1
Student: Why do we reincarnate?
Eric: We reincarnate in order to progress intellectually, spiritually, consciously; we are in a
learning process to evolve. If we are trying to find God, per se, or God is the ultimate destination
then the process of understanding that destination is also to be able to appreciate that destination,
to comprehend that destination. So, in order to move forward or in order to evolve is a matter of
a learning process. Its to say that one lifetime simply is not enough. Ten lifetimes are not
necessarily enough.
When you look at the universe, the age, the content, the vastness - in order to be able to
express a deeper understanding of it you would have to say that one has to be able to reflect, to
be able to comprehend or have a comparison, a knowledge base thats built upon knowledge of
more knowledge in order to be able to savor this. Its to say that if you are thirty years old and
you look at yourself when you were twenty you will see that theres a vast difference in your
consciousness, your perception of things, your take, your emotional openness to things. When
youre 40 or 50 or 60, again, its like a fine wine. But in this case were not just becoming old
enough to look at life in this lifetime, or this world, or the reality thats around us in life. But
were expected now to move towards a higher consciousness, or towards God, or the Universe,
or the vastness. And it would take almost lifetimes to begin to even savor the finer moments of
something so vast and so incredible. We reincarnate to improve; we reincarnate to become more
so than what we were before, and its the necessity to consciously expand.
Student: When someone actually incarnates, how does a soul enter the body?
Eric: Well, I dont believe necessarily, and this is where were going to get into some shaky
waters because there's the opinion that one wants to be absolutely compassionate and wants to
have a beautiful position. Sometimes some of the things I have to say would seem a little bit less
emotional or what may appear as less caring or less loving. And that's not the case at all. I believe
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that a spirit, or the soul, or an incarnated being, or a being who wishes to incarnate enters a body
upon the moment of birth. When the water breaks and eventually the baby's head begins to come
out - I think there's a word for it; Im trying to search - but as its moving throughout the field of
this body there's a particular moment that it is susceptible to having a spirit or soul incarnate into
In some ways you could say that's why there's a soft spot on the skull. Its almost to say
that if the skull was there it may have a higher level of preventing this energy to move in there.
Its debatable, but its to say that theres an arena allowing the spirit to come into the body. I do
not believe in possession. I do not believe that an entity or a spirit can go into a person to possess
them. Therefore, in my opinion it is extremely unlikely that an entity is going to be able to go
through a human beings field to get to the womb to the baby that theyre developing within their
body. And therefore, the only opportunity is when the baby's actually crowning, per se, or coming
out of the body range of the mother. But the energy field from the person is too strong to allow
that entrance until that baby moves out there.
When I was born, my mother refers to the story about my birth. She was at the time an
atheist and very scientific in her approach. Also, just for the record, she did not believe in taking
any kind of pain relievers or drugs or stuff like that. I cant say for sure specifically if she did or
didn't, but I believe she has communicated that she did not. She said that when I was lifted out
there was a glow of light, a shining golden light around my head. She at first thought that, Well,
maybe this is hair or blonde hair or something, being that shes German. She says that she
remembers reopening her eyes to adjust her focusing and there it was. She says that the doctor
was holding me in slow motion because he was pausing. So was the nurse that was there; it was
on a military base. I guess there was an understanding that something unusual was happening.
There was a presence in the room and stuff, and I would say that was the moment that I chose to
move within my physical body. So, therefore, this glow was really just an intense moment of me
moving in, choosing this moment. She says it enveloped into the skull or the head. And she said it
just kind of moved in and it just faded as it was moving in, but you could see the intensity going
in. She said that, and then it was like normal. It was like everybody just kind of breathed. And
they went on to, of course, clean me or do whatever they were going to do and nobody talked
about it. It was just kind of like it was a nonissue; dont discuss it, and she says she didn't know
what to make of it. It was just a very unusual moment.

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So, again, the crowning happens. It moves outside of the barrier of the energy field from
the mother. This is the opportunity that allows a spirit to come into the baby. So what I was
saying earlier about sounding very unemotional, that I know of some people who have miscarried.
Of course they want to have a funeral for their baby and such. I know it sounds terrible for me to
say, Well it did not necessarily have an incarnated soul in it. Its not to say that it was soulless.
This is a whole other topic that one would have to go into regarding my belief of the development
of a soul or whether a being already thats more advanced moves into that body . . . So, Im sure
well cover that as we progress.
Student: Can two souls interfere with each other or try to move into one body?
Eric: There are certainly situations where these things have attempted to occur. Its extremely
difficult, and I dont really believe its necessarily something that can happen easily. The only way
that I can explain it is - again, I use this analogy a lot - is to take two magnets and push them
against each other when theyre repelling. Its the same thing. When the baby is presented for its
opportunity for a soul to move in (because its for the duration of time) the energy that kind of
moves into that field instantly starts to create a reaction where other energy fields are pushed
away. So its to say that if there was a horse race, its a photo finish. Do you see? You could say
that its just a tenth of a tenth of an inch ahead of the other one. Whichever one hits, there's a
natural reaction with the energy fields to repel another energy field, per se. Its the only way I can
describe it. Its unlikely. I cannot say if I recall ever two souls being in one body. I would
probably say that I am not aware of something like that.
Student: Whats the main attractor that causes a soul to incarnate into a particular family or
Eric: It depends on the soul. Many people who have created a soul and then die and are able to
move, (what I call through the various energy fields of the earth or dimension, or space) are able
to hold their dimensional body together. If they are not really evolved or developed, theyre kind
of pushed and moved randomly, and its kind of just opportunity that arises that they actually will
find the right place to kind of go to. Its an instinct. Its like a salmon finding its way up a river,
just much stronger. Of course youre talking frequencies of light or speeds of light, speeds of
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energy. So time is very different, but theyre drawn. Its like a beacon; they can sense these
windows of opportunity, and they just seize, usually, the best opportunity.
I think its a fallacy to say that all these people are always incarnated in the same families.
I think its wonderful again, and I think I would love to believe in that perspective because its
very warm and fuzzy and loving to think youre going to be brought back into the same family.
People dont want to let go; they dont want to let go of loved ones and rightfully so. So for us to
create a comfort level, we create the concept that theyll be incarnated back in our family, or
maybe that's where I was from before. Unfortunately when we let our emotions get too involved,
its what really creates a loss in spiritual knowledge. Sometimes we have to remove a little bit of
that to really boil down to the more likelihood of what the truth is. So as a soul becomes more
advanced and more trained, people who really learn this kind of knowledge that Im sharing with
you, they reflect on it; it becomes part of their consciousness; they develop higher levels of ability
to exist outside of the physical body.
Therefore, they do not have as much of a need to progress, to search for an invitation for
a host or a body to work with, so they may find other things to do or to progress, other
dimensions or such. As they become more advanced, of course, they can become more selective.
They can choose to be born on a different continent, or maybe selectively be aware or follow a
person that may be pregnant and say, This is the particular place that I would like to be born
into, or, This particular birthing moment is what Im waiting for, or choose an Asian culture or
Afro-American culture or European culture. Everything is very inviting at that point. There's not a
sense of one kind of person being better than another. Its like when you leave your body, you
have this kind of higher understanding of things, and you want to explore possibilities that are
very different than youre culturally ready to experience. That's why you look at these other
cultures and that could be very appealing to you as a more advanced being.
Student: Does everyone reincarnate?
Eric: No. It gets into the old saying of, some people who are objecting to the concept of
reincarnation, they say, Well how can everybody have an incarnated soul, or be incarnated, as
there are more people on the earth than there were a hundred years ago, and so on and so forth.
So there are more people than there are prospectively souls in each generation you could say. And
Ive never found that a challenge because Ive always believed and understood that, as a soul is
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created by pondering on ones identity, ones self. In other words, I believe that the majority of
human beings are biochemical, biological beings - who think, who feel, who have emotions - but
as science dictates they are more or less creations of nature in the sense that they have chemicals
and reactions and trained thought and go through the training process and they do create a sense
of identity. They are real. They are beautiful. They are beings.
But I think that when they die if they do not look to pursuing a growth of creating a soul,
they, in essence, surrender all of their experiences to what I call the Gaia consciousness. Like
raindrops into a bucket that if the planet is a living organism, it also must utilize some source to
attain its knowledge, much the same way that cells of your body will die more or less to give you
their electrical impulse, their soul, to become part of your consciousness in your mind. So in my
opinion the large majority have not developed a soul in the sense that its going to progress on
individually. That may seem again harsh to some people, but thats what I believe.
A soul is created when man is at a point where he has evolved intellectually, or evolved
emotionally or spiritually. Its not really a matter of intelligence as much as there's a sensory
within you; or a moment that I say that God speaks to you or the Universe speaks to you and it
says, Hey there's something more than what you perceive. Again it could be the sixth sense
kicking in, and in some people it may be a little bit stronger genetically than it is in other people,
or for whatever matter it is. They may just ponder at looking at their hand opening and closing
and begin to say, Is this what I am? Is this flesh what I am? Is this all that I am? And there is a
moment of revelation that one might begin to reflect that theyre something more than what they
are. I often say this is when the filaments of Prana or energy all of a sudden become like little dots
of light shooting into this person.
It is the moment of the second conception, meaning that you were maybe conceived
biologically within the womb as a biological creation with some forces of energy. Now you have
matured to a point where youre now creating your dimensional body, something beyond this
physical body. You are now building a dimensional body to go beyond this physical life. Much
like your physical body, its going to require a kind of food or a kind of energy to build, and
largely, that is going to be based upon how you reflect on things, or how you think or how you
evolve over time.
Student: When you die at what point does your soul actually leave your body?

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Eric: Theres a variety of situations one can die. Okay? I think that you know a lot of near death
experiences arent really the soul leaving the body - although again this is one of these things we
would like to believe in. We have this tunnel that many religious people speak of, and they say
they see their loved ones at the end or a religious being. Whats interesting is that many cultures
have what they perceive as being the icon of their religion. So its not just Jesus at the end; it
could be Buddha; it could be Krishna; it could be family members. So I always find it interesting
when its always isolated that, Oh it must be real because its Jesus. Well its as real to
whatever you really believed and impart into this process. It can be created under circumstances
with magnetic waves and various institutions. Now they can create the same tunnel effect and
very similar effects. So we certainly believe that it is an actual brain event. Just because the heart
has stopped and the body has stopped, brain death hasnt necessarily set in. Even so, if there is a
decrease in the brain significantly, its not to say that there are deep regions of the brain still
functioning on some minimal energy level. I dont believe that the person necessarily has departed
their physical body at that point.
What really happens is this: the physical body with birth is kind of like an engine turned
on. The heart is pumping and the electricity is moving; the body fluids are moving; the metrics of
a body are alive; its functioning. Its like a generator that creates an electrical magnetic field is
the only way I can describe it. And it holds the soul in place. As long as this energy field is
moving and is affecting it, it holds a frequency that, like Velcro, ties the physical body into the
dimensional body into the physical one. So when you die, when the heart stops, when the body
begins to stop this energy field begins to fail. It begins to decrease, and the power of it to hold
your soul in diminishes to the point where it can just jump out. Now, whats interesting is that
people say theyll be floating above their bodies. Then when theyre brought back to life they feel
like theyre pulled back in. And theres a truth to that. When they can actually shock the body or
get the body to start creating that energy field again, it is like a magnetic force that just literally
pulled that frequency right back into it. And the reason for this is because your soul energys so
matched to this body from being within it for the period of time its been in that theres an
incredible linkage there. So even if the body is physically there, theres not a full death, I think, in
the brain.
When the brain is completely collapsed then the soul is really free to go. But it will linger
until that absolute death is there. Its almost as if somethings holding it kind of close until those
final moments. This explains a lot of the coming and goings of people - floating above the surgery
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room and reading the label of the lamps above them or something where they couldnt have
possibly seen it or known conversations. In either case, the moment that the body leaves is when
it actually completely collapses the majority of the energy field that exists within it to give it
biological life, I always say.
Disk 1 Track 2
Student: When you die and your souls free, do you float around or what happens after that?
Eric: There is this lingering until the body completely dies. I always say, True brain death must
occur before you actually can really move away. For most people, depending on if youve
created a soul or if you havent, if you havent created necessarily a soul, the vessel of it, there is
a deep peace. There is a very releasing moment of inner peace. Its like saying that you surrender
and its like most people say, Well, theyre at peace now; theyve passed on, or whatever. Its a
very beautiful state and they kind of surrender themselves to what I say is the Gaia mind
frequency. They merge with this very nurturing and loving energy that they came from
biologically, so its a very loving thing. So for a soul that has created a vessel they linger, and they
kind of feel this energy all around them and the degree of development theyre at will decide on
how enticing that energy really is for them. If theyve evolved a lot they will immediately
recognize it. As soon as the body kind of collapses they will move on, but theyre kind of in a
stasis. There is a period of time where you are trying to figure out whats going on. This feels
very different. Its unusual. I often say its very comparable to a dream state. Youre no longer
thinking in your normal mental faculties. You could say in one way, if youre drunk you think
differently. If you were to use a hallucinogenic, you would feel differently. You no longer are
using the neuro synapses, the limitations of the brain, so the brains thinking faster or your mind (I
should say) is thinking faster but its trying to understand what is happening to its consciousness.
Theres no longer a body, so theres a part of you thats looking for that body and trying
to come to terms that theres not a body, so its very alienist. During this process, this is what I
call the hovering, or the mist, or the energy, or people feeling that persons presence. Now in
some cases you may not feel anything at all. Keep in mind this energy is so fast its quicker than
you can blink. But to energy, time is very different. Its thought moves so much faster that
everything would appear to be almost still. Its almost as if everything is in an extreme slow
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motion. So its very hard to relate to that physical reality anymore. So as energy, the person just
dies. You dont think anything of it. There are no lights; theres no reaction; theres nothing. But
the reality to this soul is that the moment this process happens, its as if everybodys there, but
theyre almost not there. Its almost like stepping into a whole other frequency of dimension
because its like a different vibration.
So reality also changes. Its almost like for a moment they can sense or see everybody
around them, and it kind of almost vanishes. And there are different scenarios. Not just one
situation can fit all shoe sizes, per se. So theres a moment where this energy is just reflecting in a
very hyper-dimensional fast speed, and what I always say in another way is getting its bearings.
And when I say its getting its bearings, its like the Universe is communicating to it. You could
say that youre driving in your car and you pull over because theres bad weather or whatever,
and you tune into a radio station thats designed to tell you what the weathers going to be, or
what the road is like up ahead. Its as if youre tuned in to God, or the ultimate information or
whatever, and its kind of adjusting what youre communicating to yourself -- what you need to
do. Or its really going to help you, almost like an auto pilot, guiding you to what you need to do.
Thats really whats happening at the moment of death.
Student: Following that, when youre in that stasis and youre trying to tune in, is that something
you need to know how to do, or is it instinctual?
Eric: Its as instinctual as a baby knowing to suckle breast milk.
Student: Are there other souls or guides that help you at all?
Eric: I certainly believe that, and I say I believe to kind of down tone it a little bit, so I dont come
off too strong here. But what really happens is that there are other beings who may have known
you in other lives that are what I call in this in-between place. Because time is very different and
the movement is so much faster as energy, they can be present because they sense this. They sense
this because theres like this grid of awareness. When youre energy youre part of this massive
matrix. This is very different than what you guys can perceive right now. And so they will be
drawn to your death moment. Its not really just about easing you; its more about excitement
about your arrival. Its more about a joy of you kind of returning because to them its the
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opposite. Its like birth and its very exciting and very beautiful. So they will come from many
places if theyre available, if theyre not incarnated or whatevers going on. They will want to be
present there and you may have known them as a family relative at one time.
And youre going to understand it. Youre also going to understand that theyre more
than one thing. So theres this deep sense of family, theres this deep sense of love, and I think
that many cultures have gleamed a little bit of this very fascinating world. Of course weve kind of
twisted it to fit how we perceive in this reality. This is where you get a lot of your concepts and
religious beliefs and family members and such. You could also say this: that some people who
have sensed that and felt these beings and bring it back and they say, Well my brother was there
or my sister was there or my mother was there. Its what the organic brain can hold or interpret.
Believe me, there was a lot more information there.
But when it goes back into the collective of the organic brain, the organic brain uses its
own filters, and it says this is how were going to allow this perception to happen. This is how
were going to let you interpret it because theres a coping mechanism within the biological brain
and this comes from primitive time. So, essentially youre going to interpret; this is why
everybody has a different interpretation from whatever their religious points of view are and stuff.
The organic brain is amazing, but its nothing compared to your hyper-dimensional consciousness;
so I often say when people use hallucinogens and they have all these profound experiences, they
come back and they often say, Well I remember all these experiences and I can only believe. But
I dont remember how I did this or fully when I met this being. Really, its as if the organic brain
can only contain so much of that information, so it edits it. It limits it.
Then youre left with describing in your organic brain what your experience was - that
there are certainly no words for, in some cases - or so beyond your comprehension that it literally
has to gut a lot of that information. Then it leaves you with the best interpretation that you can try
to evolve. Again this goes right back to what I was saying about the purpose of reincarnation
being to learn, to experience, to grow because how much youre actually going to hold from that
experience will be based upon your intellect currently.
Student: When someones dying and their life is flashing before their eyes, and they leave the body
and enter this stasis, is it possible to get stuck there?

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Eric: When you say you see your life flashing before your eyes, its different. It could confuse
some people. So Ill refer to a story once when I was in a car accident. I was driving and there
was a car accident ahead of me. It was raining out and it was hard to tell whats going on. In
either case my car hit some cars that were blocking the road. When my car hit it flipped up and
over, landed on the roof and evidently went a great distance down this hill which was on the road
still and then into the guardrails. What was interesting was when this happened, my mind - once it
got past the jolt because I dont necessarily recall after feeling the hit what happened for a few
seconds. All I remember is being upside down, the windshield kind of shattered, water coming in
from the road and the side of the car, but thinking about all the people that I loved and all the
things I will miss and knowing that I was going to die or possibly die or more than likely.
I recall thinking about things I would have wished I said to people that I loved, or my
mother and my father or my lover - whomever. In this particular case, what happened was that I
thought about it so much I remember pausing and saying to myself, When the heck am I going to
hit the guardrails? And then of course going back to thinking more and of course my biological
body racing and the adrenaline and everything, and then stopping again going, Boy this is really
taking a long time, thinking this to myself. And then I started thinking, Well whats going to
happen? Im going to hit the guardrails maybe the car will go over the edge or maybe somethings
going to shoot through and stab me or something, or the car is going to collapse and end this
thing, and then I go right back to thinking about my family and stuff. And then Im like, Well,
gee, when am I going to crash? And eventually the car hit the railings and it came to a stop.
So the point I am saying here is this. The brain thinks at a certain speed. Your
consciousness thinks at a certain speed, and I think everybody can attest to the fact that at some
point therere times where you thought really fast, whether you were hyper or you drank caffeine,
but theres a point where your mind kind of works a little bit faster. What Im saying is when
people say they see their life flash before them, its like your brain all of a sudden jumps the
railings of what its limitations are . . . not really limitations, but it actually meets higher
expectations of what it normally does. Or you could say like in the old days they had these
computers (the old days ha ha) but there was the 2086 computer or the 386 computer. And I
remember when I bought my first computer it had this button and it said turbo, and for the life of
me I wasnt sure at first what that was.
I remember playing games and it would be a little slow and Id press the turbo button and
it would raise the speed to the CPU. So it would do everything, but it would calculate it faster so
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it could do more but it looked kind of normal. Thats kind of whats happening in the brain. The
brain goes through this moment of shock and it goes into hyper speed. And in hyper speed it
processes what would take you maybe twenty minutes of thought, and it can do it in two seconds.
But while youre in that state of mind everything seems like real time; its just kind of like normal
thinking. But if you were to perceive your outer reality everything would be in slow motion.
Now, where this comes into the next level is where we get into this concept of judgment
or where you have your heaven, your hell, etc., etc. I believe that many people will go through a
hyper-dimensional state, very fast thinking, and this could happen beyond this first level of seeing
your life flash before you or even tail off from that. And in this process of whats happening is
that youre reflecting on all of the deeds in your life in a hyper speed. Youre reflecting at all the
people youve done wrong, all the people youve done right, all the things you wish youd done,
all the things you had done, and its really like weighing you; its like establishing your
experiences. Its sorting them super fast so that you create what I call a frequency. That frequency
again is going to decide what the Universe is when it comes to give you that direction that I was
speaking about earlier. Thats kind of how youve calculated on your end your frequency to how
its necessarily going to possibly respond to you.
Were talking about most people. Just say you die and youre reincarnated and whatever.
Were really dissecting this whole process of whats really going on. Were really looking here at
milliseconds, and if you can even say that, probably even faster. Theres a myriad of different
things that can happen to individuals depending on how they die; whether they die suddenly,
whether they die in their sleep, whether its really this state of, Where was your brain in your
final moments? No matter what, one of two things will happen. Either youre going to surrender
your energy into the Gaia consciousness, or youre going to be spinning like (zeezeezee); your
energy will be all over the place. But itll immediately begin to put itself together very rapidly. No
matter how you die, whether you die in an explosion, whether you die from falling off a cliff,
whether you die in your sleep, there will be a moment of how the brain is coping with the
situation. In some cases you can die so quickly you dont even know youre dead. And this goes
into ghosts and spirits, and theres a glitch. I think in some ways this is maybe where you were
going with that.
So, how you die can have a big effect on your perception. There are rare cases, and I do
mean rare but you would think that they happen more often the way people talk about ghosts
and spirits where a person can end up haunting or become a ghost or a spirit and not feel this
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vibration directing them where they need to go next. Usually these are beings that have developed
some kind of soul to some level, and their physical life really has not had a lot of time to develop
it. They must have developed in a previous life, but the circumstances of this life were very
limiting in the aspect that they evolved spiritually. When they died they either believed that they
werent dead or they died suddenly or traumatically. Theres a little truth to every wives tale.
If you look at haunting stories or any of these things, youll see that theres always this
story that there was some kind of emotional conflict. Well, the emotional conflict is so strong, or
the impact of how one dies in certain circumstances is so intense, or that they dont believe that
theyre going to live after death - so if they have some kind of consciousness the first conclusion
is that, Well, I must be dreaming. When this happens they somehow imprint or freeze the last
moments of their consciousness. In other words, your physical consciousness becomes a mold for
you to become a dimensional being - and a being that is made of energy that believes it so strongly
that its still in that state because the faculties intellectually are not working correctly. They form
in some cases what would be an energy body that looks like their physical body in some ways. Its
holographic in a sense or they might remain as energy or orbs of light.
There are no limitations to what you are as a spirit or a soul. Its just a perception of what
the person creates their reflection as in their mind. Now, because they go into this flip stage, and I
dont want to go into ghosts and spirits too much; weve covered this, but the bottom line is that
they are like in a dream state. Its like running in your dream and knowing that someones chasing
you and in your dream youre saying, Ahh, Ive got to get away, but why cant I run any faster?
Youre almost in slow motion, and then two seconds later you forget that you were even running
and your mind has already jumped to something else. Then later on in the dream youre back to
running again thinking someones chasing you and you cant run fast enough. You dont really
have a sense of time always in your dream state of consciousness. And this gets into these beings
(or these souls) that kind of get stuck in this process of crossing over so they can connect with
this higher energy to direct their next path. Does everybody understand that?
I would say that anybody who wants to know more on that topic should listen to the
material that weve covered on ghosts and spirits and entities, and this will make a lot more logic
to them.
Student: Can they move on and reincarnate after theyve been stuck?

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Eric: As soon as the consciousness can accept that theyre not physical any more, that theyre not
in this dimension, as soon as they somehow can get it into their brain; its the same thing that
happens to someone who dreams and in their dream all of a sudden they realize theyre dreaming.
What an epiphany; what an awakening! But its possible. And the dream mind is not so much
different than what youre moving out to. Theres a reason why dreams happen. Thats a whole
other process to discuss, but it is still an energy vibration thats very similar to the real thing.
So when they can have that moment or somebody from this reality can convince them to
reflect and possibly wake them out of their dream state of consciousness, at that moment if it can
occur, they then kind of have a higher consciousness kick in and they relax. And then all of a
sudden, its like they realize theyve been in a bad dream. Whether its for a day, a year, a hundred
years, time is irrelevant to you as an energy being. Theres no decay; theres no decomposition;
theres no understanding of time as being a creation or deterioration. Youre energy, and if you
cant remember, well then youre not going to remember what you did twenty minutes ago or a
hundred years ago. Every moment feels like the now just like it does in your dream in most cases.
You dont recall that youve been dreaming for four hours; you can only sense and experience the
very moment youre in without necessarily fully being able to reflect. When you hear spiritualists
(and this is again where you get inter-fiber cultures now) almost every culture (pretty much) that
believes in ghosts or spirits, they try to get a hold of the spirit and try to inform them, No, youre
dead. Go to the light. This is who you really are; youre not part of the living anymore. What
theyre really trying to do is theyre trying to wake them up, like in a dream. In the dream its like
somebody in the dream telling you youre dreaming and until you get it, youre stuck there.
This is where you get these concepts of people trying to convince them to move on. When
they say move on to the light the idea is to get to the light. The light represents a doorway. If
everybody thinks about the light, you see a doorway -- if you imagine what you see in your head.
Okay? And what is on the other side of the doorway? Everybody knows whats on the other side
of the doorway. The light is light, but its bright, like blue white light. Okay? And whats on the
other side? The other side is reality. Its reality, and so if you go through the light from reality you
can call it heaven; you can call it what you want. But if you ask yourself internally what it means,
youll realize that it means to wake up. It means to wake up. So I believe every culture has a
degree of understanding this, especially from their spiritual guides and such. So its a matter of

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But if you ask me to distill all these different interpretations to what the bottom line is,
well thats what the bottom line is: to wake a being up. When they wake up you cannot think like
a human being; you come into this physical life. What they do is they get to that point that they
missed at the moment of their death or the death processes so that they could incarnate and move
on. And then it just picks up from there and then the Universe just progresses them to wherever
they need to go or whatever the next stage is, and that will based upon your consciousness. What
you know, what youve learned, what youve experienced becomes a frequency like 106.7, 104.8;
it is a weight of volume but without volume or weight. Its a frequency.
Student: If youre a ghost and then awaken and move on how will those affect you in your next
Eric: You would actually recall if you had a past life regression and its an interesting question.
Ill just kind of clear it up. Lets say you die and you end up in a glitch where you become a
ghost. And you do this for three hundred years. Then all of a sudden one day somebody comes
along and helps you to awaken. You awaken and all of a sudden, you pick up where you should
have gone three hundred years ago and you incarnate, and then as a matured adult at some point
youre put under hypnosis and youre asked about your past lives. Would you say - correct - that
would be your question?
Student: Yes
Eric: Okay. And the answer would be: I was a ghost. Youd remember that because youd be able
to finally formulate all those fragmented memories where you werent able to do that as an entity.
You would remember what it was like to be an entity, and thats not completely unheard of. And I
think that most people, you have to remember with hypnosis the reason why were having this
very conversation is for exactly what I said in the very beginning when I said, What is the
purpose of all of this reincarnation? Its to expand your consciousness. Well, this conversation is
to help you expand your consciousness so that you have a broader spectrum of possibilities, when
we do use a form of hypnosis or some form of awakening your memories.
Youre seeing the logic of what I am saying and this is expanding the possibilities, or
opening up the doorways in the deeper recesses of your mind where all of this stuff is in some
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ways compressed and packed away. And its making it more possible. So I would not be surprised
at all, now that this thinking has been brought up, that you may recall possibly being a ghost at
some point. Any soul is a ghost. Its really when you get into the definition of what is a haunting.
Do you see what Im saying? Or what haunting often sounds like a bad thing to us. But its a
repetition of where the entity is kind of stuck in a very frustrating circumstance and thats what
we always relate to. Entities are constantly coming and going at some point but theyre not ghosts
where theyre stuck in this grid. Do you see what Im saying? So the bottom line is that theyre
doing their thing so theyre more conscious of their efforts, whereas a ghost is not.
Disk 1 Track 3
Student: What is Karma and does it determine how you reincarnate?
Eric: Well, Karma is a very misunderstood in the West and in some cases I think it also can be
misunderstood in the East depending. But the traditional concept of Karma to most Westerners is:
you do something bad it comes back to you twenty times worse; you do something good it comes
back to you twenty times as good. Thats not really how Karma works. Okay? And the concept of
Karma - a lot of people think of it as some outer force, lets say. I would rather say to you that
Karma is the process (or if you had to name it) of what I call your frequency. As I said before,
your frequency will determine your possibilities of where the Universe is going to kind of move
you or push you. So, in essence if you were a tyrant or you never really grew as a person, you
were destructive and hateful or whatever, if youre not moved into the Gaia mind and the Gaia
mind certainly would look at everything you did, absorb it and go, Okay, well, these are all the
things we know are bad now. Okay, but lets say that you did develop as a soul or it had
developed somehow (and it does happen). Negative people do progress. This is where you get
bad entities and beings and stuff. This is going to be your weight, your volume -- what I was
trying to describe as your frequency -- to what permits you to go where you may move on to now
or what direction are the possibilities now that the Universe will open to you. So to say that
youve done horrible things, you could say that the Karma is your frequency. Does that make
sense for you?
Students: Yes
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Eric: So its not necessarily a boomerang effect. Its to say that Karma is really something that is
weighing you, evaluating you. It is a process to decide in the now what will happen for you. Now
a person could say, Well this person has good Karma; wonderful things happen to them; theyre
very good. Well I see very bad people that have great luck and it doesnt make any sense.
Theyre not deserving of that. But what I would rather say is that the person with good Karma
also has a good vibration, and that good vibration is what allows good things to happen to them
because its reciprocated. Its what they put out and people receive it and they reciprocate it back.
And this makes greater and better opportunities and a more prosperous life in many ways.
Or the Universe is more receptive to people who have a better energy. But I would say
that Karma is misinterpreting in the fact that people tend to be affected by their acts. If youre a
really negative person usually you have more negative things happen to you. The sad part is that a
person intentionally stays negative because theyre constantly feeling kicked aside or beat up or
just tired of the opportunities in life always failing them. And this perpetuates itself. But this could
be perceived as Karma and like some bad forces are happening to them because theyre bad. So
again, its about taking a closer look at what Karma really is. Karma is not some force that acts as
a repayment of your deeds. I would say that if Karma was anything, Karma is really the
representation of your deeds. Its a name to call the deeding process - your vibration; it is
vibration; it is your Karma; it is your vibration. Its what you have become through your
existence, through your actions, through your decisions, through what you have evolved to.
Student: When a ghost is disembodied and it needs to wake up before it can continue on its
process and get unstuck, and it does not have a brain to utilize in order to wake up from its
dream, does a ghost then have to sit there and wait until someone whos alive comes and wakes it
Eric: The Universe isnt that cruel; there are certain little catches that the Universe doesnt see
time in a thousand years as being a thousand years. So it seems cruel to us that a thousand years
you could be doing a haunting but to energy its just a nonissue. But lets put it this way. When
you say you know an entity doesnt have a brain like we have a brain to kind of wake up thats
not necessarily true. Im sure I mentioned it. But if I didnt, the entity is still in its last stage of
consciousness that it came from. So it hasnt moved into that higher level. In other words it thinks
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its human and by that fact its limited itself to a human kind of thinking. So it has all the faculties
of what it would have had if it had a brain. Its just that it has so much more but it just does not
know its own possibilities. And so it limits itself or governs itself to work within that ability. But
its still more than enough to do the job.
So in essence it can wake itself out of its own dream and that does happen. And thats
what I was saying is that natural mechanism that even we have; we can wake ourselves out of a
dream. Its just that the reason why we wake up out of a dream, more or less, is because we have
a biological body deeply rooted with this brain. So if you have to go to the bathroom, its going to
wake you up. Either youre either going to pee on yourself and wake up, or youre going to . . .
your body centers its consciousness in different places and its organs are going to shout until your
consciousness wakes up. So in essence you dont have that as a spirit or ghost. This is why it can
go on forever. Imagine if you didnt have any biological needs, and you were immortal, and you
didnt have anything connecting you to really feel what your body demands for. How long do you
think that you might be able to go on in the dream world? If it was designed to stay asleep and
you didnt have to ever wake up, it would be infinite. Youd have to have some really unusual
circumstances to wake you up out of it. Hence, a hundred years, a thousand years . . .
Student: Why cant we automatically remember our past lives?
Eric: Ive addressed this on many occasions, and the bottom line to addressing this question is:
the human mind can only handle so much. As Ive said before, the language of the Universe is
emotion. Emotion is theres a word for every single emotion and theres an emotion for every
single word and much more. You can say that you know what the table would feel like, its
coolness, its smoothness, the couch, the fabric, the softness. The touch of a light bulb even has an
emotion to it, a feeling, and a memory of what it contains for its is-ness. Okay? When we have
tragedies in our life (or people that we love), imagine when you have death, you kind of can move
beyond that. But when you bring it back into a biological body how much death and how much
love and how much despair and how much separation do you think it can handle? How many
people in your life do you love right at this moment? And could you imagine living your life - the
rest of your life - without them? Now imagine lifetimes of this. Okay?
Well, the same way your brain guards you from traumatic experiences - whether you
know they are violent or psychologically traumatizing - there are things that you just dont
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remember. The brain kind of puts them in the recesses (and hence I say the recesses) of the brain.
This is also where your memories of all your past lives are held - same place. Its just maybe even
deeper but theyre in the same place. There are memories that your brain protects you from. In
this particular case because of it being in a newborn, you coming into this reality, it is deeply
recessed because the brain, even biologically in the very beginning isnt even designed with
neurons or the connected pathways for your structure of your brain to even begin to process basic
things like sight. Its very limited and sound may be limited. The brain is still building and
developing to handle its sensory for reality. So its definitely shoving all of the data that comes in
into some deep place because it cant even process it. It cant even begin to conceive to process
this information. You grow up developing your brain as a biological being, etc., etc. But what
happens is that some of this information begins to sift to the top. It begins to surface. And it
comes out in either maybe some small phobias or interests, or likes and desires or in some cases
even stronger than that. Deep-seated memories will pop up.
So, in essence the reason why we dont remember is because, first of all a babys brain just
cannot handle it, and its just designed to shove it all into this deep place - the same way a
traumatic experience would be. And its probably for the best. And its only when we leave our
body or our biological process that we can remember everything. And the main reason is because
we are biological. Much of what we feel and what we think, no matter how developed we are, is
still chemicals that are reacting in our body to create emotions and anxieties and depressions and
all of these. Were a big chemistry lab in our body. So when we actually can move outside of that
chemistry lab, we can then actually absorb all of our memories and our thoughts without
becoming over accentuated by it or overwhelmed by it. We still will feel, but we have a better
sense; its like an inner wisdom, a comfort of being able to look at it in a more compassionate and
understanding way.
But as an organic body we are overwhelmed by these chemicals that would just be
responding like crazy. Wed be all suicidal and half depressed just coping emotionally with what
we were feeling. So its a natural process to recess that information.
Student: So, can you remember past lives while youre alive, and if so, then why would you want

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Eric: Well, sure. You can remember them while youre alive, but youre never going to remember
them a hundred percent clearly. In extreme and rare cases, it does occur but for the most part,
youre never going to remember it fully. Its going to be, well, think about whom you are now
and just think about all the things youve done. And how much of that do you actually recall?
What you really recall are the most impactful emotions youve ever felt - if you really think about
it. Youve probably forgotten a lot of peoples names. Youve probably forgotten a lot of details.
And youd really have to sit and really start sifting and sorting. Its much the same way. As you
begin to bring back past life memories, theres a sense of knowing. But therere going to be peaks
and valleys just like there are peaks and valleys in this life. Youre going to remember big
moments in other lives, whether it be in war or love or certain things. It depends. It really
So you can remember. But its not like all of a sudden it just changes completely who you
are. It just simply adds to who you are. It enriches you as a being in the now as far as your
wisdom and insight go the more that you can surface. Sure, its very interesting. Youll find that a
person who has past life information many times doesnt even know that they have past life
information. They just seem very wise. They just seem to be wise beyond their years, or they just
seem to have this nature of wisdom about them. In many cases that wisdom is coming from past
lives. Its again, that building of consciousness that I said in the very beginning.
Student: Can remembering past lives contribute to the awakening process?
Eric: Absolutely. Sure. Well, there are people who I certainly believe have greater purposes, and
they will feel that information within them. And they need to have it surface. But to rip it open is
going to be just as chaotic because youre not taking into consideration the brain and all of its
factors of how its going to cope and deal with those things.
So if its done correctly you can integrate that with your current consciousness. And its
going to give you a greater sense of completion, wholeness. Youre also going to have a clearer
thought process to how to apply yourself. In other words, what do I need to do? Youre going to
kind of know. Youre going to kind of have a sense of, Oh this makes sense, or, That makes
sense, or, Why didnt that occur to me before?
Student: Can past lives have an influence on your present life?
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Eric: Not always. But sometimes the careers that you choose, the partners that you may choose,
have a lot to do with past lives. In many cases they have found that people from other past lives
-they find that they were married to very similar people or very similar careers - somehow are
interconnected. So theres definitely a strong connection as far as that goes. It certainly can.
Disk 1 Track 4
Student: Is reincarnation specific to humans on this planet?
Eric: Well Im going to get into some trouble here I suspect. But I hate to say that I think that
Buddha was wrong and Im right. And it sounds horribly arrogant and egotistic. Okay? I believe
that there was a point where even spiritualists were still coming to terms there in their own
growth and interpreted things as they understood them. 1 I believe that when one recalls themself
in a past life as either a hawk or a bird or a horse or whatever, I think this is more of them
connecting into the Gaia mind. Call it the matrix if you will and because theyre open to those
concepts theyre misinterpreting that they can experience those things at any given time or know
what they were.
If everybody here were to close their eyes and lay back and imagine themselves as a hawk
and imagine feeling their wing span, and the feathers that were pushed and tightened into their
flesh, and to feel their chest and the lightness of their chest cage and the air pushing up in the
warm thermals, or to see out of their eyes, it would be more of a wider expansive view, maybe a
slight different coloration of what were used to and feeling the speed and the momentum
especially when one really gets a clarity of mind. One can experience these things on profound
levels and rightfully assume that this was an incarnation of a past life. Otherwise, how could you
know that?
I think you could do this with any living thing. Its innately within us. Its part of feeling
the matrix. Its just how much youre willing to let yourself go to feel these things. Okay? Our
inner governor reserves us and limits us to these possibilities so we dont even begin to try them.
So when we do accidently experience these things, we think theyre absolutely unique and appoint
them to what they could have been. The second reason I dont believe that one was either a bird
or a horse or such -- animals certainly have emotion; theres no doubt about that, and I think that
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theyre probably more intelligent than we give them credit for. But their concept of time and their
ability to retain information makes it unlikely that theyre going to store up memories that really
would contribute on a level for incarnation. In other words, a bird may live a life expectancy in the
wild of anywhere from maybe three years to fifteen lets say, okay, depending on the bird. The
processes of that bird are going to be capturing, feeding, mating, etc. We probably could count
them on maybe two hands and thats going to be really repetitive - and different weather
circumstances and temperatures and maybe a few challenges with predators. Okay?
Well, youre going to have one life like that. Or are you going to have hundreds like that?
And again if youve taken into consideration a population scenario, okay, which well actually use
in this particular case, youre even dealing with a more finite level of possibilities with the animal
kingdom than you are really dealing necessarily with humans. I do not believe that one incarnates
from animals or can be incarnated backwards into animals. It does not make sense if you
understand the process of attaining knowledge and consciousness and information and the
expansion of that. I do believe that there are certain animals that could figure into this, meaning
that I would say that whales certainly could have some contribution in this particular area, even
dolphins. Ill go as far as elephants because they do show a different level of intelligence and a
different kind of intelligence. But when you minimize an intelligence for - like a bird - or certain
animals, I dont see it fitting.
And so what Im saying is that Im not completely against the fact that animals cant have
an incarnation process. What Im saying is that its unlikely that we would choose to go that route
or that we came from an animal consciousness rather than us developing by reflecting. You need a
certain level of organic capability in order to begin building a soul. You have to be able to reflect.
And I dont perceive a hawk reflecting on itself. I dont perceive the majority of animals being
able to do that to a great degree, enough to affect this energy to start building a soul. And I dont
mean to be disrespectful to other peoples beliefs. I do think that therere a great many people
that do feel a very strong affinity to animals - that they somehow feel that theyve been or been
connected to. And I would say thats more the Gaia mind or them being probably more proficient
in their spiritual abilities than they even know, and that theyre connecting with these things.
Student: So to be clear, you think it is possible for a whale or a dolphin or an elephant?

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Eric: I think it can go either forward or backward in those particular cases. A dolphin is a little bit
questionable, but I certainly believe that about elephants and I certainly believe it about whales.
And it depends on what type of whales, of course.
Student: If most people dont reflect enough to reincarnate, how come these animals can then?
Eric: I would put them in the same category as alien intelligences; the same way that you - are you
going to say - an alien (because they dont think or look like a human) cant incarnate or have a
soul? I mean there are just certain things that are beyond how we think. It doesnt mean that their
thinking is wrong. What I said is, If one can contemplate and reflect. I think whales reflect,
certain ones, when Ive studied them or been near them; I communicate. I feel that theres a
symbiotic energy going on and theres certain information that Im privy to. Without going out on
a board here (and the same thing is when I observe and have been around elephants) I feel the
same thing because they do not have hands. They do not have certain things that have given them
advancement that human beings have had to evolve and create stuff outside of our minds.
Weve created and produced - through our imagination - physical objects. I think that they
have created a different kind of intelligence. And I think its intelligence and a reality within their
minds and that they communicate in a different way other than the speech patterns and different
things. I think that theres a very strong telepathic mode there and that their reality actually, I
would say, thats in an alienist way of thinking: that they are one foot in our reality, and one foot
out of our reality. And not to say out of reality, out of their mind, but to say that they are in a
different reality. But its just as real as our reality as what we perceive. Its just their two becomes
one; two creates a process of a third birth. Their reality is just absolutely alien for us to conceive.
So we observe through what weve learned to understand. And this is the beauty about
those whove been incarnated a lot and those who are incarnating. Its exactly what Im sharing
with you now. This is the purpose of it. Its to have that understanding, to understand that theres
so much more for you to understand and to experience and to see. Imagine entire different levels
of perception and communication and understanding. Its just profound and wondrous.
Student: So, how does a new soul or someone without any past lives awaken?

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Eric: Sit down and do a reincarnation session and what are they going to get? Either theyre going
to get nothing, which Im pretty confident the majority of people that actually do this program
will have great results because for one reason, usually if youre looking for this kind of material,
youre already well beyond the first soul phase. Its the people who really have no interest in and
dont feel that navigator, that instinct inside of them to really look for this kind of stuff. Theres a
reason why theyre looking for this or want to listen to it because theres something inside of
them thats built up and theyre trying to free it up. Okay?
But lets say we do get someone who has one past life and they sit down and they are
getting information. I would say that that information is more the Gaia mind again and theyve
managed to somehow slip into that and theyre going to get slipstream pieces of information. The
differences, of course, are going to have to be looked at. The difference is that when you have
past life memories, you often can get smells and tastes. More so than that, theres a very personal
feeling thats attached to it, whereas you just know. Its like sure. Its like would you recognize
your mother if you didnt see her in ten years? Would you recognize your mother in twenty years,
thirty years, forty, fifty years if you hadnt seen her for fifty years and she was standing in front of
you? Do you believe that you would recognize her? Maybe it would take her to talk a little bit or
something, but you would feel her, right? Thats the trick. When you go into the Gaia mind
everything is amazing but its a different kind of connection altogether. And theyre very, very
distinctly different. And to a new person, they would not see that necessarily or maybe make that
connection right away, or not.
Student: So, an experience where youre tapped into the Gaia mind definitely feels different than a
past life memory?
Eric: Its different. Its not as personable is the only way that I can say it. Its real; its profound;
but its different . . . its different.
Student: Lets say youre really spiritual in one life and in another youre really not.
Eric: I would say that the good work youve done will hold you over for a few lives if you have a
few lives where youre not really stimulated to awaken. There is a very strong navigator in people
to wake up. So its unlikely that you would be born into a life where you wouldnt reawaken at
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some point. Usually as early as ten years old, you know. Even earlier in some cases you begin;
some it doesnt hit until theyre twenty or thirty. Usually this is because of the environment that
you have that your brain is subjected to that youre in that body, until you begin to surface again.
You may have very religious parents or very anti-religious parents or very scientific parents, very
music oriented parents or art oriented. So in either case you are consumed by the consciousness
or product of their thinking; it is super imposed on you.
So this will decide, not in every case but in many cases, how long its going to take you to
go to the beat of your own drum. And if you are constantly programmed from a very young age
that all of this is rubbish; that none of this is this; this is all fool hardiness; well, you may not come
around until youre forty or fifty then because youre going to have to work all of that
programming out because your navigator isnt going to buy it. Do you see what Im saying? But
whats going to happen is that your navigator now is going to be constantly fighting with what
youre going to call your rational ability and youre going to say, Oh Im just having fanciful
thoughts, or, Well, theres just nothing really here. I know I want to believe it, but its just me
thinking that way and etc., etc.
So youve created a duality where your brain now is really just regurgitating what was put
on you. Whereas if you have parents who - or a social structure that really encouraged finding
your inner self - or at least have a basis of a soul, maybe the other beliefs are mixed up, but this is
all going to be a determining effect of how well youre going to. . . Its definitely an advantage.
Now I know many people who have had atheist or religious family members, or etc., etc. where
they knew at a very young age they disagreed with all they had to say. They didnt know how;
they just knew. They just knew without picking up a book, whatever. Its the navigator and then
if its that strong already, wonderful! You could have a powerful navigator, but what was shown
to you in life - what you are exposed to - is what really determined if you had that extra advantage
or not. Its a card shuffle.
Student: Does the ability to awaken increase with the number of incarnations?
Eric: I think you can become enlightened in your first life. Its because its an interpretation of
what is enlightenment. It really is. Its an interpretation. But enlightenment is when you finally
fully plug in and when you finally fully plug in, it doesnt mean, Well Ive made it to the top. Its

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time to kick back now. It doesnt work that way. You want to investigate more richness of life;
it just never ends. When it ends, Ill throw in the towel and I wont want to exist anymore.
Student: What if they havent developed their dimensional consciousness through past lives?
Eric: Well let me explain to you. I was saying the other day how people with Downs syndrome
were angelic in my opinion. As much as we are here to experience life, its the fact that we accept
that our brain is our reality after a while. And it misleads us to the very thing that we used to
interpret this reality, is the exact thing in the end that addicts us, with an addiction, to stay
This is where this whole battling kind of process of life after life and trying to figure
everything out happens. Enlightenment . . . you can be a pretty simple person and still be
enlightened. I think certain shamans are enlightened. I wouldnt say that their biophysics is
brilliant. I wouldnt say that certain Indian Shaman or religious clergymen . . . I think there are a
lot of enlightened beings. They may have different perspectives but if you ever get them to peel
away a lot of stuff, youll find that they have a lot of fundamental similar understandings of what
they understand. And so there can be a level of enlightenment; its just really articulation in a
language that they have to choose to communicate certain things, and I think that there can be a
level of enlightenment, but the knowledge also is really something thats human. And its about
how well can I prove to you how enlightened I am? Its really how everybody else looks at it and
if I can communicate it well and I can make you go, Ooh, ahhh. Then you think Im brilliant.
And if I cant do that, then you make the assumption that Im probably not. And you dont give
me the time of day.
So I think that if one can sit down and reflect so deeply on their soul, so deeply on what is
reality, so deeply that they shift and they move into the Gaia mind and into a greater
consciousness, I think that they can find enlightenment in their first life, but its rare. Its rare, but
youre not asking me whether I think its rare or not; youre asking me if its possible. And Ill say
to you, Go back a few thousand years or even ten thousand years or even further and there was
less education, less possibilities of understanding knowledge, less and just simple things in life and
yet we still have a few enlightened beings. So in one way I may disagree with Buddhas
perception. Its not to say that Im better or I think my answers better than Buddhas. Okay? Its
to say that Buddha certainly was enlightened. I will not dismiss that at all. But we are all visitors
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here even if we are enlightened and were still trying to figure out how the mechanism completely
works. And its really communication in the end.
Disk 2 Track 1
Student: Can there be repercussions for not awakening in a lifetime?
Eric: It's like this: if you don't awaken, or realize that you can have a soul or build a soul or reflect
on something more than just physical life, you could then say that the repercussion is that you will
be absorbed into the Gaia mind. In a sense you've decided, This is it. You've lived your life and
truly it's the end, just like scientists believe. You're dead; you're buried in the ground and that's it.
Because you're like a sugar cube dissolving into the ocean, you're giving back to what you came
from. Is that a bad thing? No, I see it as a very beautiful thing. I think some people get so tired in
life that it's very appealing. But I also think that some people, who are so tired in life that they
want it over, wouldn't feel that way if you could give them back the body and biochemistry they
had at 18.
I often say that when you're ready to throw in the towel and die, you start to think
differently real fast, "Whoa, slow down, this feels pretty good. But for those who've never
worked on building that spiritual body, then it's like a surrender. It's like a softness into some very
warming arms. You dissipate but you are forever alive because you are constantly in the Gaia
memory. When human beings say, "I'll never be forgotten as long as you think of me," it's really a
truth. If you think about it, what is life? Life is just a bunch of memories. If you think of things
you've done or people you've loved or pets you've had, you can create for a moment or for a
while that very memory as if they were right there in front of you. So, imagine the Gaia mind. Its
really that. Everything is constantly forever, which is another whole topic in itself. So there's one
The other repercussions also are on the vibration and the density of your soul, the qualities
of what you perceived in your life. You may want to say, "Can there be consequences for that?"
Well, yes. If you've had very negative energy and very suppressive energy, or if you suppressed
others, then you'll likely end up in a suppressive condition where you exist. This gets very
complicated because I'm not referring to people in certain countries that live in horrible
conditions. For example, in some forms of Hinduism, it is believed that if you are born in a bad
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life its because you did very bad things and that's why you have the hardship. And if youve been
very good, that's why you're wealthy and you should be considered wonderful and great. Its a
hierarchy. I don't buy into that, but there is a certain level of truth to some of it. Again, the
vibration of your energy will also be attractive to similar situations, in some cases, if you're not
too evolved. If you oppressed others, then your karma, or your frequency, is going to draw you
to oppressive energies, such as a continent that's in dismay which you're born into. There are
certain things that would attract and there are so many levels of weighing it all out that it's beyond
us to really figure it out completely. It's like finite mathematics on a super conscious level for the
Universe to weigh it all out and figure it out, but you're going to be attracted or cycle into
circumstances that would be appropriate for that frequency.
Student: Is the attraction a form of choice? Is there a level of choice involved in reincarnation?
Eric: It's not really choice until you evolve to a point where you can actually feel these energies
and you choose to follow them or pick a direction. It becomes choice then, eventually, but the
repercussions of not developing a soul or not developing well in the beginning are going to be that
you're going to be pushed and shoved in certain directions. Like a bottle in the ocean, you follow
the currents and they lead you to where you're going to end up. So there's a duality there, but
there's really not if you listen to what I'm saying carefully.
Student: Can a soul die?
Eric: Technically, no. Think about what you consider dying. I don't think a soul can ever die.
What it can do is choose its moment of surrender, absolute surrender, and generally that surrender
is always surrendering to God. It's when you say, "Okay, I've lived the fullest richest life that a
being could live. I just want to become one with You." If you intentionally ask yourself what it is
that you're really looking for, you're asking to return to what you came from. You really, truly
want the highest level of completion. You yearn to be returned to what you've been separated
from, or what feels like separation. You yearn to become one with God. In the end, after you've
explored all the wonders of this Universe and other Universes in whatever amount it is that you
need fulfilled in your journey, you yearn to fit into the place that you came from. And so, you
return to the consciousness of God. That is a different level of a sugar cube returning to the
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ocean. Instead of returning on a Gaia level or a galaxy level or a Universe level, you've really
returned to the completion. You choose that moment when you want to return and then
everything you've ever experienced becomes one for God.
Student: Can a soul be reabsorbed into the Gaia consciousness after it has evolved to a certain
Eric: In rare cases, I would say that it can happen. I know this may sound bizarre, but sometimes
certain souls that are advanced will choose to give themselves to the Gaia consciousness in a way
to accelerate its growth. It's rare, but it does happen. There are souls who stop their development.
If you spend several lifetimes and you're not really progressing, you're either stagnating or you're
digressing. The Universe or the Planet is constantly progressing. So it's as if something could
catch up to you and if you are not going to progress, what you're really doing is resigning yourself
to become the sugar cube again. All the intelligences of the Earth are growing in tonal and energy.
Inevitably all beings are forced to evolve. If you're not evolving yourself spiritually, as all beings
are, then what's going to happen is that the level of the Gaia mind is going to reach a tonal that
matches the place that you're not progressing from. So yes, you could end up getting ahead but
then just surrender and end up becoming part of the Gaia mind, even though at one time you were
ahead of others.
Student: Is it possible to break free of the reincarnation process and just be an energy being?
Eric: Absolutely.
Student: Are you then part of some higher reincarnation process?
Eric: In our terms, reincarnation means to incarnate back into a physical body. Let's dissect this
here a little bit. You're thinking like a human being when you assume that if you're not in a
physical body then you're not incarnating. You can incarnate into other kinds of bodies that aren't
necessarily as physical as we understand our physical bodies right here and now to be. They're just
different kinds of energy frequencies that we adapt our energy into to explore what they can
communicate or interpret to us in a certain dimension. So there is always an incarnation process
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because what you really are is a finite level of energy. What you're really doing is sampling other
dimensions and experiencing them through these samplings, so that you can attain consciousness
and information, or data. Call it whatever you want. To subjugate yourself to these experiences,
you have to allow yourself to transfigure into some other lower form of energy so that it can
convey its experiences to you.
Whenever you touch something, it turns to electricity and it becomes part of your energy.
Whenever you smell something, it becomes energy. Whenever you hear something, it becomes
energy. Your body is a giant machine that's really designed to convert data into an energy format
for you, because that's what you are. The brain is really the bigger conductor in this process
because it is the final converter that makes it into the purest level of energy for the mind. In
essence, for all other realities, you really need different vessels to explore them, designed for those
places, and hence the incarnation process is infinite. It's just a matter of where and when and how,
what you choose, or what is chosen for you.
Student: When you say that you incarnate to sample, who are you? What is the identity between
Eric: It's not really you. This is again the whole process we were discussing concerning being
enlightened. And when I said that you could be very simple and find it, I said the brain is your
frame but it's also your enemy because the brain is designed to be part of this dimension. It wraps
you into it. It's doing its job, and at some point you have to realize that that is what's happening.
This is where your whole spiritual path now is coming. There's an acceptance and there's a
conflict because you're beginning to realize that this isn't really who you are. So you're trying to
begin that separation while you're still physically here, rather than out of your body.
Student: What are some of the things you can do to trigger past life memories?
Eric: Find out what you're interested in. Past lives tend to surface in old things. It doesn't
necessarily mean really old things. If you're 20 years old, it could be something from 20 years ago.
But if you're drawn towards castles, find the next best thing here and that could be old churches
with cobblestones, or travel to a city that's older, like Boston. Some things might be more
practical than being able to travel to England. Touch, smell, listen, sit still, feel a place. Any way
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that you can absorb through your sensory is the best way to begin to shift yourself. Clear yourself
like you've learned in meditation, center yourself, and then go into this environment without any
intentions, without wanting or expecting anything. Simply experience the environment.
If you let the smells and the textures and the feelings come in, even though it may not be
from the original place where your memories are, it will potentially jolt something from the deeper
recesses of your mind. Sometimes, for people, it is water or the smell of an ocean, the feel of the
beach sand on their feet and the heat from the sand. For some people, it's a pine forest and feeling
the pine cones or the pine needles or hearing the wind through the trees. For others, it's the sound
of a motor or a car or a train. There, you already have connected to these things. You just never
realized that you have a draw towards them.
There are certain times in your life that you begin to zone in on a certain thing. It could be
a moment in the park; it could be a moment in your car; it could be looking at someone, but
there's a moment that something's talking to you, and something seems oddly and strangely,
prophetically familiar to you. Yet, because you can't place it with your current memories, your
brain overrides and says, "Move on." So, you have to ask yourself what the things are that are
attracting you, what things are talking to you unconsciously. And when you can figure those
things out, then you need to explore them or exploit those things. For some people, it's art. It's
not actually making art. It's to go to an art gallery and just walk through all these different things
and all of a sudden you find some pieces of art that you're just absolutely drawn to. But you never
would have found that had you not exposed yourself to a vast variety, although you would know
it was something you needed to do. Why would you know you needed to do it? It's that inner
knowing; it's that inner navigator. It's about listening and it's about putting yourself in
circumstances in order to have it jump out at you. Its about listening rather than functioning.
Functioning means you're thinking with your brain, "I'm going to do this; I'm going to do that;
here's the list of things to look at." You've got to put that all aside and glide and walk and just let
your mind be silent like a walking meditation. Just see where it delivers you. See where the
Universe moves you instead of the rational brain pointing out a whole game plan. Let yourself
So, you already know what you need to look at. Your navigator is already talking to you.
You're just not listening and that is the problem. You need to listen. You will then find things that
are going to jolt your memory. It could be cooking smells or the sound of pots and pans. On
many occasions for me when I was younger, its that surreal sound at a movie theater that I've
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spoken to you about, when I go and park my car and the movie is running. I'll walk out in the
dark to get popcorn and use the restroom, and I hear the sound of the crunching of my feet on the
dirt; I hear the echoing in people's cars. It's surreal, and then memories begin to flow into me. But
if I stay too grounded, Ill say, Well, that's the movie and that's the sound and the cars. Don't
think about that. Enjoy what's going on. There's something trying to tell you something and you
can feel it. So you just have to let yourself go with it, and when you don't get it completely, don't
say, Aargh! Just say, "Oh, I'm frustrated because I'm not having a break." There will be another
time and another time and they will get more intense. Don't program your brain to have resistance
by saying, "I'm frustrated because it's not coming through." That is just a reinforcement of
preventing that from happening.
So you have to sense when you're sensing those things instead of simply functioning with
the things that you're doing. When you can pay more attention, you begin to exploit those things
by putting yourself in that situation. If you have family and you sense one of those things like an
old church building or something, you mentally make a note that you felt that. Then when you
have the opportunity, when the kids are all in school or you have time by yourself, you take a little
drive off and do your investigation. You spend that time walking through there and you listen to
your footsteps against the wood, echoing through a church. You feel the textures of things. And
you open yourself up without any preconditions, or pre-thoughts of what you should expect,
because as soon as you do that you're going to limit anything you're going to get. Everybody does
that unconsciously most of the time.
Student: Does this tie into when you tell people that they should try to eat the food from a lot of
different countries?
Eric: Yes. I always say the bigger the palette of foods that you eat, the better it is for you. When
you look at cultures that integrate into American culture, first you will see them change their
clothing, their hair style, their jewelry, their cars, their houses. Everything will change, but there's
usually one thing that they can never let go of, and thats food. Their cultural food is something
they hang onto forever. It's something you hang onto from your childhood. Even if you're an
American, whatever you ate from your youth, no matter how cheap or low quality it may have
been, you will crave it. This is something that's built into us biologically. Survival is based upon
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I watch my dog and he looks like he's doing something. He's got food on his brain and
that's all he's looking for half the time. You watch any dog or other animal and they are out
foraging or looking for food. Human beings aren't that different. We, of course, have an
abundance of food, but in this particular case, because we have abundance, we've learned to have
selective food that has made an imprint on our brain. What I'm suggesting is that this carries over
to your mind when you move on to another life. So if you've spent a significant time in a past life
in a certain culture, you could eat certain food, and if you open yourself the way that I was
explaining to you just a few moments ago, you're going to have backlashes. You're going to do a
reincarnation session and you're going to have profound breakthroughs if you have any
connection to that food.
Let's say you do a reincarnation and you get good results. Go out and have Russian food;
go out and have Indian food. When you're done having Indian food, you open yourself. You take
in all these tastes and textures and feelings, and you just do it very tactilely. Just experience it.
Don't have any conditions like you're going to all of a sudden wake up from a past life. Take that
time that you spent there, go back home, and put in your reincarnation program CD that's going
to run you through this. Ten to one you will have a better success rate if you've had any lives in
India. You're going to see it come through much more clearly. It's a crafty way of assisting
yourself to help your consciousness move. Eat Persian food; eat South-American food, and eat
food from Africa, Ethiopian. In all of these things, there is something that will carry with you that
you can open. I know this sounds silly, but I always feel that people who have a very large
spectrum of food usually have better sessions, better results than people who really have a very
refined diet of what they eat, or a limited diet. So there is definitely a connection and I feel it's for
the reasons that I said. It's something that carries over biologically in us and it carries over
spiritually from life to life.
Disk 2 Track 2
Student: Are certain souls more prone to choosing or incarnating into one sex over the other?
Eric: I would say, for the most part, there is not a gender choice in the very beginning for the
majority of souls or spirits, simply because the Universe just moves you where theres an
opportunity. You don't know what gender a baby's necessarily going to be when it's born because
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you can't pick up on that energy field. So it's potluck. You get what you get. I think that some
very powerful spiritual beings have been in both women and in men. Unfortunately, the world is
still dominated by males. I do not mean this in a spiritual sense. There is not really a difference to
a soul or an entity or a being, because they're not masculine; they're not feminine; they're both.
There is not a gender. They are balanced. This is, of course, what you hope for. In your physical
life, you'll find that most spiritual people who are rather advanced are going to have very feminine
energy and very masculine energy at the same time, so sometimes you don't quite know how to
judge them. They're very balanced internally, so they haven't really chosen to go down one or the
other path. If there's a preference by an advanced being, it's probably going to be towards a male
oriented body. It's really not because one is better than the other, but because of the sociological
structure of societies; there is more of an opportunity for a male to communicate and teach than
for females, at least at one time. I think you'll probably see more female spiritual masters coming
up and rising now because of society changing so much, particularly the progression of womens
rights. But before all of this, it was very rare, if at all, to really find any enlightened spiritual
teachers that were females. So, it was a matter of opportunity and not having to fight for women's
rights as much now. It is simply a matter of trying to get through to people about opening their
minds spiritually and trying to reach them on that level.
There are certainly advantages and disadvantages in the arena of how the biological brain
is designed as to a male versus a female and what regions they use. I would say that women
certainly have a much higher level in certain psychic abilities than males, meaning that they have a
sensory or an ability to do certain things telepathically and empathically. On the other hand, a
male actually has a very analytical mind. For example, there have been various psychological
studies in which they'll ask females to draw a bicycle and males to draw a bicycle. The females
usually will draw a triangle with two wheels and it makes absolutely no sense, while men will
actually do it all out correctly. It is how the mind works and how it visualizes, so the male brain
can structuralize things better.
I'm not saying that all women cannot do this or vice versa. What I'm saying is that it gets
into this whole masculine-feminine thing where the brain is pretty much the same and it's just a
choice of what direction it's plugging into. So you have certain spiritual teachers who have
masculine-feminine energy. They're probably uniting both these parts of the brain, so that they're
able to launch on a spiritual level better and work through their brain to communicate outward.
What the spiritual or the advanced being would choose would be based upon what its intentions
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were in this incarnation.
Student: If you're a woman during your incarnation but you don't feel feminine, what's going on
Eric: Well, it could be several different things. It could be that in your past lives you have been
more male than female and that you haven't dispersed them very well. Let's say that for the past
ten lives that you've been here you've been men, and not only just men but very dominant men,
very outspoken men, very aggressive or maybe having to defend your family. It's going to carry
over. If youre in a female body, then you're going to be at some disagreement because you're not
adapting well to this biological role. And that's really the catch 22. The same thing goes for
femininity, a lot of feminine lives bleeding over into the physical. This really brings in the question
of sexuality, which I also believe is genetic in part. It's how the brain is designed. I think as
science progresses, they will see these things, that people are basically born in many cases a
certain way. In my opinion that's only 35%. The next 35% would be what you are exposed to and
what you accept in your life and what your level of perspective is. Different cultures have a
completely different perspective on mates or multiple mates or genders or what's acceptable and
what's not, and you don't think anything of it. So what you're exposed to really becomes what you
are, and who's to say whether it's natural or not natural?
I look at nature and I always say, The birds and bees are perfect. Well, I see the birds
and bees doing some pretty funny things, so that must be natural. You have your gays; you have
your straights; you have your bisexuals, and now I'm constantly reading in science journals,
they're studying sheep that want to do it with the other males. So, this is birds and the bees; this is
nature. So is it a mistake of God or God doesn't make mistakes? The point is that they're finding
slight differences in the brain, as well as the sociological contribution. I think the other missing
factor, the other 30 some-odd percent that's left, is basically spiritual. It's going to be a factor of
what you were in your past lives and how it comes over. And if you're really a super advanced
soul that's been around for a while, just look at Krishna, look at Buddha and look at Christ. They
have very masculine-feminine energy. There's a certain balance in that nature. So, the bottom line
is, it could be one of three factors, or it could be all three factors.
Student: Can a soul only reincarnate into one body at a time?
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Eric: Well, I've read about different circumstances where people will claim that they've been more
than one person or that person's been in multiple places at one time. In this physical dimension, it's
fair to say that there are a lot of possibilities, especially when you look at quantum physics and
split particles and various reactions and such. We're getting into an area now of a question that is
not easy to explain but I'll make my best attempt.
Is it possible for a soul to exist in two separate places at the same time? Yes, because
you're infinitely energy. Possibilities can be separate. Just as one can have telepathy, you can have
two energies working. In a sense, what I'm saying is, Can one hand feel the carpet and can
another hand feel the hair on your head at the same time? But yet you're one being taking in two
sources of data. So everything that we perceive we see individually because that's how we see
ourselves as human beings. What you need to do is to see yourself split in half or just look at your
two hands. They work together for one unit but they also can work independently. So, two souls
in two different places could be a yes in this physical dimension, but it's a very unlikely thing. It
would be like lotto, one in a billion. I don't want you to think that this is something that would
occur often or in every life or anything like that, but in rare cases you could say that a soul is
required to be in more places at one time because there are no other choices. In this case, it
divides itself; but when both bodies pass on, it will unite itself. It's to say you leap from life to life
to life to life, accumulating your consciousness. It's basically just that the time period is the same
but you've split into two data pools collecting experiences that will eventually merge back to one.
Does that help at all? ('Yes' from the audience.) But again, it's rare and it's really a mind bender
for you guys, because you perceive yourselves as individuals. So to think in these terms is actually
a bit pathetic.
Student: Is there a way to tell if someone is an old soul?
Eric: I think that's one of those inner knowings. You know where a person's been; you know what
they're about when you meet them. I think that people get perceptions of other people not
because of anything concrete. I look at people all the time and I think, Oh, that person's fake. I
hate to say that, but you see them dressed a certain way, combing their hair a certain way, and
they mimic their hand actions or their personality a certain way, and you just know that this is a
camouflage. This is a shell and underneath there isnt much going on intellectually. And then other
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people you meet and you know there's this deep rich source of information there; this person has
complex reflections. And how do you know this? Because your inner knowing tells you so. And
this directly perceives in many cases a soul or how many lives they've lived, and so on. This won't
apply to somebody who doesn't believe in reincarnation or such. That goes right back then to
sociological structuring, how they came into the big picture and why their perspective now is the
way it is.
Student: How does the creation of a soul affect the Universe?
Eric: The creation of a soul is necessity. God created the Universe; the Universe is the body of
God or a portion of God's body. I often say that the planets, the moons, the stars, all of these
things are the flesh, and that the spirit of God is the consciousness intertwined. Just like your body
is the flesh and your soul is the consciousness of it. It's intertwined; it's all one. When you reach
out and touch something, there is a form of information that's exchanged. Cells may die to give
their electrical little bit of information along with thousands of others that move their way through
the Universe to become part of your consciousness. After they move through the brain, the brain
is able to disperse it into a different consciousness. Life throughout the Universe, on all levels,
whether it is planets or living organisms or intelligent beings, in some way serves a greater or
smaller level of this exchange of information. You could say that a human being has energy.
Everything is converted into energy, and when they die that energy then moves to the next level,
to the planet. Then the planet might live billions of years, but that's like 80 years to us, it's just a
different size portion or existence in time. And then that in turn releases all of the data it's gotten
from its micro level which would be living beings, humans, and it then is released to the solar
system. The solar system might die in trillions of years and be given to the galaxy, and the galaxy
might disappear in trillions and trillions of years, but it'll give its absoluteness to some other level.
And it works like that.
So a soul is really a higher level of that process. In your body, you have your standard
level of information exchange and then you have other living organisms in your body that have
different roles or different levels of importance. Now, all of it is important in the end, but
sometimes there are certain cells that have different purposes or longer life expectancies or a
different array of abilities or sensory in order to conduct what they need to contribute to the
bigger picture, which is your entire Universe. So, souls in a sense serve a higher purpose for the
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planet than maybe other organisms do. Its not to say that they're not important; they're all very
important, but it's just variations. So souls are extremely important to the Universe, to God. I
always say they're one of the most important things to the Universe, because in essence they
interact as ambassadors more so than other living organisms do when they surrender themselves
to a different level of hierarchy. They actually move to a higher frequency and back again, higher
frequency and back again, life after life in a different level of contribution instead of living a micro
life and then, just like a sugar cube, contributing to something that's on a different time scale, on a
much slower level but on a much vaster level.

Disk 2 Track 3
Student: When a really advanced soul incarnates into specific circumstances, is it by their choice
or can they be directed by other soul collectives?
Eric: Again, using the human body as a reference, if you have an infection in your body, the white
cells throughout your body somehow know that they must fight this infection in your toe. They
will journey what to them would be an infinite amount of space, because we're talking micro, to
get to this place to assist, to fight this battle. And for whom are they fighting this battle? For
themselves or for whom? What is the greater cause? The greater cause is the whole. So they go
and they will sacrifice their life in this process. And interestingly enough, white cells never allow
you to catch the same cold twice. They in a sense reincarnate. Red cells, on the other hand, have a
different purpose to serve the whole in a micro life. They live their existence and then that's the
end of it.
There are in your body things that we've discovered called super white cells, and they have
ancient memory and ancient knowledge. When a virus comes into the body and the regular white
cells can't handle it, and they're overwhelmed, it's as if there's a certain knowing. Then these super
white cells react to battle these viruses of which they seem to have a greater knowledge. In some
cases, it's too late for them to react and the body can't respond fast enough because they weren't
able to get into the action quick enough. The destruction was too vast. Obviously, there is a
delegation of some sort going on through our inner Universe. And we are made in the image of
God, not as flesh per se but in spirit or in a different way, in an alienesque way thats different but
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similar. The Universe is similar, yet very alien and different at the same time.
So, in answer to your question, Im giving a yes. There are beings that intervene to help
the propagation of life, and the importance of it. And where there are viruses in the Universe or
negative beings or beings who are trying to create a destructive level of life, there is at times an
intervention of more advanced beings.
Student: If you die on one planet and reincarnate into another world or dimension, could you
then, after you die, reincarnate back into the world before that one?
Eric: It depends on what level you are and the circumstances of your choices. Let me tell you, the
endurance of the soul is unbelievable. It's made of the fabric of God. It's the ultimate material. A
soul is basically indestructible but it has to serve some purpose.
Student: Can you program something into your next incarnation?
Eric: Yes, you absolutely can. Most of the time people do it without knowing. This goes back to
food; it goes back to these little things, but you can deliberately attempt to send a message in your
psyche in order for it to come forward in a certain future life. I am well aware that spiritual
masters on many occasions will use this as a device to help their awakening process in the next
life, if they know they're going to come back immediately.
I often say to people who talk to me about waking up in their dreams, Look at your
hand. And when you look at your hand, study it. See the fingers, but don't move around. Don't
follow your hand up and down or look around. Just look at the palm and as youre looking at the
palm, become aware of the flesh around it, the meatier muscles. Then, as you're looking at the
center, become aware of the bluer veins inside versus the white pigment, the pink, and the white.
Then look at the creases in your palm that a palm reader might read. Become aware of your
fingers that are sticking out and the space between them and the notches and the folds in between.
Have that absorb in you and open it and close it several times. Just think of yourself as being a
machine, yet be aware of making this thing open and close. And then go to bed. Then in your
dream there will come a point where your hand will come up and you will look at it. If you look
at your hand in your dream, you can just see your eyes with this thing standing in front of you. So
in your dream, you're doing the same thing, but it's a whole different reality around you, and it
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wakes you up in your dream.
In a sense you could say to yourself, "Look at my hand and I will awaken to who and
what I am. Look at my hand and I will awaken to who and what I am." Then in your next life,
there might come a moment one day when you're sitting down and you look at something, and
you awaken. You have this huge memory that just floods your mind. This could be done
unknowingly. You could be a person who has a home on a mountainside and you watch the sun
rise every morning. You might think, "What has that got to do with anything?" Well, maybe there
were two pine trees, one to the left, one to the right and it would rise between them every day;
and that was the time of day when you reflected on your life and did certain things. So, if
coincidentally you go out to a forest and sit down and you just happen to watch a sunrise between
two trees, one on the left and one on the right, it may profoundly awake you. Or if you use the
material that we're talking about consistently enough, it's going to jolt certain things in your
memory, and you may just have a serious flash of information surface. It happens all the time.
So the answer is yes. However, as I say in everything I teach, most people lack
consistency. You could do it for yourself for your next life, but the question is, Will you be
consistent in doing it this week, this month, this year, or the next five years? Its very unlikely.
So in any other life, it's very unlikely as well unless you're highly disciplined. So the best way to
figure these things out is to simply go the other routes that we've been talking about.
Student: Can you tap into someone else's past lives.
Eric: Yes, absolutely. It's like telepathy which we'll cover in another CD and hopefully you'll bring
up that question so I can go into it in more detail. Actually, sometimes it's easier to pick up on
somebody else's past lives than it is for you to remember your own past lives. At first, it sounds a
little quirky, but the reasoning is that if you are already psychically developed and you can sense
things and feel things, you simply apply the question of trying to feel who these people were in the
past life. It's as if there's a better flow in the brain to accept information from the back of that
person's mind or their frequency. Somehow, it's more accessible. One, because your brain isnt
filtering it; and two, the laws of perception say this: everything that you experience is from an
external place brought internal. Your hearing is from the outside world. Your sight is from the
outside world. Your smell is from the outside world. So when you look at someone and you apply
your telepathic abilities, it's almost as if that information has a better way of coming in rather than
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trying to internalize it to come forward. It's not that you just look at everybody and it just runs
through you. You have to go into a deeper state to make this mind meld, if you want, in a Vulcan
sense or in a spiritual way, to link. Your intent is to know what this person was in a past life, and
so, just as you would predict their future, as we teach in other courses, so do you have the ability
to also pick up information about their past lives. It's not going to be lengthy information. It's
going to be bits and pieces just like anything else.
Student: How does a human reincarnate on a totally alien planet?
Eric: Again, it's a choice. At a certain point, you evolve spiritually to move on. You will not find a
new alien being who's lived one life on their world, all of a sudden move across the solar system,
the galaxy or the Universe and incarnate their second life to be human. There is a progression of
what you have to contribute to your own planet in the way of reflection and the evolutionary
process of consciousness, before you even have the ability to migrate dimensionally through
distance. The magnetism that holds you in a place also holds you into staying with Earth. The
planets are designed to hold you there. If a planet were to release you so easily, it would not have
the mechanism for its own consciousness to grow. If the very contributing neural system which is
life were leaving, it would be depleting the planet of the reason for creating it. A planet wants to
give life. A planet wants to do this because it's a neural system being built. All the mechanisms of
life on that planet are really dying and giving their collective energy to the consciousness of that
planet. So, in a sense, it's a form of inner procreation although its different. It's the same reason
that your cells adapt and grow and get bigger and better and faster from the time youre a baby.
It's doing the same thing. So it's designed not to let you escape. You really have to evolve and
only the few that really, truly evolve are then able to move on to different places.
Student: So you're saying that for most people who've had just a few lives it's rare that they've had
lives in alien worlds or dimensions?
Eric: If you really think about what most people say about reincarnation, it's very rare that you
really come across somebody who claims to have been only aliens in their past lives.
Student: So, it is more likely that if someone had an alien memory, then theyre probably tapping
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into some sort of galactic grid?
Eric: They could be tapping into the Gaia Mind. You know, the Gaia mind isn't exclusive to the
knowledge of the Earth. The Gaia mind is very connected to the rest of the galactic mind. It's just
a different hierarchy. So its neighbor is another solar system or another galaxy and there could be
an exchange of information going on constantly. We can tap into that, and that creates a whole
daisy chain throughout the entire galaxy, if you think about it, or the Universe. So the possibilities
are infinite. Of course, with very alien lives, it could be because they have evolved intensely in
another world and this is their first life here. They might be thinking, "This is my first life but Ive
had all these other alien lives." So, in some sense, they're very limited in a double way, which Ill
explain. They're alien. They don't have any lives physically and where you would think that they
must be super evolved spiritually.
They probably are. The problem is that it's totally alien now in a world that is completely
strange. So they're almost as limited as a person who was incarnating for the first time. Do you
see what I'm saying? They don't understand the textures, the colors, the structures, the
technology, the communication, the verbiage. It's all extremely alienesque for them. However,
they usually will mature much faster because there is an enriched background behind them. In
fact, I would say that that's more the path that I've taken myself.
Disk 2 Track 4
Student: What would happen if the population suddenly shrank due to a catastrophic event?
Eric: Well, what happens when people use drugs? What happens when you get brain damage?
What happens when something traumatic happens, or chemicals in water get into your body
system to your brain? I mean brain damage. Your brain will make an attempt to heal itself and
rebuild. During that process, you are limited or less capable. Take a stroke for instance. When
someone suffers a stroke, usually it will kill certain portions of their brain and then they have to
practice to regain their motor gears that they lost and the various things that control these
functions. They may get back up to 100% functioning or they may not. In this particular case, war
or plagues would be like strokes. You know, the planet's almost been wiped out on several
occasions from what we can tell from archeology. And then there's a comeback. This planet's still
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very young in terms of age, as far as planets go. So if you look at a young human as an analogy,
you could say that a baby shows remarkable bounce back abilities from brain damage where an
older adult doesn't. So the answer is that it has a downtime and it rebuilds from there. But more
importantly, there is a large amount of data that's released during those time periods and usually
this contributes to refining and learning from one's mistakes in a very unusual way.
Student: What happens to a soul when there are no bodies to reincarnate into?
Eric: I would say almost as much as 85% of the people are really just going to be a very
large contribution going into the Gaia mind. Then the few that escape certainly can find bodies
throughout the world because there will always be a larger portion of those not really developing
a soul. Just for the record, somebody will probably challenge me on that 85%. It's give or take.
We're just using some rough numbers to give people concepts.
Student: Would there ever be a case of massive soul migration?
Eric: Yes, sure. It has happened on many occasions.
Student: What would the circumstances be in order for this to take place?
Eric: A world dying, a sun going supernova before the populace of the planet can actually leave
through mechanical or scientific means. They could then disperse and that energy would then
proliferate into the surrounding solar system. It would be like a sugar cube for the planet, except
it would just be larger for that solar systems information. Or, the souls from there would then
divide up in millions of directions and become like grains of sands for souls in other worlds. It
wouldn't be like a huge flood of those souls for one planet. It doesn't work that way. The
Universe is so vast, at this point, it just would be thinned out so that only two or three might end
up on our world and incarnate into it.
You have to keep in mind also that on some planets, the potential for evolving souls is a
much more difficult challenge than it would be for other worlds. It's the opportunities that are
there versus what the vessel can offer. For example, man has created all these things because he
has fingers and toes and hands. So a planet that would have a large population of intelligence may
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not have as many intelligent souls developing on it, while other planets may have an abundant
amount. There are many factors to consider. The most challenging point is realizing those factors
because we do look at everything from a very human perspective of how we see ourselves. We
assume that the rest of the Universe works that way, and that's a big mistake. Even our
conversations are really built a lot around that because it's the easiest way to teach you guys.
Student: How do you tell the difference between a true past life memory, psychic impression or
genetic recall?
Eric: Science has only recently, probably in the last twenty to thirty years, acknowledged that
there's something going on with the whole idea of reincarnation in their perspective. They don't
want to believe that it's from a soul dying and moving on to another life. So, what they've looked
at or considered is the possibility that this is a genetic memory. For instance, they believe now that
its possible that the memories that you may be having are legitimate, but not that they are from a
past life. They feel it's from whatever your mother or your father or their family members had
burnt onto their sensory, their vision or their sense of smell, or whatever. Somehow that
information was recorded and imposed genetically on your DNA, like micro information. Think
about how much information we can put on a computer disc. Just think of the possibilities of the
brain. Its a thousand times more than that. That information is recorded. Now this is the catch
22. According to this theory, you should not and would not have memories of something that
your mother experienced after you were born, because there's no way to transfer that data. So in
my opinion there are cases of this. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. In either case, there are
different methods of saying how memories of past lives have really come into the big picture and
that's one of them that we wanted to bring up.
In the beginning, it's very difficult because the brain just sees everything as imagery. Let
me propose a question to you. You have a memory of going to Hawaii, and you have a memory
of watching something about Hawaii on television. How do you know which is real in your
memory? It feels different. I know this may not be the answer anybody wants to hear, because it
certainly leaves plenty of room for error but in the beginning you have to accept that you're going
to have to take time to discern these. And for me to give you some generic canvassed answer, I
just won't do it. You can have memory within your own mind that you can recall and you know
whether it was or wasn't. You feel it, you know it. This gets back to that knowing that I keep
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talking about, and it's very clear and much defined. It's undoubtedly.
You would argue to someone, "No, no, that didn't happen because I watched it on TV."
"How do you know?" "Because I remember." "Well, how come you remember?" "I just know."
It's the same thing. When you start to have memories of past life, you're going to know. This is a
memory; this is a memory; this is not something that I'm imagining. If you don't feel that way,
then very likely it is imagination. So most people could say, "Well, then I could concoct almost
anything and buy into it." No, you would know the difference; you're just lying to everybody else.
Student: Does reincarnation occur within the order of time?
Eric: I would say that it's in accordance with time, because what's happening is the Universe is
expanding. Everything is making a progression forward. The forwardness is based upon the wave
of knowledge that's building it forward to come back to energy. It started off as energy, solidified
into lower frequencies of energy which created matter. Matter then produced different organic
levels of life to microscopically study or integrate with this reality through organic life and energy.
Organic life then should collect enough information to become energy. Energy progressively
returns to the source or to where the experience was designated to begin. It's the return of that
So, no, you would not be able to incarnate into past lives from the future. You can't
incarnate into the future. You can't incarnate in the past. You can review the past through the
Gaia mind or the collective consciousness of the Universe. It's recorded memory, just like you can
review your own memory. Under hypnosis, what little you can remember now usually gets a lot
sharper and a lot better because it's recorded there. Anything that goes into the future is really
speculative future. It's not written future, because as the Gaia mind can predict vastly far into the
future, in the same way that if I picked up an object and motioned to get ready to throw it to you;
you'd be calculating already to capture it because you're already sensing and calculating what it is
that I'm doing.
So you take a super consciousness, such as the Universe or a supercomputer, and apply
my example of the rubber ball bouncing on the ground. If you're in a room that's x by x size and
you take a super ball and you slam it on the ground and I say to you, "Put your finger in the spot
that it's going to stop on." You say, "I can't do that." And I would say, "Do you think it's possible
to know that?" And you may say yes or no. And I would say, "Well, yes it is possible," and you
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would say, "How?" And I would say, With a supercomputer you measure the room, you
measure the density of the air, you measure the ball, you measure the density of the ball, you
measure the direction it's thrown in. You put in a percentage of information and that computer is
able to calculate those variables right down to the last dot.
So, is the future predictable? Yes, it's just a matter of perception to what degree it is. If we
look at it as human beings, we are limited in how far we can push those calculations, but we do it
all the time. We judge people by it. We judge actions by it. We judge our day before we live it,
based upon calculations of what we expect to happen or how a person will react to certain
circumstances. The better we know them or the better the information we have about them, the
better and more accurately we can predict. Thus, the future also is predictive to God, to the
ultimate level, the Universe. And so to us, it would look very pre-written if we were able to tap
this greater consciousness for that information.
Student: What is your take on the popular New Age ideology that time and the future has already
taken place? A lot of people say that all things that are going to happen have already happened
and it's all just happening in one moment, and that time doesn't really exist; it's an illusion.
Eric: I wouldn't look at it so cerebrally. We are in the now; we are making judgment calls; we are
co-creators with God. I love that terminology. That's something that's now been used by various
authors and poets. We are the cutting edge of God's greatest exploration. So the now is very real.
We are like a wave; we are the crest. There is what's behind us and there is what's ahead of us.
We can only surmise or judge a certain distance and God can certainly judge a distance far ahead
of that, but still the now is critical because anything can change at any given moment in a split
second, depending on the consensus of what's going on.
Student: By that same token, can you die and reincarnate into the same time period? Can I die and
reincarnate into the child of my pregnant friend tomorrow?
Eric: If she gives birth, sure. If you're advanced enough and you've been around, yes.
Student: So, can it be that specific?

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Eric: Absolutely. I chose my birth.
Student: How about a group of people? Can they collectively incarnate?
Eric: I always see it as a school of fish jumping out of the water and into a bucket. It's more likely
one is going to jump into the bucket than a whole school. Realistically, you have to weigh this all
out to a certain degree. It's more to say that a bunch of fish can jump out into a bunch of different
pans. Some can jump in a little sooner; some jump in little later, but as long as they're within a
reasonable time space, they can all find one another once they're in reality on this grid, and like
homing pigeons, somehow tie their lives together.
Student: People talk about sometimes spanning several lives with the same people around them or
having soul mates.
Eric: I am often interested in stories about some criminal who commits some crime and then he
disappears. Then 10 years later someone is in Rome, and he's on top of a statue at a tourist spot,
and he looks over and there is this guy that he knew from a decade or two ago who committed
this crime. And he gets on the radio and says, "Hey, you know, I've just run into, you won't
believe, and so on." And they come and they pick him up and sure enough hes the one. There are
only so many equations in one life. Now, imagine people, who've lived several lives. The world is
not as big as it seems. Also there's this whole natural attractor of which you are drawn to other
similar souls by an inner sensory inside of you. It's going to draw you to other people that you
may have known in past lives because you're still familiar with their frequency. Unknowingly you
move towards them or they move to you or you both happen to end up in the same city, even
though you came from two different directions. It's completely feasible.
Student: You've said that when a women is about to give birth, there is a special moment where
the soul is allowed to come in.
Eric: Yes. It's not really a moment. There's a fair length of time. When the baby comes out, the
energy field is at a particular minimum. You can gauge it by the gap of the head having the
opening. By the time it begins to close, it's almost the same time the energy field starts to
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strengthen so that you cannot move into that frequency. It prevents you. Some may be different.
It depends. I would not say how much time you have, but I would say that it could be a 48 or 78
hour period or up to as much as four weeks in some cases. It really depends.
Disk 3 Track 1
Student: In that place before you incarnate can you communicate with others that have not
incarnated yet?
Eric: You can absolutely communicate with anybody that is not in an incarnated body. It is like a
connective consciousness. Okay? To communicate with somebody who has incarnated is
absolutely very difficult because now it is like an entity trying to speak to you. Its two completely
different dimensional structures for the bodys communication mechanisms - density versus flesh
versus a pure energy format. And usually if it is done, its done emotionally, telepathically - stuff
like that. Even then it is very hard because you are not remembering if you are on the other end.
You dont really have an idea and you are trying to surface these memories. Then when the
person or being tries to communicate with you, you really are interpreting it through the organic
awareness that you have developed of who you think you are.
Student: Does the frequency of your soul have any effect on your physical characteristics, or does
it have anything to do with more dominant awakened chakras?
Eric: Yes, physically it does to a certain degree, but not completely. I think a lot of times peoples
faces are really designed by the muscle structure of their face, and if you look at twins, they can
look completely different depending on how their mind is set in there. I wouldnt say that one is
going to have a bigger nose or shorter nose, or bigger eyes and smaller eyes, or bigger teeth and
smaller teeth. What I would say is, you certainly can affect the structure of your face and that can
be very impactful. And that is really based on how your mind is working through your face. Your
eyes say an awful lot.
Student: Do chakras play a role in the reincarnation process and how can you use this knowledge
to enhance your meditation? Are your chakras a middleman to lock into the soul?
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Eric: They are absolutely a middleman. It is not a matter of locking into the soul, as much as it is a
means to assist in directly working with your soul through your physical body. Chakra points are
the happy medium of your physical body and your spiritual energies. In essence it is a doorway micro doorway, if you will - or a means to manipulate the stimulation of your energy frequencies
and what is going on with them. If you think of your chakra points, we go right back to emotion
being the Universal language.
What are your chakra points if you really think about it? They are really associated very
much emotionally. They have an emotional connection, each one of them. It is just a very complex
emotion, but if you really think about it, it is definitely an emotional complex. So in essence it is
your tuning fork that has a two way effect: it is very physical - the tuning fork - but the results of
banging it create an effect that is vibratory. So what youre doing is youre vibratory - and
youre manipulating your other energies that are partially physical and partially dimensional. So it
has an effect on every level. Both in a physical aspect of how its going to come back out of you
and how its going to be represented because its affecting your consciousness, your mind to your
brain and vice versa.
The more balanced your energy is, the more that your consciousness is going to be able to
convey what it wants to convey to you. Youre controlling the brain better. Youre empowering
your consciousness, and youre feeding energy to your dimensional self. So the very source of
your recesses - where this information is from - is able now to materialize biochemically through
the neurons and such in your brain so that you can have these memories and it can find its place in
you. So, by manipulating chakra points, again you are working with that same happy medium: the
physical and the dimensional. It is going to be an after effect just by tuning them. The benefits that
are going to come forward you are creating in one way; you are training your brain to be more
stable, less jittery and shaky. So, this very vast and complex information has a better platform to
express itself into your brain or what you would say is your current consciousness.
Student: Since chakras work on specific frequencies, do they tie into your Is at all?
Eric: They tie into the Is in one aspect. The Is are from your deepest rooted physical self
that really imitates consciousness, or really imitates it as part of your mind. They are not that, at
all. They are fake. They are definitely from an organic world. Your chakra points, first of all,
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should be seen as dials. Its not just a button; its a dial of how much frequency you are going to
turn that volume up on each one. How intense can you get it? What are the effects of what is
going to happen as youre intensifying them? They have the ability to control the other Is. If
you think of your lower chakra, you are really thinking about base needs, your physical comfort;
maybe the desire for food and such, sexual drive. Okay? You can down tone it so that you can
shut off those things so that you have clarity. Your heart chakra is going to be very emotional,
picking up other peoples emotions, your feelings, whether youre hurt, whether you are happy,
depressed. You can tune that down - your mind. Too much rationalization, too much thought, too
many demands of what your expectations of life are. Can you pay your bills? They are connected
in a sense that you can use them to shut down those mechanisms, and if you could shut them all
down, what are you left with? You are left with one thing, the purity of whats left -- your middle
pillar, your I, so there is a connection.
The first thing is that you cannot look at the chakra points as being one function. There
are a lot of functions within each one, and again, here we go back to simplistic thinking that I
have brought up earlier that we impose all the time as we often think that these things can only
have one function. One chakra must be able to do one thing, and its not the truth at all. We really
need to get beyond all that. We have to think multi-dimensionally.
Student: When you reincarnate, is your totality reincarnating, or is some part of you staying
somewhere else?
Eric: No, the whole totality is moving with you. Let me present it in a different way. It is a yes
and no answer. Okay? Yes, you are moving with you but there are always fragments of you that
are also dispersed. In other words, in practical terms, how many people have you affected in your
life? So would you say that all of them have a fraction of you? Would you say thats not a part of
you within the people that you have touched in your life? No way. In energy terms, in
consciousness, you would have to say, Yes. Okay? Because they have experienced your
frequency and there is a part of it in them. Just like if you think of your friends, or your family,
your mom and your dad, or a lover, or whatever; you have this frequency that is exclusively
theirs. So in a sense you have already inter-threaded with other people. But the core of who you
are - is who you are. It is just a matter of perspective.

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Disk 3 Track 2
Student: Do planets reincarnate or go through some similar kind of process?
Eric: I would say yes, but it is probably very different. I would say that instead of incarnating as
planets, they would probably incarnate maybe into solar systems, or galaxies, or . . . Its different
altogether how it would work. Do you see what I am saying? Or they would more or less maybe
metastasize into dimensional spaces as a planet but differently. Let me put it this way: a planets
incarnation is going to be extremely different from human incarnation because the hope is that the
planet will reach as high a level as the consciousness on it, meaning the people; that in the end it
finally becomes more consciousness of the organic life on there. Do you see what I am saying? By
that time it is really going through a whole different level of processes. It is probably becoming
more energy and will remain there rather than come back into the physical. It is hard because I
have never really focused on the process of the planets to where that really interests me enough.
A planet is going through micro lives. Okay? Its completely different from what we are; it is
almost incarnating within itself. Okay? When it really completes, it more or less surrenders itself
like a sugar cube, for it does not really maintain its self-identity in a sense. Its very different, and
the time scale is very different also.
Student: When a planet goes through a whole cycle, does it still hold all its experiences in the
Gaia mind?
Eric: It just simply transfers it. I would say the clarity is lost. I would say it is not as clear or as
refined. I do not want to say it is degrading; I would rather say it is compacting and compressing
it. I think it is wonderful that if one can understand computers, we can look at hard drives that
have a compression ratio, but in order to look at that compressed information it takes longer for
the computer to individually decompress it, expand it, and then utilize it, and then recompress it.
It is kind of like that.
Student: Is there a similar process then for the Universe, for when the Universe finally moves into

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Eric: Well, it is hard to look at the Universe in that way because as I have said to you before, the
Universe is - again - its like the tip of Gods finger in a glass of water and we are the part that is
in the water. So we cant look at this as a whole and finished process. Its just because we are
physical and organic, that is how we choose to perceive it. I prefer not to take it too much further
in that area unless we do a whole other series, which we will probably do. We can take it to that
next level.
Student: Is reincarnation actually a metaphor to explain something very difficult to understand?
Eric: Of course it is. I mean you can look at it on many levels again. You can look at it
individually and say that life after life is a progression for a free consciousness. On a second level
you can look at it as being a microorganism with billions of organisms on it, which is really data
building up this higher frequency. There are many skills as to what it is doing all at the same time:
there is what is going on here, what is going on there, but if you look here it is all one thing. So
yes, its a metaphor of explaining one thing but behind it there is a bigger purpose and a bigger
purpose is what I said in the very beginning. Its really the bigger process of the collective
consciousness of God experiencing. Its just the mechanism of how that data is percolating up to
the top and what is each individual layers processes going on in their micro level.
The biggest problem is interpretation because we want to interpret; we gravitate on
interpretation in our physical aspect of how we perceive. And its the hardest thing for us to
escape. Therefore, sometimes you have just got to surrender to the situation and it will surface on
its own and just accept that there are possibilities that are beyond what you can conceive in the
complexity that you have to understand it. You dont need to fully understand it. What is more
important is that you get the gist of what is going on. That is what is important.
Student: How does the Darkside play a role in reincarnation?
Eric: It does not want you to reincarnate. It does not want you to progress. As I have said before,
the Darkside is the totality of anti-life, anti-matter, anti-existence. Therefore, it wants the
proliferation of life to stop. What is the proliferation of life? It is also experience. If you can stop
experiencing, okay, you can stop the process of Gods journey through this dimension. God is
only interested in this dimension to see what the cause and effect is to Its presence and what is
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happening and how It perceives due to the effects of this dimension. And its a journey; its a
thing of interest, or intrigue; why bother doing it if it wasnt, in a sense. Okay? Its experiencing
Its creation - to see what the creations are going to turn out to be. So therefore, there is a
resistance of energy here; for every action is an equal and opposite reaction, lets say on the
crudest level. And that opposite reaction would be to experience the actual formation of reality
and its process to return back to energy. At any point that it can be stopped in that process is
what the Darkside desires. So, it doesnt want you to incarnate. It doesnt want the planet to
evolve. It doesnt want the Universe to expand. It doesnt want anything. It wants it all to stop,
and if it stops, we all cease to exist.
Student: If you die, and then later your body is cloned from your DNA, what happens to the soul?
Eric: Your soul goes on fine; there is no problem with cloning. Cloning only biologically recreates
you. It doesnt copy your memories. Your memories are your frequency. It is who you are. What
would happen if they could copy your memories is that it would just create a twin of you. The
energy would just have to be re-manifested, re-built, and re-shaped. And its impossible in my
opinion for there to be a twin of you because in one millisecond of a move of your head, youre
newly someone different. Youve just collected a different experience than what you originally
had, if it had just been your original body. Do you understand?
Who you are is based upon what youve seen in your life. It is based upon the people you
have touched, that you loved, that you fought, and that you argued with; it is all of these things
that create your identity to these experiences. A clone will never be able to have the same
argument that you had with someone. They will never be able to clone even if they had the same
argument, the same person who made the argument, their nationality, their personality, their feel.
Okay? They would have to create identically your entire life from beginning to end -- identically -in order to create that structure of consciousness to be the same. Now theyre going to get similar
trace of memories, okay, that are genetically stored in there, and maybe certain personality traits
that are just handed over to you genetically the same way; instinctively you would have certain
others, but the bottom line is they are not going to be you. They cannot be you; they cannot be a
copy of you. They simply would have the same physical body with a lot of similarities, maybe. But
in the most part youd be completely unique.

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Student: What about cryogenics?
Eric: Well, cryogenics is built up little more than what it really is with the whole deep freezing
process. Id love to think they can bring you back physically with all your memory, but I dont
believe it works as well as people fictionally try to put it out; that it works. The real science
behind it basically states that all the brain cells are absolutely destroyed, etc. And again, even in
cryogenics its the same exact thing; you would wake that person up. Even if they had the
memories and stuff, its going to create a carbon copy of your soul, and its going to be based
upon what you know. It will just react. That person might have to take some time and build it,
and sort it, and create it all together. By that time they would be just like a typical red cell. It
might take days or weeks for them to really build up the energy - to even begin to build that
second soul - which could take years for it to get there, no matter how gifted they were. And
then, in that process, theyre still seeing and experiencing new things, which are already altering
the totality of what they are. If people are comfortable with twins in their life, they say, It is their
best friend. I say, Start cloning me. Lets go! I am pretty happy with myself. I think I will get a
lot more work done.
Student: What is the most someone could hope to gain by recalling a past life?
Eric: Advancement. By obtaining past life information you tend to accelerate the now. You tend
to be able to refine and advance yourself much more rapidly before you leave this world. So in
other words, you are doing work on yourself now to build your soul, okay, to strengthen your
energy field, but to also do what? Expand your consciousness so that you can understand more
-which I said in the very beginning. So by having past life memory come up, its really the wisdom
that comes behind that. As I said before, remove your bigotry, remove your ignorance, remove all
these things and you become a refined being; your frequency is higher. So if you can obtain a
higher frequency in this life, the things that you perceive become greater information that you
could not understand before.
For instance, lets say that youre a bigot. Lets say that you are a racist or whatever, and
youre basically asked to read a book on the lives of certain people. And you read this book and it
moves you in such a way that it really changes your opinions on things. It shows you perspectives
of looking at it that never had been proposed to you before. It had never occurred to you before,
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and so when you are done with that book, you can no longer lead your life exactly the same way
that you used to. Your opinions have changed. The core of who you are is very much the same,
but youve grown, as far as your perspective as to how you will react to things.
Remembering past lives is like reading voluminous books. You help to accelerate this life,
this person, who you are at this moment, to help achieve the ultimate goal that you have been
looking for - life after life. That is the highest state of consciousness you can attain so that you
can make decisions of where you are going to go after this life rather than being placed into the
next process. So if you can attain that in this life, or attain a certain level of enlightenment because
of that, then youve attained your ultimate goals. This is a way of how its helping you. Its
helping you to grow in this now, in this moment, instead of being limited because youre not
necessarily allowed to remember certain things because of it just being a natural feature of nature
in this world.
No one said youre not allowed to have these memories. Its just the way it kind of
worked out biologically because it suppresses it in the brain. That is how the brain works to
prevent certain states of psyche. Do you understand? Its just the way it kind of works. Its how
the cards fell. If the Universe was a little bit gentler on us it would have said, Okay, 20 years old
you can have all your memories back, but it does not really work that way. Do you see what I
am saying? Again, the planet does not necessarily want everybody to reincarnate because then it
means everybody would escape from its consciousness of being able to grow. What if all the cells
in your body decided that they do not want to report to you? You all of a sudden would lose your
ability to hear, your ability to see, your ability to taste, your ability to smell, your ability to touch.
So all of a sudden now you have no data because they all saying, We are independent. Well,
you would cease to progress.
So in essence, the planet is designed to kind of limit you at the same time. This is what
this whole battle with the Doe is about. The Doe is designed to kind of keep you as this
organism functioning on this planet. Youve evolved to a certain level, but its designed to keep
you down. And this is the whole process of escaping. So, reincarnation and experiencing these
memories or the surfacing these memories is a tool in the process of you moving beyond the Doe
because its making you stronger as a vibration. Youre having a greater surplus of information
added to you.

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