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Module: The Hidden Key

Speaker: Eric J. Pepin

Disk 1 Track 1
Eric: What I wanted to talk about really is a key. Everybody wonders, How does he do what he
does? So, I'm constantly rethinking ways to accomplish that. How do I show you precisely how
I do what I do? How do I do it? Now, we've done a lot of classes on different things and I believe
everybody has achieved those things. What I'm really after is to create a level of enlightenment
within people. Most people might think, How do you? You're either enlightened or you're not.
You have to work and study and become very spiritual and then you become enlightened. I
don't know if that is exactly how I see enlightenment. I believe that there are a series of thoughts.
Then these thoughts evolve the dimensional being to be able to harness the consciousness of the
Universe. By harnessing the consciousness of the Universe, one has God-like consciousness.
Does everybody understand what I am saying? So the question is, How do I show you how to
do that?
I have been thinking about this for a long time. There are many keys. Let me explain
what a key is because you know how I run off on tangents. You guys can remind me that I was
talking about enlightenment afterward. Okay?
A key to me is not so much like a physical metal key. Its about a lock and something
opening it. A key to me is a frequency that you carry within you. When I say within you, I mean
how you feel. The key is a thing of beauty. It is an emotion that you experience, that you feel,
that you emanate but you don't verbalize internally. Hence, youre teaching non-thought but still
thought or still consciousness. So it's a place of a very certain or specific feeling that you feel
inside of yourself. Where is that center? That center is not in your brain. It's not in your pants. It's
in your chest or your heart area. That is the other intelligence of which I speak. You feel this
certain emotion. Within myself, there is a certain level of calm involved. There is a certain level
of inner peace. It doesn't have anything clinging to it. Then, it is married with a happiness or a

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feeling of whatever I am creating for the frequency to develop the key. I create an effect, change
reality, affect another being, create a dimensional portal or make a plant grow.
Of course, there's a lot more to the complexity of all this but what I'm trying to say is that
these are all frequencies like recipes. So, I find this inner indifference place inside of me that has
a really non-motivated, physical intention. I hope that makes sense. There's definitely an
intention involved. I have this level of bliss which is kindness, which is love, which is passion,
which is like you just want to hug and love something. It's not the act of hugging. Its the act of
this emotion of love that I want to pour into something. I'm not thinking about physically
touching something. Imagine hugging somebody and as you're hugging them, there either is an
emotion of love or there is not. It depends on your true heart. There are fake hugs and fake
expressions. There are gestures that we use when just meeting somebody and hugging them or
saying hello to the family and hugging them. But there are deep moments within people who
genuinely love another person and genuinely emote from this heart place absolute love. It's like
youre broadcasting. It's almost like you're speaking and you're saying I want to bathe you in
this. I want to protect you. I want to nourish you. I want to heal you. It's a certain feeling of this
vibration that you are emoting out. It's a real thing. I am feeling that as part of this projection that
I need to create.
Where am I going with all this? Reality is based on the fabric of God. As sure as your
flesh is organisms that react to you, so is reality, at least in this dimension, the flesh of God in
essence. In order to approach it, you must approach it in its truest form or at least try the best you
can to create that form, that approach. Does that make sense? So if I am going to ask the universe
to do something for me, I can't say it in words. I can't mentally think that I need you to do
something for me. I have to to talk in a different kind of universal language and it's a language I
am trying to teach you. We've talked about certain things like this but I just feel like there's
always so much more that I need to add. You can't learn a language perfectly overnight, but I
create within my inner being, within my chest area, this clarity, this calmness. Then I fill it with
this emotion of absolute love that I just want to reach out and hold and caress. I know it's not a
physical thing that I'm reaching for so there's an acknowledgment that I am aware of but there is
a broadcasting out of holding or feeling. Once I broadcast that, it's like a jelly doughnut because
it's the filling now inside of the jelly doughnut that's going to come out of me. That is actually
my intention.
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For instance, Ive demonstrated in the past to another student that I wanted to make a
plant grow. Lets say hes writing about it now. I approach the plant without intent because the
plant feels intent. Intents are constantly barriers put up because it is a human interaction. It's
physicalness; it's alienesque in a way but it's also familiar. But it's going to react a certain way.
There's a certain guaranteed action for every reaction. So I approach it with nothing. Nothing. No
feeling. No vibe. No intention. No love. Nothing. And then I muster within me this absolute
feeling of deep love that I would have for God, for just absolute pure love. And I would feel it in
my chest area and then I would emote it out onto the plant. In some cases, I would breathe my
breath into that feeling coming out of me because I believe that molecules or moisture can hold
data also. There's a whole school of thinking on that obviously, too. And I would breathe this
intention of love out, like the filling of a jelly doughnut coming out, as this cloud of energy is
coming out with this intention and the plants are just going, Ahhhhh, this is wonderful! Its this
thing that says. You need to grow. You need to expand. You need to flourish It's a
communication that's not in words. I see it in my mind. What does it feel like? That's what
everybody's missing. What does something feel like? And that is what you've got to broadcast.
That is the code.
Disk 1 Track 2
Eric: I don't see the plant growing - just growth. What I see is the feeling of seeing the molecular
structure of the plant - like molecules bursting, like bacteria bursting and spreading. This is not
bacteria. This is the micro fibers, the micro organisms very rapidly working faster then usual,
creating and building. Then I see the harnessing and the outstretching of the plant like a viny
look. But it's really a leaf curled up inside of it. And I see the curling and I see moisture moving
through it like blood through veins and through cells. I see just breathing outward and that's what
I'm showing and encouraging it to do.
But how did I create the miracle? Here is the greatest secret. I did not choose to affect it
as a large. I choose to affect it as a micro. Does everybody understand? I went to the micro level
- the micro organism level and communicated with that, not seeing it as a whole but seeing it as
micro-verse at its most intimate level of singular beings. It's truly whole. It is the many; the finite
tiny, tiny, tiny ones that you really need to communicate and say as a whole that collectively this
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is what I need to show what you need to do. And because I present it in this very good, spirited
state of consciousness, this God-like consciousness, it is what is familiar to them as the universal
command. It's hence where the code comes for them to exist the way that they do - for a plant to
grow a certain way, for things to grow. You could say that it's a low radiation process.
In the end, it's God. So you can call upon this beauty of God. It doesn't have to be so
perfect for a plant. Do the best you can and then within that, it's like God saying, Well, this is
what I want you to do. So, I'm encoding that feeling and projecting it. Then inside of that
feeling, I'm maintaining the outer core of this vibration of love. Simultaneously, I am sending out
this whole intention or will of communicating to the micro-fiber, the molecular life living within
that plant - to become brilliant, to create a moment of ecstatic creation on a molecular level that
when you see it, you only see the whole rhythm of it creating one bigger product - a giant leaf
unrolling. But for me, I don't see the leaf unrolling, I see the micro life growing. Does that make
So, for me, one could say that I want to perform these kinds of miracles. Now, I know
how. I would say, well, everybody wants to do this. The beauty about it and the bitch about it is
the key. The key is projected from you. You create it within this place within your heart area.
You project it outwards. The projection, the beaming out, the moving outward is what I call the
key. It's extended outside of me. It's like reaching out to unlock something. I'm reaching out in
my interpretation mentally. I'm reaching out with something other than my hand. I'm reaching
out with a tool because it's data; it's coded; it's got a certain dressing of intentions in there but
they're not the kind of intentions that we physically understand. So you've got to throw that all
out. Throw out your human thinking. That is the key, the notches, the metal as the dressing of the
intention. Does everybody understand? The projection is reaching out to create an effect. As sure
as I know I put a key in a lock and I turn it, it's going to have an effect, I'm absolutely confident.
It doesn't dawn on me to question the fact whether the plants are going to react or not. I just
simply know they will and the fact that I believe they will and know they will is what maintains
the structure of the key. If I have doubt, then it deteriorates the quality of the key and then the
micro life won't react to it. Does that make sense for everybody?
This takes practice. I said before when we released the thing from the lunch meeting we
had and I talked about giving you guys classes and the classes were keys if you knew how to
apply them all. Well, everything is there. If you understand Ties That Bind which is the energy
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and you understand various classes, you can combine the skills that you need to create these keys
and you can project them. The bottom line is that if you're of a certain level of purity, a
consistency of being able to hold a frequency that is an appropriate closeness to God, you can
love God. Its one thing to say it. You can throw yourself down in front of a truck and say, I'm
doing this for God, but really in truth are you? Are you not being a martyr? So forget all the
semantics of it. Okay? The bottom line is that you have to refine yourself as a spiritual being by
the choice of your existence - the choice of where you are.
I'll give you another example. You know even I fluctuate from a spiritual state of being to
a normal state of being. It's just easier for me to return to this spiritual place than it is for most.
You cannot perform miracles so easily if you're in an everyday state of mind. You're in the
reality of the doe. The doe holds you in a certain state of mind. You must then indulge yourself
spirituality, ritually if you will. You must create a state of mind or environment or a dressing
around you that invokes a spiritual state of being, something that makes you realize, I feel so
spiritual today. I feel so connected. Why do you feel connected? Did it just happen to you or did
you go look for it so you could inspire yourself to be spiritual? You have to inspire yourself. You
have to actively choose to seek out the spiritual in everyday life when you deem that you want to
go to that place in order to do the work. So you have to find the tree that's holding the key; that's
emanating 24/7 that vibration; that's going to bring you to that place; that's going to emote back
into you like a reflection so that you are back in that spiritual zone and then you can choose to
operate from there if you choose to harness it and harnessing it is the thing that I am talking
about doing. These are the tools - the classes that I give and the knowledge that I give. Does
everybody understand?
Now I'm going to try and explain something very difficult that I believe every white cell
has an inner knowing. It may be simple after I explain it and then everybody will say, Oh, that's
so easy. We always knew that. Certain things have the code and certain things do not. Getting
up out of bed and sitting at the edge of my bed, feeling whatever I feel in the morning does not
hold the code. It holds a certain feeling but it doesn't hold the code. Going down the stairs and
sitting in my chair, just kind of relaxing does not hold the code. When I'm in the shower and the
water temperature is ever so right and all of the sudden I just kind of stare or lean into the wall of
the shower and the water is beading rhythmically, dancing, there is a certain moment that
happens - a micro moment. And if you feel it, you leap into it because you recognize it and it's as
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if time stops but obviously everything is still happening. But there is a certain inner peace you
feel. Theres a certain place that some other part of you now has detected that's very calming;
that's very beautiful. After a few moments, you're pulled back into your functioning of what you
need to do in that shower. That is a moment.
When you walk through a park, you can choose to walk through the park and the wind
can be blowing and the kids can be playing and everything else, but you can walk through the
park and for some reason something speaks to you and you feel the gentle warm breeze on your
body and there's a part of you that slows but you don't recognize you're slowing, but you
recognize that something is happening. To somebody like me, time stops. Even though in your
world, I'm still moving. For me, there's a sereneness in that moment. There's a savoring. There's
something to be said about that moment. That moment is a key. It's data. It's a very important
Disk 1 Track 3
Eric: You can look at a dozen trees and they all look beautiful and they look fine but then there's
that one that you stop, you look, and say, Why is it holding my attention? What is it? It is
reflecting for that moment thats a key. That key is not the tree, but it is. That tree is not the
answer. The answer is what you are feeling in your center chest area when you observe it. Most
human beings project out and say, This is the cause. It's not the cause. It is a cause but it's not
what you're really after. What you're after is the feeling that tree is causing inside of you. It's a
certain kind of peacefulness. But it's specifically different than the breezes or the shower. These
are specific words. Do you understand?
It's a language that one has to decode and learn. Does that make sense for anybody? And
it's hard. Well, so is learning another language. This just is even more alien but if you're going to
ask me how I do what I do, I'm trying to tell you something that is almost impossible to explain.
So, these things hold a language to me. That language is floating all around you.
There are times when I will sit down in the corner of the bathroom. And you might say,
Whoa! Why would Eric do a thing like that in the dark? And I will sit in the dark and I will sit
in the bathroom and I'll just be still. It's not the darkness in an evil way that I'm after. It doesn't
even occur to me in that sense. There is a certain peaceful moment that comes from the echoness
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that is not echoing from the small bathroom with the hard floors. There's a certain deafening
quietness with its small little ticks here and there that is something that I am savoring. I'm
savoring something, is the only way that I can explain it. It is it is a moment of peace, of
hollowing, of a certain kind of language. There's a certain vibration about it that I am after. It's
like a restful moment but it's not any of those things. It's what it makes me feel like. Do you
understand? That's what I am really after - to put myself into a position that it projects that
feeling on me. But if I don't acknowledge it, then I'm just functioning. It's like somebody
handing me a piece of gourmet chocolate and I'm tasting it but instead of chewing and
swallowing it, I'm savoring it. I'm thinking about the complexities, the milkiness, the creaminess,
the bitterness of it, the sharpness of it and the sweetness of it. I'm giving it effort to contemplate
but it's not thinking. It's just savoring. It's an inner savoring that comes from your inner being.
When one goes in the in-between, if you've done the in-between classes, there is a constant
savoring in a different way. It makes everything slow and stop. There's a certain change to reality
and it's very enjoyable. Well, this is very similar.
Now there is a moment. Now that moment has come and gone because the intruding
sound of the motorcycle is hitting, but it's still here. In the quietness, the machinery stopped in
the background. There's a moment. It's not a brilliant moment but for me; Im literally savoring
it. Now you might say, Well, it's because it's quiet. No, it's a different savor. There's plenty that
I can get with loud noises. But right now, if you feel in your chest, take a deep breath and draw it
in and feel; there's an inner peace to the moment. It will leave soon and we call it a shift.
Sometimes when you walk into a room, there will be a shift. I can feel a shift happen in a whole
restaurant. One minute, everybody is talking and I can create the emotion I want and I can
project it and all of a sudden, everybody just gets quiet. Why do they all get quiet? Its because
unconsciously they're reacting to some kind of communication they don't understand. They just
all of a sudden feel like they have less to talk about. But you can see it like a wave. Someone like
me can just see it happen like a big wave.
So where am I going with all of this? I have a hunch that you guys don't have the skill yet
to build up the language. Do you understand? What if I took you through an explanation? I know
you understand or can create the emotions I am talking about. You guys understand the shower,
the feeling, the moment. You guys understand the moment of maybe sitting out on a hill with
grass and feeling the grass cool and each blade underneath your hands and there's a moment that
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you're savoring. There's a feeling. Well, if I can create a series of very specific emotions and you
can just hold yourself to attain them inside of you and follow all of the links and I could take you
from here to here; when you pop out again theoretically you should have shifted to a very high
state of consciousness. Do you understand what I am saying? Why do you guys feel that when
you say, Well, Eric shifts you and stuff. Its because I'm sending it out and you guys are
receiving it. But what if I took you through an explanation that you could internalize? This
specifically is a live frequency that has no other choice but turning and opening a key inside of
you in the end. Am I making sense to everybody?
Any questions at this point? Questions would be good. Go ahead.
Student: I hate to interrupt your flow and everything but you were talking about windows that
capture your mind and take you to a far away place. You were talking about the purpose of it. On
one level, it was to contemplate, to get used to it, to get into it, to understand it better. But was
there another use that you had in mind for that? Did you have anything else to add to that?
Eric: When I say that there's that moment where you experience something, to me that is a
window. Do you get what I am saying? What you're experiencing is what is on the other side of
the window but you're experiencing it. So, the trick to human language is that I am constantly
forced to use physical words to articulate something and in the words, things are lost and this is
why people get frustrated. I'm sorry; I'm doing the best that I can and I assure you I think it's
better than most people. Now they're all calling me an egotist, but the hell with them. The point
is that you have no idea how difficult this is.
I say to you a window because as a human being I understand there's something through
the window. A window is an opportunity. It's an opening in a hole in a wall and when it opens,
you can climb through it. When I say window, we internally automatically think of something to
climb through. Why don't I just call it a doorway? Because the window has glass; glass has
clarity. Glass is closed and, generally, it is not a doorway. If I say it's a doorway, then you guys
would project it differently. If I call it a window, the window means you really shouldn't climb
through it. It's not made to do that, but it is a window of opportunity because if you really need to
get out, it's still a way to get out. It's just a matter of perception. Will you allow yourself to do it?
Most people won't because they're told by their governor that it's a window; it's not a door. So for
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me to say it's a window makes more logical sense than to call it a doorway. I don't believe you
guys would be able to enter a doorway anyway.
So you have to recognize that there's a certain challenge to it and there's a certain thing
saying youre not really allowed. What I'm saying is screw the rules. Open up the damn window
and climb through. Does that make any sense? So, going back to a window of opportunity per se
or a window, it's to say that emotion is there. You guys don't recognize it as being a language.
Hence, this is the reason why it's on the other side; its something that you can view but you can't
touch. You can't necessarily get through because you're told you're not supposed to. You're told
that you're not supposed to because you're not in the physical realms of how you identify with
reality. Touch, smell, taste, hear, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you understand? So what I'm
saying is that you've got to recognize that it is something real, that it does something more than
what you may perceive it to do. Music can sometimes create those things but the problem is that
the music is so tailor made for culling, for motivating very standardized emotions that we relate
to very easily. This is much more intricate than that. That is why you have to recognize that it
takes great skill. It is like a bow string. That is the only way I can explain it. You guys cannot
allow a secondary thought to come in if you guys are going to follow the process of creating this
state of consciousness. Does everybody understand?
The second that you do, you've polluted it - the same way I polluted my mashed potatoes
today. I made mashed potatoes. I put my seasoning in it. It was wonderful. I did a little taste on
it, Mum fine, great, perfect. Okay? And then I got distracted. You know what low mental
power I have. And I put in another helping of salt. And what happened? My distraction led to the
destruction of those awesome potatoes. In the meantime, I thought they were perfect up until the
point where I served them and I went to eat them and I knew there was a serious problem. In the
meantime, I was convinced that they were perfectly fine. I did taste them earlier. Why wouldn't it
work right?
Disk 1 Track 4
Eric: This is where skill and training comes in. You can sit there and go, Well, I'm spiritual. I
did this. I do that. It should work. I don't know. Eric's teachings arent working. Bullshit. You
must learn to hold the note perfectly and if you can't hold the note perfectly, you do not gain
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entrance. Work on your art. Work on your perfection. Don't whine. You can stomp your feet all
you want. You can make your hands into fists and slam them on the table and say, I'm
frustrated. I can't get this. I can't get that. Its not my fault. It IS your fault. Perfect your art
better. Perfect your art better. So, what I'm suggesting is to create a series of what's going
through my mind using these analogies. Of course, I don't use them. Do you know what I am
But I can think of stuff that would create the right effect internally within you. Do you
understand? A stream of things to say to you, Feel the shower. You're in the shower. You're in
the moment. Feel the wall of the shower. Feel the water moving. The waters moving in a
rhythm. You're watching the water. The water is now turning into molecular light sparkles,
moving, moving. You're now sitting on a field. You can feel the grass. The grass in on your
hands. The thickness of the grass and the blades are in between your fingers. You can feel a soft
summer breeze moving through you, across you. The warmth of the sun is on your face and on
your back. As you look up, you see a tree to your left side. The tree to your left side is a giant
mighty oak tree with big wide girthing limbs and branches. It has a certain tone, a certain
thickness, a certain calm that it is projecting to you. That is a communication that I am giving
you now. If you can just internalize each one of those as the emotion - not exactly what I am
saying. If you were to see that, how does it make you feel? Does everybody understand?
If I say to you, You're sitting at the kitchen table flipping through the newspaper. You're
now putting on your shoes. You're doing this. There is no consistency to the level that you need
to hit those higher states of consciousness from that. It's a way to get around the babbler. Does
any of this make sense? I see you guys nodding your heads but I need you guys to communicate
Student: I have a question. Does it happen sporadically or can you invoke it?
Eric: You can invoke it. That's what I'm saying. What I am suspecting at this point is if I can
formulate for you a series of invocations of thought, then you guys can invoke what it is I'm
looking for in a feeling. If you can follow that specific pattern, there's going to be a result and if
I'm correct, it should be the result that I think is going to be there. If I get two pieces of bread and
I put mayonnaise on one side and mustard on the other and I throw a slice of cheese on there and
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some ham and we put it all together, I'm pretty sure we're going to call it a ham sandwich. It's not
going to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So in my mind, I'm thinking that the only way it
won't work is if you guys jack it all up. And I think you guys will jack it all up because you lack
the skill to follow through exactly.
Of course, the higher levels are going to be much longer phraseologies in order to power
and move you through this development. What I'm proposing is kind of like Captain America.
I'm taking scrawny people and putting you into this machine and popping you out without you
having to do all the work. All of a sudden, here you go. Now you know. Now you can't unknow
something that you know. Do you understand? The question is, Are you deserving? That's the
question and my answer is I don't care if you're deserving or not. Now everybody's going to go,
Oh my God! How could he say such a thing? Well, I trust in the universe and I know how
complex it is. My answer is that if it didn't work then you weren't able to hold all your tunes well
enough. You need to go back and study your other classes. If you study your classes and you
learn your skill, you will understand when to jump, when to hop and when to bend a certain way.
If you bend too hard, you'll break it. If you bend too little, it won't have enough. How will you
know how to bend? Its because you've studied your other classes. Your reactions mentally
should be perfected art from reflecting and working with them. If you use your skills, wax on,
wax off, in my mind, it should work. Does everybody understand?
Students: Yes.
Eric: So, if you don't have a good enough resonance, you arent going to get in. If you're a jerk
and youve got negative energy, you aren't going to get in. Now does that mean that everybody
who doesn't get in is a jerk and has crappy energy? No, it means that maybe your violin rhythm
isn't down right yet. When I see fishermen, they dont have it when they cast out to get the fish.
But a fly fisherman has it. It's the rhythm. Bum bum bum. Bum bum bum. It's not the pole. It's
not the fly. It's not the curling of the string. It's the dance. It's the feeling that it presents when I
see this movement of this dance. There's a certain conscious zone that I feel and I don't know
anything about fly fishing. It's a language and I can feel it. And I know that's what a fly
fisherman would feel who is really into his art but he doesn't know all the other languages. I don't
need to do it to know it. For me, I can experience it just by seeing it.
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So, if I can see it and there's a language there, you guys are just mutes and you're just not
listening. That is my problem with half the human race. You guys are all a bunch of dumb asses.
You guys just function. You don't think. You don't feel. You feel randomly. Everything is a
texture to me in life. It's not the bark of the tree; it's the tree. It's the fisherman - the guy casting
the pole with the reel. I think there's a dance there. I think there's something there but it's not
enough. I need the high notes. That is what I am looking for. When I see a beautiful river and the
sun out and the trees out and I see this guy wading in the water and hes got this fly (sound effect
of the fly gently whizzing back and forth in rhythm), it's not even making that noise. I'm making
that noise for the the audio just so people can understand what I am doing. And it's the rhythm,
the rhythm, the rhythm.
How does the rhythm feel? There is no rhythm of sound. There is a rhythm of movement.
What does the movement feel? What does it feel like? I'm trying to give you the secret to
understanding the universe right now. Im trying to teach you what Im feeling, as an enlightened
being, if you will. Well, there's something distinctly different that I'm doing that everybody else
isn't doing, obviously. What is it? I'm telling you what it is. Im feeling that emotion and I like it
and I gravitate to it and it's pleasing to my inner being. It's talking to me. The guy isn't talking to
me. The pole isn't talking to me. The string curling into the air as it touches the water and lifts
again is not exactly talking to me but theres something in that action. Some of them can be
hearing; some of them can be feeling; some can be visual - all your five senses.
There's some undertone for something that's telling me something that is familiar. What
could possibly be so familiar about that act? What could it mean? Why does it feel so good? Is it
because it's calm? Is it because it's perfection? Is it movement without thought? Is there an act
without an expectation? Yet, there's an expectation to catch a fish, to snare a fish out of the
water, to make it do a natural act to capture something that is unnaturally producing it. Whatever
it is, there is information there that does not have to be summarized in any specific way. It's a
feeling. Does everybody understand that? And everybody knows it. I know I'm not crazy. You
guys all have this ability.
Now I do believe in part that this gets into the whole hemisphere in the brain and artistic
people and non-artistic people. Now we're going to get into the whole sexuality thing and
whether a person is masculine or feminine. I believe that they need to have an inner balance of
masculine and feminine in them. I'm not saying that they have to go out and have lesbian or gay
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sex. What I'm saying is that you've got to find inner balance. That's what makes your brain turn
on certain centers because you have to use the organic brain to help you reach higher limits
because this is the facet that you have to get though. This is your interpretation centers and if you
can develop your interpretation centers, then eventually you don't need them anymore. You out
maneuver them; you out grow them. Any questions? Go ahead.
Student: Okay, you're talking about these keys or windows again - these availabilities that you
can move into. And a lot of participants might ask, Okay, I know what hes talking about. I've
looked at sunsets. Ive felt this before. It's spoken to me. Things have spoken to me - even simple
things. Then what? Am I just trying to get familiar with it. What am I doing?
Eric: Alright, I'm going to tell you what to do. You know that feeling of a sunset. Take a plant
and project that feeling into the plant through a key. How will the plant respond to that sunset?
Maybe nothing at all. Or maybe it will make it grow like crazy. Or maybe it will kill it all
together. Do you get what I am saying? I'm saying that if you learn how to internalize these
languages, you can then emote them out to subjects, to people, to the universe, to talk to God. Do
you understand? God isn't going to understand, Gee, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you know? It
doesn't understand Chinese. It doesn't understand he. It understands compassionately certain
things but some times you've got to come up to the next level of communication. Do you
understand? So what I am getting at here is that all of these keys almost need to be memorized so
that you can put together a galactic sentence and see what the response is going to be from the
Universe. It might change night to day. That's how I do miracles.
Disk 1 Track 5
Eric: Something inside of me has to say that I want it to rain. Well I don't go, I want it to rain.
Do you understand? There was a different kind of communication that said, I want it to rain.
But it certainly wasn't in these vocal words. I know what that combination is inside of me and I
know the skill of being a master bow person playing an instruments strings ever so perfectly.
And if I hit one note out, nothing will happen because my key has got a missing notch in it. I
could have all the other notches right but there's one too long and one too short. Something is
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imperfect. That's what makes a master versus a novice - how good can they master and hold
these things? What did I teach? Ive taught you guys finger movements. I've taught you guys
about energy. Everything you need to know, Ive taught you. This is a big key. This is the
missing link that nobody understands and most people don't have the aptitude to learn it. Well, to
me, it just comes natural. Well, I'm sorry that sucks, too bad for you. Well, if you really want
what I can do, then you're going to have to work on it and figure it out. Because you know what?
As sure as a fish will swim in water, I am telling you once you guys get through certain states of
mind, it will come to you. This goes right back to what I'm saying about the state of
consciousness you're in.
I'm going to make more bold statements. I really don't have anything to lose these days.
You're either going to hate me or love me. I've said it before - Plato, Socrates, Alexander the
Great, Michelangelo; it goes on and on and on. Why were these people so brilliant? Why were
they so creative? Why were they? What is the one thing they had in common? It's the taboo
nobody can talk about - their sexual identity. Now do I say that's the answer to everything? What
I am saying is that my job is to tell you guys the truth. My job is not to curtail and work with
society so I don't hurt peoples feelings, so I don't hurt the majority of masses of people. My job
is that if I'm really, truly going to teach, I have to call something what it is. If it means that I get
in trouble for that, which is usually the case, then that's what it's going to be.
But the bottom line is that there is an answer in that state of mind. Now, maybe these
people didn't take it to the next level but what I'm saying to you is that there has to be a balance
within you. God is not a man nor is God a woman. God is masculine and feminine. It is a perfect
pitch. You must try to mimic a balance of pitch inside of you. The problem is that sociologically
we are so driven and so controlled that our governors are extremely dominating and the next
strongest instinct inside of us is our sexual need to procreate which creates our identity sexually.
So, as soon as that is intruded upon or thought upon or anything connected to that, there's a very
strong reinforcement to make you either go one way or the other. You must find an inner balance
within your nature that you can extend outside of those things so that you can create the key
inside of you that is the neutrality that I start off with - indifference. It's not really indifference;
it's just balance. It's balance within myself of understanding strength and flexibility. That is what
I'm trying to get at. It's this inner peace. What do people do? They spend their lives looking for a
partner. You're either looking for a woman to spend the rest of your life with or you're looking
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for a guy to spend the rest of your life with or you're looking for another guy or another girl if
you're that way.
The point is that you are always looking outside of yourself because this is whats taught.
But if you're going to approach God, it's a frequency and that frequency is completion. You must
create a sense of inner balance and completeness within your own being and use that as your first
introduction because plants and animals, reality and dimension recognize God. You can't come
to them in a frequency that's half of something because they know that's not it. If you're going to
present yourself in that level to change reality, then you must dress appropriately for the
introduction and that dressing is your state of consciousness. It is your mode. It is where you're
coming from. Listen, if you look at every single spiritual master, everyone of them, particularly
males because that is predominant. Can you tell me who looks completely masculine?
Everybody would agree that they would look very feminine.
If you look at spiritual teachers to this day, you will find that they have a very feminine
nature but also a very masculine one - even myself. There's an inner woven part there. There's a
natural reason for that. So, there's a part of me that as a human being, understanding culture and
understanding things, knows that things are taboo to even challenge, to even mention, to even
say. God forbid. And many people might say, I'm never going to listen to HBI material again.
This guy is always pushing some kind of agenda. My job is to teach and I've wrestled with this
for a long time and a lot of my personal students know this. It's just simply time to lie more of
the cards out on the table because people are going to sit there scratching their heads, wondering
why they're not able to hit these higher levels. Nobody will tell you these things. No one is going
to tell you. These are secret doctrines. This is the secret information. Anybody who is strong or
heterosexual or whatever is going to be saying, No, no, no, no. It cant be. I am telling you,
Look deeply at it. There is an inner truth. Look at the femininity of Christ. Look at the
femininity of Buddha. Look at the femininity of Krishna. It is there interwoven.
I could get into a lot of other people but I don't want to open up that Pandora's box
because I know what the repercussions are going to be. There is only so much I can say but I am
telling you more than almost any teacher. It's because of the fear of the backlash of society, the
majority, the many, of what would happen. Does everybody understand? So, I'm saying as much
as I can. What I'm saying is that you have to find inner balance within yourself and your
sexuality. How you see your identity is what controls a lot of your consciousness. You have to
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see yourself in a masculine/feminine aspect - a balanced level. That is what is going to naturally
open the first keys to the Universe because you've got to match the frequency of God, the
Disk 2 Track 1
Eric: Here it comes (laughs). [Student], you've got one chance to ask what's on the mind of every
advanced Star Reach person and other person who who's trained spirituality. The rest of the
people in this room already know a lot of the answers because theyve been privy to a lot of
private conversations. So if I were to answer any questions, you have your one opportunity.
Don't hold yourself back I can always edit the tape.
Student: Clarification. So I have a bonsai in my truck.
Eric: Yes.
Student: I go get it.
Eric: Yes.
Student: I give it a doughnut of love.
Eric:Yes. Where are you projecting it from?
Student: In there. (Points to chest center.)
Eric: You've got to create it in here, feel it inside of you. Feel it. Love it. Nourish it and want to
give that love as if it's an act from you and from your inner side just pushing it all on there, okay.
Student: Okay.
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Eric: Uh huh.
Student: And then the key comes as I see.
Eric: The roots. The molecular structure.
Student: Right.
Eric: The water within the veins of the tree, each little circular, cellular being of it. Growing.
Nourishing. That's who you've got to talk to, not the bonsai. The bonsai is made up of many
cells. If somebody talked to the planet, would they necessarily get an answer? If we were on a
UFO and said, Hey planet, how's it going? whats the planet going to do? But if we went down
and we talked to several people, who would collectively talk to more people, then that
information would spread on a microorganism level until you got a big response from the planet
because then we are dealing with the whole of the planet. So if you talk to the micro level, if you
visualize micro level, if you feel what that micro level is and feel what it is to be that, if you use
your assimilation class and your assimilation skills and you can assimilate on that micro level,
you've got a hell of a key being created.
Student: So you create that "boom" key.
Eric: Yes and now you have to do it all without any force.
Student: And love.
Eric: And love because if you have will, it won't work.
Student: Just intent.

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Eric: Intent. That's right. To shower it with what you desire of if, what you expect for it to do.
You want it to show you and receive by giving its love back. How does it give you love? It
doesn't communicate the way you do, so it gives it to you through showing. What does a plant
give you that's beautiful to us? Flowers. Growth. Lushness and that's all you're saying, Return
what I've just given you. Show me show me love back, and it will want to reciprocate. It will
want to give it back.
Student: So, to clarify . . .
Eric: Yes.
Student: So as I bring my love
Eric: Yes.
Student: I bring it to the One, the Force.
Eric: Yes. I would recommend for people to work with plants, but maybe even animals, although
animals are even more advanced than plants in a sense. Then right away to jump to communicate
with the Universe because it's so vast. It actually is. It's vast but in a way to me it's molecular. It's
tiny. It's everywhere. So I dont perceive it as being so vast. What I know as my human half
helps me interpret what I need to say to you guys to get through to you. I understand that
instinctively when I think like a human I see the vastness of it, and the vastness of it is a key. It's
a key that I fumble. I can't hold it because it's so massive. It's a limitation of human thought. So
by mastering smaller things, eventually, just like any other skill, you can get bigger and bigger
and bigger.
Now I'm saying that I wouldn't tell you just to go out and do it. Do you see what Im
saying? What I would say is just practice on things that you can reap rewards from. This is how I
visualize. I could say to you, Hello, and you would say, Hello. Or I could be in Sweden in
the mountains and I could go hello, hello, hello, hello (as in echoes). Do you understand? Now in
that amount of time I might have thought, Well there's no response, and I would have left. It's
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okay to say that we have certain expectations of how things should work, but they don't always
work the way we do, so we might chalk it up to just nothing happening.
It's just like the plant. You might project to the plant. When I did the plant for one
student, it didn't instantaneously unfold in front of us. Well, it kind of did. I'm trying to give a
good example. The point is that I would probably say to wait until the next day and see what the
result is. Dont sit there with a certain disappointment that it didn't react instantly. You've got to
understand that you're asking an awful lot of that micro universe for it just to react
instantaneously. It's too much T.V. now. Do you understand? It needs to pull its energy, but it's
going to move a lot faster than what you think it's going to. So you have to look the next day and
if there's a significant difference, you could say, There you go. Now other times you can make
it happen even more rapidly, but the problem is that there have to be outside resources to make it
happen that rapidly. So this is a different thing. This is now taking manifestation courses. This is
taking other techniques and making molecules formulate into matter to build into the plant so it
can be more of an instantaneous speedy thing, rather than rushing it along and pulling its
resources together, which might take twenty four to forty eight hours to show you a good result.
Does that make sense for everybody?
So having expectation can be very dangerous also. I would say that if you do it, and
you're not not seeing a result, most people would saying, Oh, I was hoping to see something.
You are now are degrading the key that you set in motion because that plant is now feeling that
failure that you feel for it. That's going to be more easily projected because it comes more
naturally to think about negative things and failure than it does to think of rewards and positive
outcomes. I would say when you're done, walk away. Walk away and just think, There it is.
What did I always say. There's no doubt in my mind there's going to be an effect. It doesn't occur
to me to have a doubt. Everybody get that? Any more questions?
Student: Can the same effect happen to the earth by hastening the humans?
Eric: Well this is where we're going to go with all of this, and I put this in my notes that I wanted
to make this point. You know I hate criticizing other people because people take offense to that.
Everything is a good intention and I don't have any means to try to denigrate those intentions.
They're good. My job is to really show the problems with things, and if it means I have to pick
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something apart that sounds negative, it's not being negative. It's to show you another way or a
better way. When I see people do group meditations, you guys are going to understand this now
because youve got the code now and you're going to know exactly what I'm going to say. You're
going to say, Oh, we knew that. What they're doing is, imagine now: See the planet. See all
these people gathering on the planet and they're all mediating on world peace. How are they
meditating on world peace? They're feeling it. They're projecting love. They're projecting that
people feel happy, right? But they're just seeing the planet all in a happy space. In my book,
that's not going to really work well. Do you follow me?
It's going to have some effect, but what would be a better way? How do you look at life?
You're going to get together a group of people who are trained and can can hold their tunes or
pitches well. Okay? I would say you would want to look at life on a molecular level. You want to
see the human race like bacteria. You want to start on individuals and see them as being small
pieces of bacteria in a sense and see them emanating out with a vibration to other people and see
it spreading out more like bacteria in a petri dish. It's a different kind of feeling that it creates in
you. In fact, it's so odd to think that way that it's actually uniquely refreshing. Now we don't want
to think of bacteria as a bad thing because penicillin's a bacteria. Okay? So weve got to be
careful how we perceive things so that we perceive positively rather than negatively. We're just
using words here to get the correct kind of thinking out. You would want to see the planet as a
living organism, but not a living organism as a whole. We want to think about it as the tree. We
don't think about the tree growing and being better. What did I say? A better way to serve it is to
see the molecular level of that tree. So you want to see the molecular level of human life. You
want to perceive perhaps humans beings in their bodies. The cells of their bodies communicate to
the cells of all human life and let it start there and work it's way out for them into a whole.
Disk 2 Track 2
Eric: Good music is banging on a guitar. Fantastic music takes art and skill and pitch and
perfection. But in the end it is a materpiece. It lasts a lifetime. Does everybody understand what I
am saying? So the approach must be better precision. The approach to changing the
consciousness of the planet must not be a canvasing of a certain feeling like, This is what it's
going to be. If they feel it, they're going to feel it. You have to will change in the core of people.
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You have to see it as a bacterial life that you are are cultivating. It is in the perception. No one in
this room is a single individual. I've taught you everything you guys need to know. You guys are
made up of billions of living organisms. Who are you talking to when you want to create peace
on earth? Are you talking to the right person, or I should say the right thing, or should there be a
lot more smaller things you should be talking to? Now in your mind you might say, Well, that
seems overwhelming because that's a gazillion cells for just one person. Well, if we started a
long time ago talking to a gazillion cells for the last few thousand years of spiritual people doing
their things, I think we would have things pretty well covered by now.
And you know something, this is what's interesting. We think in terms of how long it's
going to take, and ultimately we think failure. Without even saying it, there is some internal
thing saying, That's amazingly big, so right away we're programed with certain thoughts we're
not even acknowledging on the surface. You almost have to stop and check to see what you just
felt for a second, or say, You know, I didn't really feel that, but woo peeka boo, look at that! Oh
my God! You don't want to even acknowledge it. You're trained not to acknowledge it. We're
thinking it's overwhelming now. Well, I've told you, thinking can kill you. I'll give you a new
way to think about it. We're talking bacteria. When you get a little petri dish and you put one
little speck of an outside bacteria, what happens in twenty four hours when they put the light on
there? It grows like crazy. You're getting my picture? Sometimes starting smaller is faster.
Sometimes when you win, you really lose. Sometimes when you lose, you really win.
So I'm suggesting that I'm very particular with my students and their training so that they
become perfectionists in their work. They ask, What can I do? Well, there's a lot of things you
can do. Some people will become healers. Some people will become warriors. Some people will
become communicators to transcend time and space to other worlds. What I am saying is, if you
can learn to talk the way I'm telling you to talk and you can learn to communicate on a microverse level, you can project what you're skill levels are. If you are a healer, project on a micro
level of healing the world. Don't think of AIDS as wiping out people and you need to heal the
people. Attack the virus. Think molecularly. See the virus in your mind. You know it already as
a collective consciousness. It is connected as much to us as we are to it. It knows us and we
know it. You just have to simply choose to move into the collective consciousness and not think
in words but feel it, and feel in your mind. I want to say visualize, but it's not visualize, it's a
knowing of, This is it. This is what it would feel like. Everybody can feel it now if you think
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about the virus in the organism. What does it feel like? It has a feeling and that is what you have
to use as a healer now to destroy or as a warrior and broadcast it out to living organisms. This is
the secret to destroy this. Do you understand?
Communicators can transcend time and space to other worlds if you can learn to
communicate in this sense. Warriors will fight other beings coming in who understand on a
microverse level and who are projecting microdamage into this microorganism. The planet is a
microorganism. It is a living a thing made out of billions of living organisms. Do you
understand? It's how you perceive life. You cannot look at life as being human life. You've got to
look at it as an organism of living organisms and then microlevel, microlevel, microlevel, and
then you start working on your way back and forth that way. My mind has never stopped seeing
the world as living organisms. It's never thought of it in any individual format. I see the organism
everywhere. I see the houses and parking complexes. I see people moving in waves. I see streets
like blood vessels. I see Gaia. I see the micro organism all the time. I can't even imagine thinking
independently, but I do. People spend too much time thinking on this one dimension they're on.
This why they cannot bend or fold time and space. It is a perception that they lock themselves
into. This is what I exist within. It doesn't occur to me to think in that way. When I think of
peoples opinions, I think that there's a wave of consciousness that was created from a few cells
that manipulated other cells. It's like a bacteria consciousness. Consciousness and thinking can
be bad or good thinking that is just broadcast as a reaction to the organic level. Does that make
Student: Yes.
Eric: So that's how I perceive everything. I see continents as hemispheres. To me it's all like
bacteria communicating. For example, the study they did at Princeton or wherever it was: They
had sperm and they put it on a Geiger meter or something in the room and they had nobody in
the room, but they were filming and watching it. They had people walk in the hallway, and every
time somebody would walk by in the hallway, the sperm would jump up on the meter level
because the sperm cells would recognize human lifeforms passing by, and when the actual
person who donated the sperm walked by, it jumped off the chart. It recognized him from a
distance. I'm telling you, this is how I see everything. I see everything as electrical energy
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bacterially communicating. The fibers of life start off very small. The closest thing to God is not
man. It's not a plant. The closet thing to God is the smallest thing that's just a breath away from
being energy, that's just crossed over to being matter. Do you understand the brilliance of what I
am saying to you?
Student: Wow
Eric: Talk to where the bridge is. Talk to where the bridge is. The bridge is the molecular level.
Student: The potential to connect.
Eric: If you want to call it that. Yes. That is where you've got to go, and how do you talk to
something that is on that micro level? What does it understand? I am telling you. If you can find
micro life so finite that if you just put your hands above it and you just want to will it dead, it
will die. That's how receptive to your energy fields it is, and if you will life into it, it will
flourish. It's all within us. Do you understand? Ah yeah, back to boring everybody I can see that.
Student: When you say all within us, excuse me.
Eric: No, no, no. Please go ahead.
Student: That is because of the prana within us.
Eric: Yes. All is one.
Student: Right. Got ya
Eric: You just simply need to figure out how to release. That's what it is. You can't think in
human terms and this is what's going to dumbfound you guys. You guys will forget it in twentyfour hours what I've just said. It will all begin to evaporate.

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Student: So this is what you are talking about when you're talking about turning your inward
Eric: Yes.
Student: That is the key.
Eric: Yes
Student: Oh.
Eric: I've been referring to it all the time. It's just a constant distilling of getting more and more
down to it. Some people will say, Why didn't you say that in the very beginning? It wouldn't
have made sense in the very beginning. We had to go through all of that to get to this, but we're
constantly, even with my teaching, always working from the macro to the micro. Why? Because
you guys already are in the macro; I can't expect you to be in the micro if you're just not there
yet. I have to take you from where you are and bring you to here.
Disk 2 Track 3
Eric: And just when I say, You're going to forget this tomorrow, and everybodys thinking,
No, I'm not, you can understand the concept. But you've already forgotten the language.
You've forgotten even to think about how the language works. You understand the concept of
how it works, but you're not feeling it. You're not in the moment. For me, I'll be very honest.
Everybody thinks, Hes enlightened twenty-four seven. I couldn't exist here if I was. I would
say it fluctuates. I would say it can be as low as thirty and as high as ninety. I mean, to go past
ninety would mean I just wouldn't want to be here any more. I couldn't handle it.
When life comes crashing in on you, you feel less spiritual. This is even true for me. If
I'm going to be here with you guys, then I have to succumb to, I hate to use the word suffering
in life, but I have to suffer with the complexities the same as anybody else. And if that becomes
overwhelming, I have to lower my spirituality. Otherwise I won't acknowledge or react to it and
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if I don't acknowledge or react to it, something horrible will happen to my macro existence. So
it's constant maintenance, constant balance, and if you don't want to do it, it's too bad. Even I
have to do it. So this is what I say in the very beginning to those that seek out spirituality, You
raise your percentage, then you gain more while you're there and you want to stay there longer.
For me it's easier going there so we're just in different spectrums. I'm trying to bring you guys
there and in the process of trying to bring you guys there, I have to come down to get you. So I
need to reside down here in order to figure out how to reach you. Does everybody understand
Student: Yeah
Eric: So I'll have a look at my notes here. Yeah, I have that effect. Everybody gets all quiet all
the time. So I'll just read off my notes. I think I put this together about seven thirty this morning.
I usually don't make notes, but I just I put down, It's all in the details, secret formula of effect.
Regarding the future and the work of HBI, I see individuals working in specialized mannerisms,
example: healers, willful projectors, warriors, empathic communicators, etc. These individuals
should work together as a united group. Not all groups together but rather specialized groups.
So what I'm saying is that everybody tends to lean in different directions. For instance, I would
by no means consider myself a master healer, but I am a master teacher. Do you understand?
And by so doing I can teach people to be great healers. Do you follow me? Rather than a great
healer could teach another healer to be great. I could do a better teaching job, even though I don't
consider myself to be a great healer. In essence, one can collectively pool the collective
consciousness of specially trained healers and have them then go out to achieve a goal. The goal
would then be to be directed by myself or by other people who are in a position like me. We are
more guiders. Do you understand? The same goes for your warriors. They are different.
I guess the way to say it is that, technically, you can be anything. A molecule is nothing
but a molecule until it takes a shape and starts to build itself, until it takes on a purpose. Do you
understand? You guys are simply choosing purposes, and you may think, Why am I going that
way? Because there is a universal tune; there is a universal reason. There is an intent from God
for you to to develop yourself a certain way, to serve a certain function. Does that make sense?
So when I say to collectively build in a group of healers, or eventually build in a group of
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warriors, or build in a group of projectors telepathically, it's because you are, in my mind,
becoming an organ. You're becoming a functioning thing. For example, did the cells know
beforehand that they were going to collectively come together to create themselves as a liver?
Does that make sense?
Student: Yeah.
Eric: It's the same thing in my mind, but different because you guys think of it as making a body.
So what I am saying is that by my reaching out I'm going to eventually pool my healers. Im
going to pool my warriors. They're all really warriors, but I'm going to pool telepaths. Im going
to pool whatever groups I see, and I'm going to get into my orchestra people who are like myself
to help direct and to teach them, to direct them. Do you get what I am saying? Not everybody
wants to teach but everybody may have the skill. So I need the teachers to guide them. So in
essence we can create a rhythmic or a harmonious end result, but it must be done specifically.
Timing. Location. Everything. Everything is critical.
So on a micro level, one can use their abilities to help other people. One might be able to
help somebody that's ill. One might use their ability in a house that has negative energy in it and
clear it. One might defend from another person who's got really dark, evil energies and evil
intents in people. One could say collectively that they can work on a much bigger level globally.
It's all how you want to focus that energy, or how you connect into the grid. It doesn't matter
whether its macro or micro in the end. It's just a matter of perceiving where it is, and that's the
hard part that human beings have. The final agenda is basically global influence, but this is just
one part of it. I do see things much grander and larger than that.
(Reading again from notes.) Ah, method, the secret recipe. Micro focused thought waves,
which we've covered. The ability to perceive on a micro level. When groups attempt to meditate
on a subject, they canvas it or bomb it with thought. In my opinion this has little or no effect. The
secret is in the preparation of focused consciousness and the ability to imagine or envision the
microlevel of effect. It is the microlevel that is effected by laws such as the laws governing
radiation impulses. It is the microlevel that effectively masses outwards and affects on a global
level. What would be a micro global level eventually affects the macro. By applying the
technique of focused attention, non-thought, mind projection, empathy, ties that bind etc., you
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can create an effect on a microlevel. The earth and its inhabitants are a microlife. It is a
perception. By having this perception, a certain kind of frequency is permitted to exist. Operating
or functioning in this frequency allows the total effect. When working with a micro level, one
cannot expect instantaneous visual effect. Microlife works on a different schedule. Not having a
visual experience may effect an outward emotion that can cancel the microlevel effect. Sending
negative emotion after a project is not recommended. Finishing a project or target, one should
enter a non-thought state and physically remove themselves from the operation location and
disembark on thought regarding the matter for a least twenty to thirty minutes. Okay, I covered
all my notes.
Okay, [Student]. Well, what do you think? Is it sinking in still or...
Student: Oh, I just appreciate you sharing.
Eric: Awesome.
Student: I still just need to get to the other side of the rabbit hole. Ive been part way, but I
haven't been all the way. I was talking to Matt about it and I'm still working on getting to the
other side.
Eric: Well, I think you're going to get there just fine. It's just like I say. It's like sitting out in the
rain. Just keep listening. Keep thinking about it. Keep absorbing the material and as sure as
you're going to get wet sitting out in the rain, as long as you keep listening to it, it's going to
click. Even I would go with what's called an enlightenment cycle. All of a sudden one day,
boom, it hits you! I mean I was very young in my first one as well as the second one that hit me.
It's all of a sudden. You won't see it coming. Just all of a sudden it's just going to hit you. You
may be thinking about something completely off topic and then just, boom, there it is. Yeah.
Student: It all makes sense. I am so glad that you're sharing and that you're teaching and bringing
out the truth.

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Eric: I'm just really frustrated at all the other teachers in the world. In a way I feel like I have no
right to say that. Who would say such a thing? Who would be so arrogant, so cocky, so
whatever? I'm not saying that they all don't say it. What I'm saying is that there are a lot of them
who don't say it, and the ones that do aren't really getting it out there, the other ones who truly
may be doing the same thing as me, and thank God. And I think there must be a zillion people
out there who I'm not reaching. Maybe somebody else is saying on the other side of planet, in
Chinese, Damn all the other spiritual teachers for not saying anything.
Disk 2 Track 4
Eric: I think what I gave was very critical information. I think I always outdo myself with each
class. Do you know what I am saying? I think it's just a progression.
Student: It has been.
Eric: But I think part of the reason why is because I feel now that people are layering properly.
Do you get what I am saying? I wouldn't expect somebody just coming in to fully understand. I
do a great job, so maybe they would, but could you imagine not having the other classes and
hearing this? Because there's going to be assumptive thinking, and assumptive thinking is
horrible and I think they do that with a lot of the other material. Assumptive thinking means you
think you've understood or you assume you do, and that's why it leads to failure. I find that in
many, many cases.
Student: I just had a quick question for you. You're mentioning that people have different
designs in them to do different things, and . . .
Eric: Yeah
Student: And I read some old material where you were referring to the white gift. You were
talking about going in-between and you were trying to explain this kind of vampire state. You
are kind of reborn and you see things differently, like vampires seem to have different abilities.
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You were mentioning the similarities to going in-between, and you will sort of have a white
Eric: No.
Student: Okay.
Eric: It would not be the same . What's very funny is that I really parcel out a lot of different
variations of stuff. They're all one, but I see them as categories or areas I want to enter. In other
words, you could be an artist and when you do your art you might enter your art world. You've
got your paints and you've got your palettes and you've got whatever, but yet there may be also
the other part of you that's a professional mountain biker.
Student: I see
Eric: You go out and you do your mountain biking, and thats a whole different experience.
Now, you could bleed the two together and maybe see your art while you're riding your bike, but
the realities for the most part have very separate functions. Then you have your work job, and
that's a whole different reality also. I see these as little microbubbles of different things. So what
you're referring to is more of a dimensional effect. Okay? Youre seeing energy and stuff, and
you could also bring in the microlevel that we are talking about if you really want to pull it in,
but that's a different place to me. To me that's what I would call a place of power. I see the
physical dimension as a place of power because that's where we reside right now. So when I
think of beings that are vampirish, or they become a vampire, they see the world differently. I see
it differently, too, but I don't refer in that context that you're talking about to the white gift as
being this particular point when you realize your skill. Let me sum it up. No matter what your
skill is, every single white cell has the ability to go to that place that you are talking about now.
So to me that's not individualizing yet. Do you understand what I am saying?
Student: Yeah.

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Eric: So theres not a moment of saying, Well, this is when you learn what your skill is. Every
single one that's a white cell will have that ability to go into that hyper dimensional state and see
those things.
Student: Okay, so there's not, when you are there, a certain skill that that you will have that
others will not have?
Eric: Well, you you can develop skills that others don't have, but it doesn't mean that they can't
do that either. But I don't see them as one and the same. Do you see what I'm saying? When you
go into that state of mind . . . Let me explain better because it's a yes and no answer. Okay?
Everybody here has the ability to go to the desert, right? When we all go to the desert, let's say
we all have the ability to go there, why do we all have a special means that other people don't
have? So going into that place (it's not necessarily a desert) its this hyper dimensional reality
where one can see and experience things. It's like in-between, but you may choose in that place
to to work on radios. You might choose to do whatever you want. That's not what defines you by
being in there. Do you understand what I mean?
Student: Yes, I understand.
Eric: It it's something else that defines what your skills are.
Student: Yes. That was a very good explanation. I understand now.
Eric: Does that make sense for everybody else? When you go there and all of a sudden you're
saying, Oh, I'm going to heal, it's two different things. It's like saying you go to the desert and
now you want to be a mountain bicycle rider. It was already in you. It's just that you're choosing
to ride your mountain bike in the desert. You know in your heart what your skill is. What makes
it your skill is your desire to do those things, and you don't need just one skill. You could have
dozens of skills and they can change. If I wanted to be an expert healer, all I have to do is just
feel that's what I want to do, and over a short period of time or a certain length of time, I will
manifest those skills back that I once had. You've got to remember everything I teach is
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something I once mastered. And then I metamorphosed past that. Hence, the teacher that I've
So you won't always remain in the interest or in the skill level where you are now. You're
consistently changing. The Universe is ever growing. You will meet the needs of what the
environment requests of you. That is evolution. This is hyper dimensional evolution. You are
here for a reason. Do you understand? You have a specific purpose that you are here to serve.
Every white cell feels it and knows it. It is ingrained in us. For red cells, thats not so. As soon as
you put out a certain request, which is the ultimate question for everybody, then you need to be
able to understand how you are supposed to receive it. This is basically what we've been talking
about and is basically what you're learning: to understand that this is okay and this is how this is
done, and this is how you would experience it, and this is why you react the way you do. Once
you have those answers, you can react.
You know, the biggest factor to being a white cell and trying to figure out ones purpose
is the fear of ending up doing one thing and being capped at that. It's like saying you're a healer
and that's all you are and that's what you're always going to be. You might be fine with that, but
deep down inside there is a sense of knowing that you need to adapt to other things, that there are
other great explorations that you want to experience. I don't want just to be the captain of a ship.
I want to be a captain of a space ship. Well, I don't want to command the space ship, I want to be
the captain of the exploration team. So this is what the fear is. The fear is, I have all these things
I want to do, but because you can't choose one, you constantly end up lost. What I chose was to
master or work with one and refine it and then I moved on. I think that everybody else wants to
just have their hand in every pot and they want it all. I think it's good and that's kind of how I
teach. You sample this, you sample that. But sooner or later you need to say, What do I need to
perfect at this point in my life to serve the Universe?
So what I'm saying is that inside of you there is something that needs to come out. Your
tone is so flexible. It is so amazing! It's like genetically you're a doppelganger. You can convert
to being anything you need to be. You just have to let yourself go there and know that you are
not limited to that one place. You are a warrior. With everything a white cell knows, they're all
freaking warriors.
Every white cell knows there is a healing desire within them. Every every white cell has a
telepathic, empathetic sensory in them. It's all within them, but there comes a point where you
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have to decide, This is what I must do. You must become the molecule that reaches to the
other molecule to build the organ then. Let me explain something. When the body has all the
organs and all the cells choose a role, what happens when time passes and it all turns to ashes?
Disk 2 Track 5
Student: They choose a different role then.
Eric: Do you get what I am saying? So you would just see time in a much faster consistency.
We're not committed in the level of thinking of a hundred years. Throw all that out of your head.
It could happen in this moment, in a week, a day. Don't worry about it. Your frequency and
energy can adapt very quickly, but you have to tell the Universe that you're willing to be
whatever it needs you to be. That is the beauty and magnificence in being a powerful white cell.
Its that you can be used by the Universe to adapt to the situation that you're most needed to do.
That's what makes you lethal for crying out loud. What makes you deadly to the Darkside is that
ability to become this super weapon, this super gift, this super whatever's within you, this healer
or whatever you want to call it, or to tune to God. You tune to God.
I love God. I want to to love God. So you love God. Okay? You love God; you love God;
you love God. I'm in loving mode! Eventually you're going to get bored because God's going to
to get bored. You understand? There's a project going on, and it's called the Universe, and there's
stuff going on. So now that we know that, we're in tune: me, you, God, all. Now I need you to
do something for me. No, no, no, I'm too busy loving your rays of sunshine! Look at this
wonderful tan I have! Whoo! You see what Im saying? You have to be receptive to whatever it
needs you to do. You have to think of yourself as an expression of God and to be willing to be
that expression for any moment God chooses.
Sometimes I feel like a dog and God is my owner and I live to make God happy. Does
that make sense? I have a smile on my face. It's like my dog. I come home and my dog's happy
and thrilled to see me. He pops up in the air. His tail is wagging all over the place. He loves me
to death, and I just left him all day out on the porch, door locked. I'll be back. And when I get
back, hes happy to see me. It's not like coming home and he says, Hey, where the hell have you
been all day? I've been stuck here all day, you jerk. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, it's wagging
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the tail; it's happy. Sure as heck, sure as the sun is going to rise, my dog is going to be happy to
see me, and hes going to want to fetch a ball. Hes going to want to lie down next to me. Hes
going to want to protect me with a viciousness from anybody who he thinks is going to do me
wrong. Hes this little tiny dog, but I tell you he'll do a number on you.
I'm a dog to God, and I will love God. I'm obedient to God in every sense in that way, but
I also know that I have to do different roles and that I can't just sit there and just stare at Him. I
know that I have to go out and help God be God or be this resonance. There's a game plan in all
of this and I want to participate.

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