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The Bangladesh Planning Commission is the central planning organization of the country.

determines objectives, goals and strategies of medium and short-term plans within the
framework of long-term perspective and formulates policy measures for the achievement of
planned goals and targets. Its activities includes the following elements of development
Policy Planning: determination of goals, objectives, priorities, strategies and policy measures

for development plans;

Sectoral Planning: identification of the role that the various sectors of the economy are

required to play in the context of the Plan objectives and goals;

Programme Planning: formulation of detailed resource allocation to realize the Plan objectives

and goals;
Project Planning: appraisal of projects embodying investment decisions for the

implementation of the sectoral plans; and

Evaluation: impact analysis of projects, programmes and Plans on the peoples living standard

Sectors :
Programming Division
Functions of the Programming Division
Determination of the sizes of the Annual Development Programmes (ADP) and sectoral

allocations/ proportions.

Formulation of ADP and revision of ADP.

Preparation of Annual Technical Assistance Programmes (ATAP) and revision of ATAP.

Recommend release of ADP funds in relevant cases.

Oversee ADP implementation/ administration.

Determination of external assistance requirements for ADP financing.

Preparation of the list of Aid Worthy Projects before Bangladesh Development Forum Meeting.

Inter Ministerial and intra-Planning Commission co-ordination in matters of ADP

preparation, revision and appropriation/re-appropriation of funds.

Provide secretarial service to the programming committee of Planning Commission.

Keeping records of resource use.

Preparation and interpretation of the Guidelines for Local Government Development.

Oversee formulation and implementation of Local Government Development programmes and

co-ordination with Finance Division, ERD and Local Government Division in this regard.

General Economics Division

The General Economics Division is one of the six Divisions of the Planning
Commission. This Division alike other Technical Divisions provides secretariat
assistance to the Planning Commission and to the Executive Committee of the

National Economic Council and the National Economic Council in all matters relating
to plan preparation and formulation of economic policies. The major functions of this
Division are as follows:

Preparation of national, medium and long term guidelines and plans in accordance with
social, economic and political objectives as laid down by the Government;


Preparation of technical frameworks for medium term plans (Five Year Plan);


Formulation of alternative strategies, and policies for mobilization of domestic resources

and for achievement of plan objectives;


Undertake research studies on economic issues in the; fiscal and monetary fields,
International economics, savings and Investment, employment and income distribution;


Undertake macro and sectoral evaluation of. Five year Plan;


Estimation of national income, consumption, savings and investment, domestic

resources; external trade and balance of payments;


Preparation of Annual Plan (Annual Economic Review);


Preparation of Memorandum; for Bangladesh aid group meetings;


Preparation of briefs for meetings and negotiations with multilateral organizations like
World Bank, IMF ADB, ESCAP, EEC, ECDC, South Asian Forum as well as bilateral


Provide staff support to the Planning Commission for Council Committee on Exports,
Resource Committee, Inter-ministerial Committee on ADP, Foreign Exchange Allocation
Committee etc.;


Initiate and organize seminars and professional discussions on issues relevant to

economic planning and development.

Socio Economic Infrastructure Division

Education Wing

Determination of Five-Year Plan for Education sector and provide assistance to relevant
Ministries/ Divisions to identify projects worthy of being included in ADP

Providing assistance to Ministry for evaluation of project proposals

Taking necessary steps for approval of projects by relevant authorities

Field-level monitoring and evaluation of development projects.

Processing of resource allocation for development projects 6. Providing list of aid-worthy

projects to the donor community

Social Welfare, Womens Affairs and Youth Development, Mass Communication, Sports and
Culture Wing

Preparation of long, medium and short-term plans in accordance with social, economic and
political objectives as laid down by the Government

Providing assistance to relevant Ministries/ Divisions to identify projects worthy of being

included in ADP

Determination of policy priorities, objectives and implementation strategy

Provide assistance for approval of projects related to economic and social empowerment of

Provide assistance for approval of projects related to self-employment of youth

Health Wing

Determination of Five-Year Plan for Education sector in accordance with social, economic and
political objectives as laid down by the Government

Evaluation and approval of health-related development projects

Keeping liaison with Economic Relations Division regarding health-related projects

Submissions of opinions and suggestions of Planning Commission at joint meetings between

GOB, UNICEF Action Group and UNICEF

Evaluation of progress regarding issues raised in the Parliament and ADP projects and
coordination of matters related to ECNEC

Population Planning Wing

Disbursement of funds for ADP projects

Analysis of problems regarding implementation of aid-worthy projects and presenting

guidelines for possible solutions

Negotiation for international assistance and representation at Steering Committee meetings

at different ministries

Analysis and evaluation of projects related to population growth and their causes

Public Administration, Labor, Manpower, Science and Technology Research Wing

Providing assistance to relevant Ministries/ Divisions to identify projects worthy of being

included in ADP

Preparation of working paper for ECNEC and inter-Ministerial meetings

Disbursement of funds for ADP projects

Implementation of projects related to skill development in public administration, transparency

and accountability

Implementation of projects related to labor and manpower

Physical Infrastructure Division

Functions of Physical Infrastructure Division

Preparation of short, medium, long-term plans for sectors under Physical Infrastructure
Division, including roads and highways, railway, civil aviation and tourism, post and

telecommunication, statistics, water distribution, local and municipal infrastructure

development, works and housing

Establishment of development for hill tracts Evaluation and approval of different

development projects

Preparation of implementation plan for annual development projects

Providing secretarial services for ECNEC and inter-Ministerial meetings

Undertaking of research studies on issues related to development of physical infrastructure

Industries and Energy Division

Major Functions of Industry Division

Planning for increase in production of paper and newsprint

Identification of comparative advantages in different sectors of the economy

Taking steps towards increase of foreign and private investment

Taking steps towards strengthening of exports

Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources Wing

Encouragement of growth of locally produced energy, such as natural gas

Satisfaction of local commercial demand through development of gas

Establishment of national gas grid

Taking steps towards development of mineral resources

Power Wing

Working towards an objective of producing an additional 3,319 Mega-Watt to meet local


Allotment of Tk. 8,836,10 crore in Fifth Five-Year Plan

Encouragement of private sector investment

Agriculture, Water Resource & Rural Institution Division

Major Functions of Crops Wing:

Planning for increasing crop production and increased productivity and real income of farming
families on a sustainable basis

Planning to attain self-sufficiency in food grain production and to increase production of other
nutritional corps

Taking steps to increase foreign earnings through exports of agricultural products including
fruits and vegetables

Taking steps to create favorable environment for promoting agro-based industries

Taking steps to increase research facilities for producing quality crops to increase production
per acre of land

Major Functions of Food Wing

Making Plan for ensuring self-sufficiency in food grain and food security for all;

Making plan for preservation and maintenance of security stock of food grains to meet any
natural calamities, shortfalls;

Taking steps to stabilize prices of food grains;

Taking steps to ensure maintaining food quality

Major Functions of forest, fisheries and livestock Wing

A. Forest and Environment

Planning for expanding Forest Resources

Taking steps to conserve and protect the eco-system for bio-diversity and maintaining
favorable environment for human being

Taking steps to encourage private forestation through plantation of rubber, teak, fruit trees
and high value trees

Taking steps to include peoples participations (NGO, government, Local government bodies)
in afforestation programmes

Plan for making research to produce improved variety of trees and develop new technology
and transferring technology through extension works

Taking steps to promote multiple Land use plan

B. Fisheries and Livestock

Making plan and programs to increases Fish and livestock production and improve nutritional

Making plan to generate employment opportunities and alleviate poverty through promotion
of Fisheries and livestock production

Taking steps to increase foreign earnings through increase export of shrimp, fish, fish
products, leather products and reduce imports of powder milk

Taking steps to increase research facilities for improving quality of fishes and livestock and
increased production through improved technologies

Encourage private sector in production, research and marketing of Fish, livestock and
processed products.

Major Functions of Rural Development and Institution Wing

Making plan to create facilities for self-employment, development of small and landless
farmers and eradicate rural poverty;

Making plan for Rural physical and social Infrastructural development through formation of
schools, colleges, training centers, growth centers, construction of bridges, culverts, roads,
formation of groups etc.

Taking steps to promote resource mobilization through individual/group savings;

Taking steps to create favorable environment for micro-credits for rural poor people.

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