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Cloze Test
Directions : Read the following text and choose the best answer for each blank.
Passage 1
Helping food producers make healthful products and ..........1.......... make healthy choices is
much concerned. With some 6.4 billion people sharing this Earth, speaking thousands of different
languages in about 193 different countries, there is at ..........2.......... one thing we all have in
common: we need healthful food and clean water to ..........3.......... and thrive.
More than ever buyers and consumers around the globe are concerned about the health
and ..........4.......... of their food. As newspapers splash headlines about mad cow disease outbreaks
and ..........5.......... fish, questions about the quality of what were eating increasingly arise.
..........6.......... meat free of contaminants and dyes? What role did antibiotics play in this
animals life? Does the seafood contain mercury or PCBs? What kind of ..........7.......... were used
on the vegetables? Is the food my grocer stocks ..........8.......... modified and what does that mean
for my family? Issues like these are causing more people to pay attention to the ..........9.......... of
their food, and consumers are ..........10.......... more and more they have a breadth of choices when
it comes to eating.

a. cooks
a. least
a. distribute
a. feature
a. perishing
a. Has
a. pesticide
a. biologically
a. beginning
a. realizing

b. consumers
b. last
b. survive
b. ingredient
b. rotting
b. Can
b. germicide
b. chemically
b. origin
b. purchasing

c. grocers
c. most
c. purchase
c. quality
c. expired
c. Does
c. fertilizer
c. genetically
c. start
c. tasting

d. factories
d. first
d. collect
d. quantity
d. contaminated
d. Is
d. hormone
d. physically
d. source
d. choosing

Passage 2
Self-Suffiency Economy
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej developed the philosophy of the Sufficiency Economy
to lead his people to a ..........1.......... way of life and to be the main sustainable development
theory for the country. The theory is based upon a Middle Path between society at the local level
and the market in the ..........2.......... context. By highlighting a balanced approach, the philosophy
allows the nation to modernize without ..........3.......... globalization, but provides a means to act
against ..........4.......... outcomes from rapid economic and cultural change. The Sufficiency
Economy became ..........5.......... during the economic crisis in 1997, in which Thailand needed to
maintain stability to remain on self - sufficiency and develop important policies to ..........6.......... .
By creating a ..........7.......... economy, Thai citizens will have what they need to survive but
not ..........8.........., which would turn into waste.

a. balanced
a. universe

b. symmetrical
b. global

c. equal
c. domestic

d. equivalent
d. regional


a. resist
a. valuable
a. dynamic
a. recover
a. self-confident
a. excess

b. to resist
b. adverse
b. stagnant
b. refresh
b. self-possessed
b. access

c. resisted
d. resisting
c. optimistic
d. pessimistic
c. critical
d prosperous
c. refund
d. rescue
c. self-indulgent d. self-supporting
c. process
d. cessation

Passage 3
Have you ever wondered ..........1.......... some national parks put up signs ..........2..........
prohibit visitors from ..........3.......... wild monkeys?
The reason is ..........4.......... practice disrupts the monkeys natural behavior. ..........5..........
finding their own food, the animals prefer to hang around on the roadside ..........6.......... beg from
passing cars. As a result, many monkeys have been killed. ..........7.......... when the monkeys do not
care to climb trees and ..........8.......... down fruit, it hurts the ecology. Without the ..........9..........,
deer and other animals ..........10.......... the delicious fruit.
a. why
b. what
c. when
d. that
a. where
b. who
c. there
d. that
a. feed
b. feeding
c. fed
d. being fed
a. some
b. a
c. the
d. any
a. Although
b. Instead of
c. For
d. Looking forward to
a. and
b. but
c. for
d. so
a. Therefore
b. Finally
c. On the contrary
d. Not only that
a. shook
b. shaking
c. shake
d. shakes
a. monkeys help
b. monkeys help
c. monkeys help
d. monkey helps
a. have not eaten
b. cannot be eating
c. did not have to eat d. do not get to eat

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