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Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Full Marks: 75

Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first, This answer is to be made in separate
loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer
scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be
provided. On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,a student will get the remaining script
Question No.1 is compulsory .Answer any five from Group-A,



Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:



The specific weight of fresh water under normal conditions in SI units is - (a) 981 x 10 3
N/m3, (b)) 98.1 x 10 3 N/m3 (c) 9.81 x 103 N/m3, (d) none of the above,


Surface tension is a phenomenon due to - (a) difference in magnitude between the

forces due to adhesion and cohesion, (b) adhesion between liquid and solid
molecules, (c) viscous force, (d) none of the above.


The hydrostatic law of pressure variation is expressed by - (a) P=Z/y, (b) P=YZ +
constant, (c) P= constant, (d) none of the above.


Vacuum pressure at a flow section is - (a) a pressure measured by a Bourdon gauge,

(b) a pressure indicated by a vacuum gauge, (c)always the pressure indicated by a
differential manometer, (d) none of the above.


The laminar flow is characterized by - (a) irregular motion of fluid particles, (b) high
Reynolds number of flow, (c) fluid particles moving in layers parallel to the boundary
surface, (d) none of the above.


The Hydraulic grade line is one which indicated the Variation of - (a) total energy of
flow in the direction of flow, (b) piezometric head in the direction of flow, (c) elevation
head in the direction flow, (d) none of the above.


The Darcy Weisbach friction factor f which is a direct measure of resistance to flow in
pipes is dependent on - (a) roughness, height, diameter and velocity, (b) roughness,
height, diameter, velocity and Kinematic viscosity, (c) relative roughness, diameter and viscosity, (d)
none of the above.


The critical depth is the depth of flow at which :- (a) specific energy is maximum.
(b) the unit discharge q is minimum (c) specific energy is minimum. (d) the Froude
number is greater than unity.


The critical depth in a rectangular channel is given by

(q /g) ,
(c) (q3/g)1/3, (d) (q3/g)1/3.

(a) (q 3/g)1/2, (b)


Open channel flow is the one in which (a) closed conduit is full of flowing
liquid (b) the liquid flowing in a closed conduit has a free surface, (c) covered
channel flows full under pressure. (d) the solid boundaries confining the flow are
open at top.


Hydraulically efficient channel cross section is one which (a) has the
minimum hydraulic resistance. (b) carries maximum discharge under given
condition of slope, roughness and flow area (c) has the maximum possible slope
consistent with the topography (d) has the maximum wetted perimeter


Reynold's number is defined as the ratio of (a) inertia force to gravity force (b)
viscous force to elastic force(c) viscous force to gravity force (d) inertia force to viscous


Head lost in friction is governed by (a) Darcy's law (c) Chezy's law (d) Froudes Law
(e)None of these


Flow through a pipe takes place due to-(a) difference of pressure between different
sections of the pipeline,(b) downward slope of the pipeline (c) both (a) and (b); (d) none
of the above


Loss due to friction is treated as- (a) minor loss (b) major loss (c)moderate loss
(d) minimum loss


Friction loss through a pipe flow indicates (a) loss of head due to static coefficient of
friction (b) loss of head due to dynamic coefficient of friction (c) loss of head due to
surface hardness. (d) loss of flow rate due to surface hardness of the pipe


Minor losses in a pipe flow are those losses (a) which can be neglected safely (b) which
are caused by frictional resistance (c) which are caused by local disturbances due to pipe
fittings (d) none of the above.


In a pipe of uniform diameter loss of head at exit is (a) twice that at inlet (b) four times
that at inlet (c) one-half at inlet (d) same as that at inlet


The H.G.L. is: a) velocity head below T.E.L. (b) always sloping downward in the direction
of flow (c) sometimes above the T.E.L. (d) velocity head above the T.E.L.


T.E.L. indicates: a) only datum head (b) only pressure head(c)total head(d) one of
the above.
Stoke is the unit of- (a) viscosity (b) mass density(c) kinematic viscosity (d) none


Surface tension of liquid (a) increases with area (b) decreases with temperature (c)
increases with temperature (d) none of the above.


Surface tension has the units of (a) force per unit area (b) force per unit length (c) force
per unit volume (d) none of the above


The point of application of resultant pressure on the surface is-(a) centre of

pressure(b) intensity of pressure (c) centroid (d) none of these


The centre of pressure always acts the centre of gravity of the immersed
surface.--(a) above (b) at (c) below (d) can't say


A pressure of 10m of head of oil (specific gravity 0.85) is equal to (a) 83385 kN/m2
(b) 83.385 kN/m2(c) 833.85 kN/m2(d) 8.3385 kN/m2


Piezometer cannot be used to measure (a) negative pressure (b) pressure of a

gas (c) pressure of a liquid. (d) both a & b


Peizometer is suitable for measuring (a) very low pressure of a liquid (b) moderate
pressure of a liquid(c) very high pressure of a liquid (d)none


Manometer is suitable for measuring (a) only low pressure (b) both high and low
pressure(c) only high pressure(d) only negative pressure


Differential manometer is used to measure(a)difference of pressure between two

pipes (b)difference of pressure between two points in the same pipeline
(c)difference of pressure head between two pipelines provided they contain the
same liquid(d)all of the above

2) A differential manometer connected at the two points A and B in a pipe containing an oil of
specificgravity 0.8, shows a difference in mercuiy levels as 120mm. Determine the difference
in pressures at the two points in terms of head of water and gm/cm 2.
3) Write short notes on any four with labelled sketches where it is necessary of the following (a) vena contracta, (b) coefficient of velocity, (c) coefficient of discharge, (d) Orifice
meter, (e) Pitot Tube, (f) Venturimeter.
4) Water flows over a rectangular weir 1.5m wide at a depth of 20cm and afterwords passes
through a triangular right angled weir. Find the depth of water through the triangular weir.
Discharge coefficients for the rectangular and triangular weirs are 0.62 and 0.59 respectively.
5) Write short notes on any four of the following - (a) Hydraulic gradient lines for flow through
pipes, (b)Hydraulic mean depth, (c) Kutter's formula, (d) CVR (critical velocity ratio), (e) Critical
velocity, (f) sub-critical flow.

2.5 X4
6) Water flows at the rate of 10 cm /sec along a rectangular section of 1.75m width.
Calculate critical depth. Final whether hydraulic jump will occur if the upstream depth of
water is 25 cm. What would be rise in water level and power lost if hydraulic jump occurs?
7) A circular plate of diameter 3m is immersed in water in such a way that its least and
greater depth from the free surface of water are 1m and 3m respectively . Find (i) total
force exerted by water, (ii) the position to centre of pressure.
8) (i) What is Reynolds No. (ii) Define Absolute pressure & gauge pressure. (iii) Find the
kinematics viscosity of a fluid having specific gravity 1.2 and viscosity 5cP
9) A head of water over an orifice of diameter 100mm is 5m. The water coming out from
orifice is collected in a circular tank of diameter 2m. The rise of water level in circular tank
is 0.45m in 30sec. Also the co-ordinate of a certain point on the jet , measured from
Venacontracta are 100cm horizontal 5.2cm vertical. Find the hydraulic co-efficients.
10) A Horizontal Venturimeter with inlet diameter 30cm and throat diameter 15cm is used to
measure the flow of an oil of sp. Gr. 0.8 . The discharge through Venturimeter is 50lts/sec.
Find the difference of Hg level .Take Cd =0.98.---10


Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Full Marks: 75

Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first, This answer is to be made in separate
loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer
scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided.
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,a student will get the remaining script earlier.
Question No.1 is compulsory .Answer any five from Group-A,


Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any twenty):



In Newtonian fluid, shear stress is (a) directly proportional to velocity gradient (b) inversely
proportional to velocity gradient(c) equal to velocity gradient (d) none


Printers ink is a type of -(a) Newtonian fluid (b) Bingham fluid (c) Pseudo plastic fluid (d)
Dilatant fluid


Kinematic viscosity is defined as equal to-(a) dynamic viscosity/density, (b). dynamic viscosity x
density, (c) pressure x density, (d). dynamic viscosity x pressure

Ideal fluid is one which is (a.) Compressible, possess viscosity and surface tension (b.)
Incompressible and has no viscosity and surface tension (c.) Compressible, has no viscosity
and surface tension (d.) all the above


Dynamic viscosity has the dimensions as (a) ML-1T-2 (b) MLT-2 (c) M-1L-1T-1
(d) ML-1T-1


Poise is the unit of (a) velocity gradient (b) mass density (c) Kinematic viscosity (d)Specific


The increase of temperature(a) increases the viscosity of a liquid (b)decreses the viscosity of a
liquid (c) decreases the viscosity of a gas (d)none


Which of the following in dimensionless ?- (a) Specific speed (b) Specific Volume (c) specific
gravity (d) Specific weight


Stoke is the unit of- (a) viscosity (b) mass density(c) kinematic viscosity (d) none


Surface tension of liquid (a) increases with area (b) decreases with temperature (c) increases
with temperature (d) none of the above.


Surface tension has the units of (a) force per unit area (b) force per unit length (c) force per unit
volume (d) none of the above


The point of application of resultant pressure on the surface is- (a) centre of
pressure(b) intensity of pressure (c) centroid (d) none of these


The centre of pressure always acts________________the centre

immersed surface.--(a) above (b) at (c) below (d) can't say


A pressure of 10m of head of oil (specific gravity 0.85) is equal to (a) 83385 kN/m2 (b)
83.385 kN/m2(c) 833.85 kN/m2(d) 8.3385 kN/m2






Piezometer cannot be used to measure (a) negative pressure (b) pressure of a gas (c)
pressure of a liquid. (d) both a & b


Peizometer is suitable for measuring (a) very low pressure of a liquid (b) moderate
pressure of a liquid(c) very high pressure of a liquid (d)none


Manometer is suitable for measuring (a) only low pressure (b) both high and low
pressure(c) only high pressure(d) only negative pressure


Differential manometer is used to measure(a)difference of pressure between two pipes

(b)difference of pressure between two points in the same pipeline (c) difference of
pressure head between two pipelines provided they contain the same liquid(d) all of the


The difference of pressure head 'h' measured by mercury-oil differential manometers is

given by-(a) h = x (s g - s0) (b) h = x (s 0 - sg) (c) h = x (s g/s0 - 1) (d) h = x (1-s g/s0) where x =
difference of mercury level, s g = sp. gravity of mercury and s 0 = sp. gravity of oil

xxi. Gauge pressure at a point is equal to (a) absolute pressure plus atmospheric pressure (b)
absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure(c) vacuum pressure plus absolute
pressure (d) none of the above


The coefficient of discharge(c d)in terms of c v and cc is (a) cd = cv x cc

(b) cd = cv / cc (c) cd = cc / cv (d) none


The necessary condition for the flow to be steady is that (a) the velocity is constant at a
point with respect to time.(b)the velocity changes at a point with respect to time.(c) the
velocity does not change from the place to place (d)all of the above


The necessary condition for the flow to be uniform is that (a)the velocity changes at a
point with respect to time.(b) the velocity is constant at a point with respect to time(c)
the velocity is constant in the flow field with respect to space (d) none of the above


The flow in pipe is laminar if (a) Reynold number is equal to 4000. (b) Reynold number
is less than 2000 (c) Reynold number is greater than 2000 (d) Reynold number is
greater than 4000.


Continuity equation deals with the law of conservation of (a) mass (b) energy (c)
momentum (d) none of the above


Bernoulli's equation is applicable to (a) compressible fluid (b) both (a) and (b) (c)
incompressible fluid (d) none of these


The path followed by a fluid particle in motion is called a (a) stream line(b) streak line (c) path
line (d) none of the above


A flow is said to be laminar when (a)the Reynold's number is high (b) the fluid particles move in
a zig-zag way(c)the fluid particles move in layers parallel to the boundary (d) none of the


The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipes varies (a) directly as the
velocity (b) as the square of velocity (c) as the inverse of the velocity (d) none of the above


The left leg of a U tube mercury manometer is connected to a pipe line conveying water,
the level of mercury in the leg being 0.6m below the centre of pipe line and the right leg is
open to atmosphere. The level of mercury in the right leg is 0.45m above that in the left leg
and the space above mercury in the right leg contains Benzene (specific gravity 0.88) to a
height of 0.3m. Find the pressure in the pipe.


Write short notes on any four with labelled sketches where it is required of the following (a) coefficient of contraction, (b) coefficient of discharge, (c) classification of notches, (d)
advantages of triangular weir over rectangular weir, (e) orifice metre, (f) venturimeter.


A submerged sharp crested weir 0.81 m high stands clear across a channel having vertical
sides and width of 3.15m. The depth of water in the channel of approach 1.26m, and 10.5m
downstream from the weir the depth of water 0.93m. Neglecting the velocity of approach,
determine the discharge in liters perminute when Cd1,=0.58 and Cd2 =0.8.


Write short notes on any four of the following - (a) minor losses in pipe systems, (b)
optimum hydraulic cross section, (c) critical slope, (d) the Manning Equation, (e) hydraulic
mean depth, (f) critical velocity.


A control sluice spanning the entry to a 3.5m wide rectangular channel admits 5.5 m 3 /s of
water with a uniform velocity of 4.14 m/s. Explain under what conditions a hydraulic
jump will be formed and assuming that these conditions exist, Calculate the height of jump.


Derive the discharge of 900 V-notch. State the difference between notch & weir. (7+3)

Difference between orifice & notch .State Darcys Weisbach formula for head loss due
to friction & its prob. Discuss Orificemeter.
9. Design an irrigation canal with following data
(1) Discharge of the canal = 24cumec.
Permissible mean velocity = 0.80 m/s.
(2) Bed slope = 1 in 5000.
(3) Side slope = 1:1.
(4) Chezys constant C= 44.


10.Determine the dimensions of the most economical trapezoidal earth lined channel
(Mannings n = 0.02) to carry a discharge of 14 cumec at a slope 4 in 10000. --10
11. a.) State Chezys formula. b)Define :- (i) Critical velocity, (ii) CVR, (iii) Kenedys silt
theory, (iv) Kutters formula.

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