Week 2

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1.Discuss the significance of the scene that was set at a

railway station waiting room.
Significance of the scene that was set at a railway station waiting room is
look empty for about twenty seconds.The room is divided in two sections
that are stage right and stage left. Stage right for colored men and
colored women. Stage left for white ladies and white gentlemen.

2. Identify the props that signify the sense of separation

and segregation. Why is this important to the audience?
The props that signify the sense of separation and segregation is
important to the audience because this can make an interesting to
audience. While this also important factor because this can lead the
audience to give more attention and support towards this drama. The
low railing shows to separate among the colored and
whitepeople.This shows they cant afford them all to mix with one
another. Stage also divided by two sections. There are have stage
right and stage left.This is shown the separation among the
coloured and white people. Stage right for the colored men and
women. While the stage left is for the white ladies and gentlemen.There
are two benches,one on each side is placed for separate among the
women and men.Furthermore,the segregation shown among the negro
people and white people.The colored people and white people are
separating by different races,religion,or sexes and treating them in
different way.This is also happen in Harlem.the white people treating the
colored people in different way or does not respect them.They think the
colored people are low status people.

3. Identify the moods surrounding the scene. How was it

achieved in the opening scene?
The moods or the surrounding of the scene is empty looking because in
the railway waiting room is not enough passengers.There are few
passengers only in the railway station waiting room. This make the
surrounding of the railway scene feel more empty and silent.
Furthermore the passengers does not talk with one another and they all
do their own works.

4. Based on the actors entrance, what would you expect

going to happen between the two women?
Based on the actors entrance im think and thought Mrs.carter will treat
mama badly. Furthermore, Im also thought that maybe the conflict will
be held between Mrs.carter and mama. But the situation is totally
different. Mrs carter treat mama as her friend and respect her so much.

5. Is conflict already established here? How?

Yes im think the conflict already established there because the
separation among the colored and white people in railway waiting
room is considered as a big conflict among them. This lead the colored
and white people cant mix with one another.


1. List the characters in the drama and draw a
relationship line between them.
Mrs Carter
Marge and Florence are Mamas daughters
Ted is Florence son.

2. What makes Mama immediately go to the coloured

side when she arrived at the railway station?
Mama is a Negro woman and she realizes that she should
go coloured side.

3. Describe Mamas and Marges characters. Link it to

the social condition they were subjected to.
Mama and Marge are negro women. Marge is a twenty-one
years old Negro women. Marge was helping her mother to
carry suitcase to railway station. Marge ask mama to bring
Florence back from Harlem because Ted need her so much.
They were very poor. This can be seen when mam tells
Marge that the rent will be late because they want use up
that money to buy tickets for Florence.

4. Who is Ted? How old do you think he is? Provide

evidence for your answer.

Ted is Florence son. He is a small child.

5. Why is Marge reluctant to contact Rudley? Provide

evidence for your answer.
This tells us that Marge hate her brother so much. Moreover
Rudley got nothing for himself.

6. Why does Marge need to remind Mama about this

Because a coloured person is not allowed to enter the dining
coach ,so Marge was worried about mama that she wouldnt
get proper meals

7. What does Marge means by this? Elaborate.

Marge means that Florence is more courageous and is
willing to take risk that Marge will not take so she is scared at

8. List Florences accomplishments based on the

conversation between Marge and Mama. Why do
Marge and Mama have different views on her
Marge just scared about Florence because Florence willing
to take any risk but mama wants Florence keep trying
because she wants her to become a big actress.

9. Why does Mama become defensive when Marge

accused Florence of being White?
Mama believes in Florence on whats she doing and she has
faith on Florence of being successful , so when Marge
accused Florence of being white Mama defense Florence by
saying we should send her the money check just this last

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