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At first, it never occurred to me to choose Industrial Engineering

Faculty. Engineering itself in the olden days' perspective was always filled
with fieldwork and men preference. Women are not suited for this faculty
and engineers always work on a field. Those perceptions are glued on
people in my surroundings, even on my parents.
On the other hand, as I learned about Industrial Engineering
Department, I manage to know that this department will facilitate me to









mathematics, and chemistry. Instead on specializing in a particular field, in

this department, not only I will be capable to solve scientific problems, but
also it will teach me how to think logically and how to develop my mindset.
Having seen how technology in engineering greatly affects economic
development and growth, Industrial Engineering Department will surely
continue to grow and thus require workers who are able and skilled. With
the increased number of population, capital market will be forced to fulfill
the increasing needs by enlarging its own industrial capacity and
investment. This phenomenon will then create many job vacancies that
foster many workers, especially in a developing country like Indonesia. In
addition, we could see that Indonesia is shortage of trained engineering
workers. Current workforce shows that Indonesia needs more skilled
engineers to maintain economy growth. Therefore, Industrial Engineering
Department will provide me a better prospect in the future, providing huge
opportunity to have a successful career in the industrial world.
In addition, throughout history, people working in engineering have
contributed countless things to communities to help people improve their
lives and progress onto better things. Engineering is not only about design

and production, but is learning how to convert scientific knowledge into

technology and then how the technology conceptualized into successful
innovation. Engineering is a field that provides opportunities to achieve
great things. Industrial Engineering Department will accommodate me a
chance to be able to contribute something to improve my community and
Ever since I learned about science in high school, I have been
fascinated in how science could explain almost all problems in this real life.
My fondness on mathematics and science during high school also
contribute to my eagerness to join this faculty. I believe the Industrial
Engineering Department will develop my talents and interests that will lead
me to be a skilled and professional engineer.
Previously, my parents were against my choice due to their lack of
knowledge about this department. But after considering the promising
future of Industrial Engineering, my parents have decided to support me for
entering this course.
In this department, I look forward to learn not only about science and
engineering, but also how to sharpen my mind and to develop my skills.
Instead of just focusing about books and theories, I also anticipate an
experience to expertise skills on a fieldwork. I expect to graduate not only
as an engineer, but also as a skilled person who could deal with marketing,
financial, and project planning.

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