True or False

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True or False
Write T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
_____ 1. Arachne is a beautiful maiden born into a wealthy Greek family.
_____ 2. Arachnes father is a well-known dyer of wool whose skills produce the richest colors of
_____ 3. Arachne boasts about her ability to spin fine thread into beautifully embroidered cloth.
_____ 4. Crowds of admiring onlookers gather to watch Arachne at her loom.
_____ 5. Arachne is shy about her talents and does not want the praise of others.
_____ 6. Arachne credits her talents at the loom to the goddess Athene, who taught her the secrets of
spinning and weaving.
_____ 7. In a weaving competition, Arachne believes that Athenes finely detailed embroidery would
easily surpass her own work and win the contest.
_____ 8. One onlooker in the crowd is a grey old woman who warns Arachne not to boast that her
spinning skills are equal to those of the goddess Athene.
_____ 9. Refusing to back down from Arachnes challenge of a weaving contest, the grey old woman
turns into the beautiful goddess Athene to match her skills against those of a mortal woman.
_____ 10. When comparing the spinning skills of Arachne and Athene, Arachne works at a faster pace.
_____ 11. Athenes work represents a warning to Arachne by showing a large likeness of herself in the
center of the embroidery and by depicting mortals and their fates in the four corners of the cloth.
_____ 12. Angry about the scene Athene is weaving into her cloth, Arachne rips Athenes work from the
_____ 13. Athene strikes Arachne across the face, and Arachne responds by threatening to hang
herself by a noose made from rope.
_____ 14. Enraged over Arachnes disrespectful behavior, Athene curses the maiden by dooming
Arachne and her descendants to spin eternally as spiders.
_____ 15. Seeing spiders reminds the Greeks that mortals are no match for the gods.

True or False
Write T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
_____ 1. Arachne is a beautiful maiden born into a wealthy Greek family.
_____ 2. Arachnes father is a well-known dyer of wool whose skills produce the richest colors of
_____ 3. Arachne boasts about her ability to spin fine thread into beautifully embroidered cloth.
_____ 4. Crowds of admiring onlookers gather to watch Arachne at her loom.
_____ 5. Arachne is shy about her talents and does not want the praise of others.
_____ 6. Arachne credits her talents at the loom to the goddess Athene, who taught her the secrets of
spinning and weaving.
_____ 7. In a weaving competition, Arachne believes that Athenes finely detailed embroidery would
easily surpass her own work and win the contest.
_____ 8. One onlooker in the crowd is a grey old woman who warns Arachne not to boast that her
spinning skills are equal to those of the goddess Athene.
_____ 9. Refusing to back down from Arachnes challenge of a weaving contest, the grey old woman
turns into the beautiful goddess Athene to match her skills against those of a mortal woman.
_____ 10. When comparing the spinning skills of Arachne and Athene, Arachne works at a faster pace.
_____ 11. Athenes work represents a warning to Arachne by showing a large likeness of herself in the
center of the embroidery and by depicting mortals and their fates in the four corners of the cloth.
_____ 12. Angry about the scene Athene is weaving into her cloth, Arachne rips Athenes work from the
_____ 13. Athene strikes Arachne across the face, and Arachne responds by threatening to hang
herself by a noose made from rope.
_____ 14. Enraged over Arachnes disrespectful behavior, Athene curses the maiden by dooming
Arachne and her descendants to spin eternally as spiders.
_____ 15. Seeing spiders reminds the Greeks that mortals are no match for the gods.

Vocabulary: Match the words in column A to its meaning in column B

Vocabulary: Match the words in column A to its meaning in column B



a. angered at something unjust or wrong
b. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
c. decorative needlework
d. not famous or acclaimed; dark; not clear
e. resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires



a. angered at something unjust or wrong
b. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
c. decorative needlework
d. not famous or acclaimed; dark; not clear
e. resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires

Selection Quiz
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. F
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. F
11. T

12. F
13. T
14. T
15. T

1. shriveled
2. wellborn
3. spindly
4. fate
5. obscure

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