Empowerment Case Study

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NOMBRE: Milton Fonseca

FECHA:06 de Agosto del 2015

NRC: 2119


Benchmarking is a term that is now widely used within the quality field. Benchmarking
involves comparing a set of products or services against the best that can be found within the
relevant industry sector.
Quality starts with engaging the people responsible for processes - the people who know
the processes best. It is given to them freedom and autonomy in their jobs to empower them.
Employee empowerment is one of the most important concepts in total quality management.
Empowerment is the key to motivation and productivity which will result in better quality. It is
important that management recognizes the potential of employees to identify and to derive
corrective actions to quality problems. Also very important is that by empowering your employees
you are giving management more time to spend engaged in visioning, nurturing, broad-based
thinking and focusing on quality. By empowering your staff you are creating employees who are
friendly, happy, and can cater to the customer's needs more easily which can affect the customer's
Figure 1Spiral of Empowerment
perception of service quality in a positive way. (Llewellyn, 2008)
CASE STUDY: HCL Technologies
On January 17th 2013, the charismatic, 50-year old CEO of HCL Technologies (HCL), Vineet Nayar, stepped down from his
position and was replaced by Anant Gupta, age 48, who had been promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer a few months before
(in July 2012)2 . Though this change signals a new direction for HCL, Vineet leaves
behind a strong legacy driven by his radical management philosophy Employees First,
Customers Second. The lessons learned from the crisis period reinforced HCLs initial
vision to offer a unique experience to its customers that would differentiate the
company from the competition. The evolution of HCLs business strategy during 20102013 was therefore characterized by even more customer centricity with focus on
flexibility of service offering and higher value creation for the customer. HCLs
transformation journey in 2005 began with identifying the core fundamentals of the
business, and re-thinking roles, including that of the leadership and management. This
HCL to uncover the following, and take the first step in defining the EFCS philosophy
Figure 1Consolidated Revenues after

It was during the tough times of 2008-2009 when HCL was

able to outperform its peers in the IT industry, led by the right kind of
employee empowerment. A noticeable pattern started to emerge in
employee behavior - right at the grassroots. This was being driven by
HCLs Employees First values, which collectively empower and
encourage individual employees to come up with innovative solutions
to operational and customer challenges. At HCL this is called
ideapreneurship the culture of grass-roots, business-driven,
customer-focused innovation, in which each employee has the license Figure 3HCL technologies distribution of revenues
to ideate. It encourages employees to become idea led entrepreneurs, who think of new ideas and also drive them to fruition. As stated on the
company website
Today, HCL employees are ideapreneurs working in an entrepreneurial environment with the following characteristics:
Need to seed: Seek alternatives that go beyond the ordinary, generating and fostering ideas that challenge the status quo
Desire to nurture: Developing networks that nurture these ideas to realization and evolving the scope of ideas towards
Commitment to harvest: Recognizing results and rewarding business outcomes. Incubating an entrepreneurial eco-system that self
sustains growth. (Besseyre, 2014)

Besseyre, C.-H. (2014). HCL Technologies since the Global 2008-09 Crisis: Creating Value through
Employee Empowerment. Retrieved Agosto 05, 2015
Llewellyn, J. (2008). Employee Empowerment Leads to Quality. Retrieved Agosto 05, 2015, from

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