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Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

Code: OEEDM-OSDUP-S-2962775
Nationality: Egyptian.
Current Location: Egypt.
Seeking a challenging job on the field of software security and development in order to
use my problem solving and analytic skills for the advancement of the company.
BSc in Computer and Statistics

Sep 2006 Jun 2010

Faculty on science, Tanta University. I have studied open source programming, root systems
and advanced statistics.
Oracle Certified Associate
Oracle OCA - Oracle Java 7 Certified Associate.

Apr 2014 Apr 2014

Oracle Certified Professional

Oracle OCP - Oracle Java 7 Certified Professional.

May 2014 May 2014

Total-TECH Co
Technical Lead / Architect

Jan 2015 Present

My responsibilities include:

Ensure teams follow the correct procedures, policies and documentation requirements
across project phases.
Guide the team through the development, testing and implementation stages and review
the completed work effectively.
Provide direction and technical expertise in design, development and systems integration.
Make quick decisions and solve technical problems to provide an efficient environment for
project implementation.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

Identify resource and equipment requirements, efficient capacity planning and manage

software and hardware availability.

Provide technical training to teams when required and serve as a technical mentor to team


Ensure standard operating procedures and project guidelines are in place.

Task allocation and performance evaluation of team members
Project scheduling and resource management.
Planning, budgeting and reporting on projects.
Make presentations on project status, present monthly and annual reports to senior
Meet with client teams and gather requirements, conduct regular team meetings and track
project progress.
Interview candidates and hire resources.
Conduct performance reviews of team members and identify areas of improvement, give
feedback and recommend for promotions or salary increments.
Estimate project budgets, coordinate with finance department for funds and plan for
purchasing of equipment and hardware in a cost-effective way.
Provide an efficient working atmosphere to project teams and ensure objectives are met
within stipulated time.
Jampp solutions
Jun 2014 Jun 2015
Java Team Leader and Security consultantI participate on two projects:
an e-commerce web site with social network specifications. (Qatar Araedo)
- The Ministry of Administrative Development ERP system. Both using different technologies
and tools like: Eclipse, Oracle Directory Server (ODSEE 11g), JSF, primefaces, Servlets, Spring,
Hibernate, EJB, JPA, maven, Jira and hudson, Virtualization Using a Directory Proxy Server.

YAT Learning solutionsDecember

2013 Jun 2014
Senior Project TrainerI was a senior trainer on the MCIT program of the ministry of
communications and information technology on the (Oracle Java Program) which is
detailed as follows:
>> Java SE (Fundamentals - OOP Swing Vs. JFX).
>> Socket programming in Java.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

>&g ; Java Database Connectivity. (JDBC)

>> Java Multi-Threadin and Concurrency.
>> JavaEE 7 : Servlets and JSP.
>> JavaEE 7 : JavaServer Faces (JSF 2.2) and primefaces.
>> JavaEE 7 : Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3).
>> Jav Persistence API (JPA)
>> Oracle Directory Server - Maintenanc and Operations (ODSEE).
>> Oracle Directory Server Securi y (Certificates).
May 2013 Dec 2013
Back-End Developer and Security ResearcherA DNS Record analyst member of Qatar Cert
team. I was responsible of Oracle Directory Servers (ODSEE) Security.
GCS (Global Consultancy Services)
Apr 2012 May 2013
Senior J2EE DeveloperSenior Java enterprise Developer and Web Administrator over ODSEE
11g - JDEdward department.

Aug 2013 Present

Back-End Developer and security researcherFrom this start date and I am a time-to-time
freelancer with MarvelServ.
I participate on the development of BYANATK project.
I am a member of a team of some web and security geeks who interested in php frameworks
(CakePHP - Laravel - codeigniter) and pyhton/dJango framework.
United Ofoq
Jun2010 Apr 2012
Senior JavaEE developer and web administrator>> JavaEE developer (JSF 2 - primefaces - EJB
- Hibernate - Struts - Springs).
>> Web Administrator over Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition (ODSEE)..
EDC (Egyptian Development Center)
A Software engineer

Mar 2009 Jun 2010

OutBox training solutions

Nov 2011 Present
Senior Instructor>> JavaEE trainer (JSP - JSF - primefaces - EJB - JPA - web security).
>> Web administration instructor (SDS - Sun Directory Server, ODSEE - Oracle Directory
>> Python / dJango trainer.
>> Network Security and Ethical Hacking coach.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

ITI (Infomation Technology Institute) - intake 32

Jan 2012 May 2012
Open Source Technologies InstructorI was an open-source minded instructor on:
- JavaServer Faces and Java web technologies.
- Python development.
- Ruby on Rails.
- MySQL & PostgreSQ and advanced JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

ITI (Infomation Technology Institute) - intake 33

May 2013 Jun 2013
Mobile InstructorNetwork Security and Ethical Hacking instructor - Smart Village and
Mansoura Branches.

Pure Pharma
Aug 2012 Present
Official trainer of HRThe results and statistics copies are available upon request.

I did some out-source professional training:
- Perl & CGI programming.
for Etisalat Egypt, Intelligence Network - IN team.
- Oracle Directory Server EE - ODSEE 11g.
for Or nge Egypt, Messaging and Directory Services team.
- W b Penetration Testing.
Etisalat Egypt, Gave the tea of web developers of the company a training in security of
web applications and how to hunt vulnerabilities in the company products according to
OWAS standards.
- Usable Network Security.
br /> for SevenHundred Apps ~ 700 Apps company netw rk team.
- Database Replication Security and CL Rules
for M nba' company Linux Servers administration team.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

Airlines services website project [Graduation Project]
CMS site that acts as provider of airlines company's services.
- Tools: JavaEE6 (JSF), XML, Hibernate JPA, EJB, J2ME.
- Grade: Excellent.
E-Commerc site (Qatar Araedo) [Jampp solutions]
E-Commerce site that organize relations between customers and sellers.
- Tools: JavaEE (JSP, Servlets, springs, hibernate, sitemesh Oracle Directory Server EE).

The system of the faculty of science - Tanta University "Credit Hours System Admin." [While
studying there]
- After the system of credit hours has been adopted i the college, I was the leader of the
team who made the college ERB system using JavaEE and JDBC technology.
web handler that has been adopted by BackTrack and Slackware Linux distributions.
- It has been written using Jython framework.
Chat Messenger: Multi-Client Socket Programming (text - Emotions - Voice - File Transfer)
with a database management system.
JRemote - Cross-Platform (JavaSE 8) Screen Sharing software, that allows you to share your
screen among many users and send them messages and notifications in synchronized and
threaded behaviour.
BlueFiRemote - Android app that allows you to full control your PC (Click mouse buttons,
move the cursor and press any key from the keyboard using your android machine) and
transfer files between the mobile and the PC through either a bluetooth streaming or a WiFi
BYANATK (dynamic website generator) - is a web platform that allows you to build your
own dynamic website easily with some drag-and-drop and easy procedures and it does not
required to have any web programming skills to build your own website.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

Computer (Stack & Queue) Simulations based on Assembly.

SMS Anti-spam Application for (Android & iPhone)
and some other mobile enterprise apps those are available upon request.

Programming Languages and technologies:
- Java - J2SE, very good.
- Java - J2EE 7 (Servlets - JSF - Hibernate - primefaces - EJB - JPA - Struts - Springs), very
- Vignette CMS, very good.
- Design patterns, ve y good.
- GWT (Google Web Toolkit), very good.
- php nati e coding, very good.
- php frameworks (CakePHP - laravel - Zend), ver good.
- Perl scripting, very good.
- Python / dJango, ve y good.
- Ruby / Ruby on Rails, very good.
- Shell script ng (Bash - Bourne - Korn - POSIX), very good.
- Scala, good.
- C / C++, good.
- Android mobile development, very good.
- Nok a Asha mobile development, very good.
- BlackBerry mobile development good.
- Appcelerator Titanium mobile development cross-platform, ve y good.
- PhoneGab mobile development cross-platform, very good
- Front-End (HTML5 / XHTML / CSS3 / Javascript / jQuery), ver good.
Ethical Hacking and Security:
- Penetratio Testing:
- Strong knowledge in http protocol.
- Special zed in penetration testing and vulnerability assessment for web applications.
- black box, white box testing and code review for w b applications.
- critical cases on hacked server.
- Penetration Testing using variety of tools in BackTrack & Kal Linux.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

- Hacking Web applications using common vulnerabilities.< r /> - Hacking with Client-Side
Attacks & Social Engineering.
- A good experience in malicious code types nd programming (Worms - Virus - Back doors Trojans - Logic Bombs - Shell Coding - Rootkits - spyware - Adware - Key loggers, etc).
- Exploiting techniques and a good knowledge with metasploit pentesting and buffer
overflow attack vectors.
- Web pentesting (SQL injection - XSS - CSRF - Brute force - Session hijacking - CGI
- DB Analysis & Design.
- MsS L / SQLite / PostgreSQL.
- Java JDBC / JPA.
- MySQL. - MongoDB
- oracle 11g - OCA.
Web Administratio and System Integration:
- Oracle Directory Server E (ODSEE).
- Sun Directory Server EE (SDSEE)
Development Tools & Environments:
- Netbean 8.
- Eclipse.
- Hudson / Jira
- Android Studio
- Sublime text 3
Operati g Systems:
- Linux:
Debians: (Ubuntu - Debian
RPM: (Fedora - OpenSUSE 13.2 - CentOS 5 / 6 / 7 - Red at enterprise Linux).
- Mac OS X.
General IT Skills:
- In familiar with the Agile Software developmen process.
- A very good understanding of Object Oriented Programmin concepts.
- A very good experience in Internet search.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

- Arabic: mother tongue.
- English: ve y good (Reading - Writing - Speaking - Listening).
- French: very good (DELF).
- Hebrew: good (currently studying).

- CAT (Computer Assistant Team) member, the mos active IT community in Mansoura
University, (currently).
- Hacking1 community core member.
- Very good management experience that b gained from leading many teams in charity
- Did my ow study and courses in the Canadian institute in:
- Strate ic Planning.
- Time Management.
- Self Learning
- Leadership.
- Commu ication Skills. - Strategic Marketing.
- Presen ation Skills.
- Body Language.
- Social Engineering..!
>> certifications are available i invoked.

I am totally interested in reading about physics, marketing and self improvement.
I am a good solo guitarist.


- Very good problem solving and analytica skills.
- Very good Presentation skills.
- Very go d communication skills.
- Good management skills.
- Good ti e management skills.
## Driving License: 7 years valid, Egypt.
References available upon request.

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

Total TECH Co.

IT Consultation and Training

Total TECH Co Contact Us:

Copyright 2015, Total-TECH. All rights reserved.

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