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Managements Checklist: What to check/follow-up during market visit for Visit


Have by-section customer list at all times with regular lifters, marginal and
lapser outlets indicated (for WILLS Kings). Also carry TSA, CM, BR and SS (if

applicable) route plans for better visibility of FF mobility and location.

Visit irregular and lapsed carriers of WILLS KINGS in visit cluster to check
placement status. Quality of monitoring of these outlets through SS must also

be checked to create greater accountability.

Check if the SRs are utilizing the trade presenter to its fullest. If they are, a
retailer should be able to recall the campaign WoM and identify key features
of the new pack. In case of TLP retailers should be wearing the WILLS Kings

Spend some time in the market with identified SRs with relatively weaker
communication skills and show them first-hand how to conduct the reinforce

calls effectively.
Check that the SR/SS and SM are also carrying the customer lists of relevant
visit routes. Without these, they will not be able to track placement in the 3
categories of outlets mentioned previously and the multi-tier monitoring

process of FF promotion will be hampered.

Check Trade Promotion status of the scope outlet and whether they have the
trade promotion copy (filled up till date). Also the scope retailer must know

the KPIs of trade promotion and should be able to explain it to you.

Follow-up on CM activity on a regular basis. Check if modular
planograms/focused modular planograms/ flash & spark units are getting
priority over regular planograms. VFM clusters must be given top most

priority for execution of WILLS Kings.

Ensure proper execution of merchandising touch-point execution and touch
and feel dispensers. These must be executed in hotspots to spread maximum
awareness and according to pre-determined set of outlets (structured outlets,

high WILLS Kings selling ASU40 clusters)

Visit BRs in their designated routes to check PTR contact (Number of Contact,
Profile of Contact, Right Price, and Proper Communication to Consumers) and
whether they are abiding by the latest TCAA. Also make sure BRs are

following the late evening MH program according to augmentation guidelines.

While on a visit if you feel that the quality of launch communication in a
particular cluster/section has not been done to our expectations, ensure more

robust launch communication in those markets. Hold the SS and SR

accountable and take punitive measures if needed. And if you are happy with

the performance of the SR, then provide him/them with Insta-King Reward.
Ensure that you carry adequate quantity of WILLS Kings stock in your ToT
along with memo, carbon paper, pen etc. Also know your memo prices.

FAQ to Retailers during Outlet Visit:

Greetings. And ask about new brand name & WOM

Do you know the attributes of the brand? (3 Features)
ADS of both Star and Navy
Data card fill up for retail advocacy (TLP)
Whether they are converting 2 Navy consumers to WILLS Kings or not?
If MH; Does BR work at your outlet for an hour?
How long have you been a Partner/EC&C
How was the partner Household engagement?

Things to have/remember during visit:

Visit Cluster Profile (Cluster History and Significance)

Name of Merchandising Unit
How many BR's work in this particular section
Know ADS of all brands Esp. (VFM for BATB and NAVY)
Know about clusters that fall in between the visit clusters
Know about both memo retention and STT till date of the visit cluster &

Give and overall brief about Wills Kings and futuristic plans to make execution
of brand better

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