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Published Quarterly

Vol. 17 No. 1

Spring 1986


In our last newsletter, you read about the Bibie-bycorrespondence ministry that we have at the Bajio
Christian Mission. Since that time many develop
ments have come about with this ministry. We have
had very pleasing results with the newspaper adver

been developing such advertisements and tracts

using the computer. It is our expectation that the

computer graphics and lettering will catch the atten

tisements that were placed in the seven area news

papers around the beginning of the new year. Ninety

new students enrolled in the course during that time.
The location of these responses ranged from the city
of Queretaro to other cities some 225 miles away. It

appears to us that these new students are very in

terested in what these courses have to say. Just this
past week, fifty-nine courses were graded and sent
back,and many of these courses belonged to the new
group of students! We have been placing tracts
(which include free coupons for enrollment in the
correspondence program) in the envelopes that con
tain the graded courses. The new students have been
passing these tracts out to their friends, and we have

tion of many people. (It may not sound like anything

exciting to those in the U.S.A., however, the era of

recieved several students as a result of these new

computers and electronics is relatively new to most

of the people in Mexico.) Contacting the multitudes
with the Gospel is our hope, and we pray that this

students. We praise God for the interest that is

developing among all of the students.

new "twist" will be beneficial to the correspondence


In working with the correspondence ministry, we are

constantly thinking of ways in which we can in
crease the enrollment of students (not for an im
pressive number, but rather to reach as many as

There were additional developments to the corres

pondence ministry after we took a short excursion to
Mexico City. There, we visited a correspondence
ministry that is organized by another Christian mis
sionary. We were shown beneficial forms, letters,
and courses which we have already incorporated into
the ministry here in Queretaro.

possible and share with them the GOOD NEWS of

Jesus Christ). "Promotion" for the Bible-by-correspondence course has taken place primarily through
tracts and advertisements. Tracts are distributed; in

evangelistic campaigns, after Christian movies, by

Mexican evangelists, along with correspondence
courses, to those we come in contact with each day,
etc. Likewise, advertisements are placed in news
papers throughout the Bajio area. Recently we have

We would like you to pray for the effectiveness of

this ministry!


The pathway which leads to knowledge of and
obedience to the Lord's commands is walked by
many, but the path differs depending on where
one begins. The stories behind two baptisms will
help illustrate.
One example is that of Ana Maria Gutierrez.
She and her husband are "well-to-do." They have
two sons and live in a beautiful house. Because of

the efforts of the youth in the Queretaro church,

their sons were baptized in September of last year.
They have been active in witnessing of their new
found faith. They have visited the jail, spoken to
schoolmates, and taught at home. The result has
been that they convinced their mother of her need
to accept Jesus as Lord. So in February she was
immersed in the Name.

While the first example demonstrates the

power of personal witness, the second, the case of
Gemma Hernandez, is the story of the Spirit's
work apart from the personal influence. Gemma
teaches primary school in Jacala, Hidalgo, a town

about 150 miles from Queretaro. Six years ago she

found a discarded portion of a tract which adver
tized a Bible correspondence course. She wrote for
it and began to study. Then after two years the
courses mysteriously stopped. It was four years
later, as she cleaned her father-in-law's house, that
she found the mislaid course and began studying
again. The course, "El Comienzo de la Vida
Espiritual" (The Beggining of the Spritual Life)
was found just as she was in a crisis and she dis
covered in it the answer to her personal need: a
new life in Christ. Gemma answered the course

and added a postscript asking to be baptized. Bill

sought her out and restudied the new birth with
her and her family. Then, convinced that she was
fully aware of the step she had asked to take, he
baptized her into the Lord.
Gemma's case proves that the Spirit moves in
infathomable ways to prepare hearts to accept the
Gospel, and that a personal contact is not always
the deciding factor.

Within the greater Queretaro area, there are at
least seven men who are serving the Lord (excluding
others from different "denominations") that are
either missionaries or Mexican evangelists. There is
a medical evangelist, a bible institute president, a
children's home administrator, two Mexican evangehst's, and the two of us working with Bajio Chris
tian Mission. Although all of us do not have the same
ministry, we are all serving the same purpose. Since
the beginning of February, the men have gotten
together and decided to form a men's meeting that
would meet on Saturday mornings. The meeting is
composed of these missionaries and Mexican evan
gelists. The purpose of this meeting is for men to
meet together to pray, to study from God's word, to
fellowship and to share with the others about what is
taking place in each of the specific ministries that
each of us are involved iiL


During the Easter week, the youug people in Mexico
pack up their toothbrushes towels, soccer balls, and
Bibles and head for the city of Saltillo for a four-day
Easter camp. All of the schools are closed during this
special holiday and it is a good opportunity for a
camping retreat to take place. There were well over
seventy-five "jovenes" (young people) from several
states that attend this camp. It turned out to be a very
rewarding week for alL Tom worked as sports/activities

director while Toni worked in the

kitchen. She worked with four other Mexicans and

learned how to cook

beans, chilies, and tortillas!



As I sit here to write a few lines to all of you, it is
7:15 p.m. and very hot in Queretaro. Our ceiling

fan makes it bearable, but it will be several hours

before the inside of our house cools down. Bill and

I prefer the heat to the cold so we have are wish

during the months of April and May.(We're glad
the Lord didn't call us to be missionaries to

It is only two months before we leave for our
year's furlough and we feel somewhat pressured
with the work that must still be done. We have set

work and personal goals and each item seems to be

crossed off very slowly.We look forward to seeing
many of you at the convention or during our
travels throughout the year.
Our family is happy and thankful to feel well
right now. We were all sick for a couple of weeks
which made it hard to accomplish much. Mark
visits the dentist every third week to get new
apparatus put in his mouth or to have his bands

Last newsletter, I began to share with you "what it is Uke
to live in Mexico". I want to share another aspect of the
Mexican lifestyle that has quickly become enjoyable to
Tom and I.

Most everyone, no matter where they live, enjoys "eating

out". When we first came to Mexico, one of the things we
missed most about the U.S. was the opportunity to devour a
McDonald's Quarter Pounder with cheese; however, we
soon found Mexico had much to offer that the States did

not. On almost every corner we could find "snack food", a

type of "fast food" restaurant, or a somewhat nicer eating
establishment offering all the courses. Snack foods sold on
the street included: fresh pineapple, melon, or coconut,
candy-coated nuts similar to peanut brittle, roast pump kin
and sunflower seeds, popsicles of every imaginable flavor,
and the traditional candy bar. Fast food restaurants sell
every thing from tacos, to tortas, to an American favorite
pizza. The more traditional restaurant offers a "comida cor
rida" which consists of Icttuce or fruit salad, soup, and a
main dish often accompanied by refried beans, potatoes, or
rice. The best part of "eating out" in Mexico is the price. A
family can eat out on just a fraction of the cost they would
have in the U.S. Whether I live in Mcxico or the U.S., I'll
always love to hear Tom say, "Toni, don't worry about fix
ing anything to eat. Let's eat out."!

tightened. Often he comes home in pain, but he is

quit brave about having to have braces on his

Rebecca continues to amaze us. She is either as

"quiet as a mouse" or as "talkative as 100 hens put

together." Her brother constantly tease% her
which keeps her yelhng--a normal sibling
Let us remember the words of James from chap

The third week in March, the staff of B.C.M. packed up
and headed for Oaxtepec, Mexico and the annual mis
sionary reunion. All went with high expectations and were
not disappointed. The reunion held an edifying combina
tion of fellowship, relaxation and teaching.
Missionaries and their families came from as


churches from Illinois to Pennsylvania. The mid

dle part of August we will go to Johnston Bible
College where Bill will be teaching missions for
the school year. Bajio Christian Mission will con

north as El Paso, TX, and as far south as Honduras. They

compared ideas with others involved in simular ministries,
renewed old friendships, and shared future goals and
dreams. The fellowship was like that found at a family reu
nion (God's family).
Each day held two or three hours of "free-time" to be
spent as desired. In Oaxetpec, there are Olympicsized pools,
a rainbow assortment of flowers and birds, and deep blue
sulfur springs. Many missionaries here share the opinion
that there is no prettier spot in God's creation to relax.
The most beneficial aspect of the reunion was the teach
ing. Don Richardson, author of the book and later film
entitled Peace Child, shared many enlightning thoughts. His
central thought touched the heart of every person present;
God has prepared a message (the Gospel) for every "people
group", and He has prepared every "people group" for that
message. It is the task of everyChristian to watch, pray, and
seek the Lord's guidance in order to discover the "key" or
preparation, that God has given to those whom they seek

tinue supporting us while we are in the States.

to minister.

ter 1, verse 22, "But be ye doers of the word and not

hearers only."


It has been nine years since the Hoff family has

had a furlough. At that time we spent the school
year in Cincinnati where Bill took the neccessar^^

studies for his M.A. degree.The latter part of June

we will be leaving for our second furlough in 14
years. After attending the North American Chris
tian Convention we will be visiting supporting


that the church in Queretaro might soon get the property that they paid for.
about the Hoffs upcoming furlough.
for the Schnellers as they will be operating Bajio Christian Mission.
that a Mexican worker might be found to help in the Bible correspondence,
school and visitation.
for two churches in the Bajio that ai^e working on constructing a building.

for the recent new births into Christ.

for the increased growth in the church in Celaya.
for the 10 students that are graduating from the Bible Institute in June.
for the enthusiasm of the new students in the correspondence school.
for the progression of Tom arid Toni in language study. They have completed
three-fifths of their studies.
for two healthy babies born to Christian workers serving in the Bajio.
for the increased attendence in the ladies' weekly prayer meetings in





5886 South U.S. 27


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Published Quarterly


76000 MEXICO

Volume 17, Number 2

76000 MEXICO
Fain 986


Over this past summer, there have been two new
births in Queretaro. One of the two new babes

belong to Toni and I. On June 7, Toni left the Mex

ico City Airport on an airplane headed to the
Greater Cincinnati Airport. There she was
greeted by our families who had been anxiously
awaiting her arrival. Toni had flown to the States
to await the day when our new little baby would
come into the world. Later in the summer (begin
ning of July), I drove Up from Queretaro planning

She was in Indianapolis and had just visited the

doctor who would deliver our baby. She told me,
"Tom, you havetoget up here as soon as you can!
I have just been to the doctror and she told me the
bably would come within the next 24 hours. If the
baby doesn't come by tomorrow morning, we're
scheduled to have a cesarean. I'm to be admitted

at 11:00. The baby is breech." As quickly as I

could, I ate the meal my mother prepared. I prac
tically said "hi" and "goodbye" to my family in the
same breath. Iarrived in Indianapolis that night to
find Toni doing well. The next afternoon, July 2,
1986 at 2:21 our new son Thomas David
Schneller entered the world. We are thankful to

the Lord for the magnificent gift of this baby.

The second new babe in Queretaro belongs to
our Lord. In f\/larch of this year, a wedding took
place in Queretaro. The young man's name was
Lupe (loo-pay), his wife's name was Luz (luce).

Lupe had accepted Christ several years ago;

however, Luz was Roman Catholic. In order to
avoid strong conflicts with her family, the two
were married in the Catholic Church. Luz' mother
had told her if she was married in the Catholic

Church, she would have her blessing. After the


to meet Toni two weeks before the due date in

Indianapolis. I no sooner stepped through the

door of my parents house in northern Kentucky,
when 5 minutes later the phone rang. It was Toni.

two were married, they asked Toni and I if we

would begin a Bible study with them. Luz was very
interested in what God had to say and wanted to
learn more about His word. As time progressed in
our studies, we examined the things taught in
God's Word in connection with salvation. Luz
knew that she had to make a decision as to

whether or not she should accept Jesus as her

"Salvador"(Savior).Shestated that she wantedto

be buried with Christ in a watery grave in order to
live a new life. However, nothing more was said.
Weeks passed by and still no decision was made.
Toni and I did not want to pressure her as this was
a decision that she had to make herself. We just
continued to pray and study with her. Later, we
began to see the reason why she had not already
given her life over to Christ. In Mexico, if one turns
from the faith of their ancestors (Roman Cathol
icism) they are many times looked upon as turn
ing away from their family. This was the case with
Luz. Her family told herthat ifshe accepted Christ

she would no longer be accepted by them. After

much time, thought, study, and prayer Luz finally
madethedecision and gave her life over to Christ,
inspite of how her family might react. We were
thrilled and full of joy as this new babe came into


Christ. Even though she is now going through per

secution with some family members, she says, "I
will never give up the faith that I have in Christ!"
We give thanks to the Lord for these two newbirths.



This fall, our co-workers Bill and Margy Hoff
began their year's furlough in the U.S. Bill began
teaching at Johnson Bible College in Knoxville,
TN, while Margy began learning new computer
skills that would help her in the work of the Bajio
Christian Mission. A recent letter received from
them shared with us "news" of their new environ

ment and activities. Bill is teaching four courses

at J.B.C. and heading up the student mission's

group. Included in the courses he is teaching is a
course in advanced Spanish, a course in Early
Hebrew History, and a mission's course. Margy is
enrolled in a word processing course and actively
Involved in the faculty wives' fellowship group.

Mark and Rebecca are enjoying their new

schools and adjusting well to the U.S. culture. A
roomy home was provided for the Hoff family. It
has a finished basement serving as a second
story. They are all pleased with the accom
modations provided to them by the college. From
the moment our two families began working
together here in Mexico, the Hoffs became a true
blessing to us. Now, we are thrilled that Johnson
Bible College (the finest college that we, her pre
judiced alumni, know) has received the blessing
of their presence and sen/ice. We are praying that
they will have a pleasant, fruitful year a J.B.C.!

A "Timothy" Preparing?
There was a new face at Johnson Bible
College this fall. A face a little different from

the rest of the eager new students enrolling.

It was the dark-skinned, smiling face of Jose
Luis Gutierrez. Jose left his family and his
church family in Queretaro and headed for

Knoxville, TN to seriously study God's Word.

He took with him everyone's blessing and
high hopes that the Lord would prepare him
to be used in a special way.
Already we have witnessed the Lord at work
in this young man's life. Jose and his brother

Alejandro werebaptized only a year ago, but

their growth and influence are already evi
dent in the lives of their family. Three months
after Jose and Alejandro were baptized,
their mother, Ana Maria, decided to accept
Christ as her Savior. She shared with the

women in the church one Wednesday that It

was the change she saw in Jose and Alejan

a Christian. (We are praying for Marta and

Jose's father, Jose Luis Sr., to have the
courage to make personal decisions for
Christ.) Just recently, Jose and his decision
to attend a Bible college has influenced the

youth in the local congregation. Even now,

there are two more young people hoping to
attend Bible colleges next fall.
We feel certain that we will see the Lord use

Jose in the days to come as well. Jose admit

ted that he had no definite plans for the
future. He plans to study diligently and await
the Lord's guidance. He has confided, how
ever, that he has ruled out no possibilities.
He said he may return to work with the
church here in Queretaro, or maybe he will
serve the Lord in another part of Mexico, or
for that matter, he may be led to carry to Gos
pel to another country. The future is exciting!
We don't know what it will hold for Jose, if the

dro that made her see the need she had In

Lord tarries. We do know that he has chosen

her life. Jose's motherthen began to witness

; to other members of the family. Her sister,
: Marta, has begun attending church and has

to walk the way of Faith. We also know that

Christ, living through him, will make a dif
ference in the lives around him.

^ already admitted that she needs to become

Youth in Action!
As we have stated In the past, one of the
goals we have had at Bajlo Christian Mission
Is to help the young peopl:e in Queretaro

develop their fullest potential, especially in

the area of Christian service. During our stay
In the United States this summer (attending
the NACC/NMC and awaiting the arrival of
our son), we were able to purchase neces
sary supplies for two ministries for the youth
to undertake. One of these ministries is a

puppet ministry. Tom purchased kits and

made several puppets, while I recuperated

from David's delivery. Then, at the first youth

gathering this Fall, each of the young people

set to work making clothes and props for
their new puppet friends. They had been
waiting for us to bring the "muppet-type"
puppets for several months and were eager
to begin preparations to use them. Now,
most of the clothes and hair necessary for
the first four skits we plan to present are
completed. (Next comes the making of the
stage and scenery.) Each of the four skits to
be acted out presents a biblical message in a
humorous way. The final skit presents the
most beautiful message of all-the Gospel

message. The goal of the youth group Is to

begin ministering in this way the first of
December. Already, they have invitations

from two congregations in the Bajio. They

also plan to take the gospel, via the puppets,
outside the local churches. The whole pro
gram lends itself to a presentation In parks
and town squares where people congregate
in the evenings. We are praying the Lord will
do a mighty work through the youth and
their puppets.
A sfecond ministry for which the youth have
begun preparation is a music ministry. The
ybung people in the congregation are very
talented in this area, and we want to help
them develop and use this talent to God's
glory. Before, they had a problem with ac
companiment music. Pianos and organs are
very scarce in church buildings here in

Mexico. And although a few of the young

men play guitar, there was a limited type of
music that could be sung with this type of
accompaniment. We purchased accompani
ment tapes in the U.S. that seem to be an
answer to this complication. These tapes are
music from popular, Christian songs in the
U.S., but with the help of a few bl-lingual
young ladies, we are able to translate the
lyrics into Spanish and use the music. Last

Sunday, the new youth "choir" presented a

song using these background music tapes.
And a very appropriate message it con
tained. "Mas que maravilloso" they sang.
"More that marvelous" {or wonderful, as you
may have heard in English.) And that is what
Jesus Christ is to His children, whether they
are serving Him herein Mexico, in the States,
or in other countries throughout the

Youth Busy Making Costumes and Writing Skits


From time to time you may have noticed the
various churches we have mentioned in the

Bajio of IVIexico. We would lil<e to give an

update on what is happening with some of
these churches. First, the church in Campo

Militar. This is one of two congregations

located in the city of Queretaro. Gil
Calderon, along with another Christian ser
vant, Humberto Ramirez, is working with this
congregation. Gil has been working on the
construction and is placing aceiling overthe
new building. They hope to move into the
new location within a couple of weeks.

Second, the church in San Juan del Rio. This

congregation is helped by a young man
named Rafael Gazca. Rafael is the principal
of a village school near the city of San Juan.

On the week ends, Rafael holds Bible

studies as well as conducts Sunday services
in a house near his own. This young man
travels from San Juan to our home every
Friday afternoon to pick up a small truck that
is owned by the mission. With the truck, he is
able to do calling on the weekends as well as
transport people to and from church ser
vices. This congregation is just beginning to
construct a "TEMPLO" (Church building).
In the state of Mexico, up in the mountains,
there is a congregation that has been star
ted by a young man named Antionio Max-

three years ago. Antonio visits our home

once a month and keeps us informed of the
church's progress. This congregation is also
completing construction of a church build
ing. Approximately 25 adults are now attend
ing this congregation in the mountains.

Finally, there is the church that we have

been working with here in the city of
Queretaro. Presently, we are meeting in a
rented apartment building that seats about
55 people. We are now, and have been for
some time, finding ourselves to be very
crowded. Steadily, visitors are coming on
Sunday mornings and we have realized that
a larger area is needed. Well over a year ago,
the church purchased some property with
hopes to construct a building to meet in.
However, plans have not worked out as
expected and we are still having difficulties
in gaining custody of the land (even though
we have paid for the property). In the mean
time, Alberto Gonzalez (a Mexican evangel
ist who also works with the congregation)
and I have looked at several other pieces of
property. It is our hope to purchase another
piece of property before December 1 st and
then begin to construct as the Lord provides.

We are beginning to see some growth in the

churches in Central Mexico, not only the

imiliano. Antionio started a work in this area

ones mentioned above but several others as

after Gompietihg his studies

weJU^e are excited to see what the Lord has

inisfore for His Church in the future!

the iNatidnai

Bible Institute (here in ^ueretafp); som#

Please rejoice with us and praise the Lord for;

the 6 baptisms during the summer months in the Queretaro church

the contagious enthusiasm among the youth group here

the growth in the churches in the Bajio
our healthy baby boy, David

Please join with us in lifting these petitions to the Lord:

that the Hoff family will have afruitful year at Johnson Bible College














and music ministries

that Jose Luis will conquer any language difficulties in his studies at
Johnson Bible College
that a new parcel of land will be purchased soon, and construction will be begun on a
building for the Queretaro church

that the 6 new "babes" in Christ will grow spiritually

Published by the


RoMville ChristiaD Church


411 Spruce P.O. Box 187


RoMviUe, Ks.



TEL. (913) 5S4-6351





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