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EPA Region 7

Communities Information Digest

August 7, 2015

Welcome to the latest EPA Region 7 Digest!

The purpose of the EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest is to
provide communities in the 4-state region and other interested areas
the latest news, webinars, conferences, funding, and other communitybased activities going on in the region and country related to human
health and the environment. (An * Indicates a new post.)
Has this edition of the digest been forwarded to you by a friend? Would
you like to sign up to receive future digests or unsubscribe? Do you have
any news, funding, webinars or conferences related to environmental
protection or human health youd like to submit for consideration in
future digests?
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*Clean Power Plan Released
President Obama is unveiled the final version of the Clean Power Plan - the strongest action ever taken in the
United States to combat climate change. President Obama believes we have a moral obligation to act by not
leaving future generations a planet that is damaged. While aiming to slash carbon emissions by a third by 2030,
this plan will also keep energy affordable and reliable, and support innovation which will lead to a strong cleanenergy economy.
*6 Things Every American Should Know about the Clean Power Plan

Check out today's blog post, 6 Things Every American Should Know about the Clean Power Plan, by EPA
Administrator Gina McCarthy. Administrator McCarthy talks about key things every American should know
about this historic step to cut the carbon pollution driving climate change.
* EPA Inspectors to Focus on Lead Paint Safety in St. Louis
St. Louis, as the nations Gateway to the West, is a city known worldwide for its rich history. Unfortunately,
part of that history can be hazardous to the health of St. Louis familiesespecially young children. Such
hazards come from exposure to toxic lead, hidden in old paint and other materials contained in older homes,
child care facilities and other older buildings around the city. Thats why EPAs inspectors will be working
actively in St. Louis over the next few months to encourage greater compliance with the federal Lead
Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule. Homes, apartment buildings, and other structures built before
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Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule. Homes, apartment buildings, and other structures built before
1978of which there are many in the St. Louis metro areaare those most likely to contain surfaces coated
with lead paint. EPAs inspectors will be focusing on RRP projects in several St. Louis neighborhoods, both to
encourage compliance with the law, and if necessary, to take civil enforcement actions to address serious
*EPA National Water Program Develops Handout Summarizing its Climate Change Adaptation Tools
EPA's National Water Program has developed a handout summarizing the tools developed by the agency for
state, tribal, and local governments and others to adapt their clean water and drinking water programs to a
changing climate. Tools include, among others, a Storm Surge Inundation and Hurricane Strike Frequency
Map; a Workbook for Developing Risk-Based Adaptation Plans; a Flood Resilience Guide for Water and
Wastewater Utilities; and a National Stormwater Calculator with Climate Scenarios.
*Commission for Environmental Cooperation Issues Five-Year Climate Plan and Announces Roster of
Experts in Traditional Ecological Knowledge
The EPA Administrator, along with counterparts from Canada and Mexico, recently announced a 2015-2020
Strategic Plan that focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation, green growth, and sustainable
communities and ecosystems The Strategic Plan represents a renewed commitment on the part of the three
nations to conserve, protect, and enhance the North American environment by providing resources, expertise,
and direction through the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC).. In addition to the release of the
Plan, CEC leaders have announced the selection of 15 individuals with traditional ecological knowledge who
will serve as advisors to the CEC's Joint Public Advisory Committee.
*EPA Proposes Stronger Standards for People Applying the Pesticides with the Greatest Risk/
Improved training and minimum age requirements for certified applicators will help protect people and
the environment
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing stronger standards for pesticide applicators who
apply restricted-use pesticides. These pesticides are not available for purchase by the general public, require
special handling, and may only be applied by a certified applicator or someone working under his or her direct
supervision. The goal of todays action is to reduce the likelihood of harm from the misapplication of toxic
pesticides and ensure a consistent level of protection among states. Pesticide use would be safer with
increased supervision and oversight.
The Funders' Network Releases RFP for Partners for Places Grants Due August 10
Partners for Places grant program improves communities by building partnerships between local government
sustainability leaders and place-based foundations. National funders invest in local projects developed through
these partnerships to promote a healthy environment, a strong economy and well-being for all residents.

Environmental Sustainability Grant Program Due October 20

The goal of the National Science Foundation's Environmental Sustainability Program is to promote sustainable
engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural
systems. The program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide
ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions.

Funding & Technical Assistance Opportunities

Notice of Funds Availability for Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program Due Dates Vary by State
Placemaking Micro-Grant from the National Association of Realtors Applications accepted on a rolling
Calendar of 2015 EPA Grant Opportunities
Climate-Related Funding Opportunities Compiled by the Florida Climate Institute
HUD CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance
USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Call Rural Development State Office for
Due Dates
USDA Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Contact Local USDA Service Center
NOAA Climate Program Office Releases 2016 Funding Opportunities: Full Applications
August 10: Revised RFP for Round 7 of the Partners for Places Grant Program
August 14: SunShot Prize: Race to 7-Day Solar
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August 14: SunShot Prize: Race to 7-Day Solar

August 14: EPA Environmental Governance Capacity Building Program
August 19: WEF's National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards Program Phase II
August 21: AIA Honor Awards for Regional and Urban Design
August 24: WEF's National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards Program Phase I
August 26: North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA) Grant Call
for Proposals
*August 27: HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program
August 28: FY 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants Announced (Flood Mitigation and PreDisaster Mitigation)
August 31: EPA Region 7 Proposals for an Urban Waters Middle Blue River Ambassador
September 1-30: Registration for Fourth Annual Campus RainWorks Challenge
*September 11: EPA's Clean Air Excellence Awards Applications Due
*September 14: Bureau of Land Management Funding Opportunity for Comprehensive Trails
Education, Data and Information
*September 15: Gulf of Mexico Program Cooperative Agreements 2015
September 15: Local Foods, Local Places Technical Assistance
September 17: NOAA Climate Program Office Releases 2016 Funding Opportunities: Full
September 30: FWS Coastal Program
September 30: USDA Announces Funding to Assist with Organic Certification Costs
September 30: U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) $3 Million in Planning Assistance
to Coal-impacted Communities under Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic
Revitalization (POWER) Initiative
*October 1: National Tribal Environmental Action for Childrens Health (TEACH) Interest Form
October 1: Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance
*October 2: National Science Foundation: Coastal Science, Engineering and Education for
October 7: MAPP - NOAA Climate Test Bed - Accelerating Transition of Research into Operations
*October 15: National Science Foundation: Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change program
*October 16: HHS NIH Asthma Empowerment Collaborations to Reduce Childhood Asthma
October 20: Environmental Sustainability Grant Program
*October 20: National Science Foundation: Environmental Engineering
*November 24: The Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities Challenge
December 15: RISA competition for the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions only

Meetings, Conferences, Training, & Events

Calendar of Events Related to Climate Change and Water

This page includes conferences, meetings, webinars, workshops and training opportunities related to climate
change and water. Let us know if you have information to add by emailing us the details of the event.

August 17-20: 2015 Tribal Lands and Environment Forum Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
August 18-20: 2015 Kansas Environmental Conference Topeka, KS
August 26: Brownfields Mobile Workshop Brownfields sites in Southwest Missouri
August 2628: Patch Burn Grazing Meeting 2015 Pratt, KS
September 1: Equitable Development: The Role of Brownfields Renewal, Workforce Strategies and
Entrepreneurship Brownfields 2015 Conference Pre-Conference Workshop Chicago, IL
September 2-4: National Brownfields Training Conference Chicago, IL
*Environmental Justice Caucus 6:30-9:30PM Chicago Cultural Center
*Community Reception 6:00-8:00PM Chicago Field Museum
September 14-15: Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge Wetland Restoration Workshop #1 Seymour,
September 14-16: Old Trails and New Directions 2015 Missouri Recycling Association Conference
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September 16-17: Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge Wetland Restoration Workshop #2 Seymour,
September 16-18: First International Conference on Surface Transportation System Resilience to
Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events Washington, DC
September 25-17: 2015 National Open Streets Summit Atlanta, GA
September 26: National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day 10a.m.-2p.m.
September 27-30: ICMA Annual Conference Seattle, WA
September 28-October 4: British Columbia Wildlife Federation's Wetlands Institute Kelowna, British
September 30: Transit-Oriented Development Training Las Vegas, NV
*Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting, Oct. 5-8 San Francisco, CA
October 6-7: Growing Sustainable Communities Conference Dubuque, IA
*October 7: Walk to School Day 2015
October 8: Solar Decathlon 2015 Irvine, CA
October 18-20: Renewable Energy Markets 2015 Washington D.C., Early Bird registration extended to
August 14
October 18-21: Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC) Sacramento, CA
October 27-29: Policy Links Equity 2015: The National Summit Los Angeles, CA
May 20-23, 2016: River Rally 2016 Mobile, AL

Webinars, Conference Calls, & Twitter Chats

2015 Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR) Plastics Recycling Educational Web
Seminar Series Announced: What Really Goes in that Bale? An Overview of the 2015 National Mixed
Rigid Bale Composition Study August 11
The 2015 National Mixed Rigid Bale Composition Study was conducted to categorize the composition of the
various types of mixed rigid plastic bales generated in North America. This webinar will provide an executive
summary of the full study and report.
*NIEHS/EPA Childrens Centers Monthly 2015 Webinar Series August 13, 12-1:30 p.m. CST
For many reasons, children are likely to be more vulnerable than adults to the effects of environmental
contaminants. The webinar series, cosponsored by the EPA Office of Childrens Health Protection and the
National Center for Environmental Research, features presentations on recent findings and new developments
in childrens environmental health research, and interactive discussions.
*CDFA Brownfields Financing Webinar Series: New Investments with New Market Tax Credits August
13, 1-2:30 p.m. CST
Join CDFA, our technical assistance partners, and experienced brownfield communities as we discuss the
recent allocation of $3.5 billion in New Markets Tax Credit awards by the U.S. Treasury Department's CDFI

*Webinar: Engage with Local Government, Critical Stakeholders in Your Walkable Community
Movement August 14, 33-4:00 p.m. CST
For walkable community initiatives, you need a diverse team with common goals. But, it is also essential to
recruit local government officials to the team - especially, traffic engineers, town planners, and elected policy
makers. Join this webinar to learn how best to engage each of these critical stakeholder groups in your
Local Climate and Energy Webcast Series: Climate Change, Heat Islands, and Public Healt:h August
19, 1-2:30 p.m. CST
Improving Heat Health Resilience through Urban Infrastructure Planning and Design
The series shows how local public health officials and environmental agency staff can work together to raise
awareness of these connections during the summer heat wave season.

*Energy Star Webinar: How to Apply for the Energy Star August 20, 1:00 PM CST
Learn about applying for ENERGY STAR Certification in Portfolio Manager. Understand the value of the
ENERGY STAR certification, see the step-by-step process of applying, and gain tips to help your property get
from application to award.
*Energy Star Webinar: Portfolio Manager 101 August 25, 1-2:00 PM CST
Learn about applying for ENERGY STAR Certification in Portfolio Manager. Understand the value of the
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Learn about applying for ENERGY STAR Certification in Portfolio Manager. Understand the value of the
ENERGY STAR certification, see the step-by-step process of applying, and gain tips to help your property get
from application to award.
*Energy Star Webinar: Portfolio Manager 201 August 26, 1-2:00 PM CST
With a good background on the basic functionality of EPAs ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, learn
about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data; setting
goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties; creating custom reports; and using the
Sustainable Buildings Checklist.

*Energy Star Webinar: Portfolio 301 August 27, 1-2:00 PM CST

With a good background on the basic functionality of EPAs ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, learn
about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data; setting
goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties; creating custom reports; and using the
Sustainable Buildings Checklist.
APR Resources to Support Domestic Plastic Recycling Markets September 15
APRs primary goal is to increase the amount of material available for recycling. This webinar will detail a
variety of resources available to the industry, state and local recycling officials, as well as the general public to
support the expansion of domestic plastic recycling markets and generate more supply.
*AQ Master Class Technical Webinar Series: Source Control September 17, 12-1:30 CST

Keep Your Caps On! A 2015 Update October 27

Due to an ever growing demand for material by plastic reclaimers, APR continues to support the Caps On
message. Historically, the perception has been that the best way to recycle a plastic bottle is with the cap
off. This webinar will give an update on this initiative, address the common concerns surrounding the change,
and provide resources to those communities to support this message.
Greater Kansas City Regional Water Quality Education Committee Presents the 2015 Center for
Watershed Protection Webinars:

What to Do About Trashy Watersheds September 16, 12-1:30 p.m. CST

Learn from places that have been managing trash as part of local or regional TMDLs and some of the
approaches that have been tried. Of course, this webcast will feature a lot of trash-talking.
Checking in on Post-Construction Stormwater Management November 18, 12-1:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will explore innovations and trends in post-construction stormwater management, with MS4
case studies featuring program components and budgets.
All webinars will be streamed at the Mid-America Regional Council Conference Center at 600
Broadway, Ste. 200, Kansas City, Missouri 64105.

Other Environmental News

*State of the Climate in 2014 Report Released

The American Meteorological Society has released the State of the Climate Report for 2014. The report,
compiled by NOAA's Center for Weather and Climate at the National Centers for Environmental Information,
provides a detailed update on global climate indicators, notable weather events, and other data collected by
environmental monitoring stations and instruments located on land, water, ice, and in space.

Other Environmental News

*The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (Office of Indian Energy)
intends to issue a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) entitled "Deployment of Clean Energy and
Energy Efficiency Projects on Indian Lands."
Through this planned FOA, DOE continues its efforts to promote tribal energy sufficiency and spur increased
deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency projects on Indian lands. Under the planned FOA, the DOE
Office of Indian Energy will only consider applications from an eligible Indian Tribe (including Alaska Native
regional and village corporations), tribal energy resource development organization, or tribal consortium (group
or organization, one of which is an eligible Indian Tribe that submits the application on behalf of the consortium)
on whose Indian land the project will be located.
*USDA Announces Available Funding for Farm Bill Broadband Loan Program Due September 30
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of loans to build broadband in rural areas,
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Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of loans to build broadband in rural areas,
along with changes to the program required by the 2014 Farm Bill. To be eligible for funding, an applicant must
serve an area where at least 15 percent of the households are unserved. Applications with the most unserved
households will be processed first. The maximum loan amount under today's announcement is $20 million.
*WaterSense Launches "When In Drought" Campaign
WaterSense, an EPA partnership program that offers people a simple way to use less water with water-efficient
products, new homes and services, has launched its "When In Drought" campaign. This campaign will amplify
drought messaging in western states and will create awareness that summer is the most critical time to save on
watering. "When In Drought" campaign materials include an animated video that describes actions that
everyone can take to save water.
*The White House Releases Progress Report Highlighting New Actions and Investments to Build
Resilience to Climate Change Impacts
The report underscores some of the actions taken by the Administration to support the recommendations of the
State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. The White House also
announced new actions focused on enhancing resilience in the communities most vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change that include a new Resilience AmericaCorps VISTA program and over $25 million in private and
public investments.
*HUD Announces the Final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule to help break down
barriers to opportunity in communities receiving HUD funds.
The rule, which fulfills HUDs obligations under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, provides a planning approach to
aid HUD grantees in taking meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair
housing choices, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination.
*Forest Service Report: Rising Firefighting Costs Raises Alarms
For the first time in its 110-year history, the Forest Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is
spending more than 50 percent of its budget to suppress the nation's wildfires. A new report released today by
the Forest Service estimates that within a decade, the agency will spend more than two-thirds of its budget to
battle ever-increasing fires, while mission-critical programs that can help prevent fires in the first place such as
forest restoration and watershed and landscape management will continue to suffer. As the costs of fighting
wildfires grow each year with longer, hotter, more unpredictable fire seasons, the report details how the Forest
Service has experienced significant shifts in staffing and resources.

*USDA Invests $63 Million to Support 264 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects Nationwide
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $63 million in loans and grants for 264 renewable energy and
energy efficiency projects nationwide that USDA is supporting through its Rural Energy for America Program
*Arch Coal Subsidiaries to Make System-Wide Upgrades to Reduce Pollution Entering U.S. Waters
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced today
that Arch Coal Inc., one of the nations largest coal companies, and 14 of its subsidiaries under the International
Coal Group Inc. (ICG) have agreed to conduct comprehensive upgrades to their operations to ensure
compliance with the Clean Water Act. The settlement resolves hundreds of Clean Water Act violations related
to illegal discharges of pollutants at the companies coal mines in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia
and West Virginia. The states of West Virginia, Virginia and Pennsylvania are co-plaintiffs in todays settlement.
The companies will also pay a $2 million civil penalty.
*USDA Announces $18.1 Million to Help Rural Businesses Create Jobs
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced loans and grants for 92 projects worth $18.1 million to help
support the start-up or expansion of rural small businesses. These funds are part of more than 20,000 grants
and loans to more than 85,000 rural businesses USDA's Rural Business-Cooperative Service has awarded
since the start of the Obama administration.
*EPA Reaches Agreement with Manufacturer to Stop Use of TCE in Spray Fixative Products Used on
Arts and Crafts
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reached an agreement with a manufacturer to voluntarily
phase-out the use of trichloroethylene (TCE) in an aerosol arts and crafts spray fixative product as part of
EPAs ongoing efforts to reduce the publics exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
*USDA Announces First Private Sector Investments through U.S. Rural Infrastructure Opportunity Fund
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the first round of investments in rural infrastructure projects
through the U.S. Rural Infrastructure Opportunity Fund. Through the Fund and its expanded public-private
partnerships, USDA has facilitated the investment of nearly $161 million in private capital 22 critical water and
community facilities projects in 14 states.
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community facilities projects in 14 states.

*EPA Report to Congress: Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is Accelerating Great Lakes Cleanup and
During its first five years, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative implemented more than 2500 projects to
improve water quality, clean up contaminated shoreline, protect and restore native habitat and species and
prevent and control invasive species in the Great Lakes.
*Planning for Prosperity in Small Towns and Rural Regions
The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) created a clearinghouse of materials for rural
regions and small towns, with publications, webinars, workshop materials and other information on a variety of
topics including economic resilience, entrepreneurship, community engagement, downtown redevelopment and
food systems. While designed to assist the Sustainable Communities Initiative grantee communities, these
materials should be helpful to planners, economic developers, elected officials and residents working to
improve and strengthen their small towns and rural regions.

Climate Solutions University Now Accepting Applications for 2016

Climate Solutions University has helped more than 30 communities create adaptation plans that are ready for
implementation. Your region is a good fit for the program if you need to tackle the following challenges:
Social equity and the impact of climate change on vulnerable citizens
A regional approach to planning that integrates urban and rural linkages
Threats to watersheds, forest, and economic resources using an ecosystem services model
Community leaders of local government agencies; Watershed organizations and resource conservation
districts; Nonprofits; and Civic organizations should apply.
Apply for a Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Orchard in Your Community Ongoing
The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) strategically donates orchards where the harvest will best serve
communities for generations, including at community gardens, public schools, city and state parks, low-income
neighborhoods, and Native American reservations.

Project Learning Trees GreenWorks Grant Due September 30

Project Learning Tree is accepting applications for a school/community native plant garden, a forest
improvement project, a streamside restoration plan, a recycling program, or energy conservation project
targeting students.

This digest is being provided by EPA Region 7 for informational purposes only.
This digest contains links to information, agencies, sites, and organizations outside of the EPA website.
EPA is not responsible for third party links. EPA does not endorse third party organizations or agencies.

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