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The Word of God1 on the third Sunday after Whitsuntide2

I am the One Who is. Amen. Open the gates between heaven and earth, sons from the gates,
for I come with the wind over the earth, to strengthen the faith in God. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, small garden of My word! I have made a gate between heaven and earth into your
midst, and I come in to you and pass on to the sons of the people to raise sons for God from among
them. Amen.
When I was in My body on earth, I said to My disciples that My second coming would
be as in the time of Noah. I was coming as word upon Noah at that time and I was telling him
what to do and how to do and to live for his salvation and for his house, and I told him to
make an ark for their salvation, for I was about to come and destroy the man without God.
Noah believed in My word and opened to Me to always come to him, and I was coming and teaching him everything concerning his salvation, but the people in his time did not want to believe and
they went on with their marrying and being given in marriage and with their eating and drinking,
and did not want to believe that I would come to give each one according to his work, and they did
not choose their salvation, which came from heaven on earth, to save the faithful one from the
destruction that I was about to bring upon those who were unfaithful. My word was great and holy
upon Noah, and Noah believed and fulfilled it, and he worked nothing on earth but for his salvation
and for the salvation of his house. And if only he and his house believed, only they were saved
from destruction. (See the selection topic: As in the days of Noah3, r.n.)
Sons, from the garden of My word, open the gates between heaven and earth, for I come
as in the time of Noah, to strengthen the faith on earth, the faith in God. Amen, amen, amen. As in
the time of Noah, I speak over the earth and over the faithful ones, for the unfaithful ones have
ears and do not hear; they have eyes and do not see; they have mind and do not understand; they
have My Scriptures and those that are unfaithful do not perceive them, but I call out from heaven
over the earth as in the time of Noah.
Oh, sons of the people, open the gates so that God may enter into your hearts, into your
minds, into your souls and into your bodies, to believe into My new word and to escape from the
wrath, which is coming over the earth because of those who are unfaithful. (See the selection
topic: The great tribulation, r.n.) Oh, sons of the people look for Gods sons and learn the faith
in Gods word from them. Oh, sons of the people, in the time of Noah, when I was calling out from
heaven over the earth, and I was telling them that I came to lose those who were unfaithful, the
people did not believe what I was telling them, for they indulged in their own pleasures and with
them they were enticing the faithful sons and were spoiling the faith of those who were faithful.
The sons of God in the time of Noah were attracted by the daughters of the people, and Gods

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.
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daughters were attracted by the sons of the people, and the seed of those who were faithful was
spoiled and this is what the flood brought about over the earth. (See description in detail about
those days in The Household of God, r.n.) In this time, I come again as word over the earth; I come again for this is what I
promised to My disciples: I am going to the right side of My Father and then I will come to
you, to take you with Me, so that where I am you may also be.
Oh, sons of the people, let yourselves be drawn by Gods sons and become Gods people,
for Gods people will be saved and will escape in the day when I, the Lord, will come, and because
of My coming the heavens will be set on fire and will be destroyed, and the burning elements
will come open and the earth and the things on it will burn completely, as it is written into the
Scriptures. (See the selection topic: The apocalyptic fire4, r.n.) Oh, sons of the people, I have
let My promise over those who are faithful that I will give those new heavens and a new earth, and
the righteous will dwell on a new earth. I became a spring of new heaven and new earth over all
who would believe in the fulfilling Gods will within their body and spirit. Oh, sons of the
people, let yourselves be drawn by Gods sons so that you may be born of God, of the word that
comes down from heaven on earth to call the sons of the people to the works of the faith, for in the
time of Noah, Gods sons allowed themselves to be drawn by the sons of the people, and I saw this
from heaven and I got angry with them, for with the exception of Noah, there had no longer been
a man not to forget Me.
Oh, sons of the people, those who shepherd you do not take care of your faith, the faith in
God means life in God, and those who shepherd you do not take any care of it at all, oh, sons of
the people. I come to shepherd the one who does not want to perish. I come to wake up the world
from the sleep of unbelief, and let the one who hears come after Me. I am with those who are
faithful. Amen. Let the one who hears My voice come and believe and learn what faith in God is,
for soon, soon, the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the earth and the things on
it will be burned completely because of the day of My coming, as it is written in the Scriptures
about My coming.
Behold, I am coming, and no one cares to come after Me. Behold, I am coming, and the
man cannot come to follow Me for he has many things to do, and he cannot leave those of his to
take over those that are Mine. Behold, I am coming, and the man is slow in coming, and he has his
hands and feet bound, and every man on the earth is in darkness. The one who cannot come after
Me to follow Me, that one cannot do it because of the darkness, and he is stopped from coming,
for this is what I told to My disciples: If someone walks in the day time he does not stumble
because he sees the light of this world, and if someone walks in the darkness, he stumbles, because the light is not in him. The Lord is the light in man. If I, the Lord, am not in man, the
darkness is in man and he stumbles in the darkness within him and within the works of the darkness

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in him. Oh, sons of the people, I am the Light of the world. If someone walks during the daytime
he does not stumble because he sees the Light of this world. Amen, amen, amen.
And as for you, sons from the manger, you should always stay with the gates between
heaven and earth opened, for I am coming to call out to the sons of the people to look after the
Light of this world denying the works of the darkness, which have nothing from God. I come to
tell the sons of the people that I come as in the time of Noah, when no one expects Me to
come. Be strong and with great faith in the midst of the sons of the people, for the power of My
life is strong in those who believe in Me, fulfilling every word of Mine. The sons of the people
walk in the darkness and stumble because the light is not in them. But you should be My day; be
the day of My coming and be the sons of the day and walk in the day time without obstacles, for
the light is in you. I have given you a great name before My coming and you are the sons of the
Lords meeting, and you are the day of My coming, and because of the coming of this day over
the earth, the heaven and the earth shake and come open, for the people are afraid of the day
of My coming; they are afraid because their works of darkness from them are brought into the
light. However, I come, and you are the day of My coming, and the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit and all the saints and angels have been waiting for this day for seven thousand years.
Oh, My faithful people, you are the day of My second coming from heaven on earth,
for this is what I prophesied to you and I told you: I will name you above the day of My resurrection and I will love you, My faithful people. No one expects on the earth for you to be the
day of My coming; no one, My people. But I, the Lord, with the entire heaven from above and
beneath, have been waiting for this day to come into the midst of the sons of the people, and for
the people to get used to the day of My coming and the sons of the people to see the Light of this
world and to walk in the light, for I am coming as in the time of Noah, when no one expects Me
to come. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: The coming in a visible way5, r.n.)
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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