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BLOOP- And Its Consumers

Prepared for:
Syeda Munir Khasru
Course Instructor: Consumer Behavior (M402)
Institute of Business Administration
Dhaka University

Prepared by:
Saad Ashraf (ZR-40)
Naziza Akhter Alam (RH-87)
Waseem Khan (ZR-88)
Lamisa Faika Shahriar (RH-110)
Sanjir Ali (ZR-111)
Institute of Business Administration
Dhaka University

Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University

May 31, 2015
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Letter of Transmittal
May 31, 2015

Syed Munir Khasru

Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka
Subject: Letter of Transmittal
We are pleased to submit this Consumer Behavior (M402) report entitled as Bloop- and its Consumers, as part of
the course requirement. In this report, we have provided the background of the industry; we have looked into Bloop
as an individual firm and identified its target market. We have also analyzed the brand elements of Bloop to
understand its brand personality, and how they position that personality into the self-concept of the consumer.
Furthermore, we analyzed the external influences of cultural values and group influences on the consumers, and also
understood the internal influences of consumer perception, memory and learning, attitudes, motivation and lifestyle
to understand the consumption patterns. We also looked into the manners in which the brand influences consumer
behavior through all of the aforementioned methods, and conducting a consumer survey of 175 responses. Finally,
we identified the problems Bloop is facing in its marketing at the moment and have provided recommendations
We have tried our best to tailor this report to the guidelines that you have provided. Therefore, we request you to
accept our report. We believe that you will find it in order. We are eagerly expecting your feedback on the overall
Sincerely yours,
BBA 20th
Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka


Saad Ashraf (ZR-40)

Naziza Akhter Alam (RH-87)

Waseem Khan (ZR-88)

Lamisa Faika Shahriar (RH-110)

Sanjir Ali (ZR-111)

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Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... iv
Executive Summary ...............................................................................................................................viii

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1


Understanding the Industry ......................................................................................................... 1


Size of the Industry .................................................................................................................. 1


The Growth Drivers of the Industry .......................................................................................... 1


The Brands that make up the Industry ...................................................................................... 2


Getting to know Bloop ................................................................................................................. 3

3.1 The Parent Company...................................................................................................................... 3

3.2 Why Ice-Cream? ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Brand Elements of Bloop ................................................................................................................ 3
3.3.1 Brand Name ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.3.2 Products.................................................................................................................................. 3
3.3.3 Brand Color ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3.4 Innovative Packaging............................................................................................................... 4
4.0 Identifying the Target Market ............................................................................................................ 4
5.0 Understanding the Brand Personality and Positioning ........................................................................ 5
6.0 The Roadmap of Bloop....................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Pre-Launch Activities (October 2014-April 2015) ............................................................................ 6
Billboards: ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Distribution: .................................................................................................................................... 7
Facebook Page:................................................................................................................................ 7
BTL Activities: .................................................................................................................................. 7
6.2 Launching and Current Activities .................................................................................................... 7
Billboards: ....................................................................................................................................... 8
TVC: ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Distribution: .................................................................................................................................... 8
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7.0 Capitalizing Cultural Values ................................................................................................................ 8

7.1 Self- Oriented Values ..................................................................................................................... 9
Humorous/Serious:.......................................................................................................................... 9
Postponed/Immediate Gratification:................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Environment- Oriented Values ....................................................................................................... 9
Tradition/ Change: ........................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 Other-Oriented Values ................................................................................................................... 9
Limited/Extended: ........................................................................................................................... 9
Child/ Adult: .................................................................................................................................... 9
Youth/ Age: ..................................................................................................................................... 9
8.0 Using Group Influences .................................................................................................................... 10
8.1 Primary Group ............................................................................................................................. 10
8.2 Secondary Group ......................................................................................................................... 10
9.0 Affecting Consumer Perception ....................................................................................................... 10
Exposure:....................................................................................................................................... 10
Attention: ...................................................................................................................................... 11
10.0 Causing Learning in Consumers ...................................................................................................... 11
10.1 How Learning Occurs ................................................................................................................. 11
10.2 Strength of Learning .................................................................................................................. 12
11.0 Staying in Memory of Consumers .................................................................................................. 12
11.1 Short-Term Memory .................................................................................................................. 12
11.2 Long- Term Memory .................................................................................................................. 12
12.0 Motivating the Consumers ............................................................................................................. 13
Need for Consistency ..................................................................................................................... 13
Need to Categorize ........................................................................................................................ 13
Need for Novelty ........................................................................................................................... 13
Need for Self-Expression ................................................................................................................ 13
13.0 Affecting Attitudes of Consumers .................................................................................................. 14
Cognitive Component .................................................................................................................... 14
Affective Component ..................................................................................................................... 14
Behavioral Component .................................................................................................................. 14
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Component Inconsistency .............................................................................................................. 15

14.0 Relating to the Lifestyle of Consumers ........................................................................................... 15
Experiencers .................................................................................................................................. 15
Strivers .......................................................................................................................................... 15
15.0 Understanding the Situational Factors affecting Purchase .............................................................. 16
16.0 Evaluating the Selection Criteria .................................................................................................... 16
16.1 Individual Judgment and Evaluative Criteria ............................................................................... 16
16.2 Decision Criteria......................................................................................................................... 17
17.0 Identifying the Problems ................................................................................................................ 17
Problem Number 1: Impulse is not Backed By Availability .............................................................. 17
Problem Number 2: Price is a Surrogate Indicator of Quality, but in case of Ice-Cream there is no
Confidence Value to it.................................................................................................................... 18
Problem Number 3: Bloops Primary Target Market is the youth, yet all of their marketing activities
are Mass ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Problem Number 4: Simply innovative marketing will not hold the customers for long .................. 18
18.0 Recommending Marketing Ideas .................................................................................................... 19
Recommendation 1: Develop the Cartoon Characters for a Proper Pull Strategy ............................ 19
Recommendation 2: Improve Relationships with Distributors ........................................................ 19
Recommendation 3: Introduce a greater number of Ice-Cream Carts at Touch Points .................... 19
Recommendation 4: Improve Facebook Presence .......................................................................... 19
Recommendation 5: Talk about Ingredients in Facebook ............................................................... 19
Recommendation 6: Create Stronger Association with fun ............................................................. 19
19.0 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 20
20.0 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix 1: Products of Bloop ........................................................................................................... 21
Appendix 2: Bloops Packaging........................................................................................................... 22
Appendix 3: Consumer Profile............................................................................................................ 22
Appendix 4: Self- Concept Match ....................................................................................................... 23
Appendix 5: Disgruntled Consumer because of the low Availability of Bloop ...................................... 24
Appendix 6: Sample Facebook Post during Pre-Launch Phase ............................................................ 25
Appendix 7: BTL Activities of Bloop in the pre-launch phase .............................................................. 26
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Appendix 8: Spoof Advertisements .................................................................................................... 27

Appendix 9: You dont need a reason to have Bloop Advertisement: ............................................... 28
Appendix 10: Perceptual Map of Consumer Perception of Bloop ....................................................... 29
Appendix 11: Schematic Memory Related to Bloop ............................................................................ 30
Appendix 12: Consumer Survey ......................................................................................................... 31

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Executive Summary
The ice cream industry of Bangladesh has been in place for decades. The oldest company that exists today
in this market is Igloo. Ice cream market is a growing industry in Bangladesh. In spite of being a seasonal
business, many new domestic and foreign companies are entering the industry to tap the increasing
growth. The recent trend towards maintaining a solid business platform by adding novelty imposes a
challenge for majority ice cream companies in particularly those, which are trying to conform their
services to international standards in an already competitive business environment. The current size of the
ice cream market of Bangladesh is over BDT 500 crores. The growth of the industry can be attributed to
a few factors: growing middle class, improving electricity conditions, the hot and humid weather of
Bangladesh and the improved distribution network.
The ice cream market is an oligopoly. The major player in the market is Igloo. The pioneering ice-cream
company in Bangladesh started its operation in 1964 in Chittagong. The company is now the market
leader since 1997 with clear market share victory over others with 45-50% market share. However, Igloo
has been losing share to Polar and the new entrants in the industry over the past few years. It is to be
noted that Igloo is also a player in the boutique segment. Polar came into being in 1987 from parent
company Dhaka Ice Cream Industries Ltd. They are pioneers in the hygienically produced and packaged
ice cream section of Bangladesh. Polar faced some internal management and financial difficulties and in
2009, the ownership changed from Dhaka Icecream Industries Ltd. To Urban Development and the entire
brand changed along with it. A major revamping of the brand and its products took place which got
massive responses from the consumers taking which is reflected in their market share of 30-33%. Kwality
belongs to parent group Sanowara. It is not a major competitor in the industry as they are not very
aggressive with their marketing tools, distribution network and product offering. They are present mainly
in Chittagong and Noakhali and have a very minute presence in Dhaka. They make up of around 12% of
the industry, but this share is dwindling away rapidly. Bellissimo is a relatively new player in the ice
cream market, they commenced operations in 2013. They belong to Kazi Farm Group Ltd. Bellissimo is
different from all the other brands in the industry because they produce premium quality ice cream and
hence are not competitive in terms of price with the other players. They currently hold 5-6% of the market
share. The entry of Bellissimo has changed the dynamics of the industry as it introduced many different
new types of ice creams. The market players are now shifting focus towards offering a wide range of
Bloop belongs to parent company Golden Harvest and entered the market during the 1 st week of April,
2013. They already had expertise in cold chain and due to the driving factors mentioned previously, they
decided to enter this market. They are different from every brand present in the market in one distinct:
communication material. All other brands in the industry focus on the quality of their ice cream and relate
ice cream to cold weather, e.g: Igloos logo contains an eskimo, Polars brand mascot is a penguin. Bloop
did not do that, rather their product is very summer based. The brand colour purple and the parent brand
colour yellow are summer colours. Bloop did not try to reason with customers regarding why they should
have Bloop, how good their product quality is, etc. Instead, they went for a completely different approach,
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which is to make their brand a fun, vibrant, irrational brand. The print and bill board advertisements are
basically adaptations of famous brands advertisements, with the same taglines except the names of the
brands are changed to Bloop. The TVCs also are very irrational. This helps in building the brand
personality: fun, irrational, impulsive. Their target group is basically those who are young at heart.
Bloop is trying to capitalize on the changing cultural orientation of Bangladesh. People are more
acceptable towards humour, change and novelty now, there is increased consumerism which has created a
need for immediate gratification, children are getting an increasing say in the consumption patterns in
households. Ice cream is something that is a luxury and consumers mainly have it at social gatherings and
here in comes the influence of primary and secondary groups in the consumption of ice creams. There are
many bill boards of Bloop all over Dhaka city and a lot of TVCs are shown. The mere exposure and the
classical conditioning by means of adding a fun, feel good element in the jingle of Bloop have gotten the
consumers to be curious about the brand which in turn has led to strong recalls in the consumers minds.
The usage of imagery has been the most important tool behind the learning and retention of the brand.
The brand personality and the marketing mix have been developed keeping in mind the need for
consistency, categorization, novelty and self-expression. The marketing tools are being used to influence
the affective and behavioral component through the fun essence of the brand. Consumers have been
highly responsive to the advertisements and that is because they fit in perfectly with the self-concept and
lifestyle of the TG: fun, impulsive, irrational. Since ice cream is a product that is relatively inexpensive,
most customers do not pay particular attention to any specific brands. For this reason, customers buy
whatever brand has a stronger presence when they make purchase decisions or whichever brand ranks
highest in terms of the most important attribute according to them.
From all of these we have identified the problems that Bloop still has and provided recommendations

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1.0 Introduction
Ice-creams are something that everybody loves and adores. But it is not the ice-cream itself that has
created a special place for itself in the consumers hearts. It is the companies that sell ice-cream who have
created the associations in the consumer minds that ice-cream is a good dessert, ice-cream makes you
happy, and many more such associations. Before the advent of Bellissimo in Bangladesh, marketing for
ice-cream was relied on distribution only but things have changed now. With the newest entry into the
market, consumer behavior is bound to change accordingly.

2.0 Understanding the Industry


Size of the Industry

The ice cream industry of Bangladesh has been in place for decades. The oldest company that exists today
in this market is Igloo. It is a concern of Abdul Monem Group and it initiated their operations in 1964.
The ice cream industry of Bangladesh, both common (mass) format and boutique format, has been
experiencing exponential growth over the years. The current size of the ice cream market of Bangladesh
is over BDT 500 crores.


The Growth Drivers of the Industry

The growth of the ice cream industry of Bangladesh has been on the rise over the years. In the last 5
years, the industry saw the entry of two new companies with three different brand names and massive
restructuring in terms of branding and product offering by an existing player, Polar after it changed
ownership. This growth is expected to continue, if not increase in the years to come due to a few reasons:
Improving electricity supply: Ice cream requires a temperature of -20C to be maintained inside
the freezers. Even though the power supply of Bangladesh is quite poor, it has been improving
over the last 3-4 years and for this reason, retailers are being able to host more than one freezer in
their shops. This has led to an increase in supply of ice cream in the market.
Weather conditions: Bangladesh is a tropical country and temperatures can go up to as high at
over 40C in summer, coupled with very high percentage of humidity makes for very
uncomfortable weather. This has naturally propelled the sales of not only ice cream, but various
other thirst quenching products that give some relief in scorching heat like carbonated drinks,
juice, mineral water, etc.
Growing middle class: The middle income population of Bangladesh has been growing rapidly
due to better education levels in the country, economic growth and development and
industrialization in Bangladesh. As the income and in turn purchasing power of the population

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grows, so does spending on consumer products outside of necessities. This is a driving factor
behind growth of this industry
Improved distribution network: There have been great improvements in the social and
physical infrastructures in Bangladesh. Due to improved roads and transportation system, it has
gotten easier to expand the distribution network over the country, particularly in the semi urban


The Brands that make up the Industry

There are currently 6 major players in the ice cream industry. They are:
1) Igloo
The pioneering ice-cream company in Bangladesh started its operation in 1964 in Chittagong.
The company is now the market leader since 1997 with clear market share victory over others
with 45-50% market share. However, Igloo has been losing share to Polar and the new entrants
in the industry over the past few years. It is to be noted that Igloo is also a player in the boutique
Product range
Igloo offers the widest choice of ice cream, more than any other competitor in the market. Igloo is
offering a total of fifty SKUs, including normal premium and novelty cup, stick and family pack
2) Polar
Polar came into being in 1987 from parent company Dhaka Ice Cream Industries Ltd. They are
pioneers in the hygienically produced and packaged ice cream section of Bangladesh. Polar faced
some internal management and financial difficulties and in 2009, the ownership changed from
Dhaka Icecream Industries Ltd. To Urban Development and the entire brand changed along with
it. A major revamping of the brand and its products took place which got massive responses from
the consumers taking which is reflected in their market share of 30-33%.
Product Range
Polar offers a wide range of products including coated ice-cream, lollies, stick ice creams, cup
ice-creams and tub ice creams.
3) Kwality
Kwality belongs to parent group Sanowara. It is not a major competitor in the industry as they are
not very aggressive with their marketing tools, distribution network and product offering. They
are present mainly in Chittagong and Noakhali and have a very minute presence in Dhaka. They
make up of around 12% of the industry, but this share is dwindling away rapidly.
4) Bellissimo
Bellissimo is a relatively new player in the ice cream market, they commenced operations in 2013.
They belong to Kazi Farm Group Ltd. Bellissimo is different from all the other brands in the
industry because they produce premium quality ice cream and hence are not competitive in terms
of price with the other players. They currently hold 5-6% of the market share.

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Product Range
Bellissimo offers cups, cones, bars and sandwiches.. The most unique product of Bellissimo is the
ice cream sandwich called Biscotto which comes in two flavors vanilla and chocolate. Bellissimo
is the first company to introduce ice cream sandwich in the local market, and this innovative
product is the most selling product of Bellissimo.

3.0 Getting to know Bloop

3.1 The Parent Company
Golden Harvest is one of Bangladeshs leading business groups with diversified interests in Food, Dairy,
Commodity, Information Technology, Logistics, Real Estate, Aviation, Infrastructure Development and
Insurance. It has been a pioneering force in the frozen food sector in Bangladesh and is the countrys first
company to develop its own Cold Chain network in collaboration with USAID. It is also the Joint
Venture partner of Nippon Express, Asias largest logistics company with network in over 480 locations

3.2 Why Ice-Cream?

Golden Harvest has 2 main strengths

Strong and Established Cold Chain Network

Strong Logistical Backing from Nippon Express

When these strengths are combined with the fact that the Golden Harvest already has a Dairy wing, icecream is the natural progression. Moreover, as has been seen in section 2.2, the ice-cream industry trend
is now in the growth stage and so the scope in this market is massive. A combination of all these reasons
is what prompted Bloop to enter the ice-cream industry.

3.3 Brand Elements of Bloop

3.3.1 Brand Name
The Brand Name- Bloop, is actually short for the word Bloopers which means funny mistakes. Now,
this might sound extremely weird that a brand has associated itself with something that essentially means
mistake. But this was a conscious decision on Bloops part. They wanted to associate themselves with
something that is not at all serious, is fun and is irrational. To preach this irrationality, they have
associated themselves with the word derived from Bloopers since bloopers are at most times irrational.

3.3.2 Products
Bloop has 2 main categories of products, divided into 44 different SKUs:
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1. Baseline Products- Bloop: This line basically prices itself competitively to other competitors to
compete in the mass level.
2. Bloop Premium: This line of products uses superior ingredients and is priced at a premium. But
these products are usually tub ice-creams and so the prices are not perceived to be that high.
A detailed description of these products can be found in Appendix 1.
This strategy is actually a smart one, since it means that Bloop is actually providing a wide range of
products under the same name. This means that the consumer is exposed to a wide variety of flavors, but
the umbrella of the same brand name increases brand recall and loyalty. So, when a consumer likes one
of the baseline products, he or she is more likely to buy the Bloop Premium products, because the
presence of the name Bloop allows for proper brand recall, even though the name Premium is added to
increase comprehension of the product.

3.3.3 Brand Color

The primary color of Bloop is Purple, but for its premium range it uses the color red. This duality in brand
color may be confusing, but since the format of how the word Bloop is written, this confusion is not that
extreme. Moreover, as discovered from the consumer survey, people generally associate the colors White,
Brown and Pink with ice-cream and not purple or red. But again the justification of Bloop is that the color
purple and red pops out and this contrast gets consumer attention and that is the primary goal of Bloop,
the consumers can identify the logo and the colors instantaneously and can actually differentiate the

3.3.4 Innovative Packaging

Bloop has used colors much more extensively than its competitors, and its baseline products have a
characteristic- Bloop-y eye in the packaging. The examples of packaging can be found in Appendix 2.
The extravagant use of colors and the characteristic eyes have become Bloops defining factors of Bloop.
This has increased the consumer recall of Bloop by a lot, and ability to identify Bloop has also been
increased. Because of this element, a customer will be able to distinguish a Bloop product amongst the
many ice cream products in the retail shops.

4.0 Identifying the Target Market

Bloop has one primary target market and 2 secondary target markets.
The Primary Target Market: The primary target market is the Youth as explained by the figure
overleaf. This group is the main consumer base of Bloop, and all of their advertisements are directed
towards them. According to the survey, 64% of the consumers who have tried or heard of Bloop fall in
this age bracket. So the targeting of this segment has been done properly by Bloop, and they have reached
their intended target.

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The Secondary Target Group (Children): This target has been reached fairly well too. The retailers
have counted numerous instances when parents came into the shop asking for Bloop because their
children sent them. This indicates that Bloops strategy of using the children as Influencers in the parents
purchase decisions is working.
The Secondary Target Group (The Money Holders): These are the people who are the main
consumers of Bloop Premium. The packaging and usage of Bloop Premium products are also much toned
down and less colorful than the baseline Bloop products to cater to this market. 31% of the people in the
survey fall under this group and have actually tried Bloop, and most of them have tried the family
products like the tubs. This again indicates that Bloop has been able to reach this segment as well.
However, a greater percentage of people in this segment also said that they prefer other brands over
Bloop. This means, that even though Bloop managed to make the customers try Bloop, retention is low.
As a result, one can conclude, that Bloop has been able to segment its target market properly but it is now
time to take the next step and retain these customers through proper consumer profiling. A consumer
profile of the Bloop customer is in Appendix 3, and this profile has been used to identify problems and
give recommendations in the latter sections of the report.

Primary Target Market: The Youth

- Age Group 13-25
-Are Young
-Always wants Fun
-More open to Novelty

Secondary Target Market: The Children

-Age Group of 4-12

Secondary Target Market: The MoneyHolders

-Age group 26 and above

-School Going Children

-Responds well to cartoonish characters

-Have a high disposable income and so can

spend on premium items

-Influences parents in ice-cream purchases

-Extremely different products are not so

acceptable to them

Figure 1: Target Market Description

5.0 Understanding the Brand

Personality and Positioning
The Brand Personality of Bloop is in one word: Fun. That is the core personality that Bloop is trying to
sell. This is innovative in the context of Bangladeshs ice-cream industry because before Bloop, no other
brand gave off a personality. Bellissimo came close claiming itself to be premium, but it confused its own
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brand personality along with confusing the customers. That is why Bloop is mainly focusing its brand
personality to one core thing which is- Fun. They have then created subsets of Fun.


Young at


Figure 2: Breakdown of Bloop's Brand Personality

Bloop has been very successful in communicating this Brand Personality through its packaging and its
marketing campaigns which would be discussed in the next section. The Fun aspect is very broad and it
attracts people of all ages, and so a subset of the fun quota is Young at heart. The fact that this really has
reached people that are not young per se but have still liked the campaigns can be proved by the fact that
69.5% of the sample surveyed tried Bloop. So Bloop is not only targeting a specific age group, they are
also targeting a Self-Concept. The people who feel they are fun either because they still feel young at
heart or are still impulsive, people of that sort would be able to relate with Bloop as a brand or this SelfConcept match would be profitable to Bloop, since these people will be satisfied with Bloop more than
with its competitors and so Bloop would slowly become the top choice. The mechanism of this match is
farther explained in Appendix 4.

6.0 The Roadmap of Bloop

6.1 Pre-Launch Activities (October 2014-April 2015)
One of the massive pre-launch activities Bloop undertook was showcasing just their products and
highlighting the innovative packaging. The main highlight of the entire advertisement was the product
itself and nothing else. This was a brilliant move, because it got the people interested in the product itself.
48.4% of the people who tried Bloop actually tried it because of its packaging. This differentiating factor
only caught the consumers eye because the massive billboard only contained the product and highlighted
the difference in packaging. The personality that Bloop portrayed at this stage was- a fun personality.
An example of such a Billboard is in Appendix 2.

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This is the area where Bloop lost out massively. Initially since it was a new entrant, the retailers outright
rejected Bloop as a product they would stock, on the basis that Bloop would not sell. To combat this,
Bloop did not do anything. The sales force just kept visiting more retailers, and managed to get some
retailers to stock up on Bloop, but they were unable to get any carts in any retail shops because nobody
would invest electricity into a product that might not sell. This had a massive negative effect on the
consumers, because a lot of consumers got interested about Bloop and went to buy it, but it was not
available in their area. A massive 33.3% of the consumers surveyed said that they did not try Bloop
because it was not available near them. An example of a disgruntled consumer is given on Appendix 5.
So, at the end of the day marketing efforts are a failure if it cannot be translated into sales, and Bloop was
unable to do that initially.

Facebook Page:
Bloop launched its Facebook page during this time and was quite active during this time. But again, the
primary focus of the page at this time was to get people interested about the product by highlighting the
product, and educating the consumers about it. An example of sample Facebook post at that time is given
in Appendix 6.

BTL Activities:
Bloop carried out many BTL activities during its pre-launch phase (Appendix 7). The primary objective
of these activities was to associate Bloop with fun and the concept of beating the heat. 2 of the most
memorable of these activities are:
1. Massive Stall Activation at Dhaka International Trade Fair- The Summer Land of Bloop:
Bloop created a photo booth where the people having Bloop could take pictures with the Bloop
characters. Moreover these characters were set up in a summery beach, associating Bloop as a
product to have during summer. This association exists in the minds of many people, according to
the survey 39.7% people ranked summer heat as the top reason for having ice-cream. Bloop
expressively wanted to create a clear association of summer with itself, so that when people think
of beating the summer they dont just think ice-cream, they Bloop.
2. Setting up a Photo Booth and Ice Cream Cart at various areas of the city called during
Valentines Day, called Bloop City Caravan: This highlighted the young at heart attribute it
tried to promote.

6.2 Launching and Current Activities

Bloop finally officially launched itself on the 14th of April 2015. At this time, they changed their billboard
communications, launched its TVC and inaugurated their own ice cream carts at various retail shops. The
main essence they tried to give off during this phase was that: You do not need a reason to have Bloop, it
is impulsive and irrational.

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At this time the Billboards Bloop promoted was of 2 types:
1. Spoofs: Bloop made spoofs of popular advertisements like Fair and Lovely and Lux
advertisements to show the attributes of its product in a fun way. For example: it promoted its
strawberry sorbet ice-cream by making the model wear a pink gown and posing as models do in
Lux advertisements( Appendix 8). The reaction to these advertisements were more or less
mixed, 66.6% of the population thought it was funny and cool, 25.3% of them found the
advertisement to be wannabe, and surprisingly only 7.6% found the advertisement offensive.
But there are also people who failed to understand that the advertisement was a spoof, and
thought that Bloop was copying Lux. In any case, whether the people liked the advertisement or
not, one thing was clear- the advertisement had created a massive buzz for Bloop, and this buzz is
exactly what Bloop wanted. The idea was to get the brand in the consumers mind, so that when
they do go to the point-of-sale they retain the brand name and purchase the product.
2. One does not need a reason to have Bloop: These advertisements were again satirical, where it
stated that if one had Bloop ice-cream then their teeth would become shinier (Appendix 9). This
is obviously not true, and so Bloop tried to promote the idea that- one does not need a reason to
have Bloop, but if you must have one, you can make up any reason. This basically wanted to give
off the irrational and impulsive essence of the brand.

The TVC followed a similar idea as the one does not need a reason to have Bloop. Again what the TVC
did was communicate to the irrational and impulsive nature of the brand. The TVC also increased the
reach of the brand, since 30.4% of the consumers got to know about Bloop through the TVC.

Since the initial brand recognition of Bloop was already in place, the retailers became more accepting of
the brand. Moreover, the increased brand penetration caused many customers coming to the shop to
purchase Bloop. So Bloop actually became more acceptable due to the pull-strategy. Thus Bloop set up
carts in retail shops all around Dhaka, and is now continuing to increase the numbers of such carts.

7.0 Capitalizing Cultural Values

Culture is a major influence of the behavior of consumers. A shift in culture likewise results in changes in
consumption behavior. Bloop has capitalized on the changing cultural values of Bangladesh which is
evident in their marketing communications.

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7.1 Self- Oriented Values

Consumers today have shown greater acceptability towards humor in advertisements compared to before.
This can be seen clearly in the increase in humor content of the current advertisements. Bloop has
capitalized on this change, from a serious to a more humorous orientation which can be seen in their
advertisements. The advertisements were intended to be funny and have been perceived so by the viewers
as can be proven by the 45.6% (majority) of the 175 respondents who found them funny.

Postponed/Immediate Gratification:
The youth of Bangladesh are not willing to postpone gratification; rather they are more impatient and
impulsive now. This impulsive trait is one of the most important components of Bloops brand
personality as it enables young consumers to associate Bloop with their self-concept.

7.2 Environment- Oriented Values

Tradition/ Change:
A certain segment of Bangladeshi people are more receptive to change now. They are mainly the urban
middle to high income background youth. Consumers are more receptive of new products, brands and
ideas nowadays. Bloop has capitalized on this change by introducing new varieties of ice cream and a
new and innovative way of advertising to consumers.

7.3 Other-Oriented Values

The Bangladeshi family composition has traditionally been an extended one with gradual change towards
limitedness. Still, most families are quite extended and family consumption makes up a significant
portion of total consumption. For this reason, Bloop has the option of tubs of both regular and premium
ice creams.

Child/ Adult:
The children of Bangladesh are getting more involved in making consumption decisions. The attractive
packaging of Bloop, with cartoons on their packaging has appealed strongly to children and has worked to
be advantageous for the sales of Bloop.

Youth/ Age:
The majority of Bangladeshi population consists of the youth. The youth are becoming more independent
and individualistic by the day. This shifting consumer base means that more importance has to be given to
the youth factor and Bloop is doing exactly that. This can be seen in their brand mantra: young at heart.

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8.0 Using Group Influences

Group influences on the purchase decision of ice-cream come from two types of groups: secondary and

8.1 Primary Group

The primary group consists of friends, family and whoever a person has regular communication with.
49.7% of the respondents said that they have ice creams at social gatherings. They have also agreed that
the recommendation of any brand by close friends and family members is highly regarded and influence
their purchase decision.

8.2 Secondary Group

As per our survey findings, the recommendation of members of secondary groups do not act as a driving
factor behind purchasing any particular brand of ice cream per se, mostly because the consumers do not
keep them in mind strongly. However, while making the purchase decision, if the name of a
recommended brand is come across, it prompts selection of that brand when consumers are not loyal to
any particular ice- cream brand.
Therefore, it can be concluded that secondary groups are not major influencers of purchase decisions
when it comes to ice- cream, but presence of brand at point of sales prompts brand recall and facilitates

9.0 Affecting Consumer Perception

Consumer Perception is affected in many ways. Perception mainly depends on exposure to the message,
the amount of attention given to the object and finally the interpretation derived from it. Bloop mainly
focuses on the exposure and attention part of the perception process. Furthermore, it tries to use certain
stimulus factors to attract more attention so that more people can interpret its messages.

89.1% of the consumers surveyed had seen Bloop advertisements. This exhibits the extent to which the
consumers have been exposed to the advertisements of Bloop. This massive rate of exposure has resulted
from Bloop placing billboards at VIP Roads, and around roads where most of the congestions occur.
Keeping in tune with the exposure-centric billboard placement, the TVC slots Bloop bought were also of
massive exposure value. For example: It bought in-between-over slots during the cricket matches of
Pakistan Tour of Bangladesh in 2015. These cricket matches are televised and almost the entire country
tunes it at certain points, although TVC slots during these matches are wildly expensive the reach of the
advertisements at these times are huge as well.

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All the things Bloop did, as discussed in Section 6.0 was to attract attention. Starting from:

Colorful and innovative packaging

Using cartoon characters in its packaging
Resorting to satirical bold billboard advertisements to the TVC they made

Each and every one of these advertisements used certain stimulus factors to affect perception. These
factors are:
1. Color and Contrast: Everything about the Bloop billboard ads are colorful, starting from the
vibrant backgrounds to the highlighting of the packaging the billboard itself, everything is
extremely colorful. This use of color is what warranted consumer attention, since it was a
differentiating factor from the usually drab and repetitive billboard.
2. Position: The position of the billboards and the TVC itself was very well placed. Now, greater
exposure does not generally mean greater attention. But since the advertisements were so
different than the norm, people did pay attention to it once they were exposed. Although the TVC
slot during the cricket matches may have not caused as much interpretation of the message that
Bloop was trying to portray. This is mainly because at that time the consumers are more
engrossed with the match, than to pay much attention to the advertisement itself. But since it is a
low-involvement product, the attention warranted was still greater than if it had been a highinvolvement product.
After affecting these 2 factors, Bloop basically left the interpretation to the consumer. The consumer then
interpreted the product as: a different and innovative product which is perhaps a bit premium (Appendix

10.0 Causing Learning in Consumers

Ice cream is a non-durable, luxury, edible item and the cost of an ice cream composes of a very
insignificant portion of income. For these reasons, ice cream has low involvement learning.

10.1 How Learning Occurs

The advertisements of Bloop consists of highly irrational content mainly and very little informative
content. The advertisements end with a fun jingle of Bloop. This type of advertisement induces classical
conditioning in consumers. The results prove that the attempt has been successful because around 30% of
the respondednts said that they have tried Bloop only because of their advertisements. 45.6% of the
respondents found the advertisements funny and 20.9% found them cool. At least 66.5% of the consumers
associated the advertisements with positive feelings.
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There are five bill boards of Bloop in the VIP road alone; TVCs of Bloop were played in almost every
commercial break during the Bangladesh vs Pakistan cricket series. This mere exposure has caused
learning and high recall among those who have seen the advertisements.

10.2 Strength of Learning

The strength of learning and retention of Bloop are caused by:

Reinforcement: Even though the advertisements do not focus highly on the features and quality
of the ice cream, it does induce trial. Post-trial reactions have been positive; most consumers
liked the taste and said that it tasted different. This positive reinforcement will lead to repeat
customers and word of mouth marketing for Bloop.
Repetition: There are many bill boards of Bloop all over Dhaka and advertisements are played
in radios and televisions regularly. Also, Bloop has recently introduced ice cream carts in selected
locations of Dhaka. This repetition of the brand name increases strength of learning.
Imagery: Use of imagery has been the most important tool for Bloop. The name Bloop has been
derived from the English word bloopers which means "mistake, embarrassing moment in a funny
way". This is a major component of Bloops brand personality of being fun, impulsive and
irrational. The images of cartoons used on the packaging also add to the fun personality of Bloop.

11.0 Staying in Memory of

A marketer must influence the memory of the consumers through various tools in order to prompt recall
of brand name, especially while making a purchase. There are two types of memory: short term and long

11.1 Short-Term Memory

Maintenance Rehearsal is the repeating of the brand name and/or a key benefit of the product in a
manner so that it sticks in the minds of the consumers. The jingle of Bloop played at the end of the
advertisements has a fun tone to it.

11.2 Long- Term Memory

The semantic memory represents the knowledge and feelings consumers have about Bloop and the
episodic memory relates to the events that people can relate to when they had Bloop or any feelings they
have about Bloop that can be associated with other events that have triggered similar feelings. The words
different, fun, innovative, tasty were associated with Bloop. A schema has been added to Appendix 11 to
display this.

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12.0 Motivating the Consumers

Motivation is why a person does what he or she does. Motivation is basically the pushing force for doing
something. More importantly when it comes to purchasing anything, a person does so to fulfill a need by
the benefit he or she will derive from the product. So a product must have such attributes that would have
multiple benefits and would be able to satisfy various needs of the consumers. In the case of Bloop, the
motivation comes from the fulfillment of 4 types of needs identified by Mc Guire.

Need for Consistency

A person who has once bought a Bloop ice-cream would expect the same taste and texture during a repeat
purchase. Moreover, he or she would expect similar taste and texture of the ice-cream across the product
range. For example someone who has had and liked the Choc-O-Papa of Bloop would expect the cone
ice-cream of Bloop to be equally good. Furthermore, he or she would expect Choc-O-Papa to taste the
same every time he or she consumes it. So Bloop needs to ensure that the carts it has in the retail stores
are well-maintained, because a once melted ice-cream would taste different. Moreover, it should give
efforts to maintaining a similar taste palette so that the people who like one Bloop product would surely
like the others.

Need to Categorize
This is quite an interesting scenario. This need to categorize usually occurs in terms of pricing. An Igloo
Lolly costs Taka 15, a Bloop Lolly cost Taka 16 and a Bellissimo Lolly costs Taka 20. In the consumers
mind the price of a Bloop Lolly and and the Igloo Lolly is the same, as it is in the less than Taka 20
category in the consumer minds. Due to this, even though some of Bloop Premiums ice-creams are of a
higher price than Bellissimo or Igloos Mi-amore, the consumers still think Bloop is lesser priced due to
the reference they made during the first purchase. Conversely, if the first purchase is a Bloop Premium
product then the ideology formed about Bloop would be different. Due to this, all the initial billboards
Bloop had were of the cheaper base-line products to drive consumers to that segment and create that first
categorization in the consumers mind.

Need for Novelty

Bloop has brought in novelty, from new type of products to new flavors, to innovative packaging. This
means Bloop from the very beginning has been associated with the word new. Humans have this
inherent need to always try out something new. This need for novelty has caused most of the first-buys of
Bloop ice-creams.

Need for Self-Expression

Humans have this inherent need to express their identities and characteristics. Now as an ice-cream Bloop
has associated itself with Fun. This is an identity, that inherently everyone wants to have, and a
characteristic everyone feels they have. As a result, this need for self-expression will motivate a lot of
customers to purchase Bloop, because they would want to establish themselves as fun or young-atheart or impulsive.

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13.0 Affecting Attitudes of Consumers

Bloop is mainly influencing the attitude of consumers towards itself by influencing 2 of the three
components of attitude. Bloop is influencing the Cognitive and the Affective Component, but is not really
doing anything to affect the Behavioral Component, which is one of the biggest reasons of component

Cognitive Component
Bloop is affecting the cognitive thinking of the consumers towards the product by letting some
information about the product out. Some of the cognitive ideologies that Bloop is communicating are:

How Bloop is the perfect alternative to beating the summer heat

How Bloop is innovative since it has brought in innovative flavors and packaging- so consumers
think of Bloop as a new and innovative product
The extent of the range of their products- so that the consumers can find the kind of product they
like and buy

All of this information provided by Bloop is creating a specific Attitude towards Bloop. However, what
Bloop is not communicating is the superior ingredients they use in their products. They are not
communicating this to the consumers because of 2 main reasons:
1. It goes against their idea of- you do not need a reason to have Bloop
2. And truly nobody as of yet cares about the ingredients in the ice-cream as long as it tastes good
As a result, Bloop has consciously staying away from ingredient branding, and is just branding their
personality for trying to brand both together would cause information clutter and thus confusion in the
consumers mind.

Affective Component
Bloop is branding itself as fun by using 2 main Appeal characteristics: Emotional and Humorous.
Emotional Appeal: The main and only Emotional Appeal Bloop is using and associating themselves
with is the joy of having ice-cream. This is a perfect strategy because 46.8% of the consumers in the
survey done feel that ice-cream makes me happy. So associating Bloop with happiness, is ultimately
associating the joy of having ice-cream with Bloop.
Humorous Appeal: This is the biggest appeal characteristic that Bloop is using. And it has been wildly
successful, because it has grabbed attention and has increased the likeability of the product. On the
flipside, there is little persuasion factor in any of Bloops advertisements

Behavioral Component
Bloop is not actively affecting the behavioral component at all. No sales promotion or operant
conditioning techniques are in place.

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Component Inconsistency
Because of the make-up of Bloops strategy in affecting Attitudes, it has caused a dissonance. People
know about Bloop and they like it, but they do not feel the need to go and buy it. This is clearly shown in
the results of the survey where 89.1% of the people have seen the advertisements of Bloop and have a
fairly positive attitude towards it, but of these people 20% have not even tried Bloop. This dissonance is
occurring because there is no incentive to actually go and buy Bloop.

14.0 Relating to the Lifestyle of

Bloop has a distinct brand personality, and so there are certain groups of people whose personality and
lifestyle would fit Bloops brand personality better. According to the VALS segmentation, the people
who would have a perfect fit with Bloops brand personality are: Experiencers and Strivers.

These people are action-oriented. The experiencers are young, impulsive, enthusiastic and always looking
for fun. This entire description of the experiencers is what Bloop is, so Bloop is going to be best matched
with these people. Moreover, these people are politically uncommitted and have ambivalent opinions and
so Bloops boldness would not be a deterrent for them. So Bloop should actively seek out these
experiencers, and get their brand loyalty early on.

These people seek motivation and self-definition from the world around them. Since Bloop is a very well
defined brand, as a brand that is fun. People who strive for that definition of fun would go for Bloop.
Again, Bloop should actively seek out such strivers and create a relationship with them in a way that
Bloop would define them and this would make them loyal to Bloop.

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15.0 Understanding the Situational

Factors affecting Purchase
Situational factors have been found to influence the purchase of ice cream and they are:

Social Surroundings: Almost 40% of the respondents said that they consume ice cream at social
gatherings. The type of ice cream consumed also varies with company, for example lollies, shell
and core and chocbar are the popular choices when the company is friends and cones and cups
when with family.
Physical Surroundings: 39.7% consumers said that they consume ice cream during hot summer
days to feel cooler. This shows that weather conditions have a big influence on the consumption
of ice cream.
Temporal Perspectives: 43.7% respondents said that they have ice cream as dessert. This shows
that consumption of ice cream increases during the afternoon and in the evening. Ice creams are
also used as dessert when guests come over and there was no time to prepare sweet dishes for the
Task definition: Consumers purchase lollies, squeezy, cups, cones, chocbars and other single
consumption units for individual consumption. Boxes and tubs are used for group consumption
and as compliments, especially the premium line, when the buyer visits someones house.

16.0 Evaluating the Selection Criteria

16.1 Individual Judgment and Evaluative Criteria
Price is an important factor that influences purchase decision. Price is a surrogate indicator of quality.
Price has a high predictive value with reference to quality. The quality of Bloop has been perceived to be
superior by consumers and this is indicated the following data:

Tasted great: 60.6%

Tasted different: 41.9%
Innovative packaging: 48.4%
Too pricey: 71.2%.

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The high percentage of people answering that Bloop is expensive coupled with positive reviews about
other quality dimensions shows that the confidence value of price as a surrogate indicator is low because
Bloops ice creams are offered at highly competitive prices.

16.2 Decision Criteria

The factors that are assessed by consumers while making a purchase decision regarding ice-cream and
how well Bloop fares on those aspects are shown below:


Response about Bloop


Competitive Price of Ice cream



Texture and taste

Brand Name




The flavors are liked by
the consumers
Customers feel that Bloop
is over priced
Needs improvement
Needs improvement
Marketing activities have
been successful as a very
high portion of people
know Bloop
Packaging is liked by

Table 1: Response about Bloop based on Decision Criteria

Since ice cream is a low involvement product, consumers do not spend a lot of time contemplating over
which brand to buy. They usually make the purchase based on the brand that ranks highest based on the
attribute they find most important, that is they follow lexicographic decision rule. Flavor seems to be the
most important attribute and Bloop is doing fairly well on this attribute. If they want to increase market
share, this is what they have to focus on: providing different, rich and tasty flavors.

17.0 Identifying the Problems

After the entire analysis and the many facets of Bloop it is clear how it is affecting consumer behavior
and how consumers perceive Bloop. There are certain gaps between the 2. Bloop does fulfill the needs of
the consumers but the consumers are still unaware of how exactly Bloop fulfills those needs by the many
benefits Bloop provides. This gap between needs and benefits has given rise to a few problems that Bloop
needs to take care of.

Problem Number 1: Impulse is not Backed By Availability

Bloop is on the right track by thinking that ice-cream is an impulse buy. 45.3% of the people agree that
most of the times they buy ice-cream on impulse and only 25% of the sample are brand loyal, which
17 | P a g e

means switching on impulse is very much possible. Now even though, Bloop is preaching that their brand
is impulsive, the consumers are not being able to be impulsive and buy Bloop. This is because Bloop isnt
available in the places where an impulse buy might occur. For example- most impulse buys occur in front
of schools, colleges and universities and Bloop has no stations in there, and this is where Igloo and Polar
always come out on top since they have carts stationed in front of these areas. Moreover, the number of
Bloop carts available as of now is still very little and is not enough to compete in terms of availability.

Problem Number 2: Price is a Surrogate Indicator of Quality, but in

case of Ice-Cream there is no Confidence Value to it
This problem is mainly faced by Bloop Premium. Most of the people believe that Price is an indicator of
quality. This means that Price as an indicator has high predictive value because consumers can understand
that higher price means better quality. However, the confidence value in assessing the quality of an icecream based on taste is low. A consumer cannot simply taste the ice-cream and say which one is made
from a better quality of milk. Because of this dissonance between predictive and confidence value,
marking itself as premium based on price would not do. Bloop has to find another way of marking itself
as a premium brand.

Problem Number 3: Bloops Primary Target Market is the youth, yet all
of their marketing activities are Mass
Bloops primary target market is from the age group 13-25. Moreover, the secondary target groups they
actually give a greater importance to are the children. Again, other that the cartoon characters in the
packaging, no specific marketing is done towards them. Even if the ATL Campaigns feature members
from these target groups, they are not reached properly. Even the platform of communication that the
youth use the most- Social Media and Facebook are not targeted at all. Bloop does have a page, and they
do maintain it quite well with regular posts but the reach of the page is very low.

Problem Number 4: Simply innovative marketing will not hold the

customers for long
Innovative marketing has caused a lot of first-time users but there is really no mechanism in place to
retain these customers. Even though Bloop says that one does not need a reason to have ice-cream, the
consumers believe they do need a reason. The consumers need:

Proper Flavor
Proper Texture
Size and Shape of the Ice-cream
Attractive Packaging

Since the consumers need these, and as of now all of the factors accept 6 are addressed, the problem of
ingredients must be addressed. What Bloop thinks of Ingredient Branding is correct, but even so some
degree of communication of superior ingredient use needs to reach the consumer.
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18.0 Recommending Marketing

Recommendation 1: Develop the Cartoon Characters for a Proper
Pull Strategy
The cartoon characters of Bloop can be developed so that more of the children are affected by Bloops
marketing. This would also affect the self-concept of the children and they would be able to relate
themselves with the characters of Bloop. This would also be USP of Bloop, since no other ice-cream
company has such a character. This association would cause a greater number of children to want Bloop
and so the pull-strategy to make more retailers want Bloop in their shops would be effective.

Recommendation 2: Improve Relationships with Distributors

The distributors decide the availability of the product. So, relationships with distributors should be
improved by offering greater commissions and if necessary even paying for the stores electricity back-up
initially to start building a relationship with them.

Recommendation 3: Introduce a greater number of Ice-Cream Carts

at Touch Points
Touch Points of the Target Market such as schools, colleges, universities, canteens and even movie
theaters should have Bloop carts to improve the availability of Bloop. Bloop can even supply ice-cream to
small-scale restaurants to push sales from there.

Recommendation 4: Improve Facebook Presence

The target market of Bloop spends the most of their time on Facebook. Thus, by the use of sponsored and
banner ads, Bloop should generate a higher Facebook presence so that information about their products
reaches a greater number of people and reach the correct people.

Recommendation 5: Talk about Ingredients in Facebook

Ingredients used in the ice-cream needs to be talked about, however doing it in the mass media would be
counter-productive and so this should be done in Facebook posts to improve retention and increase
believability as well.

Recommendation 6: Create Stronger Association with fun

This can be done by sponsoring fun events in schools and colleges, which would leave a lasting
impression in the minds of the consumers.

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19.0 Conclusion
Through all of these processes of analysis, how the consumer behavior that is affected by Bloop is
understood. Moreover the relationship between the marketing and the perception is also understood. What
is clear is that if Bloop manages to build its Brand Personality in an effective manner, and back it up with
a strong distribution network of ice-creams, then it can very well be a fierce competitor to Igloo itself.

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20.0 Appendix
Appendix 1: Products of Bloop

21 | P a g e

Appendix 2: Bloops Packaging

Appendix 3: Consumer Profile

Type of User
Repeat Users

Tried Once

Interested to try

Not Interested to Buy

They have a favorite flavor in Bloops
range of products, which makes it easier
for them to try out different flavors from
the range and a snowball effect is more
They are least likely to switch- most loyal
They actively seek out Bloop
They are not loyal to any brand so are very
convertible to Bloop
They seek novelty
Responsive to Unique Marketing
They like the marketing campaigns but
have low retention of the product when
they are in a purchase situation
Most of them havent tried Bloop due to
low availability
They need additional reasons to believe in
the ice-cream
Did not like the marketing campaigns
22 | P a g e


Are loyal to a brand- Mostly Igloo

Are Traditional and Conservative
4.6% of the people surveyed have not
even heard of Bloop, which is a very small
number but this issue still needs to be

Appendix 4: Self- Concept Match

23 | P a g e

Appendix 5: Disgruntled Consumer because of the low

Availability of Bloop

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Appendix 6: Sample Facebook Post during Pre-Launch


25 | P a g e

Appendix 7: BTL Activities of Bloop in the pre-launch phase

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Appendix 8: Spoof Advertisements

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Appendix 9: You dont need a reason to have Bloop


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Appendix 10: Perceptual Map of Consumer Perception of


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Appendix 11: Schematic Memory Related to Bloop



















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Appendix 12: Consumer Survey

Consumer Behavior of BLOOP

* Required
Which Age group do you fall into? *

1- 10





What is the Professional Group you fall into? *




Service Holder


If you checked 'student' in the previous question, what is your educational level till now?





You are? *



Have you seen any advertisements of Bloop? *

31 | P a g e



If yes, then where did you see them?





If you did see the advertisements, what did you think of them?







Have you tried Bloop? *




If no, why not?


Was not Available close to me

It was too pricey

The Flavors weren't appealing to me

There are Better Alternatives around

The packaging didn't appeal to me

I never heard of Bloop

32 | P a g e

If you DID have Bloop...then what did you like about it?

It tasted great

It tasted different

The packaging was innovative

The price was value for money

It's extensive marketing got me interested in the product

When do you usually have ice-cream? *

1- Least amount of times 5- Most amounts of time

(With Friends
and Family)
I buy ice-cream
on impulse
Ice-cream is the
best thing to
have during the
summer heat
Ice-cream is a
very good
makes me

33 | P a g e

What do you look for in an ice-cream? *

1- Least Important 7- Most Important

Price of the
Brand Name
Size and
Which colors do you associate with ice-cream? *





What is your favorite brand of ice-cream? *







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