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Claims Department

Issue 7: It’s all About The ladies

Claims Department
Issue 7
Written by Christopher
J. Garcia

Layout Assistance from

M Lloyd

light dusting-off by
Jay Crasdan.

Available on sometime
in the near future, if
you are tired of read-
ing the print version
and wanna see what it
looks like on-line.
Last time, I talked about a great
trip to a small hotel and there
wasn’t much going on. The Steam-
punk theme was all the art, but this
time, I’ve decided that it’s impor-
tant to talk about the ladies.
You see, I love the ladies,
they’re my thing. There have been
long periods of time where I haven’t
had a romantic interest in my life,
and long periods where I have. Im
just beyond the break-even, I imag-
ine. When I came across the work of
GoblinQueeen. Her work features a
lot of lovely ladies in a very styl-
ized and cartoony fashion. That got
me thinking about one of the better
periods of my life.
You see, for every terrible
period, I’ve had a period where I
could walk down the aisle and pick
my girl. The period where this is-
sue takes place is one of those, and
it’s a fun story that takes place
right before Gen and I had started tion of CDs. Sadly, between mov-
dating. I had had a fairly bad run ing across the country a few times
of lady luck over the previous cou- and having been broke enough to need
ple of years. I had a little luck in to sell them, I’d lost about 90% of
Sonoma when I met and had a delight- them over the years. I knew I had a
ful afternoon and evening with a bunch of them left on my dresser at
lass from out of town (which I de- the old home, so I gathered a few of
tail in Claims Department Issue 2) them and hopped in the car after I
I was getting tired of things the stole a small cooler, a few Cokes,
way they were, so I figured I’d step a can of Pringles and a bottle of
out a bit. I had met a number of fun Johnny Walker Black I had left at
lasses at Cinequest and around town, Mom’s before I moved. I also grabbed
so I figured I’d start hanging around a pillow and a blanket, since I
with them some more and seeing if didn’t know if I had a hotel room,
anything developed. or would even have enough money to
Of course, nothing ever did. let one once I
I was really was down there.
annoyed with the All that was done
state of things, before 5 am.
so as I decided I found a
to take a break pair of CDs that
and head out to a I had forgotten
place called Las had been given
Vegas. to me for Christ-
Some may mas 1995. They
know of Vegas were the only
as the home of CDs I had gotten
Arnie and Joyce that year and I
Katz, or maybe hadn’t listened
from the 1970s to them since. I
TV series. Be- had bought Miles
lieve it or not, Davis’ Kind of
Vegas is a popu- Blue just before
lar destination, Thanksgiving
despite being in and it had yet
the middle of the to come out of
desert. I love my CD player by
to play cards the time Christ-
(who doesn’t?) mas had rolled
and I had a lit- around. I hadn’t
tle extra cash. even listened
I hopped in the to them in the
car and headed down, hoping to prove eight years since. The CDs were De-
that unlucky in love must mean that vo’s Greatest Hits and Devo’s Great-
I’d be lucky in cards. I started est Misses.
down after a drive-by CD grab from If there was a seminal Science
my old place. Fiction bad, it would be a race be-
tween Kraftwerk and Devo to see who
The Music got the title. Their gimmick is sim-
I once had a giant collec- ple: They devolved from a long-line
of brain-eating apes. Lots of wild Moog work
That’s the simple ver- in that one. The al-
sion. In reality, they bum includes Beautiful
were a bunch of col- World (some car com-
lege friends from Ohio mercial used it in 1997
who met and found that or so) and Satisfaction
they all had similar and Whip It, all the
interests in SF and songs that people know
music tinering. That’s when they first come to
the basic story of the Devo. But it also in-
group. They started cludes two songs, put
making SF-tinged music back to back on the CD,
in the mid-1970s and that define Devo to me.
they were the second Smart Patrol is
band I ever saw live. the story of Jocko
My first show, which Homo, a guy who has
my Pops brought me been with the World,
to when I was far too or so they say. There’s
young, was The Aveng- a group that monitors
ers, Devo and Blondie. reality on this place,
The Out-of-Town acts and they’re not happy.
were on first and The The song is slower,
Avengers closed the but a steady, rockin’
show. I can still re- rythm.
member parts of it, And then it goes
though it’s kinda a nutty.
blur. I’ve read about The second half
it in more books since of the Song is about
than which is the only a pair who come from
reason I know the or- the past to save hu-
der of the bands! manity by sacrificing
I put in The Devo. They are Mr. Ka-
Greatest Hits album mikaze and Mr. DNA.
first, knowing that I This song speeds up
liked Devo, though it and trails along the
had been years since punk rock sensibility
I listened to them, that Devo was founded
I figured getting the on while mixing in all
great stuff out of the the electronic ele-
way early would be a ments they added. The
way to pass the time. song rockets away from
The Devo songs the slower portion and
that I’ve always known really imparts a sense
are on this one. Jer- of panic...or maybe I’m
kin’ Back and Forth is just reading too much
one of the classics, into it.
and Big Mess is one of The other great
the songs that I think song feautres the most
of when I hear a piece perfect song opening
of modern electronica. Devo Over the Years of modern times. Gut
eyed humans staring into the
screen, I would come back every
day because that sammich was damn
good. It was a huge and thor-
oughly cooked steak. They didn’t
even ask how I wanted it, because
there’s only one way they make
it; halfway to jerky, but how-
ever it is that they marinade it,
I must find out. It was tangy and
smooth and the meat melted in my
mouth even though it was tough to
break from it’s parent matter. It
was amazing how well it worked. I
Feeling is a song where the lyr- washed it down with Johnny Walker
ics are only there to play around Red on the Rocks.
the tune they’ve constructed. ‘Some- And then I saw her. On a bad
thing ‘bout the way you taste makes day, she might have resembled Lau-
me wanna clear my throat./ There’s ren Bacall in The Big Sleep, and
a madness to you movement, it re- I’d have no idea what she might
ally gets my goat’ are not the type look like on a good day, since the
of lyrics you drop if you want folks two times I saw her she was lev-
to listen to them. The opening is a eled in a depression that made the
power piece of simple guitar and pi- lights go a little darker around
ano-synth with rocketing drums. It’s
hard to resist the urge to move, and
the car-based equivilent is speed-
ing, when the opening is on. Later,
they would use the opening for a
training scene in Wes Anderson’s The
Life Aquatic. It’s just about the
perfect way.
This was the Devo I knew and
loved, and as I made it to Barstow,
I was in full rocking mode. I
stopped at a little bar/restaurant
that advertised a steak sandwich for
5.99. I love me a good steak sand-
wich, so I pulled in and grabbed a
The place was well-lit for what
I had hoped would be a dive bar.
There were the regular barfly types,
all with the same amount of beer
that seemed to stay in the glass the
entire time I was there. Every few
minutes, someone would buy a lotto
ticket and stare at the screen until
the numbers came up.
But even with all those dead-
where she sat. I got up from my me her number.
bar seat and headed over to the re- In fact, up to that point, I
stroom. Someone had grabbed my old had never gotten a number from a
seat, but I wanted another drink and lady in a bar. Other strange loca-
the only seat available was next to tions yes, but never a bar. I left
the Queen of Sorrows. feeling pretty good about myself,
“You mind if I sit here?” I not realising what lay ahead.
asked. The Desert.
“Not at all,” She said, she
twisted around so that her elbows More Music
were on the bar, thrusting forward I started driving through what
a considerable chest. “my name’s was really desert land. I took out
Melinda.” The Greatest Hits and put in the
We started a conversation about greatest misses of Devo CD, not
television for some reason. She sure what to expect. What I should
was a big fan of a TV show that had have thought was the CD would be an
been off the air for a while called interesting look into a band that
Lucky. I was also a GIANT fan of did otherwise smart and interesting
the show. Basically, it was the sto- music, but what I found was that
ry of a remorseful pro-gambler who their failures were almost as good
falls off the wagon hard and the two as their successes.
friends who help him in his adven- These tend to be a little more
tures. DIY sounding and rougher, but at
It was during that conversa- the same time show more experimen-
tion, which lasted four Lotto draws, tation than the other disc. It fea-
according to the screen over the tures another version of Satisfac-
bar, that I noticed she had placed tion that is far more Kraftwerk-y
her hand on my arm and while she than the Greatest Hits version and
hadn’t changed her face much, still at times more punk rock.
carrying the signs of unhappy times The first song where I thought
prior to her drinking, she was I was listening to something really
smiling...sort of. It was hard to special was Pink Pussycat. Every
judge what she was
thinking, but af-
ter about an hour,
and with the hour
of One approaching,
I thought I had to
leave and through the
rest of the desert.
“Sorry, but I
gotta head out.”
“Shame.” She
said, now certainly
smiling. She grabbed
a pen and wrote some-
thing down. “If you
find yourself here
again, gimme a call.”
And she handed
New Wave band I was up to my neck in desert
had at least at this point. I-15 is not the type
one song that of road that rewards attention to
could be read the passing scenery. I must say
multiple ways that it’s pretty country, but that
and this was wears off before the first 50 miles.
Devo’s. I’m I was listening to my music, sit-
betting you ting in the front seat, boldly re-
can figure out membering Melinda and thinking of
what they’re what I could possibly do to set
talking about up some sort of arangement to see
half the time her again. I pulled off the road
in this song. for a while at an overpass road
Devo Corporate that didn’t lead anywhere. It was
Anthem sounds nearly 100, but I wanted to catch
like you’d im- a quick nap. I parked in a bit of
agine an anthem would sound if it
were written by The Allen Parsons
Project. It’s unhuman, sterile and
totally corporate. It’s a wonderful
The two most interesting pieces
on the CD had to be the ones that
moved me most were Mongoloid and
Speed Racer, but for completely dif-
ferent reasons. Mongoloid is almost
totally a punk rock song. There’s
an electronic element to it, but in
construction and performance, it’s
as punk as you’ll find. The lyrics
are good too.
That’s good song writing. Speed
Racer is an electronica song that
points out many of the troubles of
electronica songs. The few snippets
are comical bits, but they don’t
mean anything, they’re simply filler
in the gaps left by the machine. And
the lines they deliver are all sim-
ply about their places in the world.
It’s a tough electronica song if you
go through it and look at the signs
and signifiers.
shade from a large rock and actual- wanted to get a little swim in.
ly caught about 90 minutes worth of “Yeah, my room’s not gonna be
shuteye. I believe I dreamed of a ready for a bit and I was hoping
women in a long dress, longer hair to get a swim in. Is there anyway I
and a wearing a beautiful piece of could check these and maybe get an
jewelry around her long, kissable escort into the pool area?”
neck line. I had never seen this He fished around underneath the
woman in my thoughts before, though desk and handed me a keycard.
I can’t remember the context of her “This’ll get you in to the
being in the dream. I simply remem- pool and any of the weight rooms.
ber that she was there and looked You can just give it to them at
like my vision of the desk and
spring. they’ll have it
When I woke activated to your
up, it was my room key.” and
feeling of a he handed me the
blast furnace or key.
a coke oven that I don’t know
hit me first. I where I picked
had rolled down that trick up
all the windows, from, but it’s
and the shade had never failed me.
stayed with me, I headed down
but the heat was to the pool and
insane. I started grabbed myself a
the car and head- pool towel and a
ed down the road, lounge chair un-
ready for Vegas derneath a lovely
and anything else umbrella. It’s a
that might come nice pool area,
along. but the best part
Las Vegas: Day had to be the
City sights.
Vegas is hot. The ladies.
Damn hot. I had They were
no sooner parked there in all
in the parking lot sorts of suits.
of the beautiful Some were tiny,
Excalibur Hotel/ revealing lev-
Resprt/Casino then els of flesh that
it all washed over should best be
me. I had figured left to doc-
that I’d be deal- tors perform-
ing with near 100 ing examina-
degrees, and I was tions. Other wore
right. I took my- well-thoughtout
self and my small swimwear that
bag inside the led a viewer to
hotel, and since closer examina-
it was so hot, I tion. These were
particularly worn me. Tyla DeVries is
by those ladies who a daughter of money
wished to cath the and adventure. They
eye but not attract had been lost in the
too many of the swim- last hunt when a pomp-
ming males sharks that ous ass named Jusser
circled everywhere. won the event. Tyla
I sat in my pants and enlists the help of
t-shirt, watching the her brother, who will
swimmers and listening technically be leading
to the chit-chat. I the team on a Pan-Ga-
pulled out my book and lactic Scavenger Hunt.
began to read between The premise is pretty
fits of staring at the simple: they’ve got
marvelous young thing to go about doing a
in the orange two bunch of tasks and do
piece that seemed to them faster than all
have curves designed the other contestants.
by Mountain roadway Luckily, these are
engineers. tasks that make for
entertaining reading.
The Book The story actu-
For me, read- ally opens up with a
ing around the pool dance where all the
requires a certain entrants are to make
amount of selection chit-chat and find
choicetivity. It can’t fault with each other.
be too serious a book, It’s exactly the same
it can’t be to light a as those old Cattle
book. You must choose Baron ball scenes in
something that fits Westerns. The girl who
the time ane setting. is trying to make good
I had my favourite is corraled by the one
choices for rereading guy she doesn’t want
on hand in my bag, but anything to do with,
there was one that I that tinhorn polecat
hadn’t read that came Jusser. She also runs
skipping out. into Johnathan R, an
It was Stephen android who slights
Goldin’s Scavenger her and causes her to
Hunt. flee the dance in an-
Maybe it’s the ger. It’s a great
fact that I watched set-up and it got me
the movie Scavenger thinking.
Hunt so often when I The book goes
was a kid, but from on to talk about the
the first moment I adventures and the
started reading it, group on the ship
I realised that it which includes vari-
was just the book for ous couplings and oth-
sliced and eventu-
ally he put it out
as the full work
it was intended
to be. I still
haven’t found it
to read it yet,
but I plan to.
The first
thing that struck
me was the easy
connection to the
Westerns of old. I
could easily en-
vision this as a
SteamPunk story
(and one that I’ve tried to write
ever since). It was rollicking fun
while it lasted and the Freas cov-
er only sweetened the whole thing.
I finished it over a few hours out
by the pool, then I gathered up and
headed in to the water for a bit of
a swim.
The pool at the Excalibur isn’t
as grand as many of the others at
hotels all around Vegas, but it’s a
nice little place for a swim. I made
a few long laps and was about to get
out and head in to play some craps
when I found that a young lady was
playing Solitaire on the edge of the
pool. Lovely young thing, probably
25 or so, nice shape, two-piece suit
er funnesses. As I read it, I was that seemed to have been made in the
impressed with just how old skool 1950s and retrieved at great expense
this was. It’s like it was a 1950s from a RetroShoppe. I headed over to
book released in the 1970s. Gol- her.
din, a writer who I think was doing “Nice bikini.” Great opening
the best stuff of his career for the line, kid.
Laser Book line, really hit it big “Thanks, I got it at this place
with this one. called the Attick.” She didn’t look
away from her cards (I think she was
That is, until the end. moving a large pile onto another)
After a great adventure sec- “I know the Attick. I bought
tion, it’s obvious that Goldin had a pair of Stacey Adams shoes from
to fiddle with it to fit it in the them.”
Laser format. He stopped the adven- At this point, she did look at
ture with a lame excuse and the book me. I had failed to notice that she
died. As I understand it, it was was completely un-made up. Most of
the other women, particularly those up waiting
who wore suits to gather attention, nearly twenty
had come in well-designed make-up. more minutes
She had not. while she got
“You don’t strike me as the herself done
Stacey’s type, really.” She said. up.
“It’s hard not to enjoy a good And wow,
pair of shoes when you’ve got hair was she done
like mine.” up. She wore
She laughed. Score! a late 50s
“I’m Chris. Out from San Jose.” outfit that
“Cherise. I’m a Bostonian.” seemed to
That led to long discussions have been one
of Boston. She was actually a stu- part Audrey
dent at BU, so I told her all my BU Hepburn and
stories. She was younger than I had one part Greaser girlfriend. She
thought, 21 to be exact, and she had showed up with a face that seemed
come to meet some friends for their to glow. I also had not noticed
21st birthday. She had come a day that she was a very short girl,
ahead and later she would meet them maybe 5 foot nothin’.
at the airport. “You have your heart set on
Feeling the itch to get my gam- playing here? I was thinking that
bling started, I started planning my we might head over to the Billagio
exit. or Paris.”
“I’m gonna head out and play Knowing what I know of Ve-
some craps. Hope you have a good gas and table limits, Billagio was
time with your friends.” right out. Almost every table was
“You know,” she said with a 25 bucks plus, and I didn’t have
voice that actually seemed to hold that sort of scratch. If I did,
some promise “I’ve never learned how I would have checked into a hotel
to play craps.” room! Paris was more my style and I
“Really? I’ve been told I’m a hadn’t been there yet.
good teacher.” “Yeah, Paris sounds good.” I
“Why don’t we change and meet said, offered her my arm and we
at the gate in twenty minutes?” were off.
I smiled and said
“sounds good” or some other The Craps Table
stupid thing and we both It took me about half
got out and headed to the and hour to explain to
changing rooms. I rinsed Cherise exactly what was
off under the poolside going on in the game of
shower and then changed craps. She started play-
into my dark green jacket, ing the pass line and won
purchased just minutes be- a few. The table wasn’t
fore I was to be on TV, and very crowded, so the dice
my black pants. I threw on came to me after forty-five
my gambling shirt too, the minutes or so. I figured I
one with cigars and cards could pay it cool and have
all over it. I got to the her blow on the dice for
gate early, and I ended good luck, but then I got a
better idea: I handed her the dice. so I wandered down the Strip. There
She put her money down on pass are Volcanoes, Pirate Ships, the
and started rolling. She hit a big Eiffel Tower, a couple of Roller
7, which I had covered on her com- Coasters, a GIANT Stratospheric Tow-
ing out roll, and she was off to er and so many other things on the
the races. She followed that up Strip to distract you that you kinda
with three elevens, two of which have to be careful that you don’t
we caught, and then a point: six. walk into people. I managed to make
I covered hard six, and she hit it it and saw that there was a movie
four rolls later. Though we were theatre where a movie that I wanted
playing at a low-limit table (I to see more than anything was play-
think our biggest bets were 5 dol- ing. I had completely forgotten that
lars), she had gathered about 400 the release of a film by one of my
bucks and I had four favour-
won maybe 700 ite directors
by the time she had coincided
rolled a seven with my trip
when trying to to Vegas, so I
make an eight thought that I’d
point. We hadn’t take a look and
celelbrated in see if I could
the forty-five catch it.
minutes or so And of
that we had been course, I did.
playing, but
once she crapped The Movie
out, she threw I’m a big
her arms around fan of the foul-
my neck and gave mouthed, violent
me a quick kiss directors of the
on the cheek. 1990s. There
“You wanna are a lot of
go blow this?” them, with one
I said standing head
yeah, but then and shoulders
she looked at above them all.
her watch. Quintain Taran-
“Crap, I’m tino is the star
late.” she said. and in a way the
I had forgot- Wunderkind of
ten about her the group that
friends too. “Call me: room 1907: came up around the same time. With
The Excalibur.” all the violence of Guy Ritchie and
She gave me a quick peck and the foul language of Kevin Smith,
ran for the doors. I had also failed Tarantino has become the man you go
to notice that she had taken her to when you want a great flick with
chips with her. I went and cashed shootings and F-bombs. In 2003, he
mine in, a little more than on cloud released his first movie since Jackie
nine than I had been in ages. Brown in 1998. It was the first part
I figured I had a bunch of time, of a Two-Parter and it was the most
anticipated film of the year by us one thing that makes Kill Bill memo-
film geek types. I bought a ticket rable over all others: the Battle
and walked inside. against the Crazy 88. It’s probably
I don’t know what I was ex- the single most bloody fight scene in
pecting, but it was just like every the history of American film. It’s
other theatre in the world. It was a got The Bride fighting tooth and nail
big ol’ Multiplex and it could have against the Crazy 88 with only her
been in Branson, Mo instead of Las katana (a Hittori Hanzo original) to
Vegas, NV for all the differences protect her. The battle is amazing,
it had from the rest of the many with fountains of blood, massive
screened monsters. I bought a coke, pools of it, and some of the best
grabbed a seat and settled in just fight work ever. Probably the best
before the first preview started. part is when she faces off with Go-
Kill Bill Part 1 is the story Go, a Japanese Schoolgirl-type with
of The Bride, a woman who is shot a massive spiked ball on a chain.
multiple times at her own wedding It’s brutal.
to a guy who is not Bill. There I’ve seen it three or four
are four others there with Bill times now and I can say that Kill
and they do the shooting. They all Bill is one of those movies that
have snake names: California Moun- you just can’t help but let wash
tain Snake, Black Mamba, Copper-
head and Cottonmouth and Sidewind-
er. The Bride was once Black Mamba,
and she’s played brilliantly by Uma
Thurman. She really takes the part
and makes the revenge only a por-
tion of the story of the character.
She’s tough, but beaten, determined,
but battered. It’s a tough road to
The movie flows with harsh vio-
lence. Vivica A. Fox and Uma have
a fight all around Copperhead’s sub-
urban home, and Uma kills her right
in front of her daughter. There’s
a nice moment where Uma recognis-
es that she’s going to have revenge
taken on her by the little girl
someday, and she says that she ex-
pects it. I was thinking that set
up the sequel nicely and I still
can’t wait.
Quint throws everything into
this movie. While the film is live
action Anime at times, there’s an
actual Anime section to explain the
hellish early life of O’ren Ishii,
played by Lucy Liu. There’s stunt
driven and flashbacks, as well as at
least one flash forward. But there’s
over you. The violence is incred- tired, I was up somewhere around
ibly over-the-top, but it’s not op- 4 Large. Cherise got hot again,
pressive like, say, The Gangs of New throwing 11’s like they were going
York. It’s operetic in that the vi- out of style. I watched her again
olence is a part of the artistry, it and again, and I noticed that she
moves everything forward. It would had stayed with me and her friends
be impossible for Kill BIll to ex- had all rolled away. When she hit
ist if there were no Italian Operas three sevens in a row, each time
where people get their ears bit off. betting Big on the Seven, she pulled
A lot of folks see Chinese Opera in me in and gave me a respectable
Kill Bill, but the traditions are kiss. That was awesome.
just too different. The Chinese Ac- I realised that it was time for
tion films and Sonny Chiba movies are me to get some sleep, so I thought
the direct fathers of Kill Bill, and about heading to my car. I had also
they pull more from a Western trough failed to notice that Cherise had
than an Eastern one. somewhere around five or six grand in
When Kill BIll was over, I fig- front of her. I told her about the
ured I’d give Cherise a call. I house account concept and we both
rang up her hotel and had to leave did just that, storing our winnings
a message. I figured I’d go and walk for future play. They even let me
around a bit, see more of the city. use it to pay for my room. I headed
You wouldn’t believe it, but there up, but Cherise had to go back and
she was, standing live in the front see her friends, even though it was
row waiting for the next Fountain probably nearing six am.
show to start at the Billagio. “It’s been a blast winning lots
“Hey, Cherise.” I said. of money with you, Chris.”
“Hi there.” she answered and Yeah, I had a good time.”
introduced me to her friends. They She gave me another
were a nice bunch of girls, kiss and we parted ways. I
and an attractive one at had probably north of five
that. I hung around with highballs since we started
them for an hour or so be- playing craps, and Cherise
fore we made our way into a had been drinking Mimosas,
casino. so that should explain the
Caeser’s Palace. reason I completely forgot
You see, to me, as a to get her number. I just
kid, Caeser’s meant Vegas. headed up to my room and
Not these giant amusement passed out in my clothes,
parks with their flashing forgetting that I still had
lights. Vegas was Evil’s some things waiting for me
jump over the fountain, Ali at the Excalibur.
vs. The Latest Chump, Wres- The Next Afternoon
tleMania IX. IT’s a city that was It was about one when I got the
defined by Caeser’s and the showroom. call that I was invited to a play-
Cherise actually said that we should er’s event downstairs. It wasn’t
to to Caeser’s, and I agreed all the anything fancy, just the buffet and
way. She headed straight for the a bunch of other gamblers. It was a
craps table, and I started in on the nice time and I chatted with an in-
700 I had won. ternet type who had taken up poker.
By the time I realised I was I’m not quite sure why I got the
call, I hadn’t think.”
really won that She gave me a brief kiss on the
much, but maybe cheek and I left, not to return un-
they liked me. til more than two years later, when
I spent much of Arnie and Joyce invited me over to
the time throwing pick up some stuff for the museum
10 dollar Keno and enjoy one of their gatherings.
cards. I just And when I stopped by the
about broke even. place, she wasn’t there.
The manager said
that he had ar-
ranged for a pri-
vate gaming area
for us, and I started playing a lit-
tle Blackjack. I drank a bunch, and
I dropped a couple of grand. It was
my sign to leave, and I went back to
me room and took another nap before
I went and chaecked out.
With the room and the los-
ing after my charm had fled for her
friends, I was only up seven hun-
dred. That was fine, I didn’t need That Is 100% All
much more. I got my things togeth-
er, bought a new outfit at one of the I will return with issue 8
Caeser’s Forum shoppes, and grabbed (which will go out on the FAPA mail-
my bag from the Excalibur. I start- ing) and I will have a great deal
ed home, with only one planned stop more fun. That issue will feature
that wasn’t for gas. me talking about the cities of Hemet
and Perris, California and the time
That Bar Again I climbed a mountain...and then fell
So, I drove straight from Vegas down it. It happens to be a funny
to that little bar in Barstow. I stury, so I hope you will enjoy it.
was starving, and interested to see Other than that, I’ll have
what was going on in that place. I mailign comments for the FAPA ver-
rolled up and as soon as I parked, I sion, LoCs (hopefully) for the oth-
knew that she was in the pad. Walk- er version and a lot of talk about
ing in , I saw her sitting exactly what it means to be a part of a fam-
where I had left her and looking the ily where you constantly disappoint
exact same pale shade. them, but they still can’t find any-
“Well, look who came back.” way to disown you!
I headed over to where she was
and we started chatting. It was Claims Department issue 7 was writ-
a nice half-hour conversation, one ten by Christopher J. Garcia. Every
that I really didn’t want to end, other issue is a part of FAPA. If
but I had to finish my sandwich and you’ve got anythign to say about it,
get back on the road home. please drop a line to garcia@compu
“When you expect to be passing or 1401 N. Shoreline
through again?” She asked. Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043
“I’d expect sooner than you’d Thanks, and Goodnight!

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