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Konstantinos Plevris

Konstantinos A. Plevris (Greek: .

, born 1939 in Athens), in English sometimes
Constantine Plevris or Kostas Plevris, is a Greek attorney
of law of the Greek Supreme Court and far right author. A prolic writer, over the course of decades he
has authored a number of books and other texts relating to Greek history, Greek culture, sociology, and
politics, with a clear nationalist, homophobic (such as his
book titled " ", a vehement polemic against
homosexuals) content. He was the founder and leader
of two nationalist parties, 4th of August and Front Line,
with the former political party not only playing a signicant role in inuencing and shaping the future direction of the Greek extreme right, but also standing in its
own right as a prominent pre-junta political movement
in general. He has also cooperated (according to interviews he gave to various publications, including one to
Italian magazine L'Europeo in 1976, which were quoted
and accepted as proof in a court of law where he was
the plainti against author Nikos Kleitsikas) with various European neo-fascist groups (including the Ordine
Nuovo), and gures such as Pino Rauti, Pino Romualdi,
Giorgio Almirante, and others of the same ilk. He later
briey joined the right-wing populist party Popular Orthodox Rally, as its leading candidate in the 2004 elections. He hosts the weekly television show Edo Ellas
( in Greek) on the EXTRA-3 channel, and
was the host of Istorikes Mnimes ( )
on TeleAsty, Karatzaferis TV channel. He is father
of Thanos Plevris, former member of the Greek parliament with the nationalist-populist party Popular Orthodox Rally.

saloniki (. ), his degree in Political Science from the Panteion University (

), and his degree in Sociology from France
( ). As a professor, he taught political
sociology and psychological warfare at the School of
Police Ocers (
) and the Faculty of General Education
of the Hellenic Army General Sta (

). Though Plevris no longer teaches in any
academic institutions, he claims he was proclaimed an
honorary professor of the Universidad Autnoma de
Guadalajara (for which he claims to have written several
papers on the subject of ancient Greece, although no scientic library or archive seems to have them in its listings).

2 Controversy
2.1 Terrorism charges

In 1977, Plevris was brought up on charges of incitement

of terrorist activities (bombing attacks), along with
Aristotelis Kalentzis, who was accused of being the perpetrator of these acts. Plevris claimed that Kalentzis was
never a member of his 4th of August Party and admitted that he informed the authorities of weapons and explosives possessed by Kalentzis. Plevris was cleared of
the incitement charges, while Kalentzis was sentenced to
12 years in prison; this caused Kalentzis to write several
books accusing Plevris of being a para-state agent and a
In December 2007, Plevris was initially found guilty of snitch that framed him.[6]
inciting racial hatred by a Greek court based on excerpts
and quotations in his book The Jews: The Whole Truth.
He appealed the court ruling and on 27 March 2009 the 2.2 Lawsuit against Nikos Kleitsikas
court of appeals overturned the ruling of incitement with
4-1 votes. Plevris was cleared on the charge of having Nikos Kleitsikas, in his 2000 book The Greek Student
caused violence by the 5-member court, but it was noted Movement in Italy, claimed that Plevris was a CIA or
that he was a Holocaust denier. The ruling prompted Mossad agent during the Cold War and participated in
some charges of miscarriage of justice.[1][2][3][4][5]
bombings. Plevris successfully sued Nikos Kleitsikas
and the publisher of the book, Aggelos Sideratos, for
libel in the summer of 2006. The Greek court of ap1 Education and academic back- peals vindicated him and the defendants were forced to
pay 15,000 euros in compensation for the not well docground
umented claim that Plevris organized and participated in
provocative acts to pave the path for the coup d'tat that
Plevris graduated from the Lyce Lonin ( brought into power the Greek military junta of 1967
). He received his de- 1974, but the court found and accepted that the defendant
gree in Law from the Aristotle University of Thes- proved Plevris fascist leanings, as well as his connection


with European neo-fascist terrorist groups and personalities (such as Pino Rauti and the far-right terrorist group
Ordine Nuovo), his collaboration with the Greek junta
and his collaboration with various secret services, based
on Plevris own statements in interviews he had given.[7]
Thus, his court victory was pyrrhic, as there is now a legal precedent that conrms his connection with all sorts
of neo-fascist and terrorist groups. Also, on various occasions, Plevris has bragged about having been a collaborator of the Greek intelligence service, which was called
KYP at that time.

to the myth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which

he presents as authentic and valid evidence against the
Jews), characterizes Jewish children in the concentration
camps as very fat and well-fed, claims that Jews are
subhuman (p. 583) mortal enemies, and criticizes
the Nazis for not ridding Europe of Jewish Zionism.
In the same book, he characterizes former UN secretary Ko Annan as cannibal and descendant of cannibals and states that Jews need to be rounded-up and
executed within 24 hours, which is the only way they
understand (p. 742). However, Plevris contends that
Of the 1,400 pages of my large book, the condemnation
encompasses only several paragraphs, of which portions
2.3 Lawsuit over Jews: The Whole were extracted, with the result that another meaning was
given to the words and truth is distorted due to the alteration of phrases.[12]
Konstantinos Plevris is the author of Jews: The Whole
The rst hearing, which was set for 5 September 2007,
truth, an anti-semitic book containing outright praises for
was postponed until 11 September 2007.[13] The trial beAdolf Hitler and calls for the extermination of Jews, pubgan on 11 September 2007 but, due to time constraints, it
lished by Adonis Georgiades in June 2006. For this book
was again postponed, this time to 3 December 2007.[14]
Plevris was indicted by the Greek district attorney on
On the rst court date, 150 supporters, mainly from neocharges of inciting racial violence.[8]
Nazi and nationalist groups, attended to show moral supShortly after its publication the Central Board of Jewish
port for Plevris and Eleftheros Kosmos and over 200 poCommunities in Greece and the Greek Helsinki Monlice ocers were stationed in the area out of fear that
itor brought a suit against Plevris for insulting Jews
there would be clashes. However, the planned anti-fascist
and injury to Judaism. They also brought charges
gathering never materialized and there were no incidents.
against the newspaper Eleftheros Kosmos (published by
During his trial, the following appeared to support Plevris
Golden Dawn partys former second-in-command Dim: Christos Pasalaris and Kostas Kolmer (in addition both
itris Zafeiropoulos), which published extracts of the
were also there as witnesses for the defense), Popular Orbook.[9]
thodox Rally candidate Antonis Naxakis, Maria Tzanni,
Panagiotis Dimitras of the Greek Helsinki Monitor began Spiros Zournatzis, Giorgos Shoinas, Giorgos Palmos. Dr.
to visit the Public Prosecutors Oce of District Court Basilis Protopappas, Popular Orthodox Rally candidates
Judges on a daily basis to push the public prosecutors for Giannis Sirros and Giannis Tsilimigras, Maria Douraki
legal action against Plevris and nationalist weekly news- who was accompanied by four Old Calendarist clerics,[15]
paper Eleftheros Kosmos, which published extracts of the Giorgos Loentaritis, Popular Orthodox Rally member
book, on charges of racism.[10] After two months, and Panagiotis Doumas, Vasilis Misiris.[15][16]
the support of the Central Board of Jewish Communities
On December 13, 2007 the court found Plevris guilty
in Greece, he eventually succeeded and so, in December
of inciting racial hatred and handed him a 14-month
2006, Plevris was indicted for violation of Article 191 of
suspended sentence. His co-accused, the publisher, edithe Penal Code, the dissemination of false news.
tor and a journalist of Eleftheros Kosmos were found not
Several weeks later Eleftheros Kosmos and Plevris learned guilty. Plevris condemned the verdict, stating that Jews
that they were being taken to court under the Greek Anti- are trying to ght me with this trial so they can shut my
Racist Law of 1979.,[11] a fact they say they were never mouth.[17]
informed of, although Plevris quoted this particular law
Plevris appealed and was eventually acquitted on 27
in its entirety in his book. They held that the case should
March 2009; his acquittal caused a controversy as to
be thrown out for this reason alone, although the arguwhether the Greek justice system failed to enforce
ment that one did not know the law is not acceptable in a
Greeces antiracist legislation.[2][3][4][5]
Greek court of law.[11] Both Plevris and Eleftheros Kosmos characterized the lawsuit as an attempt to suppress
free speech. According to Plevris, this lawsuit had no le- 2.3.1 Counter-lawsuit over Jews: The Whole
gal basis because it was, to quote Plevris, a violation of
articles 320, 321 (paragraph 1), and 111 (paragraph 7) of
the Greek Penal Code.[12] Because this is the rst time In response to publications of Eleftherotypias Ios
the aforementioned law has ever been used in Greek judi- which depicts Jews: The Whole Truth as a Fascistic
cial history, this law is regarded as historic by both sides. and anti-Semitic book and Plevris as a Fascist, Plevris
In the book, Plevris describes himself as a Nazi, fascist, launched a SLAPP-type libel suit against the newspaper
racist, anti-democrat, anti-Semite (p. 600), subscribes for the sum of 1.2 million. All four journalists of Ios

(Dimitris Trimis, Tasos Kostopoulos, Aggeliki Psarra,
and Dimitris Psarras), editor-in-chief Serafeim Fintanidis, and the papers published, were sued for 200,000
euros each. The ocial court date has not yet been
set. Plevris also sued Panagiotis Dimitras of the Greek
Helsinki Monitor for the sum of 200,000 as compensation for libel. The court date was set for 7 February
2008. In addition, Plevris counter-sued all seven executive members of the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece for 200,000 each. The court date was set
for 24 January 2008.[18][19]
As a result of the entire aair, Plevris wrote a book entitled The Struggle for the Truth: The Adventure of a Book,
which claimed to detail the events, controversy, and circumstances of the last 15 months of the aair.[20]

O (King Alexander (the
Great)"). Athens: , 2015.

(The Struggle for the truth - the
adventure of a book). Athens: , 2007.

and fact-supported analysis of the issue, for the

inclusion of religion in the identities, referring
to the new Greek national identity cards which
replaced the old national identity cards of Greece
which included the religion of the cardholder in its
data). Athens: , 2004.
(The people forget what leftism means: texts and photographs). Athens:
, 2003.
, 1985.


)(My service at the State Intelligence
Agency).Athens: , 1989
(The Capitalist: A summary note for the exploiter of the humans). Athens: , 1989.


. (Whoever is not Greek is a Barbarian)Athens: , 2003.

, (Jews, all the truth).

Athens: , 2006.

() (Ioannis Metaxas
(Biography)", referring to Ioannis Metaxas).
Athens: , 1975.

(The television).
, 2007.

(The revolution). Athens:

, 2006.
(*The faggots*). Athens: ,
21 1967 (21 April 1967, referring to 21
April 1967 in Greek politics). Athens: ,
(Agia Soa: National duty of
the Greeks its liberation). Athens: ,
. (Monarchy) Athens: , 2004.
(The Ocer
and the Neo-serfs). Athens: , 2002.
. (The persecution of
the best elements of society) Athens: ,
(The ag). Athens: , 2004.


(Religion and identity: Complete

twenty protocols of the treason). Athens:
, 1995.
! (Let us talk about
Jews!") Athens: , 1990.
(Antidemocrat). 1965.
(Metacommunism). 1967.
(Political propaganda).
.(The Cosmic Theory of Nationalism) 1969

4 References
[1] " ( 4-1)
" Eleftherotypia, 31 March 2009
[2] Triumph des Rassisten Sddeutsche Zeitung 30 December 2009
[3] Plevris` acquittal signals that authorities in Greece fail to
take rm action to curb racism, Minority Rights Group
International, 17 April 2009

[4] European Jewish Congress Calls Greek Neo-Nazis Ruling Miscarriage of Justice ", European Jewish Congress,
7 April 2009
[5] Greek court clears anti-Semite writer Press TV, 27
March 2009
[6] - Eleftherotypia, 23 June 1996
[7] " -
;" Eleftherotypia, 16 January 2005
[8] , Eleftheros Typos, 21 August 2007
[9] KIS Lawsuit Against Eleftheros Kosmos and Konstantinos Plevris, 1 August 2007
[10] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 30 August 2007)
K.I.S. Lawsuit Against Eleftheros Kosmos and Konstantinos Plevris, 1 August 2007
[11] Jews and Dimitras Try Eleftheros Kosmos, 3 September
[12] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 30 August 2007) Jews
Are Bringing Us to Court, 30 July 2007
[13] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 7 September 2007)
K.I.S. and E.P.S.E Postpone Trial of Eleftheros Kosmos,
5 September 2007
[14] The First Defeat of the Anti-Racists, 11 September
[15] The Prosecutions of Anti-Racists Unite Nationalists, 10
September 2007
[16] Rendezvous Again on 3 December, 15 September 2007
[17] Lawyer is sentenced for racism, Kathimerini, 14 December 2007
[18] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 30 August 2007)
Lawsuit Against Ios From Plevris, 1 April 2007
[19] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 30 August 2007)
Plevris To Holy Synod: Take a Position on the Talmud,
29 April 2007
[20] (Originally retrieved and accessed: 30 August 2007) The
Adventure of a Book..., 9 July 2007

External links
Constantine Plevris Video Archive
Small Archive of Istorikes Mnimes
Constantine Plevris Books


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