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Characters - Milla-A highschool dancer

Jessica-milla's bestfriend
Alex-Milla's Room mate
Mary-milla's mom
John-milla's dad
Adele-jessica's room mate
Amanda-the blonde model
Tom-collage best footballer
Nev-Alex's Brother

Chapter1 - On a hot sunday

Yeah back to hell" i said while standing in front of newyork universty and talking on my"
Where are you bitch ?"i said"
"Im in my new room,i dont get the idea of changing the rooms every year "
How is your room mate?" I said"
She sucks her name is adele she is a nerd she is calling me jess nobody can call me that"
"!!!except you
What?no way" i said because im the one who created jess because jess hated her name "
"Thank god you have no room mate"
Yeah,i will" i had no room mate because im the collage dancer who made them win the"
nationals last year when i was a junior so they made me have no room mate to focus on
.dancing,yeah i love that
I need to go to the princpal" i added"
K,bye" k was our thing like okay of augutus and hazel ,always of monica and izac but k"
was our bff always
I didnt tell you guys that i was a book addict or maybe jhon green fan i dont really know
I was heading to the princpal's office when i saw that blue-eyed young man getting out
from the princpal's office
I thought that i have seen him before
And he was smiling at every one with a sweet 'good morning' and yeah i felt the punch in
the heart which say that i liked him
And then he left and i went to the princpal
"Good morning"
"Oh,good morning miss milla"
"?You wanted me sir"
Ahaa,i know that you need your space and ......." alot of the bla bla about freedom and"
stuff its like what your boss will say when he will fire you but i was diffrent
You will have a room mate" the princpal said"
Wait,what?" I said with my mouth wide open"
I cant have a room mate she will not give me my space!i need to dance everyday!!" I"
About she" he said"
"His name is alex"
Waiiittt, a boy???" I shouted"
I know this will bother you but we dont have a place for him" he said"
i cant live with him im sorry " i said "
".Im not trying to be strict or somthing but if you dont want to live with him then leave"
?Those words came into my ears like knives i cant leave ny universty are you kidding
.!So i said yes and i went to my room to see who my new room mate will be

.Chapter2 - Wearing my headphone and heading to "room 92" my room

I spent my junior year dancing in it because i had no room mate that year because the
...number of students wasnt that big i was lucky
.But now im not
As i was opening the door a tall boy wearing a black shirt and a white short unpacking
his bag and giving me his back
He twisted to see me
Everything happened in a slow motion
.I guess you all now what happened
Yeah he is the blue eyes boy
Hi" he said"
Hey" i said after a while"
"Yeah i know"
What?" For a moment an imaginary thought came to my mind that he was my fan and he"
.came here to be with me because he love me, im pathetic i know
"The princpal told me that your name was milla "
Ohh,yeah" i said putting my hand on my neck"
I thought when i see my new room mate i would fight with him and those stuff but i was
.so calm standing in front of my hot room mate
I love the colour of your eyes" he said"
" Yeah me too"
What?"he said"
"Umm. I mean i like yours"
"Ahhhaa, thank you"
.I headed to my bed and waited....alot
And finally he talked
" ?you dance "
Yeah, i do." I loved this question so much dancing was like breath to me"
" ?ballet? Or hip hop "
"Nethier ballet nor hip hop i dance the free style its a collection of all of this "
Thats cool" he said"
".thanks,what do you do? I mean your hobbies "
.Cool" i added"
Being in the bussines major sucks
Not for evergone here but for those who have hobbies like me i hated this but im here for
.my dad
OUR CAR was our company so im here because one day i will be responsable for this
.fucking company
.Jessica comes in and stares at my new room mate like a girl found her charming prince
Hi jess" i said"
Hi" said jessica with her mouth wide opened"
Alex this is jess my bestfriend,jess this is my room mate alex" i said "

"Hi jess"
Wait what?"jessica said"
Yeah the princpal said they have no rooms"i said"
Umm. Milla look i have to go so please dont close the door because i still have no"
"keys,nice to meet you by the way
Oh you to jess" alex added"
as alex left the room
WHO THE HELL WAS HE???" Jess shouted"
Alex" i said"
"Yeah i know,girl he is so damn hot"
Ummm" i said"
"Okay its time for our first day vines yaaay"
About the vines we make every new year a vine about our vacation

Chapter3 - It was 10 pm
He didnt came back and im afraid and i want to close the door i thought he might be at
club or something getting drunk so i was angry like really angry so i closed the door and
slept i hate people who dont get rules stuff serious
,The next morning
I got ready and called jess to meet her at the library
And i opened the door founding alex sleeping in front of the door
Omg i forget you" i said"
"Aleexx,alleexxx wake up"
He was cold
Milla hi" he said"
Im so sorry i forgot you im so sorry alex!" I said"
Thats ok you slept and i came late its your right to close the door" he said while getting "
up with my help
Where have you been?" I said"
Umm its private im so sorry" i added feeling tottaly embaresed "
"Its ok if you want to know i will tell you "
No no its your life im sorry" i wanted to know but i dont know"
i have to leave i have leactures " i said "
!While going out and thinking about the blue eyed boy in my room
Jess"" i said huging her back"
Who the hell are you" a girl shouted,im in a deep trouble that was amanda the college's "
model the blonde girl with the green eyes my eyes were green also but she was way more
prettier than me
But yeah i dont care
Im so sorry " i said"
"?Im sorry will fix you piece of shit touching my body"
I said im sorry what the hell?" I shouted"
Because you are the dancer and omg the girl on fire you will do anything you want?""
She said
"Amandaa calm the hell down and stop being jealous"
she hit my shoulder that made me fell on the ground
And some how i found a boy proposing his help i felt pathetic but some how special
.because that was tom our collage hottest guy picking me up from the ground
.But that didnt really happen
He hold my hand and while getting me up he let go of my hand and told me " get up
"dancing machine
And amanda was standing laughing right over there i felt embarssed like really
That happened a sweet amazing voice " are you ok milla?" From alex
I was surprised like really
All the collage was staring at us
Oh wait a minute STARING AT HIM
Milla are you ok?" He reapted"

Yeah i guess" i said"

You cant hit a girl dumb ass" said alex heading to tom"
Its ok,alex." I said"
Hi there" said amanda i wanted to punch her but i couldnt"
Seriously amanda?are you kidding?" While putting my middle finger in front of her face"
and leaving to the libaray
!I was angry really i couldnt even thank alex
I went to jess and told her about what happened and she said
OMG LOVEEEE TRIIIAAANNNGLLE" with that ryhme of an opening film "
Shut up" i said"
Shhhh" said the library lady"
Okay sorry" we said"
And that how the day was spent at the boring library

Chapter4 - I went back to my room i just wished that my handsome room mate wasnt .
there because i didnt like to practice in front of anyone,as i was opening the door i found
amanda sitting next to alex with her two monkeys *well,they werent monkeys but we
* used to call them monkeys me and jess
Hi milla" said amanda to me"
Hi" i said she was trying to act cute and i hated that if she wanted alex she can take him"
and go away i just want to practice
are you going out today alex?" I said that because i thought maybe this will make them"
.leave,thanks god it made them leave
Yeah im going you can close the door i have got my keys" alex said"
Okay" i said"
oh so girls we should leave, nice to meet you alex" amanda said "
and you too,milla" she added looking at me from head to toe "
alex " i said "
what ? " alex said "
I will practice and i turn the volume of the speaker to the max, so if that bothers you "
sorry but thats how to live with" i said
Despite that you are being mean my dear room mate, but i will like to watch, can I?""
Alex said
Well, i wasnt loving the idea of him watching me dancing , but i loved the idea of him
calling me my dear room mate
I guess" i said"
He sat on his bed starying at me with a look like the loom of ansel in tfios when he was in
the pre-funeral
.I didnt love that
As elastic heart of sia started
I LOVE THAT SONG" alex shouted"
Same here" i said"
i guess we have commons my dear room mate " he said "
Omg omg does he called me my dear room mate again?maybe it was so chessy thinking
that he liked me but what i knew i liked that blue eyed boy watching me practcing
I started dancing i felt i was flying, oh well i feel flying all the time but that time it was
.diffrent,i didnt know why
OH MY GOODNESS, You are good." Alex said"
"Wait what? Good? My dear room mate you are a-m-a-z-i-n-g amanda style "
We laughed
Thank you,alex." I said"
Lets watch a movie" he said"
What movie" i said"
The breakfast club" he said"
i love this movie" i said "
our commons are so many milla " he said "
i know " i said "
.So we watched a movie and then he gone to that place which i dont know an i slept

Chapter5 - I waaked up with the same amazing voice of alex saying "wake up milla you
have lectures" for a second i thought we were a married couple
.But yeah, we were just room mates
You came back late,and waked up early how " i said"
i have some special gifts you know? " he said "
ahaa, then my room mate is a powerful guy " i said "
"yeah, Bye milla"
.Bye" i said"
I went to the french lecture in the third floor , in this lecture tom and amanda was with
.me,I hated this
I walked in the class
oh our school dancer is here " amanda said "
are you a belly dancer also? I guess in eastern bars they need you " the whole class "
lauged , i wasnt that kind of girl to stand watching everybody laughing at her
.know those words came from where, but i said them,yeah i did
All the class looked at me with their mouth wide opened and "ooohooo" and "ouch" and
"omg" was said by everyone in the class i left them standing in front of the door i hitted
.amanda's shoulder while walking i was trying to be from mean girls and it did work
I was the talk of the universty i was always the talk but now it wasnt about dancing it was
.about me being that brave
.Amanda was speechless,tom also
Tom kept looking at me during the class
.I was afraid to be honest
The french class ended but amanda left in the middle of the class because she had to do
the competiton stuff *competition of abilties not the abilites its related to hobbies but i
guess out princpal didnt find a proper name its done every year i havent one even once
*amanda always won
After class i was heading to my room t hear that voice from my back
" Amanda wait"
.Okay, that was tom
What do you want?" I said"
i just wanted to say sorry " he said "
is this another kind of prank?im fed up okay? You fake couple im really fed up with you "
" i shouted
" .no no , we are not couple "
I dont even care. " i said"
.im so sorry i know i gave you hard time yesterday " he said with the puppy eyes "
.Puppy eyes was my weak point
No problem" i said"
are you still mad at me?" He said "
no , im not " i said "

you are , i have a game tonight can you come? Please? And bring your friend which i "
dont know her name " he said
.i smiled
. i love your smile " he said with the puppy eyes "
I figured out after a while that i was asked to come to the game by TOM
.Really?am i dreaming?this cant be happening
I called jess after that she was busy at her history lecture so i went to my room to practice
" on my new dance " problem bh ariana grande
.Thanks god alex wasnt there

,Chapter6 - I seriously hate that alex

,I hate those people who dont follow the rules
,I hate those who take life easy
,Like going to collage in the morning because parents want to
,Going to club at night
.Drinking alchol
?What is life to them?no goals
Maybe because they are pretty and those stuff they think they have got everything? I hate
I didnt have lectures today so i opened my facebook account founding that tom sent me a
friend request and a mesaage
I accepted because seriously that was tom our collage hottest boy sending me a friend
OMG,WAIT A SECOND!!! THEE GAMEE,I FORGET"i shouted i really forgtten all "
.about the game
I opened tom's message "you didnt accept my apology then?are you still mad?i really
"?hoped you would come to the game,can we meet
.Iam shocked
.Tottally shocked
?He hoped i would come to the game?seriously,me
.I really need to respond I called jess to come to my room,she came
"Ofcourse she didnt beleive and started shouting and saying "omg milla
.Finally,she calmed down
But wait a second" she said"
what? " i said "
" .Amanda will kill you "
I dont care about amanda " i told her what happened at the french class"
.She said i was brave tottaly and we decided that i will ignore tom
Thats weird as hell i know but i didnt like tom to be honest i liked that he is good looking
.but he wasnt neither my type nor jessie's
My type was the fictional people which werent alive or the tennis players which werent
.also in my collage
,Jess had some home problems she didnt like to talk about it
I hated seeing her faking a smile
I hated seeing her getting hurt i knew somthing happened today and she didnt tell me so i
wanted to know
Are you okay?" I said"
Im fine" she said"
No you are not " i said"
How is your brother?" I said"
.Her brother left home when he was 17, he only talked to jess
"He is in orlando,with his girlfriend "
She said
What about your mom and dad?" I said"
dad busy like usual, mom is busy with her charity parties" she said "
good,everyone is okay then." I said "

Yeah" she said hizzitated"

.I'll always be beside you, until the very end "
.Wiping all your tears away, being your best friend
.I'll smile when you smile, and feel the pain you do
And if you cry a single tear, I promise I'll cry too jess." We didnt usually say this stuff to
each other or i love you or anything but i felt something lead me to say this maybe jess's
respond will be fool but im happy i told her that
Dont be a drama queen milla" she said"
.lets go for a walk " she said, i agreed for sure i thought this might make her feel better "
Chapter7 - It was french class again,i still didnt know what i will do to that tom but jess
.suggested i would ignore him
I entered the class i found him sitting on that desk next to me and amanada behined him
, as i entred
Milla" tom said"
.Hi tom" i said while sitting on my desk"
Thanks god professur mark came
I hated french but i was good at it the professur was explaining a grammer lesson called
He asked tom to correct a sentence but he couldnt
Miss milla, can you correct it?" He said to me "
Yeah, Ma Mere all au marche" i said"
Bravo" he said"
All of you will have to work in groups to help each other the excellent one will help the"
weak one" he added
My heart beated so fast which was so weird why would i be afraid?its just a group thing i
?wont be with tom or amanda why im acting weird
sam with ellen "
Amanda with helen
Nancy with edile
"Tom with milla
you must study together from now on,quiz next lecture,have a nice day" the professeur"
said while walking out the class, i must leave the class really fast i walked slowly towards
the door while tom held my hand i was shocked
milla wait " he said "
w-w-what?" I said "
Im sorry really,sorry ."he said"
Thats okay" i said"
Then" he said"
Then what?" I said"
The french" he said"
i will call you, i have to go" i said "
Wait i dont have your number!" He said"
.Facebook" i said while running what i knew later that amanda wanted to kill me "
I went to the library,i met alex honstely i acted like i dont know him

Milla" alex said"

Oh alex hi " i said"
"?Do you know where i can find amanda"
???What???amandaa???? And alex
?The heck is happening here
I dont know probably with tom or her bestfriends"i said"
"?i just wanted to tell her that im not free on fridaycan you tell her please "
He said
I cant,sorry" i said"
Oh okay" he said"
Moment of akward silence
"?Milla,can i show you something "
He said
Yeah sure" i said"
Come" he said,he opened his laptop and put the headphones on my head i heard a remix "
of human-christina perri which was my favorite and a mash-up between just a dream and
!just the way you are which also were my favorites
Wow,alex thats cool!!" I said"
I made them " he said putting his cap on which was reallyy reaalllyy cute"
Alex you are good!" I said"
You have your dance i have my music we can make a great team *wink* " omg he"
Yeah" i said"
And guess what we are room mates also" he said"
.We laughed there was nothing to laugh at but we did

Chapter. -8
opened my facebook,i was excited to see any of tom"s messages but there were 2
messages one from jess which was weird,we usually talked on cellphone and another
.message,which was from tom
I opened jess's message
Milla the world is wrong " she said from 20 minutes "
what? " i said , she has been typing for along time and then answered with "
.I knew something was wrong i couldnt love sitting doing nothing
.I ran to her room i found only adele
Adele,have you seen Jessica?" I said"
I dont care" Said adele"
I Said I dont care ! " she said,i didnt have time to fight with her i needed to find jessica "
I ran the whole collage asking about her , i sent her like 90 messages she didnt answer
!even one
I didnt gave up,but i wanted to go to my room to bring the keys because if alex went out
.and closed the door i wouldnt go inside the room
.While i was going back, i found her
Sitting on the bench facing the garden
JESS" i said"
Omg where were you?" I said again"
its none of your bussniess,you dont even care,stupid dancer." She said even without"
,looking at me
.I was shocked,really shocked
Are you okay?" I said"
,She got up leaving me standing alone
I dont why she did that but i couldnt think,her words hit me like knives i sat on that
.bench,overthinking and overthinking
"Its okay milla, maybe she didnt mean it"
.Yeah,that was alex's voice
Alex?what are you doing here?" I said"
I was in the room and found your keys so i kept searching for you" he said "
So you heard everything?" I said"
I didnt mean to,But she might be having hard time, when people have hard time they"
dont care how there words might hurt another one but they dont mean to" he said
I know,but im afraid she is not okay." I said "
Give me my keys please." I added, i needed to set alone"
Are you okay my dear room mate?" He said"
.I smiled at him and took the keys and left
.I went home and cried. Alot
I dont know why?i knew she wad angry and aad from something!but hell yeah i searched
!for her everywhere
....I kept listening to music,all night long

.t has been 3 days since me and jessica has talked
,I sent her a message saying are you okay she didnt answer
.I gave up
.Maybe she is angry?or she wanted to be alone ? I dont know,i cant even think
.I just went to meet tom for our studying for the french
,I went to the library where we were supposed to meet
Miss milla,sorry for being late." He said"
you are not, i have just arrived" i said "
Cool, can we study at starbucks?" He said"
I will buy for you" he added"
" I smiled with a cute " okay
?How can i smile while my bestfriend is sad
.I felt that bad feeling, you dont deserve to be happy
As we walked through the door
I saw jessica sitting with amanda and laughing like nothing on the world is happening
Jessica!" I said,she looked at me without saying a word"
what do you want? " amanda said "
None of your bussiness" i said"
Its mine,tell her jess" amanda said"
Jess?" I said"
Okay, i cant take it anymore amanda, Milla amanda told me that if i didnt gave you hard"
time she will tell everybody about my brother story,Well MY BROTHER LEFT HOME
Jessica shouted
Milla,im sorry k?" She said while running"
Milla i guess we should go" he said while holding my hand and going outside"
I guess we should study another time" he added"
Thank you." I said"
No probelm" he said"
Milla,think of all the beauty around you and be happy" he said"
Anne frank? I love her" i said"
?I know" he said, how does he know"
.i couldnt think anyway ,
I went to my room founding jessica standing in front of the door
Milla, im sorry" she said"
are you stupid? Its okay im not mad i will never be mad at you, you are my toxido and"
im your bow tie" i said
you are my toxido and im your bow tie was a lyric from cherlolyd song oath i knew *
*jessica loved her
I love you so much bestfriend" she said"
.I do more" i said"

.Chapter10 - ITS 27-2,Our school dancing day,oh god i love this day
Good morning,alex" i said"
Good morning milla,i see you are happy" he said"
Yeah,its 27-2"i said"
An important day for you?your boyfriend birthday?" He said"
I dont have a boyfriend...."i said"
tom?" He said "
What about tom?" I said"
I heard that you are in a relationship with him." He said"
What?rumors!! Me and tom?No for sure." I said"
Ahhaa"he said"
Why are you even asking?"i said"
Just asking" he said"
.Ummmm" i said, i hated saying umm and people who say ummm but i said it"
Then what about 27-2?" He said after a while"
Its our collage dancing day,you pick a song and a dance and you contact max in the"
proudcing room to play your song,everyone pick a dance,it will be amazing."i said
Woow,will you so something?"he said "Yeah,wait and see.." i said while leaving i was so"
.excited,i practeced alot so yeah
While i was going to pick up jess
Good luck for today my french teacher" tom said"
Oh hi tom " i said"
Miss milla,you know what?those three words changed my whole mood " he said"
Oh hi tom , changed your mood?" I said while laughing"
From you its diffrent" he said"
.We kept looking for each other my heart kept beating so fast
When will you dance today?" He said"
Food court." I said"
nice choice, i will stay there " he said "
.i have to go bye" i left, without even waiting for him to say bye back "
me and jess kept going from lecture to lecture seeing people dancing every where, music
.I love that spirit
,It was time for amandas song
.I knew she was a good singer but a shity dancer, i was a good dancer but a shity singer
"The hearts wants what it wants by selena gomez by the beautifl amanda "
Her voice was amazing but her dancing sucked, she kept waving her hands around i kept
.But yeah she was cool
,Alex was standing next to me
After she finished she left all of her fans and came and pushed me a little bit and said
Alex,will you be my boyfriend?" She said"
.Wait a minute,How?? She hardly know him,its his second week here omg
What?" He said"
.What?" i said, he looked at me that puppy look ,but the sad one"
.Sayy yees,sayy yees " all of the people who were in the food court said"

If i was in his place,which was impossible but i would say yes because if i didnt i will
.embarse her
.say yes" i told him"
..... Okay i was tottaly lying
I left before he say his answer
.But i heard he said yes
...WASNT EVEN EMBARESSED" i said and i kept talking about this for along time till
Why do you even care? " jess said "
.i dont care " i said, but i did care,i didnt know why but i did care "

Chapter11 - It was the time for meeting tom for studying french i suggested going to the
library but he insested on coming to my room , i said okay,it was like two hours till i go
.to the food court for my dance

.Alex was supposed to be out

Tom came with flowers
"?What is this"
Its flowers?havent you seen any of them before? " he said"
.We laughed
He made coffe , its weird because he was the guest but i dont care
.i opened it was alex and amanda holding hands
Four of us kept standing
ohh tom why are you here?" Amanda said"
I came to see milla " he said"
For studying french" i said quickly"
.Yeah,for that." He said while looking down, i embaressed him"
But he is the one who embaressed him self he lied he came for studying
We came to ask you if you need something" alex said"
But i guess you dont" he added"
well,he wanted to ask, i didnt"amanda said "
?No,thank you" i said,what did he meant by saying i guess you dont?seriously"
Lets go babe" amanda said"
Lets stay" alex said"
We were supposed to go to kfc" she said"
We can order" he said"
i will buy " tom said winking to me,why did he winked despite the fact he looked "
cute,butt why?we are not in a relation ship or something,alex will miunderstand , wait
?why do i care about what alex think?why
Time passed studying french with tom,alex and amanda sitting over there doing nothing
but watching us and amanda texting
.I guess its ok till now,i have to go." I said"
you will do your dance now?" Alex said"
Yeah" i said"
I will go with you" tom said"
Me too" alex said,tom looked at alex in a bizzare way"
.Amanda stayed
I was walking with them , the hottest boys in the collage,every one looked at me ,it was
Dance like nobody is watching" alex said,i remeber i told him i love that sentence"
I called max to play lips are moving-meghab
.It started
I felt like i was alone , my hair was flying and all of the people in the food court started
.dancing with me
And singing i was dancing like i was dancing in the nationals or something,i guess as
.they say i killed it
"CH- 12 A week after 27-2
.I was the talk of the collage,they called me the girl on fire
,Its like katniss from hunger games , she was my hero when i was a teen

I spent the whole week studying with tom french we laughed alot w knew each other
much more i have gone couple times to his game,he played very well
Its our last time to study together, i really enjoyed it" i said"
Same here, you know what?if i had got an excellent mark on the quiz will you do me a "
favor?" He said
Yes sure,what is it? I said"
Be my girlfriend" he said"
What?" I said, i knew he wont get excellent mark on that quiz because he wasnt that"
good in french i was really speechless
I will count this as a yes, i will better shut up and go study that pathitic french" he said "
while leaving , i was smiling alex came as tom left we didnt talk
You will say yes?" Alex said after a while"
.I dont know" i said"
,It has been 3 days since i have last seen tom,3days are left for the french quiz
I asked his friend mike
Do you know where is tom?" I said"
so you are milla? " he said "
Yeah im " i said"
Omg, girl this boy is crazy about you, he is studying!!can you imgaie" he said "
Tom is studying?" I said"
Yeah he is." He said"
Thats weird." I said"
I know right?" He said"
Anyway he is in the gym right now training"he added"
Thanks" i said while leaving, i went to the gym "
Long time no see " i said"
Milllaaa"he said"
Where have you been" i said"
Studying training studying training...etc" he said"
Oh"i said"
Lets have coffe" i said"
no im sorry i have to study" he said "
.I will another time,but when you are mine"he said while leaving"
.I seriously cant breathe
? Really ? Me ? Why
I went to see jess , i opened the door seeing her talking with adele which was weird
Hii guuysss" i said"
You look happy" jess said"
Yes im,im happy to see you" i said"
So chessy" adele said"
Happy to see you too adele" i said"
I dont care" she said"
I told jess what happened
....She told me to say yes cause its obvious that he like me , i was hizzitated
But he wont get an excellent mark" i said"
No he will,for you " she said"

Lets watch the break fast club" i said"

Arent you sick of love movies?" She said"
I hate love movies" adele said"
Guys love movies are cute and not real" i said"
No,they are you are living one milla" jess said"
We watched it.then i went to my room founding alex going out, i really wanted to know
.where he goes everynight
I followed him i thought i was going to a club or something,but then i found myself in
front of a children' s hospital,as he walked in i asked the nurse why he is here,she looked
.at me in a weird way but i needed to know
To see his brother." the nurse told me"
What brother?"i said"
He is brother,nev,who has got a touch of cancer" she said"
?What?alex?nev?what?what on earth is happening

Chapter13 - I went home,did nothing but thinking

,I didnt sleep till alex came

Its weird,why you are not sleeping?" Alex said"

Are you okay?" I said"
Im on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend" he said"
You are lying " i said"
I dont lie" he said"
You do, you go everynight to hospital and tell me you are going out to hang out, maybe "
we arenot that close,im not important to you,but at least you could have told me to cover
you when you are out" i shouted
you are." He said"
what? " i said "
Nothing,then you knew, how?" He said"
I followed you yesterday" i said"
You are smart" he said"
can you dont tell anybody?and forget?i hate being an attention seaker"he said "
What?attention seaker?you are not. He is your brother, are you crazy?whaat is attention "
in that?" I said
I dont want anybody to feel sorry for him,me,us!!!he will be better im trying to let him "
"!beleieve in that
He shouted,i didnt answet because i didnt actually had an answer
Im sorry" he said"
No , its my bad" i said"
Do you want to see nev?he will like you,he love to dance alot,we used to dance when we"
was in calofornia" he said while that sad\happy tear fell from his blue eyes
So you came here for him?" I said"
Yes"he said"
.I will really like to see him" i said, he smiled "
He showed me some pictures of nev
.He was blue eyed also but with gold hair,yeah they were both handsome
,But i was like a potato,just a potato
I saw a picture of alex and a beautiful lady , i thought she might be his mom
Your mom is beautiful" i saidd"
She was beautiful" he said"
Omg,im sorry"i said"
No, she is not dead,she is not beautiful anymore thats it" he said"
We laughed
You say sorry alot" he said"
Yeah." I said"
People who say sorry alot are the most pure hearted people." He said,i smiled with no"
.answer because really why is he cute with me?he have amanda
I opened my laptop founding a message from jess saying
when i die dont come near my body because my hands wont be able to wipe your tears"
".anymore.i love you so much
What?i love you?tears?die? What is happening,it was from 3 hours ago
I found myself running along to her room to find adele saying to me
".Im sorry"

Chapter14 - We kept standing

What?sorry for what?" I said"
She didnt answer she looked down

Sorry for what adele,where is jess!!" I shouted"

.She cried
I dont know
I dont know what to say
I dont know anything
Wheree is jess,answeerr meee!" I said"
I dont know,she said she will end it today" she said"
End what???" I said"
Her life." She said"
I ran everywhere to search for her,i may find her dead or alive
I really dont know
I saw everyone running to the ambluance car i knew that jess might be there
...So I fainted
Milla are you there?" Alex's voice"
I started openeing my eyes
Hey there " tom said"
,Tom and alex and me
,In the hospital
, Mom is here
.Dad also
Something weird is happening here
Mh sweetheart" mom said crying "
The point is i fainted why is she crying?what is happening
Why im here?"i said"
Becau.." alex said"
"You fainted,we were afraid, so we brought you here,everything is fine"
Tom said inturpting alex
Mom,dad why are you here?"i said"
.Because the were worried" tom said,again"
Worried,because i fantied?" I said"
Yeah yeah you are important to all of us milla" tom said"
I looked all over the room searching for her, if fainted and mom and dad are here,why is
?she not here
Where is jess?" I said"
Mom's crying increased
Nobody answered
Im sorry alex said"
They couldnt save her" he added"
,my tears began to fall
Fast and then faster
I couldnt breathe
P-p-p-please tell me you are jockingg" i said"
Im sorry" alex said"
I started to cry really hard i couldnt see anything from my tears i felt my life has became
to its end

Jess cant die"

She cant
I told her everything will be okay
Jess cant die
Mom hugged me
And i cried alot
.They gave me aspreen alot of aspreens
i calmed down a little bit
The told me she killed herself the found her dead at the bathroom of the collage,her
.funeral will be tommorrow
Alex stayed here all night
"?Why did she leave me alone"
?Why is she being selfish
.Why?i need her
I need her
She lied she told me she was fine
To let me not worry
I used to cut but she didnt
now i know she did
I used not to care about her problems and care about mine all the time, am i the reason?
am i? I didnt mean to , can she come back?please alex. Can she? I need her so much " i
Alex hugged me
I will help you in your speech" he said"
No,i will write it" i said"
Go to nev" i said"
"?Are you sure"
Im fine, i need to be alone." I said"
I wasnt fine i was lying but i needed to be alone
Know i really have no one
.She died
I sat all night crying
I wont lie i tried to kill myself twice that night
I wrote the speech
.I dont know from where the words came , but they came
.I miss her
,Chapter15 - As they say funeral are for alive people not for dead
.Her mom was there,her brother,and father
.They met on her funeral day
I was like a dead person
My eyes were red
Her brother brad came to me and hugged me

Are you alive?" Brad said"

".Just breathing"
She loved you so much " he said"
i did way more " i said "
.He left
All of the people read a speech,it was the time for mine,the last one. "And now milla,her
bestfriend." The preist said
Jessica young, my bestfriend"
I am such a cruel person
I was so busy with my probelms and letting her face hers alone
She was the most caring person you can ever meet
She was beautiful
her smile could stop wars
I just wanted at least to tell her goodbye
Tell here i was there for her
Tell her im sorry
Tell her everything will be fine
Tell her not to leave me alone
I wish i could call and tell her I cant sleep
I wish she could see that it hurts so deep
I wish she would care enough to see me smile
I wish she could hold me at least for a little while
I wish I wasnt this lonely tonight
I wish I could hug her and keep her so tight
I wish for once more I could feel her touch
I wish I didnt have to miss her this much
"I wish i could say sorry for not caring
That was my speech, i really hoped she can hear me
Nobody can imagine how this day passed
I still miss her
I miss her dumb voice telling me to cheer up
I miss her calling me water mellon
I miss her hugging me
.I miss being happy with her

,Chapter16 - Day2-without jess

I cant take it anymore
can she come back

?Just for a while

.I need a hug
It has been three days since you have eaten anything" alex said"
I dont want to" i said"
"I know,nobody wants to but wait if she was here"
SHEE IS NOTT HEREE" i said inturpting him"
I started crying
He smiled and said
"Its okay,the sky cries sometimes "
Why she didnt tell me she was having hard time?i know we could have solved it some "
how"i said
Sometimes people dont like to share there problems milla" he said"
Like you" i said" me..." he said"
Mom and dad came
Her mom wants to see you" mom said"
I dont want to see her" i said"
Let her alone , mary " dad said"
I thought for a moment she might tell me something important
No i will go" i said"
I will go with you " tom said standing in front of the door"
okay" i said"
She was at the garden
How are you milla?" She said"
fine" i didnt want to say that i wasnt fine that i was broken,about to give up,going to fall"
apart at any moment , alone and on the verge of tears but fine was so much easier
Why did she do that?" She said crying "
You are asking why?" I said"
I really didnt know why but i knew one of the reasons was them
Yes" she said"
She cried and then hugged me which was weird i was completely mean
Tom whispered that i was harsh
.I goes if jess was here she would say i did the right the thing
I went back home when mom and dad and jess's parents left
I found an ipod on my bed with a note
...Listen Please"
" AlexIt was train song calling all the angels and some cherlloyd songs
She loved cherlloyd" i said"
And little mix songs which i used to love and some of his mashe ups
And then i found him coming
He didnt go to his brother
I wont go today" he said"
no go " i said "

no , i know you need to talk "

Im here for you,talk." He said
I started crying and talking about jess and our memories and how beautiful was she and
?how amazing her smile was and why she killed herself
And he told me she is in a better place and i need to focus on my life to make her happy
and alot of people need me
Nobody needs me,the one who lobed me , is dead now." I said"
.No." He said while he held my hand and kissed me"
Yeah he did
Alex did
I pushed him away
,And ran
To the street i took a taxi
I went to the cemtrey , i sat next to her place
.This is first time i will talk to her without her answering me back
?Why jess
?Why did you live me alone jess
? why did he kissed me
?What about amanda
? What will i do jess
?Why did you die
?Why jess
.I need you
I know you needed me
I know
One day eventually I know
One day I'll have to let it all go
But I keep it just in case
Yeah, I keep it just in case
In case You're missing what you had In case You change your mind, I'll be waiting here
In case
You just want to come home
.I will be waiting for you
,Chapter17 - I spent my night at a hotel
I was weird i didnt want to see alex
I thought all night about him
?Does he love me
?Does he like me
What im sure of is that i like him
?But amanda
?Like seriously
.I dont know
But jess once told me

"Milla you only live once for hiding you feelings"

I wanted to talk to him about what happened
.So i went back to the room
.As i was opening the door i found amanda's arms around his neck and they were kissing
then amanda saw me
Hi milla" she said"
I left the room as fast as i can
Milla wait" alex shouted"
I ran
I had nowhere to go
No jess
No friends
No room
. No life
I dont know why
But i called tom,He came really fast
we went to a french restaurant
,I was really a mess
,Mess hair
.Mess clothes
Tom,this place is classy!super classy! I cant go there lets go to starbucks" i said"
..... I like you who you are" he said with that puppy look"
Am i supposed to be sad about alex?or about jess?or happy because im with my dream
We went inside the place was amazing
I thought i was in paris or something
Bonjour milla " tom said"
So, you are speaking french" i said"
Iam a good teacher " i added"
I really wanted to tell you that before but because of circumstances i couldnt"he said"
Tell me what?" I said"
, During The hell week you lived we took our french quiz marks"
I got an A " he said
Oh my gosh" i said"
I told you i was pretty amazing" he said"
I smiled , so it was like talking french and eating in a french restaurant and having A in
.He is cool or romantic
..An awkward silence
It lasted alot
Then?the deal?" He said"
What deal?" I said"
you?me?together?remember?" He said "
I didnt answer
I didnt know what to say
But that one question that was on my mind

Why me?" I said"

! He hizzitated and gave me that cute puppy look
?????He was shy
???Tom was shyy
???Becausee of mee
Because that day when you shouted at me and amanda you were attractive,brave and"
Which is my kind i loved the way wasnt afraid from amanda or me
You was like the mean girls version? Or those teenagers movies you are the hero of the
.collage and that day i was only thinking about you,only you
I saw your dancing videos i loved them and how your eyes looked sad and depressed i
wanted to know why,i asked max about you, or maybe everyone?yeah i did that in one
day." He said
.I like you milla" he added"
Okay i think im in a love triangle
.Love?i guess its square or something
I like alex , alex like amanda , tom likes me and amanda liked tom and now alex
,Its complicated
.I blused because i was really speechless
I dont know" i said"
Love is like a flower-you've got to let it grow." He said"
Jhon lennon" i said"
yeah " he said "
,I love the way he knew whom i like and what i do and what i prefer
Jhon lennon was an english singer
.He was one of the founding members of the beatels
We spent our night talking
.And talking and eating
He drove me to jess's room i will sleep there tonight he asked why i told him because i
.miss her, that wasnt the only reason ofcourse alex was the other reason
You didnt gave me an answer" he said"
I guess my answer will be " i said"
.what???" He said , he was scared "
Yes" i said,i didnt know why i did that,but i guess i have to choose the people who"
.choose me
Omgg are you kidding????" He said"
Ommgg i lovee you" he said"
.He was blushing , i was too
.He hugged me and left
As i opened the door i found adele "you two are cute together" she said
Do you think?" I said and while she was going to her bed to sleep she said with a smile "
"If jessica was here she would have said the same thing"
,Chapter18 - I walked up with the perfect morning message
.from my mom

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives"
.you courage
".Jessica is in better place now honey
,My mom wasnt that kind of moms who courages their kids alot
.But she really made me smile
I didnt thought about being tom girlfriend,he sent me a message that he will pick me up at
Our collage was big the buildings of our rooms was far away from the buildings of the
,Some people go with cars,some with biscyles and some on foot
.Which was me
,But i liked it
.Now i will go with tom
.I went down to the garage to go to the lecture,with him
.Founding alex,amanda and tom standing
.good morning honey" to said while putting his cap on my head,that was cute"
"Alex looked at tom with the "hate look
Lets go friends" tom said"
Amanda and tom went to their cars
Im sorry" alex said coming closer tom"
Go away" i said"
You dont understand anything" he said"
Who said i want to" i said"
Comee milla" tom said"
I went with tom , amanda went with alex
.We was like on a double date or something
I thought all way about what i dont understand
I have no lectures none of us had
What about going to the sea" tom said"
I really needed that" i said"
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, "
somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because
".only then does one feel that all is as it should be
Anne frank,milla's favorite."alex said"
There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody "
else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity"
it was also said by anne frank i said while hugging tom i tottaly ignored alex, i thought i
.must take care of the people who love me after i lost jess
You are my cure" tom said"
Two loving pathetic birds" amanda said"
Alex left to his car,i dont really care about him maybe i do sometimes but now i tottaly
.hate him
Chapter19 - We went to the beach i put my headphones on listening to those demi lovato
songs,the sad ones and the exciting ones

I think you made your greatest mistake i think you really blow it this time" okay i said "
.the lyrics of mistake very loud
Alex uderstood me
What?" Tom and amanda said"
Just a song" i said putting back my headphones"
Lets take some pictures,milla" tom said"
Excuse me?Arent we invited?"amanda said"
Sure you are." Tom said"
They took alot of pictures
I went to sit with alex i wanted to know what he really meant this morning
What did you meant this morning?" I said"
You said you dont care" he said"
I dont want to be a moran" i said"
Akward silence
Why did you kissed me, if you love amanda?" I said"
I dont love her" he said"
You are such an asshole!you play with our hearts! You kissed me then her! Is this a kind"
of a game?" I said
I didnt kiss her!" He said"
I did kissed you" he added"
What?" I said"
She kissed me when i told her that i dont love her and i love you milla , she did that to "
make you jealous , then she said that if you became my girlfriend tom will bully you!" He
I didnt want you to get hurt" he added"
Amanda and tom disappered they went to buy snacks i guess
Why?why is she doing this to me?and why?why are you such a coward!Are you afraid "
"?from tom
I wasnt! I thought i could protect you,but you said yes to him!i was there,waiting for you "
to come back i knew you will go to jessica's room" he said
I said yes because of you! Because i like you and i thought maybe i thought if im with"
tom i would forget you! But i didnt! All this days when i was with tom i thought about
you." I said
Dont you think i also thought about you?i said yes to amanda because you told me to i"
thought that maybe i can forget you when im with amanda because you arent for me!"he
What do you mean not for you?" I said"
Nothing"he said while leaving"
.Tell amanda i will travel,i wont i will go to see nev but dont tell her ofcourse" he said"
I thought when we started talking that the conversation will end in a magically way that
.he will kiss me and we will be together and love stuff
...But it didnt go that way
,Chapter20 - On the next morning
?I thought about how he is not for me?or why

I think yo must go back to your room" Adele said"

Why?" I said"
My boyfriend will stay here for a week,dont worry he wont touch any of jessica's things""
she said
Okay" i said,i didnt have anywhere to go ofcourse i wont go to tom"
I have no place but my room
I went there, i didnt find alex
I found a note
."You can stay here,i will sleep at the hospital"
I didnt know what the hell was happening so i decided to go to the hospital to see whats
.going on
I saw while going inside the hospital in the garden alex standing with his mom and a tall
person giving me his back i didnt see his face
And nev that cute little boy with that lovely smile he didnt have any hair his eyes were
.light blue he kept smiling and running around them he was happy
But they were dicussing something
That person twissted
He cant be him
He cant be
Oh my gosh
,He was the boss of my dad's company
.Dad wasnt the boss he was the pre-manger
Dad talked about him all the time,about how mean he was and that he was married but he
never saw his wife or children and his son might be the owner one day and alex dad
wanted to fire my dad once because he hated him and they were enimes not really
eneimes but they hated each other because they used to be bestfriends but because alex
father wanted to be the first always he ruines dads car project which might have lead him
.to be the owner
.Now im in love with the son of my father's enime,Great
.I knew now why he is not for me

Chapter21 - Alex noticed me and he told them something and held nev's hand
And he told me to follow them with the signs

.I followed
So you knew everything" alex said"
Yes" i said"
Who is she" nev said"
Who are you" alex said"
Im milla,alex's room mate"i said"
Hi" nev said"
Lets go and sit , nev go and play" alex said"
We went to sit on a bench in front of the garden
Im sorry" he said after a long silence"
Why didnt you tell me?" I said"
I have known when jess died, i didnt know anything , i didnt even know that i love you." "
He said
So that why you are not for me" i said"
Yes." He said"
okay milla im a coward im afraid from my father and from yours and im afraid from "
everyone okay? im a coward i cant protect you i cant protect me even nev i cant protect
him from the freaking cancer!" He added
What will they do? Kill us?are you crazy!" I said"
They wont kill us because we love each other alex!" I added"
my dad will do it" he said"
So?" I said"
".Im worthless milla,you are not mine "
Its the end then?" I said while that stupid tear falling "
Dont cry
Dont cry
Dont cry
Im so sorry" he said"
I stood up and ran away
.I didnt know where to go i just ran
I took a taxi to the cemetry
,Jess's Place
I found her dad there
are you okay milla?" He said"
Im good what about you?" I said"
Not fine" he said"
Ofcourse he must be
His daughter killed herself
His son ranaway
I killed her milla"
I killed her" he said while his crying increased
WHAT!" I shouted"
That day she saw me" he said"
He cried more
He sat beside her grave
i was with the woman i cheated her mom with before " he said "

Georigia?" I said"
Georgia was the woman he cheated jess mom with in the past and her brother left because
of that reason
Yes" he said"
she saw you then " i said"
Yes " he said"
I know you are older than me and this is rude but please leave " i said"
Im so sorry" he said looking to jess"s grave"
Leave,please." I said"
He left i sat next to her
Hi jess"
So you saw him
Why didnt you came to me jesswe could figure it out somehow
?Why jess
?You left me alone
Im done
Done from everything
Im sorry jess
Im sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside, but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
?Would you tell me I was wrong
?Would you help me understand
?Are you looking down upon me
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
"I've missed you since you've been away
?Can we just go back time and fix everything
Can we go to another
.Cause this life isnt easy

.Chapter22 - It has been two weeks since i have last seen alex and tom
,Yeah about tom

,I told him befor i went to see alex that i want to end my relationship with him since then
I didnt see him
.From a lecture to a lecture
Alex is not my room mate anymore he slept in the hospital the whole time
I foucused on my dancing to beat my deprission
. Which kinda work
The 50 days left for nationals
I was working on beyonce irreplacable
I must foucus on singing not dancing only
I haf to do some ballet moves
.I worked hard , studied hard
I wasnt doing this to win or to have a good life
I was doing this to kill time
Kill sad feelings
Kill overthinking
Kill me
.But slowly,very slowly
I spent my free time in dancing courses
To make a new version of me
I desiceded to be happy
I desiceded to work on me
New me
The happy me
The unbroken me
The not lonely me
The strong me
I desiceded to Frown less, Smile more. Talk less, Do more. Complain less, Appreciate
.more. Fear less, Love more
I wanted to know new people i talked to everyone in the collage
They told me they loved my friendship with jess and how amazing i dance and how jess
had an amazing personality
When i saw alex i acted like i didnt know him he tried to talk once but i didnt respond
Tom talked to me but not like before
Amanda became my friend which is so damn weird we hang out once and she told me
.she hated being the collage model and this stuff
This month was the weridesy ever
I guss i have changed
Everything has changed
Me and amanda was supposed to go to statbucks
As i was going to the garage to meet her
.I met alex
Millaa" he said"
What" i said"
I was mean but wait a second he is the one who let me go
you are missed." He said"
Thank you" i said while i was going away"

Milla,nev's surgery tommorow"

I know i was an asshole and coward but i need i really need you" He said
.I left
I didnt know what to say or why
?Why would i go and help him
!He let me go
Why should i go and talk to him
.Or even be by his side
I cancelled my plans with amanada
I said i want to go not to do anything
But just sit
...I will go to the hospital

Chapter23 - I went to the hospital to nev's room
I didnt see anyone in the room

It was empty
My thoughts was
A)nev is dead
B) he is in the surgery
C)i dont know what the hell is happening
.I asked the nurse about them
Nev i mean
I wasnt coming for alex or something
?Wait, was I
Nev is now in a surgery pray for him" she said"
Where?" I said"
Third floor the second hallway" she said"
thank you" she said"
I ran as fast i can
I took the stairs
My breatgh wasnt that strong to go up on stairs i had some probelms in my lungs so its
hard for me because we was in the round floor
But yeah I went up on stairs
Alex was hugging his mother
Who was crying so bad
His father wasnt there
!Hell yeah! His son is dying and he is not here
I went to the end of the hallway to stand beside them
How is nev" i said"
I was afraid that the answer will be there is no nev
.I really cant lose three people in the same year
You came" alex said while letting go of his mother"
His mother smiled at me and said
So you are milla , he really needs you" and she left without saying where she was going "
How is nev" i asked again"
He hugged me and he started crying
Its my second time to see a boy crying after jess's brother
I didnt hug him back
,It was too akward
.Like really
We were like this for 20 minutes
We sat down
Talked nothing
His mother came back nothing happened just scilence
The doctor came out of the surgery room
I really expected that nev would be dead i started to cry even eithout knowing what
happened his mother cried because of me
You have the strongest child madame,he beated the cancer." The doctor said"
It was kindda funny
Because alex mom fainted
.I didnt laugh with voice but inside i was laughing

Nev is okay " alex said"

Yeah,nev is okay" i said smiling"
He hugged his mom and then me
Seriously i forgut everything happneded
I just wanted to be with alex
Yeah I love him
And i will fight for him
.Till the very end

Nev is okay,alex will stay there with his mom and nev

He insisted on driving me back to collage

To be honest is was happy because
A) nev is okay
B) now Iam with the love of my life
Couldnt ask for more
So i guess we arrived" alex said"
Yeah" I said"
Thank you milla"
For being here i know i have let you down alot I know i dont deserve you
Im sorry." He said
I hugged him
Never be sorry " I said"
He hugged me back
We were that cute couple hugging in the middle of the collage's garage
I love you." Alex said"
I was going to answer him back
But tom came from no where
He punshed alex
Alex fell on the flower
He kept hitting him
I did nothing but staring and screaming
I spearted tom from alex
?What am i doing"
?Are you serious
?You let me go
?For him?after all of that
Seriously milaa" Tom said and he left
Are youu okkaay?" I shouted to alex"
Im okay ,Dont worry." He said"
We went to my room
Wait our room
He banded his face
Are you okay?" I said"
Yeah" He said"
Thanks god" I said"
Were you afraid?" He said"
No,I said"
Why would I be afraid about you?" I said
Admit it, you were." He said"
No " I said"
Liaaaarrr" He said"
Im not" I said"
Liar goes to fire milla" He said"
Who you do you think you are? " I said"
Running around leaving scars"

Collecting you jar of hearts" He said

You are not funny" I said"
Iam,thats why you love me" He said with the puppy look "
My weakness point
I dont " I said"
You do" He said"
While i was saying i dont again
He kissed me
Its like shut up kiss
.Me and alex
Just us, I didnt think about tom or even alex's father or mine or anyone
.Just us

Chapter 25
Everything was okay

Nev is okay,alex with him

While i was busy with collage's stuff
The princpal called me to talk
I was afraid to be honest
Miss milla you are missed " the princpal said"
Thank you " I said and smiled"
How are you? " He said"
Fine,I guess" I said"
Miss milla, we know you are having hard time after you friend's death and you are not"
practcing,And nationals are soon" He said
Are you going to replace me?" I asked"
No,of course no" He said"
Then?" I said"
I brought our old dancer"
Mrs Sandy,to practice you" He said
I dont need anyone" I said"
You will need her" He said"
He called his assistant and then that sandy came in
Hello Miss Milla" She said"
Hi" I said smiling"
She was kinda cute
So get ready ladies we have nationals to win" The princpal said"
I reserved a room ballet house for you" He added"
Ballet House
A room for me
It was like my own studio
Lets go miss milla" She said smiling "
Just milla" I said"
We went to starbucks to talk
Talk about what?I really dont know
So you know me?" She said"
Yeah ofcourse I do" I said"
My story,Not me" She said"
No" I said"
Okay, my story isnt the kind of i waa born to dance or i danced when i was three or this "
My story is diffrent" She said
Im excited to know" I said"
Dont be" she said smiling a sad smile"
That kind fake smile
When I was 13 I used to go to alot of birthday parties because our family was big and"
had alot of children
They all used to dance good
But me , when I danced I was like a duck
And all the family girls made me a joke they called duck sandy

The sad part my parents used to laugh also instead of encouraging me they laughed I
didnt ask to learn dancing or something because I didnt want them to know that I was sad
or I care when they laugh or something
I joined my school dancing club
If i told you how I was getting bullied because of my dancing skills you will cry"She said
with the fake laugh
There was a boy I used to like at that time he was the school's best boy"
Handsome , cool , perfect smile and body and a football player
He didnt laugh at me or even bullied me once he used to smile at me
He won the proom king"She said
The who was the queen?his girlfriend"I said"
At that time there was a dance that someone must perform before the teenagers choose
the the proom king and queen,No one liked to do it
I wasnt bullied because I was ugly,but because I wasnt good enough
at anything
School , dancing , grades ...etc
So I told the princpal that I would like to do that dance
I practiced day and night
Mg parents of course didnt encourage me they just wanted me to improve my grades
I was bullied ,lonely ,useless to my parents or to everyone , pathetic ,empty and heart
But I practiced I descided to not care about people's opnion about me or anything I went
after school everyday to a dancing school , At that time i used to fight alot with my
parents but i didnt care" She said
.And she stopped talking
Then what?" I said"
The proom queen is me"
The proom king is my husband
And The best proom dance or the school's best dancer is me" she said smiling with
Milla i dont want to show off my life or something but all I want to say no matter how"
much life is sucking dont give up on your dream". She said

Chapter 26

One week separtes us from the finals

I really have a very competitve eneimes
Like jessica martin from La collage
Christina from saint barbra collage
I wont win,Im sure."I said"
Why?" Sandy said"
Look how they can dance they can do alot of moves that I cant do" I said"
But you do some pretty moves" She said"
Still,no."I said"
Do you know that Arthur Ashe once said 'Start where you are"
Use what you have
Do what you can' I guess its enough said" She said
Her words are just amazing
I love how she can inspire me and make me feel good about myself
.And just how she has postive thoughts even that she faced alot of bad things
I went to the hospital to see alex
Hi" I said smiling"
Hi milla" nev said while smiling that smile that express how happy he is"
Good morning " Said alex"
Good morning" I said"
Would you like to go on a walk?" He said"
Yeah sure" I said"
We went to the hospital's garden
How are you doing?are you practicing well?" He said"
Yeah,Did I told you about sandy my new teacher?" I said"
Dancing teacher?" He said"
Yeah" I said"
Thats amazing" He said"
Do you remember that move i always practiced?the ballet one mixing with the free "
style?" I said
Yeah , The one you tried to do alot"He said"
But i always fail, Im practcing on it again I want to do it" I said"
I can see you doing that" He said"
hearing people say i can see you doing that after telling them what you want to do in
life is honestly the best thing ever
I was so happy
Lets go on a date " He said"
What?" I said"
Date" He said"
I guess its not the perfect time for a date" I said"
No, Its" He said"
Tommorow I will pick you up at 3 O'Clock"He said"
Okay" I said smiling"
He drove me back to the collage and left I saw tom sitting on the bench doing nothing
Hi" I said but he looked at me with no answer"
I know you hate me now"

And you want to kill me" I said

I will Never think of that" He said interupting me"
Im sorry tom but I guess we are not for each other and we wont be"
Im sure that there is an amazing girl waiting for you out there" I said
But I just want you " He said"
I didnt answer him I was speechless
I dont know what to say or what to do
Do you love him?" He said"
Im sorry,I do "I said"
He smilied at me that fake smile
Maybe in another life you would be my girl" He said"
Katy perry"I said"
I just love how you know what I love " I said"
Yeah,me too" He said"
Im really sorry" I said"
We are still friends right?" He said"
Because if we are not I will need to find another french teacher" He said"
I smilied
Sure we are" I said"
. I went to my room to practice a little bit
,Its morning,I must get ready for my super duper date with the blue eyed boy
Its 2:50
He came,He looked very nice wearing his jeans and his blue t-shirt which I Told him
once that I like it
And Me,wearing a floral dress and a converse
I hated how I look but yeah I dont care
Oh my god you look amazing" He said"
Thanks" I said smiling"
Where are we going?" I said"
Have you ever been to a carnival?" He said"
No" I said"
Great" He said"
We went to a carnival in a valley took 3 hours by car
He bought me a flower crown
And in the shouting game he won a teddy for me
And we rode the roller coaster we talked and eat and took pictures
.God,I cant describe how the day perfectly passed
.God save him for me


Today is the parents meeting day

Excited to see them
We are spoused to make them see how we are living in the collage
But I didnt do that
.As mom got out of the car with a fake smile,Thats so uncomfertable
Dad got out he didnt smile at me
I hugged mom a warm hug
Follow me" Dad said"
Yeah I followed him
Who is alex" He said"
My roommate?"I said"
Only roommate?"He said"
I didnt know exactly what to say
To say yes or to no
Why are you asking about him?" I said"
Answer my question" He said"
I stayed silent
Do you know he is you father's enime's son?" He said"
Do you?" He added shouting"
Yes" I said"
I will talk to the princpal to change your room and you will promise me that you will "
never talk to that alex agaim" He said
No" I said"
What?" He said looking confused at me"
No ,I said no." I said"
Im sorry dad, sorry mom"
But this my life its none of business your friend's probelms or any of this shit, I care
about me,my life,my happiness
I guess I choose to be with him and If that bothers you I suggest that you ignore it or
solve the problem with alex's dad" I said
No one answered
While I was leaving them I said
The nationals will be the next saturday come If you want" and I left"
?Feeling good
Can I see you" Alex texted"
Im busy,sorry" I texted back"
I had a practice with sandy at 5pm
We went to our practice room at the ballet house I practeced alot
Like really
" I told sandy what happened today She said
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right
Her answer satisfied me alot
I feel good about what I have done
Chapter28 - Only One day are left for the nationals

I tried to do that hard move I couldnt do

Last day with sandy
Sad but excited I dont know
Do not worry about holding high position; worry rather about playing your proper role,I "
trust you,you can do everything milla" Sandy said
"Thank you for helping me and being here with me sandy"
I said
Never thank a friend milla" She said smiling "
We left
I went to see alex at starbucks
You were missed mills"He said"
Stop calling me mills " I said"
Okay sorry" He said"
Tommorow?Excited" He said"
Afraid" I said"
I trust you mills you can do it" He said"
I will pick you up at seven o'clock okay?sleep well" He said"
K" I said"
Its the morning
Today the national its five o'clock I needed to go and see jess and talk
With her to say sorry or to say thanks I went to the cemetry
hi jess Last night I found exactly what I was looking for, and it made me cry. I never "
expected such a large blow to my face, such an ache in my heart. I bit back the tears that
welled in my eyes, sitting here in front of my computer, reading what you had to say. I'm
sorry if I was ever the one that made you cry, or ever made you feel the least bit blue. I
really am. Now that I reminisce about the past, the beginning days of our friendship are
not clear to me, but vivid are the memories I cry to at night, the day that you spoke your
last words to me. Maybe if I had known how much I'd miss you in the future, I'd call you
back fast and apologize, but I didn't. Maybe it was my fault that our friendship was torn,
maybe it was me who didn't try hard enough. , being too bold. But now that you are gone,
that same shame keeps me from calling you and keeps me from hearing your voice that
has haunted my thoughts so many years. If I had known how many long agonizing nights
could have been spared, I would have bent over backwards not wanting to miss a single
second when you spoke to me. It's true, what people say about not realizing how much
you love someone 'till they're gone. That's exactly what I'm going thru right now. I know
that I'm probably too late in telling you all of this, but the truth is that a secret this big can
only be concealed for so long, and yet I've welled all of this up inside of me for four
painful years. Now that I look back at all the memories we've shared, I regret taking all of
them for granted, for those are the memories that I hold close to me now. And I know that
now you have probably forgotten me and all that you recognize is a vast memory of who
I used to be, but please know this: I will always and forever keep you close to my heart
whenever and wherever I might be. I don't need an apology, and I don't need a goodbye, I
just need to know that you'll be there the day that I die,But you will not just pray for me
".and wish me to win today I love you so much
Chapter29 - Alex came to pick me up we went to the competition

I went to get ready and dress up

Everyone looked amazing and ready
Im afraid as hell
But sandy's words made feel kinda okay
Remember when the ' I'm trying to make us 3 From that 2 He still the 1' comes'make "
cute faces" Sandy said
Okay I will" I said"
As I was going out to the stage I saw my dad coming with a tall man whom was alex's
Milla right?" Alex's dad said"
Yes " My dad said"
she grows up really fast " He said"
Good luck my child" he said again"
.Child?him and dad?WHAT
Dad hugged me and whispered
"Good luck thank you for giving me my bestfriend back"
And they left
I knew later that dad went to alex's father and they solved everything
Its the time
My turn
"The last dancer MILLLAA JHOON"
As I was going up on stage and the music began a shout from behind
That was alex
I danced and closed my eyes
Danced like nobody is watching
Danced like I own the universe
When beyonce will sing
Ooh ooh ooh ooh Damn I think I love that boy Do anything for that boy Ooh ooh ooh "
"ooh Boy
I must do the move I closed my eyes I didnt know what happened but I did it I danced the
move which was the mix of ballet and free style
I did it
.And tge music ended
The whole audience was clapping
Really load
And the other dancers came on the stage
.To announce who will win
...I was shaking
The envelope which contains the name came the host opened it
And the winner of the nationals of"
A pause, I was going to die
?After all this practcing and all this shit I wont win?really
New york Universty"
"Milla Jhon

!Im the winner
.I did it
And the flowers and the crowns came
I wore them
Sandy and alex came on stage
I cant express how happy iam
God. Thank you
Thank you jess
I realised that
.I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back
Now im here
With the one I love the most
With my family couldnt ask for more
Milla" alex said"
What" I said smiling"
I Love you my dear roommate." He said"
And yeah thats the end of the story of a dancer fell in love with her roommate

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