Mary Peabody Assignment2

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Mary Peabody

Assignment 2
**Rationale at end of document

The European School

June 2015 Semester Exam
Class: 10___

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Information and Instructions:


Duration of the exam is 1.5 hours.

Answer ALL questions.
Questions should be answered in the space provided. If you need more space you may
continue on lined paper but make sure you indicate clearly that the answer is continued.
The exam has 16 questions.
Questions 11 and 16 should be answered on a separate piece of lined paper.
The point allocation is indicated ().
Read the questions carefully and answer them completely. Look at the point allocation.
This is an indication of how long each answer should be.


Points: ______/_64__

Exam Grade: ___________%

1. What

Section A: World Development

does HDI stand for and what are its 3 (specific) indicators? (4)
HDI- __________________________________________________________________
Indicator 1- ____________________________________________________________
Indicator 2- ____________________________________________________________
Indicator 3- ____________________________________________________________

2. Identify one cause of inequality in world development in each of the following categories: (2)
a. Political_________________________________________________________________________________
b. Environmental___________________________________________________________________________
3. Analyze the cartoon on the right. Explain its message about
world development. Include 3 specific critiques by the artist. (5)
4. Identify 4 characteristics of trade of LEDCs (4)
a. ________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________________
5. What is a quota? Who do they usually work against and why? (3)

6. Identify a reason that a country might need short term aid. (1)
7. Trading blocs remove or reduce tariffs and quotas for countries within the bloc; this creates
free trade, and encourages economic equality around the world Explain to what degree this
statement is true or untrue. Mention both underlined parts. (5)
8. Multiple choice, choose the best answer- Sustainable Development is (1)
a. A way of improving standard of living without harming the environment.
b. The idea that development should be constantly sustained until the year 2030.
c. A way to help the LEDCs achieve equality with the MEDCs by means of fair trade.
d. An idea developed by Bill Gates to eliminate all poverty in the world.
9. Multiple choice, choose the best answer- Comparative advantage is the economic idea that
a. Trading blocs such as ASEAN, NAFTA, and CAFTA-DR are taking the advantage away
from all LEDCs.
b. Countries should produce the products they make most efficiently in comparison to
other countries.

c. MEDCs should buy all primary goods from LEDCs in order to increase economic
d. The tertiary employment sector is primarily found in MEDCs, with the exception of
call centers.
10.In reality, the giving of long-term aid is often complex and controversial as it does not always
benefit the country to which it is given. Explain this statement mentioning at least 3
problems long-term aid can have for the recipient. (4)
Use the following three maps to answer question #11

Map 1

Map 2

*Digital natives are

networked youth
aged 15-24 years
with five or more
years of online

Map 3




*An ecological
footprint is the impact of a
person or community on the
environment. It is expressed
as the amount of land
required to sustain their use

11.Although globalization has many positive effects, it has negative ones too. On a separate
piece of paper, explain 2 negative impacts globalization can have on the world. Use at least 2
of the 3 maps above to support your ideas. (8)

Section B: Tourism
12.Identify 4 reasons that the tourism industry has grown dramatically since the 1950s? (4)
a. ________________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________________
13.Define leakage, in terms of tourism. Propose 3 ways to reduce leakage. (4)
a. Definition________________________________________________________________________________
b. Ways to reduce leakage
i. _________________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________________________

14.Describe the spillover effect, in regards to tourism. Identify one social and one economic
example of the spillover effect from the Barcelona case study. (4)
a. Description______________________________________________________________________________
b. Social example___________________________________________________________________________
c. Economic example________________________________________________________________________
15.What are primary and secondary tourist resources? Give an example of each found in Costa
Rica. (4)
a. Primary tourist resource___________________________________________________________________
Example in CR____________________________________________________________________________
b. Secondary tourist resource_________________________________________________________________
Example in CR____________________________________________________________________________

16.An airport built near Peninsula Osa could do the same as it did for Guanacaste.
On a separate piece of paper, discuss this statement. Include a description of mass
tourism in Costa Rica, as well as its social and environmental effects. Conclude by
proposing a suggestion to increase the sustainability of tourism in Costa Rica. (10)


Cover page- I chose to make a cover page for my exam for two reasons. One is to make it look
more formal and to increase the face value of the exam. If students see that the exam looks
serious, they are more likely to take it seriously and increase its validity. Another reason that I
chose to include a coversheet is to improve the security of the exam. When students finished
their exam, they were instructed to close it completely and leave it in front of them on their desk.
With the cover page their answers are protected. If the cover page was not included, students
might have wondering eyes and see their classmates answers.
Instructions- I often gave very vague instructions or even no instructions at all before this class.
Now I gave clear instructions about the exam in general and specific instructions for a few items.
Since I was not allowed in the exam during the exam I tried to anticipate the students doubts
and write detailed instructions. This increased the transparency of my expectations.
Points- Another way in which I increased transparency was including the point value of each
question. Also, if the question was worth more points, I gave it a larger space for the answer
(more lines). With the point value given and corresponding space given, students had multiple
ways to know my expectations.
Sections- Instead of question type, I chose to separate my test my content (one section for each
chapter covered). Since we covered one chapter per quarter, I wanted the exam to mimic that
same pattern. Additionally, the vocabulary for each chapter is very specific to that material and
can sometimes contradict with the definitions of the word in other chapters depending on their
context. By separating my sections by chapters, it was made clearer which meaning of the
vocabulary word was intended in each questions.
Skills are varied and separated- In this subject, the skills are separated by Blooms
Taxonomy. In the exam I tried to give a broad range of questions from identify and define, all the
way to evaluate and analyze. Within each section there are questions from both the high and low
levels. This helps to differentiate the students scores based on their achievement and
performance levels. Also, skills are tested in several formats
Clarity of expectations in questions- Within several questions (especially the long response
and essay questions) I bolded or underlined the key words and my expectations of their answers.
I did this to increase the transparency of my grading and focus students on the things I would
look for.
MCQ- Because of the nature of the course, there are very few multiple choice questions,
however the MCQs I asked were written to increase the level of thought required to answer and
not stick to identify level thinking. Within the answers I kept a constant length, formality, and

structure so that the answers wouldnt be discriminated based on factors other than student
knowledge. Also, I avoided give-away answers that might influence my students scores.
Maps have definitions- To increase validity and fairness for all students, I included definitions
for some words on the maps. Some of the maps used words that we havent discussed in class so
I didnt feel it was alright to penalize students for something that they havent been taught.
Relevant text (quotes)- In the exam I used several quotes of phrases as prompts for the
answer. I considered two things while choosing prompts: 1. Is this authentic? and 2. Is this
interesting for the students? In the end, I choose quotes straight from videos or readings from
class in areas that the students seemed to have lots of interest, including a quote about tourism
in Costa Rica which authentic and useful for their lives.

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