Remedial Test UH 1 English (Sem 2) A Police and Whistle

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Remedial Test

UH 1 English ( Sem 2 )
A police and whistle
Last week I took my five-year old son, Willy, to a musical
instrument store in my hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of
junior drum because his drum teacher advised me to buy him one.
Willy likes listening to music very much. He also likes asking me
everything he wants to know. Even his questions sometimes seem
precocious for a boy of his age. He is very inquisitive.
We went there by car. On the way, we saw a policeman standing
near a traffic light regulating the passing cars and other vehicles.
He blew his whistle now and then.
Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle, Willy asked me at once,
"Dad, why is the policeman using a whistle, not a drum?"
Hearing his unexpected question I answered reluctantly, "Because
he is not Phil Collins!"
1. What does the text talk about........
A. Willy and his new drum.
B. Phil Collins and his drum.
C. A policeman and his whistle
D. Willy's drum private teacher.
E. The writer's five-year old son.
2. Which sentence makes the text a funny story ........
A. He is very inquisitive.
B. "Because he is not Phil Collins".
C. He blew his whistle now and then.
D. He also likes asking me everything he wants to know.
E. "Dad, why is the policeman using a whistle not a drum?"
3. What to buy at the store Willy musical instrument ?
A. Guitar
D. Bass
B. Drum
E. Mic
C. Piano

We dont subscribe any Newspaper

Jack was a university student. He studies history. The end of
his first year, he failed in his examinations and he was told to leave
the university.

Please, Sir, give him another chance, said Jacks father.

You see, we dont subscribe any newspaper in our house, so none
of us even knew that Napoleon was sick.

Which of the following statement is true according to the text


Jack studies at university and economic is his major.


Jack was told to leave the university because he failed in

the exam.

C. Jacks father wanted his son to continue at other

D. The professor allowed him to study at university again.

There were a lot of newspaper in jacks house.


You see, we dont subscribe any newspapers in our

house,..( paragraph 5)

It seems that Jacks father did not have any money.

It seems that Jacks father did not work.
It seems that Jacks father was smart.
It seems that Jacks father did not know the story.
It seems that jacks father was lazy.


The next day, Jacks father went to see the professor to let
Jack continue his studies the following year.

he urged the professor to let Jack continue his studies

the following years.
The underlined work has the same meaning as

He is good boy, said Jacks father. and if you let him

pass this time, Im sure he will improve a lot next year and pass the
examination at the end of the year well.


D. look


E. return

No, No! Thats quite impossible! replied the professor.


Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon died,

and he could not answer it.

Whats wrong with your foot?

I stepped on a bee while I _____________ barefoot

through the grass. It stung me.


D. had run


Am running

E. have run

C. Was running


My daughter________ a lot of photographs of the

Borobudur when she went there on her last vacation.

Has taken

D. took


Has been taking

E. had taken

C. Would take


The artificial flower. . .from paper was sold in the

Which made
D. It was made
Was made E. who made
10. The girl is a Balinese. I was introduced to her.
The above sentences can be joined as follows: The
girl I was introduced is a Balinese.
to whom
D. which
E. that

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