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Most Immediate

Fax Message

Consulate General of Pakistan, Jalalabad

National Bank of Pakistan, Head Office, Karachi

17 March 2014(JAL)
President, NBP Head Office, Karachi from Consul General
Repeated to: i)
Gen. Manager, N.B.P, Kabul
Manager, N.B.P, Jalalabad


Arrest I Release of Mr. Muhammad Yousaf Khan, AVP, NBP, Jalalabad

Branch by Afghan authorities in April 2013.

Kindly refer to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad's letter No.AFG(1)-2013

April 2013, on the subject noted above, conveying therewith a copy of comprehensive
sent to you office, through the office of Director General (Afghanistan),

dated 29

MIa Foreign Affairs,



It would be recalled that this Mission has regularly been informing the efforts of this

Mission to the General Manager, NBP in Kabul and hopefully, the reports of the Mission must
have been referred by the NBP General Manager in Kabul to the Head Office ofNBP in Karachi.
The Mission is enclosing a copy of its letter of even number dated 17 March 2014, addressed to
the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, concerning controversial drawl of US$ 88,500.00
by Mr. Inamullah Khan (Afghan national) from Account No.FCA-741-4

from N.B.P. Branch,



It may be mentioned that this Mission drew the attention of NBP top management to the

following two issues:-



03 TT hacking cases from Jalalabad Branch, totaling US$ 364,000.00, and the amount
had been remitted by NBP authorities to Jalalabad Branch for payment to Afghan
Account holders (it did tarnish the image of Pakistani Bank in Afghanistan).


Controversial drawl of US$ 88,500.00 in 2012, which again created many theories of
conspiracies in the host country.

The top management in Karachi was kind to send a 02-member team for inspection of the Branch

and this Mission also facilitated the team in holding meetings with the concerned Afghan authorities, with
a view to determining the working of the branch. Sincere efforts of the Mission may kindly be seen in the


enclosure and I would like to render similar efforts in future in order to safeguard the legitimate interests
of the State Entity of Pakistan in a foreign country.

Your office is requested to kindly convey the outcome of the investigations

in the following two

cases for information of this Consulate General and the Embassy in Kabul:-



03 TT hacking cases, amounting DS$ 364,000.00. Also the outcome of efforts made by
the hired lawyers in DAE and elsewhere.


Disputed I mysterious drawl of US$ 88,500.00. The Mission intends to frustrate the other
party in Afghanistan, in a professional manner in order to ensure that such recurrence can
be avoided.

It will be appreciated if the above requested information could kindly be sent to this Consulate

General either directly or through the office of Director General (Afghanistan),



Mlo Foreign Affairs,

Diplomatic Bag

Consulate General of Pakistan



No. COM -44/20 13(JAL)


17 March 2014

Controversial drawl of US $88,500.00 by Mr. Inamullah Khan (Afehan

national) from Account No. FCA-741-4 from N.B.P Branch Jalalabad.

My dear Secretary,
This Mission is enclosing copies of diplomatic notes, sent to the local Afghan authorities,
on the subject noted above, and details as under:-

a) No.Pol-19/2013(JAL)
dated 02 June 2013
b) No.COM-44/2013(JAL)
dated 10 July 2013
c) No.Pol-19/2014(JAL)
dated 16 March 2014


It would be recalled that the enclosure contains a copy 'of confession statement of the

above said Afghan national, addressed to Director Afghanistan,

Islamabad, mentioning

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

that he is from District Bannu, KPK, Pakistan. The enclosure also

contains copies of his valid Afghan Passport, with valid visa for Pakistan, issued from this
Consulate General. The Afghan side has been explained that there is no such agreement, under
which nationals of both the countries, can retain double citizenship. Therefore, Afghan side has
been requested to provide a copy of his Pakistani citizenship, surrendered to Afghan authorities,
when he opted for Afghan nationality 1 citizenship. The above mentioned Af~han national, after
intermediate level education from Bannu, sought admission in "Nangarhar Engineering College"
and accomplished his education from Afghanistan.


He is married to an Afghan lady, and despite best efforts: of this Consulate General, he

could not be arrested by Afghan authorities, being alleged inthe fraudulent

drawl of US$

88,500.00 from NBP Branch in Jalalabad. He submitted a petition against the Manager of the
branch, who was arrested by Afghan police, and sent to Jalalabad Jail for couple of days. The
Consul General took up the matter with the local Governor, and the Representative

Office of the

local Foreign Office in Jalalabad, for the release of the Assistant Vice President of the Bank, in
which the Mission succeeded. The Mission informed the Ministry, the Embassy in Kabul and the
NBP authorities

in Karachi

about Mission's

efforts. Recently,

the matter has also been

investigated by 02-member team, sent by NBP top management The forensic report in this


regard, received from Pakistan also confirmed that Engineer Inamullah had commited an act of
forgery, while drawing amount of US$ 88,500.00, and again demanded the amount after about
one year. He did bribe the local authorities,

and created embarrassment

for Pakistan and

Pakistani entity in Jalalabad.


The Mission sent comprehensive

report to NBP, Karachi Main Office, through the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad, informing that some local Afghan employees of the
Bank were also involved in commission of crime. The Mission also blamed the senior
official of the Bank for poor supervision, and recommended


a probe. Reliable sources have

confirmed that the above mentioned Afghan national, who is basically from Pakistan, was
cultivated by the local intelligence operatives, being influenced by Indian lobby in Jalalabad, to
tarnish the image of Pakistani Bank, operating well in Jalalabad since its opening in 2004. There
is no Indian Bank in Jalalabad, and its functioning could not be digested by Indian lobby.


The Mission realized that the Afghan authorities would not afford to lay hands on Engr.

Inamullah, as he was supported by special ones in Afghanistan.

Last week, I met the Chief

Justice of Nangarhar Province, and convinced that the inquiry conducted in the matter, was not
transparent and credible, since the Prosecutor General of the province had arrested only Pakistani
officials of the Bank. The Bank had also submitted a report to the local authorities, alleging
Engr. Inamullah and another employee of the Bank, who had assisted Mr. Inamullah in drawl of
the said amount, but both were not arrested / investigated.


The Chief Justice stood convinced and he instructed the Anti-Corruption

the one sided inquiry back to the Prosecutor

Judge to re-send

General, to initiate another independent


transparent inquiry. The inquiry is likely to commence this week, and the above said both
Afghan nationals would be arrested and investigated, along-with officials of NBP Branch in
Jalalabad. It will not be out of place to mention that the local Governor's Office was approached
for fresh investigation of the case, and the Governor also instructed the Prosecutor General for
fresh and transparent inquiry. The Chief Justice was informed that unilateral action only against
the bank is likely to undermine bilateral relations between both the states. It was also conveyed
that 04 NBP branches were opened by Pakistan in 2004, including in Jalalabad, on request of
Afghanistan in 2002 at the forum of Joint Economic Commission (JEe) between Pakistan and




are as under:-


Our NADRA authorities should block or cancel CNIC, if issued to Engineer

Inamullah S/O Mr. Sadrudin.


The petitioner, who created embarrassments for State Entity (NBP), must be
placed on the "Negative List" for future visa facilities at Pakistan's Missions
"Engr. Inamullah S/O Mr. Sadrudin, Passport No.OA-1537897,
Nangarhar on 05-03-2013, valid till 04-03-2018"

(Habib-ur-Rehman Chaudhary)
Consul General
The Secretary,
Ministry of Interior,
Copy for information to:i)

H.E. the Ambassador,

Embassy of Pakistan,


Director General (Afghanistan),

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Officer In-charge,
Crisis Monitoring Cell (CMC),
Ministry of Interior,


issued from

Special Messenger
2nd Reminder
Consulate General of Pakistan

16 March 2014

The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan presents its

compliments to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Nangarhar, and has the honour to refer to
former's earlier notes of even number dated 02 June and 10 July 2013, copies
enclosed (self-explanatory), regarding irregularity of US$ 88,500.00 occurred at
NBP Branch, Jalalabad.
It is requested that Ministries for Home and Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
may kindly be approached for the surrender of petitioner's Pakistani citizenship for
its onward forward to the concerned Pakistani authorities in Islamabad. It would be
recalled that there is no agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan, under which
nationals of these two countries can opt for double nationality. Therefore, Engr.
Inamullah S/O Mr. Sadruddin from District Bannu of Pakistan has committed the
. double crime, for which his statement of confession could be seen from his
. correspondence conducted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad.
The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan avails itself of
this opportunity to renew to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the assurances of its highest

Representative Office,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
N angarhar .(Jalalabad)


Special Messenger


Consulate General of Pakistan


No. Pnl-19/2013(JAL)

02 June 2013

The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan presents its

compliments to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan, Nangarhar, and has the honour to state that this Consulate
General has come to know that Engr. Inamullah S/O Haji Sadruddin, who has submitted a
petition against the NBP Branch, Jalalabad, alleging irregularity of US$ 88,500.00,
basically hails from Bannu District of KPK, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Mr. Inamullah had completed his intermediate from Pakistan, before he managed to
seek admission in Nangarhar. In one of his meetings with the Consul General, he had
admitted about the information provided above. Under Pakistan and Afghanistan law,
nobody fromboth countries is allowed to retain double nationality. It is requested that the
concerned Afghan authorities may kindly be approached to instruct Mr. Inamullah to
surrender his Pakistani citizenship and Pakistani Passport to this Mission for its onward
surrender to the concerned interior authorities in Islamabad. Incase, he surrendered his...
Pakistani nationality and citizen certificate to Afghan authorities, a copy of certificate may
be provided to this Mission. Copies of his valid Afghan document and Tazkara are
enclosed for the kind convenience.
The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the assurances of its highest consideration.

Representative Office,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
Nangarhar (Jalalabad).

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No. COM-44/2013(JAL)

10 July 2013

The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan presents its

compliments to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Nangarhar, with reference to former's earlier note
No.Pol-19/2013(JAL) of 02 June 2013, concerning irregularity of US$ 88,500.00
occurred in NBP Branch, Jalalabad, and has the honour to enclose a set of
correspondence conducted by an Afghan national with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Pakistan.
It will not be out of place to mention that Engr. Inamullah Khan has
mentioned in his petition of 03 July 2013 (duly signed), addressed to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Islamabad that he is from District Bannu of KPK, Pakistan.
Interestingly, the Mission has already provided copies of his valid Afghan passport
with Pakistani visa on it. The Mission understands that any individual is duty bound
to conduct correspondence with any foreign country through the institutions of his
motherland, not directly. The case of irregularity in the NBP Branch, Jalalabad is
under investigation by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Nangarhar, and the
Afghan national was supposed to show patience till the conclusion of the inquiry,
which is in the pipeline.
It is requested that the matter may kindly be referred to the Ministries of
Foreign Affairs and Interior in Kabul, with a view to holding a formal inquiry about
the conduct of the national. As requested earlier, copies of his citizenship,
surrendered to the Afghan authorities, at the time of opting Afghan nationality, may
kindly be sent to this Mission for its transmission to the concerned quarters in
The Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan avails itself of
this opportunity to renew to the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the assurances of its highest

Representative Office,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
Nangarhar (Jalalabad).

~; ..... .

\ J.I

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P. 1



Most Immedi3te

Parep Kabul
Parep Jalalabad




Foreign Islamabad
9:t. July 2012

Repeated to Assistant Director (Afg-n)

For Consul


Fraudulent Withdrawal ofUSS 88:~iOOfrom National Bank,

Jalalabad Branch. Afghani.~tan

Enclosed herewith is a copy of Ministry's fax message No.Afg.(II)1/2/2013 dated



July 2013 alongwith its enclosures on the above subject.

The Mission is requested to update the Ministry about the present

status of the. case with a copy to this Mission.

Enci: As aboYe

(Shah Nazar Khan Africi)
Second Secretary
Please: issue:
~.2iJ.1munie:atil)n As~i5tatlt








L ,.' ! j

Mo~t Inul1~dil\te


Foreign lslamab~d

\ \{L-t~~


Perep Kabul

--6Lt/ b(,

Afg, CO) ~ 1/2/2013

July 41 101S


HOC from Assistant

HtilUSb. Afghanistan.


Director (Afg~m

'US$ 88'S,OO from .National

BUDk. JalaJabnd

Please refer to Parcp Ialalabad's faJ'. message No. F'ol-19l20J2012 Oat) dned May 18,
2013 and enclosed please find a seli-expla:itlt.ory

application received from Bngr, Inarcul.oh

Khan zk: Scdnr ud Din, regarding the subject.


The Mission is requested to update [hi l\.finistl}1 regardin~ tae mauer.

Encl: As Abo""



~+'uya~ hrnad


Pb:- 0223643



Syed Haider Shah.

Director (Argha.nl~atl)~
Ministry ofForeiaJ1 Affair~

$ . blSOO'"



Resp~tfull.Y~ it is srated that the undersigned

is serving in

.Afghanistan fur the last 2~Z5 years with World Bank" UNHC~ alld German
projects etc., presently with. USAID. Kabul as a Senior Irrigation Enilncer. The
salary earned by me were!, ure depcsited.in the National Bank, JlUalaba4 E~nc,h,
Afghnistan under

usn Ale ND.741-4 and has all the receipts

and steternenrs.


On 2703-2013, it came to know that someone hAS fro.udulently-

withdrawn US

~s~SOOfrom my account in connivance with Bank Officers with


irrelevant s~ature
one is

listcnlng me,


end cheque No.3931 of other person. Insplte of my struggle, ao

therefore, under the compulsion circumstances I. have to seek.

help with the hop~ that ftauduI~ntly withdrawal of US $ 88:500 may be

unearthed through your good offices and obliged please.


It ii also pointe4 out th~t National Bank, JiUa[abad, AfghaclstUl


for such SCandals.

(Bugx-. Inam~llah Khan)

5/0 Sadar-ud ..D~
.District:, :e~u~'P~tan
Pre,ently ir, Senior Irriglltion
. Engineer, USAID Kabul, Afghanistan.
(Cell No.OO~1~~2S4219)

Dated; 3Td July, 2013

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