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Sixteenth Senate

Minutes Thursday 06 September

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 4:07pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Delon, Moon, Wiggins, Richards, Webster,
Weiss, Bartles.
Chair: Gibson.
Recorder: Delon.
Guests in Attendance: Dr. Sue Peabody, George McCoy.
Excused absence: None.
Unexcused absence: None.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda


IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes


VI. Reports
A. President McCoy: None.
B. Vice President Gibson: Meeting will be handed over to Delon at 4:30PM.

VII. Old Business

A. Bill 16.003: Delon does first reading. Bartles moves to second reading, Wiggins
seconds. McCoy reads his veto. Bartles asks to give Dr. Peabody time to speak in
defense of the bill. Dr. Peabody speaks on behalf of the bill. Bartles states that incidents
over which the bill was vetoed should be avoided in the near future, but that in such an
instance should be allowed the money they were to receive from the bill. Bartles moves
to vote on the bill.
Bartles – aye
Wiggins – nay
Baireuther – aye
Richards – aye
Webster – nay
Moon – aye
Weiss – aye
Delon – aye

Veto overturned 5-2-0.

B. Bill 16.002: First reading by Weiss. Bartles moves to second reading, Delon seconds,
motion passes. Bartles asks if this bill is associated with a club. Wiggins answers and says
Sixteenth Senate
Minutes Thursday 06 September
that yes this from the Anthropology club. Bartles says that the amount requested should be
broken down on the bill so ASWSUV can see where the money is being spent. Bartles
moves to form Senate committees so bill could be reviewed. Delon seconds. Motion passes.
D. Senate committees are divided as follows:
External: Delon, Weiss
Programming: Delon, Weiss, Wiggins
Rules & Regulations: Bartles, Webster, Weiss
Finance: Wiggins, Moon, Richards, Baireuther, Webster, Weiss

VIII. New Business

A. Senate Appointments: Lisa Marko and Eileen Graham are both presented as appointees for
the two open Senate positions. Sarah Nunnally, another appointee was unable to make the
meeting due to work conflict. Wiggins asks if Nunnally will be able to attend Thursday
meetings. McCoy answers that this will only be a one-time conflict due to the recent meeting
time change.

D. Bill 16.003: First reading by Delon. Delon moves to second reading, Wiggins seconds,
motion passes. Concern is raised about the ASWSUV paying current WSUV staff. Dr.
Narayanan is removed from the list of lecturers in Sec. 1 due to being a current WSUV staff
member. Sec. 1 revised. Passes 7-0-0.
E. Webster brings up the possibility of setting up an MRC picnic. Richards moves to
discussion, Delon seconds. Financial and logistics of the event are discussed.

VIII. Announcements
A. Senate has scheduled a special meeting at 4:00 pm on Thursday the 14th instead of
attending the meeting usually scheduled for Monday.

X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 4:47pm.

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