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Only the cold space surround the pilot cabin, a deep chill runs in the back of

the pilot as the voice of the woman still echoed in his ears. She was his teacher
and mechanic, and almost he got a date with her.
You still dont know what to do, Edwin?" The IA of the robot it was still
doubting of the success of the mission.
"I still question myself why the bugs dont kill me already?" Edwin laughed
himself to that question. It doesnt matter because he dont have any
opportunity against them without the goddess sword and returning home. They
know it and they wanted him to suffer. He doesnt care anymore about that, he
thinks about how the war starts three years before. How he was solo-in an
enemy that looks like endless. The humanity spend three years until he found
the queen. He was watching her right now, he only feels anger. He never
wanted to fight against them, but they threaten the planet and his life.
The humanity never understood the reason behind the attacks. But that
doesnt matter anymore. The Ragnii, Gargantuan arthropod bugs that looks like
spider with rockets in their butts. The only distinction with spiders from earth,
was the hive type organization. That, their giant sizes and their willingness to
devour everything in their way.
In the top of the hive was the Queen. Which have, half the size of the moon
and looks like a Tarantula. The next step in the pyramid was the Mothers,
they were spawned directly by the mother. With the diameter of tens of square
kilometers, they were though to the bone. Each of them was a planet
conqueror, who prepares the planet to their mother.
They were called Mothers, as they breed the rest of hive. That includes
soldiers, workers and male that inseminates them. Every Mother got a separate
intellect from the queen, but they respond to telepathic orders from her.
They were highly adaptive, and they can formulate traps and strategies. As
Edwin check that on multiple occasions. And their queen was capable of
feelings, as she demonstrate with their conducts.
I think she wants you to suffer watching how she devours your planet as
revenge for her children, I calculate that we have 10 minutes before they
launch the final attack. Again I ask you, what you want to do, Edwin? The
voice speak in calmly female voice. His companion for three years. Three years
of training and battles, where he sacrifice every free time to study military
tactics, physics and other signatures to fly the best he can trough the space to
fight them.
His mind drifted to his family on earth, to the command center of the WRDF
(World Ragnii Defense Forces) and all the people he left behind. You got a
point There, What are our status VI?"
Left arm severed, all other members are still working. Shields to thirty five.
Life support system, still an hour remain. Ammo depleted, no grenades,
missiles or tactic explosives remains. Fly system still working. The reactor still

works to his ninety percent of capability, the fuel remaining is about 60

percent. Is this enough or you want a more detailed examination? The
emotionless voice of VI stills await the orders of Edwin, her only pilot.
No, its enough with that info. But why you draught our flying status in the
end. Are you suggesting that we flight away from the battle, VI?
I only suggested that, in order to satisfy the second and third directive.
Because the first one is impossible to accomplish in the actual situation.
Open a communication with the command center. I need to confirm a few
A holographic screen appears in front of him, it shows a room with consoles
and computers, where a group of people are scared to death. A few were with
military uniforms and rifles in their faces waiting for the end, the rest of them
were dressed in lab coats, some were praying the others were crying.
Command Center, please respond, whats your status? Edwin asks to the
men and woman of the room.
What are you doing Edwin, you need to get the fuck off this galaxy. Or you got
no more fuel? A blonde beauty in lab coat orders him. Natalia Wise, was her
name. The head mechanic and scientist of the VI project, also girlfriend of
The command center and the earth are almost in a state of total devastation,
the main cities falls initially.
The pulses destroys all of our defenses, and we are awaiting to total
There is no more hope in this planet, and you got no more weapons to go
against them. So why the hell are you still here?
Go to the omega station, you are our only hope of winning this war.
Please just go there! The tears start to fall from the eyes of Natalia as she
says those words. She knew that his boyfriend will fight to the end. She doesnt
fear her death. Her only fear was that she isnt going to kiss him again.
I just need to see your face for a last time. I just got a question, every limb of
VI got a mini reactor? Edwin ask with a resolute face.
Yes, it facilitates the articulation process but their output is minimum if this is
what you think, if you got time for silly questions then get out of here
Thanks for your answer and I am really sorry I cant accomplish my promise
with you. I got three things I want to request you
What the hell are you talking? Get out of here, you fool!!
The first one, erase all images of myself. I dont want to be remember like
that. Every photo you got is a horrible picture of me.

Stop talking please, I dont want you to say those things. Please just leave
The second one, please protect my family and say to them that I love them
No more please, I dont want th. She is unable to finish her words, because
tears drowned them.
Everyone in the room were asking themselves why he is saying those things
and start to talk.
And the third thing, is the most selfish I want to ask you. Please move forward
and forget me. I want you to be the happiest person in the world. And forgive
for not being able to be in that date I also wanted to taste the chocolate
parfait He just click on a button and the transmission stopped in the room.
That was four things, you cheater And she starts to cry without stopping, as
the people of the command center starts to work on a live image from the
Only a single tear falls from his right eye.
Vi are you ready to accomplish the first directive, even if it goes against the
other two?
Your wishes are my command, just like always Edwin.
I like that answer VI, form the energy shield on the right hand and give it a
triangular form. Start to accelerate the left thruster, from the ten percent to the
maximum output in a period of ten seconds. When it reaches the 60 percent of
capability, starts the main engine and give me full power in direction to the
bitch. Adjust the angle and tangential velocity to adjust the collision course in
direction to the place with more power input. For the last one, start the music
because is time for my last riff, and the frigging bug need to feel the rhythm
Like a bullet, the giant robot, transformed in a giant laser drill, flies in direction
to the queen.
When the queen devise the threat, is too late. She sends every Ragnii trying to
stop it. But is impossible, the high rotational speed prevents the robot to stop
giving it a momentary invincibility breaking through every type of barrier that
the Ragnii tries to improvise
More power, burn everything we got. Dont give them a single opportunity.
HAHAHA. I am the fucking grim reaper, hear my guitar He was in a fury.
Inside of the cabin, Lordi sounded with all the volume giving the last frenzy of
the battle.
On the last thousands of kilometers he started to sing along with group.
The grim reaper played guitar
His bony fingers cold and stiff.

The sonic thunder froze my heart

As he cranked out the RIIIIIFF!!!!
As the boy finish his song. The drill crash against the gargantuan bug, in a
specific zone in her giant back. Where the Mothers was incubated and born.
Thanks to the strange process that surrounds the process of birth, the crash
generates a mini singularity, that blows up itself in less than a second,
swallowing the queen, him and every bug in that zone of space in a sphere of
heat and fire. In the subsequent years, the explosion will cause a severe
evaporation in the oceans, which will lead to an extreme climatic change in the
earth, but that is history for another time.
The day when the Ragnii queen meets her fate was the 21/03/2021, was
marked forever as the day of the Great Illumination in the annals of human
The humanity will remember every sacrifice made in this war.
The lover will cry for her beloved.
The humankind join others alien races in celebration for the defeat of the
dreaded enemy, and will give the thanks to the hero, Edwin Horas, for the
ultimate sacrifice.
The years will pass, the winters will come and go. The spring blooms.
The wars will starts again, and the necessity for a hero will be responded.
At the six p.m. on the 25/03/2530, the radars of Earth localize an object in
flames entering the atmosphere of earth at high speed, only to crash with the
surface of the earth.

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