Single-Dome (Contrucao Com Adobe)

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bagShelter- DomeComPonents

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"everynan and woan

s a doctotand a buldel
to heal and shelterthemselves'


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:, I ' E R




Above:Whenearth is p led up lt naturaly

fornrsa cone,tlre shapeof a mountan. The
c onic aor dom e ds h a p e s th e n a tu ra r
strlcture ofeanhen raterial n harmony
wlth gravity.Ad ts slope ls caled the
eanh' s" angleof r p o s e . T h s s tru e w thn
the grvltyof erth.and so kLreon
r her oonor M rs n db e to .d ,w thth u
ownang of r ep o s e .

It is a pri\-ilegeto di8 the earthor under our feetnd build. A Pile of

earlh bccones a playgr-ond {or thc dcsiSners irnaginatiorl, from
which a shelter will be crcrted{or the bod)' nd soul.

t h e e n hu n d ry o u fe e t.
R ght : D88Lng
d f i I nAs m | p o tso r b u c l e tsl o e s m l
pot equas abou to n es rro v eme a s u re ).




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A bove:A sl rel ters handbrLt by si u' l ents,
i j ggi rgend passng potsof eadh !D to the

r\.ilhhunrn Inowlcdl:e,healtlv
. 1. ,,1rrih 'h.ll(r g,r(nrs.
-.1 tr,rn1N)rk. Shcllos(irn bc hnctbtilt, {nrcsrnallPot .1t
iter .!\rllrcl




t . .i;::.

l l e otearthd | l rnj shcs.w h l e l he
dorcdS !peradobe/sandbag
she1egrow s

t oolsn e e d e di o b u l d .
Abov e: T he

Lont Bags (Tubing)

.\ s)


The long bags rvhidl 1nal<eSuperadobecoils are the fabrjc tubing

bcfore it is cut and ser^'nlnto smll standard s;u1dbags.The matcr-ial
most commolily used today for sandbagsis rvor.en poll,'propylcne, a
typc of plastic material. This mated], dependint on its UV (ultraviolct) rating, lvill disintegrate $hen exposed to direct sunshine. Commonly used bags havc an averate of 300 tA, rvhich means that they
will start to brcak dollar after 300 hours of exposure to slm.
Natrl ibcrbags, such as burlap or jlrte fabric are normal\'
sprayed with toxic dmical preservatives such as formaldehyde. They
re also rorc prone to molcl and insects.
To safekccp thc polypropylene bags ).ou must {Lsi store them
protecled against sunlight. Aftcr construction d to la-sta long time,
evenyeaE, you must plasld anv surfaccwhich is cxposedto s1 ight
be{ore drc 300 hours is reachcd. Thc pol).propylc'nc fibcrs naking e
bag are extremely strong rvhcn n$v- You should not bc ablc to breal
three of more strands togcthcr no ratto- how stlong yo are.
While this book tcachcs how to build rvith the long bags, the same
structuresand landscapingcan bc built using small standardsand
bags (seeAppendix trl SmaI Bagt.

t\l 1A

l .l l .l - tl .i l .-li llt

i H

Above.set !p yourbgro I andbarbedwrc

to esiyunro| nd(ut offmesureo
, .-ols and

Preparingto Build

::iler vour tc'olsand set up your constructi(narea:

. ;ll .l l.l l0 in. h wid. \upcrrclbe lubrn{ ur -mll cndb'!r'- re LrL\'I.on lhr ruhrn8drc J lcel dP.rI or onc pdle lo guidc Mth
\ roll ol +point, hvo sfrand barbed \vie.
nl 2 llull .lr.lln. lungcrlh llredurnedinrcler'
\ . ,r,rl'.r.-L\
-r"l.rl ;ng- .md l\vrtpon\ or .tJlc- {PPen(t\ lV: Cnmp'r*)
A krlifc or scissorsto cut the bat lnaterial (scisso prcfcrrc't)'
I'licrs or liolt cutters to cul barbcd wirc.
Snll cnlpty pots (coffee cans or small buckets are a 8()od size)'
\ lrnlpirrgio;l tflumbcr'. I'unp(1or homemJdeLrmPcr)
'. ' .',ri . - x ,ncti drameterp'p{i .b(ruL14- 20 mch(* long

slzes.Agoodformhasa haclle(a

:x tololvin,l additionalclementsare optional:

: rrPortlalldemert or' lin1ecement({or stabiliTcdeah)
:: \fork gloves(plstic glovesfor stabilizedcarth and reptiles)
:lrPlastjc sheehngor a tarP
:: r \\:terpr@{ingcoffPound sch as sphalt.
: l| Trorvel.
: i r A sarv of metal t\,lre
-tClass o plrsticIor 'lvindorvs
'-,rrA door oanelof wood o mctal; a carpetor hcaly cloth.
lLrr AnY otlier t@ls shorvn in this book ae also oPtional

r I ti A I) 0 ll r" - s A N D ll A G 3 | | fi i. l ll li


Right: Dryeanh o the s te.

Below:D gg ng downfor asupply of earth

Afterraln it is moist and readyto use.

Eat/Soil Samples and Tests

To find out rhat kind o{ earth (soil)you have on your siteyou necd to
do some simplc ficld tests.Mirnlg the earth in a jar of water and
lctting it seitlewill shorvyou its cornpositronin l)crs At ihe bottonl
\vill be gravel and lalge grains of sand, {ollorved by srnaller Srains of
sand thcn silt and finally clay at the top. The clay hich suspends in
the muddy rvatermay tke severlhours to settle.
Basedon this jar tcst you mlrst decidc whether you arc goint tol
) Use moistened calth atone {or tcrnporar,v structrc (if it has
enough da)' to slick together lvell)
b) Stabilize )'our earth with cemenl lime, asphalt emulsion, or other
stabilizct for a more Pcrnanent strucfurc
For permancnt structurcs such s these encrgcncy shelters of
8-12{t.diarctcr,the earthrix shouldresistcrosionby lvater ancl

Right:Stabiizedeadh samplesn plasiic


Be owi Theja r test. Placea hadfu ol eath

ntoajar of water,closethejaf, then shake
Left:Afterthe earth lras settled,look ior
layersffom gravelandcoarsesand,io fer

Noie: Formass emergencyshelter

projects,a professionasoils
laboratoryshoud cletermietheright

r.ct r1! n dl le,r.l\00 p\r (puund\per.qurcInch)(omprc..i\e

Inu'l hHmddelo
.1 , | ..,n,l,rrln lrdclirr;nJ.,dhcb! t'
::{: thc mixture'sstrengthand water resistacc.
Ihe follor\ing steps dcternline a suitable stabillzed earth mixtu-re
ah)se Yor stabilizer. For-sandy soil, cecnt or lirne arc besl. For
rdobc/clay soils, lime or asphalt emulsion arc mor suitablc
I \ Iale a sample miature. For erample, mix 10 cups of ea h wi 1
cup o{ cement and add !\,?ier to a rnoist mrcldy consistency
: Pa& ihis mi\trlc firni) into threc plastic i:ips.
) ,.
Let the sarnplesdry il1 the shade.
*rer several days, take off the cPs and put the samples into a
fu the sarnplesdo not erode in the lvater alter 3 davs, then that rnix
is good {or filing thc bags.
ll necded, educe or incrcasc the percentagc of stabizcr'.

' l :i . l

..: ,

if. .

Lefti Testinga stab lzed earth sampe ]n

L r ! R A ll{l } t l'. - 5A ND}A

l; 9}i a 1 l- lt


Right:Addng waterto eanh (no cerneml

Using the Earth Mix

Stabilized carth mai be ni{ed by hand or by machine First' remove
anv large rocks bt kep the Sravel.
'Theleme'nt or lime must e consistcnt\ n1ied rvith thc ea-rthand
water. Poflland cernent js pre{elably tixed dIV with tlrc earth before
addine water--Litnc must be first mixed with ivater, thcn mixcd \^4th
the ea;th.BcforeLrsingthc stabiljzedeafih, chcckihat the stabilizelis
thoroghly mixed rvith thc earth and cvenly moistencd'
For-un;tabllized ealth slmPll' add water urtil it is cver y rnoistcned
Above:[,4easudngacanlblcket ot cement
or lrmefor mak ng stabilizedearth
cal mjxingofstab zedeaatfr
in a plaster/concretemrxer'

I H Ai-ll.l

a..{a -:.:

iil f!

xlnAedh, cement,d water n a

wheebar to mahestab lLzedeadh

the Mixture
el to ensurethc malnnunr
''ri eathmil shouldbe moist but not
sqcezethe mL\ in yo hand
::r.rh of the ca-rth
yet does not ip water'
:: cluit form ba]l tilat does
lvhen tampcd' ad lvi[
Il ii is too dry, the carth
fluid !\hcn
.t hardc'n insje the baSs lf
it has hardened'
akinS it diffic;lt to
{or buildis
io assureyirrself that the
::i:] sqricezeseveral samPles
Above:Siabllzed eaith mix readyto 0e
Left:Squeezingtocheck lthe eaftn rs
readyto be plt into the bags


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ofa typical

A SINGLE DOME: Layout and Oenttion

1) SeeAppendix

An 8 ft. to 12 ft. inteior diameter (2.5 m to 3.5 m) dome uses 14" inch
to 16" inch wide bags and can be built in one to sevm days by a team
of three to sevm, one of whom is trained in the system.

2) Theentrywalls
canbe addedatthe end
of the domeconstructiori,
builtalongwiththe domefora more

To locate a dome/shelter on a piece of land, a {ew basic Finciples

must be considered:
a) Place the door away from harsh winter winds, but let your
windows catch the summer breeze.
b) Locate the door and windorvs ar'ay foom the hot snnner sun
from the wesL yet invite the wanning sun from the soth in winter
(nothem hemisphere). Find shade for hot climates.
c) Place the dolne away from water such as sheamt swampy
gon4 or rainwater runoff, and avoid soft organic soils.
d) Building on a hilside, you must provide enough footings and
retaining \,\.dls (indding weepholes) to prcvent the dome from
sliding down the hil or being exposed to mud slides.
Cled and level the building site
Clear away any plnls and organic materials such as compost, leaves,
twits, o mdch. Organic materials should not b put inside the bags
nor should foundalions be built on it. Dig do!,n until you reach the
natural earth and sef aside all the orqanic material.




Left:c earngand l evel i ngthesi te Thr ee

D eooeafe an dea bui di ngteam'nowever
it is possibleto buiLda dome with two or



''' en the areais clearcd you cn levcl ihe carth rcad] for the base

itn'in thesestrctursstartsr\ithone circle'To beSrnthe

. r \ .hcllcr toLr, Jn l.rke I nrcceuf roPHch nr "rbl( 'd
- ..r.1., dnd .ldrl h) d d\;ng r ( rfcleun lhe liround Ol'lHn
: lldien and adultsto
:.:rr their boctys lerylh, then add t$'o more feet Tlis will be the
. :: thei| shclter'
- . riur iheltcr is eight to ten feet in diamcter, you must set the
.-::l' r,i rour chaintii four to file {eetand usc it as a radiusto draw

Left: Drawlnga crcleon the eath usinga

centerstake. a chaln,and a rod


5Att t)t{l;



Above:Hamrneringthe center compass

stake into the gro!ndRlght(above):N4arkngtwo
circ e Ines on
the groLrnd,
to positionthe domewal before
d ggingthe foundaton.

Set up the Center Copass

A cornpassis needcd to createthe geometry of the dome. This is a tool
attached in the dorne center whidr measurcs every ring of Superdobe
asyou build.
In this chapter you lvill seea) a chain compass,or b) a piece of
pipe which swivelsaround t] domc center.Sedre 'Cornpass"
chapter on how to set up your corpass.
In the beginning, the center compass is markd at thc dome radius
Usnrg the center compass,mark two circles on thc ground for the
inside :nd outside of your Supcdobedome watl.

RghtiA chain is attachedwith a r g onto a

r.etal centerpost-Two meta I nks a low it






A bove:Leve gl hc trenol w
r rtr
i orn.{tirt: Di8 lrench and Lcvcl thc Basc
q oLr lb( ' l' v c f n I hf l i v (, .i f.l t \ l () rrr.rl ( l (,rrc l . rti ()r1f(nrh foLr(l
Irr.l l( iwi. l. |l
l l ) i n .| l \(l (rl )(l (f
rrs l 0 l t.i nsi ck rl i rnr(l (f
. , !r{r . l\ r l ll( r r lh 1 11) n r, s i (l (,1 (nh l i l (l i rg l 1 ,!, n.l r l ( sl | |c thl
rf l r dr h i\ lc v c l i n (l !v (,l lr(n n p c l ((1 .Yl n r (,rr (1x\1.l h( l { v(l tsi nB
..i l rr r lf r s l( v ( l n( l s l r.r8 h l c n l l h (rl r!o 1 )rl (r
/ r" oLri i r r\( w rl (!
. r rl r n . lc 8lh ( n ,l c f (L rb rn Bs,rn .c !l | f l \v .)s 1i (l \ l h, i rnf
..L , ir ! , r i \ , r ly liy
. t ) ,u l l v l i l l i n S \1 )L fl o rrrl i l rn rtr r(hi vi h!vl cf,
..,r n ( t r lly s ( { i l i n v ,!(,s fc l () h r8 h r, l ( ) krv.
\ ! r . ll s hc ller u P l o l l ) rl In s l (l c(l r.n r(l c f,w il h l l u( l \v,tl l ' , !vi l l
- l lr nr n nr c ( l . r s | ]c (r.ll ()u n (l l n f l l l J w c v c f.r l rs !vi rr l o !(,i rl
. fn! i! f c hy s ( r l! , l f(J /c s u b s o i l ,s o i l s !\,h i .h .) fc cf({ l i n!, .1
.rrb .ir li q, { ! v c ' r ' yw L ' l s u b s o i l s .ti n l fg o f, n ro fc
Pcfnr.rncnt!l fu.l ].| fcs
', 1t \ r n( l l( ) n dc 5r 8 nru s l trf d p l o d l o (1 rp ewrl h l h( | .r l i ful r \i l o

Len(.bovc):D ggngthe rol ndl of t r r c r

l eft (beow ):tl sgw tcfro fi nithc lcvcl

tseow :A !l l err1l ve10tl i echa| r,a pipii
cornpassan s atl achedl o postar r d

. i. r a lt rl

,r,! ti it)ft ,, 1, .. )t: t : 1.t.).





Compact the Base

Abovean.l rght: Tamplngthefo!ndato

rre nc haf t er t has bc e n e v c !e da n dth c

1hc bsc of thc loncltion lfonch musi Lrrnristcncd n.l frlrnly

.()n fctc.l . l ' he l o(t bci ng ustd i s P l trnrb.! l nrP rf w hi rh 's
(nr c is nol
,tc nc' l .rl l vsocll o corl P cl orth i nl ( P l unrbi ng l renchf! l l
i ri l bl c, si nri l r trrrl c.1nbo m.r(l r l i n l tl )i rrt Ovrtl l your 1r 'f nch
\h o l .l Lrr f.ri ri yl cvcl , btrl rrri nof urtl uLrl xnrs11' crct)l bl e'
A (l oepcl foundl rorr trcrr.h, l (n Lrtri l di nSP fl l ! i nl (t l ho(r lh,
i n \ D r()vcsth. sl fuc{ ufl stbi l i l ) (f l hr dom n.l 8i vcs hc' l l (f in\ ol
l ro ; l (nn hcl nl l col d A fngr (n () l r rn(h( s (l ffl h i s i cl c' llt ) r n
l 2 fl . cl .rtrnt(1 (l ()nx' .Il (tr!.vf| , rri n rvl cf rl rrsl l r( drvffl ((i w v
l (ss P rr li' l
l r( rI thc (l l N (l (!' w y, n1l i i 8 {l (\' P t! 1(nrncl tr(!rs
rvl 1t ,lvlli'h
l | c tfrn.h
o, snr l|

s h ()ul dbo brri l l
hr r t lun{
c r1 l ryrvi th
('orcf8(lrcv nlfih(xl )
\'Vhon Lruilding irthr vcr'-vt|,v cfth t]o lfcn!h sh(itrl(l hc sol(Ll
rv ith w l cf .l ufi ng (rrsl furtnrrr,to l k\! \1bi l trtd L' rl l r h) cur '(

R E hi: A iar pedan df n i s h c di o u d a ti o n

tre-nch,one to two bags to the gro!d
Th ef o! dat io t r en c hfo rth e d o mea n d
doorvau t are dugtogerner'



'Fr SuperadobeRows
\'$th.alycr Lf
Jnd.rL'ni- two cornFh'lerint{ of \.rndt'rgcoil' :lrlrrllTc
r slre In betwoen W need twu c('nrl'lctcring{ t('
,,f tlto o.", csPcciallyfor horizontalforces
, ',::.tu.,
-r-.:r: rinclstorm and floocl.


tub ng

f Bag

c {
trrblfr'nrrth.' r1'llusin8sci<:(n
r : -Lrt'{l l,rrAthrlf sJrrdt"rg
. I . r'. +''.a rli" h*) \ ou .:;n Pin lhc (nd clsqd
rhcb;8' "!'n weitht hld cl('scl
-,r' ru.l'i,,n"t ti'a rct
'.. r i'l rhLhrAwithyourdmPrrr'tbiliz'cllr'rrlhnlrrlurc lncrc
riingrhct'iq Hcrr:it i' bcrnq
-' - '.'i ,,"'1,,'-,rll
.,"rir ."n. ur o,lrt, abt two oi thrcc at a tirne You
i"'ii" t"l",u "-Lh or hlkcihe c'rrthmJtclirl
.. ir l"ihc
.' ,*, r..t'"'.* *ttinuou'ly lccd lhc brg nd 'hlr
sp,rt,tiL" a s*ar1or snLeslvatlowingbitc aftcr






Be ow: D ggrngup the morstenedearth and

putt ng nto smal cns/bucers
Left:The moLrthofthe bgcan be taken to
the sourceof earthnd filled rl selera
peope are pancpang-


Ab ov e: T he
end of t h e b a gc a b e p i n n e d
cl os ed! s nga al, o rs n p l y fo l d e da n d
R g htF: llingt he ba g .

Gvity Flon
Be ow: F l r r gt he m o u tho l th e b a gw i th
cas of eadh/stab I zeclarth.
Ri g hl:F il g lhe bag sk o m tw o s d e s o l th e
do e 10rnovefasier.


At lirst,lhc'bg is lillrd vc|lic.rl]v

likc' sh(rI c(tLrmns()tht grvity
holprto fill thc strL(f lhc Lrgvff), I li. lhis lvllcoDrpcnste
f(,. tho
tcndcnc! ol bgs lo gcl loo thin l the ccl ol iho fo!v.

l; f1 ,!,iil

(l .\l.-flrrl


t ne
measLr r es
A boveThccenl ercompass
rneredgeofthe bagas i t s p aced n a
Lett: P a (axonometric)ot rhe lwo
foundalon rowslre owgrade/ i oor level.
showingtire barbcdwrre ayout.

EmergencyShelter Foundation

' hr il{ [ ! l|lr r .(' rl i n { k s l o l i l l th i L r8i v i l h !,fr' i l \r\ hcl | , sl ,Jl ]ctl
. 1 hi\ lc ( n ()l h fr p )l r, rv l i l ( t!l k n B h . | \vf(l \
-;. t hr Ci. c lc
i, b, r r ' l r ! , l i l l ((l n (l fl ,tr\l b \ l h c h rtil tkl , !l rs (rnrsl nl l v
. l L' ilh l|l ( ( ln l )rts w h rrh re s u r.! l h ( (l s l rrl fntn l hc
r lr , r ( ir ( 1 (. A l l h i ! :l l tr l | l i rrs l (l ((\l ( rn l hc trE l vi l l l rf
, r Lnf h r r (r' l i rr!,(' r !v (l l h L l ' \!)rtl l h ( (\!l l rrs\ Lrnf

ri :!..1 ri l r... :l


.:i ::

| : t:l

tscow : g a bfeak.l hcS tude i

p.:k:,rh. crtl rw l fr a sq(l
.low tlrc !1. Noieth.r.cfLcr conrpss
lr{Jc : tr c.e .f p pc, or a slrll
Loi l :A n.rwsnrd.fLl cfns l o fj tl l e l o A
l:)g1 s opo wh .r wlknglra.kwds.


Above:Tampingthe bag after lt is filed and

checkedwith the cornpass,

Tamp the Bag

Tarnpingmeanscompactingthe eadh insidethc bag vcry hald to
mal(e a uniforn fing. This gives the earth mixture its strcngth.
After the ba8 is compleielyfilled, it is tarnpdrsinga plumber's
tamper or other t(xt. But first, before tarnping the bag is adjustccl onc
lasttimc to mal(esurethat it fits the compasscurvc lcving onc half
indr gp lo allowfor
-prcddincdurrg lalnp,ng.
Whcn cornpaclingthc ba& ),o will scc that it spreadso) widens
and alsoflattcns. A bag ol14 to 16 inchcswidc is gcnerallyused for a
small shcllcl of u -1{}ft. djamctcr.Aftcr fillin8 and Lanpingit will
becomeabot 12 - 13 incheswide and 5 incls high, and should 6t thc
compasscxacdy.To checkif your bag is sufficicntlycorpactcd,pr,css
your fingd into the outer cdgc. If it djmplct tnmp somcmore.
Tamping may sccn1likc hard work in thc be$min& but is a fun
excrcise.To tarnp withot getting tired or hurlinS yor ba&, loosen
youl grip on the handle just before the tampr hits the bag. The forcc
of the tamper itself will compct the earth material, and your hands
will rnerly steady the handle.


k f t A L . il, l


u t t f


Left:lwistingto closethe filled bag.

for thc
\ brickmaybc usedto compactsmallcrdctaileda-reas,
ln a encrgcncy,
.il.\ of thc bgs,or for thewkte dorncif ncccssary.
-irrn fcctcahtmpsufficintly
fo':srnalltotporary sheltcrs
:i:rtbiliTcd cafth.
Crod and Bad Tamping
lr ihcck if your tampilg is good cnough,lcDk at thc outcr cdgc of th
:..:r. ll it is a smooth crD'vcit is good tampinS.It sho ld fccl firm, If it is
. . the bag nc'cdsmorc trnping.
\\'hen the carth mixturc is not tampedenoughthc sidcsa1dends
.::lun the bagswill crumblc nd arc lveak,Stabilizcdcarth will not
.i:-:. tr)gctherproperly if it is not wcll tamPed,sinccthc crthmixture
.-rl t(ir Superadobe
is darnp but not wct like concrctc.
ngthe closedbagrow.
extrabagmaybe usedfortlrenextrow,


R ght: A rollof4 point, 2-siractbarbedwire

w i l lbuid abour t wos ma l d o me s .

Barbed Wile

Below:Pliersor bot cuttersareusedto cut

the +point,2-strand
barbedwire.c oves
musibe usedto hande the barbedwire.
4-pont, 2.strnd,
barbedw regripsthe bagsbelow

Aftcl each row is conlplte.l a strand of barbed l'!'lre will be placccl

ovcr that row'
The barbed wirc is tensilc reinforccnent for the arth wall of the
dome.This mears that thc barbeclwie resiststensionforceswhich
exist ir thc clome. These tensilc forccs re a rcsull d thc slatic forces
clcated by it s owr shape, and of dynanlic forccs wltch rcsull fcm
livcbads and seismicforces.If therearc breals in the continuityof the
wg it is lcsseffective.A sorll domc of up to tcn fect or thfee mctcs
cl'amcterneedsonly one strandof brbed wirc ad will be shong
tlunncrgutc wirc.Hobe\er.dn] lrgcr
builclrngsnc\rcitwo or jnorc shirnds.
Thc L.ft{d wir! nru<tbc f.\rr-pirrl, rwo qh.and,anrl
thcr( arc only two poinis or) Jih lrrb lh( wu? wiil noi
Frip wcll
enough.Thc four-point bas on thc wire wjll increascftiictionbc_
hvccn thc bag$to stop thcm slipping over eachothcr from horizontal
shcal forces.Thc doublc sh.andof brbedwirc rill tkeup tcnsior in
thc.superadobcwall to rcsistdiagonalcracksforing llr tc walt ancl
bckling outwrds.


ILI , Ct_-T:.1iiTIi


i) U\ f t hr br r fh c (lv l i fe l i r\t o n f(n l i l .r' l u l l J' w ff1n,j !,1(r\1s | rcl

L L rl l h c krr!,1h\1trrw i l l rr(\' ' l L)v
' .r glr l( n it ( t r r l1r h rrd k n rr' s [l v
.l r ilt l|l s ' ir I nr l \,l h s r(ks (n l l t .tl l l u \ l { r h r' \t1r( l hl rl !i 1l n(n
, I r l B { r ( ) r : 1y . 9 rfl rrn c s (tr' .n (r)rrl i n rr' l h{ h.r1r(!l ff i nl ()
' r , \ i n ! s ' llh (trl .o l l rn i ,
llr ( ' lr r Lr l \ v rff i s P l .t!l i n l h i .(l rl i r ()l l h( bg nol l i \s l hn i
frnl r 1n t| n
r r . lr ( r nt h{ c c l F f l ()tl .1 i l l ()l l l ri 3 s} (n t
, , Lr ' r n|,lh. wi rc s (tr\, l rv i s l i n !,Ix n (n r l o 1! i l ) l hc hg rrl hol (l
()l w i ro l o l sl L' nl o
-. r Ln laLc . Y orr c rh trs cb ri .k rv c i g h l s , Pi c rf!
. l, g, of c v ( ! r 1 ri l t,s l .rp l r, (! l P o
\ r ' lc n$lh oi w i fl r s h o rl .l!,o l l f(i l rn ' l th c fi n| , \{ l l l r(i l rl n!
.. r 1, ' .Nhc r f v lf l h c rf i s , trfc .rkn r th c w i rc , l h(' tn() r' ncj ! nrrrqt
. il,rt by l lt'"t l\vo iocl, which ft] twislcd loiL'lhcr 1'r lit1 !i'lo LrY
.i r I \ v i\ linll t oS0 l h o i s b c l tfr.
lhL sccond ntrrrtltrlr ru! oi lhc clon1cis alto {mr roorPl{trL1 fing
' r' r'
d a 'r' r'
" {)rrrrrl
r r r . l. l\ " al \ l rr' 1 ,.I.,rd ' " ,rl h '
l .{ r-r rr rrrrs \ i l l I rr' r' l r rl r' ,1' ' rr" r ' l ' \' r" tr'
lr r l\ . r r
'-,1 thc circlc r\th thc co1Pats both while you arc l!ilr!, thc!'s'
'.r ttcf conrlrctnrBthetr. Bccauscthc baSs !,ct fl1tcr nd rvicicf
i l l l ' 1 " {n
rh l w h ' 1 r" { rrrr' r' r' r" '
l. 1r 1r ' r i r " n ' l h rr,l
rr' ' l r' cl " 1t
!n l l
c In rrn r"
Ir'r' i r. . l
-t,l \{ .h 1 .' l
. rl frN thorr rrt$l bc contin()rrs stfancl of bdrLle(t
ttr'lll', thc desigr Lri lour domc musl Pre\-cnt the brbcd Nrc
: nr gcttin \vct Addition1ll)', whcn it is sncl(nchccl bch{cn 1crt
' r'iri lagithc gatvanlzed stccl is lcss Pr(nlo to ori'lation

., :' . .r I I :i ,, .-I :.1 I l : I l l l l i .

Alrovc tor :rrr | .lo ling c rira rd of

barlul wtur:i postorj! lo ow t l.i rr.t
ow i o cov.r LLc! np c1cv (bv f l . sr r
l rci rcs) Thc brbs ]rrPfl rc g

D rl ow :8r .l i s .rrr 1crrporrl v l os Lr . nlr r c


r\b o ve:comp
el ed i oundaion rng.
Eanrcdw rc lonstwo bag p

Left:P l andetai show l nghow to co nnect


,.1)sh(n1lvlls f(' tllc entfy rvy fc alsocomploloclf{n thc

:-.llx)rrn.l tiodink) thc d(tnc vvithb 1cdwirc
.. ,Lr cn st{ frcnr tlrc phok)s,rvhcn two pioccsof brbcd tvifc
- :h\ (\1rdp by t lcst llvo tcct nd rc lwislcd k)8olh('r'Thc
''rnLl{trlsrvir-olso spns ovcr r'cs rvhcrcscPratctrgs)in. Al ihc'
.-- ,t $,lls,rd whcn wc Lrtcrbuild thc windo\,vs,thc barbcdwirc
. , l.rd bcl( k) givr'cxlf i|icti(nr in thcscwckcf rcs


r l)i-l 9i--!.1




overap w heretwo wEls

Lefl(bel ow ):W i res
B eow :W re l oopsbackw herebag ends




Above:Thecompasschangesveryt tue for

the secondand thifd rowsoftlre dome

Base:Shaight Wall Rows

Ee l o w :T he
bu lderholdsth e c u re n c to rl h e
LraglLrbng c oseil w1h h s foot whe
rtdiB io fl the rlrbrA Lrtcr rhl: we airt
o f th ei led bae ls elrwrI h o rdrh c .u t c | d
R g h t:Buidef s n t r iningc o rpe te ro
se co n dr owol t he bas e,w h i c /rs a b o v e

'l'ln dorc baseancl foundtion

tr)gcthrfrkc l(nv (ylrndcf nd
rLsnlglhc corpassmaklrssurc this is circulr. Sncc thc k)undt|()r
n.1 thc bascrows sit difcctly abovocdr othcr, a plllllr bob or.
crpcrlcfs lovcl cn bc |scd to kocp thcrr vcfticnl.
Altol {hL'socond
r.owrvonrustlcvc sp"rcctin.tho
ct()(ropcninB(n wc cn continuoLhcc)nptctcLifings arcl n1t(c(]ut5
to knochoUtthc ckx)l.bBs
F(r'lhc f()!ndnti(rrs
of wIls,or tJycfsncodk, Lrctcvcth(,riz(r1_
tally and 1yun.l||ltc thicl(cf nd thnncf .lcpcndingon Lhcskilt (,


al,r i



the emptybaglengthby
doubligt insldeout.
Left: Supportngthe bagwitha eg so that
gravtyhelpsto fl lt.

:he builclcr.To keep an ovcrall level for the wholc buildin& the
:hrckncssof tlrc layefsnlay be adjustedrow by rorv becausethc
iuperadobc is a flexiblcblock.
lfore Bag filing Techniques
is vou continue,you will learn sevcraldiffctlnt waysd fillng sandlag tubinSs/ ancl a great marly havc bccn tricd at difJerent stagcsof
rL\carch.Herc arc a few techniqcsthat haveproved useful:
When asin8 long or short bagg alyvaysfill the bag in placcon the
lrall. Standon thc waI wHle working. Usc a small can of earth
nstcad of a shovcl to fill the bagsjit containsthe sane tunountand
can bc lifted up higher, or eve[ thrown up to the builder. Let gravity
help you and don't stran againstit or lift weight.Slidethe earthinto
ihc ba8 with gravity'shelp. Savcyour back and useyou lcg msclcs
td support the slopedbag and to shale drc earthinto placcj thusyour
LrlCy lvill be better balanccd. To hetp the "gutp" go down better, just
le backward and pul thc front of the bag {abic raterial, and also
t1\'ist thc bag to go around thc curve. Don't lilt thc wcight of the fillcd
ba8. Move the eafh to whcrc you want it when it is loose and "f,lowing ancl Eive it a squeezcto 6x it thee. Walk backwards as you fill.
Thc fuller you makc the ba& the less work overall, srnceyou will
need lessrorvs to complete the dome_
Using the long bag instead o{ small standad sandbagshas already
L-tyour rvoking time in hau, and is highly recommended. Howevet
ihis dom carl also bc blt with small bags. An e{ficient workflo can
keep up the mommtm of coilinS ard building. With a team of three

: u P E tt A ll o r,Jr - s -{ N D u A c 5 r.l I L f r R

to let earthslidedownintothebag.




b, cnsrnr
L,r(irrh fro\vi16

"ln t(, p.r(l rrto
bt tor.thLbrrtdLr
FLr(f.\oU c.tnorgnn/cl\1o
or urrc'rP(nptrio supptyih! cn5,I ,rrrh.rh.rh thL.
tuoc..rndp5sthrj !rthLn 'Aul, 1(,thq hL rocr.
Onc lonAb.rFhr lrvrnds whictrcn hf fi d . thc
>, nc lirnct)
two diffcrcnt briildcrs.

* bas
i Fillf!:J""
:?"Jii9 onares
AboverThe bag ts fo ded backto shoten
the overalt ength,then unfoldedas t is

Right:Oe tongbag has beeni ted from

lrot ends atthe same tirne.d the
DUro e f sm eet s t hel c to s eth e c rrte .



at,1L F,\tiTll

Left (ebove)rusin tlre "woodenleg', and

sl i di ngi t al og as the bags l l l e d.

\i)ll can sho(cn thc lcngth of thc empty tubint by P lling it 1sidc
trt kr ulkehalf thc total bg lcngth,or scrunchinlgiL Lpon a fubc arrd
:r.sing the free cnd bck thr'orgh thc tube for bcitcr contrcl of thc b8
.:1qthas it is filled.
Onc studcntgot tired of nsing his lcg as a support and irnrovatcda
'f,l]()dcn lcg' substitutein the suncshapcas his ow"nlc8.

Above:Thebag is lolded backto shorten

the overall enth,then unfoldedas lt is

Left:Tw i stng the bag i ke a ponyialland

tuckingunderto closethe end.

_ f Fr lA DCs

S A NIIllr-;

3fr rL T llt l

Riaht:Soretimesthe end ofthe bag needs

exiraiiLinganclpackingby handto avoid
In e .
dr oopi 9,andt o ma k ea n a c c l rra te

Doorway: Domc Enfry

Below.fhe buttresswa! s may overLapnto

the domee\ierylew rows.
Right c: ont nu n g ro f I b a g sfo f th e d o m e
and coneclingthemwth llre door blrttress
layersare lwo
Notetlre two foLrndation

Whcn lrgc opc'nig is rnclc in dorrrL, s dr s ull si7f.l (n)(n,

I l \ft(r rvl l t fc pcllnlr dicul. r l
brtho:j s l vl l s fr.nN (tr(l on ci l her si c1c.
k) l hc ck' nr, nd rvi l l l s( r l c ,r prol crtr(l c' rl ryrv.ryul h d( ) r '
vul 1 ovf l h,ofcri n8 l (tP R )1c.ll rrnf.rn. l h( bol l ffl s w lls slxt r r lcl
bc hui l l l l hc snl ( l i n1r s l hc c](rnct() l hl l hc bfbo.l wir is r t t
bgs ( (,rrrccl l oS el hcr. Ihoi r w ci S hl fcsrrr\ l hi ' {1,' i s( t r r l ! r d
l hfosl nl l hc t).rsr,w hi rh i s nr(i rc rnl rrsc()r\fi l hof s1(l f,)l lh cl( r r l
opcni 8. l h(yfc' usl rl l yl \v(l ol hfcel (\' l 1(nrg,(r' nrnc, , t r t l r l li( '( l
i nl r) thc (l { nnc \vi l h LrfLr(\l\vi ff l t' rl r l yer.




,. |


| 1l

viewolthe doorlrameset
intothe dome,Notetlrebarcedwrc
for the buttresswalls.

In a DoorGuide/frame
matcrialsasa guidefor thc
: :i usefulto havea frarncof availabl
r .n openin&whichshouldbc sctinto thcSuperad(c
i :iterils arcavailable,
thcopcningcanbc built wrtho t a framc
l:. oncshowrris 2 ft. wideor 5c, and6 ft. tall or 185cm andhas
.'::n iied into thc bagwallsusingbarbedwirc SinclnanycmerSchcy
doorsor flexiblcmaterials
-' rc built aftcrbuildingscollapse,
to thc
-i: s carltctsforr amongthctubblecouldlatcrbe attachcd
wallsarewidcr thn
!:-lde of thc dootopeninS.
Sinccthc buttress
'rr .rpL'nin&tlrc door covcringneednot fit exactly.

donewith carpenters
bob(awelghtt ed ontothe endd a p,e(or
barbedw reio t e the frarnento



S }.1'L' I E I t


Above:A smallbag s p acedbetweenthe

buttresswalland the frarne
R eht (above):A met Platehelpsthe
bulldei to Elde ihe bagthe up galnstthe
on the
doorramewthout getUngstuch
b a rbedwir e,A f t er th eb 8i s p o s rtL o me
Dlters removed,Notethe he Bht compass
is ow. attwo bags abovethe ioundon

As rnofcb.ra'r'. plrccd.d t'unPcdup 'rt'un'l lh( h'lL il
bc lijnrh hcld ir l.r.c H,'\^('\cr'rr'hould be
oocn if ihc rnatcrialis flimsy. If no guide or hamo is uscd' wirc
ol hrclwavccan be sandlvicltd bctwc'cnthc bags
or basichinges.
Dome; GeometrYand ComPass

Below.Th heightcompasscn 0e rarseo

up to hrgherspr ng ine lt s set Into tne
gfoundor attchedto the bgs
Right:Demonsatinghowto use the cenler
and heightconrPass


\ hn thc bqs ir c(nplclcd,y,nr r'c nuh rcd) k'shrt thcd(\Drc .

whrch hill cradu'rllycrrrvcirMirds k' cl<''dt thLlup lhc lvcl
rj cll(d th(
thc b)L cnj.lnd te do')rc bci'n5
Icvcl thc clomcneedsa sccondcorPassto deatc the correctcurve
Thrr rs cjllcd thc hcrghtiomP.r\. .rnd rt r( P(^iti(rnd rrl thL d'\'fwv
qPpendi\lv LL'mpcrr<
un thc outsidcof thc (nrndtlon R('rdin,
shorgly recon1c1dedbcfoc conlinurng


ILJ ' CAl.-llAltf


ofthe domecocept (To

doredshape,the nutrress
norshownn thsdrawng.)

:"01 I'r


. r..r'i., ,




q'1 f'l


Above:ljs ngthetwocfrancompass

I I;J ,/YX
| | l\i



i t?,-'

l .'


24 Domfows (Pprox.)

4t I t r
Shelter:10 ft' / 3'0 m. nteriordameterdome
(sa me
fcrI - 1 2ft /25_37mr ange)
,{ *r*

ti ''i


,,i ,,r,,'i 'r,'j

1 .. '''t":'

-a r { \ D o F [

- sA I.j D l ]A C t]l l L r!l t



A LANCET DOME COMPASS can be made to build a Superadobe Dome, with two pieces of chain.

A section view of a Lancet/Ogival Dome made fuom
ows of Superadobecoils.

TheCenterGnnpass(C) is thc chainthai rctales

aroundthe centerand males eachSupcradobe
row' It
getsgraduallylongerto constructhighetrc\^/s.To
know how long k) male the ccntolcompasswe usefhe
hei!ht comoass,

The Height Compass (H) draws half an arch. I1 is
ihe chain for controlnt e shape of thc Lancet Arch.
It always staysthe same lenSth, which is equal to the
dome dianeter at the wall centcy.For pracfical rcasons
we fix the compass on the outsidc and d:raw the arch
to the inside face. The heiSht of the 6nished dome is
approximately the equal to its diamctcr'.


As we be$n constucting any row oI Superadobe

we bdnt the two chains iogeihcr and adjust the Center
Compa.sslength by matching it with the HeiSht
Compass. Therefore, at cvery low, the Cente( C-orpLss
increasesin ,cgth to malch the Height Cornpass.
Onc the C-entercompass lcngth is set, the Height
compass is not needed any rore for that ow.



Above:Rows46 rhe co ts begi to step in

accor0rngl otl re

Thebui deusesthe cent er
compasscharw th hi sl gertsi derh e
arfer r ng. no cenl ercompasss
regthenedat everyrow by pre.meas!re.l
amouns,or fi yusrnga secondchai .

r { ir \ lr Lr . lr (!r!fft)rn th f ((n n p s s rh t)to irl l h. (!rd (t thi !

: r i( \ f on v ( t r w i l l h l | i L fi r8 rr.r rrn to t S r| c,.kl \nrcl )gs
. r lr nc , r r nI r n g n t rrl (!' \u fi rrgw l th ttr(,c (,nps5. y()1rr
' r 1 h. r lnin rl tw ( { h .)i n s(, rl rtn \, rn . st(1,tpi P o,(,
' ' L , i\ \ ir hl\ l(, A L ri d cth c l rIi t(l (l
! r , , . r ( ' gRnv sl b N ()rrl r,sti n x ,t(i i n s c t th f rvi rr(l (N s

Lefi: Ch ldreneper encethe sDe ofihe

domeas t s bei ngbul l r.
Be owi A steel plpecan atso be used for a
compass,wth a bracketmafker.

' ll

,, 1 i i )i t,\1 :


I I:



Above:fhe essentia elementsior a ppe

windoware a sectionof pipeand a d sc of
Right:Assembledp pe windowelements

Windowsi Pipes and Vents.

For a)rcmergencyshelleLwo mst fir'stask thc qcsLion, Horv orlLch
light and air do we need?"And thcn ask" Why can'twe separaietlrc
iwo functionsof light and air?"Lr8cr opcningsfot light clonot need
k) open,climinatirrgthe necd for cxperrsivcwindow fiames.Saller
opcningsfof vcntil,rtioncan nore easllybe madc to opcn nd closc.
Thcrefoc, fol thc vicw and claylight,a pieccof glassor plasticcah
bc di.cctly g()tcd inb A l Ber openingconstructcdwith thc bags,or
fixed insidc a lagcr'secti('l of pipo. or vcntilation,short scctionsof
pipe can bc built irrto the Superad(owll.
Thescsmall pipcs can be openedu1dcloscdrn an c'rncrgcncy
a widc varietyof availablcmtcrials,by stuffingthem with cloth ftn'
cxa|nplg or usingitems hkc storgcjar't or clcrrplasticbags.Someof
the pipcs can be designatcdfor light, and othcrsuscd to control the
Many pipe windows can bc uscd h a singlcdome, dependingon
thc anountand dircctionof thc vcntilationneeded.Thesesholrldbc
spaccdapa-rtby severalSpcr'adobc





Iifl ,\lll.l'




' , 1, \ ' \ n{ l ! 1 l ! s h (n rl (ll w J !s \l (J P t (l ri $' rrw r(l ! rtrl

()L rl s k l { .l l rf Prl )t\ \h ()t l d l )r,)1.{| r\rl
' h( \ l r ir lo l h f
' . , 1, \ l lhi, r l( r rr{ ,l | rrn r.i n ,,n rlL s ()| rf(tl tt l rl r\v.rri l \\vl xf
L, i r r nr 1. l{ l h ,f r\c ,n l h ( d (n rrf
, - l , , il l, l) c ! h ,n rk l l r' 2 l n c h , s l rrg l h ,n l l r, l l rr.l n(\s ()l
rrrv t!l i ,r' c l 1 (!rrr){ 1 )l 2 i n (h ( \ rrr(l i r' l (r
r . l ln|. f . r Ll

llrc bdil L5 i.].!o

^b(o vs.ri :r r l r ! f g b r . t

l l r t l ) . ! v t r l !^ !

Lr i l i r T l r o r p c ! p o . t o {r l t o i . D o
l l . r t r ! T . r n ) 5 l i o r r f l h o b a ! f r l l n r l ) r p 'l
ls rJrl\(i w llr lr 0 .orfpir:i!



Aboveand rghti As the co Is of bagsbeg

to siep n more,they must be cont nLrously
l a m podand s hapedw th a b rc k o rl a mp e f.

Be l ow: T he
c ent erc o mp a s se g th e n sfo f
e a chf ow( asdet er i n e db yi h e h e i g h t


At frst thc bgs rvill un.lLrltcovcr iho pipe windows/\'cnts,but

;lftef couplc o rcws they must bc mdo lcvel agx1,to allowthe
buiider to fbllow thc cornpassat ll trnics-It is betterto lc\,c thc bag
crnpty going ovcr thc pipe, blrt lill thc bg fr l ( both sidcs;or omit
the bag ltogcLhcrover the pipc. Thc barbedwire must continu
Lndcr' mdovcr tlrc pipe.
llpes can Sivethe most bcaliIullacy ard pattLrncdect of light
as wcll as $\.ng greatvcntilation.For tropical chatus lou may ncccl
m y pipos for a constantbrcczc;in desertclimatcsa small skylight
.u1clpipcs at lhe top of the donlc will liphon off hot air; f(n cold
ciinatcs a fcw lorverlevel window pipes r!'rll prolidc cxtra light.

t iiit A l, r. r

i .1 l- !lrl lt I 11

L l! l l \ f r nl, ! \ , ) ll. r
| ,.i,,., lilrL
I r r 1, . ! . L r i i l \
rL (,Ir ( lir r l) Lh, , r iilj ll! 1 , , r ( l, r j.r 1 \ r r r h , L t , , t t s I j r ( l
r.\ ( (, llt \ lh Llk 1. . )

Lcft: Sr o!d w r.lovrs r.! d. ! c

v e n l a t r o f a r ds c c r 1 y



!-'-, -)-, ---, -----,-w


/ Intuhrig layere

Sectionof EmergencyShelter:10 ft, / 3.0 m interior diameer

(samefor 8 - 12 ft. / 2.5 - 3.7 m. range)
Be o w:A s ho 1doof
ar c h
bags,wh ch are cut wlth

Openings Ior Arched Windows and Doors

Many snrll rund windolvs such s thc pipc wndolvscan bc addcd
rvith littlc or no cxpcficnccby thc blrildcr.
Fof iargor windows,or "1smll door, n unrcinforccdopcning nlust
bc n rchcd, cilcular or hiangulr shdpc',bccauscof thc ntufo of
0r1h constftLcti(n1.
The sfstwy b dd rchcd ofrcningsis to lcavc plcnty of wall
aroabc'trvccnthcDr.Whcn n arch is crctcdin a wall, ihat wall itsclf is
thc buttrsslo suppo l lho arch.Thcrcfoc whon thc arch caDiostlrc
lod of the brjlding bovo, lho walls to cilhcr sidc aro ncccssary.If
lhcre re t(x) lnany l8e r\' clows and not enough rvall area rn a
dome, thc alclles ,'rl1fail.
Ached Bag Fofm
To bl.l a door or whdorv operin& severalmethodsare possible.For
quick openin& when ft) extra aterials are availalrle "knock out
panel'can be used.Imaginecuttlng the dome like a pumpkin lantern
b makc thc window and doors.l'he knockout pancl staysi plcc
vhilc thc domc is bcin8 hilt, blrt gcts l<nockccl
out urhLrrthc lhrcturc
Whcn thc rchcs arc t|l or pointcd, softcr nd lcsscohcsivccrths
can be uscd. For shallorverix-ches,thc carth/stabilizcdcrth rtclial
n(J. lo bc \lrMt.r lo r'c-i-lc' lf,r .nrnprc+rn.


i (l l .:r. l .1l l


.rl io nrkr a knodeut panel is rvlth han.l5.r, cuttjng thc

rI lrg lhe picccs in Place. As vo|) Llurld up ihc .lonic .oil
: r,, bgs cn bc mrkect rvith thc iirc of thc futurc rlindow
i rr carth is stbilize.t lvith ccment or limc \'olr rv.illneL,clh)
f i! lvhilf thc st.bilizc.l rdfth rnir is siill vrt (rnd irrso r
'..i r.icfi|, lil<cdcntl floss, to +op thc l tronr closing). tf
- fot si.rbilizccl,lhc rch nray Lrecut t r1\, tinrc. Thc t)r hcd
| , , l, r, \\r.l l \' . n . tr1 r L
.r-r,t thcsc rrcth()ds rof lrgcr ct(xn, rrrnrmbcl t{r tso
.r r llr r s sw lls o| c i th c f \l (l r (l th c d o o r o p c nrfp bcrorr
i r r ( lr ( ic lr or l)
n c l . W i n (to l v so r s n rl l { l o o r s si l u.rt(.di n
1, ,f ol r c c dc r h .r l rrl trc s 5r!l l s .
rlr \ r dr c l\ ot ] tfn rl
i s p fi o f l (n r8 tc fn r do\i gn n(l i s
r . ! r lull' c op c i n i n g ,s L rc hrs c l (,r.i n l onoi hff ,(\n1.
! l i\ os t x \ i, r llv L rs ffu l\v h c n .rt| n )rn l f(l n rrth()dsrrj fh s
r r nl: ll S r p c fd (fr( .(rl \. l h ( l h n n c (l ()|cni ng nrLrsl
L . r l\ ' l nh \ v h i l f .l ()s c { ln n (l i v h ,! i t B r)p cn(d U p.
A b o ! l : , :5 l l r i 7 . r l . i . t l r r ) i r 1 : it r ) . r r w h . i
trrc.d r frt.rr i5 .r :ort I rollt r. |srrl


nurk o!rl rrfcl s i. Iovi.

Bu ow Sclu
rlsrrc fd.atgestn
f o n r e s ! f t r n r o v . t: l l c b o c k s , n d r r e b a g
1 ! - r l s ! s c d a s f l o s s t o k c {r pt h .


viewoithe archedwindow
andbagform,wherethe bagsthemselves
areusedas thetempofary
is nradewithshorlbagswhch are
lar to the domewaL
set pefpedicu

A formls madeof bagswithoutthe
wife,whicharcf led withdry,

Anothc'r way to make a knock out panel usesearth filled bags

w'ltlrcutneedrnlia saw The rchedpanel is built with scparatccalth
filled bagswhich are looselyfilled and not tanlpcd so that thcy can be
pullcd ot and crpticd aftcl thc dornc js cornpleted.This nrcthodis
practicalfor snrallclarchcs.
Eyebrowsover openings
Sinccthe done wall is cuNcd, any wrndow which is op()n1othe
extcriornccdsan ovcrhangor "cycbrow'over il to pmtect the rnterior
from rain. When lhe archcd opening is formed over a vertical stack of
carth fillcd bagt the eyebrow can be made by cobellin8 small bags
out {rorn thc dore wall af every row. Other \'vaysto create "eyebrorvs"
can bc sccnin thc domc variahonslaterin this b& induding long
oag cYeorows.

(fi ,\Ll l


4,\I-l l

, \ liTI l

A bovc:B ! l :l l rrgl l nw r(l owdr l h str |

btjs ovorth.r lrag ofi


Shetter Mid-LevelPlani Wirdow ard Door Openings

fLc r lof Tlr . rw 15f c bli L ! p r or fd L h cw r d l w
j1 . s renr olc . r .


ovo Ll l l r
tsriow : fr npl gtl rc ast tw ol )a115
l or 10.op.i . Ll rcw i ndow rrh


baE sh a v eb e e np u s h e do u tto
Rr dht : T he
evethe winow openne. Thrsis possrbe
becausethebarbedwlre is notcared
acrossthe windowopenng, and tlre lrags
makingthetemporaryformare filled wlth
dryearth.Thesecan now be reused.


Whcn you havc bilt at lcst foul finishcd, clied and sct rol^/s ol
bags abovc youl door or lt'1ndow arch, you ca ct the bats opcn, or
oush out vour temPt)frYform.
and thc wclhcr
il thorcrc no rvirrdnw.v.l.rblc
In em.rgcrrc'c-.
is harsh,the inhabitantcan leavethe bag form h placc Laterwhcn the
wcather is wanne, the bags can be rcroved to oPcn the window
alch, and latcr a fame wi Slasscn bc insertecl.
If matcrials are available, a rcmovable fonn can be made of p\^voo4
n1etalor otlrcr matcrial rvhich cal1be reused for many sheltcrs. It
supports the SuPcradobebags and maks it csier to creatc the arch
and eyebrows ovcr the windows and doors- ln some cascsthe {orm
remals in place as the lvindow or door hale

I i 1 1 A1 -L . I

C A I--EA lt f 1.1

Loft: Maki rgwoodc arrr fors. w lh il

. u D s i n ( l u f t i f l D l v w o o (ol r s r o c l x r l f
A b o v ( : :A r o L b i ! f t i o r o L l r f s l o ! n . o r ) l . i .l
.a r Lrq:or) lc Dorary fr lor Lrnrl)
!ftlr ls pcIed frurf] ( ov.r rt to frk0
tlli.lc5ircl f.r ! rP.l




B. ow: T r oi l)ff.L pcktrl.rrtl ar: [.] ng
rrfovd . cv.i tl cr af.l reoopcnrrg

For for Dors nd windows (tlprLsnrlLslr. t.r)

, . ! l l, nI n \ h{ ) L rl tl b cd { t]r e n { ) g h l (i q o P trn 1 l ht {l t)l n'

\ \LIl tr!c
, Lls , , r t l t hc " r' v c b rrv s l c l Pi n g (rl w rl q
. , , r r ( n boL\ vc c nS n i l l 2 ft d i n ro l c r (2 5 n 1l () l nr) i \ 2 l l
: r d 3 : l iL.d t{ 0 (l n r) ti rv n c l trv sc, l (rt nl Leht
: , | ll) ll. c 1i n rc k ' r' d o rrco f l c s \ th c r)| ' n i n 8 : sh(ul ' l rrot
r \ idf ( 6i c r n) .Oth e r c \.rl n Pl c so i ti ' n s tr i l l tr5trrl ccir
r nrn rs lighhvright yot s PPorts the bg! \ihoLrt (lct()rnr , nstlLrcliou; il nlrit bc strrnrg cnoogh hr fcsist thc imprci
'r lt i\ f.rsc.l Lrporl rvcdgcs, aLrdshoul(l h\1 hrrdlc h) bc
N l o s l b rn l s ' 1 ' 'l l i )l rcorl cd
r r r . s L' dwit h o u l c l rrn a g e
:l.t h.r nroirturo for .1long life.
: ry \'rilblc matc als fr()ll r oil btufcl Pa'kr'l ovef \!ith
:f lo ifanrc of stccl bafs, or the bg foll itsli cn beconrc d


Stagesof constructinga window (or door) wth cgrbelled

I -..q' \,


First rcw for windows (or door tYP.)

smaltbagsare placedalongthe fonn'

the archform'
acrossall ba95'
Pl;cea barbcdwir

2. Midatlrowsto buld'eyebrow",
#1 layort
Altematths layoutwith
to interlo(kthe sall bags'

4. continuerowsabovewndow/door
s completecol15'


- aAl.



Tlrc arched!v ndowopeng after |rc

rr rN: A(r rr wiftlow llrIr r, r ll) | ,,

, ! r , r 1ir n (l (,1 )(!ri r3 \,r(l (ln\ c Lc \:.r\ l , r! | j (nr,rrrl

. , r il\ \ i \ f ir f , 1 (,r(\{ !\' N ,i n (l v II (l (\I, r\ ( Ltl rfl
, , r r lt j llx ( , 1 ).rri rrt,r! r\ (rrrl i n u (\l o I i rL ()l rtr rrr\l r(j s
r 1t r \ nlnl( )tIC \1 .
L. ' 1h. f ( , ll\ l L r.l .,rl L rn ([1 o r t]r(rl .rl L l rri f ( \t\,\r,LI
i. r \ \ r llr br i .l ( l l ) trc f()n n ,f()rn t).rrl,r !l i (!rg
, r r lx r lf \ llr .h L rrl (l u t(' l ' frc l t)r(\i n ,.l l r trrl h
' L' , lf s il t , l( rv h (!r l rl l rn S r.rn L rt.trL rfd\! 1r.1(f\ It
, \ , r f g. I hc h )rn r i r re n ro v e do D l r l l c ,f L rl[r\t l oLrf
, \ [ ' c onr t hh ,.l h trf l h L ' fc h , (I \!h n th. d()n. i s
. 1 r c n. r ls o b c n rn (l c s o i h tf| f
{ l trt s l (,l l i n
r ! t hf |c nn n( $ l \v i n i l o rr o r d r\j r i ru r,,.
r : f s t t h|1r ' lo l o u f l c ' c to f s o l i (l r!l l rrru \t r\Li r ocrw ecr
(1 i n x ,t (3nr) w .i th
- . I h. f c lir r c s n rl l d o n rc o t l 0 tt.
I l, i hlo lc c l N ,i d r c o u l d h \c n rri n ru rf l rvo
, j r L'. l( r . T hc s rl l R ) n c lp i p tr o l i c i n c \ i r r\rnrpt
- .:il:l .n L1cnrorc plfrrtiful.

Above:Startingihebaga litle furtherback

maKesa sreppeawar.
bulltovera form
ca be nradeI ke thew contnues
the logicofthe steppedbuttresswals.

If a form is usedfor thc cntrywayit ca bebuilt with smallbags

like the windows.TIlc eycbrorvccrncntcn be madedeeperfor a
cnlry.Withota fonrr,thcd(x' is madeasfollows.

Be owi Us ingt hes t e p sto c i m b a n db u i d .

re l at ons hip
bet wee nth e d o o ro p e n i n ga n d


Thc doorbutbcsswallsstabilizcthed(x)rwaystuctllcrnd alsomake

a protcclcdcnhywy.Thc doorbuttrcssbagscorlcctto thc domc
with barbcdwirc and by ovolappinginto tlrcdomcwall.Durirrg
wallscanbe steppcdbrck and Lrscdasa
thc buttress
k) climbup and do'.

K llA I lL,l

C-,\L'l: Ait fll

Rightandbe ow: Severalstrandsofba|bed

wke are lald acrossthe dooropen ng,
Thesemust be connectedlnto the dome
sevefalrowsbelowthe pfesentlayer.

In ordcr to fit a standardrcciangulardoor, w canbuild SuPeradobc
urreinforced lintc over smallopcnitg of uP to h!'o feet span(65
cln). Thc bagsca spanthis short distanceif thcy arel
a) fillcd with stabilized
bbedwire str,lnds,or
by ;r':vr:rl
b) 5upportcd
mlLrial<{e8. d sllort
plankof wood,picccsof jtccl pipeor
'tccl wa, lvhich needs
Thc challorqe
thc most s-pportcspcciallydring tllc tamping.Hcre,tlrc trainee

f lLe db a g s b e n g l a d o v e ra
Riaht : T he
short pLank;babed w res afe fixedabove
and be ow it. The pank can be later
reoved,or left ln Place

K H ALli


Above:Thetop rowsstep in faster.

Rlght:Stndigon ure cor steps, betowthe

The Uppe Part of the Dome

Aj you bild rF'inw d: lho lL,For thc rlunrcyou wrl
nel,cttr) r(finc
your te('trruquctrrtow lhL,rc\aao' bag>k\ qt.,pinltrdj jl]u.c
nro. qurbdlinA i> thc lcchniclrcrn l.rhis sl|jpping,jl\vc|s.
fiaybe surpriscclhow Dluch thc coilswill nccctto
iI +plying thc r,tlorng :rcps !\ cn fi {l rn)rcbuitdL,
j ur trlnllrs
., butlt strong dotcs,

Rrelrt:Twistigrhe fabricofthe bae s it is

f red, to createa srooth c!toe



r I rr

Tampngwiiha slihtslopetowards

' r,ien you walk on the domg stePon the outsideedgc of the
! ::-, to;tacl a couPle of rolvs doi^m romtlrc top Prcvious

r {I G*soft if you arebuilding +rickly.

I l: nrst,settcbagdirectly;v;r thelowerJow'As yor'rfill ancl
worl Inhdrd' low'rrd'rhc com-:r rl. rhc b8;ll n.rturlly

: r-in .hdprnglhc b8 \"11h,r brickriBhldha\' lhrceur four fcel

r - :. nllcd:lu rinp rt r;nm -liPPrnel'{J frthrle )ru bu-ld K'\:p

on.t il ttd"a 6l ttt" bagsrvith lessearth

* tiiem flatterand widef lt is asyto tamp the bag inwards'bt
r t push rt r)urwards
: r .Le thllhe fini'hcdb.rgtlollowthe comP"nrr\e Don't
to rcmove bad work sincc it is far better to lose one row
rln to lcave a unsafe base for thc nxt rows above





Above:lhe upperlayfsof bagsare f rst

aid n a s lgh tyw d e f c rc l e ,th e nta m p e d
nwardsto meet the compass,

4) Tmp the outer pai-Lof thc coil fint- Rememberthat yol only
havc sppoiting bags undemcaththc oritcr pari of yor coil.
5) Tamp to give the bag a gcntlc sloPctowardsthe outsidc,it \,!1ll
help thc ncxt rorv on top to stcp ln 1orc, irnll will help to shcd rainwa6) Usea brick to shapcthc bag fiom below if you want a smoothcr
curvc on ihe insideof thc d(lrc.
7) Placcthe barbedwire towardsthc jnsideedSeof the bag ancl
mai<esr that it is gdpprnSboth abovcnd bclorv.
Windorvsshold not be bLdlton lhe upper rows by inexperienced
builders.Sall inscrtsmay be saldwiched bchvcol the baSs(suchas
vents,stick, rods, or lvires){or scaffolclngattachnentsor rding
lvhich will bc added after construction.



CAt.. {1.\{t I ll

A l ) v r r r ( l . l l I r ) . o I : i t i | | u
rlti [,
rrrrit. rfik.n \! LII rrnfp!!. Irl
L i ! r i p j D L r l r r . r i n r r r , r r lr N J , L o r 1 r l ] ! l



Left The bu dcr uses tfre .o s as
ad does not stad of tire soJl IDoef baa
unt lafter t s tarJrc.t.


Above:Planofa typical!pper ayerabove

t he door andw n d o w sT
. h e s ea v e rsh a v e
c ontnuousba g sa n d b a rb e dw re to te th e
donretogetheratthe top. Th s is lrportat
t o t he ov e i s ta bl ty o fth e d o re .
Notethat the babed w re sjoined by ovef
app ng or twlst ng togetherwherthe bag
s c ontnuous ,a d th e b a g s l o n e dw h e re
t he ba edwlr ei s c o n tn u o u s .

Right cr o I ng t h e b a g sa tth e to p o f rl re

l) Whcrrlhc cufvcgds rclly tj8htlhL'bgsh(nrlct

bc tilhd nd
using bfick. Ihis thnirrjnd sculpting
hdps k) sk)p thc Lrgnr(Jving()!rnd, n.l l(ct)s il ifnrly on thc cufv(,
until lhc rvholfow is lnrpcd.filling nd shpinScn trc:ft)rlc
by (nrc,
or-by two pc|strns.An L'xPrficn!.ed
cn boilcl thc l!r
fows with spirl bB rther thn inLlivirlrt|s.
Right:Curung the bag and shapifg/tamp ng
wt h a bf c k al th e s ae l me

B oow: S ec ton th o u g hth e d o mes h o w i n g

t h c or belc dup p e rl a v e rs .

I r .o l i r)l l o i l t) o i rl

A l rol fr:

ila.' :r'.,.- ;

L . f L : I . n ! ', r r r r i s r l . 1 l r i l . r L s 1 l l
! t r rl : , ) f i 5 1 ( J r i t r l t i l | l l r r . L . L o )
f!w. ,r) b| ng r I I s ir !D i|.
llolo\!: vo! s

r1s!l i \
. r l\ ol t hr iL !,n i .(l tn rr(a i l r!rn !\ | l t(r!r | [L(' l \
, , ! ilh 1r . r 1 L 1rr(l
rf 8 r\ i t\' . I h . l { !,! l ).rrI Ii l I (l L!n' r{ rrr\i si \
r r , r l r oils N Irrt c r' n l \ s l .f i ,tl i tl l (' l ' r l rrl l hr:\l l
l l rt' (1(| c' \tncn
' ' ! lr Ll' r l lhi: ! l rE oo l l h c d (n c r\t L h ( 1 ()l ' o l
Lsi ()
' r . : Lr Lrin \ r)rL r.h\ th rrf h i i i l c !.h t' ' l l rr
. i. ) t or k , : l fi n g s p rl l Y \o l i s rrl r!l n rg I r' \r ti E hth roi l t' ' l
. r . r L' rl! ) bilc l N ,i l l r l ,l l () i n rh \v i .l c b i ,' l l l l tr' l (r P ' rft ot
.L'r. r'ifr L\r8. \oLr nrv tlcci(lt' to rl(t{ lhr' hrl Lr! Lrslrlg
. l. uLU uP h, l h c k rP ,\' ri \h o u l d .j d .L d r i i Y { ni \vnt hr rl osc
. :\ ,r le\ o !l<\ lighl i.n- rrlorr .l\'liglrl


I r i i g s . o s t - '1 1 rt.. p

:* l

Above:l\4odeltoshowtriangur doorwavs
cl l 1 ! lnAlhe bas eb a g!n ta c l
Rlght:P!shngout tre first b ock ol trrc

thc I)oor
Allen'Lrtivcsh) thc Door and Lil1tel:Cutting OPcn
| h
l(lirlLh u$ ) Th . o pF' r !
lli' lr lr or ! linds r
uttu 5 1 1.lru
| .rrrrc
lit.LlL hFs w
! sc nd I 1 1.w d.r l Lh. i1oP
B clow: crll n g o !r11 lr eic s l o t r r c ' loof

Lr t

cflh nr11ltlc(r(lo
(;f!it\' cl lhc slrcnSllol lhc cflh/\ltriliT(
(l(tnr 1srnll ntl
lhc sizr'clntrnrb(r(n lhc (\)(1rtgsll \ouf
(lor)r'Ihr olrnln'l
i",r*,.,'" r,,"'
- s ir. r,1llr'I l()!vc!cr,lhr rl(x' \hrnrlcln'!tf 'ol 1nl()
i'' r,,
."r i*
-'r i) l(trrn(ll(nrrrtrrs'







Left: Loweror higherdoo|s can be cuttrom

the s de ofthe dome, llke a tent. The
foLrndaton rowsare not cut.

':: . .


a r an! opcning,thc weight of the dome abovclrlust be caffied to

.:tr":: rnd tlrrcgh thc massof thc walls,by hav()llingarond the
leasifor fcct of rvall
'm\. -s to feachthe gro d. Thcrc rnust be at
n.- 1-hvenopenings,and doors and niche openingsshould bc
*}-.::rd sfar apart as possiblc.
::: rui door or rvinclowopmings shold be arched,hingular, or
tr ii.!: +aped like the photo. Only sma]]cut-outopeningscarl bc
n:: -.,iiholributtrsswalls.To protcct the openinglrom rain a tcnt:r ! -: i ering may b adclecl.Either sndwich the tent style covcring
rr ': r(rrv above d opening nd let it hang dol1 to cover the door
'itr .j.i.r\', or sandwich an eyebrow projtion sch as a piece o{
,r:\:. lastig or metal and later attach the tcnFstyle coverinS beneath

: i . \D i l r Li


S utL-f r {

Tent-style door covern9

R i a h trf hedoorand lin te l a rec o mp l e te d .

{[,,]rel]ntelsco!ld be addedto make a
imineshaft entrv,ifthe earth s stabiized.)

Entry Vaultr
A smatlvault,addedovo the toPof the bttress
of lcaning
alchcscanb usccl
a leanintarchcanbebuilt
Wircntc doorardlintelarccomPlctcd,
ihe leuring
of uhstabilized

coulda so be rade
a windowopening,
downi the i oorandremovingthe
belowthewindowopenngto makea door'
Besureto leavethe boftomtwofoundatio

Right:Fjrst,two smallbags are packed

leaingaga nst the done.


r ( HALr :.1

, \.-

ART ll

showsthe doorvaultof

To builda lcaningarcl! firsttwo shortbagsareseton thc buttress

.i-. and pitchcdagainstthedome,Thcntwo longerbaEsarcshaped
: ... thesmalloncs.Ad thcnlongeronesuntil drctwo sideineet
n_,1li)rm an Irch,
i leaningalchescanndbc lcarnedin an oncrgorc, and if stabiIJ earthis availablqa scricsof short lintels cold bc quickly added
rr :nIea "mineshaft"
spnihg across

Left: Nexi,two longerbagsare shapeduntil

a Leaning
arch spans overthe etry.







Riaht:Eevton olthe domeentryshowrng

th reltroshp betweenthe door and rne
leanngafcn enlr'lvav.

!lr|rtcf d\
Reocttnalhc leJninB.x!h In.rlF-thr \ ull lngcrrtr
rlr' lhc\
ncede.\Ahr thc brs. ior thc .rch

)nust be continuouslishped and tmPcd
mirtai the atch sh.ipefr both sidcs
of the buthcss walls and thc
barbcclwircs conncctihe uppcr layc'r's
lcaning arch bgs, nd arc Placcdbctwecncach lcming t'ow

R rs hi: T heeannBrc hu s e dn e re 5 a
polted archmdefrom two fled bags.
meetLngat tne ceIer'





Left: Entrywith reanng arches.

:-\_r ( lLmelll of thc cntlylvay rthe opcnrns,in thc dome.thc dor

n ::.!r:r! the bultre<swlls and vdujt) rs some\ht ilexrblej
tin.t: kr thc othq.elcments.For examplc,clependigon the domc
iF^,t:-\r d(xn and frao ca bc setinto he domc walior sct itlto thc
!r::-5i \'all and vult.Thc opcning ili the dofic can havc a small fht
trE! '. bc archcd.Howcvcr,the ovo.all fe]alionshipof ccmcTtsmust
lr -'--.rlcntwith thc dcrnc sizeand materialshncth.
i r lrgcr. w|dcf L.ntrncc
rj de.rrcd . e\tra bu r<q wll>must be
!!!t :!l tupport thc larger and heavicr archesabove. The clole bclow
* : .1mplc of a widef ctry vaut th addcd buttrcss walls crcLtinp
:-r..rj b,'rch )d l,rdic(rFing.A wide cnhy could bcconea
::rr_tsng roont bc'twecnhan shcllers,

Leit:A largerarchedentryway

- i R A Il al il ! , 5 A N D B A C
S i..t E l t rlt


Rr htdndbe ow: F o n d oi n p o !r
r ! lt
r . hnec t ure\
e h b t, 5 n d b s h e l te b
b y Ca E ar t hand N ES T(N e wS ta rtT ru s t)n

A Wcll-Built Sndbag Shclter in Belgium

This sinElcclonlcwith rvi.locrtty !ult w( l)'rilll () dcnnr r r sllnlcihc
cnrcrg('ncyshcltcf c()ncqrtt thc F(nrdt(nr f)(rt'l
.rn f\hibitrtr jn UfLrsscls,



i :!

- r L, \ ' \ l r(tr\,rv i l h l o n rc t)fc l i re (n l l x l o.hrtrcs, y(trrf l i rsl Ii nl c

. - r { ( ) rn c.n L t i n rp fo v ((l l o { h ( v thi ! n( rl y l )(11(t1svnl nrc
, , lJ . r g !fo l i .l i l r .l c ' n s c(v
, i r r(n v s n.l no.rl l \l i rri sh(tl l l hr

A bovc:A sheelol p stLcca Pr ovdc

nr ed ate lom porafywkr rproolll.

, : . + ) ( x ) f ;n g a n d l ri n i s h i n g
. , , \ 1n r(1 i n tv (trrr !rtl l r!, s h c l l fr, i l l vrl l n.crl [nfrl i nF w i l h
: . : L\ , lr rBrrl l i n i s h s , u n l e s s\()L r.!( i rt \1r,v rl ry rl i scfl .
. t r Lr ( 1\v\ l (!l )r(!n i n !, i n n e n x rE fn (v, l + r(n P l \l n shcel i nq
snr.l lP i P t' s.
. l , \ 1! l h ( d (n x . l ,.n rl )o d rl rtl1 1 .( .hrxrlsLr.h.!
r r ' ( ' fo | r rc \n l l s 1 (' h c .1
b r' l \v (cn thc (r)l s.l rrfrng(nrsl foc
. J lr ( s h c e l i n gr! l i c d o rrl o l h r tl (n n ( \vi i h l he\(.
iLf r l! l c fn r h ,t(!l ]f,x fi n g n .l i i n i s hi nS ,rl i s bcn l (i l (l krw l l xrl
. , n( 1 n rl (r' i l s s L ri tb l cl o L h c k )cl rl i D ri rl f
. ' r p r s (,1l o n g -tc fn l i n i s h c si n c l L rd rl
'.lrnrbrn( iypc wnlcrprlx)foU,. Thcsr rc Lr\urll\pPlic'.1 irr
' .rtrL'r rvilh dn cxtfrio plstcr, anl:l ff fnnnrolrl) lqic1of
.t:rLd,viscolr! .rlc1, s,llrh is PPlicd o|rt() r1r t\tL'fior lllrst(1l
. J \viih it. For cxnlpl, scrk:h col ol plrsirf is lir\t Pplir.1
i. Lrg ltrcture k) snrooth out thc sLr|lcL',thcn N,to tj()tf
: r r.n,such aJ lalers of sphlt nd fbric, i5 pPlic.l o\ c' lhis,
rr.rlh pfotcctive surlcc sch ns stbiLizdd crih Pl+cr' nr ry
:r11,lvterPfoot menrDrr1c.
\-.r|to clcrnents. Thjs nrclr.d('s rnge ffun trditnnrl donrl
- r'rch .1srnetl or ccrmic lilc, ll thc rv)'to inno\ hvr dddpia
. r h?ditbnl roofrng coverin!, such s tilcs, ih1r13lc5,corrLrgatod
-.rl.h nd plm lcf filaps, rvhich l) bc .lnchLncd orlto thc
.:ug thc cnlbcddcd tt.1cluncnls bo!c.
. .rl .xnlpk's of finishcs re dcscDtl'cl ltlY in this trool

: ,.4 ' . ,

Bu ow: Rop. or cable ay bc thrc.l.rr

i i rougltlr rcsnral pi pcssr ndw. hcd
bctw cenl he bas,to t c on qr r ck
wl.ftvoof plastc sireetlngor ol ref og


Above:Thecass teststhe sizeof a XOfl.

d arnetershetter,i theif15 mlnutesbreak,
A dugoutpit,a bunchofsmllbuckets.
bags,andbarbedwlre,cando m raclesin

Reviewing lAhatHas BeenLeamed

Now that.thislirst.tfarnirrgdofic is finished,built by trainceswho hd
ncver built ole bcforg you c sc'cthat \.vithno prcviouscxpoicnce
ancldcspitc few imperfccti(ns,a soccossfulshltcrhas bcqr con_
Lct us tcview what hs becn leancalso fnl.:
l) l-rllink,ngur .h,,r| .dndh,r)_,
Ird i .rt rt ltr,,rni,rto,r cl,)rne.
zr U-rnF,rft,rnF-\t nrrk,,rhcrurrc,.td,rncd.hp,,.
3) Iserting pipe whdows and vcnts.
4) Making door arld window opcninss.
5) Using learing archesto nati an cnt,,.t.
Now it is timc k) gct morc hacls-onknowleclgcby tolowing thc
desrgn variations nd cornbinatrdrs of thc basic Erncigency Sheitcr.
truly undestandho Sravib/works \.vjthstructuren {o;m. thc
wayis lokeep buildint smll8,12 ft. (2.5 3.7m.) insidecliametcr
lnrc\.The nnc- .hwn dc bu t J\ prnll!?e.rt ( dt_frlh In.rr,t(,
.xrobeglr h ,rddre.\ttrci+uc. .l \. iJn,r-r l:lirnt(.
neds, nrdlding upgr.admg ternporary shelter into a penanent
structurc',rvhile demonstatinga higher.lcvel of buitdels,skill.


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