Cost of Living: International Students

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Costs of Living - Costs - International Relationships Office - Department - University of Canterbury

International Students
Cost of Living
When you apply for a student visa, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) requires proof of funds for living expenses, please see Immigration New
Zealand's Requirements page for details.
In addition to this requirement, we recommend that a single student should in general budget for between NZ$300 and $350 per week for
general living expenses; that is NZ$12000- $14000 from mid February to mid November (40 weeks).
If you are coming with your family, you need to budget accordingly.
If you decide to stay during the summer holidays (mid November to mid February), you will need to budget accordingly. Airfares are
additional to these living expenses.
The Students' Association (UCSA) may be able to help you with your financial planning.
To give you an idea on the other costs that you may need to budget for, here are some examples in New Zealand dollars. Please bear in
mind that these are approximate figures and the actual costs will vary depending on your course of study and lifestyle. Also, the fees
quoted below are subject to change and reviewed regularly.
Course costs

$NZ (40 weeks)

Books and stationery (first year) - This cost is likely to increase in subsequent years for certain courses,
notably Engineering and Fine Arts


Extra course costs - e.g. practical courses and field trips (Engineering, Forestry, Geology and Fine Arts

up to $1000




$9200 - $9600 (40 weeks)

Halls of Residence (catered and self-catered)

Please see Accommodation for

information on fees and contract
start dates.

The actual accommodation fees will depend on room type.

The length, start and end date of the contract vary across different Halls.
Students will also need to budget for other charges as well.

Flatting/private renting

See flatting costs for details of

regular costs such as rent, as

In most cases, students need to furnish their flats and will need to budget for that
additional cost.

well as any additional costs, e.g.


Students will need to budget for food and utilities such as electricity and telephone.

Transportation and travelling



Costs of Living - Costs - International Relationships Office - Department - University of Canterbury

Airfares will vary depending on your destination, travel agency and time of booking. If you wish to
return home during term break, you will need to budget for the airfares and other travel costs
Bus fare (per trip)

>$2.10 - $2.80

See also
Travelling in Christchurch and New Zealand
Driving in New Zealand

Examples of other costs


Clothing (For first year students coming from tropical countries)

$600 - $900 per year


$13.00 - $16.00


$3.00 - $5.00

A cup of coffee

$4.00 - $4.50

There may be other costs that you wish to budget for, for example, vacation expenses, travelling, social activities etc.


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