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1. Define the term thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics is an axiomatic science which deals with the relations among heat, work and
properties of system which are in equilibrium. It describes state and changes in state of physical
2. What is meant by thermodynamic system? How do you classify it?
Thermodynamic system is defined as the any space or matter or group of matter where the energy
transfer or energy conversions are studied.It may be classified into three types.
(a) Open system
(b) Closed system
(c) Isolated system
3. What is meant by closed system? Give an example.
When a system has only heat and work transfer, but there is no mass transfer, it is called as closed
system. Example: Piston and cylinder arrangement.
4. Define a open system, Give an example.
When a system has both mass and energy transfer it is called as open system.
Example: Air Compressor.
5. Differentiate closed and open system.
Closed System

Open System

1. There is no mass transfer. Only heat and work will


1. Mass transfer will take place, in addition

to the heat and work transfer.

2. System boundary is fixed one

2. System boundary may or may not change.

3. Ex: Piston & cylinder arrangement, Thermal power


3. Air compressor, boiler

6. Define an isolated system

Isolated system is not affected by surroundings. There is no heat, work and mass transfer take place.
In this system total energy remains constant.
Example: Entire Universe
7. Define: Specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature of unit mass of
the substance through one degree when the pressure kept constant. It is denoted by Cp.
8. Define: Specific heat capacity at constant volume.

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Deparment of Mechanical Engineering Page 1

It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise or lower the temperature of unit mass of
the substance through one degree when volume kept constant.
9. What is meant by surroundings?
Any other matter out side the system boundary is called as surroundings.
10. What is boundary?
System and surroundings are separated by an imaginary line is called boundary.

11. What is meant by thermodynamic property?

Thermodynamic property is any characteristic of a substance which is used to identify the state of the
system and can be measured, when the system remains in an equilibrium state.
12. How do you classify the property?
Thermodynamic property can be classified into two types.
Intensive or Intrinsic and
Extensive and Extrinsic property.
13. Define Intensive and Extensive properties.
The properties which are independent on the mass of the system is called intensive properties.
e.g., Pressure, Temperature, Specific Volume etc.,
The properties which are dependent on the mass of the system is called extensive properties.
e.g., Total energy, Total volume, weight etc.
14. Differentiate Intensive and Extensive properties .
Intensive Properties

Extensive Properties

1. Independent on the mass of the


Dependent on the mass of the system.

2. If we consider part of the system these

properties remain same.
e.g. pressure, Temperature specific
volume etc.,

If we consider part of the system it will

have a lesser value.
e.g., Total energy, Total volume, weight

3. Extensive property/mass is known as

intensive property


15. What do you understand by equilibrium of a system?

When a system remains in equilibrium state, it should not undergo any changes to its own accord.
16. What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium?
When a system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, it should satisfy the following three conditions.
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(a) Mechanical Equilibrium :- Pressure remains constant
(b) Thermal equilibrium :- Temperature remains constant
(c) Chemical equilibrium : There is no chemical reaction.
17. State the First law of thermodynamics applied to a cycle .
First of thermodynamics states that when system undergoes a cyclic process the net heat transfer is
equal to work transfer.
18. Define: PMM of first kind
PMM of first kind delivers work continuously without any input.
It violates first law of
thermodynamics, It is impossible to construct an engine working with this principle.
19. Define the term process
It is defined as the change of state undergone by a fluid due to energy flow.
20. Define the term Cycle:
When a system undergoes a series of processes and return to its initial condition, it is known as cycle.

21. What is meant by open and closed cycle.

In a closed cycle, the same working substance will recirculate again and again.In a open cycle, the
same working substance will be exhausted to the surroundings after expansion.
22. What is meant by reversible and irreversible process?
A process is said to be reversible, it should trace the same path in the reverse direction when the
process is reversed. It is possible only when the system passes through a continuous series of
equilibrium state.
If a system does not pass through continuous equilibrium state, then the process is said to be
23. What is meant by Point and Path function?
The quantities which is independent on the process or path followed by the system is known as point
Example: Pressure, volume, temperature, etc.,
The quantities which are dependent on the process or path followed by the system is known as path
Example: Heat transfer, work transfer.
24. What is Quasi Static process?
The process is said to be quasi static, it should proceed infinitesimally slow and follows continuous
series of equilibrium states. Therefore, the quasi static, it should proceed infinitesimally slow and
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follows continuous series of equilibrium states.
reversible process.

Therefore, the quasi static process may be an

25. Explain Zeroth Law of thermodynamics?

Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium
with a third system, then they themselves are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
26. Define the term enthalpy?
Ans: The Combination of internal energy and flow energy is known as enthalpy of the system. It may
also be defined as the total heat of the substance.
Mathematically, enthalpy (H) = U + PV
Where, U internal energy
P pressure
V volume
In terms of Cp & T H = mCp (T2-T1) KJ
27. Define the term internal energy
Internal energy of a gas is the energy stored in a gas due to its molecular interactions.It is also defined
as the energy possessed by a gas at a given temperature.
28. What is meant by thermodynamic work?
Work is a transient quantity which only appears at the boundary while a change of state is taking
place within a system. Work is something which appears at the boundary when a system changes its
state due to the movement of a part of the boundary under the action of a force.
29. Define Heat.
Heat is the energy crossing the boundary due to the temperature difference between the system and

30. Give the general gas energy equations.

dH = dE + dW.
31. State the law of conservation of energy
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transferred from one form to another.
32. Define entropy of a pure substance.
Entropy is an important thermodynamic property, which increases with addition of heat and decreases
with its removal. Entropy is a function of temperature only. It is an unavailability of energy during
energy transfer.
33. Define an isentropic process.
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Isentropic process is also called as reversible adiabatic process. It is a process which follows the law of
pV = C is known as isentropic process. During this process entropy remains constant and no heat
enters or leaves the gas.
34. Explain the throttling process.
Throttling process involves the passage of a higher pressure fluid through a narrow constriction. The
effect is the reduction in pressure and increase in volume. This process is adiabatic as no heat flows
from and to the system, but it is not reversible. It is not an isentropic process. The entropy of the fluid
actually increases
35. What is the work done in a free expansion process ?
36. Define free expansion process.
When a gas expands suddenly into a vacuum through a large orifice is known as free expansion
37. Which property is constant during throttling?
38. If in the equation PVn = C, the value of n =INFINITY then the process is called _______
Constant Volume process
39. The polytropic index (n) is given by ________
n = log (P2/P1)/ log (V1/V2)
40. Work transfer is equal to heat transfer in case of ________ process.
Isothermal process.
41. Write down the characteristic gas equation.
Characteristic gas equation is pV = mRT
p = pressure
V = Volume
R = Characteristic gas constant
T = Temperature.
42. What is meant by steady flow process?
If the rate of flow of mass and energy across the boundary remains constant during a process , it is
known as steady flow process.
43. What is the difference between steady flow and non flow process?
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During the steady flow process the rate of flow of mass and energy across the boundary remains
A process may be non-flow in which a fixed mass within the defined boundary is undergoing a change
of state. Example : A substance which is being heated in a closed cylinder undergoes a non-flow

44.What is meant by Perpetual motion Machine of first kind?

PMM of the first kind delivers work continuously without any input. It violates first law of
thermodynamics. It is impossible to construct an engine working with this principle.
45.Define the term process.
It is defined as the change of state undergone by a gas due to energy flow.
46.Define the term cycle.
When a system undergoes a series of processes and return to its original condition, It is known as
47.What is Quasi-static process?
If the process is said to be quasi-static, It should proceed infinitesimally show and follow continuous
series of equilibrium states. Therefore, the quasi-static process may be a reversible process.
48.Define the term internal energy.
Internal energy of the gas is the energy stored in a gas due to its molecular interactions.
49.Define the term enthalpy.
The combination of internal energy and flow energy is known as enthalpy of the system
50.Define zeroth law and first law of thermodynamics?
Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when two systems are separately in thermal equilibrium
with a third system, then they themselves are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
First law of thermodynamics states that when system undergoes a cyclic process, net heat transfer is
equal to work transfer.

51.Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy.

For any isolated system, there is no heat, work and mass transfer.
According to first law of thermodynamics,
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52.What is an adiabatic system ?
An adiabatic system is one which is thermally insulated from its surroundings. It can,however,
exchange work with its surroundings. If it does not, it becomes an isolated system.
53.Distinguish classical (macroscopic ) and statistical (microscopic ) thermodynamics .
In this approach a certain quantity of matter is considered without taking into account the events
occurring at molecular level. In other words this approach to thermodynamics is concerned with gross
or overall behaviour. This is known as classical thermodynamics.
The approach considers that the system is made up of a very large number of discrete particles
known as molecules. These molecules have different velocities and energies. The values of these
energies are constantly changing with time. This approach to thermodynamics which is concerned
directly with the structure of the matter is known as statistical thermodynamics
54.Define Irreversible process and give examples .
The process is said to be an irreversible process if it cannot return the system and the surroundings to
their original conditions when the process is reversed. The irreversible process is not at equilibrium
throughout the process. An irreversible process is usually represented by a dotted (or discontinuous)
line joining the end states to indicate that the intermediate states are indeterminate .

(i) Relative motion with friction (ii) Combustion(iii) Diffusion (iv) Free expansion(v) Throttling (vi)
Electricity flow through a resistance(vii) Heat transfer (viii) Plastic deformation.
55.Discuss external and internal irreversibilities with examples.
External irreversibilities. These are associated with dissipating effects outside the working fluid.
Example. Mechanical friction occurring during a process due to some external source.
Internal irreversibilities. These are associated with dissipating effects within the working fluid.
Example. Unrestricted expansion of gas, viscosity and inertia of the gas.
56. Prove that for an isolated system, there is no change in internal energy.
For any isolated system, there is no heat, work and mass transfer.
According to the first law of thermodynamics.

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1. State the Kelvin Plank statement of second law of thermodynamics.
Kelvin Plank states that it is impossible to construct a heat engine working on cyclic process,
whose only purpose is to convert all the heat energy given to it into an equal amount of work.
2. State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.
It states that heat can flow from hot body to cold without any external aid but heat cannot flow
from cold body to hot body without any external aid.
3. State Carnots theorem.
No heat engine operating in a cyclic process between two fixed temperature, can be more
efficient than a reversible engine operating between the same temperature limits.
4. What are the Corollaries of Carnot theorem.
a. In all the reversible engine operating between the two given thermal reservoirs with
fixed temperature, have the same efficiency.
b. The efficiency of any reversible heat engine operating between two reservoirs is
independent of the nature of the working fluid and depends only on the temperature of
the reservoirs.
5. Define PMM of second kind.
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Perpetual motion machine of second kind draws heat continuously from single reservoir and
converts it into equivalent amount of work. Thus it gives 100% efficiency.
6. What is the difference between a heat pump and a refrigerator?
Heat pump is a device which operating in cyclic process, maintains the temperature of a hot
body at a temperature higher than the temperature of surroundings.
A refrigerator is a device which operating in a cyclic process, maintains the temperature of a
cold body at a temperature lower than the temperature of the surroundings.
7. What is meant by heat engine?
A heat engine is a device which is used to convert the thermal energy into mechanical energy.
8. Define the term COP?
Co-efficient of performance is defined as the ratio of heat extracted or rejected to work input.
a. COP

Heat extracted rejected

Work input

9. Write the expression for COP of a heat pump and a refrigerator?

COP of Heat pump

Source Temperatur e
Source Temperatur e - Sink Temperatur e

COP of Refrigerat or

Source Temperatur e
Source Temperatur e - Sink Temperatur e

10. What is the relation between COPHP and COP ref?

COPHP = COPref +1
11. Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practical?
a. In a Carnot cycle all the four process are reversible but in actual practice there is no
process is reversible.
b. There are two processes to be carried out during compression and expansion. For
isothermal process the piston moves very slowly and for adiabatic process the piston
moves as fast as possible. This speed variation during the same stroke of the piston is
not possible.
c. It is not possible to avoid friction moving parts completely.
12. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle can be
a. Efficiency can be increased as the source temperature increases.
b. Efficiency can be increased as the sink temperature decreases.

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13. Why a heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency?
For all the heat engines there will be a heat loss between system and surroundings. Therefore we
cant convert all the heat input into useful work.
14. When will be the Carnot cycle efficiency is maximum?
Carnot cycle efficiency is maximum when the initial temperature is 0K.
15. What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle.
Carnot cycle consist of
Reversible isothermal compression
isentropic compression
reversible isothermal expansion
isentropic expansion
16. State carnot theorem?
No heat engine operating in a cyclic process between two-fixed temperatures can be more
efficient that a reversible engine operating between the same temperature limits.
17. Define PMM of second kind?
Perpetual motion machine of second kind draws heat continuously from single reservoir and
converts it into equivalent amount of work, Thus it gives 100 percentage efficiency.
18. What is meant by heat engine?
A heat engine is a device, which is used to convert the thermal energy into mechanical energy.
19. Define the term absolute entropy?
The change in entropy of the system with respect to ambient conditions or any other standard
reference condition is known as absolute entropy.

20. Define Entropy .

Entropy may also be defined as the thermal property of a substance which remains constant
when substance is expanded or compressed adiabatically in a cylinder.
21. Define the terms source, sink, and heat reservoir.

The part where the heat to be rejected to work absorbing or work developing device is

called source.
Sink: The part which receives heat from work absorbing or work developing device is called sink.

The part which supplies or receives heat continuously without change in its

temperature is called as reservoir.

22. Define entropy according to statistical thermodynamics?
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In statistical thermodynamics, entropy is associated with the notion of disorder and the second
law statement that the entropy of an isolated system undergoing a spontaneous process tends
to increase is equivalent to saying that the disorder of the isolated system tends to increase.
Entropy is an index of unavailability or degradation of energy.
23. Is the second law is independent of first law? Explain.
Yes. The second law is independent of first law. The second law speaks about the quality of
24. Define change of entropy. How is entropy compared with heat transfer and absolute
The measure of irreversibility when the energy transfer takes place within the system or
between the system and surrounding is called as change of entropy. It is simply known as
unaccounted heat loss.
25. State corollaries of carnot theorem?

The thermal efficiency of an irreversible power cycle is always less than the thermal
efficiency of a reversible power cycle when each operates between the same two thermal

All reversible power cycles operating between the same two thermal reservoirs have the
same thermal efficiency.

26. Can entropy of universe ever decrease ? why?

Entropy of universe cannot ever decrease. It will be remain constant or will decrease due to
27. What is the essence of the second law of thermodynamics?

To know the feasibility of process.

To know about the quality of energy.

28. Why the performances of refrigerator and heat pump are given in terms of C.O.P and
not in terms of efficiency?
The performance of any device is expressed in terms of efficiency for work developing machines.
But heat pump and refrigerator are work absorbing machines. So, the performance of those
devices based on C.O.P only.
29. Comment on the statement The entropy of universe tends to be maximum?
If the entropy of universe tends to be maximum, the irreversibility will be more due to friction
between moving parts.

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30. For compression process between same states, which will consume more work
reversible or irreversible.
Irreversible work will be more in the compression process. Generally for compression, the actual
work given will be higher than the calculated work.
31. What are the assumptions made in working of Carnot Engine ?

The assumptions made for describing the working of the Carnot engine are as follows :
The piston moving in a cylinder does not develop any friction during motion.
The walls of piston and cylinder are considered as perfect insulators of heat.
The cylinder head is so arranged that it can be a perfect heat conductor or perfect heat
The transfer of heat does not affect the temperature of source or sink.
Working medium is a perfect gas and has constant specific heat.
Compression and expansion are reversible.

32. What are the conditions to be satisfied for a reversible process ?

A reversible process should fulfill the following conditions :

The process should not involve friction of any kind.
Heat transfer should not take place with finite temperature difference.
The energy transfer as heat and work during the forward process should be identically equal to
energy transfer as heat and work during the reversal of the process.
There should be no free or unrestricted expansion.
There should be no mixing of the fluids.
The process must proceed in a series of equilibrium states.

33. Why reversible processes are preferred ?

Reversible processes are preferred because the devices which produce work such as engines and
turbines, reversible process of the working fluid delivers more work than the corresponding
rreversible processes. Also in case of fans, compressors, refrigerators and pumps less power input is
required when reversible processes are used in place of corresponding irreversible ones
34. Write the equation for Clausius inequality
Clausius inequality is given by,

When a system performs a reversible cycle, then

but when the cycle is not reversible

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35. What are the various causes of irreversibility ?

Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference

Unrestrained expansion of a gas or liquid to a lower pressure
Spontaneous chemical reaction
Spontaneous mixing of matter at different compositions or states
Frictionsliding friction as well as friction in the flow of fluids
Electric current flow through a resistance
Magnetization or polarization with hysteresis
Inelastic deformation

36. What are internal and external irreversibilities ?

Internal irreversibilities are those that occur within the system.
External irreversibilities are those that occur within the surroundings, often the immediate
37. Define an internally reversible process .
An internally reversible process is one in which there are no irreversibilities within the system.

38. State Clausius inequality

The Clausius inequality states that for any thermodynamic cycle

where Q represents the heat transfer at a part of the system boundary during a portion of the
cycle, and T is the absolute temperature at that part of the boundary. The subscript b serves
as a reminder that the integrand is evaluated at the boundary of the system executing the
cycle. The integral symbol indicates that the integral is to be performed over all parts of the
boundary and over the entire cycle.


State Third law of thermodynamics.

The third law of thermodynamics states When a system is at zero absolute temperature,
the entropy of system is zero.
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40. What is available energy ?
Available energy is the maximum portion of energy which could be converted into useful work by
ideal processes which reduce the system to a dead state (a state in equilibrium with the earth and
its atmosphere).
The available energy (A.E.) or the available part of the energy supplied is the maximum work
output obtainable from a certain heat input in a cyclic heat engine .

41. What is unavailable energy ?

The theoretical maximum amount of work which can be obtained from a system at any state p 1 and
T1 when operating with a reservoir at the constant pressure and temperature p 0 and T0 is called
The minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the second law is called the
unavailable energy (U.E.), or the unavailable part of the energy supplied.

42. Define irreversibility.

The actual work which a system does is always less than the idealized reversible work, and the
difference between the two is called the irreversibility of the process.


1. Define latent heat of ice?
Total amount of heat added during conversion of ice of zero degree Celsius into water of zero
degree Celsius.
2. Define Sensible heat of water .
It is defined as the quantity of heat absorbed by 1 kg of water when it is heated from 0 C
(freezing point) to boiling point. It is also called total heat (or enthalpy) of water or liquid heat
3. Define Latent heat or hidden heat of water .
It is the amount of heat required to convert water at a given temperature and pressure into
steam at the same temperature and pressure. It is expressed by the symbol hfg and its value is
available from steam tables. The value of latent heat is not constant and varies according to
pressure variation.

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4. Define Dryness fraction (x).
The term dryness fraction is related with wet steam. It is defined as the ratio of the mass of
actual dry steam to the mass of steam containing it.
5. What is pure substance?
Pure substance is a substance which has a fixed chemical composition throughout its mass.
Examples: Water, nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide, and helium. A pure substance does not have to be
of a single chemical element or compound. A mixture of various chemical elements or
compounds is also called as pure substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous.
6. What is saturation temperature and saturation pressure?
At a given pressure, the temperature at which a liquid boils is called saturation temperature.
At the given temperature, the pressure at which the liquid boils is called saturation pressure.
It is also called as vapour pressure.
7. Define latent heat of vaporization?
The amount of heat added during heating of water from boiling point to dry saturated stage is
called as latent heat of vaporization or enthalpy of vaporization or latent heat of steam.
8. Define the terms boiling point and melting point
Boiling point: It is the temperature at which the liquid starts to change its state from liquid to
Melting point: It is the temperature at which the solid starts to change its state from solid to
9. Define sensible heat of water?
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of water from 0C to the
saturation temperature under a constant pressure. It is denoted by hf.
10. Define the term superheat enthalpy.
The heat supplied to the dry steam at saturation temperature, to convert it into superheated
steam at the temperature Tsup is called superheat enthalpy.

11. Define wet steam and dry steam?

The steam which is partially evaporated and having water particles in suspension is called wet
The steam which is fully in evaporated state and is not having any water particles is called dry
12. What is meant by superheated steam? And indicate its use.
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If the dry steam is further heated, then the process is called superheating and steam obtained
is known as superheated steam.
Uses:Superheated steam has more heat energy and more work can be obtained using it.
Thermal efficiency increases as the temperature of superheated steam is high.
13. Define triple point and critical point for pure substance?
Triple point:

Triple point is the state at which all the three phases that is, solid, liquid and

vapour are said to exist in equilibrium. The triple point is merely the point of intersection of
sublimation and vapourisation curves. It must be understood that only on p-T diagram is the
triple point represented by a point.
Critical point:

It represents the highest pressure and temperature at which the liquid and

vapour phases coexist in equilibrium. At the critical point the liquid and vapour phases are
indistinguishable that is liquid directly converted into vapour.
14. Explain the terms: Degree of superheat, Degree of subcooling.
Degree of superheat: It is the difference between superheated temperature and saturated
temperature at the same pressure.
Degree of subcooling:It is the amount by which the water is cooled beyond the saturated
temperature at the same pressure.
15. Define Saturation temperature and saturation pressre
The phase change temperature corresponding to the saturation pressure. Sometimes called the
boiling temperature.
The pressure at which phase change occurs is called saturation pressure.
16. What is Compressed liquid ?
Liquid whose temperature is lower than the saturation temperature is called compressed liquid.
Sometimes it is called as a sub-cooled liquid.
17. What is Saturated liquid ?
It is the liquid at the saturation temperature corresponding to the saturation pressure. That is
liquid about to commence evaporating.
18. What is Dry (saturated) vapour , wet vapour and superheated vapour ?
Dry Vapour is the vapour which has just completed evaporation. The pressure and temperature
of the vapour are the saturation values.
Wet vapour is the mixture of saturated liquid and dry vapour during the phase change.
Superheated vapour is the vapour whose temperature is greater than the saturation
temperature corresponding to the pressure of the vapour.
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19. State phase rule of pure substances?

The number of independent variables associated with a multicomponent, multiphase system is
given by the phase rule. It is also called as Gibbs phase rule.It is expressed by the equation as
n=C- +2
n = the number of independent variable,
c = the number of components,
= the number of phases present in equilibrium.
20. When saturation pressure increases, what happens to saturation temperature and
freezing point?
When saturation pressure increases, then the saturation temperature is increasing and the
freezing point decreasing.
21. What is meant by steam power cycles?
Thermodynamic cycles which use steam as the working fluid is called steam power cycles.
22. What is meant by work ratio? What is the importance of work ratio in vapour cycles?

Work ratio is defined as the ratio of network transfer to the positive work transfer.
Work ratio affects the actual efficiency comparing two cycles with the same ideal
efficiency, the cycle having smaller work ratio would have smaller actual efficiency.
Higher the work ratio, the SSC is lower, resulting in smaller size plant for the given

23. What are the effects of condenser pressure on the Rankine cycle?
lowering the condenser pressure, we can increase the cycle efficiency.The main
disadvantage is lowering the back pressure increases the wetness of steam. Isentropic
compression of a very wet vapour is very difficult.
24. A vapour cycle inherently has two advantages over gas power cycle. What are they?

Isothermal heat transfer (evaporation and condensation) is possible in practice.

The work ratio is high compared to the gas power cycles.

25. Mention the improvements made to increase the ideal efficiency of ranking cycle.

Lowering the condenser pressure

Super heated steam is supplied to the turbine.
Increase the boiler pressure to certain limit.
Implementing reheat and regeneration in the cycle.

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26. Name the different components in steam power plant working on a rankine cycle.
Boiler, Turbine, Cooling Tower or Condenser, and Pump.
27. What are disadvantages of reheating?
The cost of plant increases due to the reheater and its long connections. It also increases the
condenser capacity due to increased dryness fraction.
28. What are the disadvantages of bleeding?
Cost of the plant increases and the work done per kg of steam is reduced which results in
higher boiler capacity for given output.

29. Define effectiveness.

Effectiveness is defined as the ratio of actual useful work to the maximum useful work. The
useful output of a system is given by the increase of availability of the surroundings. The
effectiveness of an actual process is always less than unity. Thus effectiveness of a process is the
measure of the extent to which advantage has been taken of an opportunity to obtain useful work.

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