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Am J Psychiatry
154:9, September


Regular Articles

PET Study of Competition Between Intravenous Cocaine

and [11C]Raclopride at Dopamine Receptors in Human Subjects

Thomas E. Schlaepfer, M.D., Godfrey D. Pearlson, M.D., Dean F. Wong, M.D.,

Stefano Marenco, M.D., and Robert F. Dannals, Ph.D.

Objective: Animal data suggest that the strong euphoriant effects of cocaine are related to
the drug’s enhancement of available dopamine at the synaptic cleft. The authors’ goal was to
determine whether this mechanism is the same in humans because the development of putative
pharmacological agents for treatment of cocaine dependence depends on this knowledge.
Method: Positron emission tomography with [11C]raclopride was used to examine the effects
of the intravenous administration of 48 mg of cocaine (a typical “street” dose) on the occu-
pancy of dopamine 2 receptors in the putamen of 11 self-identified intravenous drug abusers.
Results: All 11 subjects reported subjective stimulation and euphoria in response to cocaine
administration. Radioligand occupancy at dopamine receptors was decreased significantly
after cocaine administration, suggesting that higher dopamine concentrations were competing
at the receptor site. Conclusions: These results support the concept of dopamine system in-
volvement in human cocaine abuse.
(Am J Psychiatry 1997; 154:1209–1213)

C ocaine is a commonly abused (1) stimulant and

euphoriant (2) with strong reinforcing effects (3–
5). The mode of action of cocaine has been the subject
abuse epidemic” has added a sociopolitical dimension
to research on this drug (6) and has resulted in a more
vigorous effort in the search for a specific pharma-
of scientific interest for more than a century (2). The cological approach to cocaine dependency. To establish
more recent awareness of the existence of a “cocaine a putative treatment algorithm, cocaine’s euphorigenic
effects on the human brain must be explained.
It has been demonstrated in animals that cocaine ex-
Presented in part at the 148th Annual Meeting of the American erts its effects by interacting with dopaminergic syn-
Psychiatric Association, May 20–25, 1995, Miami. Received March
28, 1996; revised Dec. 2, 1996, and Feb. 13, 1997; accepted Feb. 25,
apses (7). Cocaine likely interacts with the dopa-
1997. From the Division of Psychiatric Neuroimaging, Department minergic system by binding to the dopamine
of Psychiatry, and the Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of transporter, thus inhibiting dopamine reuptake from
Radiology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, and the synaptic cleft into the presynaptic terminal (8).
the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Group, Department of Psychiatry, Uni- This mechanism leads to an increase of available dopa-
versity of Bern, Switzerland. Address reprint requests to Dr. Schlaep-
fer, Psychiatric Neuroimaging Group, Department of Psychiatry, Uni- mine. The neural basis of cocaine reinforcement iden-
versity of Bern, Murtenstrasse 21, 3010 Bern, Switzerland; schlaepf@ tified in animal models seems to involve an enhance- (e-mail). ment of dopaminergic neurotransmission in dopamine
Supported by fellowship grant 81BE-33483 from the Swiss Na- cells situated in the ventral tegmental area (9, 10). Al-
tional Science Foundation, the ROCHE Research Foundation, and
the CIBA Research Foundation (Dr. Schlaepfer); the Johns Hopkins
though broadly supported by animal studies, the “do-
Hospital Inpatient Clinical Research Center through NIH grant RR- pamine hypothesis” of cocaine’s actions has not been
00035 from the Department of Research Resources (Dr. Pearlson and supported by studies in humans (11).
Dr. Schlaepfer); NIDA grant DA-05317 (Dr. Pearlson); and the Na- It is difficult to compare directly the euphoriant and
tional Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression and reinforcing effects of cocaine exhibited in animal models
NIMH grant MH-42821 (Dr. Wong).
The authors thank David Clough for technical assistance with the with these effects in humans. Therefore, we set out to
positron emission tomography studies and Roger Noss for reviewing correlate possible changes in dopamine concentration
the manuscript. with subjective self-ratings of euphoria after an acute

Am J Psychiatry 154:9, September 1997 1209


FIGURE 1. Six Regions of Interest on PET Slice on Which Quantita- date. Therefore, we hypothesized that acute intrave-
tive Analyses Were Performed for 11 Intravenous Drug Abusersa nous administration of cocaine in human subjects
would raise the intrasynaptic concentration of endo-
genous dopamine sufficiently to displace [11C]raclo-
pride from its competitive binding with the D2 receptor.



We studied 11 men (mean age=36 years, SD=5.2, range=28–44)

who had been abusing intravenous drugs for more than 10 years. All
11 men had the DSM-III-R diagnosis of cocaine abuse, and all regu-
larly abused cocaine and marijuana. Ten men also abused opiates
intermittently. Ten men were African American and one was Cauca-
sian. Subjects were recruited by word of mouth from the East Balti-
more community. All of the men were healthy as assessed by a thor-
ough physical examination and basic medical laboratory results,
including chest X-ray and performance on a stress ECG. Plasma
pseudocholinesterase activity was measured in all of the men to en-
sure adequate metabolism of cocaine-like agents as an additional
safety measure. Written informed consent was obtained according to
the guidelines of the Joint Committee on Clinical Investigation of
Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Subjects refrained from taking any drugs for at least 48 hours be-
fore hospitalization. Twenty-four hours before the beginning of the
PET study, the men were admitted to the inpatient Clinical Research
Center of Johns Hopkins Hospital, where an observed urine toxico-
logical screen of commonly abused substances was performed to
check for compliance with the instructions on drug abstinence. None
of the subjects screened positive for any drug of abuse.
aThe two slices on which the basal ganglia were best visible were se-
lected from a total of 15 axial slices and averaged. The resulting
image was filtered by using a Hanning filter, and three regions of PET Studies
interest were placed interactively on each left and right putamen by
a rater who was blind to the experimental condition. The activities On the day of the study, subjects were scanned with a GE4096-plus
of the six regions of interest were averaged to obtain activity in the whole-body PET camera (resolution was 5–6 mm in plane, 6–7 mm
putamen. The figure represents a 4-minute sampling period 18 min- z axis). The men were given a mean of 20.6 mCi (SD=10.5) of intra-
utes after injection of [11C]raclopride in one subject. venous [11C]raclopride at baseline and a mean of 19.7 mCi (SD=20.7)
of intravenous [11C]raclopride during the drug scan; injected doses
were not significantly different (t=1.45). The specific activities be-
tween baseline and the drug scans (mean=3347 mCi/mmol, SD=
challenge with intravenous cocaine. Our design used 2963, and mean=2096 mCi/mmol, SD=1832) were also not different
positron emission tomography (PET) with a radiola- (t=1.40). After 0–10 minutes, subjects were injected over a period of
approximately 40 seconds with either saline in the placebo scan or 48
beled, reversibly binding dopamine antagonist that is mg of cocaine hydrochloride in the drug scan. The cocaine scan al-
easily displaced by competition of endogenous dopamine. ways followed the placebo scan by 4–6 hours. Since the time to reach
[11C]Raclopride is a positron-emitting selective dopa- equilibrium is variable among subjects, it was difficult a priori to
mine 2 (D2) and dopamine 3 (D3) receptor antagonist. choose an ideal time for the cocaine injection. Therefore, we system-
This tracer has previously been used to demonstrate dif- atically varied the time of drug injection: six men received placebo or
cocaine 10 minutes after the [11C]raclopride injection, two subjects
ferential D2 receptor occupancies in the basal ganglia of received placebo or cocaine 5 minutes after, one subject received pla-
patients with schizophrenia treated with several differ- cebo or cocaine 0 minutes after, and two subjects received placebo or
ent competitive antagonists (12). [11C]Raclopride has a cocaine in a split-dose regimen of 32 mg after 4 minutes and 16 mg
relatively lower affinity for D2 and D3 receptors than after 10 minutes. Throughout the study, the subjects’ ECG, blood
pressure, and heart rate were monitored. Blood pressure and heart
the frequently used tracers [18F]N-methylspiroperidol rate were also recorded.
or [11C]N-methylspiroperidol; therefore, [11C]raclo- Starting 2 minutes before the injection of cocaine or placebo and
pride can be more easily displaced by an increase of every 2 minutes thereafter, a simple visual analog scale questionnaire
endogenous dopamine. This displacement has been (16) was administered for the first 20 minutes of the study. Subjects
demonstrated in animal (rodent) studies (13) as well as used the fingers of the dominant hand to indicate, on a scale of 0–5,
the subjectively perceived strength of the drug effect. This particular
in human autopsy work (14). Volkow et al. (15) re- procedure was chosen because verbal participation of subjects would
ported displacement of [11C]raclopride in human sub- result in head movement and lead to difficulties in image analysis.
jects by increased extracellular dopamine levels result- Subjects wore individualized thermoplastic face masks to stand-
ing from the administration of the dopamine uptake ardize positioning in the scanner with the aid of a laser beam. A CT
scan determined which angle of alignment was parallel to the orbi-
blocker methylphenidate. Using [11C]raclopride in hu- tomeatal line. A radial arterial line was placed to obtain blood sam-
man subjects, Volkow et al. (15) demonstrated changes ples for input sampling. Scans were acquired at 50 time points over a
in dopamine concentration induced by methylpheni- period of 90 minutes. Acquisition duration varied from 15 to 240

1210 Am J Psychiatry 154:9, September 1997


FIGURE 2. Individual Time-Activity Curves Showing Displacement of [11C]Raclopride for 11 Intravenous Drug Abusers During Administration
of Saline (Placebo) or Cocaine Hydrochloride

seconds; the first eight scans were acquired over 15 seconds, the next used a paired t statistic to calculate and compare the total area under
16 over 30 seconds, the next eight over 60 seconds, and the remaining the time-activity curve (corrected for injected activity) as assessed
18 over 240 seconds. with the Riemann method.

Image Analysis
Time-activity curves for putamen and cerebellum were derived in
both the placebo and the drug scans. Fifteen axial slices of 6.5-mm
full width at half maximum were acquired. Images were recon-
All subjects tolerated the experimental procedures
structed in a 128×128 matrix with a pixel size of 2 mm. The two scan well. According to their ratings on the visual analog
slices where the basal ganglia were best visible were averaged, and the scale (16), all of the men reported various degrees of
resulting image was low-pass filtered by using a 6-mm cutoff Hanning greater subjective euphoriant effects after cocaine than
filter to reduce statistical noise. The same procedure was applied to after placeo administration. Peak values for self-re-
two slices where the cerebellum was best visible. To assess a time-ac-
tivity curve of total binding to receptors in the basal ganglia, three
ported “rush” and “high” were reached 2 minutes after
4×4-pixel-wide regions of interest were subsequently placed by a cocaine injection. All subjects reported increases over
rater, blind to the experimental condition, for each left and right pu- baseline after cocaine administration: the mean increase
tamen on every one of the 50 averaged slices (figure 1) of the dynamic in ratings of “rush” was 3.4 (SD=1.5) (Wilcoxon Z=
acquisition. A 6×8-pixel-wide region of interest was placed in each 2.8, N=11, p<0.005); the mean increase in ratings of
left and right cerebellar slice to assess nonspecific binding. Specific “high” was 2.8 (SD=1.7) (Wilcoxon Z=2.8, N=22,
binding was calculated by subtracting the cerebellar activity from the
activity in the putamen, both corrected for the amount of injected p<0.005).
radioactivity. Blood pressure and heart rate also differed between
baseline conditions and 7.5 minutes after cocaine injec-
Statistical Analysis tion: the mean change in systolic pressure was 14.5 mm
Hg (SD=9.54) (one-tailed t=5.1, df=10, p<0.001); the
We used the Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare the scores of mean change in diastolic pressure was 8.2 mm Hg
the subjective measures for cocaine effects because the distribution of
values was not normal. We used paired t tests to compare blood pres-
(SD=8.1) (one-tailed t=3.4, df=10, p<0.01); the mean
sure and heart rate as well as activity measures 7.5 minutes after in- change in heart rate was 29.6 bpm (SD=24.3) (one-
jection of cocaine or placebo, respectively. For both conditions we tailed t=4.0, df=10, p<0.01). There was a significant

Am J Psychiatry 154:9, September 1997 1211


correlation between the self-reported values for “rush” stration, which mars the comparability of the results.
and “high” 2 minutes after the first cocaine injection This procedure was chosen because we were not able to
and the degree of change in systolic (r=0.64 for “rush identify an ideal time for the cocaine injection a priori.
and r=0.68 for “high”) and diastolic (r=0.69 for “rush” Cocaine acts as a potent vasoconstrictor and is asso-
and r=0.66 for “high”) blood pressure from 1 minute ciated clinically with both cardiovascular problems (27)
before cocaine injection to 7 minutes after. and stroke (28). One might argue that the effects of co-
As shown in figure 2, eight of the 11 men showed caine demonstrated in this study are attributable to de-
lower activity in the putamen during the cocaine condi- creased cerebral blood flow and resulting slower deliv-
tion than in the placebo condition. Previous data (17) ery of [11C]raclopride to D2 basal ganglia receptors. We
suggested that maximal physiological cocaine effects tried to defend against this potential criticism by ad-
are reached 8 minutes after injection. Therefore, we cal- ministering cocaine to most subjects 10 minutes after
culated a paired means comparison for the difference in [11C]raclopride administration. The similar time-activ-
specific binding 7.5 minutes after injection of cocaine. ity curves in the cerebellum in both placebo and drug
This analysis revealed significant differences (t=4.0, df= conditions additionally suggest that blood flow differ-
10, p<0.01). The total mean area under the time-activ- ences did not contribute to our findings.
ity curve (corrected for the amount of injected dose of Continued use of cocaine reportedly can cause both
radioactivity) as assessed with the Riemann method tolerance and sensitization, suggesting adaptive changes
was 251.0 (SD=45.5) in the placebo condition and in brain neurochemistry (29). Our observation of a
224.1 (SD=39.1) in the cocaine condition. A paired t rather large standard deviation in the maximal activi-
test revealed a significant difference between the two ties in the putamen is consistent with such effects. Fur-
conditions (t=6.7, df=10, p<0.0001). thermore, the degree of subjective euphoriant drug ef-
fects, as assessed with a visual analog scale, correlated
negatively with age, analogous to a report by Volkow
DISCUSSION et al. (15). The subject who had the lowest activity (the
second graph from the left in the top row of figure 2)
Converging evidence from preclinical research gen- reported the longest history of cocaine abuse (22 years).
erated over the last 25 years has convincingly estab- This observation is consistent with previous findings
lished the pivotal role of dopamine in stimulant reward (30) suggesting that chronic cocaine abuse may affect
(18–22). The neuroanatomical correlates of these dopaminergic receptors.
stimulant euphorigenic mechanisms in the dopa- In summary, we believe that our data offer support
minergic reward regions of the human brain is very for the application of the dopamine hypothesis of co-
important because it might provide new avenues caine’s actions (developed with animal data) to human
for potential treatments (23). Despite this, we are subjects. Furthermore, our data confirm that it is pos-
aware of only one study that tried to correlate cocaine- sible, by using functional radioligand imaging tech-
induced euphoria with changes in dopamine concen- niques, to demonstrate acute central actions of pharma-
tration in human subjects (24). cological agents of abuse on human dopaminergic
Our study of 11 men demonstrated significant dis- neurotransmitter systems in vivo.
placement of a radiolabeled D2 receptor antagonist in
response to intravenous administration of 48 mg of co-
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Am J Psychiatry 154:9, September 1997 1213

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