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Issue 4/2002

Info Editorial
■ Dr. Michael Bolle
Vice President

More Comfort Communications

Corporate Research
and Development

with Bluetooth From Single Devices to

Open Service Platforms
■ The short-range radio system Bluetooth will be bringing more comfort to automobiles in growing number of new tech-
the future. It links a variety of devices such as the car radio, mobile phone, PDA (personal A nologies for automobiles is
digital assistant) and headset, and has the potential to become a universal communication bringing us greater safety, more com-
interface between the vehicle and the outside world. fort and better entertainment. This
makes driving a pleasure, but it’s a

nce you’ve tried out this wireless huge challenge for the engineers who
network, you won’t be able to do have to develop new vehicle models.
without it. The data speeds from Thinking in terms of individual
your mobile phone to your headset without devices is no longer enough. Be-
any disturbances, and there are no wires to cause the various automotive do-
get tangled up. Currently, Bluetooth is most mains such as the powertrain, vehi-
frequently used in the hands-free telephone cle body, multimedia and telematics
units now required for cars. These units used are gradually converging, today’s au-
to be linked with a mobile phone via data ca- tomobile must be regarded as an in-
ble. The 2.4 GHz technology of Bluetooth tegrated system. A supplier like
can do much more. However, researchers at Bosch, which is involved in all of
Bosch believe that Bluetooth’s most impor- these areas, thus becomes a systems
tant function will be to link together the vari- architect integrating these many dif-
ous multimedia devices in an automobile. For ferent components into a smoothly
example, nearly every modern terminal in functioning whole. To this end, re-
the area of consumer electronics now pro- searchers at Bosch are developing
vides an address book function, whether it’s concepts for the integration of tele-
a mobile phone, PDA, notebook or car tele- Multimedia magic with Bluetooth: Remote con- matics and multimedia functions on
phone. But there’s actually no good reason trol of the car radio and CD player via PDA. Mu- a shared software platform. This in-
why a driver should have to waste time trans- sic can also be transmitted with total clarity di- cludes audiovisual entertainment
ferring the telephone numbers stored in his rectly into the headset. and navigation, access to wired bus
or her mobile phone to the car telephone, or systems like CAN or MOST, and
typing the addresses stored in the PDA into their headsets. The researchers at Bosch en- wireless communication via mobile
the car’s navigation system. In the future, the vision a communication platform that would phone systems or local radio net-
mobile phone and the PDA will be able to transfer a user interface onto the PDA’s works on the basis of corresponding
automatically synchronize their telephone touchscreen for remote control of the radio. standards such as Bluetooth.
numbers and addresses with a communica- It’s clear that Bluetooth will be used pri- The system architecture needed
tion platform located inside the car. marily for multimedia data transfer. Com- for these purposes is such that a ve-
Bluetooth can thus perform two important munication pathways requiring a high de- hicle can benefit from future techno-
functions: exchanging data between portable gree of security — i.e. between sensors and logical advances during its entire
terminals and the car, and enabling the wire- control devices — will remain linked by lifespan. The concept follows the
less transfer of audio and video signals for wires. One exception would be if informa- well known approach of personal
entertainment and information. A transfer tion on the vehicle needs to be read by ex- computers, which as simple comput-
rate of up to 723 kbit/s is currently available ternal users for the purpose of automotive ing platforms are open to a variety of
for such purposes. To take just one example, diagnosis or maintenance. In such a case, applications and services that can be
the driver’s children in the back seat will be the repair center or the roadside assistance downloaded from the Internet as
able to control the car radio from a PDA via service could then easily diagnose problems Java applets, for example.
Bluetooth while listening to the music on and determine the condition of the vehicle.

Bosch Research Info Issue 4/2002

A Multimedia Offensive for
the Automobile of Tomorrow
■ The appeal of future multimedia and telematics services depends on two factors:
The first priority is a unified hardware and software architecture that combines various
technologies into a single system. At the same time, the needs and interests of the driver
have to be taken into account.

he first priority relates directly to tion. Of further interest are services in the application requires identification of the ve-
the expertise of Bosch as an auto- area of mobile telecommunications, mobile hicle’s current position via a satellite based
motive supplier. The researchers at office, entertainment and mobile com- positioning system.
Bosch are focusing on the task of integrat- merce. ■ Personalization: The myriad of possibili-
ing the various functions into a unified sys- Keeping these market research results in ties for a driver information system must be
tem, since the company already has exper- mind, researchers at Bosch are creating a customized to meet the needs of the indi-
tise in all of the individual technologies and range of scenarios for the application of vidual user.
has played a major role in establishing stan- such new services. For this purpose, they ■ Voice control: This enables the driver to
dards for them in a number of national and are developing concepts to implement the request information about vehicle functions
international bodies and commissions. At necessary functions into the multimedia or control entertainment media via spoken
the heart of such a system is a unified soft- and telematics platform. In the process, it commands without being distracted from
ware platform (see page 4), on which the turned out that the following three func- the road. Information (such as e-mails) can
various multimedia and telematics applica- tions play a key role: be read aloud to the user.
tions run. The software architecture guar- ■ Positioning: Information must reach dri- Bosch employees have worked out a va-
antees that new applications can be imple- vers in the right place and at the right time. riety of detailed scenarios in their research
mented easily. This leads to a significant Moreover, nearly every security and safety projects and implemented the necessary
reduction in the time and expense required
for development.
It also means that new services can be ■ The most important multimedia and telematics services for drivers:
downloaded from automotive manufactur- Safety and security: Emergency call, call for roadside assistance, driver assistance,
ers or other providers when the vehicles are anti-theft, vehicle tracking, remote diagnosis and repair
being configured on the production line, or Traffic: Realtime traffic information, dynamic navigation, parking space availability
even after delivery. Communication: Hands-free communication, personalized information (news,
Which services might be affected? Mar- sports, events, weather), mobile office (e-mail, address book, calender), location-based
ket research has shown that the auxiliary services (the nearest restaurant, hotel, cinema, gas station)
function to which car drivers and passen- Entertainment: Music, video (“on demand” as well), Internet, games
gers assign top priority is vehicle safety, fol- Transactions: General banking services
lowed by traffic information and naviga-

Bosch Research Info Issue 4/2002

functions in the Java programming lan-
guage, which is independent of specific op-
erating systems.
In the European research project
DRiVE, Bosch and its partners have shown
how navigation systems and mobile phones
can work together on a shared software
platform. A user interface can be accessed
by means of voice control, enabling the dri-
ver to choose from various services on offer
— for example, a city guide that provides in-
formation about what’s going on around
town or where the nearest restaurants and
hotels are located. This system receives the
data via mobile phone from the Internet
portal of a car manufacturer willing to offer
this additional service to its customers. But
any certified third party provider with a bit
of enterprise can also jump on the band- world of multimedia and telematics. The just its services flexibly and efficiently to
wagon and supply his own service, such as navigation system will use its satellite re- meet the needs of the various vehicle mod-
a list of the pizzerias in the area. At the ceiver to determine the location of the ve- els and user groups. This makes it possible
touch of a button, the navigation system hicle and then transfer this information via to obtain help in an emergency from a spe-
can store the location coordinates of the mobile phone to a service provider. In turn, cial call center, for example, or be navi-
chosen restaurant and guide the driver the provider will find the nearest service gated to the next available service station,
safely to the destination. center that can repair the tire, find out how as described in the example given above.
Another possible service would be useful long a waiting period is required, and send An interface with the so-called CAN bus,
in the event that problems arise during a the list of possibilities back to the driver. which operates the vehicle’s control sys-
trip: The system could provide a list of The list will contain the name of the service tems, can activate a call to an emergency
nearby service stations, medical services or station, the distance from the current posi- service via the mobile phone in the event of
hospitals, or it could download train or tion, and the waiting time for the customer. an accident as soon as the ABS or ESP sen-
plane schedules into the navigation system. Each entry on the list comes with its loca- sors have reacted to the situation.
Other scenarios unfold in the areas of ve- tion coordinates, which are not visible to A remote diagnosis of the vehicle is also
hicle diagnostics and maintenance. For ex- the user but necessary for the navigation possible: Operating data can be read out
ample, if the tire pressure decreases below system. The driver chooses the service sta- from controlling devices via mobile phone.
a certain threshold during a trip, this infor- tion he wants, and on command the navi- If a repair is required, the driver is notified.
mation is communicated to the driver on gation system takes over. However, if the remote diagnosis concludes
the vehicle’s display. Even though modern The new OSGi (Open Service Gateway that a software update is sufficient to correct
tires permit a few kilometers of driving in initiative) industry standard guarantees that the malfunction, the remote maintenance
the event of a flat, a safety-conscious driver various services and applications can be procedure can be carried out by simply
will want to know the location of the near- simply downloaded and will then function downloading the necessary software from
est auto repair shop or tire service center. independently of the underlying computer an authorized and certified service
The touch of a button or a voice command hardware and operating system. This guar- provider. In this case, the owner doesn’t
will summon the assistance out of the new antees that every car manufacturer can ad- even need to drive to the service station.

Bosch Research Info Issue 4/2002

In Brief
Giant Step for ■ High-Speed Material Wins Award
Data processing with computer

Software Developers chips will soon be speeding up: Nor-

mally, data moves through glass
fibers at rates measured in Gbit/s —
and the electrical circuits in the
■Vehicle stability programs, air-conditioning and navigation systems are milestones in computer can’t keep up. The new
automotive safety and comfort. These functions would be unthinkable without electronics light-conducting special polymer
and software, yet a growing number of technologies must now be linked together in order ORMOCER could revolutionize the
to be useful. The solution from Bosch developers: An “open” service platform. mounting and connection technol-
ogy of printed circuit boards and

rivers who purchase a new car to- the various services or applications. The chips, as well as making compact
day make a decision that will application programs for the car radio, e- optoelectronic chip designs possible.
have an impact over the next few mail and navigation systems, all of which Recently, 16 research institutes, in-
years. The extent of the vehicle’s equip- are written in the Java programming lan- cluding Bosch (Dr. Jürgen Graf from
ment is set at the date of purchase and will guage, operate above this software level. FV/FLD), were honored for this de-
not change very much during its lifetime of This eliminates the need for complicated velopment with the Science Prize
10 to 15 years. So, although technical adjustments to the application software in 2002 from the Donors’ Association
progress will be making leaps and bounds conjunction with the underlying operating for the Promotion of Sciences and
during this period, the car won’t be able to system and processor. As a result, less time Humanities in Germany.
benefit from them. New concepts are and expenses are required for develop-
needed to enable drivers and automakers ment.
to keep up with the rapid development of ■ The individual Java programs (applica- Dates
consumer electronics. The solution Bosch tions) can communicate with one another ■ February 3 – 6, 2003
is working on involves the combination of via predefined software interfaces. This is Karl Bendel will discuss “Extending
a variety of technologies — from car radio, ensured by an application framework that the Scope of Scanning Laser
CD/DVD player and mobile phone all the complies to the OSGi standard. OSGi is an Doppler Vibrometers to Tracking
way to the Internet, e-mail, and navigation industrial consortium in which Bosch re- Arbitrarily Moving Objects” at the
and air-conditioning system — into an inte- searchers are also involved. The applica- Conference on Structural Dynamics
grated network based on a shared software tion framework guarantees that an e-mail in Kissimmee, Florida.
platform. Such a system has a number of program or Web browser and a navigation
advantages: application “understand” each other — e.g. ■ March 18 – 19, 2003
■ The platform is independent of the op- that location coordinates can be transferred Stefan Arndt will focus on “Laser-
erating system and the hardware being from the Internet to the navigation device. Optical Analysis of Mixture Forma-
used. This is achieved with a “middleware” The key feature is that the OSGi standard tion in Gasoline Direct Injection” at
that separates the operating system from regulates not only the execution of Java the 6th International Engine Com-
programs but also their downloading and bustion Conference at the “Haus
installation or deinstallation. der Technik” in Munich, Germany.
That’s how the software platform makes
it possible to add new functions after the
vehicle has been bought — to the cus-
tomer’s advantage. For instance, customers ■ Publisher
can benefit from a better route algorithm Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
for the navigation system, new mobile of- ■ Responsible for content
fice functions, or the latest games. Car Dr. Wolf-Dieter Haecker
manufacturers can perform upgrading ac- President, Corporate Research and
tivities efficiently and cheaply: For exam- Development
ple, drivers will be able to download new ■ Editing and design
functions for sensors or operating software Medien-Service Wissenschaft, Stuttgart
for control devices — without having to set ■ Translation
foot in a repair shop. The platform is open TransForm GmbH, Cologne
for a whole range of new functions and ser- ■ Questions about the contents of this issue
vices (including those provided by third Robert Bosch GmbH
party suppliers). Of course, the software Dr. Michael Bolle FV/SL2
must be certified before it can be installed, Postfach 77 77 77
so that the stability and integrity of the sys- 31132 Hildesheim, Germany
tem as a whole is guaranteed. After all, Tel.: +49 5121 49-2500
having the whole system crash — an expe- Fax: +49 5121 49-172500
rience all too familiar to PC users – is out ■ Other questions about this issue
The layered system makes applications inde- of the question when it comes to the com-
pendent of operating systems. fort and safety features of an automobile.

Bosch Research Info Issue 4/2002

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