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Final Exam Review

1. Definitions
(a) Least Upper Bound/ Supremum
s R is a supremum for a set A R if it meets the following criteria:
i. s is an upper bound for A;
ii. if b is any upper bound for A, then s b
(b) Definition 1.4.6 Cardinality
Two sets A and B have the same cardinality if there exists f : A B
that is bijective.
(c) 2.2.3 Convergence of a Sequence
A sequence (a n ) converges to a R iff for every > 0, there exists an
N N such that, whenever n N , it implies |a n a| < .
(d) Limit Superior of (a n )
lim sup a n = lim y n where y n = sup{a k |k n}.
(e) Cauchy sequence
a sequence (a n )is cauchy iff for all , there exists N N such that,
whenever n, m N , |a n a m | < .
(f) Ratio Test


a k with a k 6= 0, the Ratio Test states if (a k ) satisfies lim |

a k+/1

r < 1, then the series converges absolutely.

(g) Open Set
A set O R is open if for every a O, there exists a V (a) O.
(h) Limit point
A point x is a limit point of a set A if every V (x) intersects A at a
point other than x.
(i) Closedness
A set F R is closed if it contains all its limit points.
(j) Compactness
A set K R is compact if it every sequence contains a susequence
which converges to a limit in K .
(k) Functional Limit
We say limxc f (x) = L if for every > 0, > 0 such that whenever
0 < |x c| < , it follows that | f (x) L| < .
(l) Continuity
A function f : A R is continuous at a point c A if, for every > 0,
there exists a > 0 such that whenever |x c| < and x A, it follows
that | f (x) f (c)| < .
(m) Uniform Continuity

A function f : A R is uniformly continuous if, for every > 0,

such that |x y| < implies | f (x) f (y)| < .
(n) Pointwise Convergence
For each n N, let f n be a function defined on A R. ( f n ) converges
pointwise on A if for all x A, the sequence of real numbers f n (x) converges to f (x)
(o) Uniform Convergence
Let f n be seq of fns on A. ( f n ) converges uniformly on A to a limit f
defined on A if, for every > 0, there exists an N N such that | f n (x)
f (x)| < whenever n N and x A.
(p) partition
a partition of [a, b] is an ordered, finite set P = {a = x o , x 1 , x n = b}
(q) upper integral
let P 0 be collection of all possible partictions of [a,b]. upper lim of f
is U ( f ) = inf{U ( f , P ) : P P 0 }

2. Theorems and Lemmata

(a) Lemma 1.3.7
Let s be an upper bound for A R. Then s = sup A iff for every > 0,
there exists an a A such that s < a

(b) Theorem 1.4.1 Nested Interval Property

For each n N, assume we are given a closed interval I n = [a n , b n ].
Assume also that each I n contains I n+1 . Then, the resulting nested sequence of closed intervals I 1 I 2 I 3 has a non empty subset;
that is,
n=1 I n 6= ;.
(c) Theorem 2.4.2 Monotone Convergence Theorem
If a sequence is monotone and bounded, then it converges.
(d) Theorem 2.4.6 Cauchy Condensation test
Suppose (b n ) is decreasing and satisfies b n 0 for all n N. Then

b n converges iff

2n b s n converges

(e) B-W Theorem

Every bounded sequence contains a convergent subsequence.
(f) Cauchy criterion
A sequence converges if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence.
(g) Cauchy Criterion for series
the series

a k converges iff given > 0. N N such that whenever

n > m N , it follows that |a m + a m+1 + a n | < .

Proof: since |s n s m | = |a m + a m+1 + a n |, apply CC for sequences.
(h) Theorem 2.7.3

a k converges, then (a k ) 0.

(i) Comparison test

given sequences satisfying 0 a k b k , then if

a k and if

a k diverges, so does

b k converges, so

bk .

(j) Geometric series


ar k =

iff |r | < 1.

(k) Theorem 3.2.3 Collections of open sets

The union of an arbitrary collection of open sets is open. The intersection of a finite collection of open sets is open.
(l) Theorem 3.2.5 A point x is a limit point of A iff x = lim a n for some
(a n ) A satisfying a n 6= x for all n N.
(m) Theorem 3.2.8 Closed and Cauchy
A set F R is closed iff every cauchy sequence in F has a limit also
and element in F .
(n) Sequential Criterion for Functional Limits
Given a function f : A R and limit point c of A, the following statements are equivalent:
i. lim f (x) = L
ii. For all sequences (x n ) A satisfying x n 6= c and (x c ) c, it follows
that f (x n ) L.
(o) Divergence Criterion for Functional Limits

Let f : A R and c L(A). If there exists (x n ), (y n ) A with x n 6= c

and y n 6= c and lim x n = lim y n = c but lim f (x n ) 6= lim f (y n ), then we
conclude that the functional limit lim f (x) = L does not exist.
(p) Characterizations of Continuity
Let f : A R and c L(A). f is continuous at c iff any of the following is met:
i. lim f (x) = f (c)
ii. if (x n ) c (with x A), then f (x n ) f (c).
(q) Criterion for Discontinuity
If for f : A R and where c A is a limit point for A, there exists a
(x n ) A where (x n ) c but such that f (x n ) does not converge to f (c),
then f is not continuous at c.
(r) Theorem 4.4.2 Preservation of Compact Sets
Let f : A R be continuous on A. If K A is compact, f (K ) is too.
(s) Thrm 4.4.3 Extreme Value Theorem
If f : K R where K R is compact, then f attains maximum and
minimum values on K . Or x o , x 1 K such that f (x o ) f (x) f (x 1 )
for all x K .
(t) Sequential Criterion for Nonuniform Continuity
A function f : A R fails to be uniformly continuous on A iff, o >

0 and (x n ), (y n ) A satisfying |x n y n | o but | f (x n ) f (y n )| o .

(u) Theorem 4.4.8 continuity on K
A function which is continuous on a compact set K is uniformly
continuous on K .
(v) 6.2.6 unif converge on cont functs
let ( f n ) converge uniformly to f . If each f n is cont at c A, then f is
cont at c A.
(w) thrm 6.3.3
Let ( f n ) de seq of dif funcs on [a,b] and assume ( f n ) converges unif
to g on [a,b]. If exists x o [a, b] is converge, ( f n converge unif. And
limit func f = lim f n is different so that f 0 = g .
(x) 6.4.2

f n converges unif on A to f . then f is continuous on A.

3. Techniques for proving theorems and examples

(a) Density of Q in R
want to show c Q such that a < c =


< b for all a, b R and

n, m Z. Multiply by m and then archimed to choose n. then rearrange to choose m by arch as well.
(b) R is uncountable

Contradiction. assume there is biject function such that x 1 = f (1), x 2 =

f (2). Set up interval which doesnt contain x 1 . divide into two and label that interval which doesnt contain x 2 . inductively construct I n+1
I n such that x n+1 I n+1 . if some number exists such that x no = f (n o ),
then x no I n so infinite intersection is empty set. contradicts NIP
(c) Order limit theorem
(i). Contradiction. Assume a < 0. COnsider particular o = |a|. Convergence guarantees for all n N , we can find |a n a| < |a|. But this
implies a N < 0 contradicting hypothesis
Alg limit thrm guarantees b n a n converges to b a. Say b n a n 0
and apply (i). (iii) a n = c for all n N and apply (ii).
(d) MCT
find s = sup A. By lemma 1.3.7, a N such that s < a N ; so then
s < a N a n < s < s + for all n N. So a n converges to s.
(e) Showing

P 1

Take series of partial sums (s m ). Notice s m = 1+ 212 + 312 + m12 < 1+ 21

+ m(m1)
= 1 + (1 12 ) + ( 12 31 ) + ( m1
m1 = 1 + 1 m1 < 2

(f) Showing


1 1
1 1
s 8 = 1 + 1/2 + ( + ) + ( + ) > 1 + 1/2 + ( + ) + ( + ).
3 4
4 4
In general,
1 1
s 2k = 1 + 1/2 + ( + ) + ( + ) + ( k1
+ k )
3 4
2 +1
1 1
> 1 + 1/2 + ( + ) + ( + ) + ( k + k ) = 1 + k
4 4
which is not bounded.
(g) CCT

2n b 2n converges. Theorem 2.3.2 guarantees t k =

2 k b 2k

are bounded. Fix m and let k be large enough to ensure m 2k+1 1.

Then s m s 2k+1 1 and

s 2k+1 1 = b 1 + (b 2 + b 3 ) + (b 4 + b 7 ) + (b 2k + b 2k +11 )
b 1 + (b 2 + b 2 ) + 4(b 4 ) + (b 2k + b 2k ) = b 1 + 2b 2 + 4b 4 + 2k b 2k = t k .
Thus s m t k M . by MCT,

b n converges.

(h) MCT
If M is the bounding value, construct [M , M ] and bisect into [M , 0], [0, M ].
Choose half which contains infinite number and label it I 1 . Then choose

a n1 I 1 a n . Bisect I 1 and find the interval I 2 which contains an infinite number of elements of (a n ). Choose a n2 I 2 a n such that n 2 > n 1 .
In general, construct the closed interval I k containing infinite points
of (a n ) and then select n k > n k1 > n 1 so that a nk I k . Use NIP to get
x I k . Let > 0. Length of I k is M 21


which we know converges to

0 by alg limit thrm and as shown before. Choose N so k N implies

length of I k is less then . then since x and a nk are in I k , it follows (how)
that |a nk x|.
(i) Cauchy Criterion
backward direction. BW to show subseq (x nk ) converges to x and
use as candidate. B/c cauchy, such that |x n x m | < 2 . Since subseq
converges, choose K such that |x nK x| < 2 . Use ineq to say |x n x| =
|x n x nK + x nK x| |x n x nK | + |x nK x| <

+ 2 since |x n x nK | is

rephrasement of cauchy sequence.

forward. Choose N given by convergence definition. Then let m, n
N . We can then say |x n x| < 2 , |x m x| < 2 . Then use triang ineq to
say |x n x m | = |x n x (x m x)| |x n x| + |x m + x| < .
(j) Theorem 3.2.5 x is a limit point of some sequence converges to it
forward. let x be limit point of A. Consider = n1 . Then by def,
for each n N, we can pick a n V 1 (x) A where a n 6= x. Then given

arbitrary > 0, choose N such that



< . Then necessarily |a n x| <

since the V 1 captures the a n close to x.


backward. practically definition of limit points when using topological version of convergence.
(k) Heine-Borel
forward. Contradiction. assume unbounded. try to find sequene
going to infinity, like |x 1 | > 1, |x 2 | > 2. Now because compact, find
converg subseq (a nk but notice a nk > n k meaning a nk is unbounded
but contradiction by Thrm 2.3.2. Let x n be a sequence in K where x =
lim x n . By def of compact, (x nk ) such that the subseq converges. by
therm 2.5.3, all subse of converge seq converge to same lim x. Since K
is compact, x K . THerefore, K contains lim points and is closed.
backward. since bounded, contains convergence subseq by BW. x =
lim x nk . by 3.2.5 x is limit point of K . since closed, x K . Therefore,
x n whose subseq converges to a point in K .
(l) Theorem 4.4.8 Continuity on Compact Sets
Contradict. try to satisfy criterion for nonunif cont. Choose (x n ), (y n )
K satisfying |x n y n | 0. Because K is compact, (x nk ) (x n ) which
converges to x. Also (y nk ) (y n ) converges but notice lim y nk = lim(y nk
x nk ) + x nk = 0 + x by how we chose (y n ), (x n ) and the fact that subseqs of convergent seqs converge to same limit. B/c f is cont at x,
Characterizations of Cont (iv) says lim f (x n ) = f (x), lim f (y n ) = f (x| so

| f (x) f (x)| = 0 which contradicts the original assumption of nonunif

(m) Extreme Value theorem
Since c (a, b) we can construct (x n ) (a, c), (y n ) (c, b) such that
x n < c < y n for all n N. Because f (c) is a maximum, f (y n ) f (c) 0
for all n. And since we created (y n ) such that y n c > 0 for all n, we
invoke the order limit theorem (iii) to say lim
Likewise, lim

f (y n ) f (c)
= f 0 (c) 0.
yn c

f (x n ) f (c)
= f 0 (c) 0. Therefore, f 0 (c) = 0.
xn c

4. Mistakes made in Proofs

(a) Nested Interval Property
determined sup A but didnt consider particular interval I n . Show
s = sup A is contained in I n . Then show for every choice of n, as n
, s I n .
(b) Every convergent sequence is bounded
did not adjust for maximum values which bounded the tail of the
sequence l + . also did not show sequence was boundd below and
then could not generally show was bounded.
(c) Preservation of compact sets

did not cite (iv) of characterizations of continuity to say (y nk ) would

converge to y.
(d) differentiation implies continuity
(e) HB backwards
said the arbitrary sequence in K was bounded without saying why.
Had to say, since K is bounded, x n K is too.


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