Water Saturation Crossplots

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Hingle Plots

Pickett Plots

Buckle's Plots

Combined Pickett + Buckle's



The porosity resistivity crossplot is a venerable tool, still used in many areas.
In one version, porosity is plotted on a linear scale, and resistivity on a scale
such that straight lines on the graph represent constant water saturation, as
determined by the Archie formulae:
1: Sw = (F * RW@FT / RES) ^ (1 / N)
2: F = A / (PHIe ^ M)
A = tortuosity exponent (fractional)
F = formation factor (fractional)
M = cementation exponent (fractional)
N = saturation exponent (fractional)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
RESD = deep resistivity (ohm-m)
RW@FT = water resistivity (ohm-m)
Sw = water saturation (fractional)
This plot is often called the Hingle plot after the man who first publicized the method. The graph requires a special
grid, since the Y axis is linear in the function RESD ^ (-1 / M) but not linear in RESD. RESD or COND lines are used to
plot and read data points, so these are plotted to fall non-linearly on the graph paper. The log-log Pickett plot
described below is more common today because it is easier to generate with common computer software.
On Hingle plot graph paper the saturation lines fan out from the zero porosity, infinite resistivity point. The 100%
water saturation line can be placed by calculating RESD for any positive value of porosity from the Archie formula.
Similarly other saturation lines can be placed on the graph. By rearranging the Archie equation we get:
3: RESD = A * RW@FT / (PHIe ^ M) * (Sw ^ N)
A = tortuosity exponent (fractional)
F = formation factor (fractional)
M = cementation exponent (fractional)
N = saturation exponent (fractional)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
RESD = deep resistivity (ohm-m)
RW@FT = water resistivity (ohm-m)
Sw = water saturation (fractional)
If we take A = 1.0, M = N = 2.0, PHIe = 0.1 and RW@FT = 0.25, then:
Sw = 1.0, RESD = 0.25 / (0.1 ^ 2) / (1 ^ 2) = 25
Sw = 0.7, RESD = 0.25 / (0.1 ^ 2) / (0.7 ^ 2) = 50
Sw = 0.5, RESD = 0.25 / (0.1 ^ 2) / (0.5 ^ 2) = 100
Sw = 0.2, RESD = 0.25 / (0.1 ^ 2) / (0.25 ^ 2) = 625
Therefore, for this example we would draw a line from the PHIe = 0,
RESD = infinity point to a point defined by PHIe = 0.1 and RESD = 25, to
obtain the 100% water saturation line. The 50% water saturation line

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joins the origin with the point PHIe = 0.1 and RESD = 100 and so on, as
shown in the illustration at the right.
If RW@FT is unknown, a line can be drawn slightly above the most
northwesterly points on the graph to intersect at the origin and RW@FT
back calculated from any point on the line by using:
4: RW@FT = RESD * (PHIe ^ M) / A
A = tortuosity exponent (fractional)
M = cementation exponent (fractional)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
RESD = deep resistivity (ohm-m)
RW@FT = water resistivity (ohm-m)
If sufficient porosity range exists in the water zone, the northwesterly line can be drawn without knowledge of the
porosity origin, thus helping to find the matrix point. In the above illustration, the data suggests a matrix density of
2.7 gm/cc, so the porosity scale origin is set at this point. If data was in porosity units to begin with, this technique
would define the matrix offset to correct the porosity log to the actual matrix rock present.
Any of the three porosity logs, (sonic, density, neutron) or any derived porosity, such as density neutron crossplot
porosity, can be used for the porosity axis. Any deep resistivity or conductivity reading can be used on the Y axis.
If shallow resistivity data are available, the parameter RESS*RW/RMF can be plotted below the RESD points. The
distance between the RESD and normalized RESS points represents the moveable hydrocarbon - the larger the
The manual construction of this crossplot can be summarized as follows:
1. Select proper crossplot paper.
2. Scale the X-axis in linear fashion for raw logging parameters (DELT, DENS, PHIN or PHID) and establish porosity
scale. Porosity will be zero at the matrix point and increases to the right.
3. Plot resistivity (RESD) vs log data (DELT, DENS, PHIN or PHID). The resistivity scale can be changed by any order
of magnitude to fit the log data. This can be done without changing the validity of the graph paper grid.
4. The straight line drawn through the most north westerly points defines Sw = 1.0. Extrapolate this to the
intersection with X-axis (PHIe = 0, RESD = infinity).
5. At the intersection, determine the matrix value (DELTMA or DENSMA) for a proper porosity scaling of the X-axis. If
logs are in porosity units, this line will determine the matrix offset.
6. Calculate RW@FT from any corresponding pair of PHIe and RESD data along the water line.
7. Determine lines of constant Sw values based on the Archie equation (for any given PHIe value). Keep in mind that
all these lines must converge at the matrix point.
8. Read and evaluate Sw values for all points plotted on the crossplot. Make sure points are numbered to avoid
confusion, particularly if very long sections are analyzed.
9. As an extension of this method, in case RESS data are also available, the moveable hydrocarbon can be
determined by plotting RESD * RW / RMF below each RESD point.
The grid for a Hingle plot is difficult to draw by hand as the resistivity axis is non-linear. Blank forms are available in
most service company chart books, as well as here:
Hingle plot M = 2.00 Full Size
Hingle plot M = 2.15 Full Size


Since the non-linear graph paper of the Hingle plot is difficult to construct, another style of porosity resistivity plot is
popular. It is called a Pickett plot, and both resistivity and porosity are plotted on logarithmic scales.
Again, by rearranging the Archie equation we get:
5: log RESD = -M * log PHIe + log (A * RW@FT) - N * log Sw
When Sw = 1.0, then:
6: log RESD = -M * log PHIe + log (A * RW@FT)
7: M = (log(A*RW@FT) - log(RESD)) / log(PHIe)

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This is the equation of a straight line on log - log paper. The line has a slope of (-M) and the intercept when PHIe = 1 is
the value of A * RW@FT.
If resistivity increases upward and porosity increases to the right, a line drawn slightly below the south westerly data
points should represent the 100% water saturation line (as long as a water zone exists in the interval). If A * RW@FT
is known, the line should pass through this point at PHIe = 1.0.
If the cementation exponent M is known, the line can be drawn with this slope to find A * RW@FT. Remember that M
is seldom less than 1.7 or more than 2.8 in non-fractured reservoirs.
The slope is determined manually by measuring a distance on the RESD axis (in cm. or inches) and dividing it by the
corresponding distance on the porosity axis, or by using equation 7. The result will always be negative.
To construct the other water saturation lines, first draw a line upward
from the point where the 100% water saturation line meets the line
RESD = 1.0. Then mark points on the vertical line at RESD values of 2.0,
4.0 and 25.0. Draw a line through each of these marks parallel to the
100% water saturation line. These lines are 70%, 50% and 20% water
saturation lines respectively.
An example is shown at right, using the same data as in the Hingle plot
shown earlier. Because A and M and the matrix values for rocks are
seldom the world wide averages commonly assumed, the porosity
resistivity crossplot is often used to find reasonable values prior to or
in lieu of special core studies.
If RW@FT varies, this may be noticed by parallel groupings of data
belonging to several distinct water zones. The sequence should be
zoned to create a separate plot for each different water resistivity value.
Comparisons of these plots between wells are often useful. A shift of
data in the porosity direction may indicate a mis-calibrated porosity
A shift in the resistivity direction may indicate a mis-calibrated
resistivity log, differences in invasion, a change in pore geometry, or a
change in A * RW@FT. In the example above, the W axis (colour) is
coded red for PE near 3.0 and blue for PE near 5.0, thus segregating
dolomite from limestone. Note that the porosity distribution and the slope of the line through the red data is different
than that through the blue data. This demonstrates that the pore geometry for the dolomite interval is different than
that for the limestone. The M value for the dolomite is less than 2.0 for the dolomite and considerably higher than 2.0
for this limestone. (RESD is on the X axis in this plot).
If RW@FT is known from water samples, it may help define the value for A, which varies primarily with grain size and
sorting. This is a function of position in the basin and distance from source rock.
Again, as for the Hingle plot, values of RESS * RW / RMF can be plotted to estimate moveable hydrocarbon. If no
water zone exists in the interval, plotting RESS vs PHIe may find the slope M, since RESS sees mostly a water filled

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Example of Computer-drawn Pickett Plot

The Pickett plot above shows that cementation exponent (M) varies with lithology. The slope of the line through the
dolomite data (red) is less than that through the limestone (blue). For a good estimate of water saturation in both
zones, the appropriate value of M must be used in each zone. An average line through this data set will make the high
porosity dolomite look too wet. The low porosity limestone would appear not wet enough.


The product of porosity and minimum water saturation, PHI * SWir, in many rocks is a constant, and the product is
called Buckles Number, after the man who first described this factor:
8: KBUCKL = PHIe * SWir
KBUCKL is found in a clean hydrocarbon bearing zone with a known RW and is used to calculate SWir in depleted
reservoirs or in water zones, or in zones of similar rock type with an unknown RW.
It can also be found by plotting core porosity vs minimum wetting
phase saturation at an arbitrary capillary pressure from special core
analysis data. A graph of this relationship is shown at right. Lower
Buckle's Numbers indicate larger average grain size, lower surface
area, and lower irreducible water saturation.
Water saturation versus porosity-saturation
product (Buckles Method)
Buckle's equation is used to estimate water saturation by
rearranging the terms:
9 : SWb = KBUCKL / PHIe / (1 - Vsh)
If regression is used to determine SW from PHIe, the relationship is
usually hyperbolic (KBUCKL = constant) or a skewed hyperbola
(KBUCKL varies with porosity).
The shale term has been added by the author to raise KBUCKL and
Swb automatically for the finer grained nature of shaly sands.

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Very fine grain
Fine grain
Medium grain
Coarse grain

Fine vuggy
Coarse vuggy



Combining a Pickett Plot and a Buckle's Plot on the same graph gives some interesting results. The following is from
Dr. Gene Ballay's "Double Duty" newsletter article (www.geoneurale.com).
Reservoir performance can often be evaluated in terms of the Bulk Volume Water BVW = PHI * SW. Contour lines of
constant bulk volume water may be used as cutoff boundaries. Permeability estimates may also be possible in favorable situations.
The graphic consists of Water Saturation versus Porosity. Depending upon local conventions, either attribute (porosity or
water saturation may be along the vertical axis, with the other being along the horizontal. In the LogLog world
(such as used in a Pickett Plot), these BVW trends are straight lines, as illustrated on the Buckle's Plots shown below.

Linear axis Buckle's Plot of PHI * SW (left) and log-log plot of same (right). Hyperbolic PHI * SW lines become
straight lines in the log-log domain.
On a Pickett Plot, points of constant water saturation will plot on a straight line with slope related to cementation exponent M.
Saturation exponent N determines the separation of the Sw = constant grids, as shown below. A*Rw@FT can be deduced from the
intercept of the 100% SW line with the 100% porosity lines. The same technique can be applied to the flushed zones, using flushed
zone measurements.

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Picket Plot on log-log grid for M = N = 2.00.

The full Archie equation:
log Rt = -M * log PHI + log (A * RW@FT) - N * log SW
can be rearranged when M = N to give:
log Rt = log Rw - N * log (PHI * SW) = Constant
Thus vertical lines on a Pickett Plot represent constant PHI * SW (Buckle's Numbers) when M = N.

Pickett Plot with constant PHI * SW lines (vertical lines when M = N)

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Pickett Plot with constant PHI * SW lines when M > N

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Pickett Plot with constant PHI * SW lines when M < N

These examples of linear axis porosity versus water saturation plots show three different situations in three different
wells. First is a well with no water zone and irreducible water that varies along a single hyperbolic trend (constant PHI
* SW). The second illustrates a pay zone at constant PHI * SW underlain by a water zone in which PHI * SW varies
with porosity. The third example illustrates the need to see the production history and perforated interval data. The
well shows increasing SW with depth, as well as increasing PHI * SW with depth. But the well is perforated over the
entire interval and produces very little water, so these changes are related to pore geometry, and not a transition
zone between water and oil.

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Example of a 4-dimensional Buckle's Plot. X-axis = Sw, Y-axis = PHIe, Z-axis (numbers) = Vsh, W-axis (colour) =
frequency of occurrence. Hyperbolic lines are constant Buckle's Numbers lines (PHIe*Sw = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10,
0.12). Numbers along bottom and right edge are histograms of frequency of occurrence. All data points follow near
the KBUCKL = 0.025 line and no data points fall to the right side, so this interval will produce no water upon initial

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Another example in which most data falls along the KBUCKL = 0.02 to 0.04 lines. These points will produce no water.
Data points at the far right are from the water zone and will produce water. X, Y, Z, and W axes are as above.

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Porosity vs water saturation plot in a reservoir with varying pore geometry. Most of these data
points produce clean oil with no water, except the X's on the far right, past Sw = 90%.

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