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Daren May S.


Saturday 1:30-4:30

BS Psychology
TED Talks Education

I had already heard about TED before, I also knew about TEDx Ateneo. But it is my first
time watching their videos. And it is simply amazing. I thought I would be boring. But I was
wrong. It is great! I got a lot of information from it. The speakers are fantastic! Especially the
first one, Ms. Rita Pierson. She had said something that caught my attention. Kids dont learn
from the people they dont like. I believe this to be true. From my very own experience, I dont
do well in class if I dont like the teacher or professor. Im already a teen and it still happens to
me, what more if teachers in preschool level do not care if their students like them or not. I think
it will be a disaster. It will leave a mark on the child.
They say learning is fun, and it should be. Kids might learn from a strict teacher but they
just knew it, they dont understand their lessons. They study not because they wanted to, but
because theyre afraid of the teacher. A school or classroom should be a place of learning not a
place of fear and pressure. I remember Rancho from the 3 idiots; he said we are studying in
school, not a pressure cooker. Not the same line but the thought is there. I agree with it because
Ive been there. A strict teacher had taught me once, yes I knew the lesson, answered her
questions, but after that meeting, I forgot everything! It seems that I study because Im afraid of
her and not because I wanted to. I believe that there are times that teachers really need to be
strict, because at times students do not respect them, but it should not be for a long run. Learning
because of fear is non sense.
The speakers talk about education, its different aspects from different perspective. I had
already mentioned earlier the first speaker, Ms. Rita Pierson. She discussed about the value and
importance of human connection or the relationship between students and teachers. She
highlighted the significance of relationship to the success of students in the long run. I firmly
believe on what she had said about long term goals. The thought that if you say your goals to
yourself long enough it starts to be part of you. And time goes by, we wont notice that it is really
working. She had taught me that everybody can learn despite the fact that they are worst in their
classes; it is just a matter of how teachers handle their students, how they motivate them, and
how they inspire them.
The next speaker, Mr. Ramsey, I find him a very cool teacher. He is a chemistry teacher,
and we all know that chemistry is a fascinating subject but a hard one. There are a lot of things to
know and to memorize. He highlighted in his talk the curiosity and imagination. We are all
curious and if our teacher fuels that curiosity, we will be eager to learn more. Especially for
children, they are curious on everything. They love to ask why questions. Sometimes it is

really annoying especially for the adults. Ive experience that with my brother before. He even
ask question such as why that thing is called like that. And I dont even know why also! It
irritates me. His questions are so many that I dont know which to answer first. I was about to
shout at him but I realize that its natural. Its a part of their learning. I think that curiosity +
eagerness= learning. He also talks about the use of gadgets in class as a source of learning. Yes
we can say it is convenient and saves a lot of time, but the focus and attention of the students are
diverted. For example, the student use his cellphone to read, when a call or message notifies in
his screen, Im sure that he will pick up the call or reply to the text message and then forget all
about what he is reading.
Ms. Angela Lee Duckworth talks about the relationship of different factors and of
success. Its good to know that IQ scores mean something but not everything. She revealed that
IQ, good looks, physical fitness, and many more do not predict success. It has something to do
more about Grit. Its my first time hearing that word. And she said that grit is our passion and
perseverance to attain our goals, it is sticking for the future. It is more likely our motivation to
reach our goals and aspirations in life. Motivation is the thing! And also if the people around us
support us, we will definitely succeed in life no matter what the circumstances are.
Mr. Bill Gates talks about giving teachers feedbacks that they deserve. It is true that all of
us need people who give us feedback. It makes us more motivated on everything we do. What
more to our teachers. It is sad to know that their hard works in teaching are only remembered
once a year. And after that, things will be the same again. Thats why I think, aside from low
salary that they receive, the reason that teacher turn over and brain drain is rampant in our
country is because of lack of feedback and bad education system. Just what Mr. Canada had said,
we need innovation. We should not embrace the old system that does not bring any improvement
to us all. Were just wasting our time and money. Enough is enough. Another quote from Mr.
Canada, The real safety of this nation is preparing the next generation. If we continue with our
current system, were going to produce the same quality of students, less competitive compared
to others. Well thats reality, lets face it. We need to improve the quality of schools, especially
the public schools in the country. I had spent my high school in public school. And I can say that,
they only give their full attention to students who belong to sections 1 and 2. And the rest of the
students, it seems that the system of teaching when it comes to them is come what may. Maybe
thats why those students think of section 1 students as arrogant. I wish this kind of thinking
would change in the future, and there is no need to be called section 1 students, instead everyone
is treated fair and they receive the education that they deserve.
To sum it all up, all the speakers had discussed their parts very well. I really enjoyed
watching the video. It teaches me a lot. It is not only educational but an eye opening video.
Speakers discuss what is lacking in the educational system of their country, but I think it reflects
to all. Every aspect of education is tackled. If only everybody cares, our world will be a better
place to live. In our country for example, education system is suffering because of wrong
decisions and acts done by people with power. They dont know what the real happening to our

education system is because they dont experience it. Children do not receive the education they
deserve. Life is hard, we all know that, but if we all care and act against corruption, our
education system will be better, better than what all of us had imagined. Our world needs more
people like those speakers of TED. We need people who move. We also should embrace change.
The role of education is to awaken the power of creativity. Sir Ken Robinson.
I want this sentence of Sir Ken Robinson to be the closing statement of my reaction paper
regarding TED talks education. The power of creativity. It sad but true that other people kill this
creativity one has because of his circumstances in life. Teaching is a tough job but it is possible
as what Ms. Pierson said. If teaching will be transformed to mentoring not commanding and
controlling, children will learn more, because they want to and not because they are afraid and
they need it. It is more fun and memorable if the relationship between teachers and students are
mutual. In that case no one will be left behind. TED is surely Ideas worth Sharing. It does not
only educate the older ones but especially, children, who in the future will replace them.

Daren May S. Estabillo

Saturday 1:30-4:30

BS Psychology

ADHD (Stephen Tonti)

As he began to talk, I cannot deny the fact that there is something special about him. And
there he goes he said that he has an ADHD. I like the way he express himself. He may be magulo
tignan sa stage but I learned a lot from him, especially about ADHD. He emphasizes ADHD as
difference in cognition rather than a disorder. And I didnt see that coming. In my 4 years of
studying, it didnt come up to me that, yeah it is just difference in cognition. If I was only able to
see that in deeper perspective, I had understood ADHD more. I had convinced myself that people
with ADHD are attention deficit but as what Stephen had said, it is more about hyper focusing on
something that he loves to do. And we should understand that.
I believe that they are not the one who should adjust to us, but us who need to adjust to
them. If it is vice versa, it will be really hard for them. Yes, they need a healthier understanding
of their condition and it starts at home. Stephen Tonti is very lucky to the school where he
belongs and to his family, theyre able to support him to the best that they could. The result of it
is undeniably great. They believe in him and understand him, which is what our world needs, a
better understanding of people with special cases just like Stephen Tonti.
He only proves that even he is special, and different compared to his peers, he can be
better or even best that he can be. People should not deny to these kinds of people the education
that they need. So what they are different, why not change the way you teach. Simple problems
can be solved using simple solutions. We should not complicate things. They only need people
wholl understand them and their condition, they only need people wo wont give up on them
even though others did, they only need us.
Regarding the usage of drugs in treating ADHD, I believe that he is correct, drugs dont
fix them, it only sedates the symptoms, and there are a lot of alternatives out there. Maybe,
theyre too young for such kind of medication, maybe instead of making their conditions better,
it worsens it.
If Stephen was able to be successful in his ways, maybe other people with the same kind
of condition can do too. It is just they need help from us. Who else will do it, none but us who
understands them most. For the parents and teachers, I wish that they wont get tired and they
wont give up on them. Its not their fault to have such disorder. It chose them. And I believe that
everything happens for a reason. And that reason may be, special people should show the world
that they have the place here and they can also succeed.

Cerebral Palsy (Maysoon Zayid)

After watching her video, what happened to me? Im speechless! Shes awesome! Just
wow! Since this is a reaction paper, Ill react the way I wanted to. I cant say anything just
awesome! Shes great! I like her! Shes so positive! Despite the fact that she has a cerebral palsy,
she does not let her disability hinders her dreams.
She is also really funny. And also shes pretty. Shes so lucky she had super supportive
parents that do not give up on her. Shes full of spirit. While watching I suddenly felt a bit down
and disappointed on myself. Regardless of her situation, shes still positive, while compared to
me, what I do is to complain about my life and the problems I had. I complain about the things
that I cannot do but I want to do and the things that I want. Compared to her, my problems are
just non sense. She taught me to be optimist. No matter what circumstance we had in our lives,
just be positive and it will lead you to great things. And also, she taught me how to be patient and
be a hard working person.
She inspires me a lot, I mean a lot. They are the people we should be proud of and not
sympathize. I salute her, her parents, and the people around her for giving her a chance to be the
best that she can be.
if I can, can. You can, can. Maysoon Zayid

Learning Disability (Sophie Ghauri)

During our class in sped, we were asked to observe the class of special children. I was
lucky; I was able to help a dyslexic kid to read. And I find him very interesting. He may be
reading slower than usual kids of the same age, but still I find him awesome. How was he able to
do that? Hes amazing.
Just like him, Sophie Ghauri also has a learning disability which is dyslexia. After
knowing more about this case, Im starting to realize how great these kids are. Despite the fact
that, having such a case is really a challenge for them and also might cause for them to be
bullied, they dont give up. They prove themselves to everyone that they can.
Everything that has something to do with reading or writing is a challenge for them. They
always give their 101% effort in doing so. Its so hard to imagine how this kids are experiencing
in such kind of activities. They are really one of a kind person. These kids teach us normal a
lot of things such as to be patient and never give.

Autism (Temple Grandin)

WOW! Shes great! Shes so brilliant. I think shes even smarter than me. The way she
talks, it seems like she does not has autism. Her speech may be, at times I cant understand, but
shes confident on what shes saying. I dont understand some parts of her talk, maybe because of
her speech and maybe because the examples she used.
I like the last part, the host asks her questions and she answered it without hesitation.
Shes just so great. The topic that she had discussed made me think. Why not? If everyones
given the chance to excel into something, whether a person is normal or gifted, why not give
them the chance? As what she had said, a person with Aspergers solved the world crisis in
electricity. What if other people like her hold the key to the cure of deadly disease?
As what she had said, our world needs all these kinds of minds. We just need a better
understanding not only of autism but all kinds of mental disorders. We need to support them to
the best that we can. The best thing that we can do is educate people about their condition. What
do these people needs best is support from us. They can be the best that they can be if we only
give them the chance and the education and support that they truly deserve.

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