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r Details
See Page 3 Fo
Create Your
Account Toda

Series, page 9
ew! Garden After Dark, page 10
201516 * Childrens Programs, page 16

Fall & Winter


Letter from the Director

Table of Contents
1.Garden Gateway Project
Making Strides

Dear Friend,

2.Glowing Gatehouse to
Welcome Visitors

Quick quiz: how many of you have pots of plants sitting next to your house that

2.Fabulous New Fern Gate

3.Whos That in the Gardens?
4.New Registration System
5.Thank You, Donors!
6.New! Free School Programs
Conservatory Displays &
Art Xhibits
Garden Tours, Photography
and Xcursions
Speaker Series
10.Garden After Dark and
Walks, Talks & Demos
11.Horticultural Workshops

you couldnt bear to leave at the nursery but havent figured out where to plant
in your garden? Go ahead, raise your hand; mine is up! Gardeners are always
looking for the newest, prettiest, oddest, rarest plants, even when were not sure
what to do with them. As we wrap up construction, staff are designing, sourcing
and growing thousands of new plants to fill our Parking Garden and new
landscapes flanking our entry drive and Visitors Center. As Montgomery Countys
public horticultural display garden, Brookside Gardens showcases the best plants
for our growing conditions, with the goal of creating landscapes that inspire your
creativity in your own gardens. Over the next year, staff will be planting groves
of magnolias and other spring-flowering trees, large specimen trees to cast high
shade, masses of perennials and ferns, and an assortment of moisture-loving
water garden plants. Its been fun to select them all, and we can hardly wait to
share them with you!
Happy Gardening!

12.Cooking Demonstrations

Stephanie Oberle

13.Friends of Brookside Gardens

Director, Brookside Gardens

14.Brookside Gardens School of

Botanical Art & Illustration
16.Childrens Programs
17. Registration

Hours of operation listed below may change due to

parking lot renovation. Please call 301-962-1400 or visit
BrooksideGardens.org for construction updates.

Editor: Ellen Bennett, 301-962-1402

General Information, 301-962-1400
Adult Education, 301-962-1470

Brookside Gardens

Horticulture Reference Library

10:00am-3:00pm Monday
through Friday, except holidays

1800 Glenallan Avenue

Wheaton, Maryland 20902

Childrens Education, 301-962-1408

Library, 301-962-1476

Brookside Gardens is open every

School of Botanical Art & Illustration,

day except December 25.

301-962-1470 or 1474


Volunteer Office, 301-962-1429

Gift Shop, 301-962-1448 or 1479
Facility Rental, 301-962-1404

Gardens: SunriseSunset
Conservatories: 10:00am5:00pm
Visitors Center: 9:00am5:00pm
(closed some holidays)

McCrillis Gardens, 301-962-1455

Media Relations, 301-650-2866
Sponsorships/donations, 301-962-1402

McCrillis Gardens |

Master Gardeners Plant

Clinics at Brookside Gardens
Wednesday 1:00-4:00pm
(May through October)
Plant Clinics at
Wheaton Library
Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm
Sunday 1:00-4:00pm
Wheaton Library
11701 Georgia Ave.

6910 Greentree Road, Bethesda, MD 20817

The Shop at
Brookside Gardens
Shop Hours:
Sunday Noon4:00pm
(Call for Visitors
Center Shop Hours)

Garden Gateway Project

Making Strides

f youve visited the Gardens or driven by the main

entrance recently, you may have noticed the lovely new

boardwalk taking shape as it meanders from the entrance

toward the Visitors Center. There has been other progress
that has occurred out of sight and beyond the construction
fence. Soil grading, concrete pouring, electrical work and
other underground utilities have been ongoing over the
past year. Unfortunately, the harsh
winter and wet spring affected our

to see the final effect. And isnt that

construction schedule, resulting in

why we love gardening? A garden is

a delay of completion. The project,

never truly finished; it continues to

exclusive of plantings, will be

change and grow over the years. You

complete this winter.

can expect the same at Brookside

Gardens the Garden Gateway is a

As weve discovered, construction

dynamic feature that will continue to

delays are not uncommon; even so,

change and become lovelier over time.

were as disappointed as you may be

with this setback. Yet we are pleased

We appreciate your continued support

with the return of the Wings of Fancy

as the Garden Gateway takes shape.

Live Butterfly and Caterpillar Exhibit

We cant wait to unveil the project

this year! When construction is

next spring!

complete, you will be amazed by the

new gabion wall, in which recycled
concrete from the site was used
to create a surprisingly beautiful
retaining wall at the top of the parking
garden. This is just one of the new
features you will discover in the
Garden Gateway as it comes
to fruition.
We estimate that many donor funded
items will be installed in spring of
2016, including tribute benches.
Planting of the Garden Gateway will be
phased over the next few years. First
you will see trees planted throughout
the project. The herbaceous and
shrub layers will come later as funds
become available. Our designers have
been hard at work creating beautiful
planting designs that will include
many plants new to the Gardens. The
results will be stunning, but, as with
any new garden, it will take some time
Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 201520161

Glowing Gatehouse to
Welcome Visitors

rookside Gardens has always offered a

welcoming atmosphere to all visitors, whether

they come on a regular basis or once in their

lifetime. Now, as part of the Garden Gateway
project, visitors attending events will be welcomed
at a new, exquisite gatehouse generously funded
by long-time volunteer, and founding member of the
Friends of Brookside Gardens, Joan ORourke.
Though a gatehouse is a functional structure where
visitors can stop for information, this particular
gatehouse is unique. It has been specially designed
by a custom conservatory company on the Eastern
Shore to resemble a greenhouse. The structure
is composed primarily of wood and glass and, at
night when the lights are on, it will evoke images
of a lantern at the entrance, lighting the way to a
beautiful garden experience. Even during daylight
hours the gatehouse will be a compelling new
garden element that will beckon visitors to come in
and see all the Gardens have to offer.
Many thanks to Joan ORourke for generously
funding the stunning new gatehouse!

Fabulous New Ferngate

hough the new Garden Gateway will feature

a beautiful and safe pedestrian entrance for

Brookside Gardens visitors, unfortunately, our deer

visitors will continue to try to enter the property
to feast on the Gardens lovely (and tasty) plants.
As such, the deer fence surrounding the property
will remain in place with a gate to allow entrance.
And what a gate it will be! The Ferngate is truly
a piece of art, designed by Linda DePalma, a wellknown public artist who has been awarded several
commissions in Baltimore and the surrounding
region. Linda has created a number of public
sculptures locally, the sculptural entrance to Jesup
Blair Park in Silver Spring.
The gate design
incorporates a variety
of shapes inspired by
leaves and stems of
ferns, creating a lively
and colorful pedestrian
entrance to the Gardens.
The gates fern theme
mimics the surrounding
plantings along the boardwalk.
We hope you will agree that this is a very special
addition to the Gardens. Our thanks go out to The
George and Ruth Tretter Charitable Gift Fund, whose
generous gift made the Ferngate possible.

2Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Whos That in the Garden?

hile many changes are taking place within the

Garden and Fragrance Garden; and 3. permanent woody

construction area, more changes are coming in

displays, such as the Azalea Garden or Berry Border. Each

the Gardens, as well. Starting this summer, you might

Gardener will be responsible to design, plant and maintain

see some familiar faces in different garden areas. Weve

a mix of those three different types of gardens. Fresh eyes

taken a fresh look at the Garden, the different displays and

and a different perspective will lead to renewed garden

landscapes, and classified them as three different types:

designs, enhancing our plant collections and enriching the

1. high-frequency changing seasonal displays, such as

garden experience for our visitors. Meet our Gardeners and

the Trial Garden or Conservatory display beds; 2. detailed

learn where you can find them:

herbaceous permanent displays, such as the Perennial

Jim DeRamus: Azalea Garden,

Roger Haynes: Rose Garden, Maple Terrace,

Fragrance Garden, Lower Aquatic Garden,

Wedding Gazebo, Yew Garden, Conservatory

Glenallan Avenue

Conifer Beds

Jim has worked at the Gardens for ten

Roger has worked at Brookside Gardens

years. With his new garden assignments,

for almost 35 years! In his new gardening

hes looking forward to change! He cant

assignment, hes looking forward to

trying to maintain the same level of

wait to reacquaint himself with large

scale shade gardening and so many unusual woody plants.

excellence as the previous gardener of the area, and

making the transition seamless.

Bill Dwyer: Gude Garden, Viburnum Garden,

Specialized Pruning

Kelley Heim: Trial Garden, Perennial

Bill has worked at the Gardens for 31

Garden, Berry Border, Winter Garden,

years. He has been working tirelessly to

Camellia Garden

bring the Gude Garden back to its former

Our newest gardener, Kelley has been

glory, after recent pond renovations took

working at Brookside Gardens since the

their toll on the landscape.

end of May, and shes delighted to be

here. The Trial Garden is a wonderful

Christopher Elenstar: Parking Garden,

challenge which she greatly looks forward to tackling. She

Visitors Center, Childrens Garden, Upper

is also excited to maintain both the Perennial and Camellia

Aquatic Garden

Gardens, while further cultivating new seasonal interest.

One of our newer gardeners, Christopher

Last but not least, shes thrilled to begin studying and

started in March 2014. From golf courses

developing the Berry Borderto meet Brookside Gardens

to plant nurseries to gardens, Christopher

high aesthetic standards.

has a broad background in horticulture.

His previous position was at a private estate in Frederick,

Lisa Tayerle: Woodland Walk, 40th

Maryland where he managed many different gardens as

Anniversary Grove, 1500 Gate, Rain Garden,

well as the plant collections and digital mapping. He is

Butterfly Garden

excited about the Parking Garden; though it will be a lot

Lisa has worked at the Gardens since

of work to plant and maintain, it will be amazing once

2000. In her new garden assignments,


she is looking forward to renovating the

banks of the creek near the Conservatory.
Within the 40th Grove, shell add seasonal color and
unique plants and features, making the Grove a must-see

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 201520163

New Registration System

coming to Brookside Gardens

e are pleased to announce a new registration

What do I need to do?

system called ActiveMONTGOMERY a system

Start today by setting up your new customer account at

where you can register for classes, programs and facilities

ActiveMONTGOMERY.org! Account setup should take

offered by Brookside Gardens and the rest of Montgomery

approximately five minutes.

Parks and Montgomery County Recreation, using ONE

website, one username and one account!

NOW IS THE TIME! Starting August 2015, you will begin to

use ActiveMONTGOMERY.org for fall registration and to


purchase memberships. Get ready by creating your account

is a new registration and facility reservation system that

now. In just a few easy steps you can create your account,

will replace the current RecWeb and ParkPASS systems

which will save you time during registration in the fall.

prior to the 2015 fall registration session. This new system

will allow you to:

After creating an account, you can log in to


ActiveMONTGOMERY with your email and password. One

for activities offered by Montgomery County

Recreation and Montgomery Parks, including Brookside

login allows you to use your account for your family, for

Gardens. Cooking, yoga, tennis, ice skating its all here!

your organization and as an instructor. If you are using


facility availability and reserve available facilities

including tennis courts and picnic shelters.


and renew memberships, and more!

ActiveMONTGOMERY on behalf of an organization, you

do not need to create your organizational account. As you
begin to conduct business with us, our customer service
staff will link you to the appropriate organization.

Where do I go for more info?

Please visit ActiveMONTGOMERY.org or talk to
Montgomery Parks or Montgomery County Recreation
staff for more information. At Montgomery Parks
call 301-495-2580 (10:00am-4:00pm) or email

4Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Thank You, Donors!

The Montgomery Parks Foundation and the Friends of Brookside Gardens would like to thank all the generous donors to
Brookside Gardens from December 15, 2014 to June 1, 2015. Your gifts have been invaluable in providing resources, programming
and additional support to the Gardens. To learn more about making a donation to support Brookside Gardens, please visit
MontgomeryParksFoundation.org/donate-now/ or FriendsOfBrooksideGardens.org.

Viburnum Level
$2,500 $4,999
Ethelyn Bishop
Hydrangea Level
$1,000 - $2,499
Emily M. Davidson
Robert & Ann Erdahl
Peggy Fields
Hoen Hope Garden Club
Kathy Kircher
Carolyn Salisbury
Wisteria Level $500 - $999
Bethesda Community
Garden Club
Leonard Freidman and
Randi Passamaneck
Julie Gingrich
Joan ORourke
Harry Rissetto (National Capital
Dahlia Society)
Patricia P. Smith
Patricia Smith & Frances Lussier
Rudbeckia Level $100 - $499
Rhoda Alderman
Sarah Allen and John D.
Anne Ambler
Nancy Anderson
Arden Brady
Burdette/Head Family
Terence & Sarah Byrne
Adlyn S. Cook
Margretta Diemer
Phoebe deReynier
Elaine Dynes
Fred and Mary Ann Fitzgerald
Duff & Joanne Gillespie
Kathryn A. Gilley
Geri Ginsberg
Roma Gumbs
John Gunn
Richard & Freddi Hammerschlag
Margaret S. Hughes
Shelton & Lily Jackson
Michael & Jennifer Janezic
Susanne Karacki
Mary Ruth Keller
David and Polin Lei
Heidi Mantzouranis
Dwight & Sue Mason
Richard and Karol Oberle
Pamela Parker
Joan Patterson
Alice Pau
Harriet Peck
Susan L. Phillips
Lorraine Remer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins

Francis Schuler
B. Segall
Frances Smithson
Lester Straw
David C. Turner and
Rachel Taylor
Stephanie Turner
Mary Jane Weber
Mary Louise Williamson
Marca Woodhams
Trillium Level $50 - $99
Carl Baker
Jack Baur
Rebecca Costello
Cynthia Donaldson
Mr. and Ms. Darryl Edelstein
Robert Fay
Mary Franklin
Donald Hill
Wilna Hylton
Li-Ting Liang
Wayne Little
Jya-Mei Lu
Jill Lucena
Alison McHugh
John and Patricia Miller
Terry Pellmar
Eric Rees
Ann-Marie Regan
Angela Schreiber
Tania Scinto
Stephen Scoville
Detlef Vullhorst
Barbara Waite-Jaques
William and Phyllis Warshauer
Aihua Zhou
Tulip Level Up to $49
Michael Bandler
Dr. Rosalie M. Barr
Susan Bronstein
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hassur
Carolynn Isackson
Salma S. Kahn
Aimee Mui

Joan ORourke
Childrens Day
Friends of Brookside Gardens
Green Matters
Johnnys Selected Seeds
Neighbors of the Northwest
Park Seed
Silver Spring Garden Club
Takoma Horticultural Club
David and Lynn Vismara
Washington Gardener Magazine

Seasonal Garden Staff

Friends of Brookside Gardens
In Memory of Virginia Barrett
Richard and Roberta Benfer
Jeanette Dougherty
James and Janet Franklin
Kaslick & Prete LLC
Barry Salisbury and Tod P.
Donata (Dina) Tanzi
Ramona B. Webb

In Memory of Seymour
Mary Kolesar
Carol & Jay Sanders
In Memory of Harriet Seligson
M. Ellen Jay
Wendy Katz
Joseph and Alice Montano
Paula Newman
Alice Tufel
Saundra Tufel
John Wagner

In Memory Walter S. Booth

Wendy S. Dorman

In Honor of Milton J. Seidel

Joseph Seidel

In Honor of Mark and

Ruth Bortz
Bruce and Cynthia Bortz
Hettie Bortz
Rebecca B. Costello

In Memory of Roz Taschman

Angela Schreiber

In Memory of Doris Mae

Adventist HealthCare
Robert L. Buglass and
Camilla O. McRory
Audrey Eaton
Julie Kaffenberger
Kathleen Rose
David Rothman
Paul and Dianne Sandler
Louise Teel
Valerie Tripp

In Honor of Cathy and R.

Gamunu Wijetunge

In Memory of John Eldridge

Rosemary Engman
In Memory of Magarita
Amy Prywes
In Memory of John Hewitt
Carl Schoening
In Memory of Loni Platt Kalan
Aileen Goldman

In Memory of Will Thomas

Judith and Charles Sturtz

In Memory of Michael
The Goodman Family
In Memory and Honor of David
and Gladys Groudine
Candace J. Groudine
In Memory of her sister
Mimi Henry
Stephanie (Taffy) Turner
In Memory of Yvonne L. Novak
The Novak Family
In Memory of Evelyn Plaut
Roger Plaut
continued on page 6

In Memory of Adele and

Harry Leifer
Sari Kaye
Naomi Leifer
In Memory of Elsie Marques
Susan Hayduk
In Memory of Fran Mcclure
Ann McClure

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 201520165

New! Free School Programming at Brookside Gardens

o you remember the first time

literacy movement with many other

you visited Brookside Gardens

states looking towards the Maryland

as a child on a school field trip? For

Partnership for Children in Nature

many Montgomery County residents,

as a model. Maryland is the first

the memory of such a visit is vivid

state to establish environmental

and special to their childhoods.

literacy graduation requirements.

Montgomery Parks is the only county

Unfortunately, cost is a barrier to

park agency which is a member of

schools and parents when deciding

the leadership team of the Partnership

which field trips to take each school year.

represented by Stephanie Oberle, Brookside

To alleviate this financial burden, Montgomery

Parks will start offering free curriculum-based

Gardens Director.

environmental education programs to Montgomery County

schools, grades pre-K through 12 starting in the fall of 2015.

Traditionally, the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental

Education Center has provided programming for

Brookside Gardens offers meaningful, experiential,

Montgomery County schools; however, the center is unable

resource-based programs that link curriculum standards

to meet the demand for off-site programming requested

with our natural resources and highlight local issues that

by schools and teachers. With the Parks new offering of

students can study, understand, and take action to make a

free school programming, the Smith Center will redirect

positive impact on the environment. Our educational staff

requests they are unable to accommodate to Brookside

helps students and teachers make connections between

Gardens and Parks Nature Centers. Though basic school

what they learn in school and what they experience in

programs will be free of charge, there will be a charge for

the Gardens. By providing free access to schools for our

add-on options and events, such as the Wings of Fancy

programs, we are investing in the environmental literacy of

Live Butterfly and Caterpillar Exhibit.

the students who will become the future decision-makers

We are looking forward to serving even more

in our County.

children with our nature programs and helping to

Brookside Gardens is fortunate to be located in the state

better connect children with nature and environmental

of Maryland a recognized leader of the environmental


Thank You, Donors! continued from page 5

In Memory of Ripley
Candace J. Groudine
In Memory of Anne Brooks
Els Benjamin
David and Leslie Bloom
Gary and Martha Burak
Burtonsville Garden Club
Sally Byrne
Frederica Castle
Karen and Patrick Corey
Elizabeth Cummings
Sharon and Jeffrey Deutch
Edith Eddleman
Agatha Francis
Suzanne Friis
Cheris Garrison
Kathy Gaskill

Gail Gee
Yvonne Gee
Sherrell Goggin
Phil and Nelda Granum and
Tracy Granum Millard
Joe and Mary Howard
Anna Jelen
Paul and Carolyn Kokulis
Philip Mansour
David and Jodie Martinson
Sandra Meloan
Susan Meyer
JoAnn and Bob Mueller
Shelly Niverth
Robert Norton
Judy Pascarella
Terry Pogue
Vivian Portner
Laureen Prebilic

6Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Ardis Pruess
Anne Radway
Landis Roberts
Ernest Rosemond
Stuart Rosenthal
Jan Rothman
Leslie and Gail Rucker
Sandy Spring Museum
Sylvia Seigel
Gloria Sherman
Irene Sinclair
Olive Singleton
Millard Springer
Bill Taylor
Kathy Tinius
Teresa Tretter
Jeffrey Trunzo
Daniel Turner
Carol Ubosi

Chris and Karen Upton

Anne Vandegrift
Kerri Walenta
Nicholas and Rosanne Weber
Johanna Weekley
In Memory of Lauren &
Florence Rueger
Beth Fabey
Mary Mummert
Lauren Rueger
Carol Swomley
In Memory of Ginny Y. Chung
Aaron, Owen and Emma King

Register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

Special Events

Art Exhibits


August 17 September 20, 2015

January 11 February 21, 2016

Rae Hamilton Oil Paintings

Lindan Silvers Photos

Gene Rizor Photography

Sara Becker & 7 Artists

Debbie Miller Oils

Mixed Media Art

Judith Prevo & Don Rubin

& Events

September 21 November 15, 2015

Diane Gibson Watercolor

ook for our special FOBG program pricing

on many of our adult classes for members

Mixed Media Art

The Pt Painters Paintings in

Oil, Acrylics, Watercolors, Pastel

February 22 March 27, 2016

The Laurel Art Group Mixed

November 16, 2015

Media Paintings

January 10, 2016

Carol Kent & Sue Moses

Elizabeth Lee Oils

Watercolor Paintings

Irene Glaser Oils

of the Friends of Brookside Gardens, a

nonprofit organization established to support

the mission of the Gardens. For information
about joining the Friends of Brookside Gardens,

Save the Date:

Green Matters 2016:

A Garden Gateway

see page 13, visit brooksidegardens.org or call

301-962-1400 to request a brochure.

Visit BrooksideGreen.org

Brookside Gardens offers a variety

after December 1 for more

of programs and events focused on


sustainable horticulture throughout

Friday, April 8

the year. Look for our Green


Thumbs Up logo to find programs with a focus

Visitors Center Auditorium

on making our homes and gardens greener.

Conservatory Displays

Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly &

Caterpillar Exhibit

Spring Display

Wednesday, July 1Sunday,

Sunday, April 10, 2016

October 25, 2015

10:00am- 5:00pm daily

10:00am- 4:00pm daily

Free; Brookside Gardens Conservatories

Saturday, January 16-

Fee: $8.00 adults; $5.00 ages 3-12

Brookside Gardens South Conservatory

Fall Chrysanthemum Display

Saturday, October 10 - Sunday,
November 29
10:00am- 5:00pm daily
Free; Brookside Gardens North

Winter Display & Garden

Railway Exhibit
Saturday, December 5, 2015- Sunday,
January 3, 2016
10:00am- 5:00pm daily
Free; Brookside Gardens Conservatories

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 201520167


Special Events, Photography, Xcursions



Garden Tours
McCrillis Gardens Sunday Walks
Free; registration required- choose a


date below, 10:00-11:00am

Meet at McCrillis House in Bethesda at
6910 Greentree Rd.
Course # 7855, September 13
Course # 7856, September 27
Private Group Horticultural Tours
Clubs and other organizations desiring
private horticultural tours are welcome
throughout the year. For information

Journey to Mount Vernon

and to schedule a date, call 301-962-

Travel back in time to visit one of

1474. The fee is $5 per participant,

our founding fathers beautiful

minimum $25.

estates. George Washington was

an avid gardener and sent detailed
instructions to his gardeners
throughout the founding of our
nation. Well be visiting at the peak

Plant Society Shows & Sales

of the vegetable garden season

Friends of Brookside Gardens

Plant Sale

National Capital Dahlia Society

Show & Sale

and will enjoy an exclusive tour

Saturday, September 12,

Saturday, September 26, 2:00-5:00pm

tour and more. Fee includes coach

10:00am- 3:00pm

Sunday, September 27, 9:00am-3:00pm

transportation, entry fees, and a sit-

Brookside Gardens Hoop House

Dahlia Sale 3:00-4:00pm

down lunch.

with horticulture staff, a mansion

Course number # 7882

(Located on Maintenance Hill)

Wed., September 8,
Fee: $115; registration required
Meet at the Wheaton Regional Park


11715 Orebaugh Ave.

Wheaton, MD 20902

Butterfly Photography
Joshua Taylor, Archiphoto Workshops

Collecting Native Seeds at

Pope Farm Nursery

Learn how to capture striking images

of butterflies in this two-session

Pope Farm grows many of the trees,


workshop. Includes guided time in the

Conservatory photographing butterflies
and a sharing/critique. Participants
will receive online pre-workshop
instruction. A working knowledge
of your camera functions will be
helpful, a tripod is optional but highly
recommended. Intermediate level.
Course # 7869
Saturdays, October 17, 8:00-10:00am and
October 24, 8:00-10:00am
Fee: $65, FOBG: $58; registration
Conservatory Entrance

shrubs, and plants that you see at

our county parks. Their Native Plant
Program harvests native seeds each
fall to propagate seedlings. Learn from

Focus on Butterflies

expert staff and try seed collecting

Bring your tripod and enjoy two quiet

techniques first hand. After the tour,

hours of photography in our Wings of

well have a brown bag lunch together

Fancy Live Butterfly and Caterpillar

with time for Q&A. Fee includes

Exhibit before it opens to the public.

transportation. Bring a brown bag

Register for as many sessions as you



Course # 7884


Tuesday, October 20, 10:00am-1:00pm

Fee: $30 FOBG: $27

Fee: $35; registration required

South Conservatory

Meet at the Wheaton Regional Park

Course # 7875, September 5

11715 Orebaugh Ave.

Course # 7876, September 13

Wheaton, MD 20902

Course # 7877, October 18

8Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

Xcursions, Speaker Series

Champion Tree Tour

Join Joe Howard of the Montgomery
County Forestry Board and Montgomery
Parks Forest Ecologist Carole Bergmann
for this popular annual tour. This
year will begin with a few selections
at Brookside Gardens, and continue
throughout the county. Fee includes
charter bus transportation and drinks.
Please bring a lunch and water.

Philadelphia Flower Show

Course number # 7888

A perennial favorite, the Philadelphia

Wednesday, October 21, 9:00am-4:00pm

International Flower Show is always a

Fee: $65; registration required

crowd-pleaser. Break out your hiking

Meet at the Wheaton Regional Park

boots to celebrate with a theme of

11715 Orebaugh Ave.

the National Parks Centennial this

Wheaton, MD 20902

year: from the awe-inspiring Redwood

National Park to peaceful Acadia, this

Richmond Holiday Adventure

theme is sure to be memorable! Be

Jumpstart your holiday by visiting

inspired as you explore acres of great

Maymont, the opulent Revival

gardens and learn from the worlds

home of James Henry and Sallie

will conclude the day with a fabulous

most celebrated growers and florists.

May Dooley. Enjoy a guided tour

buffet dinner at the garden before

Fee includes coach transportation and

through the mansion and explore

we head home. Fee includes coach

entrance fee. Your lunch/dinner may be

the expansive grounds, decorated for

transportation, entry fees, boxed lunch

purchased at the show or the nearby

the season. Across town, well head

and buffet dinner.

Reading Terminal Market.

to the GardenFest of Lights at Lewis

Course number # 8033

Course # 8034

Ginter Botanical Garden. Discover

Tuesday, December 1, 11:00am-11:00pm

Tuesday, March 3, 7:00am-7:00pm

the dazzling flower displays and and

Fee: $135; registration required

Course # 8035

watch as the grounds transform into

Meet at the Wheaton Regional Park

Thursday, March 5, 10:30am-10:30pm

a winter wonderland of holiday lights,

11715 Orebaugh Ave.

Fee: $90; registration required

guaranteed to get you in the spirit! We

Wheaton, MD 20902

Meet at the Visitors Center Entrance

Danielle Cook, Holistic Nutritionist and

function, and production. Focus will be

Cooking Instructor

on creating food forests, building herb

Join the Cook Sisters and Brookside

spirals, choosing uncommon fruits,

Visitors Center Auditorium

Gardens staff for a return of this

outdoor mushroom cultivation, and

popular holiday event showcasing

much more. This will be a fun-filled

Gift Ideas for Gardeners

ways to stage an exquisite, flower-

presentation for the budding gardener

filled buffet table and the dishes to

and experienced green thumb alike.

entice guests.

Concluded with a book signing.

Course # 8031

Course # 8032

Friday, December 11, 10:00-11:30am

Saturday, January 9, 2:00-3:30pm

Fee: $14 FOBG: $13;

registration required

Brookside Staff
Spend some time with Brookside staff
getting in the holiday spirit! Well
share some of our favorite things with
you, from tools to hand scrubs, and
give you a plethora of gift ideas for
the gardeners in your life. Will include
demonstrations and refreshments.
Course # 7898

Edible Landscaping with a

Permaculture Twist
Michael Judd, Author and
Edible Landscape Designer

Tuesday, November 17, 1:00-2:30pm

Ever wondered how you can have your

Holiday Buffet

edible landscape designer Michael

Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking


yard and eat it too? Join author and

Judd in an exploration of creating
edible landscapes that combine form,


Speaker Series

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 201520169

Garden After Dark and Walks, Talks & Demos


Garden Walks, Talks

and Demos

Garden After Dark

You need a night out every once in a while, but what to do? Whether its with
a friend, sibling, or sweetheart, let Brookside take care of the details! Each fee
covers the cost of two people. 21 and up. Fee: $60 FOBG: $54

Seed Starting for the

Vegetable Garden
Gordon Clark, Montgomery Victory Gardens
Get a jump on the season, save money,
grow what you want and maximize
production! Class will cover everything
from lights to soils to seed starting
strategies to get you started for 2016.
Course number # 8022
Tuesday, February 16, 7:00-8:30pm
Fee: $22, FOBG: $20; registration
Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Squash It

gift bags to take home, and Garden of

Pumpkins and beer- a perfect pairing?

Lights admission.

Enjoy an autumnal microbrew or two

Course # 8018

while watching some pumpkin carving

Tuesday, December 8, 7:00-9:00pm

demonstrations, then get your jack-

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

and tools aplenty. Well polish off the

Everything you ever wanted

to know about pruning,
(but were afraid to ask!)

evening with a moonlit tour of the

Jim Deramus, Brookside Gardens Staff

garden. Fee includes all refreshments,

Why you should prune, how and when

two jack-o-lanterns and tour.

to prune, and how to determine your

Course # 7902

pruning objectives based on structural

Tuesday, October 27, 7:00-9:00pm

corrections that can be achieved.

Visitors Center Auditorium

Discover how plants respond to pruning

o-lantern fix with heirloom squash

and basically how to get a shrub or tree

Holly Daze

to do what you want it to- in a way that

The Garden of Lights is back, make

is healthy for the plant.

a night of it! Take a leisurely stroll

Course number # 8023

through the beautiful garden lights,

Friday, February 19, 1:00-2:30pm

then come inside for paired wine

Fee: $7, FOBG: $6; registration required

and cheeses. Well also be creating

Birds and the Bees

nature inspired wrapping paper and

Get your Valentines Day fix a little

gift bags to make your holiday season

early savor chocolate and wine

Ideas for the Exceptional Garden

a little more unique. Fee includes all

while learning the uncomfortable

Diane Lewis, Brookside Gardens Staff

refreshments, wrapping paper and

and sometimes hysterical truth about

Obviously plants form the focus of the

flowers. Afterward, learn some new

individual garden. But their hardscape

flower arranging tricks and make

features enhance their presentation.

a nosegay or two to take home Fee

This slide talk features some of the

includes all refreshments, talk and

many choices available to make your

two floral arrangements.

garden a delight to the eye, including

Course # 8019

containers, paths, arbors, and more.

Tuesday, February 9, 7:00-9:00pm

Course # 8024

Visitors Center Auditorium

Tuesday, February 23, 1:00-2:30pm

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Fee: $7, FOBG: $6; registration required

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

10Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

Horticultural Workshops
2 for 1 Container
Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens
Plant a unique container that will
provide a colorful accent this fall,
followed by a beautiful bulb display in

Horticultural Workshops

be great for the environment. Course

Wednesday, December 16, 10:00-

number # 7923


Tuesday, November 24, 1:00- 2:30pm

Fee: $50, FOBG: $45; registration required

Fee: $100, FOBG: $90; registration

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Cleaner, Greener Home

Laura Vogel, Brookside Gardens Staff

spring. All supplies, planting and care

January is the time for New Years

instructions will be included.

resolutions; how about resolving to

Course #7918

have a cleaner, greener home? Learn

Tuesday, October 27, 10:00-11:30am

more about the little ways you can

Fee: $60, FOBG: $54; registration

minimize your homes impact on the

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

environment while you create sample

Decorative Cone and Nut Wreath

friendly cleaners to try at home.

size batches of simple, environmentally

Course number # 8028

Lynn Richard and Diane Lewis, Brookside

Wednesday, January 20, 1:00-2:30pm

Gardens Staff

Fee: $22, FOBG: $20; registration required

Create a beautiful wreath to grace your

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

autumn front door or mantel! Lynn

and Diane will lead you step by step in

World of Flavor

Birds, Bugs and Buds: Glass Jewelry

Laura Vogel, Brookside Gardens Staff

Stephanie Oberle, Brookside Gardens Staff

Herbs and spices are a fixture in our

Join us for a fun and easy class to

kitchens, but have you ever wondered

create one of a kind pair of earrings

about the global sources of these

and necklace. Inspired by nature, the

humble ingredients? Take a worldwide

beads depict birds, flower buds, leaves,

tour of fragrant herbs and spices while

and mushrooms and are made by a

making pomander ball ornaments for

local artist. Participants learn basic

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

the holidays.

jewelry-making skills including simple

Course # 8025

and wrapped loops and working

Winter Container Gardening

Friday, December 4, 1:00-2:30pm

with crimped cord ends. All supplies

Fee: $22, FOBG: $20; registration required

provided; bring your own tools or

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

borrow ours.

making an 18 wreath with a diverse

array of cones and nuts. All supplies
included to make one wreath. Clippers
and gloves suggested.
Course number # 7921
Tuesday, November 3, 1:00-3:00pm
Fee: $52, FOBG: $47; registration

Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens

Create a container garden with plants
that can withstand winters harshest
weather. Mix dwarf evergreens with
a splash of herbaceous plants for
some late season color. Cost covers all
materials, including a 14 container (or

Course number # 8029

Festive Fresh Greens

Friday, January 22, 1:00-3:00pm

Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens

Fee: $47, FOBG: $42; registration required

Join us to make a long-lasting, beautiful

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

centerpiece or wreath using fresh

greens! Come Tuesday to make wreaths,

Getting Creative with Airplants

Wednesday to make centerpieces, or

Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens

come both days. Learn to make an

and Laura Vogel, Brookside Gardens Staff

evergreen wreath for your front door,

Tillandsias, or air plants, are quite

complete with pinecone and bow

the popular houseplant these days,

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

accents. The centerpieces will include

especially since they require no soil!

a candle and seasonal decorations. Fee

Learn more about their tropical origin

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

includes all materials for one wreath or

while putting together a tillandsia

two centerpieces.

creation to take home. Includes all

Festive Wreaths

supplies and instructions for care.

Course # 8026

Course number # 8030

Tuesday, December 15, 10:00-11:30am

Wednesday, January 27, 10:00-11:30am

Fee: $50, FOBG: $45; registration

Fee: $30, FOBG: $27; registration required


Visitors Center Adult Classroom

bring your own favorite container).

Course number # 7922
Tuesday, November 17, 10:00-11:30am
Fee: $75, FOBG: $67; registration

Local Color Flowers Staff

Want to wow your thanksgiving guests
this year? Join us to make your own
centerpiece made from locally grown
flowers, foliage, branches, fruits, veggies,
herbs and succulents. Participants
will learn to use non-toxic stabilizing
techniques (instead of floral foam) to
make their arrangements look great and

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Festive Centerpieces
Course # 8027
Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 2015201611

Cooking Demonstrations


Cooking Demonstrations
Join Brookside Gardens for this delectable
series of cooking classes, focusing on
healthful recipes with seasonal and local
fruits, vegetables, and herbs you can grow.
Enjoy samples of the dishes, prepared
before you, using easy-to-follow recipes
that you can try at home.

Grow It, Eat It, Preserve It

Lisa Gonzalez, Family and Consumer
Sciences Agent, UMD
This session will cover the types of
canned products that can be safely
made at home and the necessary
ingredients, equipment and supplies.
The basic steps of water bath canning
and food safety considerations will
be demonstrated. Included in your
registration fee are a take home canned
product, handouts and the book, So
Easy To Preserve. Bring a brown bag
Course # 7931

satisfying grains are out there and how

Wednesday, September 16, 10:00am

do you cook them? New recipes will

Pomegranates, Persimmons
and Pears


feature the panoply of grains now easily

Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking Writer

Fee: $42 FOBG: $36; registration required

accessible at supermarkets and online,

Danielle Cook, Holistic Nutritionist and

Visitors Center Auditorium

and result in delicious, comforting

Cooking Instructor

dishes for winter dining.

A trio of fruits that star in holiday

Fifty Shades of Grain

Course # 7934

meals and thereafter. Not only do these

Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking Writer

Wednesday, November 18, 12:00-1:30pm

winter fruits bring welcome flavor and

Danielle Cook, Holistic Nutritionist and

Fee: $35 FOBG: $31; registration required

color to cold-weather dishes, they also

Cooking Instructor

Visitors Center Auditorium

are just the ticket for what we need

What other nutrient-rich and deeply

nutritionally to stay healthy during the

Course # 8020
Wednesday, December 2, 12:00-1:30pm
Fee: $35 FOBG: $31; registration required
Visitors Center Auditorium

Roots of Flavor
Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking Writer
Danielle Cook, Holistic Nutritionist and
Cooking Instructor
Turmeric root has joined ginger root on
many grocery shelves, but how to use
it? Learn about the nutritional value of
these two powerhouse roots and how to
incorporate them for maximum flavor
impact in delicious original recipes.
Course # 8021
Wednesday, January 13, 12:00-1:30pm
Fee: $35 FOBG: $31; registration required
Visitors Center Auditorium

12Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

Friends of Brookside Gardens

Friends of Brookside Gardens (FOBG) was established to support the
mission of the Brookside Gardens. This includes maintaining of programs
to reveal the year-round wonders and beauty of nature and also educating
the public on how the proper care of plants can preserve the environment.

How does FOBG Membership

Support Brookside Gardens?
FOBG provides the primary non-public
financial support for Brookside Gardens.
FOBG dues are used exclusively to
support Brookside Gardens programs
and plantings. Only a negligible
percentage of dues goes towards
administrative costs.

Examples of FOBG Supported

Plantings throughout the Gardens
Donations for Brookside Gardens
Master Plan
Childrens Day Program
Green Matters Symposium
Concert Series
Lecture Series

Membership Benefits
Discount for you at Brookside
Special FOBG discounted fees for
many Brookside programs
10% discount on non-sale items at
the Marylandica Shops at Brookside
10% discount at FOBGs Fall Plant Sale

Stadler Nurseries
Suns Garden & Landscaping
Susanna Farm Nursery
Wild Bird Centers
Washington Gardener Magazine

Additional Benefits:
Early Admission to Fall Plant Sale

Discounts and special offers at

many Garden-related businesses:
Subject to change without notice. Be sure to
show your card before purchase.
Behnke Nurseries

The BROOKSIDER newsletter

Members-only Functions
Notice of programs at Brookside
Gardens, some with discounts for
FOBG members

Good Earth Garden Market

Johnsons Florist & Garden Center
River Hill Garden Center

For more information or to hear about volunteer opportunities, contact the Friends:

Join the Friends Today!

Membership Fees:
Individual: $40


Family: $60


Sponsor: $100$249


Garden Club: $60 and up



Patron: $250$499
Benefactor: $500 and up


Payment (Please select one. No cash


This is a gift membership from:

____Visa ___Mastercard
Check #_____________ (payable to FOBG)


Note: The FOBG membership card will be mailed to gift recipient.


Membership dues and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
FOBG is a 501 (C)(3) not-for-profit group organized exclusively for charitable and
educational purposes. We do not share our membership list or any donor information
with other groups. All memberships are renewable annually in October.



Attn: Friends of Brookside Gardens

1800 Glenallan Avenue
Wheaton, MD 20902-1369

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 2015201613

School of Botanical Art & Illustration


Brookside Gardens School of Botanical Art & Illustration


Increase your appreciation of plants

Botanical Drawing D2

to hone color observation and enable

through the art and science of botanical

Joan Ducore

correct selection of three pigments to

illustration! Our curriculum will transform

Core instruction continues from D1

see the entire range of colors found in

you from a beginner artist into a

with exercises and demonstrations

a specific plant magical! Consider

competent botanical artist, or enjoy our

that focus on observation and how to

design principles and apply botanical

workshops with offerings for each skill

produce accurate drawings of plant

watercolor techniques in a final study


subject matter. Zoom in on fascinating

of a fun arrangement of plant elements.

plant structures hidden from the view

Prerequisites: Drawing Basics- D1 to

Class details and registration:

of the casual observer and complete

Value Study D3.


a study piece featuring a freshly cut

Course # 8039

Materials for SeptemberFebruary

leafy sprig completed in clearly defined

Thursdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28, 10:00am

classes BrooksideArtSchool.org

pencil (line only). Practice at home

- 1:30pm

is essential. Prerequisite: Drawing

Fee: $245, FOBG: $220; registration

Basics-D1 or equivalent.


The Core Curriculum is taken in

Course number # 7940

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

sequence from Drawing Basics Art in

Thursdays, October 8, 22, 29 and

and Atrium

Watercolor. The classes listed below

November 5, 10:00am - 1:30pm

are open to anyone who has taken the

Fee: $245, FOBG: $220; registration

prerequisites listed for each course or


with equivalent experience. Allow a few

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

hours per week for homework tasks and

and Atrium

Core Curriculum

Workshops & Short

Observational Studies
Joan Ducore


Create a beautiful sketchbook page

Drawing Basics- D1

Carolyn deHaas

filled with drawings, color notes and

Harriet Weiner

Knowing how to make a pencil drawing

plant information that can be used later

Core instruction introduces drawing

pop out from the page by applying

to create a finished botanical piece even

techniques and tips vital for successful

values observed with pencil shading, is

after the specimen has wilted. Learn

observational drawing. Students learn

essential for later understanding how

what needs to be included and helpful

to observe and to draw accurately

to create an amazing sense of realism

hints to make it fun.

through a developing awareness

in a botanical painting. Start with

Course # 7944

of Line, Shape, Space (2-D & 3-D)

three-dimensional geometric shapes

Tuesday, September 15, 10:00am -

and Relationship. Composition and

that underpin stems, flowers and fruits.


perspective drawing are introduced.

Develop ability to enhance this pop out

Fee: $95, FOBG: $85; registration

A final study is completed in well

effect using exercises in how to create


defined, pencil line, with no shading

atmospheric perspective in leafy sprigs.

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

at this stage and includes natural and

Open to all with some drawing ability.

manmade objects, some requiring use

Course number # 7942

of a vanishing point. Practice at home

Thursdays, November 12, 19 and

is essential.

December 3, 10, 10:00am - 1:30pm

Course number # 7936

Fee: $245; FOBG: $220; registration

Wednesday, September 9, and


Thursdays, September 17, 24, and

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

October 1, 10:00am - 1:30pm

and Atrium


Value Study D3

Fee: $245; FOBG: $220; registration


Painting Basics P1

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Susannah Figura

Painting Autumn Acorns

and Atrium

Develop brush handling skills and

Kelly Sverduk

watercolor techniques. Color study to

Capture the undeniable charm of acorns

include limited palette exercise sheets

in a watercolor painting, after first

14Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016

Register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

School of Botanical Art & Illustration

completing a small drawing from life.

White Line Woodcuts

lesson in framing. Reference photos

A combination of transparent washes

Suzanne Fierston

will be available or you can bring a

and fine dry brush techniques will then

White line woodcuts are multi-color

plant to paint from life. Supplies can be

be demonstrated, and used to render

images printed from a single block of

purchased at the workshop to complete

the smooth nut and textured cap. The

wood. Cut your line drawing or nature

a miniature, including a 3x4 gesso

acorns earthy tones will provide a

print into the block using v-shaped cuts

board, oil paints, brushes, and frame.

perfect opportunity to practice mixing

with an utility knife or gouge. These

Or you can bring your own supplies (oil,

a variety of browns from three primary

cuts become the white lines in the final

acrylic, gouache) including a surface for

paint colors.

print. Hand-color the area between the

a 3x4 work.

Course # 7945

lines with watercolor and gouache and

Course # 8036

Saturday, October 3, 10:00am 3:30pm

hand-print your image with a baren

Saturday, December 5, 10:00am-3:30pm

Fee: $95, FOBG: $85; registration

or wooden spoon. You will leave class

Fee: $95, FOBG: $85; registration


with at least one unique print, a hand-


Visitors Center Adult Classroom

carved woodblock, and supplies to

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

continue the process at home.

Autumn Crocus and Cyclamen

Course # 7947

Pen and Ink Illustration

Guest Instructor John Pastoriza Pinol

Saturday, November 7, 10:00am

Alice Tangerini

Australian master botanical artist, John


Drawing in line has always been

Pastoriza Pinol, employs techniques

Fee: $120, FOBG: $108; registration

the most challenging for producing

from both the centuries-old tradition


aesthetic botanical illustrations which

of botanical drawing as well as

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

also meet the demands of the accuracy

required by a scientific audience. It can

works exist in a realm somewhere

be mastered, though, using methods of

between the hyper-real and literal and

line and stipple and a variety of tools.

the surreal and fantastical. Join him

Students will also learn composition of

for a four day master class focused

a botanical plate that is pleasing to both

on Colchicum, or the autumn crocus.

the scientist and the artist.

He will also provide lessons on how

Course # 8037

masking fluid can be used to achieve

Friday-Sunday, January 29-31, 10:00am

very fine detail and will instruct

- 3:30pm

contemporary art. His vividly, beautiful

students how to use the NEEF Comb,

an invaluable tool for contemporary
Botanical Art. For intermediate and
advanced artists.Course # 7953

Fee: $260, FOBG: $240; registration


Painting Roses

Saturday - Tuesday, October 10-13,

Painting Leaves with Sheen

Joan Ducore

9:00am - 4:00pm (4 sessions)

Joan Ducore

Roses are a perennial favorite with

Fee: $450, FOBG: $430; registration

Shiny leaves can be a challenge to

botanical artists. This workshop focuses


paint, this workshop will teach you

on the techniques to help capture the

Visitors Center Adult Classroom

techniques to enable you to paint holly

velvety texture of the petals, delicate

and magnolia leaves. Learn how to

buds and the light and shade on the

paint leaves with a bright shine or with

leaves. A practice sheet will be provided

a softer pale sheen. Students will be

for students to hone these skills.

provided a practice sheet.

Course # 8038

Course # 7949

Saturday, February 13, 10:00am - 3:30pm

Sunday, November 15, 10:00am - 3:30pm

Fee: $95, FOBG: $85; registration

Fee: $95, FOBG: $85; registration



Botanicals in Miniature
Nancy Still
This workshop will provide artists with
a basic understanding of miniature
art including techniques, supplies,
composition, design layout, and a



Visitors Center Adult Classroom

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 2015201615

Childrens Programs


Special Event
Childrens Day Honey Harvest
Join Brookside Gardens, Brookside Nature Center and


the Maryland State Beekeepers Association to celebrate

honeybees and other pollinators. Talk to beekeepers, watch
honey being harvested, buy local honey and bee products
and enjoy family friendly activities and crafts. Well be
buzzing about pollinators all day long!
Saturday, September 19, 11:00am-4:00pm
Fee: Free; no registration required
Brookside Gardens and Brookside Nature Center

Free Shuttle from Glenallan Elementary School

Flower Buds

Fall Harvest Scavenger Hunt

This once-a-month series will meet

Have some fall season fun throughout

the second Monday of every month. We

the gardens. Start at the Visitors center

will feature gardening activities, stories,

and follow the colorful leaf trail leading

crafts and garden walks for children

you to the Conservatory and back again.

ages 3-5 with a parent. Siblings are

Along the way hunt for seasonal clues

welcome but will not be able to partake

and participate in activities, exercises

in craft making.

and crafts. Guided garden walks leave

Monday, September 14, 10:30am-12:00

on the half hour beginning at 10:00am.

Course # 7253

Last walk leaves at 11:30am. An adult

Monday, October 12, 10:30-12:00pm

must walk with each child and assist in

Course #7255

the activities. Please register for a time.

Monday, November 9, 10:30am-12:00

Friday, November 20, 10:00-11:30am

Course # 7257

Guided walk 10:00am

Monday, December 14, 10:30am-

Course # 7748


Guided walk 10:30am

Course #7756

Course # 7750

Monday, January 11, 10:30am-12:00pm

Guided walk 11:00 am

Course # 7758

Course # 7751

Monday, February 8, 10:30am-12:00pm

Guided walk 11:30pm

Course # 7759

Course # 7752

Fee: $7/child (adult free); registration

Ages: 2-6


Fee: $7/child

Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

Visitors Center Auditorium

Saturday Morning Story Time

Brookside Gardens Volunteers
Participate and listen to nature and
seasonal stories that will encourage
a childs imagination and creativity.
Each week a different story will be read
followed by a hands-on craft.
Saturdays, October 3 December 12,
Ages: 3-6
Fee: Free; no registration required
Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

Fun Festive Natural Ornaments

Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Staff
Get into the holiday spirit attending this
workshop with your parent or a friend.
We will use natural plant materials
including dried flowers, seed pods and
cones to make intriguing ornaments
to hang on a holiday tree, or to adorn
your home. Create 5 holiday ornaments.
Some examples may include Thistle
Reindeer, Money Plant Guardian
Angel, Pinecone and Thistle Owl, and
Applesauce and Cinnamon Ginger Man.
These make wonderful gifts too!
Friday December 11, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Course # 7664
Ages: 7-12
Fee: $15.00
Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

16Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 20152016



Fill out a separate form for each participant. Friends of Brookside Gardens members enter the FOBG rate for each course.
Registration opens August 17.
Course No.


Name of Program




Sample Program Title


To register by mail, or in person:

Complete the registration form and mail with payment (or drop off registration form
and payment) to:
BROOKSIDE GARDENS, Attn. Registrar, 1800 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902
Make checks payable to Active Montgomery

To Register Online: ActiveMONTGOMERY.org

Important Registration Information

For registration information, call 301-962-1451.

Already have an ActiveMONTGOMERY account?

To register, just fill in the first three boxes.
*Last Name

*First Name


Need to register a child? Fill in these three boxes.

*Last Name

*First Name

*Date of birth

Need to open an ActiveMONTGOMERY account? Please fill in all

the boxes.
Middle Initial


Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Gender: M/F

Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Primary Phone

Secondary Phone


Due to new PCI Compliance Standards, we can no longer accept credit card payments by
mail. To pay with a credit card, please register online at ActiveMONTGOMERY.org or by
phone at 301-962-1451 between the hours of 9:00am-12:00pm Monday through Friday. We
apologize for this inconvenience.

For information on M-NCPPCs

Fee Reduction Program for
Montgomery County residents,
call 301-495-2530. Applications
are available at Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Information Desk.

Montgomery Parks, part of the MarylandNational Capital Park and Planning

Commission, encourages and supports the
participation of individuals with disabilities.
Please contact the Program Access Office to
request a disability accommodation: E-mail:
ProgramAccess@MontgomeryParks.org or
phone: 301-495-2477.

1.You must open an ActiveMONTGOMERY account in order to register for

any program.
2.We regret that it is not possible to
include babies or children in classes
designed for adults, unless specified.
3.All programs will run rain or shine,
unless a rain date is listed; for cancellation information call 301-962-1470.
4.FOBG members should enter the
discounted FOBG rate in the Fee
column. For information about joining
FOBG, call 301-962-1435 or check
5.Confirmation of your registration will
be made by mail or email. If an event
is filled to capacity, your check will be
returned and your name placed on a
waiting list. You will be contacted by
phone if an opening occurs.
6.Deadline for registration is 7 days
prior to event date, unless otherwise
stated. Participants will be enrolled in
the order received.
7.Unless otherwise indicated by the
participant or a parent/guardian in
writing at the time of registration,
photographs of participants for use
in Commission publications may be
taken while participating in program
Refund Policy: If a program is cancelled
you will be notified and receive a full
refund. If you choose to cancel your
registration from an event please visit
ActiveMONTGOMERY.org for withdrawal
and refund policies.

Brookside Gardens XperienceFall/Winter 2015201617

1800 Glenallan Avenue

Wheaton, MD 20902

Garden of Lights
Winter Walk-through Holiday Light Display

November 27, 2015 January 3, 2016

Open SundayThursday 5:30-9:30pm
Friday Saturday 5:30-10:00pm
Open New Years Eve until 9:00pm
(Closed December 24 & 25)

Admission:$25 per car/van (M-Th)
$30 per car/van (F-Su)
Advanced sale tickets: $25 (available starting Nov. 1)

Cash only at entrance.

1524 Passenger Bus/Van/Limo $50
2535 Passenger Bus $75
3657 Passenger Bus $120

Last car
admitted 30
minutes before
closing time.

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