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Apocalypse Game Arcon IV Gaming Pack



Andy Nutter
Andy G

Necons (Warmaster)
Other Scum
More Scum (Warmaster)


Blandford gaming club. 28 Feb 2015

Playing Area

16 by 6 rectangle table.


Two day event single game with setup of terrain the week prior.
Teams will be finalised prior to the event, these will be decided by the TO.
Players will set up on the day once sides and the turn sequence finalized.
Warlords and Warmasters are to be nominated buy each team before game play starts
o Date 28 Feb 2015
0830 Registration
Strategic Assets chosen by each player (not including those granted
by Data Sheets or Formations)
Army lists checked by TO and penalties awarded where necessary
Roll off for first and second, table edge decided
Fortifications Deployed (In this mission only a defence line is aloud
and this is free with one gun platform players choice.)
Terrain placed (no big walls unless purchased as fortification)
Strategic Assets placed if applicable.
0900 Deployment and decision of reserves.
0930 First teams deployment completed, with cheese and banter.
1000 Second teams deployment completed, with more cheese and banter.

Date 28 Feb 2015 (timings may change if turns are completed faster)

Master Gaming Pack


Team One setup

Team Two setup
Team One Turn 1
Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13







Team Two Turn 1

First scoring Break
Team One turn 2
Team Two turn 2
Break (No scoring)
Team One turn 3
Team Two turn 3
Second Scoring break
End of days play
Teams refresh Day Two
Team One turn 4
Team Two turn 4
Break if needed no scoring
Team One turn 5
Team Two turn 5
Final Scoring
Game ends and points worked out
Winners announced

Turn times. The first game turn is 90 minutes, the second is 75 minutes and the rest
are 60 minutes:
5 minutes team discussion (can be added to turn time)
5 minute mini break after each player turn (does not count as main break for
point scoring)
o Breaks
Several breaks have been planned into the day and are specified which are
Teams and Codex
o Team One

Team Two

What to bring. Everything you need to play and refresh yourself during the event.
Datasheets Only datasheets provided in the current Apocalypse Book , Imperial armour,
White Dwarf, GW Website and Forgeworld may be used and make sure you bring a copy of
any Datasheets you are using.
Maximum points per side is TBC however 5000 is good to plan for, plan an additional 2000
points in case people do not turn up or if it is uneven sides. All points are to be split evenly
between players. NO points from one player can be given to another. (If you dont use them
your team will lose them) Apoc does say bring all your models and play with everything, but
it also allows the TO to set limits. Anyone found with excessive points will incur a penalty for
their team in the form of the other team being awarded additional Strategic Assets at the

Master Gaming Pack

Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13

discretion of the TO. Exact points lists are not required, however a rough points list, with
rough breakdown for each unit, for each Army are to be provided to the TO on registration.
No restriction on painted models.
Unique Characters and Equipment are restricted to one per SIDE.
Helpers and set up
o Set up will start at on Thursday night and will be finish off on the Friday before
Arrangements for refreshments
o Usual facilities available.
Club Rules
o The TOs decision is final
o Codex specific rules - there will no cross pollination of codex rules even across
players who field the same codex. Assets also affected by this.
o Not a fluff based game (ish.) I like fluff
o No expansions to be used, i.e. Planet Strike.
o One Strategic Asset per player, as per the rule book page 30, a single Strategic
Resource maybe taken instead of a Strategic Asset. Additional Strategic Assets or
Strategic Resources granted by Datasheets or Formations do not count towards this
limitation and are taken on top of the single asset allowed. Strategic assets picked
by players are one per side only; this is from the Apoc book. These are to be chosen
once teams have been confirmed.
o Additional assets may be given out before or during the game by the TO.
o Scoring is as per the current rule book, all units are scoring.
o Knight commander Pask can only go in a Leman Russ (IG codex)
o Sgt Chronos can only go in a Space marine tank (Space marine codex) so not in IG
tank or Super heavy tanks for that matter. (I think this will allow him to go in a FW/IA
landraider however.)
o Only one version of Unique named Characters per side.
o No duplication of data sheets on any given side, less Super Heavies
o Data sheets or Formation that contain Unique named characters follow the same
ruling as above.
o Unlimited range for powers is 48, unlimited range for normal weapons is 72 and
unlimited for high power weapons (i.e. vehicles) is unlimited.
o Apoc is meant to be FUN with a capital F, if you cant see the cheese in your own
list then have a word with yourself. Don't write tournament winning list for use in an
APOC game it ruins the fun element.
Mission Overview
o The mission being played will be Exterminatus (page 47) with a few twists.
Roll off for turn setup
First Team deploys as per mission
Second team deploys as per mission,
Infiltrators deploy, five minutes per team.
Scouts redeploy, five minutes per team.
Roll to see how goes first.
Game length as per timings above.
Victory conditions as per the mission
Mission special rules:
Divine Intervention page 24
Finest Hour Page 26
Mysterious Objectives, as per 40k Main Rule book
Strategic Reserves page 37
Strategic Victory Points page 22
Unnatural Disasters, Storms see Fluff

Master Gaming Pack

Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13

Night fighting is in play for the first turn (this is Atmospheric and WILL
apply to all players regardless of what your rules say!)
More will follow
All models are to be WYSIWYG if you can. If not make other aware of it.
Any queries about this pack are to be directed to the TO and until it is modified, the rules in
this pack stand along with any decisions made by the TO.

As mention in the club rules this game is for fun. The rules below are to allow those new to APOC
to play with their toys and the one they borrowed. For those hardened players look at as a mission
to work your cheese around.

Fluff, because I like it and it fit nicely with the ruling thrown in.
Arcon IV is a Dead world and has been for thousands of years. It is beset by harass dust winds
and atmospheric warp storms which are slowly ripping the planet apart. Like all storms they die
out, till the next one. All parties know this and prepare for the lull in the squall.
Your recon force has been gathered around an ancient city of unknown origins from a biped race,
within which youve found an antediluvian gateway that marvels all the techs laws or theories. The
city has a natural divide where the gate ways are located and a rival Warmaster seeks to calm this
prise. Both Warmasters have gathered with what force they can and have line up to the limits of
the city they now control. All are waiting the storm subsides and call for reinforcements, that time is
Unnatural Disasters

Turn 1 all flying aircraft that entre or are on board take an auto haywire hit. FMC/DS will
take a Str 10 AP 1 Hit if flying. Jump/jets are not affected unless deep striking. Deep strikes
will divert an additional 1d6
Turn 2 all flying aircraft that entre or are on board take an auto haywire hit. 1, 2 no affect 36 glances. FMC will take a Str 6 AP 4 Hit. Jump/jets are not affected unless deep striking.
Turn 3 the skies are clear for now

The Gateway

There are 15 gateway 3 on each 6x4 all connected by road ways each one has a
controlling station which must be manned to utilised. Operation of them is directed by the
Warmasters. As they are a prise for your Warmasters they are all Mission Critical Buildings
and cannot be targeted. Classed as a small build but cant be occupied.


2 no scatter
4 no scatter
8 no scatter
16 no scatter
32 1d6 scatter


64 2d6 scatter
128 2d6 scatter
256 3d6 scatter
512 3d6 scatter
1024 3d6 scatter


2048 4d6 scatter

4096 4d6 scatter
8192 4d6 scatter
16384 4d6 scatter
Infinite 5d6 scatter

This teleport system is activated at the end of the movement phase, any unit/Vehicle up to
3HP that is transported is moved into play as if deep strike accrued and follows the same

Master Gaming Pack

Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13

rules. But is not effected by any of the mission rules. Any Friend/foe unit/units that are
within 6 of a gateway can be moved that are not in CC.
To teleport the units place the massive Apoc blast over the centre of the gate being used
and place 1 model from each unit being moved onto the marker in their current locations.
The marker is then moved XXXXas described above (for every gate not used in distance
you can remove 1d6 from the scatter) All models must be able to be legally place below the
teleport point. Now each unit will scatter X No. of D6 if any.

The gateways Must have an operator that is in BB contact with each device controls and
they cannot be a teleporting unit.


There are ifs and buts about vortex, for this game you can have them. However for this
mission as it is plagued buy the warp there will be other random events if used!!!
Season of Fire Apoc pg252 MoD will be the side that didnt throw the vortex.
Plus role a d6, on a 1 you go back to Unnatural Disasters turn 1, on a 2 the game reverts to
Unnatural Disasters. 3 or more no effect.

Board setup.
The old city is a grid of road building and water ways although these have long since dried up.

The Gates in the centre of each board are exacltly that, smack centre of each 4x6.
The Gates by the edges are 6 in from the table edge and centre of the 4x6.

Master Gaming Pack

Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13

White area are built up whats left of the city.

The shaded is what is left of a water way, hills, rubble, debris and wreckage.
The roads are 4 across , Wheeled or tracked vehicle that start their MM on them can gain
6 of MM.
The Gateways are friendly units to everyone and cant be targeted or targeted with a blast if
a side distorys a gate they will loose 1 VP. Each gate way has Small building class Armour

Gents this is V2.1 with Q an W coming in things will change but this gives you and out line on the
next game.

Master Gaming Pack

Version 3.0

Dated 24 Aug 13

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