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Thanh Loc high school

Week: 12
Period: 34

School year: 2014- 2015

Date of preparing: October 27th, 2014
Date of teaching: Novenber 4th, 2014
SECTION : Language focus


1. Formation of behavior: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- distinguish the clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ and pronounce the words and sentences
containing them correctly
- understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve
communicative tasks
2. Skill: - Pronunciation: /tr/, /dr/, /tw/
- Grammar:

3. Language focus:
- New words: - Words related to /tr/, /dr/, /tw/
- Grammar:
- reported speech with gerund
1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan
2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen
III/ TIME : 45 minutes
1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1)
2. Checking up
3. New lesson : (2)

-Asks pupils to talk about a

competition or contest they have
recently joined or seen .
-Gives some suggested questions :

Individual work
1.Where and when did they see or take
part in it ?
2.What type of competition or contest
was it ?
3.Who organized it ?
4.Who participated in it ?
5.Who won the competition or contest ?
6.Did you enjoy it ? Why / Why not?


+The sounds : / tr / , / dr / , / tw /
-Model the three clusters / tr / , / dr / , /
tw / for a few times and explain how to - Listen and repeat in chorus.
produce them
- Listen carefully.
+when producing / tr / we should
produce / t / first and then quickly
switch to / r / , and so on .
-Plays or read once for pupils to hear
the words containing there clusters ,
then ask pupils to read again .
-Has pupils read the words in each
column out loud in chorus for a few
more times , then call on some pupils
to read the words out loud .
-Listens and correct if pupils

Nguyen Van Nam



/ tr /

/ dr /

/ tw /

English 11

Thanh Loc high school

School year: 2014- 2015

pronounce the target words correctly .

-Practise sentences containing the
target sounds . (page 73)

III/ GRAMMAR (13- 15)

Introduce the grammar
Gives some examples

Nguyen Van Nam

- Listen carefully.
- Take notes.

Reported speech with gerund :

+Form : Verbs + (OBJECT) +
Prepositions + (NOT) V-ing
+Meaning and use : We usually use a
gerund structure to report thanking,
apologies, accusations, and so on . We
dont use say in this structure .
Ex : I apologized the teacher for
submitting my assignment late . We
thank you for having helped us
generously .
*Notes :
+Some verbs do not need a preposition
(stop / deny / admit / suggest )
Ex : Shall we go for a swim now ?
She suggested going for a
swim .
What about playing tennis ?
Tom suggested playing tennis .
Ex: I know I am wrong. He
admitted being wrong .
Ive broken the mirror . She
admitted breaking the mirror .
3. Insist on
Ex : I really need a break after
lunch . The boy insisted on having
a break .
Please come on ! Lend me some
money .
The woman insisted on lending
some money .
4.Appologize for
Sorry, Ive hurt you . She
apologized for having hurt him .
Sorry Im late The man
apologized for being late .
5.Accuse sb of
Youve stolen my bicycle !
The boy accused his friend for
having stolen his bicycle .
Its you who broke my glasses .
The old lady accused the poor girl
for having broken her glasses .
6.Dream of
I desperately want to become a
doctor .
He dreamed of becoming a doctor .
What I always want is to see my
family again.
She dreamed of seeing her family
again .

English 11

Thanh Loc high school

Exercise 1 : ( 6-8)
- Gets pupils to do Exercise 1
individually and then find a partner to
check their answers with .
- Checks with the whole class and

Nguyen Van Nam

School year: 2014- 2015

7.Prevent sb from
I wont allow you to get in touch with
Her father prevented her from getting
in touch with him .
I cant let you use the mobile phone.
Her mother prevented her from
using mobile phone .
I didnt say that. She denied
saying that .
I didnt turn on the TV. He denied
turning on the TV .
9.Thank sb. For
Its really nice of you to visit me .
She thanked him for visiting her .
Its very kind of you to lend me some
He thanked her for lending him
some money .
10.Think of
I like the car. I will buy it. The
woman thought of buying the car .
The woman is very poor . I think we
should help her.
The man thought of helping the poor
woman .
11.look forward to
I feel like going to America soon.
The woman looked forward to going
to America soon .
I cant wait to meet you again.
The boy looked forward to meeting
his mother again .
+Remind pupils that time and place
references often have to change in
reported speech .
+now then , today that day , here
there , this that . this week that
week ,
Tomorrow the following day = the
next day = the day after , next week
the next week = the following week =
the week after , yesterday the
previous day = the day before , last
week the previous week = the week
before , ago before =Previously , 2
weeks ago 2 weeks previously = 2
weeks before , tonight that night ,

do Exercise 1

Take notes.

1.John congratulated us on passing our

exam .
2.Mary apologized for not phoning me
earlier .
3.Peter insisted on driving Linda to the

English 11

Thanh Loc high school

School year: 2014- 2015

provide corrective feedback .

- Gives suggested answers :

station .
4.The teacher accused the boy of not
paying attention to what he had said .
5.Bob has always dreamed of being
rich .
6.I warned Ann against staying at the
hotel near the airport .
7.Her mother prevented Jane from
going out that night .
8.Miss White thanked Jack for visiting
her .

Exercise 2: (8-8)
- Gets pupils to do Exercise 2
individually and then find a partner to
check their answers with .
- Checks with the whole class and
provide corrective feedback .
- Gives suggested answers :

1.Tom insisted on paying for the meal .

2.Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked forward to
meeting their children soon .
3.The boy denied breaking the window
of the womans house .
4.The policeman stopped the customer
from leaving the shop .
5.The thief admitted stealing Mrs.
Browns car .
6.Ann suggested having a party the
next Saturday .
7.John and his wife were thinking of
buying the house .

Work individually then in pairs

Take notes.

Summarises the main points of the lesson
- Practice reading the sentences.
- Write exercise 1,2 in notebook.
- Prepare in advance Test yourself B

Experience from the test :

.. ........
Supplement :

Date of preparing: October 28th, 2014

Week: 12
Nguyen Van Nam

English 11

Thanh Loc high school

Period: 35

School year: 2014- 2015

Date of teaching: Novenber 5th, 2014

Test yourself B

1. Formation of behavior: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing
- Improve their knowledge through the test yourself
2. Skill: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and grammatical
points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, 5 and 6.

3. Language focus:
- New words:
- Grammar: - Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests.
1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan
2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen
III/ TIME : 45 minutes
1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1)
2. Checking up
3. New lesson :
Warm-up: (5 minutes)
- Asks students something about - Answer teachers questions
the test yourself B
* Have you prepared it at home?
* Have you got any difficulties?


Test yourself
I.Listening:(10 minutes)
- Asks students to read all the
sentences first
- Ask students to listen to the tape
- Asks students to listen again and
speak out the statements are true or
false .
- Asks students to listen in the third
time, the work in groups to
compare and discuss the answers
with each others to find the correct

- Look at the book and listen to the

- understand the task
- Read the questions
- Listen to the tape
Key: 1A, 2B, 3D, 4C, 5B.
- Listen again and say the
statements are true or false.
- Listen and discuss in groups to
find the correct answers:
- Look at the textbook and listen to
the teacher

II. Reading: (10 minutes)

- Presents the task:
- Asks pupils to work in groups to - Work in groups to discuss about
compare the answers they have the passage
already done to find the correct - Finish the task
- Keys: 1D, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C.
Nguyen Van Nam
English 11

Thanh Loc high school

School year: 2014- 2015


- Compare their results with the

other groups, and then with the
- Write the answers on the board
- Gives the correct answers to the - Listen to the teacher and correct
the answers
- Keys:
1. play, 2. drive,
3. twice, 4. proud.
III. Grammar: (8 minutes)
- Listen to the teacher
- Keys:
- Present the task:
- Work in groups
1. taking, 2. to go, 3. smoking,
a/ Ask students to listen and put a - Compare the results with the other 4. saying,
5. do,
tick in the right box.
6. going,
7. to make
- Show the answers in front of the
b/ Let students finish each of of the - Observe the keys and correct
following sentences in such a way their anwres.
that it has the same meaning as the
original sentence.
- Students work in groups and
IV. Writing: (7 minutes)
practise writing.
- Presents the task:
- Two students go to the board and
- Calls the students to read the write.
suggested sentences in front of the - Give the writings by reading
- Checks their writings and help - Read the writing carefully.
them correct the mistakes if theyve - In groups or in pairs.
- Compare the results with the other
- Correct mistakes
Summarises the main points of the lesson
- Ask students:
+ to study all the lessons again
+ to get ready for the Review and test preparation

Experience from the test :

Supplement :

Date of preparing: October 29th, 2014

Week: 12
Nguyen Van Nam

English 11

Thanh Loc high school

Period: 36

School year: 2014- 2015

Date of teaching: Novenber 5th, 2014


1. Formation of behavior: After this lesson, students will be able to:

By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to memorize the forms, usages of To inf, Bare inf,
and Gerund

2. Skill: - Reading and writing

3. Language focus:
- New words:
- Grammar: Gerund and participle/ Perfect derund and perfect participle
3. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan
4. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen
III/ TIME : 45 minutes
3. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1)
4. Checking up
3. New lesson :

I. Gerund and present participle
* GERUNDS : A gerund = the -ing form of a verb
-The gerund c s dng nh mt tn ng ca ng t. L mt tn ng trc tip, n
c s dng sau cc ng t nh:
-quit (give up)

-finish (get

-postpone (put off)

-keep (keep on)
-consider (think

-discuss (talk about

(a) Did you go shopping?
(b) We went fishing yesterday.
---> Go is followed by a gerund in certain idiomatic expressions to express, for the
most part, recreational activities
go birdwatching
go boating
go bowling
go camping
go canoeing
go dancing
Nguyen Van Nam

go fishing
go hiking
go hunting
go jogging
go mountain climbing
go running

go sailing
go shopping
go sightseeing
go shaking
go skiing
go sledding
English 11

Thanh Loc high school

go swimming

Nguyen Van Nam

School year: 2014- 2015

go tobogganing
go window shopping

English 11

Thanh loc high school

School year:2014-2015

Ex: I am not looking forward to meeting him.

- the gerund c s dng dau mt tnh t + gii t nh:
Absorbed in, accustomed to, afraid of, amused at , angry with, angry at, ashamed of,
arwre of, (in) capble of, careful(about)in, excited about, keen on , nice about, different
from, embarrassed at, slow in, sorry for, tired of(from).
Ex: Alice is fond of dancing
We are accustomed to sleeping late on weekend
- The gerund c s dng sau mt s thnh ng sau:
Cant b ear, cant face, cant stand, cant help.
Ex: He couldnt help asking me: Isnt anything else you can do for her?
I didnt feel lile talking to him after what had happened.
- the gerund c s dng nh mt tn ng trc tip ca mt tnh t trong nhng cu
vi ch ng gi It
Ex: Its no use reading th is kind of book.
- the gerund c s dng sau mt s tnh t khc nh:
Amusing , comfortable, difficult, easy, great,hopless,lovely, nice, off,plesant,
- the gerund uc s dng sau danh t + gii t nh:
Choice of, excuse for, possility of, intention of, reason for,
- The gerund c s dng sau mt s ng t sau: call, catch. Discover, feel find,
hear,get,imagine,get,kp,leave,n otice, see,send,set, stop,.
Ex: I felt him looking at me now and again.
Ellen had notice me talking ith the landlady.
-The gerund c s dng nh mt ng trng t , i sau cc lin t nh:
while, when, if,
Ex: He continued to speak while walking down the path..
There are three kinds of participles in English: present participle, past participle and
perfect participle. You probably know the first two from certain tenses and adjective
forms. Apart from that, participles are also used to shorten sentences.
- Present Participle
The present participle is the ing-form. You surely know this form:
* from progressive / continuous tenses (e. g. Present Progressive) I am speaking.
* as an adjective form The film is interesting.
* as a gerund He is afraid of flying.
Not the exceptions in spelling when adding 'ing':
Exception Example
final e dropped (but: ee is not changed) come coming (but: agree - agreeing)
final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled sit sitting
final consonant l after vowel is always doubled (in British English) travel travelling
Final ie becomes y lie lying
The present participle can be used to describe the following verbs:come, go, sit
Ex: The girl sat crying on the sofa.
The present participle can also be used after verbs of the senses if we do not want to
emphasise that the action was completed. (see Infinitive or Ing-Form)
Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam

English 11

Thanh loc high school

School year:2014-2015

feel, find, hear, listen to, notice, see, smell, watch

Ex: Did you see him dancing?
Furthermore, the present participle can be used to shorten or combine active clauses that
have the same subject.
Ex: She left the house and whistled. She left the house whistling.
- Past Participle
The past participle is the participle that you find in the third column of lists with irregular
verbs. You surely know this form:
* from perfect tenses (z. B. Present Perfect Simple) Ex: I have spoken.
* from passive voice
Ex The letter was written.
* as an adjective form
Ex I was bored to death.
For irregular participle forms see third column of irregular verbs. Regular verbs form
the past participle by adding ed, however, note the following exceptions in spelling:
Exceptions when adding ed Example: after a final e, only add d love loved
final consonant after a short, stressed vowel
or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled admit admitted /travel travelled
final y after a consonant becomes i hurry hurried
The past participle can also be used to shorten or combine passive clauses that have the
same subject.
Ex: The boy was given an apple. He stopped crying.
Given an apple, the boy stopped crying.
- Perfect Participle
The perfect participle can be used to shorten or combine clauses that have the same
subject if
* one action (the one where the perfect participle is used) is completed before the next
action starts.
Example: She bought a bike and cycled home. Having bought a bike, she cycled home.
* one action has been going on for a period of time when another action starts.
Example: He had been living there for such a long time that he didn't want to move to
another town. Having lived there for such a long time, he didn't want to move to
another town.
The perfect participle can be used for active and passive voice.
* active voice: having + past participle (Having cooked, he set the table.)
* passive voice: having been + past participle (Having been cooked, the food looked
- Cch dng tng t Present Participle & gerund nhng v mt ngha, n din t hoc
Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam


English 11

Thanh loc high school

School year:2014-2015

nhn mnh s hon thnh ca 1 hnh ng

Ex: Finishing my homework, I went to bed: Sau khi lm xong bi tp ti i ng
Having finished my homework, ... : Sau khi lm xong bi tp ...
* Cu th hai nhn mnh vic i ng ch xy ra sau khi lm xong bi tp.
Ex: I approve of helping the poor: Ti ng vi vic gip ngi ngho
I approve of having helped the poor: Ti ng vi vic cc bn gip ngi ngho
* Cu th hai din t gip ngi ngho ny xy ra ri.
- Perfect gerund:
E: I had had dinner and then I went out for a walk last night.
~~> Having had dinner, I ...
* Use: Rt gn & din t 1 hnh ng xy ra trc 1 hnh ng khc/
- Perfect participle:
Eg: The denied having been there.
* Use: din t hnh ng xy ra trc hoc ko xy ra trc.
Summarises the main points of the lesson
- Practice reading the sentences.
- Reported speech with infinitive, Reported speech with Gerund

Experience from the test :

Supplement :

Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam


English 11

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