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Final Work
Gricelda Pea Ramos

English III
Lic. Rafel Alb. Marmolejos

Santiago, Dominican Republic

August, 2015

The English language is very important because it gives us the opportunity
to interact with other people who speak this language. Thats why we put
all our effort to try to learn; either by speaking or writing.
English Through much experience as I have had I, when studying English
III are acquired. This is because when we say we can, we do, regardless of
the manner in which it is made, but have the capacity and desire to want to
move forward, although it is in a virtual group, as they do me.

The experience I gained in English III gave me the opportunity to prove to
myself how wonderful it was to have participated in a virtual group where
each of the participants were very attentive to each of the information sent
to the facilitator. Through this group I could understand that nothing in life
is difficult, but we must have confidence in our abilities and that you
should not put obstacles in our lives and never doubt what human beings
are capable of doing and developing.
I can say that the facilitator is a very capable and concerned that all
participants respected by all the information that we always send by the
platform, correction of each of the units or assignments on time, and above
all who provided feedback on each themes, also highlighted the failures or
mistakes on assignments. Despite all this, I always worry about getting a
good score on each of the units or shipping tasks, and although attendance
was not in college, I imagined that I was attending classes on Sundays to
The virtual group can qualify as the best and was concerned that, because
everyone concerned interact through forums that were developed, which in
total was two. One was about choosing clothes and colors in a store and the
other on different kinds of fruits such as banana, apple, orange, among
The final work was about how we could talk about a person, I chose, my
youngest daughter to do, I could highlight all the qualities she has, then that
work had to be recorded and posted on the platform.

By way of conclusion, of this subject and previous I learned a lot and use
properly what the platform and sending assignments.
Furthermore, although the subject is virtual, I could interact with my
classmates virtual path, it was an unforgettable experience, which I could
learn many interesting things during the course.

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