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Adamson University

College of Science
Psychology Department
Exercise No. 2
Name : _____________________________________
Course : ____________________________________

Date : _________________


TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if

1. Development is multidirectional. Every period in the lifespan is important

and is affected by the past and will affect the future.
2. Development is multidimensional. It happens at different rates and interacts
biological, psychological and social dimensions.
3. Schemas are the simple units of the intellect or the representation in the
mind of a set of perceptions, ideas, and/or actions, which go together.
4. Children are at pre-operational stage when they learn to execute simple goaldirected plans, such as reaching out and grasping a pacifier.
5. If the childs focus of pleasure in this stage is on eliminating and retaining
feces, he/she is in the phallic stage.
6. According to Freud, out of fear of castration and due to the strong
competition between them and their fathers, boys eventually decide to identify
with their fathers rather than fight them.
7. During latency, sexual urges remain repressed and children interact and
play mostly with same sex peers.
8. Accommodation involves altering existing schemas, or ideas, as a result of
new information or new experiences. At this stage, new knowledge is recognized

9. Babbling are one-word sentences used by children below age 2 such as

ayaw, lakad, iyak, galit, aso but they also use compound words like alitat (galit
10. At conception, the zygote receives 23 chromosomes from the sperm and 23
from the ovum. Both sperm and ovum contain 22 pairs of X chromosomes and
1 unpaired Y chromosome.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the word (s) that is best described by
the sentence.
1. Stage that begins with conception, when the sperm and egg cell unite in one of
the two fallopian tubes.
a. blastocyst

b. germinal

c. embryonic


2. It begins after implantation and continues until cell differentiation has been
mostly completed.
a. blastocyst

b. germinal

c. embryonic


3. Nature or the genetic makeup an individual carries from the time of conception
to the time of death.
a. Gender

b. DNA

c. autosomes



4. It is called the female cell.

a. spermatozoon

b. ovum

c. zygote

d. twin

b. ovum

c. zygote

d. twin

5. It is called the male cell.

a. spermatozoon

6. When the Y chromosome of the father meets the X chromosome of the mother,
the offsprings gender is
a. Male

b. Female

c. Zygote

d. Twin

7. Development that refers to changes in height, weight, and acquisition of motor

a. Physical

b. intellectual

c. personality

d. social

8. Development that refers to changes in thought process, memory, and language

a. Physical

b. intellectual

c. personality

d. social

9. Refers to fertilized egg.

a. ovum

b. blastocyst

c. zygote

d. twin

10.Birth defects with features that include flattened facial features, heart defects,
and mental retardation.
a. rubella

b. maternal drug use

c. down syndrome

d. autism

11. Result from a single zygote, the resulting ball of cells separating into two
portions which again become independently implanted.
a. dyzygotic

b. siamese

c. monozygotic

d. DNA

12. A very rare condition caused by incomplete separation of two masses of cells,
so that the resulting babies are born joined together in some way, and possibly
sharing internal organs.
a. dwarfism

b. siamese

c. monozygotic

d. DNA

13.It is considered as the blueprint of a persons identity. It


the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of humans.

a. dyzygotic

b. siamese

c. monozygotic

d. DNA

14.It pertains to sensory capacities like hearing, smelling, and seeing;

a. Physical

b. intellectual

c. personality

d. perceptual

15.When babies repeat consonant-vowel combinations like maaa or other

meaningless sounds, they are doing.
a. Babbling

b. cooing

c. holophrases

d. none

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