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Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

Cyber Security Management for Utility Operations

Dennis K. Holstein (Opus Publishing)
and Jose Diaz (Thales eSecurity)
Strong identity management enforced with
digital authentication mechanisms has become
the leading requirement to improve cyber
security for utility operations. Utility operators
dont really care how it works as long as they
are confident that it does work. They want a
interoperable with the commonly installed
applications, and is extendable for legacy
systems to lower the cost of ownership. General
recommendations for a cryptographically-based
cyber security solution are well defined in the
American Gas Associations Report No. 12, Part
1, and commercial products are now available
to implement these requirements. This paper
presents, from a utility operators point of view,
the requirements to securely manage the keying
material to protect SCADA communications and
to access the maintenance ports of field devices.
This paper also outlines areas of future
investigation needed for a comprehensive

An introduction to the retrofit

A retrofit solution to enhance access control and
to protect information exchanged over
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) asynchronous serial communication
channels and dial-up to the maintenance ports of
field devices is now a reality. Recommendations
for a cryptographically-based cyber security
solution are well defined in American Gas
Association (AGA) Report No. 12, Part 1.

Recommended architecture
A cryptographic module, called a CM, may be
configured to protect SCADA communications
(SCM) or configured to protect communications
to the maintenance ports of field devices
(MCM). If the term CM is used, it applies to
either configuration. Figure 1 shows the
recommended architecture to implement this

solution. Retrofit requires the use of

cryptography embedded in a SCADA
Cryptographic Module (SCM) installed
inline on the communication channel. SCMs
should require minimal modification to
existing hardware or software of the SCADA
Master, Front End Processor (FEP), field
device, or field technicians laptop computer.
The field device may be a Remote Terminal
Unit (RTU) or another Intelligent Electronic
Device (IED) such as a communication
processor or substation host.
Some legacy devices may not have the
capability to accept any modification. For
this reason, the retrofit solution should, for
the most part, be designed for no
modification to the SCADA Master FEP,
RTU and IED. Even if minimum
modification is required, there would be
significant cost to recertify these components
if software or hardware is changed.

Cryptographic module configurations

It is common to build a cryptographic
module that will operate in one of two
modes; one box that can be operated in either

If a cryptographic module is configured

to protect SCADA communications it is
called a SCADA Cryptographic Module
If a cryptographic module is configured
to protect access to the field device
maintenance port and to protect the data
communicated to and from the access
port, it is called a Maintenance
Cryptographic Module (MCM).

All CMs have a local management port for

configuration management. This port is used
to squirt initial keying material into the
CM and to set default parameters prior to
field installation. Authorized personnel may
access a local CM management port on site,

0-7695-2507-5/06/$20.00 (C) 2006 IEEE

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

or, if that port is connected to a communication

interface it may be accessed remotely
(commonly referred to as out-of-band

SCM configurations
If a modem rack is used to support multiple
SCADA communication channels, it is common
to install SCMs in a rack configuration rather
stacking individual
configuration is shown in Figure 1.

Secure cryptographic management

A Secure Cryptographic Management
System (SCMS) is a critical component of
the solution set needed for a system to
communications. Key management schemes
must provide the capability to control the
distribution, use, and to update cryptographic
keys. Figure 1 shows the three SCMS
subsystems of the recommended architecture.

SCMs at the field location may be installed on a

point-to-point communication network or on a
multidrop communication channel. If a
multidrop communication channel is used, the
SCM must have the capability to operate in a
mixed mode because some field units on the
multidrop may be protected and others may not.
This capability also provides a more graceful
cut-over to operations because the field SCMs
can be turned on when ready, rather than all at

Mixed mode operation is the one reason that the

SCM must be able to interrogate the native
communication protocol; in this case to get the
address for each field device for which the
message is intended. The other reason the SCM
must interrogate the native communication
protocol is to detect end of message.

MCM configurations
Protection of access to the maintenance ports
and protecting data communicated over these
channels may use an MCM at both ends of the
communication channel, or one MCM at the
field end of the communication channel and
cryptographic software loaded on the field
technicians laptop computer. Figure 1 shows
the configuration with software and one MCM
on each communication channel, because it is
less costly and simpler to manage. This
configuration is preferred.
The field technicians laptop computer must
include an available USB port that will accept an
Authentication Key to satisfy the requirement
for two factor authentication. Although a
SmartCard device may be used to provide two
factor authentication, it is not preferred because
of cost, extra equipment (SmartCard reader), and
it is not easy for field technicians to use.

An administrative workstation equipped

with a USB port for inserting the
authentication key, which provides the
authorization for the SCMS operator to
manage all SCMS functions.
A secure key management appliance
used to store all keying materials. This
appliance may be implemented as part of
the administrative workstation, or as a
separate unit that includes the function
of a proxy server for key management.
A key distribution system used to create
and distribute keying material, and to
store all the information about the
configuration and status of CMs and
authentication keys.

Although SCMS is shown located in the

SCADA control center, the SCMS may be
located in any secure facility with the
appropriate communication capability.
AGA 12, Part 1, Addendum 1 (a work in
progress) will specify the recommended
practice for key establishment and use,
classification and control of keys based on
their intended use, requirements for the
distribution of public keys, architectures
supporting automated key updates in
distributed systems, and the roles of trusted
third parties. Systems capable of providing
cryptographic services require techniques for
initialization and key distribution. In
addition, a protocol is needed for on-line (or
in-band) update of keying material when that
is the only means of remote communications,
key backup and recovery, key revocation
(probably the most difficult problem), and
for managing certificates in certificate-based
Although AGA 12-1 Addendum 1 addresses
key management to protect SCADA

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

communications, the same recommendations

apply to management of keying material for
other enterprise requirements. The AGA 12
project team has a clearly defined objective,
which is to develop the framework for one key
management system, and thereby avoid creating
a unique key management system just for
SCADA communications.

Information Technology (IT) policies and

procedures throughout the enterprise, is
desired for both gas and electric operations.
Extending IT policies and procedures for
both gas and electric operations through out
the enterprise leads to the following SCMS
derived requirements.

The SCMS must provide the capability

for centralized control but decentralized
execution to ensure a homogeneous
application of IT security policy
extensions with efficient operational
implementation and management of
keying materials.


For a large utility described in this

example, central control should be
implemented through policy rather
than physical or logical management of
keying material. For a small utility,
central control may be implemented
through both policy and physical or
logical management of keying material.
The SCMS must provide the capability
to adapt to either environment.


The SCMS must provide the capability

to establish a sub-enterprise level of
control one for gas operation and one
for electric operation. It is for this
reason that AGA 12-1 recommends
ANSI X9.69, which describes the
implementation of cyber security for an
enterprise, and organizational units
within the domain.

Scope of this paper

The scope of this paper is limited to the
implementation requirements for the SCMS as
needed to create and manage the keying material
for all configurations of the CMs and
authentication keys.

The problem space and end-user

The purpose of this section is to describe the
problem space and end-user options from two
points of view.

An end-users operational view of cyber

security management is from the time the
cryptographic modules, laptop computer
software, authentication keys, and SCMS is
commissioning, normal operation, repair
and maintenance, and decommissioning.
A suppliers view of cyber security
management functions and capabilities is to
determine what is needed throughout its life
cycle. Note: bold italic text is used to
highlight operational considerations that
need to be considered by the supplier.

The magnitude of SCADA operations

and remote access to field devices
Although SCADA operations and remote access
to field devices procedures and communication
capabilities vary widely, this paper uses one
example to illustrate the requirements imposed
on a comprehensive SCMS.

Operational entities and organizational

A hypothetical large energy company providing
both gas distribution and electric transmission
and distribution services is used as an example
to illustrate the need for a comprehensive
solution. In this example, gas distribution and
electric transmission and distribution are part of
the utility enterprise but operate separately. One
SCMS, which is an extension of existing

For both gas and electric operations, it is

usual practice that one or more control
centers are active to provide regional control,
and that one or more backup control centers
are on standby to take over in case of an
emergency. Furthermore, it is reasonable to
assume that each control center operates
independently with its own staff and
communication channels to field equipment.

The recommended architecture shown

in Figure 1 should be replicated in
each control center. Although Figure 1
describes a retrofit solution, the same
requirements apply to an IP-based
network solution and an embedded

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

One approach is to establish domains

within each sub-enterprise. Each control
center could represent a domain but there
will be at least one other domain needed to
include those organization units that
support the domain of each control center
(e.g., organizations such as Engineering,
Field Maintenance).
If the utility establishes one enterprise (no
sub-enterprises), then each operation, one
for gas operation and one for electric
operation, could be domains within the

Communication issues this can get ugly

It is common for one operation entity, such as
gas distribution, to use a communication
protocol, such as Modbus, that is different from
the other operational entity. It is also common in
a single operation entity to find a mix of a
legacy protocol and a more modern protocol,
such as DNP 3. And keep in mind, these
communication protocols may be at different
stages of deployment and commissioning. As
described in AGA 12, Part 1, leased line, dial up
telephone, and radio communication are the
primary targets for the retrofit solution.
Although not addressed in AGA 12, Part 1,
VSAT-based communication is becoming more
popular; for example, some utilities have as
many as 200 substations operating SCADA over
satellite communications.
Multi-drop communication channels operating at
1200 bps to 19.2 Kbps are common. The most
common speed is 9600 bps with a polling
frequency of 5 seconds. Some channels may
have 10 drops, but more commonly they are
configured with 5 or 6 drops. In very rare
instances, we found a radio channel operating at
1200 bps was configured with 100 drops.
Not all field devices need to be protected. In
general the installation of SCMs on SCADA
communication channels will be phased in, thus
creating the need for the Master Station SCMs
(or head-end SCMs in a daisy chain
configuration as described in AGA 12 Part 1) to
operate in a mixed mode.
SCMs compliant with AGA 12, Part 1 need to
be designed to operate over the most common
protocols, operate in a multi-drop and mixed
mode configurations.

In accordance with cyber security policy, the

SCMS must provide the capability to manage
keying material needed to support all CM
operational modes.

Because of the need to support mixed

mode and phased deployment, the
SCMS must provide the capability to
remotely distribute keying material to

The assumption is that CMs are

installed but operating in a bypass
mode until they are activated.

Some consideration needs to be given to

providing the SCMS with the capability
to securely change a CM from normal
operation to operating in a bypass
mode. The consequence may be an
unacceptable security risk.


Distribution of keying material to field

CMs may accomplished using one or
more of the following approaches:

In-band communication channels,

Modems (including wireless) if they are

provided to support communication to
local CM management port,

Site visit and load keying material via

local CM management port,

Load keying material prior to

installation and commissioning of CM.

SCMS management within the control

Figure 1 shows connectivity between the
SCMS Key Management Appliance and the
multi-channel SCM rack to the local
management port of each SCM in the rack. It
is not unreasonable to assume that this
communication be implemented over an IPbased LAN.

For IP based communication between

the SCMS Key Management Appliance
and local management ports of each
SCM in the multichannel SCM rack,
the SCM local management port must
have the capability to interface to an
IP-based network.


For serial based communication

between the SCMS Key Management
Appliance and each local management

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

port on the SCM in the multichannel SCM

rack, each SCM local management port
must support one of two options:

between each SCM management port and
the Key Management Appliance,

Use of a port share or port switch

connected to one serial communication
channel to the Key Management

SCMS management within the field site

Figure 1 shows multiple SCMs and MCMs in
the remote field site. Although the local
management port is only shown on the SCM, a
local management port is also required on each
MCM. Again, it is not unreasonable to assume
that this communication be implemented over an
IP-based LAN.

For IP-based communication between the

SCMS Key Management Appliance and
local management port of each CM (SCM
and MCM) within the remote field site, the
CM local management port must have the
capability to interface to an IP-based

10. For serial based communication between

the SCMS Key Management Appliance
and the local management port on each
CM within the remote field site, each CM
local management port must support one
or more options:

Provide the capability to use a dedicated

communication channel between each CM
Management Appliance,

Provide the capability to use a port share

or port switch connected to one serial
communication channel to the Key
Management Appliance,

Provide the capability to use a local

connection to each CM management port
from an authorized computer and user.

SCMS management of authentication

As reported by Gellings, Samototyi & Howe in
the IEEE Power & Energy magazine
September/October 2004, p.43, The Futures
Smart Delivery System, disgruntled employees
are one of the most perceived intrusion threats.

The most perceived threats to power controls

are information leakage, intercepting and
altering control settings, authorization
violation, integrity violation, and bypassing
controls. In response to this insider threat,
Identity Management (IM) and Role Based
Access Control (RBAC) managed by
organization units unique to each utility
operation are needed.
Clearly, the use of RBAC managed by
organization units unique to each utility
operation is needed. Although the
organizational structure for operations may
differ widely from utility to utility, the
example shown in Figure 2 is useful to
identify roles and responsibilities that must
be managed by the SCMS.
The basic idea portrayed in this example is
the separation of roles and responsibilities
between three organization units within the
Power Delivery domain. Service Center is
responsible for substation operations and
maintenance, Operations is responsible for
24/7 power system operations, and
Engineering and Planning is responsible for
engineering and equipment performance.
It is important to note that the Dispatcher in
Operations is responsible for and has the
authority to exercise system control of the
power system. Local control within a
substation is a separate organizational
function wherein the on-site substation
operator has responsibility and authority for
equipment control as related to the
maintenance of the equipment.
Engineering and Planning is a mixed breed.
Engineering includes Protection Engineering
which has the responsibility and authority to
change setting related to power system
protection but no authority to exercise
equipment or power system control. A
parallel organization within Engineering and
Planning is responsible for equipment
performance. The field technicians have the
authority to perform diagnosis but no
authority to change settings or exercise local
control that is, they have a read only
privilege. If diagnosis indicates that repair or
maintenance is required, the field technician
prepares a report and sends it to the Service
Center for appropriate action.

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

Each of these organizational units may be

supported by field engineers representing the
vendors that supplied the equipment. These
vendors may have similar but restricted
authority to support the respective organizations.
The SCMS authority given to vendors may vary.

One approach is to only allow vendors to

simply identify who will support a specific
task, and the utility organizational unit
authority then issues the needed certificates
and credentials to that individual. This
minimizes the trust needed in the vendors
internal control processes but adds to the
work load of the utility organization
Another approach is to empower the vendor
as an organizational unit authority, which
then allows the vendor to manage identity,
authorization and use privileges in
accordance with prespecified conditions.
This reduces the work load on the utility
organization supported but requires more
trust in the vendors internal control

The above example for vendors is applicable to

the business partnerships that have prespecified
contract relationships. In either case, a risk
assessment is needed to determine the degree of
trust to be placed in a third party and the
necessary oversight required to ensure that this
trust is warranted. The SCMS must support all
approaches to be compliant with security
policies and procedures of each utility.
Before discussing effective management of
certificates of authorization and privileges, it is
useful to understand the special case of dial-up
access to the maintenance ports of field devices.
Figure 3 describes an example of identity
management, access rights and authorization
recommendation of AGA 12, Part 1, with
existing use of passwords. The current practice
is to load the IED vendor toolkit software on the
field technicians laptop computer. The
technician dials the auto-answering modem and
when a connection is established, a password is
entered and the IED (RTU, for example) verifies
the session password. When verified, the
technician now has level 1 (read), level 2 (write:
change settings), or level 3 (factory settings)
privileges. It is also common practice to permit

the technician to change the password of

equal or lower level.
The relationship between the organizational
units shown in Figure 2 and the access and
authorization shown in Figure 3 is
represented by Group designations in Figure
3. For example, Groups 1 and 6 have access
and authorization for the RTU only. They do
not have access to other IEDs.
For the AGA 12 retrofit solution, changes to
existing field device (IED or RTU) software
is to be avoided. For the AGA 12 embedded
solution, this may not be a problem. As
shown in Figure 3, ANSI X9.69 compliant
software is loaded on the laptop computer
and some of these software components are
loaded on the Authentication Key. As a
minimum, the identity certificate should be
on the authentication key to enforce two
factor authentications required by AGA 12,
Part 1. More sophisticated authentication
keys will accept permission credentials and
A CM operating in the MCM mode is placed
between the auto answering modem and a
port switch that connects to the maintenance
ports of each RTU or IED in Figure 1. In this
configuration, one MCM protects access to
all field device maintenance ports. As a
minimum, the MCM will issue a challenge to
the X9.69 identity certificate to ensure that
the user has access rights to the field device
maintenance ports. This keying material
must be managed by the SCMS.
Credentials which contain the predefined
permissions can also be used to enhance the
control of user authorization to perform
selected action. However, in addition to
MCM software, this may require changes to
the field device software depending on the
level of control required.

Effective authorization certificate and

privilege management
Because the SCMS manages the certificates
of authorization and privileges across this
organizational structure, it must provide the
capabilities needed to support the functions
described below.
11. Because of the organization structure
and operational philosophy described
by Figure 2 it seems reasonable to

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

establish a domain of responsibility for

Power System Operation. A parallel or
subordinate domain could, if needed
altogether, be established for each support
vendor. Each domain is empowered to
execute and manage its keying material as
specified in ANSI X9.69 this is viewed as
distributed execution within the centralized
control of the Enterprise Authority. As
stated before, centralized control ensures
that proper extension of the enterprise
security policies and procedure are
enforced through all domains and
organizations, including support vendors
and business partnerships.
12. Within each domain, and in compliance
with ANSI X9.69, organizational units are
responsible for assigning rights and
privileges to all entities (people and
devices) for which they are responsible.
This requires that each domain and
organizational unit replicate the SCMS, or
selected components of the SCMS that is
described in Figure 2, and include those
functions needed for their assigned

The challenge of issuing, changing, or

revoking certificates and privileges
Any organization will experience normal
turnover of personnel, termination of personnel,
and changing roles and responsibility of
personnel as they move or add assignments that
cross organizational units and many times across
domains. For example, it is very common that
personnel experienced in power delivery
operations will leave the company and go to
work for a supplier of equipment used by that
Therefore, the SCMS must provide the
capability to issue, change, or revoke certificates
of authorization and privileges in a timely
response to organizational and domain changes.
13. Identity management, authorization and
privileges need to be assignable for a
selected time period and managed by the
organizational unit authority(s) that have
direct supervision over the tasks performed
by the individual. This will probably
require agreements of cooperation between
described in ANSI X9.69.

14. Individual certificates need to be stored

on an Authentication Key that is
assigned in accordance with company
policies and procedures to any
15. Secure distribution of keying material
or revocation of keying material over
modems, Wide Area Network (WAN),
and the Internet as shown in Figure 1
needs to be supported by the SCMS.
Although these requirements seem logical, a
reliable, timely, and cost effective
implementation is not a simple matter.
Revocation lists are commonly used in IT
systems, but implementation of these lists
creates significant communication, CPU, and
memory requirements in cryptographic
modules. Several alternative mechanisms are
under investigation at this time.

Revocation lists can be managed easily

by the Key Management Appliance and
Administrative Workstation, but this
would require that each CM (SCM and
MCM) exchange messages with the
SCMS to verify that the sending entity
has valid access authorization and
Keying material can be issued with short
user-settable timeouts so that certificates
of authorization and privileges are
automatically revoked when their time

Field test and evaluation are needed to

determine the best techniques.

SCMS alarm processing

AGA 12, Part 1, requires that all CMs record
all events and output an alarm related to a
CM anomalous event. How this is
implemented is not specified in AGA 12,
Part 1.
The SCMS needs to provide the capability to
receive and process in a timely manner all
alarms related to a CM anomalous event.
16. CM alarms detected in a field CM need
to be recorded by the field device and
reported as alarms through normal
SCADA communication channels to
the SCADA master.

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

17. CM alarms detected within the control

center need to be reported as alarms to the
SCADA Operator.
18. CM alarms received by the SCADA master
need to be communicated to the Key
Administrative Workstation for review and
processing by the SCMS operator.
19. The SCMS operator at the SCMS
Administrative Workstation needs to have
the capability to process alarms related to
an anomalous CM event, and to issue the
necessary correction action in accordance
with predefined policies and procedures in
a timely manner.
Alarm processing is another area that needs
further research in the following areas:

Timely and effective methods to deliver

alarms to the appropriate administrative
workstation for review and processing.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) functions
need to be integrated into the SCMS in
either an embedded or associate subsystem.
Furthermore, adaptive-learning algorithms
need to be developed to support the IDS

Trusted 3rd party SCMS provider

All SCMS requirements may be assigned to a
trusted 3rd party SCMS provider under the
appropriate terms and conditions negotiated
between the utility and the trusted 3rd party
SCMS provider. This will be the subject of a
future paper.


More research is needed to develop

effective alarm processing and timely
corrective action mechanisms and


Because some legacy devices do not

have the capability to accept any
modification, the retrofit solution must
be designed to operate without changes
to the SCADA Master, Front End
Processor, Remote Terminal Unit, or
Intelligent Electronic Device in the field.


The SCADA cryptographic module must

have the capability to operate in a mixed
mode on a multi-drop communication
channel because some field devices may
be protected and some may not.

6. Significant improvements to provide

secure access to the maintenance ports
of field devices can now be achieved at
low cost, and easily be justified with a
simple business case, which compares
the cost of shutting down the dial-up and
sending crews to the field site to perform
the same functions locally with the cost
of securing remote communications.

1. AGA Report Number 12, Part 1,
Cryptographic Protection of SCADA
Communications General Requirements. The
latest version of AGA 12, Part 1 is available from
2. ANSI X9.69-1994, Framework for Key
Management Extensions
3. IEEE Power and Energy magazine, September
October 2004, see page 43.

Conclusions and suggested research

The top 6 findings from this study are:

A comprehensive solution is needed to

avoid building stovepipe solutions, each
unique to a specific organizational entity or
fiefdom within the end-users enterprise.


Extensive field testing is needed to evaluate

the best approach to manage keying
materials. A cost effect method to manage
keying materials needed for SCADA
communication security and secure access
to the maintenance ports is the greatest
challenge at this time.

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

Figure 1 Recommended retrofit architecture

Figure 2 Example organizational for utility operations

Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006

Figure 3 Example of access rights and authorization privileges for maintenance


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