AEF1 Workbook Answer Key

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4h Va? 1 SAYING HELLO 1 Nice, meet 2. What, name, Sorry 3 How, you 4 Good, My name 2 GRAMMAR 4 Fall form: Lam, you are, eis shes, itis, we are, you ae, they are (Contractions: 'm, you're, he's she's, its, wer, your, theyre bil 2 Thee 3 Youre 4 Its 5 Shes 6 Hes 7 Were 8 You're 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 W sixin ‘i you to ‘iv meet, three fet! eight, wait (man thank fa fine, nee b 1 cafe 2 afernaon 3 eigucen 4 thineen 5 suening 6 good bse 7 email” 8 Iuemet™ 9 computer 10 hotel 4 VOCABULARY 1 eight nin, ten 2 twelve; fourteen, sixteen 3 eighteen, seventeen, sixteen 4 leven, thirteen ffeen 5 ten, thireen sinteen SAYING GOOD-BYE 41 Seeyou 2 See you on Saturday 3 Bye 4 Good night 5 Good-bye 1 Saturday 2 Sunday 3 Thursday 4 Monday 5 Friday” 6 Wednesday 7 Tuesday WORKBOOK Answer Key a 1 VOCABULARY 1 American 2 Scotland 3 Chinese 4- Mexico $ Argentinian 6 Japan 7 Italian 8 France 9 Korean 10 Spain 2. GRAMMAR 1 Nenice ant in Greece, Is in tay. 2 Sean Connery isnt ish, Hes Scot 3 Tim not American. Pm British, 4 Osaka and Kyoto aren't in China ‘They're in Japan. 5 Wearent in room 104, Were in room 10s. 6 Tacos aren't from Italy. Theyse from Mexico. 7 You are't Canadian Youre French 8 Cameron Diaz isnt Spanish. She's America, 1b 1 Whats your namet 2 Where's she from? 5 Are they from the United Sates 4 ‘Are we in room seven? 5 Are you on vacation? 6 Ise from Japon? a6 dS c2 dt 03 f1 PRONUNCIATION a fot Argentina, are al not, copy ‘af Japan, bundsed ‘twenty, Wednesday ou! hotel, Mexico ‘ex! airport, where 1 Spanish 2 Japan 3 Japanese 4 Geomany 5 China’ 6 Brazil 7 Portuguese 8 lly 9 Halian 10 American 4 VOCABULARY 1 twenty-seven 2 thirty-three 3 forty 4 Biy-si 5 seventy-seven 6 eighty-five 7 a/ one hundred 8 two hundred and forty 9 six hundred and seventy-seven 10 a one thousand 5 INSTRUCTIONS a4 bS c3 di e2 £7 g8 6 \e/ 1 VOCABULARY 1 ipcode 2 firstname 3 age 4 email address 5 city / country 6 phone number 7 addvess 8 lastname 9 student Applicaton form: 1 Gest name 2 last mame 3 city/eountry 4 student 3 age 66 address 7 zip cade 8 e-mail address 9 phone number 2 PRONUNCIATION a levG AS WO WA fe 3 GRAMMAR {Subject pronoun: you, they ossessive adjective: my, you is hes, its, our you, their bi Her 2 His 3 Our ¢ My 5 its 6 your 7 Their 1 What's her firs name? 2 Wheres your teacher fom? 3 Ishea student? 44 How old ere you? 5. How do you spell your lst name? yous he, hei, we, 4 PRONUNCIATION Jar! their fa! you Di suident 2 adsess 3 email 4 umber § Canada 6 Australia READING ‘Whats your name? Where are you from? ‘Are you married? What hee name? How old ere you? ‘Where's the language school? 1 VOCABULARY Across: 2comb 4 pen 5 stamps S lipstick 10 tissues 11 wallet, Down: 1 coins 3:magazine 4 pencil Gelases watch 9keys 2 PRONUNCIATION 1 [oe four, board! good, book Js country, hundred fu eoins, enjoy Iie here, we'e Jat! Burope euro 3 GRAMMAR a1 Wan 2 Theyre 3 tsa 4 san 5 Theyre 6 lesan 7 Theyre 8 tesa coins, wallets, pens, pencils s watches, matches, sandwiches, sudreses “ies counties, families, dictionaries, 1 That 2 These 3 That 4 those 5 4 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE a1 Close 5 write 2 Lisen 6 Turn 3 Open 7 Look 4A Work 8 speak 1 don't know. 2 Hove do you spell it? 3 4 5 I don’t understand. Gan you repeat it, please? How do you say vacaciones in Engh? 16 Tdon't remember. PRACTICAL ENGLISH 1 1 VOCABULARY 1 milk 2 coffee 3 water 4 tea 5 orange juice 6 soda 2 ASKING FOR A DRINK 1 water 2 Just 3 please 4 Yes 5 thanks 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Nice 2 Welcome 3 Can 4 OK 5 Lets 4 READING 41 restrooms 2 phones 3 arsivals 4 departures "5 baggage dim 6 carts 7 bar 8 parking lot, 9 taxis bb tar (7). 2taxis(9)_3 departures (4) 4 baggage laim (5) 5 phones (2) 230 1 VOCABULARY 1 diner 2-8 4 7 2 3 French famagasine 5 TV. 6 glasses inan apartment 8 to the movies VOCABULARY Singular: man, child, person, womaa. Plural: men, children, people, women 1 2 person 3 people children, child 4 women, men GRAMMAR 1 4 7 1 4 6 & go. 2 dont smoke 3 read dontlike 5 live 6 doesnt cook sop Bdo 9 watches 10 ext ats 2 doesnt dink 3 watch play /dont play 5 drinks watch / dont etch 7 dont play tat dont eat 9 drink / don't drink 10 doesnt eat 1 4 7 don't smoke 2 studies 3 don't go has 5 closes 6 don't have docsat work PRONUNCIATION ihave, TV [2 does has Ja stand, drive typical ike ‘a! smoke, cooks _/w/ work, when 1 4 dances 2 washes 3 finishes watches § Kisses 6 catches 1 GRAMMAR 1 Do 2Do 3 Does 4 Do 5 Does 6 Does 7 Docs 8 Do 9 Does 10 Do b 1 Do you live with your mother? 2 Where does Kate have lineh? 3. When do you go to the movies! 4 Do you listen to the radio in the morning? 5 Where do they play soccer? 6 Does she study French? 7 Does his brother work in the hotel? 8 When do your friends play tennis! 9 When do jou have lunch? 10 Do they work in an office? © 1 wheredo youlive 4 Docs he 2 Doyoulive 5 Wheredoyou 3 Doyouhave 6 Doyoulike 2 PRONUNCIATION fi practice ig/ Germany If gases 3 VOCABULARY 41 lives 2 works 3 goes 4 doesnt watch 5 listens 6 cooks 7 reads 8 drives 9 plays 10 plays 11 doesnt eat 12 drinks 13 plays 1 lives 15 studies 16 speaks 17 goes 18 doesnt ke » Dino 4 INSTRUCTIONS aal b2 cA ds e7 (3 g8 h6 ey, 1 VOCABULARY Across: musician 5 politician Shourewife 9 journalist 10 builder Down: I pilot 3 doctor 4hsirdesser lawyer 7 nurse bb soceer player 2 manager 3 actor 4 walter 5 doctor 6 police officer © 1 daw 2 inaburry 3 vacation 4 everyday 5 stressful 6 lonely 7 just di for 2with 3at 4in 5 in 6 for Tat Bin 9 of 10 with 2 GRAMMAR a1 doce 2 dog 3 Inf 4 dove 5 Are d. 6 does, b 7 Doyh 8 docsa aa ba can d- ea fa g- b- b 1 apoliceofficer 2 journalist 3 anuree 3 PRONUNCIATION 1 /pfshop, person ids) Germany, job if! photoyfile—fy/ you, university ‘AW/ China. chair — /n/ England, drink 1 journalist 2 politician 3 hairdresser 4 pilot 5 musician 6 engineer 7 salesperson 8 housewife 9 student 1 GRAMMAR ‘My sisters hows isin Miami Ratbara works inher brothers sore. Her boyiend’s car is Japanese. Do you know Jennifer's father? ‘My broth’ girend is from Brazil ‘Our daughter’ friend works in a bank. 1s Toats job very stressful? ‘Susan's mother earns lot of money ‘Marta is my brother's gieliend. ‘This is my parents car Do you nov Kathy's brother? “The women's restroom is over there. | think thie that wornan's bag. (ur teacher’ wifes French. ‘We have coffe in the Teachers’ Room 3t 10:0, 1A 2B 3A 4A SB 6A 7B 8B 2 VOCABULARY 4 Women: grandmother, mother, aunt, wife, sister, daughter, nice, cousin “Men: grandfather, father, uncle, husband, brother, son, nephew, cousin b 1 aunt 2 nephew 3 uncle 4 grandfather’ 5 cousin. 6 niece 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘book, builder Hn matches, men ‘00 think, theee inv nurse, nephew "brother this. /hV housewife, have ‘4 READING SP 2F 3P 4F ST 6F 7T ar CAN YOU REMEMBER? Lis 2 French 3 his 4 tum 5 speaks 6 Do 7 an § daughter Practicat EnGuish 2 1 1 4 2 1 3 4 5 3 1 5 4 VOCABULARY reception 2 elevator 3 bar first floor § double 6 single CHECKING IN havea reservation, 2 That’ right Here you are "Non-smoking, please. Where's the elevator? 6 les OK. SOCIAL ENGLISH Would 2 have 3 Thats 4 See 00d night READING 1 Westwood Country Hotel 2"The Randolph 3 Old Black Horse Hotel @ VOCABULARY ‘Across: 2big Shad easy 5 wet Texpensive 9dirty 100ld 11 high Down: Lfast 2beautifal 6 empty Stich 1 brown 2 gyey 3 orange 4 pink 5 geen PRONUNCIATION ‘wear fw study au big Jou! book /e! me 1 beautiful 2 empty 3 expensive 4 dificult 5 ugly 6 dity GRAMMAR Cathy has a ich boyfiiend Jack drives an expensive ee Helen wears red lipstick, [My parents live ina very big house. 1 cooka big lunch on Saturdays. 1 don't ike wet days ‘My grandiather's very old Paulas children have black bai. VOCABULARY le 2d 3b 4c 5a 6f 1 Tmangry. 5 mbungry 2Tmeold 6 Tims. 3 Tmbappy. 7 Em thirsty ‘Tmbot 8 Limtieed, READING hg © seit GRAMMAR Tes twenty to sixfve forty. fs quarter after twelveftvelve fifteen, It ten to fourlthee fy. ts twenty-five ater onefone twenty-five. 5 es half past eighteght thir. 6 ts five afer seven, 7 8 ts eleven dock. [es twenty to nine/eight forty. 2 PRONUNCIATION fafhome a/hot /x/no fou! brown 3 VOCABULARY alge 7 take 2g Bet Se 9 go 4 have 10 get Shave 11 go 6 get 2 he 1 takea shower 5 gohome 2 wake up 6 petto work 53 make dinner 7 have breakfast 4 gotobed 8 havedinner 4 GRAMMAR aL get 2 get 3 go 4 get 5 take 6 have 7 go 8 get 9 have 10 take ID have 12 go. 13 have 14 go. 15 get 16 have 17 g0 18 go 1 does Magaie get up 2 Does Eve have breakfast 5 Does Maggie take a shower 44 docs Eve meet her friends 5 does Maggie do in the evens 6 7 docs Maggie go to bed Does Eve go to bed early 22 GRAMMAR 1 3 5 7 9 sometimes eats 2 never plays ‘is usually 4 often drinks isofien "6 always ate often plays 8 is usually hardly ever drinks 10 ishardly ever 11-12 Answers will vary. 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 “Tom sometimes rides his motorcyele to work My boyiend is never te. The children usually walk to school. Tm always hungry. Teachers are often stressed, hardly ever se my uncle and aunt Professional soccer players are usually rich Pilots often sleep in hotels VOCABULARY rice 2 busy 3 popular 4 unusual take my time 6 beach 7 sunset meat 9 stayat home VOCABULARY 1 5 5 1 5 sisty 2 twelve 3 seven. 4 sixty four 6 twenty-four 7 thirty fifty-two cvery 2 three 3 week 4 once twice 6 year PRONUNCIATION 1 7 e2c¢ 3h 4b Se 6a ae “The his not pronounced in hour. 1 VOCABULARY ‘March, Apel September, November ‘November, December September, December fal winter third, fourth tenth, twelfth fiteenth,owenteth bb Valentine's Day: 2/14, February fourteenth Christmas Day: 12725, December twenty-fifth US Independence Day: 7/4, July fourth Halloween: 10/31, October thirty-first [New Year's Day: 1/, January frst 2 PRONUNCIATION 4 /o/fll, August fev April, May ‘ax! Bs, third fa July ninth fel second, November bt January 2 February 3 Match 4 April 5 May 6 lune 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December GRAMMAR 4 in February, the morning, the fall 2010, 1966 ‘on: November Sth the weekend, Sunday, Friday afternoon, September 22nd, at 530, lunchtime, night, 3 o'ock, bat 20n 30m don 5 in 6 at Tat Bin 90m 10in READING 1 What isthe Kurnbh Mela bathing festival? 2 Where ist? 3 When iit? 44 How do people get there? 5 Where do people tay CAN YOU REMEMBER? 1 doesn't 2 Doce 3 wear 4 aunt's 5 thirsty 6 past 7 often 8 on PRACTICAL ENGLISH 3 1 VOCABULARY 1 cappuccino 2 filter coffee [3 espresso chocolate chip cookies 5 brownie 2 BUYING A COFFEE 21 Do 2you 3 go 4 much 5 Can 6 please “7 cookie b B:5,6,1,7,342 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 welcome 2 free 3 over 4 sorry 5 worry 4 READING bid 2a 3e 4b Se 1 GRAMMAR 2.1 He carit ply the guitar 2 She can drive. 3 They can't cook 4 She can dance. 5 She can't speak Chinese. 1b 1 Can you pay the guitar? 2 Can you drive? 3 Can you cook? 4 Gan you dance? 5 Can you speak Chinese? 2 PRONUNCIATION 1 A Gan you speak German? B Yes can 2 Lean find the he 3 sheeansiag. 4 Where can Tye newspaper? 9 A Can your father cook? B Nabe cant 6 Mystere swim, 3 VOCABULARY 4 Across: 3 draw 4 wat (for) 7 meet take (photos) 10 Jook (or) Huen on 13sing 15 dance 16come Down: I travel swim 4 walk Stell Gpaint Stake 12 ride 13see (a movie) 14 give b 1 buy 2eall 3 see 4 umoft 5 help 6 ply 7 run 8 hear 4 GRAMMAR ab 203d 4a $f be 1 Canyou open the door, pease? 2 You cat take photos hee. 3. Can you pass me the sugar? 4 Tan understand you. ea 1 GRAMMAR a verb + ing: waiting, finding, buying, ‘rowing .£ + lng: coming, taking, dancing, giving double consonant + ing: getting, ‘unning, swimming, topping 1b 1 hate watching, love watching 2 ike dancing, don’ like dancing 3 ike baying, hate baying 4 love having like having 5 don lke playing, ike playing 3 VOCABULARY a1 take 2 go 3 play 4 read Stalk Gide 1 watching 2 meeting 3 using 4 going 5 reading 6 paying 7 listening dancing "9 exercising 10 shopping 4 READING a1F 27 3F 4F be Activities 1, 2,5,6,8, 9,10 GRAMMAR 4 Subject pronoun: you, they Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it 1s you, them | bime 2him 3 you 4 her S them 6it 7 them 8 me Sus 10 me © They 2 they 3 she 4 him She 6 her 7 she 8 them 2 VOCABULARY 1 fillinlove 4 get married 2 meet 5 leave 3 go outtogether 6 come back bib 2£3h 4¢ 54 68 7g he you, he, she, 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘i rch, builder, spring, politician thin, ty ‘il police, key, leave, green, niece, cheap 24 1 VOCABULARY 1 sock 2 karaoke 3 download 4 jars S concer: 6 sing 7 read 8 disco 9 lyrics 10 orchestra 1 instrument | 2 GRAMMAR 4 Whose piano i that Is mine. ‘Whose keys are thot They're yous. ‘Whose wallet is that? Isis, Whose books are thse! They're hers ‘Whoae ca ie that? It’ ous. ‘Whose coats are those? They're yours Whose house is that? Is theirs. 1 mine, yours, my 2 our thers, Ours 3 yours, hers, mine, his 4 your ours 3 PRONUNCIATION aL wait 2eat 3 wear 4 near S water 6 see 7 hot § aunt 4 READING a1 When? 2 Why? 3 Whot 4 What language? 5 Where? CAN YOU REMEMBER? Leat 2never 3in 4rich Scan 6 gettingto get 7 him 8 mine (PRACTICAL ENGiIsH 4 1 VOCABULARY 1 shit 2 pants 3 shoes 4 jacket 5 jeans 6 sweater 2 BUYING CLOTHES 1 Yes, what sizes this sweater? 2 Do youhavea small 3 Thanks, Where can I try it on? 44 Tots Howe mach isi 5 Do you take credit cards? 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Happy 2 Would 3 busy 4 How 5 ide 4 READING bAS B3 C2 DI 1 GRAMMAR aa 5 8 ba 2 0 et 3 5 was 2 was 3 Was 4 wasnt was 6 war 7 was 8 was was 10 were ‘Was Mocart from Germany? No, he wasnt, ‘Were Columbus and Magellan explorers Yes, they were ‘Was Virginia Wool writer? Yes, she was, ‘Were the Beatles from the US? No, they werent. ‘Was John McEnroe a soccer player? ‘No, he wasn, ‘Wat Matisse a composer? No, he ‘Wa Picaso born in Spain? Yes he ‘Was Greta Garbo an actress Yes, she wat, Were Tlstoy and Cervantes painters? No they werent ‘Was Nelson Mandela born in Brazilt No, he wasn. fs, was 2 Is ant, was is were are A was, were 2 VOCABULARY ab 3 5 7 0 ay 2 3 5 1 aninyentor 2 a veriter apoliidan 4 acomposer ‘musician 6 a painter leader 8 an acior 9 a scientist adancer rasa cientist 6 were writers vrereimventors 7 was politician vrata painter & wasa dancer twas a composer 9 were actors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 PRONUNCIATION wanted 2 painted 3 waited Tanded 5 started 6 decided GRAMMAR walled, idee wall studied, didnt stdy helped, did't help played, did't play booked, dit book printed, did't paint ‘worked, did't work showed, didnt show ‘Was Peter tired after the mateh? Where were you las night? Were they late fr the concert? ‘Where di the plane land? ‘What did your brother study in college? ‘Was your fest boyfriend very tll? ‘Why diet you vit fr the bus? ‘What time did Sandra arive at work yesterday? ‘When did the Wal Street crash happen? 1929 ‘When did the Second World War end? 1945 ‘When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon? 1969 When did eel phones first appear? 1985, ‘When did John Logie Bird invent the television? 1925 ‘When did George Hatsison diet 2001 ‘When did Bll ates stat Microsoft 1975 3 VOCABULARY 1 lastnight 2 ewo years ago 3 last month 4 yesterday morning 5 two hoursago 6 last uly 7 twoweeks ago 8 yesterday afternoon 1 VOCABULARY 2 1 abus 2 fora walk 3 a good time 4 ataxi 5 I8years 6 shopping DL went 2 got 3 had 4 went 5 got 6 got 7 went 6 had 9 went 10 had I had 2 GRAMMAR 4.1 Robert wore tie to work yesterday 2 They did their homework together lastnight Helen didnt go shopping lst week. 4 Wemet inthe restaurant lst night ‘We didn't have dinner at home last night. 6 Jane got up ealy yesterday morning 7 He bought a newspaper at the station yesterday. 8 Left home at 7:00 yesterday, 9 She sa her friends after work lst b 1 didyou go 2 Wasit 3 did you go 4 did youwear 5 did you get 6 Didyou take 7 you have” & Was 3 READING 1F 2 3T 47 57 6T 7B aT 4 PRONUNCIATION a fe) came (al wrote oY heard Jelstid- fl knew 1 PRONUNCIATION a1 made 2 said 3 boughiflost 4 had Sboughtost 6 drove 7 could Sleerned 2 VOCABULARY 2 Base form: begin, come, drink, dive, sive, know, pring, sit wake up, win, vite ast: began, came, drank, drove, v6, Tene, ut, ang, st, woke up, wor, 1 got heard 2 met 3 bought 4 went 5 made 6 did't take 7 found 8 lest 9 thought 10 eouldn't 3 GRAMMAR aL arrived 2 Tet 3 was 4 were 5 looked 6 saw 7 couldn't 8 opened 9 dida'trun 10 went 11 found 12 didn’t want 13 took 1 wereyou 6 didyou do 2 didyousee 7 did you leave 3 didyougo 8 Did you go 4 Didshelike 9 Did you take 5 did...end 10 did you go CAN YOU REMEMBER? 1 Gan 2 going 3 us 4 ours 5 were G-dida't 7 have # went Practicat ENGLISH 5 =) 1 VOCABULARY 1 postcards 2 a memory card 3 anug 4 Tshirts 5 batteries 2 BUYING A PRESENT [Next please. 1 No, thanks. just the mug. 12 Ws35. 7 How much is large mug? 6 These mugs are quite cheap. 5 Howe much ae the T-shirts? 2 Red, plese. 10 Redor blue? 9 ‘Oh! They're very expensive! 4 Anything se? 11 3 (OK. Can [have 8 mug, plese? 8 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Wow 2 Jook 3 nice 4 believe 5 problem 6 Come 7 time § Relax 4 READING 21 shops 2 cup 3 cookies 4 popular 5 find 6 love 1 VOCABULARY 1 ball 2 bathroom 3 dining room 4 office 5 garage. 6 kitchen 7 living oom 8 bedroom bb Across | armchair 4 Fireplace 8 sofa, bed 11 fridge 12 stairs Down: 2 carpet. 3 picture Samp Geupboard 7 bathtub 8 stove 10 misror 2 GRAMMAR a1 Istherea 2 theresa 3 arethere 4 there are 5 istherea 6 there isnt 7 theresa 8 Are there any 9 there aren't 10 there are some U1 Avethere any 12 There arent any 15 theres bb 1 There ae some towels on the floor 2 Are there any plants in your living {3 There are some keys in that door. 4 Are there any restvooms in this 5. There aren't any windows in this room. 1 ies 2 There's 3 there are 4 they are 5 There’ 6 there aren't 7 there are 8 They ate 9 itisnt 3 PRONUNCIATION 1) think that ex! here hn) wear bb 1 carpet_ 2 mirror 3 cupboard 4 fantastic 5 fireplace 6 sofa 7 bedroom 8 information 236 1 VOCABULARY Lin 2nento 3 under 4 infront of 5 across from 6 behind 7 in Son 9 over 10 between 2. GRAMMAR aL were 2 was 3 werent 4 wore 5 wasnt 6 were 7-was 8 wis 9 veeren't b 1 Wasthere 7 there werent 2 therewere 8 there were 3 There was 9 Wasthere 4 there wasn't 10 there wasnt 5 Therewas 11 there were 6 Were there 3 READING bb 1 Iesapproximately 400 years old 2 The owner, 4 You can swim and sunbathe 44 There are tea bedrooms. 5 In the dining ares outside. 6 Twice a week. 4 PRONUNCIATION aa 4 5 ‘ghost 2 island 3 comb Tisten 5 white 6 could 7 rite half 9 cupboard 10 hour 1 5 2 3 > 4 VOCABULARY argue 2 barks 3 cries 4 plays talke 6 move 7 watch 8 have GRAMMAR 1 areyou doing 2 ‘m looking 5 are they doing 4 IsMrs. Jackson watching 5 'smoving 6 ie Me. Jackson playing i 5 1 2 3 4 arsving isopening The dog's barking The baby’s crying ‘The boy and gir are arguing. ‘The woman is taking her dog fora walk. 5 The boys ae playing soccer. 6 The boy i eating a sandwich. 7 The wo women are running, 8 The old man is reading» newspaper. READING PRONUNCIATION Wiwcting Al hearing /5! moving Jeu baving, Jot doing Ia living GRAMMAR 1 Whatare you doing 2 Da you walk 3 ‘sbuying 4 ’mgoing 5 rains 6 ‘stalking 7 Does your baby ry 8 watches 1 does he start 2 ’s taking 3 ‘sdoing 4 don't ike 5 areloaking 6.cooks 7 ‘m watching & goes 9 donit want’ 10 are you going VOCABULARY art gallery 2 shopping mall train station 4 travel agency police tation 6 department store Sports center school 2 museum 3 hospital river 5 bridge 6 market palace 8 square 9 park jo treet 11 thener PRONUNCIATION 1 museum 2 palace 3 carpet 4 sola § kitchen 6 ago 7 refrigerator 8 garage 9 tomorrow 10 parent CAN YOU REMEMBER? 1 5 were 2 Did 3 had 4 didnt fre 6 weren't 7 making 8 Are PracticaL ENGLISH 6 1 1 6 2 1 4 8 VOCABULARY comer 2 raficlight trafic circle 4 acoss fiom 5 left right 7 straight ahead 8 past ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Excuse 2 Where's 3 near evacly 5 tell 6 way 7 fist sy SOCIAL ENGLISH bite 3d 4a READING 1 Dating “rush hous” (7:0-8:00 inthe morning and 5:00-7:00 in the evening) 2 On the bus. 53 On the bus end the subway 4 Theyare expensive 5 They are agaresive. very big ~ enormous very good ~ excllent Billet people crowded dificult co understand ~ confusing 1 VOCABULARY 4 Across: 2 cereal 4 fish 6 oranges Tpasta 8 eggs. 2Oapple 11 mest bread Down: 1 peas 2cheese 3 lettuce Spolaioes 9 salad b Ve bles: carots, onions, mushrooms, peas Snacks cake, chocolate, potato chips, cookies rut ple eps ps, 2 GRAMMAR al 5 some 2an 3 some 4 some tome 6a 7a 8 some an 10 some 1b 1 There ist any rice inthe cupboard 2 Late some fruit yesterday. 3 ‘ 5 6 7 5 5 Lad an egg for breakfast. “There i some sugar inthis coffee ‘We don't have any vegetables in the garden ‘There were some sandwiches inthe feidge ‘There wasnt any good fish at the supermarket Tt havea salad for lunes some 2% 3 some 4 some any 62 7 some 8 some 9 an 10 any 11 some 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘il oreakfast Iie cream ea eat 4 READING 243 B2 C4 DI 1 PRONUNCIATION 2 Wiliam: wale, watch Vera: violin, vase Brende: bots bike 2 GRAMMAR 2 3 How many cookies do you eat? He dest eat many cookies. How much fut do you eat? He eats alot of fut, ow mach milk do you drink? She drinks plenty of milk. How much exercie do you get? He doesit get much exercise. How many cupe of tea do you drink? She doesnt deink any (cups of) tea. low many eggs do you eat? She doesn't est many ex How many hamburgers did Nikelai Gohen eat? low much milk did Gustav Sojer eink? low much icecream did John Edwards cat? How many chicken wings did George Willis eat? ow much fruit did Barbara Beard cat) low many hot dogs did Alins Baden eat! 3 VOCABULARY 1 apple juice 2 orange juice 3 mille 4 mineral water 5 coffee 6 soda 7 tea 4 VOCABULARY 1 sweat 2 Infact 3 temperature 4 experiments 5 contsin 6 at east 7 myth 1 GRAMMAR 41 Shes going to enjoy the vacation 2 Weert ging to say ina hotel 3 Theyre going to go wining. 4 Tm going go camping. 5 Ace you going to pay forthe rip? 6 He ant going to see the pyramids 1 are they goingto lene 2 egongwouy 3 ‘re going to have 4 Are you going 9 stay 5 ve mot ging to get married 6 Ate they going 0 see 7 ‘egoing to meet 8 isnt going ogo 1 are you going to g0 2 ie going to travel 3 areyo going to vst 4 are You going 0 sleep 5 aren ging stay 6 ‘going tobe 7 are you going to 59 & ‘regoingto ge 9 “going to come 10 ‘mgoing to go 1 ‘ma going to spend 12 ‘mot gong to get 2 PRONUNCIATION a1 couple 2 hotel 3 campsite 4 seather 5 muggum 6 textaurant 7 nightlife 8 vacation 3 VOCABULARY stayin hotel, at a campsite, in abed and Dreakast 0: on vacation, shopping, to the beach fee: the sights a show, the Statue of Liberty 4 READING bic 2B 3A 4D 1 penguin 2 turtle 3 elephant 4 earth 5 hotalr balloon 6 spaceship 238 1 VOCABULARY 1 be 2 have 3 get/be 4 be 5 fall/be 6 move 7 have 8 move 9 get have 10 meet 11 have 2 GRAMMAR 1 She's going to eat e's going ofall ‘She's going t get He’ going to drink ‘They're going to see He's going to take She's going to buy He's going to make A 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B AGA 3 PRONUNCIATION ‘2 1 good / cook 2music/ student love / money. Tlooking book 2 newspaper / rue 3 hungry /Janch € 1 good cook 4 looking, book 2 Love, money 5. newspaper true 3 music student 6 hungry, lunch CAN YOU REMEMBER? aren't 2 Were 3 is 4 wears 5 some 6 many 7 going 8 are PRACTICAL ENGLISH 7 1 VOCABULARY AND READING 1 grille low-fat goat cheese 2 summer vegetable omelette 3 yes 4 four 5 no bifize 3b 4c $a 6d 2 ORDERING A MEAL 1 reservation 2 table 3 Smoking ‘onder 51d 6 for 7 like 8 juice 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1b 2¢ 34 4c 5a 1 GRAMMAR a1 colder, higher cheaper 2 wetter, thinner, sadder 3 inter, drier, hungrier 44-more Besuiful, more difficult, more ‘comfortable better, worse, farther / farther is faster than a Fiat ‘samale than the Pacific Ocean is drier than Germany is shorter than the Suez Canal is cheaper than gold is worse fr you than olive of iscolder than the sun is mote dificlt than English 2 PRONUNCIATION 4 fieaie cheaper le healthier, better for! more, shorter fou! slower, colder Tot! woos, dirtier /av dries, higher 3 VOCABULARY 1 serious 2 generous 3 stylish 4 friendly S aggressive 6 careful 7 quiet 4 READING bb blue, green/hite,redlorange, yellow @1F2F3T 4T 16 a RAMMAR 2 Comparative: colder higher, more ‘expensive, drier, more dangerous, hotter, more beautiful, more crowded, beter worse Superlative: the coldest, the highest, he 3 most expensive the dist, the most dangerous, the hotest, the most bent the most crowded, the best, the worst 2 3 What’ the longest river in the word? What’ the smallest country inthe world? ‘What’ the most crowded country in the world? ‘What's the highest mountain i the world? What's the windiest city inthe world? |What's the smallest ocean in the world? ‘What's the mast expensive mineral in the world? What's the driest place inthe work? a2 3b 4a 5a 6a 2 8b “The Rio Club is the biggest ‘The Victoria lam is the smallest. ‘The Rio Club is the most popula. ‘The Rio Club is the cheapest “The Minerva isthe mast expensive. ‘The Minerva isthe most beautiful 2 VOCABULARY T hot 2 cold 3 dry 4 wet 5 snowing 6 windy 7 sunny 8 cloudy 3 PRONUNCIATION the most dificult the naisest the most expensive the fstest the coldest the mast crude the mast Beaurifal the dest c 1 GRAMMAR 11 elite ae the movi ain. 2 Shedlike odo parce jp. 5 They would ik tog king 4 Tae to arn Chine 5 We mould ike to workin ist eld Wen be cy om dy. You wou’ ik 1 ce that move He would ike o bea teacher, Would you ite tobe aul dance? Wed ie tive na big cy Te toa hot Bi lane She woulda ie to work that paad 6 Would there ogo 1 Chileon Mell rola poten ra? Wonk pot betcha De youl you neighbor? What would yo ie to do tonight Do yoke going the bh icleme tteags ot oeitag tocome 5 togoup 6 Sying 2 PRONUNCIATION 4.1 A Would you lke to drive spars cart B Ye, love to A Why? B Because I Jove cars and Ione ing 2 A Would you like to idea har? B No, pula ‘Awhy not 3B Because dont ike hous 3 READING 21B2C 3A 4A SA 6B 1 GRAMMAR 1 carefully 2 perfectly 3 politely 4 well 5 hard 6 beautifully bb 1 happily 2 beautiflly / well 3 well 4 stylishly / well 5 carefully / well 6 generously 7 hard # loudly © 1 careful 2 well 3 styish 4 aggressively 5 quiet 6 generous 7 bad 8 slowly 2 PRONUNCIATION a1 badly 2 dangerously 3 beautifully 4 politely 5 catefully” 6 slowly 7 completely # quietly 9 stylishly 3 READING a3 b6c4d5 c1 £2 DIF 2T3R 4F SF 6T CAN YOU REMEMBER? L any 2 much 3 going 4 it 5 than 6 the 7 wouldnt @ slowly Practical ENGLISH 8 1 VOCABULARY Ib 2f3d de Se 6a 2 CHECKING OUT Of course, 8 Room 223. 4 ‘Yes, Which room isi? 3 No,but hada drink... 6 ‘Thank you very much. Have... 9 Good morning, mam. 1 ‘Morning, Can have the bill please? 2 (Ok, can you sign here, please? 7 Did you make any phone calls? 5 Thank you. Good-bye, 10 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Meal 2 Til meet you 3 can we meet 4 READING DL bycar 2 bytaxi 9 by tin 4 bybustan roy 1 VOCABULARY 1 eeply. 2 vacstion brochure 3 silence 4 pickup 5 fun ri 5 2 GRAMMAR haven't been t0 Thailand. ‘Tim hasn't been to Japanese ‘We've been to this city before. ve been to this club lots of times. ‘They haven't been to New York My grlriend’s been to Pris twice. Hes been to Braz ‘We haven't been to Mexico. ‘She's been to Brazil. “They've been t Austeala, ‘They've been to Japan. Het been to Thailand. She's been to Canada. “They've been 1 China, Het been te Malaysia. She's been to Argentina 1 been 2 haven't 3 has 4 been hasstt 6 have 7 haven't 8 have VOCABULARY rarket 2 bank 3 cheater sports center 7 pharmacy 3 1 4 supermarket 5 hospital 6 8 travel agency 4 PRONUNCIATION Jal countey fae market (e/ break ‘hi ity” Ids) angry fh hour 240 1 VOCABULARY 1 Past participle broken, bought, dr foun, given, lost, made, run, written b 1 bought 2 run 3 given 4 weitten 5 broken 6 lost 7 made 8 found 9 driven 2 PRONUNCIATION Iiseen fo/ found. lf gave Ia got fea tead 0! lost 3 GRAMMAR a1 didcttmeet 5 started 2 went 6 didn’ see 43 Have you read 7 haven't read 4 has met 8 Did you go 1 Have you read 2 gave 3 did ke ‘yeread 5 Hlave..aten 6 took. Was 8 didnt enjoy 4 READING 1 She was born on July 31st, 1965. 2 She was sie 3 Her favorite subjects were English and ‘Modern Languages. 4 She was a secretary and English teacher 5 To teach English, 6 He's journalist. 7 11983. 8 Ina cafein Edinburgh 9 In 1997. 10 Milions. CAN YOU REMEMBER? 1 more 2 Would 3 coldest 4 well 5 been 6 Have

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