CKPoM Newsletter 2

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Cooma-Monaro CKPoM Newsletter


Photo: James Fitzgerald


Progress of
the CKPoM
School Logo
Koala Facts

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Hello and welcome to our second Cooma-Monaro Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM) Newsletter. It has been a very busy few months. The results of the
community survey have been analysed and incorporated into the management actions in
the CKPoM. We were delighted with all the wonderful entries for the School Logo Design and Drawing Competition and entries have been judged. The Community Workshop was held and was well attended. Thanks to all who came along and contributed.

Public Exhibition of the draft CKPoM

The Draft Comprehensive
Koala Plan of Management
(CKPoM) for the CoomaMonaro Shire is how
complete and will be on
public exhibition from the
19th August for eight
weeks to the 14th October.
There will be a community briefing at the Numeralla Hall at 6.30pm on

Thursday 17th September

to provide information
about he contents of the
plan and answer questions.

at council or via a link on

our website.

We welcome and encourage members of the community to review the plan

during the exhibition display period and provide
feedback. Copies of the
plan are able to be viewed

PO Box 714, Cooma,

NSW, 2630

All submissions on the

draft CKPoM should be
sent to Council at:

or email:

Community Workshop
The Community Workshop was held in the village of Numeralla on the
9th March. The meeting
was well attended with
over 20 members of the
local community coming to
hear Alison Martin and Dr
Stephen Phillips present
information on the status

of koalas in the CoomaMonaro Shire and discuss

the preparation and purpose of the CKPoM. On
behalf of the project team,
thank you to all who attended and offered valuable feedback. Thank you
also to those who have
contributed local

knowledge of koalas in
the shire. All information
has assisted in preparing a
CKPoM which assists
with meaningful management of the koala population in the CoomaMonaro Shire.


It was recently announced the koala will soon be listed as vulnerable across the
entire state of Queensland. Currently it is only listed as threatened in the Southeast of the State. The Environment Minister, Mr Steven Miles said the listing was
mixed news.
"It's bad news because it means the koala population is not as strong outside of
south-east Queensland as we thought it was," he said. "But it's good news because
it means the Government and local councils will do more to protect our valuable
koala habitat."

School Logo Design Competition

Thank you to all schools and students that participated in the logo design
competition. We had some fantastic entries from Jerangle School, St. Patrick's
School and Monaro High School. The winner of the Logo Design
section was J. Kelly of Monaro High School with this fantastic
design which will be included in the CKPoM. All schools had
winners in one of the logo age categories so all received a prize of
a remote sensing wildlife camera.

Koala Facts
Did you know when a koala is born it is tiny and is only 1cm long
when it is a month old? The baby koala will live in the mothers
pouch for 6 months.

The Project Team

Greenloaning Biostudies is the project team currently preparing the CKPoM is association with Dr Steve Phillips. For
anyone that may not have received the first newsletter and would like more information, you can contact members of
the project team on:

Phone: 02) 66 226 668 or 0412 049 393 or E-mail:

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