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Rosmawati Mustapha, PPG student of Schoolf of Education and

Human Development. I am currently teaching in SK Inanam
Dua, here in Kota Kinabalu. Our school has been incorporating
Internet into our teaching and learning process, in accordance
to the National Education Philosophy which emphasis on the
use of ICT in education.
Since the Internet was created it has always had an effect on
education. After military institutions Universities were the first
real providers to the Internet's structure. The Internet has
hugely improved education. There are so many ways that
education and the Internet are connected these days. Almost
every textbook has a corresponding Internet sight.
Some sites contain valuable tools and accessories to support in
the learning process. As well as notes and multimedia displays,
they may include things like hypertext chapters. In the future,
there may not even be a need for paper textbooks. The Internet
has also allowed teachers to teach a class from thousands of
miles away. With video conferencing, a professor in Kota
Kinabalu can teach a class in Ranau in close to real-time.
Virtually all libraries are now connected over the Internet.
The Internet has made it easy for researchers to obtain
information. No longer do you have to travel to get rare
documents they are now just a few clicks away. Internet in
education improves the overall effect on the education itself on
students. Students have quick access to any part of the lesson.
They also receive visual and audio stimulation, which has been

proven to increase the amount of information the student

remembers. Some students are simply not strictly audio
learners. Listening to a teacher in a classroom sometimes is
just not enough for students. With Internet they can review
material quickly and easily and see the multimedia images at
their own pace. Students can even take practice tests to see if
they have learned the material.
The Internet basically increases the resources available and
decreases the time and location needs that can be limiting
factors in schools. It offers powerful and different ways for
students and teachers to interact, use data, and do research. .
It makes additional information resources available, it develops
dynamic communication, and it makes collaboration easier by
reducing the need for collaborators to be in the same place at
the same time because they can simply e-mail each other at
their convenience.
According to the survey published in the report of Safe &
Smart: Research and Guidelines for Children's Use of the
Internet, it revealed that the majority of parents view the
Internet as a powerful tool for education and communication
and a positive force in their children's lives. Most parents, trust
their children's use of the Internet. In fact, parents indicated
that they are more likely to limit their children's TV and video
viewing than their Internet use: About 60 percent said they
restrict Internet use, and almost 74 percent said they restrict
TV and video viewing.








interactions in a classroom depend on the curriculum the class

is working on and the beliefs of the teacher and school. Schools
and classrooms should be dynamic, interactive, a healthy social
place, where teachers and students communicate, share
information, and challenge each other's ideas. Internet can be a
big help to teachers to guide student learning in posing






opportunities for students to find solutions in a more interesting

and fun way.

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